
Engaging With Our Littlest Ones From Afar: Supporting Families With Infants and Toddlers

Recorded: الجمعة, يونيو 25, 2021
1 hr
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About this Session

During these past two months, we’ve heard from many educators who have asked how they can continue supporting infants and toddlers while they remain at home. Since remote learning with older children has relied heavily on technology, these educators have wondered how they can balance screen time and other methods of staying in touch with developmentally appropriate practices.

Join Clarissa, Erin, and Erin in this webinar for guidance on supporting families with infants and toddlers while they are still at home. They will provide tips for continuing classroom routines and purposefully sharing engaging experiences with families while highlighting resources from The Creative Curriculum® for Infants, Toddlers & Twos.

Clarissa Martínez
Dual-Language Content Manager
Teaching Strategies
Erin Kester
Regional Professional Development Manager
Teaching Strategies
Erin Seagraves
Director, Content Development
Teaching Strategies
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