New York State Learning Standards and Core Curriculum (Pre-K)

Main Criteria: New York State Learning Standards and Core Curriculum
Secondary Criteria: ReadyRosie
Subjects: Health and PE, Language Arts, Mathematics, Science
Grade: Pre K
Correlation Options: Show Correlated

New York State Learning Standards and Core Curriculum
Language Arts
Grade: Pre K - Adopted: 2011
STRAND / DOMAIN / UNIFYING THEME NY.CC.RL.PK.Reading Standards for Literature
CATEGORY / CLUSTER / KEY IDEA Key Ideas and Details
STANDARD / CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING RL.PK.1.With prompting and support, ask and answer about key details in a text.

Book Bag Descriptions
Reading a Book for the Second Time
Recalling What Happened in a Story
STANDARD / CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING RL.PK.2.With prompting and support, retell familiar stories.

My Favorite Part
Recalling What Happened in a Story
Retelling the Story
STANDARD / CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING RL.PK.3.With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about characters and major events in a story.

Making Connections PreK
Toy Stories
STRAND / DOMAIN / UNIFYING THEME NY.CC.RL.PK.Reading Standards for Literature
CATEGORY / CLUSTER / KEY IDEA Craft and Structure
STANDARD / CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING RL.PK.4.Exhibit curiosity and interest in learning new vocabulary (e.g., ask questions about unfamiliar vocabulary).

Book Bag Descriptions
STANDARD / CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING RL.PK.6.With prompting and support, can describe the role of an author and illustrator.

Funny Reading
STRAND / DOMAIN / UNIFYING THEME NY.CC.RL.PK.Reading Standards for Literature
CATEGORY / CLUSTER / KEY IDEA Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
STANDARD / CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING RL.PK.7.With prompting and support, students will engage in a picture walk to make connections between self, illustrations, and the story.

Picture Walk Predictions
Retelling the Story
STRAND / DOMAIN / UNIFYING THEME NY.CC.RL.PK.Reading Standards for Literature
CATEGORY / CLUSTER / KEY IDEA Research to Build and Present Knowledge
STANDARD / CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING RL.PK.10.Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding.

Asking Wh- Questions
STRAND / DOMAIN / UNIFYING THEME NY.CC.RL.PK.Reading Standards for Literature
CATEGORY / CLUSTER / KEY IDEA Responding to Literature
STANDARD / CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING RL.PK.11.With prompting and support, make connections between self, text, and the world around them (text, media, social interaction).

Funny Reading
Picture Walk Predictions
STRAND / DOMAIN / UNIFYING THEME NY.CC.RI.PK.Reading Standards for Informational Text
CATEGORY / CLUSTER / KEY IDEA Key Ideas and Details
STANDARD / CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING RI.PK.1.With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about details in a text.

Book Bag Descriptions
Just the Facts
Making Trail Mix
STRAND / DOMAIN / UNIFYING THEME NY.CC.RI.PK.Reading Standards for Informational Text
CATEGORY / CLUSTER / KEY IDEA Craft and Structure
STANDARD / CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING RI.PK.4.Exhibit curiosity and interest in learning new vocabulary (e.g., ask questions about unfamiliar vocabulary).

Think About It
STANDARD / CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING RI.PK.5.Identify the front cover, back cover; displays correct orientation of book, page turning skills.

Funny Reading
STANDARD / CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING RI.PK.6.With prompting and support, can describe the role of an author and illustrator.

Funny Reading
STRAND / DOMAIN / UNIFYING THEME NY.CC.RI.PK.Reading Standards for Informational Text
CATEGORY / CLUSTER / KEY IDEA Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
STANDARD / CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING RI.PK.7.With prompting and support, describe the relationship between illustrations and the text in which they appear (e.g. what person, place, thing or idea in the text an illustration depicts).

Picture Walk Predictions
Retelling the Story
STANDARD / CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING RI.PK.9.With prompting and support, identify basic similarities and differences between two texts on the same topic (e.g. illustrations, descriptions or procedures).

Picture Walk Predictions
Retelling the Story
STRAND / DOMAIN / UNIFYING THEME NY.CC.RF.PK.Reading Standards: Foundational Skills
STANDARD / CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING RF.PK.1.Demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of print.
EXPECTATION / CONTENT SPECIFICATION RF.PK.1.a.Follow words from left to right, top to bottom, and page by page.

Chime In
Funny Reading
My Address
Reading with Jack and Jill
Words on the Page
EXPECTATION / CONTENT SPECIFICATION RF.PK.1.c.Understand that words are separated by spaces in print.

Color Word Sentences
Sentence Segmenting
Words on the Page
EXPECTATION / CONTENT SPECIFICATION RF.PK.1.d.Recognize and name some upper /lowercase letters of the alphabet, especially those in own name.

Letter Hunt
Letter Sort
Looking for Letters in Ads
Making Letter Soup
Making a Grocery List
Name Game
Point the ABC Song
Reading the Grocery List
Searching for Sounds at the Store
Silverware Alphabet
Stomp the Letter
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
EXPECTATION / CONTENT SPECIFICATION RF.PK.1.e.Recognize that letters are grouped to form words.

Kitchen Labeling
Words on the Page
STRAND / DOMAIN / UNIFYING THEME NY.CC.RF.PK.Reading Standards: Foundational Skills
CATEGORY / CLUSTER / KEY IDEA Phonological Awareness
STANDARD / CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING RF.PK.2.Demonstrate an emerging understanding of spoken words, syllables and sounds (phonemes).
EXPECTATION / CONTENT SPECIFICATION RF.PK.2.a.Engage in language play (e.g. alliterative language, rhyming, sound patterns).

Hopping Rhyming
Little Bo Peep Substitutions
Little Miss Muffet Role Play
Reading with Jack and Jill
Rhyming Purse
Rhyming Toss
Rhyming with Jack and Jill
Sliding to Nursery Rhymes
Twinkle, Twinkle Rhymes
EXPECTATION / CONTENT SPECIFICATION RF.PK.2.b.Recognize and match words that rhyme.

Hopping Rhyming
Little Bo Peep Substitutions
Little Miss Muffet Role Play
Reading with Jack and Jill
Rhyming Purse
Rhyming Toss
Rhyming with Jack and Jill
Sliding to Nursery Rhymes
Twinkle, Twinkle Rhymes
EXPECTATION / CONTENT SPECIFICATION RF.PK.2.c.Demonstrate awareness of relationship between sounds and letters.

Making a Grocery List
EXPECTATION / CONTENT SPECIFICATION RF.PK.2.d.With support and prompting, isolate and pronounce the initial sounds in words.

Listen My Children
Reading the Grocery List
Searching for Sounds at the Store
Signaling for Sounds
Swinging to Sounds
Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down
STRAND / DOMAIN / UNIFYING THEME NY.CC.RF.PK.Reading Standards: Foundational Skills
CATEGORY / CLUSTER / KEY IDEA Phonics and Word Recognition
STANDARD / CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING RF.PK.3.Demonstrate emergent phonics and word analysis skills.
EXPECTATION / CONTENT SPECIFICATION RF.PK.3.a.With prompting and support, demonstrate one-to-one letter-sound correspondence by producing the primary sound of some consonants.

Lazy Letters
Making a Grocery List
EXPECTATION / CONTENT SPECIFICATION RF.PK.3.b.Recognizes own name and common signs and labels in the environment.

Kitchen Labeling
Shopping for Clothes
STRAND / DOMAIN / UNIFYING THEME NY.CC.RF.PK.Reading Standards: Foundational Skills
STANDARD / CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING RF.PK.4.Displays emergent reading behaviors with purpose and understanding (e.g., pretend reading).

Chime In
Making a Grocery List
Reading with Jack and Jill
CATEGORY / CLUSTER / KEY IDEA Text Types and Purposes
STANDARD / CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING W.PK.1.With prompting and support, use a combination of drawing, dictating, or writing to express an opinion about a book or topic (e.g., I like.... because...)

Thank You Note
STANDARD / CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING W.PK.3.With prompting and support, use a combination of drawing, dictating, or writing to narrate a single event and provide a reaction to what happened.

Tips for storytelling: Using gestures
Weekend News
Why is storytelling important?
Why should we tell family stories?
CATEGORY / CLUSTER / KEY IDEA Research to Build and Present Knowledge
STANDARD / CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING W.PK.7.With guidance and support, participate in shared research and writing projects (e.g., explore a number of books by a favorite author and express opinions about them).

Stuffed Animal Stories
CATEGORY / CLUSTER / KEY IDEA Responding to Literature
STANDARD / CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING W.PK.11.Create and present a poem, dramatization, art work, or personal response to a particular author or theme studied in class, with prompting and support as needed.

Act It Out
Asking Wh- Questions
Tips for helping your child love reading
Toy Stories
STRAND / DOMAIN / UNIFYING THEME NY.CC.SL.PK.Speaking and Listening Standards
CATEGORY / CLUSTER / KEY IDEA Comprehension and Collaboration
STANDARD / CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING SL.PK.2.With guidance and support, confirm understanding of a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media by asking and answering questions about key details and requesting clarification if something is not understood.

Asking Wh- Questions
Family Movie Night
Stuffed Animal Stories
STANDARD / CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING SL.PK.3.With guidance and support, ask and answer questions in order to seek help, get information, or clarify something that is not understood.

Reading a Book for the Second Time
Recalling What Happened in a Story
What's for Dinner?
Who Should We Ask?
STRAND / DOMAIN / UNIFYING THEME NY.CC.SL.PK.Speaking and Listening Standards
CATEGORY / CLUSTER / KEY IDEA Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
STANDARD / CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING SL.PK.4.Describe familiar people, places, things, and events and, with prompting and support, provide additional detail.

Grandparent Storytime
Pantry Talk Description
Pretending Together
Putting Away the Groceries
Table Riddles
Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Zoo in My Room
STANDARD / CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING SL.PK.5.Add drawings or other visual displays to descriptions as desired to provide additional detail.

Grandparent Storytime
Pantry Talk Description
Pretending Together
Putting Away the Groceries
Table Riddles
Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Zoo in My Room
STANDARD / CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING SL.PK.6.Demonstrate an emergent ability to express thoughts, feelings and ideas.

Choosing the Right Voice
CATEGORY / CLUSTER / KEY IDEA Conventions of Standard English
STANDARD / CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING L.PK.1.Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
EXPECTATION / CONTENT SPECIFICATION L.PK.1.a.Print some upper- and lowercase letters.(e.g. letters in their name).

Jump Rope Letters
Making a Grocery List
EXPECTATION / CONTENT SPECIFICATION L.PK.1.d.Understand and use question words (interrogatives) (e.g., who, what, where, when, why, how).

What's for Dinner?
Who Should We Ask?
EXPECTATION / CONTENT SPECIFICATION L.PK.1.e.In speech, use the most frequently occurring prepositions (e.g., to, from, in, out, on, off, for, of, by, with).

Follow the Leader
Little Miss Muffet Role Play
Stuffed Animal Olympics
CATEGORY / CLUSTER / KEY IDEA Conventions of Standard English
STANDARD / CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING L.PK.2.Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
EXPECTATION / CONTENT SPECIFICATION L.PK.2.b.Attempt to write a letter or letters to represent a word.

Jump Rope Letters
Making a Grocery List
CATEGORY / CLUSTER / KEY IDEA Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
STANDARD / CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING L.PK.5.With guidance and support, explore word relationships and nuances in word meanings.
EXPECTATION / CONTENT SPECIFICATION L.PK.5.a.Sort common objects into categories (e.g., shapes, foods) for understanding of the concepts the categories represent.

Grocery Store Conversations
How Many Can You Name?
EXPECTATION / CONTENT SPECIFICATION L.PK.5.b.Demonstrate understanding of frequently occurring verbs and adjectives by relating them to their opposites ( e.g., up, down, stop, go, in, out).

Silent Opposites
What's the Opposite?
CATEGORY / CLUSTER / KEY IDEA Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
STANDARD / CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING L.PK.6.With prompting and support, use words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading and being read to, and responding to texts.

Grocery Store Conversations
How can I help my child learn new words?
I'm Thinking of an Animal
Mystery Bag
Predicting Vocabulary
Silent Opposites
Sink or Float
Take Away
Think About It

New York State Learning Standards and Core Curriculum
Grade: Pre K - Adopted: 2017
STRAND / DOMAIN / UNIFYING THEME NY-PK.CC.Counting and Cardinality
CATEGORY / CLUSTER / KEY IDEA Know number names and the count sequence.

Counting Signs
How Many in a Set?
How Old Are You?
One Less
One More
Skipping Around
STANDARD / CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING NY-PK.CC.2.Represent a number of objects (0 - 5), with a written numeral 0–5 (with 0 representing a count of no objects).

May I Take your Order?
Taking Inventory
Three Ways to Show a Number
STRAND / DOMAIN / UNIFYING THEME NY-PK.CC.Counting and Cardinality
CATEGORY / CLUSTER / KEY IDEA Count to tell the number of objects.
STANDARD / CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING NY-PK.CC.3.Understand the relationship between numbers and quantities to 10; connect counting to cardinality.

Apple Pie
Block Tower
Counting Signs
Fruit Salad
How Many Can I Grab?
How Many Feet?
How Many Steps to Bed?
How Many in the Car?
More Grapes
Penny Drop
The Number Stays the Same
Three Ways to Show a Number
STANDARD / CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING NY-PK.CC.3a.When counting objects, say the number names in the standard order, pairing each object with one and only one number name and each number name with one and only one object. (1:1 correspondence)

Adding Ice
Apple Pie
Block Tower
Counting Signs
Fruit Salad
How Many Can I Grab?
How Many Feet?
How Many Steps to Bed?
How Many in the Car?
More Grapes
More than Ten
Penny Drop
The Number Stays the Same
Three Little Animals
Three Ways to Show a Number
STANDARD / CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING NY-PK.CC.3b.Explore and develop the concept that the last number name said tells the number of objects counted, (cardinality). The number of objects is the same regardless of their arrangement or the order in which they were counted.

Apple Pie
Block Tower
Counting Signs
Fruit Salad
How Many Can I Grab?
How Many Feet?
How Many Steps to Bed?
How Many in the Car?
More Grapes
Penny Drop
The Number Stays the Same
Three Ways to Show a Number
STANDARD / CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING NY-PK.CC.4a.Answer counting questions using as many as 10 objects arranged in a line, a rectangular array, and a circle. Answer counting questions using as many as 5 objects in a scattered configuration.

Adding Ice
Candy Sort and Graph
How Many Can I Grab?
How Many Feet?
I Spy an Animal
Lily Pad Hop
More than Ten
My Age
Three Little Animals
STANDARD / CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING NY-PK.CC.4b.Given a number from 1–10, count out that many objects.

Adding Ice
Counting Signs
How Many Can I Grab?
How Many Feet?
How Many in a Set?
How Old Are You?
More than Ten
One Less
One More
Skipping Around
Three Little Animals
STRAND / DOMAIN / UNIFYING THEME NY-PK.CC.Counting and Cardinality
CATEGORY / CLUSTER / KEY IDEA Compare numbers.
STANDARD / CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING NY-PK.CC.5.Recognize whether the number of objects in one group is more than, fewer than, or equal to (the same as) the number of objects in another group. Note: Include groups with up to five objects.

Acorns and Pinecones
Adding Ice
Cereal Challenge
How Many Steps to Bed?
Make a Tower of Ten
More than Ten
Sharing a Meal
Slap One More
Sort and Graph Leaves
Who has the Biggest Number?
STANDARD / CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING NY-PK.CC.6.Identify “first” and “last” related to order or position.

First Place
Under the Cup
STRAND / DOMAIN / UNIFYING THEME NY-PK.OA.Operations & Algebraic Thinking
CATEGORY / CLUSTER / KEY IDEA Understand addition as adding to, and understand subtraction as taking from.
STANDARD / CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING NY-PK.OA.1.Explore addition and subtraction by using objects, fingers, and responding to real world situations.

All Done
Decorating Cupcakes
In My Pond, Part 1
In My Pond, Part 2
Packing for Our Trip
Three Little Animals
STRAND / DOMAIN / UNIFYING THEME NY-PK.OA.Operations & Algebraic Thinking
CATEGORY / CLUSTER / KEY IDEA Understand simple patterns.
STANDARD / CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING NY-PK.OA.2.Duplicate and extend simple patterns using concrete objects.

Making Patterns
Sound Patterns
The Fence Problem
CATEGORY / CLUSTER / KEY IDEA Describe and compare measurable attributes.
STANDARD / CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING NY-PK.MD.1.Identify measurable attributes of objects, such as length or weight, and describe them using appropriate vocabulary.

Bookcase Problem
Grocery Store Weights
Leap Frog Measure
Near and Far
CATEGORY / CLUSTER / KEY IDEA Sort objects and count the number of objects in each category.
STANDARD / CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING NY-PK.MD.2.Sort objects into categories; count the objects in each category. Note: Limit category counts to be less than or equal to 10.

Candy Sort and Graph
Dino Dig
I Spy a Coin
I Spy an Animal
Letter Sort
Likely or Unlikely
Sort and Graph Leaves
Sorting Laundry
CATEGORY / CLUSTER / KEY IDEA Identify and describe shapes (squares, circles, triangles, and rectangles).
STANDARD / CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING NY-PK.G.1.Describe objects in the environment using names of shapes, and describe the relative positions of these objects using terms such as top, bottom, up, down, above, below, in front of, behind, over, under, and next to.

Bookcase Problem
Finding the Groceries
Follow My Design
Follow the Leader
Following Directions
Jump to It
Mirror, Mirror
Near and Far
Stuffed Animal Olympics
Treasure Map
STANDARD / CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING NY-PK.G.2.Name shapes regardless of size.

Finger Shapes
Guess My Shape
Shape Changers
Shape Hunt
Shaving Cream Shapes
Ways to Cut a Sandwich
CATEGORY / CLUSTER / KEY IDEA Analyze, compare, and sort objects.
STANDARD / CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING NY-PK.G.3.Analyze, compare, and sort two- and three-dimensional objects using informal language to describe their similarities, differences, and other attributes.

Candy Sort and Graph
Dino Dig
I Spy a Coin
I Spy an Animal
Letter Sort
Likely or Unlikely
Sort and Graph Leaves
Sorting Laundry
STANDARD / CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING NY-PK.G.4.Create and build shapes from components.

Shape Changers
Ways to Cut a Sandwich