Utah Core Standards (Infant)

Main Criteria: Utah Core Standards
Secondary Criteria: ReadyRosie
Subject: Early Childhood Education
Grades: Ages Birth to 12 months, Ages 13 to 24 months, Ages 25 to 36 months
Correlation Options: Show Correlated

Utah Core Standards
Early Childhood Education
Grade: Ages Birth to 12 months - Adopted: 2010
STANDARD / AREA OF LEARNING UT.EC.YI.I.DOMAIN I: Social and Emotional Development (Young Infant (Birth to 8 months))
OBJECTIVE / STRAND YI.I.1.Trust and emotional security
INDICATOR / CLUSTER YI.I.1.1.Engages in behaviors that build relationships with familiar adults

Baby Massage
Behavior is a form of communication
Grasp and Grab
How can I make music part of our day?
Me in the Mirror
Sing to Your Baby
Snuggle Close
Tips for bonding with your baby
Tummy Talk
Two on Me and You
What Comes after Two?
Which Toy?
You are your child's first teacher
INDICATOR / CLUSTER YI.I.1.3.Responds to unfamiliar adults cautiously

Baby Massage
Behavior is a form of communication
Snuggle Close
Tips for bonding with your baby
What Comes after Two?
You are your child's first teacher
INDICATOR / CLUSTER YI.I.1.4.Seeks to find comfort in new situations

Baby Massage
Behavior is a form of communication
Snuggle Close
Tips for bonding with your baby
What Comes after Two?
You are your child's first teacher
STANDARD / AREA OF LEARNING UT.EC.YI.I.DOMAIN I: Social and Emotional Development (Young Infant (Birth to 8 months))
OBJECTIVE / STRAND YI.I.2.Relationships with Other Children
INDICATOR / CLUSTER YI.I.2.1.Shows interest in and awareness of other children

Do You See Me?
STANDARD / AREA OF LEARNING UT.EC.YI.I.DOMAIN I: Social and Emotional Development (Young Infant (Birth to 8 months))
OBJECTIVE / STRAND YI.I.3.Self-Awareness
INDICATOR / CLUSTER YI.I.3.1.Expresses feelings and emotions through facial expressions, sounds or gestures

Snuggle Close
STANDARD / AREA OF LEARNING UT.EC.YI.II.DOMAIN II: Language Development and Communication (Young Infant (Birth to 8 months))
OBJECTIVE / STRAND YI.II.1.Listening and Understanding
INDICATOR / CLUSTER YI.II.1.3.Responds to verbal communication of others

Lunchtime Language
Self Talk
Tummy Talk
STANDARD / AREA OF LEARNING UT.EC.YI.II.DOMAIN II: Language Development and Communication (Young Infant (Birth to 8 months))
OBJECTIVE / STRAND YI.II.2.Communicating and Speaking
INDICATOR / CLUSTER YI.II.2.1.Uses sounds, gestures, or actions to express needs and wants

Behavior is a form of communication
INDICATOR / CLUSTER YI.II.2.2.Uses consistent sounds, gestures or words to communicate

Lunchtime Language
STANDARD / AREA OF LEARNING UT.EC.YI.II.DOMAIN II: Language Development and Communication (Young Infant (Birth to 8 months))
OBJECTIVE / STRAND YI.II.3.Emergent Literacy
INDICATOR / CLUSTER YI.II.3.1.Shows interest in songs, rhymes and stories

How can I communicate with my baby?
How can I make music part of our day?
I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby?
Itsy Bitsy Spider Motions
Piggy Toes
Sing to Your Baby
Why should I sing to my baby?
STANDARD / AREA OF LEARNING UT.EC.YI.III.DOMAIN III: Cognitive Development (Young Infant (Birth to 8 months))
OBJECTIVE / STRAND YI.III.1.Exploration and Discovery
INDICATOR / CLUSTER YI.III.1.1.Pays attention to people and objects

Do You See Me?
INDICATOR / CLUSTER YI.III.1.2.Uses senses to explore people, objects and the environment

Bath Time Fun
Two on Me and You
INDICATOR / CLUSTER YI.III.1.3.Attends to colors, shapes, patterns or pictures

Animal Noises
STANDARD / AREA OF LEARNING UT.EC.YI.III.DOMAIN III: Cognitive Development (Young Infant (Birth to 8 months))
INDICATOR / CLUSTER YI.III.2.1.Shows ability to acquire and process new information

Do You See Me?
Kicking Paper
Touch and Taste
Which Toy?
STANDARD / AREA OF LEARNING UT.EC.YI.IV.DOMAIN IV: Physical and Motor Development (Young Infant (Birth to 8 months))
OBJECTIVE / STRAND YI.IV.1.Gross Motor Development
INDICATOR / CLUSTER YI.IV.1.1.Moves body, arms and legs with coordination

Kicking Paper
Piggy Toes
Roll Over
Strong Legs
INDICATOR / CLUSTER YI.IV.1.2.Demonstrates large muscle balance, stability, control and coordination

Kicking Paper
Piggy Toes
Roll Over
Strong Legs
STANDARD / AREA OF LEARNING UT.EC.YI.IV.DOMAIN IV: Physical and Motor Development (Young Infant (Birth to 8 months))
OBJECTIVE / STRAND YI.IV.2.Fine Motor Development
INDICATOR / CLUSTER YI.IV.2.1.Uses hands or feet to make contact with objects or people

Grasp and Grab
Touch and Taste

Utah Core Standards
Early Childhood Education
Grade: Ages 13 to 24 months - Adopted: 2010
STANDARD / AREA OF LEARNING UT.EC.OI.I.DOMAIN I: Social and Emotional Development (Older Infant (8 to 18 months))
OBJECTIVE / STRAND OI.I.1.Trust and Emotional Security
INDICATOR / CLUSTER OI.I.1.1.Engages in behaviors that build relationships with familiar adults

Behavior is a form of communication
Choosing Clothes
How can I make music part of our day?
Move to to the Music
This or That
Tips for bonding with your baby
You are your child's first teacher
INDICATOR / CLUSTER OI.I.1.3.Responds to unfamiliar adults cautiously

Behavior is a form of communication
Tips for bonding with your baby
You are your child's first teacher
INDICATOR / CLUSTER OI.I.1.4.Seeks ways to find comfort in new situations

Behavior is a form of communication
Tips for bonding with your baby
You are your child's first teacher
INDICATOR / CLUSTER OI.I.1.5.Shows emotional connection and attachment to others

Behavior is a form of communication
Tips for bonding with your baby
You are your child's first teacher
STANDARD / AREA OF LEARNING UT.EC.OI.I.DOMAIN I: Social and Emotional Development (Older Infant (8 to 18 months))
OBJECTIVE / STRAND OI.I.2.Relationships with Other Children
INDICATOR / CLUSTER OI.I.2.1.Shows interest in and awareness of other children

Kick With Me
Little Hands, Big Plans
Tea Party
INDICATOR / CLUSTER OI.I.2.2.Responds to and interacts with other children

Kick With Me
Little Hands, Big Plans
Tea Party
STANDARD / AREA OF LEARNING UT.EC.OI.I.DOMAIN I: Social and Emotional Development (Older Infant (8 to 18 months))
OBJECTIVE / STRAND OI.I.3.Self-Awareness
INDICATOR / CLUSTER OI.I.3.1.Expresses feelings and emotions through facial expressions, sounds or gestures

Reading Emotions
STANDARD / AREA OF LEARNING UT.EC.OI.I.DOMAIN I: Social and Emotional Development (Older Infant (8 to 18 months))
OBJECTIVE / STRAND OI.I.4.Self-Regulation
INDICATOR / CLUSTER OI.I.4.1.Begins to manage own behavior and show self-regulation

Happy Birthday to You
Point and Learn
This or That
INDICATOR / CLUSTER OI.I.4.2.Shows ability to cope with stress

How should I handle temper tantrums?
INDICATOR / CLUSTER OI.I.4.3.Shows increasing independence

Happy Birthday to You
Point and Learn
This or That
STANDARD / AREA OF LEARNING UT.EC.OI.II.DOMAIN II: Language Development and Communication (Older Infant (8 to 18 months))
OBJECTIVE / STRAND OI.II.1.Listening and Understanding
INDICATOR / CLUSTER OI.II.1.3.Responds to verbal communication of others

Choosing Clothes
Point and Learn
Rhyme and Ride
Swing Song
Talk and Play
INDICATOR / CLUSTER OI.II.1.5.Begins to understand gestures, words, questions or routines

How can I help my child learn new words?
How do I get my child to______?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
Let's Get Dressed
Shoe Search
Why should we tell family stories?
STANDARD / AREA OF LEARNING UT.EC.OI.II.DOMAIN II: Language Development and Communication (Older Infant (8 to 18 months))
OBJECTIVE / STRAND OI.II.2.Communicating and Speaking
INDICATOR / CLUSTER OI.II.2.1.Uses sounds, gestures, or actions to express needs and wants

Behavior is a form of communication
Snack Time Speech
INDICATOR / CLUSTER OI.II.2.2.Uses consistent sounds, gestures or words to communicate

Big and Little
Color Toys
Find a Match
Grocery Store I Spy
Point and Learn
Snack Time Speech
Talk and Play
INDICATOR / CLUSTER OI.II.2.3.Imitates sounds, gestures or words

Big and Little
Color Toys
Find a Match
Grocery Store I Spy
Point and Learn
Snack Time Speech
Talk and Play
STANDARD / AREA OF LEARNING UT.EC.OI.II.DOMAIN II: Language Development and Communication (Older Infant (8 to 18 months))
OBJECTIVE / STRAND OI.II.3.Emergent Literacy
INDICATOR / CLUSTER OI.II.3.1.Shows interest in songs, rhymes and stories

Clap and Swing
Happy Birthday to You
How can I communicate with my baby?
How can I make music part of our day?
I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby?
Itsy Bitsy Spider Motions
Move While you Sing
Move to to the Music
Rhyme and Ride
Swing Song
Where is Thumbkin?
Why should I sing to my baby?
INDICATOR / CLUSTER OI.II.3.2.Shows interest in photos, pictures and drawings

Look at the Book
Reading Emotions
STANDARD / AREA OF LEARNING UT.EC.OI.III.DOMAIN III: Cognitive Development (Older Infant (8 to 18 months))
OBJECTIVE / STRAND OI.III.1.Exploration and Discovery
INDICATOR / CLUSTER OI.III.1.2.Uses senses to explore people, objects and the environment

Baby Basketball
Flying with Mom
Pop Go the Bubbles
Take Along Toy
Walk the Line
INDICATOR / CLUSTER OI.III.1.3.Attends to colors, shapes, patterns or pictures

Find a Match
Reading Emotions
STANDARD / AREA OF LEARNING UT.EC.OI.III.DOMAIN III: Cognitive Development (Older Infant (8 to 18 months))
INDICATOR / CLUSTER OI.III.2.1.Shows ability to acquire and process new information

Big and Little
Build to Four
Buried Treasure
Can You Find Me?
Check the Mail
Shoe Search
Take Along Toy
Tube Chute
Walk the Line
INDICATOR / CLUSTER OI.III.2.2.Recognizes familiar people, places and things

Big and Little
Buried Treasure
Shoe Search
STANDARD / AREA OF LEARNING UT.EC.OI.III.DOMAIN III: Cognitive Development (Older Infant (8 to 18 months))
INDICATOR / CLUSTER OI.III.3.1.Experiments with different uses for objects

Build to Four
Buried Treasure
Can You Find Me?
Check the Mail
Take Along Toy
Tube Chute
Walk the Line
INDICATOR / CLUSTER OI.III.3.2.Shows imagination and creativity in solving problems

Build to Four
Buried Treasure
Can You Find Me?
Check the Mail
Dump and Pick Up
Take Along Toy
Tube Chute
Walk the Line
INDICATOR / CLUSTER OI.III.3.3.Uses a variety of strategies to solve problems

Build to Four
Buried Treasure
Can You Find Me?
Dump and Pick Up
STANDARD / AREA OF LEARNING UT.EC.OI.III.DOMAIN III: Cognitive Development (Older Infant (8 to 18 months))
OBJECTIVE / STRAND OI.III.4.Imitation and Symbolic Play
INDICATOR / CLUSTER OI.III.4.1.Observes and imitates sounds, gestures or behavior

Bear Bath
Tea Party
INDICATOR / CLUSTER OI.III.4.2.Uses objects in new ways or in pretend play

Bear Bath
Tea Party
STANDARD / AREA OF LEARNING UT.EC.OI.IV.DOMAIN IV: Physical and Motor Development (Older Infant (8 to 18 months))
OBJECTIVE / STRAND OI.IV.1.Gross Motor Development
INDICATOR / CLUSTER OI.IV.1.1.Moves body, arms and legs with coordination

Flying with Mom
Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
Kick With Me
Move While you Sing
Point and Learn
Pop Go the Bubbles
Take Along Toy
Walk the Line
INDICATOR / CLUSTER OI.IV.1.2.Demonstrates large muscle balance, stability, control and coordination

Flying with Mom
Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
Kick With Me
Move While you Sing
Point and Learn
Pop Go the Bubbles
Take Along Toy
Walk the Line
INDICATOR / CLUSTER OI.IV.1.3.Develops increasing ability to change positions and move body from place to place

Baby Basketball
INDICATOR / CLUSTER OI.IV.1.4.Moves body with purpose to achieve a goal

Flying with Mom
Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
Kick With Me
Point and Learn
Pop Go the Bubbles
Walk the Line
STANDARD / AREA OF LEARNING UT.EC.OI.IV.DOMAIN IV: Physical and Motor Development (Older Infant (8 to 18 months))
OBJECTIVE / STRAND OI.IV.2.Fine Motor Development
INDICATOR / CLUSTER OI.IV.2.1.Uses hands or feet to make contact with objects or people

Big, Little Helper
Clap and Swing
Color with Me
Dump and Pick Up
Little Hands, Big Plans
Take Along Toy
Tube Chute
INDICATOR / CLUSTER OI.IV.2.2.Develops small muscle control and coordination

Big, Little Helper
Clap and Swing
Color with Me
Dump and Pick Up
Little Hands, Big Plans
Take Along Toy
Tube Chute
INDICATOR / CLUSTER OI.IV.2.3.Coordinates eye and hand movements

Big, Little Helper
Clap and Swing
Color with Me
Dump and Pick Up
Little Hands, Big Plans
Take Along Toy
Tube Chute
INDICATOR / CLUSTER OI.IV.2.4.Uses different actions on objects

Big, Little Helper
Clap and Swing
Color with Me
Dump and Pick Up
Little Hands, Big Plans
Take Along Toy
Tube Chute

Utah Core Standards
Early Childhood Education
Grade: Ages 25 to 36 months - Adopted: 2010
STANDARD / AREA OF LEARNING UT.EC.T.I.DOMAIN I: Social and Emotional Development (Toddler (18 to 36 months))
OBJECTIVE / STRAND T.I.1.Trust and Emotional Security
INDICATOR / CLUSTER T.I.1.1.Engages in behaviors that build relationships with familiar adults

Behavior is a form of communication
How can I make music part of our day?
Tips for bonding with your baby
You are your child's first teacher
INDICATOR / CLUSTER T.I.1.3.Responds to unfamiliar adults cautiously

Behavior is a form of communication
Tips for bonding with your baby
You are your child's first teacher
INDICATOR / CLUSTER T.I.1.4.Seeks ways to find comfort in new situations

Behavior is a form of communication
Tips for bonding with your baby
You are your child's first teacher
INDICATOR / CLUSTER T.I.1.5.Shows emotional connection and attachment to others

Behavior is a form of communication
Tell Me About It!
Tips for bonding with your baby
You are your child's first teacher
STANDARD / AREA OF LEARNING UT.EC.T.I.DOMAIN I: Social and Emotional Development (Toddler (18 to 36 months))
OBJECTIVE / STRAND T.I.2.Relationships with Other Children
INDICATOR / CLUSTER T.I.2.1.Shows interest in and awareness of other children

Ring Around the Rosie
INDICATOR / CLUSTER T.I.2.2.Responds to and interacts with other children

Ring Around the Rosie
INDICATOR / CLUSTER T.I.2.5.Learns social skills, and eventually words, for expressing feelings, needs and wants

Behavior is a form of communication
Tempted to Talk
INDICATOR / CLUSTER T.I.2.6.Uses imitation or pretend play to learn new roles and relationships

Banana Phonana
Drum Patterns
Recycled Play
Ring Around the Rosie
Toy Car Wash
Vroom! Vroom!
STANDARD / AREA OF LEARNING UT.EC.T.I.DOMAIN I: Social and Emotional Development (Toddler (18 to 36 months))
OBJECTIVE / STRAND T.I.3.Self-Awareness
INDICATOR / CLUSTER T.I.3.2.Develops awareness of self as separate from others

I Am Unique
I Can Do It All By Myself
Tell Me About It!
Tips for storytelling: Story ideas
STANDARD / AREA OF LEARNING UT.EC.T.I.DOMAIN I: Social and Emotional Development (Toddler (18 to 36 months))
OBJECTIVE / STRAND T.I.4.Self-Regulation
INDICATOR / CLUSTER T.I.4.2.Shows ability to cope with stress

How should I handle temper tantrums?
INDICATOR / CLUSTER T.I.4.4.Understands simple routines, rules or limitations

How do I get my child to______?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
STANDARD / AREA OF LEARNING UT.EC.T.II.DOMAIN II: Language Development and Communication (Toddler (18 to 36 months))
OBJECTIVE / STRAND T.II.1.Listening and Understanding
INDICATOR / CLUSTER T.II.1.5.Begins to understand gestures, words, questions or routines

How can I help my child learn new words?
How do I get my child to______?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
Magazine Picture Walk
One, Two, Moo
Stuck on You
T-Shirt Talk
Why should we tell family stories?
STANDARD / AREA OF LEARNING UT.EC.T.II.DOMAIN II: Language Development and Communication (Toddler (18 to 36 months))
OBJECTIVE / STRAND T.II.1.Communicating and Speaking
INDICATOR / CLUSTER T.II.1.1.Uses sounds, gestures, or actions to express needs and wants

Behavior is a form of communication
Tempted to Talk
INDICATOR / CLUSTER T.II.1.2.Uses consistent sounds, gestures or words to communicate

Magazine Picture Walk
Stuck on You
Toy Sort
INDICATOR / CLUSTER T.II.1.3.Imitates sounds, gestures or words

Magazine Picture Walk
Stuck on You
Toy Sort
INDICATOR / CLUSTER T.II.1.4.Uses sounds, signs or words for a variety of purposes

Magazine Picture Walk
Stuck on You
Tell Me About It!
Toy Sort
INDICATOR / CLUSTER T.II.1.5.Shows reciprocity in using language in simple conversations

Stuck on You
Tell Me About It!
STANDARD / AREA OF LEARNING UT.EC.T.II.DOMAIN II: Language Development and Communication (Toddler (18 to 36 months))
OBJECTIVE / STRAND T.II.1.Emergent Literacy
INDICATOR / CLUSTER T.II.1.1.Shows interest in songs, rhymes and stories

How can I communicate with my baby?
How can I make music part of our day?
I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby?
Ring Around the Rosie
Why should I sing to my baby?
INDICATOR / CLUSTER T.II.1.3.Demonstrates interest and involvement with books

Book Chats
Book Walk
Magazine Picture Walk
Stop and Go
Tips for helping your child love reading
STANDARD / AREA OF LEARNING UT.EC.T.III.DOMAIN III: Cognitive Development (Toddler (18 to 36 months))
OBJECTIVE / STRAND T.III.1.Exploration and Discovery
INDICATOR / CLUSTER T.III.1.1.Pays attention to people and objects

Nature Walk and Talk
What Do We Do?
INDICATOR / CLUSTER T.III.1.2.Uses senses to explore people, objects and the environment

Fast, Slow
Playdough Lengths
INDICATOR / CLUSTER T.III.1.3.Attends to colors, shapes, patterns or pictures

Toy Sort
INDICATOR / CLUSTER T.III.1.4.Shows interest and curiosity in new people and objects

Nature Walk and Talk
What Do We Do?
INDICATOR / CLUSTER T.III.1.5.Makes things happen and watches for results or repeats action

Get Moving
STANDARD / AREA OF LEARNING UT.EC.T.III.DOMAIN III: Cognitive Development (Toddler (18 to 36 months))
INDICATOR / CLUSTER T.III.1.1.Shows ability to acquire and process new information

Counting Collection
Fast, Slow
I Can Do It All By Myself
Nature Walk and Talk
Nesting Bowls
What Do We Do?
INDICATOR / CLUSTER T.III.1.2.Recognizes familiar people, places and things

Tips for storytelling: Story ideas
STANDARD / AREA OF LEARNING UT.EC.T.III.DOMAIN III: Cognitive Development (Toddler (18 to 36 months))
OBJECTIVE / STRAND T.III.1.Problem Solving
INDICATOR / CLUSTER T.III.1.1.Experiments with different uses for objects

Counting Collection
Fast, Slow
I Can Do It All By Myself
Nature Walk and Talk
Nesting Bowls
What Do We Do?
INDICATOR / CLUSTER T.III.1.2.Shows imagination and creativity in solving problems

Counting Collection
Drum Patterns
Fast, Slow
Hooray Parfait
I Can Do It All By Myself
Nature Walk and Talk
Nesting Bowls
Playdough Lengths
Stop and Go
What Do We Do?
Which Lid?
INDICATOR / CLUSTER T.III.1.3.Uses a variety of strategies to solve problems

Drum Patterns
Fast, Slow
Hooray Parfait
Nesting Bowls
Playdough Lengths
Stop and Go
What Do We Do?
Which Lid?
INDICATOR / CLUSTER T.III.1.4.Applies knowledge to new situations

Drum Patterns
Fast, Slow
Hooray Parfait
Nesting Bowls
Playdough Lengths
Stop and Go
What Do We Do?
Which Lid?
STANDARD / AREA OF LEARNING UT.EC.T.III.DOMAIN III: Cognitive Development (Toddler (18 to 36 months))
OBJECTIVE / STRAND T.III.1.Imitation and Symbolic Play
INDICATOR / CLUSTER T.III.1.2.Uses objects in new ways or in pretend play

Banana Phonana
Drum Patterns
Recycled Play
Tips for helping your child love reading
Toy Car Wash
Vroom! Vroom!
INDICATOR / CLUSTER T.III.1.3.Uses imitation or pretend play to express creativity and imagination

Banana Phonana
Drum Patterns
Recycled Play
Toy Car Wash
Vroom! Vroom!
STANDARD / AREA OF LEARNING UT.EC.T.IV.DOMAIN IV: Physical and Motor Development (Toddler (18 to 36 months))
OBJECTIVE / STRAND T.IV.1.Gross Motor Development
INDICATOR / CLUSTER T.IV.1.1.Moves body, arms and legs with coordination

Bear Hunt
Get Moving
Ring Around the Rosie
Stop and Go
INDICATOR / CLUSTER T.IV.1.2.Demonstrates large muscle balance, stability, control and coordination

Bear Hunt
Get Moving
Ring Around the Rosie
Stop and Go
INDICATOR / CLUSTER T.IV.1.4.Moves body with purpose to achieve a goal

Bear Hunt
STANDARD / AREA OF LEARNING UT.EC.T.IV.DOMAIN IV: Physical and Motor Development (Toddler (18 to 36 months))
OBJECTIVE / STRAND T.IV.1.Fine Motor Development
INDICATOR / CLUSTER T.IV.1.1.Uses hands or feet to make contact with objects or people

Drum Patterns
Torn Paper Art
Toy Car Wash
INDICATOR / CLUSTER T.IV.1.2.Develops small muscle control and coordination

Drum Patterns
Torn Paper Art
Toy Car Wash
INDICATOR / CLUSTER T.IV.1.3.Coordinates eye and hand movements

Drum Patterns
Torn Paper Art
Toy Car Wash
INDICATOR / CLUSTER T.IV.1.4.Uses different actions on objects

Drum Patterns
Torn Paper Art
Toy Car Wash
INDICATOR / CLUSTER T.IV.1.5.Controls small muscles in hands when doing simple tasks

Drum Patterns
Torn Paper Art
Toy Car Wash
STANDARD / AREA OF LEARNING UT.EC.T.IV.DOMAIN IV: Physical and Motor Development (Toddler (18 to 36 months))
OBJECTIVE / STRAND T.IV.1.Physical Health and Well-Being
INDICATOR / CLUSTER T.IV.1.4.Participates in physical care routines

I Can Do It All By Myself
INDICATOR / CLUSTER T.IV.1.5.Begins to develop self-help skills

I Can Do It All By Myself