Webinar Series

Panel Discussion: Transitional Kindergarten With California Leaders and Teachers

Recorded: الجمعة, يونيو 17, 2022
1 hr
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About this Session

Due to a technical difficulty, the first 15 minutes of this webinar were not recorded. However, the majority of the conversation was captured.

In this webinar, join a panel of California leaders and teachers to discuss the upcoming implementation of universal transitional kindergarten. We invite you to this open conversation about the rollout of TK in 2022, which will include

  • three things to keep in mind when teaching this age group,
  • setting up the physical environment,
  • materials and resources to get you off to the right start, and
  • advice from TK leaders on how to best support TK teachers.
Bernadette Zermeno
Multilingual Specialist, PreK/TK ELLMA
Oakland Unified School District
Breeyn Mack
Senior Vice President of Education
Teaching Strategies
Katy Felsinger
TK Teacher
San Leandro Unified School District
Kevin Gordon
Capitol Advisors Group, LLC California’s Leading Advocates for Education
Sylvia Parker
TK Teacher
San Diego Unified School District
Watch More from this Series
Universal Transitional Kindergarten In California

In this webinar series, we invite you to join us and leaders in California to discuss the implementation of universal transitional kindergarten, explore the latest information and direction from the California Department of Education, and examine any challenges you might be facing.

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