Georgia Standards of Excellence (Pre-K)

Main Criteria: Georgia Standards of Excellence
Secondary Criteria: ReadyRosie
Subject: Early Childhood Education
Grade: Ages 3-5
Correlation Options: Show Correlated

Georgia Standards of Excellence
Early Childhood Education
Grade: Ages 3-5 - Adopted: 2013
STRAND/TOPIC GA.PDM.Physical Development and Motor Skills (PDM)
STANDARD / DESCRIPTION Health and Well-Being
ELEMENT PDM1.The child will practice healthy and safe habits.
ELEMENT/GLE PDM1.3.36-48 Months
EXPECTATION PDM1.3c.Independently shows awareness of dangerous situations and responds with some knowledge of safety instructions.

My Address
EXPECTATION PDM1.3d.Communicates to peers and adults when dangerous situations are observed.

My Address
STRAND/TOPIC GA.PDM.Physical Development and Motor Skills (PDM)
STANDARD / DESCRIPTION Health and Well-Being
ELEMENT PDM1.The child will practice healthy and safe habits.
ELEMENT/GLE PDM1.4.48-60 Months
EXPECTATION PDM1.4c.Consistently follows basic safety rules and anticipates consequences of not following safety rules.

My Address
EXPECTATION PDM1.4d.Communicates the importance of safety rules.

My Address
EXPECTATION PDM1.4f.Can name people who keep them safe and healthy.

My Address
STRAND/TOPIC GA.PDM.Physical Development and Motor Skills (PDM)
STANDARD / DESCRIPTION Health and Well-Being
ELEMENT PDM2.The child will participate in activities related to nutrition.
ELEMENT/GLE PDM2.3.36-48 Months
EXPECTATION PDM2.3a.Helps prepare nutritious snacks.

Grocery Store Conversations
Putting Away the Groceries
STRAND/TOPIC GA.PDM.Physical Development and Motor Skills (PDM)
STANDARD / DESCRIPTION Health and Well-Being
ELEMENT PDM2.The child will participate in activities related to nutrition.
ELEMENT/GLE PDM2.4.48-60 Months
EXPECTATION PDM2.4a.Helps prepare nutritious snacks and meals.

Grocery Store Conversations
Putting Away the Groceries
STRAND/TOPIC GA.PDM.Physical Development and Motor Skills (PDM)
ELEMENT PDM3.The child will demonstrate an awareness of the body in space and child’s relationship to objects in space.
ELEMENT/GLE PDM3.3.36-48 Months
EXPECTATION PDM3.3a.Acts and moves with purpose and recognizes differences in direction, distance, and location with some assistance.

Follow the Leader
Jump to It
Rock Toss
EXPECTATION PDM3.3b.Demonstrates awareness of his/her own body in relation to others.

Follow the Leader
Jump to It
Rock Toss
STRAND/TOPIC GA.PDM.Physical Development and Motor Skills (PDM)
ELEMENT PDM3.The child will demonstrate an awareness of the body in space and child’s relationship to objects in space.
ELEMENT/GLE PDM3.4.48-60 Months
EXPECTATION PDM3.4a.Acts and moves with purpose and independently recognizes differences in direction, distance, and location.

Follow the Leader
Jump to It
Rock Toss
EXPECTATION PDM3.4b.Demonstrates spatial awareness through play activities.

Follow the Leader
Jump to It
Rock Toss
STRAND/TOPIC GA.PDM.Physical Development and Motor Skills (PDM)
ELEMENT PDM4.The child will use senses (sight, touch, hearing, smell, and taste) to explore the environment and process information.
ELEMENT/GLE PDM4.3.36-48 Months
EXPECTATION PDM4.3a.Uses senses purposefully to learn about objects.

Grocery Store Conversations
EXPECTATION PDM4.3b.Takes things apart and attempts to put them back together.

Celebrate Learning
My Age
Shape Changers
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
STRAND/TOPIC GA.PDM.Physical Development and Motor Skills (PDM)
ELEMENT PDM4.The child will use senses (sight, touch, hearing, smell, and taste) to explore the environment and process information.
ELEMENT/GLE PDM4.4.48-60 Months
EXPECTATION PDM4.4a.Discriminates between a variety of sights, smells, sounds, textures, and tastes.

Grocery Store Conversations
EXPECTATION PDM4.4b.Takes things apart and invents new structures using the parts.

Celebrate Learning
My Age
Shape Changers
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
STRAND/TOPIC GA.PDM.Physical Development and Motor Skills (PDM)
ELEMENT PDM5.The child will demonstrate gross motor skills.
ELEMENT/GLE PDM5.3.36-48 Months
EXPECTATION PDM5.3a.Coordinates movements to perform a task.

Follow the Leader
EXPECTATION PDM5.3b.Demonstrates coordination and balance.

Follow the Leader
STRAND/TOPIC GA.PDM.Physical Development and Motor Skills (PDM)
ELEMENT PDM5.The child will demonstrate gross motor skills.
ELEMENT/GLE PDM5.4.48-60 Months
EXPECTATION PDM5.4a.Coordinates movements to perform more complex tasks.

Follow the Leader
EXPECTATION PDM5.4b.Demonstrates coordination and balance in a variety of activities.

Follow the Leader
STRAND/TOPIC GA.PDM.Physical Development and Motor Skills (PDM)
ELEMENT PDM6.The child will demonstrate fine motor skills.
ELEMENT/GLE PDM6.3.36-48 Months
EXPECTATION PDM6.3a.Refines grasp to manipulate tools and objects.

Alphabet Clapping
Detailed Drawing of a Face
Drumming Sounds
Finger Shapes
Jump Rope Letters
Mirror, Mirror
Setting the Table
Shaving Cream Shapes
Silverware Alphabet
Thank You Note
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
EXPECTATION PDM6.3b.Uses hand-eye coordination to manipulate smaller objects with increasing control.

Alphabet Clapping
Detailed Drawing of a Face
Drumming Sounds
Finger Shapes
Jump Rope Letters
Mirror, Mirror
Setting the Table
Shaving Cream Shapes
Silverware Alphabet
Thank You Note
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
STRAND/TOPIC GA.PDM.Physical Development and Motor Skills (PDM)
ELEMENT PDM6.The child will demonstrate fine motor skills.
ELEMENT/GLE PDM6.4.48-60 Months
EXPECTATION PDM6.4a.Performs fine-motor tasks that require small-muscle strength and control.

Alphabet Clapping
Detailed Drawing of a Face
Drumming Sounds
Finger Shapes
Jump Rope Letters
Mirror, Mirror
Setting the Table
Shaving Cream Shapes
Silverware Alphabet
Thank You Note
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
EXPECTATION PDM6.4b.Uses hand-eye coordination to manipulate small objects with ease.

Alphabet Clapping
Detailed Drawing of a Face
Drumming Sounds
Finger Shapes
Jump Rope Letters
Mirror, Mirror
Setting the Table
Shaving Cream Shapes
Silverware Alphabet
Thank You Note
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
EXPECTATION PDM6.4c.Able to perform more complex fine motor tasks with accuracy 50% of the time.

Alphabet Clapping
Detailed Drawing of a Face
Drumming Sounds
Finger Shapes
Jump Rope Letters
Mirror, Mirror
Setting the Table
Shaving Cream Shapes
Silverware Alphabet
Thank You Note
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
STRAND/TOPIC GA.SED.Social and Emotional Development (SED)
STANDARD / DESCRIPTION Developing a Sense of Self
ELEMENT SED1.The child will develop self-awareness.
ELEMENT/GLE SED1.3.36-48 Months
EXPECTATION SED1.3a.Recognizes self as a unique individual.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
Family Talent Show
I Remember When
If You're Happy & You Know It
EXPECTATION SED1.3b.Demonstrates knowledge of personal information.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
Family Talent Show
I Remember When
If You're Happy & You Know It
EXPECTATION SED1.3c.Shows sense of satisfaction in his/her own abilities, preferences, and accomplishments.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
Family Talent Show
I Remember When
If You're Happy & You Know It
STRAND/TOPIC GA.SED.Social and Emotional Development (SED)
STANDARD / DESCRIPTION Developing a Sense of Self
ELEMENT SED1.The child will develop self-awareness.
ELEMENT/GLE SED1.4.48-60 Months
EXPECTATION SED1.4a.Identifies self as a unique member of a specific group or demographic that fits into a larger world picture.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
Family Photos
Family Talent Show
How Many Feet?
Tips for storytelling: Story ideas
EXPECTATION SED1.4b.Identifies personal characteristics, preferences, thoughts, and feelings.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
Family Talent Show
I Remember When
If You're Happy & You Know It
EXPECTATION SED1.4c.Shows confidence in a range of abilities and the capacity to accomplish tasks and take on new tasks.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
Family Talent Show
I Remember When
If You're Happy & You Know It
STRAND/TOPIC GA.SED.Social and Emotional Development (SED)
STANDARD / DESCRIPTION Developing a Sense of Self
ELEMENT SED2.The child will engage in self-expression.
ELEMENT/GLE SED2.3.36-48 Months
EXPECTATION SED2.3a.Uses a combination of words, phrases, and actions to communicate needs, ideas, opinions, and preferences.

Book Selection
Selecting Books
Using a Menu to Order
What's for Dinner?
EXPECTATION SED2.3b.With adult guidance, uses verbal and non-verbal expressions to demonstrate a larger range of emotions, such as frustration, jealousy, and enthusiasm.

Funny Faces
Talking About Your Feelings
STRAND/TOPIC GA.SED.Social and Emotional Development (SED)
STANDARD / DESCRIPTION Developing a Sense of Self
ELEMENT SED2.The child will engage in self-expression.
ELEMENT/GLE SED2.4.48-60 Months
EXPECTATION SED2.4a.Effectively uses words, sentences, and actions to communicate needs, ideas, opinions, and preferences.

Book Selection
Selecting Books
Using a Menu to Order
What's for Dinner?
EXPECTATION SED2.4b.With adult guidance, uses verbal and non-verbal expressions to describe and explain a full range of emotions.

Funny Faces
Talking About Your Feelings
EXPECTATION SED2.4c.Uses pretend play to present emotions of self and others.

Funny Faces
In My Pond, Part 1
In My Pond, Part 2
Pretending Together
Stuffed Animal Stories
Talking About Your Feelings
Toy Stories
EXPECTATION SED2.4d.With adult guidance, distinguishes between positive and negative emotions and the conditions that evoke each.

Funny Faces
Talking About Your Feelings
STRAND/TOPIC GA.SED.Social and Emotional Development (SED)
ELEMENT SED3.The child will demonstrate self-control.
ELEMENT/GLE SED3.3.36-48 Months
EXPECTATION SED3.3a.Remembers and follows simple group rules and displays appropriate social behavior.

Choosing the Right Voice
Taking Turns
EXPECTATION SED3.3b.Regulates own emotions and behaviors with adult support when needed.

All Done
Decorating Cupcakes
How can I get my child to listen to me?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
Is my child overscheduled?
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
EXPECTATION SED3.3c.Regulates impulses with adult guidance.

All Done
Decorating Cupcakes
How can I get my child to listen to me?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
Is my child overscheduled?
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
STRAND/TOPIC GA.SED.Social and Emotional Development (SED)
ELEMENT SED3.The child will demonstrate self-control.
ELEMENT/GLE SED3.4.48-60 Months
EXPECTATION SED3.4a.Independently follows rules and routines.

How do I get my child to______?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
EXPECTATION SED3.4b.Regulates own emotions and behaviors and seeks out adult support when needed.

All Done
Decorating Cupcakes
How can I get my child to listen to me?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
Is my child overscheduled?
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
EXPECTATION SED3.4c.Regulates a range of impulses.

All Done
Decorating Cupcakes
How can I get my child to listen to me?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
Is my child overscheduled?
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
STRAND/TOPIC GA.SED.Social and Emotional Development (SED)
STANDARD / DESCRIPTION Developing a Sense of Self with Others
ELEMENT SED4.The child will develop relationships with adults.
ELEMENT/GLE SED4.3.36-48 Months
EXPECTATION SED4.3a.Shows signs of security and trust when separated from familiar adults.

Behavior is a form of communication
You are your child's first teacher
EXPECTATION SED4.3b.Uses a familiar adult’s facial expression to decide how to respond.

How can I get my child to listen to me?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
EXPECTATION SED4.3d.Seeks out adult for help.

How can I get my child to listen to me?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
STRAND/TOPIC GA.SED.Social and Emotional Development (SED)
STANDARD / DESCRIPTION Developing a Sense of Self with Others
ELEMENT SED4.The child will develop relationships with adults.
ELEMENT/GLE SED4.4.48-60 Months
EXPECTATION SED4.4b.Uses a familiar adult’s suggestions to decide how to respond to a specific situation.

How can I get my child to listen to me?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
EXPECTATION SED4.4d.Seeks out adults as a resource for help and assistance.

How can I get my child to listen to me?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
STRAND/TOPIC GA.SED.Social and Emotional Development (SED)
STANDARD / DESCRIPTION Developing a Sense of Self with Others
ELEMENT SED5.The child will develop relationships with peers.
ELEMENT/GLE SED5.3.36-48 Months
EXPECTATION SED5.3a.Initiates play with one or two other children.

Building Houses
Family Talent Show
Keep It Up
Taking Turns
Who has the Biggest Number?
EXPECTATION SED5.3b.Engages in mutual/cooperative play.

Building Houses
Family Talent Show
Keep It Up
Taking Turns
Who has the Biggest Number?
EXPECTATION SED5.3c.Seeks adult support to resolve some peer conflicts.

How can I stop my kids from fighting?
Talking About Your Feelings
EXPECTATION SED5.3d.Recognizes and names the feelings of peers.

Funny Faces
If You're Happy & You Know It
Talking About Your Feelings
Thank You Note
EXPECTATION SED5.3e.Shows emerging respect for peers’ personal space and belongings.

Funny Faces
If You're Happy & You Know It
Talking About Your Feelings
Thank You Note
STRAND/TOPIC GA.SED.Social and Emotional Development (SED)
STANDARD / DESCRIPTION Developing a Sense of Self with Others
ELEMENT SED5.The child will develop relationships with peers.
ELEMENT/GLE SED5.4.48-60 Months
EXPECTATION SED5.4a.Develops and maintains friendships with other children.

Building Houses
Family Talent Show
Keep It Up
Taking Turns
Who has the Biggest Number?
EXPECTATION SED5.4b.Plays cooperatively with a few peers for a sustained period of time.

Building Houses
Family Talent Show
Keep It Up
Taking Turns
Who has the Biggest Number?
EXPECTATION SED5.4c.Attempts to resolve conflicts using appropriate strategies.

How can I stop my kids from fighting?
Talking About Your Feelings
EXPECTATION SED5.4d.Shows emerging empathy and understanding of peers by attempting to comfort and help.

Funny Faces
If You're Happy & You Know It
Talking About Your Feelings
Thank You Note
EXPECTATION SED5.4e.Shows respect for peers’ personal space and belongings.

Funny Faces
If You're Happy & You Know It
Talking About Your Feelings
Thank You Note
STRAND/TOPIC GA.APL.Approaches to Play and Learning (APL)
STANDARD / DESCRIPTION Initiative and Exploration
ELEMENT APL1.The child will demonstrate initiative and self-direction.
ELEMENT/GLE APL1.3.36-48 Months
EXPECTATION APL1.3a.Initiates new tasks by him/herself.

Celebrate Learning
My Age
Shape Changers
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
EXPECTATION APL1.3b.Makes choices and completes some independent activities.

Celebrate Learning
My Age
Shape Changers
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
EXPECTATION APL1.3c.Makes plans and follows through on intentions.

Celebrate Learning
Setting Summer Learning Goals
STRAND/TOPIC GA.APL.Approaches to Play and Learning (APL)
STANDARD / DESCRIPTION Initiative and Exploration
ELEMENT APL1.The child will demonstrate initiative and self-direction.
ELEMENT/GLE APL1.4.48-60 Months
EXPECTATION APL1.4a.Takes initiative to learn new concepts and tries new experiences. Initiates and completes new tasks by himself/herself.

Celebrate Learning
My Age
Shape Changers
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
EXPECTATION APL1.4b.Selects and carries out activities without adult prompting.

Celebrate Learning
My Age
Shape Changers
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
EXPECTATION APL1.4c.Sets goals and develops and follows through on plans.

Celebrate Learning
Setting Summer Learning Goals
STRAND/TOPIC GA.APL.Approaches to Play and Learning (APL)
STANDARD / DESCRIPTION Initiative and Exploration
ELEMENT APL2.The child will demonstrate interest and curiosity.
ELEMENT/GLE APL2.3.36-48 Months
EXPECTATION APL2.3a.Demonstrates an increased willingness to participate in both familiar and new experiences.

Celebrate Learning
My Age
Shape Changers
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
EXPECTATION APL2.3b.Ask questions about unfamiliar objects, people, and experiences.

Color Word Sentences
Listening for Sounds
Phone Fun
EXPECTATION APL2.3c.Explores and manipulates both familiar and unfamiliar objects in the environment.

Celebrate Learning
My Age
Shape Changers
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
STRAND/TOPIC GA.APL.Approaches to Play and Learning (APL)
STANDARD / DESCRIPTION Initiative and Exploration
ELEMENT APL2.The child will demonstrate interest and curiosity.
ELEMENT/GLE APL2.4.48-60 Months
EXPECTATION APL2.4a.Demonstrates eagerness to learn about and discuss new topics, ideas and tasks.

Celebrate Learning
My Age
Shape Changers
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
EXPECTATION APL2.4b.Asks questions and seeks new information. With assistance, looks for new information and wants to know more.

Color Word Sentences
How can I get my child to listen to me?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
Listening for Sounds
Phone Fun
EXPECTATION APL2.4c.Increasingly seeks out and explores unfamiliar objects in the environment.

Celebrate Learning
My Age
Shape Changers
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
STRAND/TOPIC GA.APL.Approaches to Play and Learning (APL)
STANDARD / DESCRIPTION Attentiveness and Persistence
ELEMENT APL3.The child will demonstrate self-control.
ELEMENT/GLE APL3.3.36-48 Months
EXPECTATION APL3.3a.Engages in a structured activity for short periods of time to achieve a goal.

Celebrate Learning
My Age
Shape Changers
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
EXPECTATION APL3.3b.Wants to complete activities and do them well.

Celebrate Learning
My Age
Shape Changers
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
EXPECTATION APL3.3c.Begins to work cooperatively with others to achieve a goal or accomplish a task.

How can I stop my kids from fighting?
EXPECTATION APL3.3d.Keeps working on an activity even after setbacks.

Celebrate Learning
My Age
Shape Changers
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
STRAND/TOPIC GA.APL.Approaches to Play and Learning (APL)
STANDARD / DESCRIPTION Attentiveness and Persistence
ELEMENT APL3.The child will demonstrate self-control.
ELEMENT/GLE APL3.4.48-60 Months
EXPECTATION APL3.4a.Engages in independent activities and continues tasks over a period of time.

Celebrate Learning
My Age
Shape Changers
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
EXPECTATION APL3.4b.Practices to improve skills that have been accomplished.

Celebrate Learning
My Age
Shape Changers
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
EXPECTATION APL3.4c.Works cooperatively with others to successfully achieve a goal or accomplish a task.

Celebrate Learning
How can I stop my kids from fighting?
Setting Summer Learning Goals
EXPECTATION APL3.4d.Persists in trying to complete a task after previous attempts have failed.

Celebrate Learning
My Age
Shape Changers
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
STRAND/TOPIC GA.APL.Approaches to Play and Learning (APL)
ELEMENT APL4.The child will engage in a progression of individualized and imaginative play.
ELEMENT/GLE APL4.4.48-60 Months
EXPECTATION APL4.4a.Engages in elaborate and sustained imagined play and can distinguish between real life and fantasy.

In My Pond, Part 1
In My Pond, Part 2
Pretending Together
Stuffed Animal Stories
Toy Stories
STRAND/TOPIC GA.APL.Approaches to Play and Learning (APL)
ELEMENT APL5.The child will demonstrate a cooperative and flexible approach to play.
ELEMENT/GLE APL5.3.36-48 Months
EXPECTATION APL5.3b.Plans, initiates, and completes cooperative activities with adult guidance.

Celebrate Learning
My Age
Shape Changers
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
EXPECTATION APL5.3d.Demonstrates emerging flexibility in his/her approach to play and learning.

How can I stop my kids from fighting?
STRAND/TOPIC GA.APL.Approaches to Play and Learning (APL)
ELEMENT APL5.The child will demonstrate a cooperative and flexible approach to play.
ELEMENT/GLE APL5.4.48-60 Months
EXPECTATION APL5.4a.Willingly joins in sustained cooperative play and learning with others to complete a task.

How can I stop my kids from fighting?
EXPECTATION APL5.4d.Considers a variety of possible solutions and exhibits flexibility if an alternate approach is suggested by a peer or an adult.

How can I stop my kids from fighting?
STRAND/TOPIC GA.CLL.Communication, Language, and Literacy (CLL)
STANDARD / DESCRIPTION Receptive Language (Listening)
ELEMENT CLL1.The child will listen to conversations for a variety of purposes and demonstrate comprehension.
ELEMENT/GLE CLL1.3.36-48 Months
EXPECTATION CLL1.3a.Listens and responds to conversations and group discussions.

Color Word Sentences
Listening for Sounds
Pantry Talk Description
Taking Turns
EXPECTATION CLL1.3b.Listens to and follows multi-step directions with support.

Follow My Design
Follow the Leader
Little Miss Muffet Role Play
Making Patterns
Making Trail Mix
Mirror, Mirror
Mystery Bag
Rhyming Purse
Sequences of Sounds
Shopping for Clothes
Sink or Swim
EXPECTATION CLL1.3c.Responds to more complex questions with appropriate answers.

Baby Photo Fun
Color Word Sentences
Why should we tell family stories?
Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
STRAND/TOPIC GA.CLL.Communication, Language, and Literacy (CLL)
STANDARD / DESCRIPTION Receptive Language (Listening)
ELEMENT CLL1.The child will listen to conversations for a variety of purposes and demonstrate comprehension.
ELEMENT/GLE CLL1.4.48-60 Months
EXPECTATION CLL1.4a.Listens and responds on topic to conversations and group discussions for an extended period.

Color Word Sentences
Listening for Sounds
Pantry Talk Description
Taking Turns
EXPECTATION CLL1.4b.Listens to and follows multi-step directions.

Follow My Design
Follow the Leader
Little Miss Muffet Role Play
Making Patterns
Making Trail Mix
Mirror, Mirror
Mystery Bag
Rhyming Purse
Sequences of Sounds
Shopping for Clothes
Sink or Swim
STRAND/TOPIC GA.CLL.Communication, Language, and Literacy (CLL)
STANDARD / DESCRIPTION Receptive Language (Listening)
ELEMENT CLL2.The child will acquire vocabulary introduced in conversations, activities, stories, and/or books.
ELEMENT/GLE CLL2.3.36-48 Months
EXPECTATION CLL2.3a.Demonstrates understanding of vocabulary through everyday conversations.

Finding the Groceries
How Many Can You Name?
I Spy an Animal
Mystery Bag
EXPECTATION CLL2.3b.Listens and understands new vocabulary from activities, stories, and books.

Asking Wh- Questions
My Favorite Part
Reading Routines for Early Readers
Reading a Book for the Second Time
Recalling What Happened in a Story
Tips for helping your child love reading
STRAND/TOPIC GA.CLL.Communication, Language, and Literacy (CLL)
STANDARD / DESCRIPTION Receptive Language (Listening)
ELEMENT CLL2.The child will acquire vocabulary introduced in conversations, activities, stories, and/or books.
ELEMENT/GLE CLL2.4.48-60 Months
EXPECTATION CLL2.4a.Demonstrates understanding of more complex vocabulary through everyday conversations.

Finding the Groceries
How Many Can You Name?
I Spy an Animal
Mystery Bag
EXPECTATION CLL2.4b.Connects new vocabulary from activities, stories, and/or books with prior experiences and conversations.

Asking Wh- Questions
My Favorite Part
Reading Routines for Early Readers
Reading a Book for the Second Time
Recalling What Happened in a Story
Tips for helping your child love reading
STRAND/TOPIC GA.CLL.Communication, Language, and Literacy (CLL)
STANDARD / DESCRIPTION Expressive Language
ELEMENT CLL3.The child will use non-verbal communication for a variety of purposes.
ELEMENT/GLE CLL3.3.36-48 Months
EXPECTATION CLL3.3a.Uses gestures actions to enhance verbal communication of needs and wants.

Behavior is a form of communication
EXPECTATION CLL3.3b.Communicates feelings using non-verbal gestures and actions.

Funny Faces
If You're Happy & You Know It
Talking About Your Feelings
STRAND/TOPIC GA.CLL.Communication, Language, and Literacy (CLL)
STANDARD / DESCRIPTION Expressive Language
ELEMENT CLL3.The child will use non-verbal communication for a variety of purposes.
ELEMENT/GLE CLL3.4.48-60 Months
EXPECTATION CLL3.4a.Uses more complex gestures and actions to enhance verbal communication of needs and wants.

Behavior is a form of communication
EXPECTATION CLL3.4b.Communicates feelings using appropriate non-verbal gestures, body language, and actions.

Funny Faces
If You're Happy & You Know It
Talking About Your Feelings
STRAND/TOPIC GA.CLL.Communication, Language, and Literacy (CLL)
STANDARD / DESCRIPTION Expressive Language
ELEMENT CLL4.The child will use increasingly complex spoken language.
ELEMENT/GLE CLL4.3.36-48 Months
EXPECTATION CLL4.3a.Speaks clearly enough to be understood.

Choosing the Right Voice
EXPECTATION CLL4.3b.Demonstrates use of expanded sentences and sentence structures.

All Mixed Up
Family Photos
Pantry Talk Description
Phone Fun
Who Should We Ask?
EXPECTATION CLL4.3c.Describes activities and experiences using details.

Putting Away the Groceries
Table Riddles
EXPECTATION CLL4.3d.Uses expanded vocabulary in a variety of situations.

Finding the Groceries
How Many Can You Name?
I Spy an Animal
Mystery Bag
STRAND/TOPIC GA.CLL.Communication, Language, and Literacy (CLL)
STANDARD / DESCRIPTION Expressive Language
ELEMENT CLL4.The child will use increasingly complex spoken language.
ELEMENT/GLE CLL4.4.48-60 Months
EXPECTATION CLL4.4a.Uses spoken language that can be understood with ease.

Choosing the Right Voice
EXPECTATION CLL4.4b.Demonstrates use of expanded sentences and sentence structures to ask questions and/or respond verbally.

All Mixed Up
Baby Photo Fun
Color Word Sentences
Family Photos
Listening for Sounds
Pantry Talk Description
Phone Fun
Who Should We Ask?
Why should we tell family stories?
Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
EXPECTATION CLL4.4c.Describes activities, experiences, and stories with more detail.

Putting Away the Groceries
Table Riddles
EXPECTATION CLL4.4d.Uses new and expanded vocabulary in a variety of situations.

Finding the Groceries
How Many Can You Name?
I Spy an Animal
Mystery Bag
STRAND/TOPIC GA.CLL.Communication, Language, and Literacy (CLL)
ELEMENT CLL5.The child will acquire meaning from a variety of materials read to him/her.
ELEMENT/GLE CLL5.3.36-48 Months
EXPECTATION CLL5.3a.Prior to reading, uses pictures to predict story content.

Book Selection
Picture Walk Predictions
Selecting Books
Text to Self Connections
Tips for helping your child love reading
EXPECTATION CLL5.3b.With prompting and support, retells a simple story using pictures.

All About My Day
Book Bag Descriptions
Family Movie Night
Family Photos
Grandparent Storytime
My Favorite Part
Reading a Book for the Second Time
Recalling What Happened in a Story
Retelling the Story
Tips for helping your child love reading
Tips for storytelling: Using gestures
EXPECTATION CLL5.3c.Answers questions about a story.

Asking Wh- Questions
Book Bag Descriptions
Getting Information from Pictures
Making Connections PreK
Reading Routines for Early Readers
Reading a Book for the Second Time
Recalling What Happened in a Story
Think About It
Tips for helping your child love reading
STRAND/TOPIC GA.CLL.Communication, Language, and Literacy (CLL)
ELEMENT CLL5.The child will acquire meaning from a variety of materials read to him/her.
ELEMENT/GLE CLL5.4.48-60 Months
EXPECTATION CLL5.4a.Prior to reading, uses prior knowledge, story title, and pictures to make predictions about story content.

Book Selection
Funny Reading
Getting Information from Pictures
Just the Facts
Picture Walk Predictions
Selecting Books
Text to Self Connections
Tips for helping your child love reading
EXPECTATION CLL5.4b.Retells familiar stories.

All About My Day
Book Bag Descriptions
Family Movie Night
Family Photos
Grandparent Storytime
My Favorite Part
Reading a Book for the Second Time
Recalling What Happened in a Story
Retelling the Story
Tips for helping your child love reading
Tips for storytelling: Using gestures
EXPECTATION CLL5.4c.Discusses books or stories read aloud and can identify characters and setting in a story.

Asking Wh- Questions
Just the Facts
Making Connections PreK
My Favorite Part
Reading Routines for Early Readers
Reading a Book for the Second Time
Recalling What Happened in a Story
Text to Self Connections
Tips for helping your child love reading
EXPECTATION CLL5.4d.Makes real-world connections between stories and real-life experiences.

Getting Information from Pictures
Just the Facts
Picture Walk Predictions
EXPECTATION CLL5.4e.Develops an alternate ending for a story.

Itsy Bitsy Spider Illustrations
STRAND/TOPIC GA.CLL.Communication, Language, and Literacy (CLL)
ELEMENT CLL6.The child will develop early phonological awareness (awareness of units of sound).
ELEMENT/GLE CLL6.3.36-48 Months
EXPECTATION CLL6.3a.Listens and matches rhythm, volume, and pitch of rhymes, songs and chants.

Choosing the Right Voice
If You're Happy & You Know It
Itsy Bitsy Spider Illustrations
Sliding to Nursery Rhymes
Why should I sing to my baby?
EXPECTATION CLL6.3b.Identifies and produces rhyming words with adult guidance.

Finish the Rhyme
Hopping Rhyming
Little Miss Muffet Role Play
Reading with Jack and Jill
Rhyming Purse
Rhyming Toss
Rhyming with Jack and Jill
Sliding to Nursery Rhymes
Twinkle, Twinkle Rhymes
EXPECTATION CLL6.3d.Segments sentences into individual words with adult’s guidance.

Color Word Sentences
Reading with Jack and Jill
Sentence Segmenting
Starting a Word Bank
Words on the Page
EXPECTATION CLL6.3e.Segments words into syllables with adult guidance.

Frog Hopping
Grocery Sack Syllables
Sequences of Sounds
STRAND/TOPIC GA.CLL.Communication, Language, and Literacy (CLL)
ELEMENT CLL6.The child will develop early phonological awareness (awareness of units of sound).
ELEMENT/GLE CLL6.4.48-60 Months
EXPECTATION CLL6.4a.Listens and differentiates between sounds that are the same and different.

Color Word Sentences
Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down
EXPECTATION CLL6.4b.Identifies and produces rhyming words.

Finish the Rhyme
Hopping Rhyming
Little Miss Muffet Role Play
Reading with Jack and Jill
Rhyming Purse
Rhyming Toss
Rhyming with Jack and Jill
Sliding to Nursery Rhymes
Twinkle, Twinkle Rhymes
EXPECTATION CLL6.4c.Isolates the initial (beginning) sounds in words with adult guidance.

Listen My Children
Making a Grocery List
Signaling for Sounds
Swinging to Sounds
Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down
EXPECTATION CLL6.4d.Segments sentences into individual words.

Color Word Sentences
Reading with Jack and Jill
Sentence Segmenting
Starting a Word Bank
Words on the Page
EXPECTATION CLL6.4e.Segments words into syllables.

Frog Hopping
Grocery Sack Syllables
Sequences of Sounds
EXPECTATION CLL6.4f.Manipulates and blends sounds (phonemes) with adult guidance.

Drumming Sounds
Echo Game
Lazy Letters
Sequences of Sounds
STRAND/TOPIC GA.CLL.Communication, Language, and Literacy (CLL)
ELEMENT CLL7.The child will demonstrate increasing knowledge of the alphabet.
ELEMENT/GLE CLL7.3.36-48 Months
EXPECTATION CLL7.3a.With prompting and support, can identify some letters of the alphabet.

Jump Rope Letters
Letter Hunt
Letter Sort
Magnetic Letter Mix Up
Making Letter Soup
Name Game
Point the ABC Song
Reading the Grocery List
Searching for Sounds at the Store
Shopping for Clothes
Silverware Alphabet
Stomp the Letter
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
STRAND/TOPIC GA.CLL.Communication, Language, and Literacy (CLL)
ELEMENT CLL7.The child will demonstrate increasing knowledge of the alphabet.
ELEMENT/GLE CLL7.4.48-60 Months
EXPECTATION CLL7.4a.With prompting and support, recognizes and names some upper and lower case letters of the alphabet.

Jump Rope Letters
Letter Hunt
Looking for Letters in Ads
Name Game
Shopping for Clothes
Stomp the Letter
STRAND/TOPIC GA.CLL.Communication, Language, and Literacy (CLL)
ELEMENT CLL8.The child will demonstrate awareness of print concepts.
ELEMENT/GLE CLL8.3.36-48 Months
EXPECTATION CLL8.3a.Shares self-selected familiar books and engages in pretend reading with others.

Reading Routines for Early Readers
Tips for helping your child love reading
EXPECTATION CLL8.3c.Independently holds a book right side up and turns pages from right to left.

Chime In
Color Word Sentences
Funny Reading
Reading the Grocery List
Reading with Jack and Jill
Stuffed Animal Sentences
Stuffed Animal Stories
Words on the Page
EXPECTATION CLL8.3d.Recognizes environmental print.

Shopping for Clothes
EXPECTATION CLL8.3e.With adult guidance, points to the title of familiar books or stories and where to begin reading.

Funny Reading
STRAND/TOPIC GA.CLL.Communication, Language, and Literacy (CLL)
ELEMENT CLL8.The child will demonstrate awareness of print concepts.
ELEMENT/GLE CLL8.4.48-60 Months
EXPECTATION CLL8.4a.Demonstrates interest in different kinds of literature, such as fiction books, non-fiction books, and poetry, on a range of topics.

Getting Information from Pictures
Just the Facts
EXPECTATION CLL8.4b.Understands that letters form words. Understands that words are separated by spaces in print.

Looking for Letters in Ads
Reading with Jack and Jill
Starting a Word Bank
Words on the Page
EXPECTATION CLL8.4c.With prompting and support, tracks words from left to right, top to bottom, and page to page.

Chime In
Color Word Sentences
Funny Reading
Reading the Grocery List
Reading with Jack and Jill
Stuffed Animal Sentences
Stuffed Animal Stories
Words on the Page
EXPECTATION CLL8.4d.Recognizes and reads environmental print.

Shopping for Clothes
EXPECTATION CLL8.4e.Identifies the front, back, top, and bottom of a book. Points to the title of familiar books or stories and where to begin reading a story.

Funny Reading
STRAND/TOPIC GA.CLL.Communication, Language, and Literacy (CLL)
ELEMENT CLL9.The child will use writing for a variety of purposes.
ELEMENT/GLE CLL9.3.36-48 Months
EXPECTATION CLL9.3b.Uses writing tools with adult guidance.

Jump Rope Letters
Making a Grocery List
Silverware Alphabet
Weekend News
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
EXPECTATION CLL9.3c.Shows emerging awareness that writing can be used for a variety of purposes.

Making a Grocery List
Using a Menu to Order
STRAND/TOPIC GA.CLL.Communication, Language, and Literacy (CLL)
ELEMENT CLL9.The child will use writing for a variety of purposes.
ELEMENT/GLE CLL9.4.48-60 Months
EXPECTATION CLL9.4a.Draws pictures and copies letters and/or numbers to communicate.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
Making a Grocery List
May I Take your Order?
Mirror, Mirror
Shaving Cream Shapes
Thank You Note
Three Ways to Show a Number
Using a Menu to Order
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
EXPECTATION CLL9.4b.Uses writing tools.

Jump Rope Letters
Making a Grocery List
Silverware Alphabet
Weekend News
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
EXPECTATION CLL9.4c.Uses writing for a variety of purposes.

Making a Grocery List
Using a Menu to Order
EXPECTATION CLL9.4d.Writes some letters of the alphabet.

Jump Rope Letters
Making a Grocery List
Silverware Alphabet
Weekend News
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
STANDARD / DESCRIPTION Number and Quantity
ELEMENT CD-MA1.The child will organize, represent, and build knowledge of quantity and number.
ELEMENT/GLE CD-MA1.3.36-48 Months
EXPECTATION CD-MA1.3a.Recites numbers up to 10 in sequence.

Acorns and Pinecones
Adding Ice
Apple Pie
Block Tower
Counting Signs
Domino Match-Up
Fruit Salad
How Many Can I Grab?
How Many Feet?
How Many Steps to Bed?
How Many in the Car?
How Old Are You?
Keep It Up
May I Take your Order?
More Grapes
More than Ten
Penny Drop
Quick Dots
Show Me
Skipping Around
Taking Inventory
The Number Stays the Same
EXPECTATION CD-MA1.3b.Recognizes numerals and quantities in the everyday environment.

Fruit Salad
Magazine Number Hunt
Numbers Everywhere
EXPECTATION CD-MA1.3d.Identifies quantity and comparisons of quantity.

Acorns and Pinecones
Cereal Challenge
Make a Tower of Ten
More than Ten
Sharing Goldfish
Slap One More
Snack Fractions
Who has the Biggest Number?
EXPECTATION CD-MA1.3e.Quickly recognizes and names how many items are in a set up to three items.

Domino Match-Up
How Many in a Set?
More Grapes
Quick Dots
Show Me
Slap One More
Three Ways to Show a Number
STANDARD / DESCRIPTION Number and Quantity
ELEMENT CD-MA1.The child will organize, represent, and build knowledge of quantity and number.
ELEMENT/GLE CD-MA1.4.48-60 Months
EXPECTATION CD-MA1.4a.Recites numbers up to 20 in sequence.

How Many Can I Grab?
Keep It Up
Penny Drop
Rub a Dub Counting
EXPECTATION CD-MA1.4b.Recognizes numerals and uses counting as part of play and as a means for determining quantity.

Acorns and Pinecones
Adding Ice
Block Tower
Domino Match-Up
Fruit Salad
How Many Feet?
How Many Steps to Bed?
How Many in the Car?
How Old Are You?
Keep It Up
Magazine Number Hunt
More than Ten
Numbers Everywhere
Show Me
Taking Inventory
EXPECTATION CD-MA1.4d.Describes sets as having more, less, same as/equal.

Acorns and Pinecones
Cereal Challenge
Make a Tower of Ten
More than Ten
Sharing Goldfish
Slap One More
Snack Fractions
Who has the Biggest Number?
EXPECTATION CD-MA1.4e.Quickly recognizes and names how many items are in a set up to four items.

Domino Match-Up
How Many in a Set?
More Grapes
Quick Dots
Show Me
Slap One More
Three Ways to Show a Number
EXPECTATION CD-MA1.4f.Tells numbers that come before and after a given number up to 10.

Keep It Up
One Less
One More
Slap One More
Special Day Countdown
Who has the Biggest Number?
STANDARD / DESCRIPTION Number and Quantity
ELEMENT CD-MA2.The child will manipulate, compare, and describe relationships using quantity and number.
ELEMENT/GLE CD-MA2.3.36-48 Months
EXPECTATION CD-MA2.3a.Matches two equal sets using one-to-one correspondence independently.

Acorns and Pinecones
Make a Tower of Ten
Sharing Goldfish
Snack Fractions
Who has the Biggest Number?
EXPECTATION CD-MA2.3b.Counts up to five objects using one-to-one correspondence with adult guidance.

Acorns and Pinecones
Adding Ice
Apple Pie
Candy Sort and Graph
Counting Signs
Decorating Cupcakes
Fruit Salad
How Many Can I Grab?
How Many Feet?
How Many Steps to Bed?
How Many in the Car?
How Old Are You?
Lily Pad Hop
Measure your Steps
Penny Drop
The Number Stays the Same
Three Ways to Show a Number
Under the Cup
What's for Dinner?
EXPECTATION CD-MA2.3c.Recognizes that objects or sets can be combined or separated.

Building Houses
Finger Shapes
Guess My Shape
Mirror, Mirror
Pantry Sort 1
Pantry Sort 2
Shape Changers
Shape Hunt
Shaving Cream Shapes
Ways to Cut a Sandwich
EXPECTATION CD-MA2.3d.Participates in creating and using real and pictorial graphs or other simple representations of data.

Dino Dig
Sort and Graph Leaves
STANDARD / DESCRIPTION Number and Quantity
ELEMENT CD-MA2.The child will manipulate, compare, and describe relationships using quantity and number.
ELEMENT/GLE CD-MA2.4.48-60 Months
EXPECTATION CD-MA2.4a.Matches two equal sets using one-to-one correspondence and understands they are the same.

Acorns and Pinecones
Make a Tower of Ten
Sharing Goldfish
Snack Fractions
Who has the Biggest Number?
EXPECTATION CD-MA2.4b.Counts at least 10 objects using one-to-one correspondence.

Acorns and Pinecones
All Done
Apple Pie
Block Tower
Cereal Challenge
Checkout Countdown
Domino Match-Up
More Grapes
Penny Drop
Show Me
The Number Stays the Same
Three Little Animals
EXPECTATION CD-MA2.4c.Practices combining, separating, and naming quantities.

All Done
Checkout Countdown
Decorating Cupcakes
Fruit Salad
How Many Feet?
In My Pond, Part 1
In My Pond, Part 2
Magazine Number Hunt
Make a Tower of Ten
Numbers Everywhere
One Less
One More
Packing for Our Trip
Rock Toss
Three Little Animals
EXPECTATION CD-MA2.4d.Describes data from classroom graphs using numerical math language.

Cereal Challenge
EXPECTATION CD-MA2.4e.With adult guidance and when counting, understands and can respond with the last number counted to represent quantity (cardinality).

Acorns and Pinecones
Adding Ice
Apple Pie
Candy Sort and Graph
Counting Signs
Decorating Cupcakes
Fruit Salad
How Many Can I Grab?
How Many Feet?
How Many Steps to Bed?
How Many in the Car?
How Old Are You?
Lily Pad Hop
Measure your Steps
Penny Drop
The Number Stays the Same
Three Ways to Show a Number
Under the Cup
What's for Dinner?
STANDARD / DESCRIPTION Measurement and Comparison
ELEMENT CD-MA3.The child will explore and communicate about distance, weight, length, height, and time.
ELEMENT/GLE CD-MA3.3.36-48 Months
EXPECTATION CD-MA3.3a.Labels objects using size words.

Bookcase Problem
Building Houses
Comparing Vegetables
Leap Frog Measure
Measuring the Table
Near and Far
EXPECTATION CD-MA3.3b.Compares two or more objects using a single attribute, such as length, weight, and size and matches items of similar sizes.

Bookcase Problem
Building Houses
Comparing Vegetables
Leap Frog Measure
Measuring the Table
Near and Far
EXPECTATION CD-MA3.3d.Predicts upcoming events from prior knowledge.

All About My Day
Which Takes Longer?
Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
STANDARD / DESCRIPTION Measurement and Comparison
ELEMENT CD-MA3.The child will explore and communicate about distance, weight, length, height, and time.
ELEMENT/GLE CD-MA3.4.48-60 Months
EXPECTATION CD-MA3.4b.Compares objects using two or more attributes, such as length, weight, and size.

Bookcase Problem
Building Houses
Comparing Vegetables
Leap Frog Measure
Measuring the Table
Near and Far
EXPECTATION CD-MA3.4c.Uses a variety of techniques and standard and nonstandard tools to measure and compare length, volume (capacity) and weight.

Bookcase Problem
EXPECTATION CD-MA3.4d.Associates and describes the passage of time with actual events.

Which Takes Longer?
STANDARD / DESCRIPTION Measurement and Comparison
ELEMENT CD-MA4.The child will sort, order, classify, and create patterns.
ELEMENT/GLE CD-MA4.3.36-48 Months
EXPECTATION CD-MA4.3a.Independently orders objects using one characteristic.

Bookcase Problem
Building Houses
Comparing Vegetables
Leap Frog Measure
Measuring the Table
Near and Far
EXPECTATION CD-MA4.3b.Sorts objects by one attribute such as color, shape or size.

Candy Sort and Graph
I Spy a Coin
I Spy an Animal
Letter Sort
Likely or Unlikely
Sort and Graph Leaves
Sorting Laundry
EXPECTATION CD-MA4.3c.Identifies and duplicates simple, repeating patterns.

Making Patterns
My Age
Setting the Table
Sound Patterns
Speedometer Math
The Fence Problem
STANDARD / DESCRIPTION Measurement and Comparison
ELEMENT CD-MA4.The child will sort, order, classify, and create patterns.
ELEMENT/GLE CD-MA4.4.48-60 Months
EXPECTATION CD-MA4.4a.Independently orders objects using one characteristic and describes the criteria used.

Bookcase Problem
Building Houses
Comparing Vegetables
Leap Frog Measure
Measuring the Table
Near and Far
EXPECTATION CD-MA4.4b.Sorts and classifies objects using one or more attributes or relationships.

Candy Sort and Graph
I Spy a Coin
I Spy an Animal
Letter Sort
Likely or Unlikely
Sort and Graph Leaves
Sorting Laundry
EXPECTATION CD-MA4.4c.Creates and extends simple, repeating patterns.

Making Patterns
My Age
Setting the Table
Sound Patterns
Speedometer Math
The Fence Problem
STANDARD / DESCRIPTION Geometry and Spatial Thinking
ELEMENT CD-MA5.The child will explore, recognize, and describe spatial relationships between objects.
ELEMENT/GLE CD-MA5.3.36-48 Months
EXPECTATION CD-MA5.3a.Follows simple directions which demonstrates an understanding of directionality, order and position of objects.

Bookcase Problem
Finding the Groceries
Follow My Design
Follow the Leader
Following Directions
Jump to It
Little Miss Muffet Role Play
Mirror, Mirror
Near and Far
Race Car Transformations
Stuffed Animal Olympics
Treasure Map
EXPECTATION CD-MA5.3b.Begins using more deliberate manipulation to fit objects together.

Bookcase Problem
Finding the Groceries
Follow My Design
Follow the Leader
Following Directions
Jump to It
Little Miss Muffet Role Play
Mirror, Mirror
Near and Far
Race Car Transformations
Stuffed Animal Olympics
Treasure Map
STANDARD / DESCRIPTION Geometry and Spatial Thinking
ELEMENT CD-MA5.The child will explore, recognize, and describe spatial relationships between objects.
ELEMENT/GLE CD-MA5.4.48-60 Months
EXPECTATION CD-MA5.4a.Uses appropriate directional language to indicate where things are in their environment: positions, distances, order.

Bookcase Problem
Finding the Groceries
Follow My Design
Follow the Leader
Following Directions
Jump to It
Little Miss Muffet Role Play
Mirror, Mirror
Near and Far
Race Car Transformations
Stuffed Animal Olympics
Treasure Map
EXPECTATION CD-MA5.4b.Uses deliberate manipulation and describes process for fitting objects together.

Bookcase Problem
Finding the Groceries
Follow My Design
Follow the Leader
Following Directions
Jump to It
Little Miss Muffet Role Play
Mirror, Mirror
Near and Far
Race Car Transformations
Stuffed Animal Olympics
Treasure Map
STANDARD / DESCRIPTION Geometry and Spatial Thinking
ELEMENT CD-MA6.The child will explore, recognize, and describe shapes and shape concepts.
ELEMENT/GLE CD-MA6.3.36-48 Months
EXPECTATION CD-MA6.3a.Recognizes basic, two-dimensional shapes in the environment independently.

Buying Oranges
Finger Shapes
Guess My Shape
Mirror, Mirror
Shape Changers
Shape Hunt
Shaving Cream Shapes
Ways to Cut a Sandwich
STANDARD / DESCRIPTION Geometry and Spatial Thinking
ELEMENT CD-MA6.The child will explore, recognize, and describe shapes and shape concepts.
ELEMENT/GLE CD-MA6.4.48-60 Months
EXPECTATION CD-MA6.4a.Recognizes and names common two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes, their parts, and attributes.

Building Houses
Finger Shapes
Guess My Shape
Mirror, Mirror
Pantry Sort 1
Pantry Sort 2
Shape Changers
Shape Hunt
Shaving Cream Shapes
Ways to Cut a Sandwich
EXPECTATION CD-MA6.4b.Combines simple shapes to form new shapes.

Building Houses
Finger Shapes
Guess My Shape
Mirror, Mirror
Pantry Sort 1
Pantry Sort 2
Shape Changers
Shape Hunt
Shaving Cream Shapes
Ways to Cut a Sandwich
STANDARD / DESCRIPTION Mathematical Reasoning
ELEMENT CD-MA7.The child will use mathematical problem solving, reasoning, estimation, and communication.
ELEMENT/GLE CD-MA7.3.36-48 Months
EXPECTATION CD-MA7.3b.Shows interest in solving mathematical problems.

Special Day Countdown
EXPECTATION CD-MA7.3c.Uses emerging reasoning skills to determine a solution to a mathematical problem.

Special Day Countdown
STANDARD / DESCRIPTION Mathematical Reasoning
ELEMENT CD-MA7.The child will use mathematical problem solving, reasoning, estimation, and communication.
ELEMENT/GLE CD-MA7.4.48-60 Months
EXPECTATION CD-MA7.4b.Uses simple strategies to solve mathematical problems and communicates how he/she solved it.

Special Day Countdown
EXPECTATION CD-MA7.4c.Uses reasoning skills to determine the solution to a mathematical problem and communicates why.

Special Day Countdown
STRAND/TOPIC GA.CD-SC.Cognitive Development: Science (CD-SC)
STANDARD / DESCRIPTION Scientific Skills and Methods
ELEMENT CD-SC1.The child will demonstrate scientific inquiry skills.
ELEMENT/GLE CD-SC1.3.36-48 Months
EXPECTATION CD-SC1.3a.Uses senses to observe and experience objects and environment.

Grocery Store Conversations
Sink or Float
EXPECTATION CD-SC1.3c.Records observations through drawings or dictations with adult guidance.

Grocery Store Conversations
Sink or Float
EXPECTATION CD-SC1.3d.Participates in simple experiments and discusses scientific properties.

Sink or Float
STRAND/TOPIC GA.CD-SC.Cognitive Development: Science (CD-SC)
STANDARD / DESCRIPTION Scientific Skills and Methods
ELEMENT CD-SC1.The child will demonstrate scientific inquiry skills.
ELEMENT/GLE CD-SC1.4.48-60 Months
EXPECTATION CD-SC1.4a.Uses senses to observe, classify, and learn about objects and environment.

Grocery Store Conversations
Sink or Float
EXPECTATION CD-SC1.4c.Records observations through dictating to an adult and drawing pictures or using other forms of writing.

Grocery Store Conversations
Sink or Float
EXPECTATION CD-SC1.4d.Experiments, compares, and formulates hypotheses related to scientific properties.

Acorns and Pinecones
Measure your Steps
Strawberries for a Picnic
STRAND/TOPIC GA.CD-SC.Cognitive Development: Science (CD-SC)
ELEMENT CD-SC2.The child will demonstrate knowledge related to the dynamic properties of earth and sky.
ELEMENT/GLE CD-SC2.4.48-60 Months
EXPECTATION CD-SC2.4c.Makes simple observations of the characteristics, movement, and seasonal changes of sun, moon, stars, and clouds. Compares the day time/night time cycle.

Grocery Store Conversations
Sink or Float
EXPECTATION CD-SC2.4d.Using appropriate vocabulary to discuss climate and changes in weather.

Grocery Store Weights
I'm Thinking of an Animal
Mystery Bag
Strawberries for a Picnic
STRAND/TOPIC GA.CD-SS.Cognitive Development: Social Studies (CD-SS)
ELEMENT CD-SS1.The child will demonstrate understanding of his/her family and an emerging awareness of their own culture and ethnicity.
ELEMENT/GLE CD-SS1.3.36-48 Months
EXPECTATION CD-SS1.3a.Identifies self in relationship to his/her family unit.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
Family Photos
Family Talent Show
How Many Feet?
Tips for storytelling: Story ideas
EXPECTATION CD-SS1.3b.Identifies similarities and differences between self and others.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
Family Photos
Family Talent Show
How Many Feet?
Tips for storytelling: Story ideas
STRAND/TOPIC GA.CD-SS.Cognitive Development: Social Studies (CD-SS)
ELEMENT CD-SS1.The child will demonstrate understanding of his/her family and an emerging awareness of their own culture and ethnicity.
ELEMENT/GLE CD-SS1.4.48-60 Months
EXPECTATION CD-SS1.4a.Describes his/her family structure and family roles.

My Address
EXPECTATION CD-SS1.4b.Describes similarities and differences between self and others.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
Family Photos
Family Talent Show
How Many Feet?
Tips for storytelling: Story ideas
STRAND/TOPIC GA.CD-SS.Cognitive Development: Social Studies (CD-SS)
STANDARD / DESCRIPTION People and Community
ELEMENT CD-SS2.The child will demonstrate an understanding of his/her community and an emerging awareness of others’ culture and ethnicity.
ELEMENT/GLE CD-SS2.3.36-48 Months
EXPECTATION CD-SS2.3a.Remembers rules of the classroom community and displays appropriate social behavior.

How can I stop my kids from fighting?
How do I get my child to______?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
EXPECTATION CD-SS2.3b.Explains traditions and cultural celebrations of his/her own family.

Family Photos
Family Talent Show
Grandparent Storytime
Why is storytelling important?
Why should we tell family stories?
EXPECTATION CD-SS2.3c.Asks simple questions about others’ cultures.

Family Photos
Family Talent Show
Grandparent Storytime
Why should we tell family stories?
STRAND/TOPIC GA.CD-SS.Cognitive Development: Social Studies (CD-SS)
STANDARD / DESCRIPTION People and Community
ELEMENT CD-SS2.The child will demonstrate an understanding of his/her community and an emerging awareness of others’ culture and ethnicity.
ELEMENT/GLE CD-SS2.4.48-60 Months
EXPECTATION CD-SS2.4a.Identifies and follows rules of the classroom community and displays competence at engaging in appropriate social behavior.

How can I stop my kids from fighting?
How do I get my child to______?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
EXPECTATION CD-SS2.4b.Explains diverse customs and cultural celebrations within the home, classroom and community.

Family Photos
Family Talent Show
Grandparent Storytime
Why is storytelling important?
Why should we tell family stories?
EXPECTATION CD-SS2.4c.Recognizes similarities and differences between own cultures and that of others.

Family Photos
Family Talent Show
Grandparent Storytime
Why should we tell family stories?
STRAND/TOPIC GA.CD-SS.Cognitive Development: Social Studies (CD-SS)
STANDARD / DESCRIPTION People and Community
ELEMENT CD-SS3.The will demonstrate an awareness of geography in his/her community.
ELEMENT/GLE CD-SS3.4.48-60 Months
EXPECTATION CD-SS3.4a.Creates simple representations of home, school, and community.

My Address
STRAND/TOPIC GA.CD-SS.Cognitive Development: Social Studies (CD-SS)
STANDARD / DESCRIPTION People and Community
ELEMENT CD-SS4.The child will demonstrate an awareness of economics in his/her community.
ELEMENT/GLE CD-SS4.4.48-60 Months
EXPECTATION CD-SS4.4c.Describes how people interact economically and how goods and services are exchanged.

Making a Grocery List
STRAND/TOPIC GA.CD-SS.Cognitive Development: Social Studies (CD-SS)
ELEMENT CD-SS5.The child will understand the passage of time and how events are related.
ELEMENT/GLE CD-SS5.4.48-60 Months
EXPECTATION CD-SS5.4a.Recognizes and describes sequence of events with accuracy.

Sequences of Sounds
STRAND/TOPIC GA.CD-CR.Cognitive Development: Creative Development (CD-CR)
ELEMENT CD-CR2.The child will create, observe, and analyze visual art forms to develop artistic expression.
ELEMENT/GLE CD-CR2.3.36-48 Months
EXPECTATION CD-CR2.3a.Uses a variety of tools and art media to express individual creativity.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
May I Take your Order?
Mirror, Mirror
Shaving Cream Shapes
Three Ways to Show a Number
Using a Menu to Order
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
STRAND/TOPIC GA.CD-CR.Cognitive Development: Creative Development (CD-CR)
ELEMENT CD-CR2.The child will create, observe, and analyze visual art forms to develop artistic expression.
ELEMENT/GLE CD-CR2.4.48-60 Months
EXPECTATION CD-CR2.4a.Uses materials to create original work for self-expression and to express individual creativity.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
May I Take your Order?
Mirror, Mirror
Shaving Cream Shapes
Three Ways to Show a Number
Using a Menu to Order
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
STRAND/TOPIC GA.CD-CR.Cognitive Development: Creative Development (CD-CR)
ELEMENT CD-CR4.The child will use drama to express creativity.
ELEMENT/GLE CD-CR4.3.36-48 Months
EXPECTATION CD-CR4.3c.Creates various voice inflections and facial expressions in play.

Choosing the Right Voice
EXPECTATION CD-CR4.3d.Identifies real and make-believe situations through dramatic play.

In My Pond, Part 1
In My Pond, Part 2
Pretending Together
Stuffed Animal Stories
Toy Stories
STRAND/TOPIC GA.CD-CR.Cognitive Development: Creative Development (CD-CR)
ELEMENT CD-CR4.The child will use drama to express creativity.
ELEMENT/GLE CD-CR4.4.48-60 Months
EXPECTATION CD-CR4.4c.Represents a character by using voice inflections and facial expressions.

Choosing the Right Voice
STRAND/TOPIC GA.CD-CP.Cognitive Development: Cognitive Processes (CD-CP)
ELEMENT CD-CP1.The child will demonstrate awareness of cause and effect.
ELEMENT/GLE CD-CP1.4.48-60 Months
EXPECTATION CD-CP1.4c.Draws conclusions based on facts and evidence.

Baby Photo Fun
Book Selection
Just the Facts
Making Connections PreK
Reading a Book for the Second Time
Recalling What Happened in a Story
Selecting Books
Text to Self Connections
STRAND/TOPIC GA.CD-CP.Cognitive Development: Cognitive Processes (CD-CP)
ELEMENT CD-CP2.The child will use prior knowledge to build new knowledge.
ELEMENT/GLE CD-CP2.3.36-48 Months
EXPECTATION CD-CP2.3a.Uses objects as intended in new activities.

Celebrate Learning
My Age
Shape Changers
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
EXPECTATION CD-CP2.3b.Uses observation and imitation to acquire knowledge.

Baby Photo Fun
Making Connections PreK
Sink or Float
Zoo in My Room
EXPECTATION CD-CP2.3c.Identifies familiar objects and people in new situations.

Baby Photo Fun
Behavior is a form of communication
Making Connections PreK
You are your child's first teacher
Zoo in My Room
EXPECTATION CD-CP2.3d.Uses clues and sequence of events to infer and predict what will happen next.

Baby Photo Fun
Making Connections PreK
Sequences of Sounds
Zoo in My Room
EXPECTATION CD-CP2.3e.Discusses how new learning related to concrete objects is based on prior knowledge.

Baby Photo Fun
Color Word Sentences
If You're Happy & You Know It
Making Connections PreK
Pantry Talk Description
Phone Fun
Taking Turns
Who Should We Ask?
Zoo in My Room
STRAND/TOPIC GA.CD-CP.Cognitive Development: Cognitive Processes (CD-CP)
ELEMENT CD-CP2.The child will use prior knowledge to build new knowledge.
ELEMENT/GLE CD-CP2.4.48-60 Months
EXPECTATION CD-CP2.4b.Uses observation and imitation to transfer knowledge to new experiences.

Baby Photo Fun
Grocery Store Conversations
Making Connections PreK
Sink or Float
Zoo in My Room
EXPECTATION CD-CP2.4c.Uses information gained about familiar objects and people and can apply to a new situation.

Baby Photo Fun
Grocery Store Conversations
Making Connections PreK
Sink or Float
Zoo in My Room
EXPECTATION CD-CP2.4d.Makes, checks, and verifies predictions.

Acorns and Pinecones
Baby Photo Fun
Making Connections PreK
Measure your Steps
Strawberries for a Picnic
Zoo in My Room
EXPECTATION CD-CP2.4e.Explains how an activity is built on or uses past knowledge.

Baby Photo Fun
Making Connections PreK
Zoo in My Room
STRAND/TOPIC GA.CD-CP.Cognitive Development: Cognitive Processes (CD-CP)
ELEMENT CD-CP3.The child will demonstrate problem solving skills.
ELEMENT/GLE CD-CP3.3.36-48 Months
EXPECTATION CD-CP3.3a.Demonstrates multiple uses for objects to solve problems.

Celebrate Learning
My Age
Shape Changers
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
EXPECTATION CD-CP3.3b.Asks questions and tests different possibilities to determine the best solution to a problem.

Celebrate Learning
Color Word Sentences
Listening for Sounds
My Age
Phone Fun
Shape Changers
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
STRAND/TOPIC GA.CD-CP.Cognitive Development: Cognitive Processes (CD-CP)
ELEMENT CD-CP3.The child will demonstrate problem solving skills.
ELEMENT/GLE CD-CP3.4.48-60 Months
EXPECTATION CD-CP3.4a.Makes statements and appropriately answers questions about how objects/materials can be used to solve problems.

Baby Photo Fun
Color Word Sentences
Why should we tell family stories?
Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
EXPECTATION CD-CP3.4c.With adult guidance and questioning, determines and evaluates solutions prior to attempting to solve a problem.

Color Word Sentences
Listening for Sounds
Phone Fun