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Teachers are facing unprecedented challenges.

Navigating the stress-related impacts the past year has had on young learners.

Recognizing and addressing behaviors that stem from exposure to trauma.

Creating a trauma-sensitive classroom community.

Prioritizing their own self-care and mental

hero image of noni products

Build Trauma-Informed Classrooms

Designed for preschool, pre-K, and elementary school teachers, Noni is a research-based, app-based digital coach and complementary collection of classroom teaching resources that provide guidance, strategies, and personalized support to help teachers create trauma-informed classrooms that mitigate the impact of trauma and ACEs on the children in their care.

  • Predict and plan for challenging and disruptive behaviors.
  • Receive immediate guidance for moments of heightened classroom stress.
  • Build teacher knowledge and confidence with on-demand professional development.
  • Support teachers in prioritizing their own self-care and mental wellness.
What It Includes

Noni includes a digital coaching app and a complementary collection of classroom teaching resources.

The Noni App –  Powered by a robust recommendation engine that is responsive to teacher input, the Noni app provides in-the-moment coaching, guidance, and support to help teachers understand, manage, and even predict and plan for dysregulated behaviors that stem from exposure to trauma and toxic stress.

Practitioner’s Guide –  The Power of Relationships provides an in-depth look at each of the critical aspects of supporting trauma-impacted young children. With information about the science behind the brain’s response to stress and the importance of building a supportive classroom environment in which all children feel safe, secure, and valued, this knowledge-building resource will help teachers feel confident as they create relationship-focused, trauma-sensitive learning environments.

Self-Care Cards –  75 personal self-care cards describe practices that teachers can quickly and easily implement to help them manage their own stress levels and pay attention to their own mental well-being. This is particularly critical for teachers who are working with trauma-impacted children, which can take a significant emotional, mental, and even physical toll on a teacher.

Teaching Practice Cards –  55 weekly teaching practice cards outline small but intentional changes or “micro-practices” that support the teacher in creating a relationship-centered, trauma-sensitive learning environment where children feel safe and where resilience is fostered.

Teacher Reflection Journal –  Designed to support teachers in their end-of-day, end-of-week, or just occasional practice of reflecting on their interactions with children, the journal supports intentional practice—a critical component of teaching and caring for children who have been impacted by trauma.

Professional Development –  A robust resource library within the Noni app contains short, on-demand video, audio, and text-based opportunities for professional learning—with a focus on understanding trauma and ACEs, dysregulated behaviors, and the importance of relationship-building in working with trauma-impacted children.

View On-Demand Demo

Discover a research-based, relationship-focused digital coach that lives in a teacher’s pocket.

teacher consoling child who is crying with instructions from noni on how to solve

Receive immediate guidance for moments of heightened classroom stress.

Leverage individualized intervention and prevention plans for children exhibiting dysregulated behaviors that stem from exposure to trauma and toxic stress.

two children in classroom engaged in conversation while playing with wooden blocks

Predict and plan for challenging and disruptive behaviors.

Easily track children’s responses to triggers, identify patterns, understand children better, and plan ahead to mitigate challenging or disruptive behaviors before they occur.

teacher in classroom looking out with noni dialog showing emoticons of different emotions

Support teachers in prioritizing their own self-care and mental wellness.

Provide resources that help teachers prioritize their own self-care and mental well-being, which is especially important for those who have trauma-impacted children in their classrooms.

Watch Video

Learn more about how Noni can help to ensure that every child is able to successfully learn.

Watch a Demo

Build teacher knowledge and confidence with “bite-sized” professional development.

Short video, audio, and text-based professional learning opportunities—available on-demand, wherever and whenever teachers might have the time—allow them to learn about trauma and ACEs, dysregulated behaviors, and how to build relationships with trauma-impacted children.

mother and daughter in the kitchen loading a dishwasher with noni dialog explaining how to encourage effort

Reinforce strategies at home with families.

Access resources that help teachers model responsive, relationship-building interactions for families and provide adaptable strategies families can use at home.

More Reasons to Love Noni


Support preschool, pre-K, and elementary school teachers.

Designed for preschool, pre-K, and elementary school teachers, Noni provides guidance, strategies, and personalized coaching to help teachers create trauma-sensitive, relationship-focused learning environments.


Provide relationship-based support that’s research-validated.

The guidance, strategies, and trauma-informed approach that Noni provides is rooted in and based upon research-validated practices used at Adventist HealthCare’s The Lourie Center for Children’s Social & Emotional Wellness.


Facilitate safe, secure relationships between teachers and children.​

Noni helps teachers build strong relationships with children that act as a buffer against the negative impact of trauma and adverse childhood experiences (ACEs).


Build trauma-sensitive classrooms with whole-class focused, relationship-based teaching “micro-practices”.

Create learning environments where children feel safe and where resilience is fostered by implementing “micro-practices” in just a few minutes each day, without subtracting from instructional time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why does my program need a trauma-focused solution?

Data shows that over two-thirds of children report having experienced at least one traumatic event by the age of 16 and 52% of children ages 2–5 years old have experienced a severe stressor in their lifetime. When children are exposed to trauma or adverse childhood events (ACEs), not only are their brains impacted in a way that can make it difficult to focus on learning, but they are also more likely to exhibit challenging dysregulated behaviors in the classroom. Trauma impacts the child, the teacher, and the program. Noni can help you mitigate those impacts and support the child and educators in the classroom.

What makes Noni different from other trauma-focused or social–emotional support resources?

Noni is different in five key ways.

  1. Noni allows teachers to track children’s responses to triggers, which helps teachers start to see patterns, understand children better, and plan ahead to mitigate challenging or disruptive behaviors before they occur.
  2. Noni provides direct individualized intervention and prevention strategies for the 30 most common types of dysregulated behaviors. This differentiated guidance is based on contemplated motivation and other contextual factors, making it directly relevant to the circumstances instead of just theoretical.
  3. Noni has a focus on relationship-based “micro-practices” that teachers can implement in just a few minutes each day without subtracting from instructional time or requiring labor-intensive or heavy time commitments.
  4. Noni provides easily attainable, on-demand, short and bite-sized professional development and training program opportunities that explore the underlying causes of trauma, ACEs, and dysregulated behaviors.
  5. Noni is the only solution that provides support for teachers’ self-care and mental wellness.
I already have a social emotional curriculum. Can I still use Noni?

Yes, Noni can be used as a stand-alone social–emotional support tool or as a supplemental resource to your existing social–emotional curriculum.

Can Noni help support other types of meaningful learning?

Yes. Because Noni helps the teacher support a shift from stress response mode to learning mode, Noni can actually help a child be better prepared for and more receptive to any other curriculum content or learning taking place in the classroom.

What age group is Noni designed for?

Noni is designed to be used by teachers in preschool, pre-K, and elementary school up through grade 5.

What are ACEs?

Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are potentially traumatic events occurring before age 18 that are related to a wide variety of adverse health outcomes later in life. Exposure to ACEs can have long-term, wide-ranging impacts on children’s physical health (including frequent illness, obesity, asthma, and speech problems) and mental health (including learning, memory, mood, relational skills, and aspects of executive function). ACEs include all types of abuse, neglect, and household dysfunction, including things like parental mental illness, substance use, divorce, incarceration, and domestic violence.

What are dysregulated behaviors?

Dysregulated behaviors, commonly referred to as challenging behaviors, are those that occur when a child is in a dysregulated state due to exposure to toxic stress and ACEs. This leads to an inability to appropriately manage their stress response, meaning they cannot regulate their emotions and behaviors. These behaviors can poorly impact a child’s relationships and ability to be successful in a school setting. They include behaviors such as aggression, zoning out, wandering the room, screaming and shouting, being inattentive, acting overly silly, exhibiting defiance, being hyperactive, or refusing to engage.

happy child hugging parent before school

Build strong relationships with children.

Create a buffer against the negative impact
of trauma and ACEs with Noni.

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