6 Ways to Leverage ESSA & ESSER Funding in Early Learning

Read Time: 3 minutes
Jonah Stuart
febrero 16, 2022

With the influx of stimulus funding available to schools and districts, the time to invest in high-quality early learning programs that meet the needs of all children is now. Funding priorities in the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER) make it easier for district and program leaders to enhance early learning curriculum, boost social-emotional learning, and provide educators with the tools  needed to support the children and families they serve.

Take your early education program to the next level with federal funding from ESSA & ESSER to  support the immediate and long-term needs of children and families.

Below are 7 ways school leaders can use ESSA and ESSER funding to elevate early learning:


  1. Deliver individualized, whole-child instruction
    Prepare children for success in school and in life with the leading research-based, whole-child curriculum built for early childhood educators with The Creative Curriculum for Infants, Toddlers & Twos, The Creative Curriculum for Preschool and The Creative Curriculum for Kindergarten.
  2. Combat learning loss and drive differentiated, effective instruction
    Inform instruction without disruption by embedding authentic, observation-based assessment into each part of your day with GOLD. Formative Assessment made easy for teachers and powerful for administrators.
  3. Provide educators with high-quality classroom materials
    Ensure children and teachers have equitable access to the materials they need to seamlessly guide and engage in meaningful daily learning experiences with The Essentials Kit and The Kodo Kit.
  4. Build powerful family partnerships
    Strengthen the connections between school and home by better engaging all families with evidence-based and research-based family engagement with ReadyRosie and our Family Learning Pack.
  5. Boost social-emotional development
    Build the foundation children need for success in school and life with Al’s Pals, a nationally recognized evidence-based social-emotional learning curriculum.
  6. Improve teaching with high-quality professional development
    Build and strengthen teacher capacity and professional growth to ensure your program can provide children with the kind of learning environments and experiences they deserve with Professional Development from Teaching Strategies and provide your educators with in-the-moment support to help build trauma-sensitive classrooms with Noni.


Leverage your ESSA and ESSER funding to invest in Teaching Strategies Early Learning Solutions

The Teaching Strategies connected ecosystem of curriculum, assessment, professional development, family engagement, and social–emotional resources supports many ESSA and ESSER funding priorities and can help you create powerful early learning experiences that are more effective, more efficient, and more accessible to everyone.

See How Our Solutions Map to ESSA and ESSER Funding

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