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Teaching Strategies is pleased to announce that GOLD has been selected for use in Iowa.
GOLD is an ongoing observational assessment tool–based upon years of feedback from thousands of educators and important new research about how children develop and learn.
GOLD is an assessment system that helps teachers be intentional in their teaching by accurately pinpointing where children are in their development and learning. It’s a teacher-friendly, easy-to-understand approach to observation, documentation, portfolio-building, and reporting–the essential components of a high-quality assessment system.
Subscription Pricing
The Iowa Department of Education has negotiated special pricing and arranged with GOLD participants to subscribe to the system.
Iowa GOLD Child Transfer Form
All requests for child transfer between programs under the Iowa Umbrella Agreement for Teaching Strategies GOLD must be submitted to the Iowa Department of Education using the directions on this form.
Iowa GOLD Assessment Procedures
This technical assistance document is intended for use by teachers, practitioners, and administrators who are responsible for measuring and reporting child, program and family outcomes.
Our Solutions Are Aligned to Early Learning Standards
The Creative Curriculum for Preschool
The Creative Curriculum for Infants, Toddlers & Twos
The Creative Curriculum for Kindergarten
- October 2018: Iowa Early Learning Standards: 3rd Edition (2017)
- May 2017: Iowa Core Standards for Kindergarten: English Language Arts (2016) and Mathematics (2012)