The Only Connected Ecosystem
for Preschool

Empower every teacher, from novice to master, to individualize learning.

Connect every facet of a child’s learning, from curriculum to assessment to professional development and family engagement.

Create joyful, inspired learning experiences for every child.

Encourage children to investigate and learn from everyday items while ensuring whole-child development.

Build powerful family partnerships.

Deepen and scale family engagement and reinforce and extend learning at home.

Fuel continuous improvement.

Leverage data-driven insights to inform decisions and boost child, classroom, and program outcomes.

All Essential Ingredients for a High-Quality Preschool

Only Teaching Strategies integrates all of the essential elements of a high-quality early childhood education into a single, powerful platform that works hard for teachers.

pre k product card with girl laughing with clouds butterflies and sunflowers
The Creative Curriculum for Preschool
Build children’s confidence, creativity, and critical thinking skills through hands-on, project-based investigations.
al's pals product card with a sad chld one stressed and the last happy
Al’s Pals®
Young children need resiliency now, more than ever. Boost social–emotional learning to prepare children for life’s challenges.
product card gold three children happy
Move beyond measurement and drive differentiated, effective instruction. Inform instruction without disruption by embedding authentic, observation-based assessment into each part of your day.
mother and son making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich
Better serve and engage all families with a research-based framework and video modeling to extend and reinforce learning.
two woman happily conversing in a group setting
Professional Development
Build and strengthen teacher capacity and professional growth to ensure your program can provide children with the kind of learning environments and experiences they deserve.
three children playing with ramps outdoors
Kodo Kids
Energize children with unique collections of high-quality materials that support hands-on, investigative learning and elevate your classroom experiences.
young boy outdoors with magnifying glass
The Essentials Kit
Provide all the right materials with one kit. Ensure each classroom has the essential resources teachers need to guide daily learning experiences and spur investigation.
child happily hugging an adult in a classroom
Create trauma-sensitive, relationship-focused learning environments to mitigate the impact of trauma and adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) on young children.

More Reasons to Love Teaching Strategies for Preschool

Research-Based & Improves Kindergarten Readiness

Early childhood development research provides the foundation for each product within our solution for preschool. Read an independent study exploring the effectiveness of The Creative Curriculum for Preschool.

Read the Study

An Approach That Supports the Whole-Child

Balance academic rigor with a whole-child approach. Learn more about the whole-child approach reflected in our solution for preschool.

Explore Whole-Child eBook

Watch the Video

Aligned to Your Early Learning Standards

Aligned to early learning guidelines in each state and the Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework, so you can demonstrate that your program is meeting all requirements while focusing on the needs of each individual child.

View State Alignments
Head Start Alignments

Inclusive, Supports All Children

Our objectives for development and learning enable teachers to see children’s development and learning along a progression across the whole of the early childhood years.

Explore Our Objectives

High-Quality Materials to Elevate Your Classroom

Kodo Interest Area and General Classroom collections support teachers to effectively implement The Creative Curriculum and energize children’s hands-on investigative learning.

Find Classroom Materials

Rated Higher Than All Other Preschool Curricula

Teaching Strategies tops the rankings in the Head Start ECLKC Curriculum Consumer Report.

View Our Rating

We will never go back. Everything is right at your fingertips—all of the research, the digital resources, the entire curriculum. I don’t know how we would ever function without The Creative Curriculum Cloud in the future, beyond the pandemic.”

Lesley Jennings, Program Supervisor, Early Childhood

Detroit Public Schools Community District, Michigan

Preschool age black girl laughing in preschool class

Build the Foundation for Success for Each Child Every Day

Ensure that your preschool programs integrate all the essential components for high-quality with a single, powerful platform that works hard for teachers.

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