The Only Connected Ecosystem
for Our Youngest Learners

Support the unique needs of every child.

Balance the unique needs of each day in your infants, toddlers, and twos program.

Capture everyday moments for learning.

Make the most of each opportunity and create meaningful interactions with your youngest learners.

Build true partnerships with families.

Engage families from the start, build partnerships, and maintain your connection over time.

Meet the needs of each learner with data-driven insight.

Easily meet each infant, toddler, or two exactly at their level to support them on their path to school readiness.

School Readiness Begins in Infancy

A high-quality infants, toddlers, and twos program combines all the essential elements of learning and family partnerships. Only Teaching Strategies provides the
highest rated curriculum by the Head Start ECLKC.

The Creative Curriculum for Infants
Nurture the whole child and personalize skill development to each infant during the most critical period of rapid growth and development.
The Creative Curriculum for Toddlers
Easily individualize learning for every toddler, every day, with our 1st-of-its-kind print and digital curriculum with integrated ongoing guided assessment.
Expanded Daily Resources for Twos
Amplify the impact of The Creative Curriculum for Infants, Toddlers, & Twos with project-based, investigative learning designed specifically for the twos classroom.
product card gold three children happy
Move beyond measurement and drive differentiated, effective instruction. Inform instruction without disruption by embedding authentic, observation-based assessment into each part of your day.
mother and son making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich
Better serve and engage all families with a research-based framework and video modeling to extend and reinforce learning.
two woman happily conversing in a group setting
Professional Development
Build and strengthen teacher capacity and professional growth to ensure your program can provide children with the kind of learning environments and experiences they deserve.
Streamline center management and ensure families stay connected to their children’s development.
young boy outdoors with magnifying glass
The Essentials Kit
Provide all the right materials with one kit. Ensure each classroom has the essential resources teachers need to guide daily learning experiences and spur investigation.
child happily hugging an adult in a classroom
Create trauma-sensitive, relationship-focused learning environments to mitigate the impact of trauma and adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) on young children.

More Reasons to Love Teaching Strategies for Infants, Toddlers & Twos


Support the Whole Child From the Start

Our whole-child approach delivers academic rigor alongside social–emotional development, cognitive development, and meaningful interactions—inside the classroom and at home.

Explore Whole-Child eBook
Watch the Video


Our Solutions Are Aligned to Your Early Learning Standards

Demonstrate your program is meeting all requirements while focusing on the needs of each infant, toddler, and two in your program.

View State Alignments
Head Start Alignments


Research-Based. Field Proven.

Early childhood development research provides the foundation for each product within our solution for infants, toddlers and twos.

Read About Our Research


A Clear Path for Young Children

The 38 research-based objectives are the heart of the curriculum and define the path teachers take with children. The objectives identify the knowledge, skills, and abilities that are most important for school success.
Explore Our Objectives


Nurture Everyday Moments in Your Program

Look inside The Creative Curriculum for Infants, Toddlers & Twos and see how its resources support nurturing the everyday moments in your program.

Take a Look Inside


Unique Support for Twos

Introduce two-year-old children to hands-on study explorations, while still maintaining responsive routines and caregiving with our Expanded Daily Resources for Twos.

Explore Support for Twos

Teaching Strategies has created a culture of inclusion and individuality that excites the staff, parents, and children throughout the program.”
Alisha Willilams, Program Operation Specialist
Head Start Birth Through 5, Mississippi County AR EOC Head Start
two toddlers engaged in block play

Make Everyday Routines and Moments Meaningful

Ensure your program meets and exceeds the needs of the infants, toddlers, and twos in your care with solutions from Teaching Strategies.

Talk to an Expert