Colorado Academic Standards (CAS) (Infant)

Main Criteria: Colorado Academic Standards (CAS)
Secondary Criteria: ReadyRosie
Subject: Early Childhood Education
Grades: Ages Birth to 12 months, Ages 13 to 24 months, Ages 25 to 36 months
Correlation Options: Show Correlated

Colorado Academic Standards (CAS)
Early Childhood Education
Grade: Ages Birth to 12 months - Adopted: 2011
CONTENT AREA CO.PDH.Physical Development & Health (Ages 4-8 months)
STANDARD PDH.1.Perceptual Development: The developing ability to become aware of the social and physical environment through the senses.
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES PDH.1.1.Use the senses to explore objects and people in the environment.

Bath Time Fun
Table Taps
Touch and Taste
Two on Me and You
CONTENT AREA CO.PDH.Physical Development & Health (Ages 4-8 months)
STANDARD PDH.2.Gross Motor: The developing ability to move the large muscles.
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES PDH.2.1.Maintain their posture in a sitting position and shift between sitting and other positions.

Supported Sitting
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES PDH.2.2.Demonstrate control of their head and neck.

Snuggle Close
CONTENT AREA CO.PDH.Physical Development & Health (Ages 4-8 months)
STANDARD PDH.3.Fine Motor: The developing ability to move the small muscles.
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES PDH.3.1.Easily reach for and grasp things.

Bath Time Fun
Grasp and Grab
Table Taps
Touch and Taste
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES PDH.3.2.Use eyes and hands to explore objects actively.

Grasp and Grab
Touch and Taste
CONTENT AREA CO.SD.Social Development (Ages 4-8 months)
STANDARD SD.1.Interaction with Adults: The developing ability to respond to and engage with adults.
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES SD.1.2.Show both interest in and caution toward unfamiliar adults.

Baby Massage
Behavior is a form of communication
Snuggle Close
Tips for bonding with your baby
What Comes after Two?
You are your child's first teacher
CONTENT AREA CO.SD.Social Development (Ages 4-8 months)
STANDARD SD.5.Social Understanding: The developing understanding of the responses, communication, emotional expressions, and actions of other people.
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES SD.5.1.Know what to expect from familiar people.

Baby Massage
Behavior is a form of communication
Snuggle Close
Tips for bonding with your baby
What Comes after Two?
You are your child's first teacher
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES SD.5.2.Understand what to do to get another’s attention.

That's My Name
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES SD.5.4.Imitate the simple actions or facial expressions of others.

Snuggle Close
CONTENT AREA CO.ED.Emotional Development (Ages 4-8 months)
STANDARD ED.1.Relationships with Adults: The development of close relationships with certain adults who provide consistent nurturance.
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES ED.1.1.Seek a special relationship with one (or a few) familiar adult(s) by initiating interactions and seeking proximity, especially when distressed.

Grasp and Grab
How can I make music part of our day?
Me in the Mirror
Sing to Your Baby
Snuggle Close
Tummy Talk
Two on Me and You
Which Toy?
CONTENT AREA CO.ED.Emotional Development (Ages 4-8 months)
STANDARD ED.6.Impulse Control: The developing capacity to wait for needs to be met, to inhibit potentially hurtful behavior, and to act according to social expectations, including safety rules.

How can I get my child to listen to me?
CONTENT AREA CO.LLD.Language & Literacy Development (Ages 4-8 months)
STANDARD LLD.1.Receptive Language: The developing ability to understand words and increasingly complex utterances.
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES LLD.1.1.Show understanding of a small number of familiar words and react to an adult’s overall tone of voice.

Lunchtime Language
Tips for storytelling: Using your voice
CONTENT AREA CO.LLD.Language & Literacy Development (Ages 4-8 months)
STANDARD LLD.2.Expressive Language: The developing ability to produce the sounds of language and use vocabulary and increasingly complex utterances.
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES LLD.2.1.Experiment with sounds, practice making sounds, and use sounds or gestures to communicate needs, wants, or interests.

Behavior is a form of communication
Lunchtime Language
CONTENT AREA CO.LLD.Language & Literacy Development (Ages 4-8 months)
STANDARD LLD.4.Interest in Print: The developing interest in engaging with print in books and the environment.
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES LLD.4.1.Explore books and show interest in adult initiated literacy activities, such as looking at photos and exploring books together with an adult.

Animal Noises
Reading Routines for Early Readers
CONTENT AREA CO.CD.Cognitive Development (Ages 4-8 months)
STANDARD CD.1.Cause-and-Effect: The developing understanding that one event brings about another.
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES CD.1.1.Perform simple actions to make things happen, notice the relationships between events, and notice the effects of others on the immediate environment.

Bath Time Fun
Kicking Paper
CONTENT AREA CO.CD.Cognitive Development (Ages 4-8 months)
STANDARD CD.2.Spatial Relationships: The developing understanding of how things move and fit in space.
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES CD.2.1.Move their bodies, explore the size and shape of objects, and observe people and objects as they move through space.

Kicking Paper
Piggy Toes
Roll Over
Strong Legs
CONTENT AREA CO.CD.Cognitive Development (Ages 4-8 months)
STANDARD CD.5.Classification: The developing ability to group, sort, categorize, connect, and have expectations of objects and people according to their attributes.
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES CD.5.1.Distinguish between familiar and unfamiliar people, places, and objects, and explore the differences between them.

Baby Massage
Behavior is a form of communication
Snuggle Close
Tips for bonding with your baby
What Comes after Two?
You are your child's first teacher
CONTENT AREA CO.AL.Approaches to Learning (Ages 4-8 months)
STANDARD AL.1.Problem Solving: The developing ability to engage in a purposeful effort to reach a goal or figure out how something works.
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES AL.1.1.Use simple actions to try to solve problems involving objects, their bodies, or other people.

Do You See Me?
Supported Standing
CONTENT AREA CO.AL.Approaches to Learning (Ages 4-8 months)
STANDARD AL.2.Memory: The developing ability to store and later retrieve information about past experiences.
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES AL.2.1.Recognize familiar people, objects, and routines in the environment and show awareness that familiar people still exist even when they are no longer physically present.

Baby Massage
Behavior is a form of communication
Snuggle Close
Tips for bonding with your baby
What Comes after Two?
You are your child's first teacher
CONTENT AREA CO.AL.Approaches to Learning (Ages 4-8 months)
STANDARD AL.3.Attention Maintenance: The developing ability to attend to people and things while interacting with others and exploring the environment and play materials.
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES AL.3.1.Pay attention to different things and people in the environment in specific, distinct ways.

Grasp and Grab
How can I make music part of our day?
Me in the Mirror
Sing to Your Baby
Snuggle Close
Tummy Talk
Two on Me and You
Which Toy?

Colorado Academic Standards (CAS)
Early Childhood Education
Grade: Ages 13 to 24 months - Adopted: 2011
CONTENT AREA CO.PDH.Physical Development & Health (Ages 9-18 months)
STANDARD PHD.1.Perceptual Development: The developing ability to become aware of the social and physical environment through the senses.
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES PHD.1.1.Use the information received from the senses to change the way they interact with the environment.

Baby Basketball
Flying with Mom
Pop Go the Bubbles
Take Along Toy
Walk the Line
CONTENT AREA CO.PDH.Physical Development & Health (Ages 9-18 months)
STANDARD PHD.2.Gross Motor: The developing ability to move the large muscles.
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES PHD.2.1.Move from one place to another by walking and running with basic control and coordination.

Kick With Me
Move While you Sing
Pop Go the Bubbles
Take Along Toy
Walk the Line
CONTENT AREA CO.PDH.Physical Development & Health (Ages 9-18 months)
STANDARD PHD.3.Fine Motor: The developing ability to move the small muscles.
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES PHD.3.1.Hold small objects in one hand and sometimes use both hands together to manipulate objects.

Big, Little Helper
Clap and Swing
Color with Me
Dump and Pick Up
Little Hands, Big Plans
Take Along Toy
Tube Chute
CONTENT AREA CO.SD.Social Development (Ages 9-18 months)
STANDARD SD.1.Interaction with Adults: The developing ability to respond to and engage with adults.
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES SD.1.1.Participate in routines and games that involve complex back-and-forth interaction.

How do I get my child to______?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
Kick With Me
Let's Get Dressed
Little Hands, Big Plans
Shoe Search
Tea Party
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES SD.1.2.Follow the gaze of an adult to an object or person.

How can I get my child to listen to me?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES SD.1.3.Check with a familiar adult when uncertain about something or someone.

How can I get my child to listen to me?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
CONTENT AREA CO.SD.Social Development (Ages 9-18 months)
STANDARD SD.2.Interaction with Peers: The developing ability to respond to and engage with other children.
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES SD.2.1.Engage in simple back-and-forth interactions with peers for short periods of time.

Kick With Me
Little Hands, Big Plans
Tea Party
CONTENT AREA CO.SD.Social Development (Ages 9-18 months)
STANDARD SD.3.Relationships with Peers: The development of relationships with certain peers through interactions over time.
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES SD.3.1.Prefer to interact with one or two familiar children in the group and usually engage in the same kind of back-and- forth play when interacting with those children.

Kick With Me
Little Hands, Big Plans
Tea Party
CONTENT AREA CO.SD.Social Development (Ages 9-18 months)
STANDARD SD.5.Social Understanding: The developing understanding of the responses, communication, emotional expressions, and actions of other people.
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES SD.5.1.Know how to get adults to respond in a specific way through gestures, vocalizations, and shared attention.

How can I get my child to listen to me?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES SD.5.3.Learn more complex behavior through imitation.

Bear Bath
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES SD.5.4.Engage in more complex social interactions and have developed expectations for a greater number of familiar people.

Choosing Clothes
How can I make music part of our day?
Kick With Me
Little Hands, Big Plans
Move to to the Music
Tea Party
This or That
CONTENT AREA CO.ED.Emotional Development (Ages 9-18 months)
STANDARD ED.1.Relationships with Adults: The development of close relationships with certain adults who provide consistent nurturance.
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES ED.1.1.Feel secure exploring the environment in the presence of important adults with whom they have developed a relationship over an extended period of time.

Behavior is a form of communication
Tips for bonding with your baby
You are your child's first teacher
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES ED.1.2.When distressed, seek to be physically close to familiar adults.

Behavior is a form of communication
Tips for bonding with your baby
You are your child's first teacher
CONTENT AREA CO.ED.Emotional Development (Ages 9-18 months)
STANDARD ED.2.Identity of Self in Relation to Others: The developing concept that the child is an individual operating with social relationships.
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES ED.2.1.Demonstrate awareness of their characteristics and express themselves as distinct persons with thoughts and feelings.

Reading Emotions
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES ED.2.2.Demonstrate expectations of others’ behaviors, responses, and characteristics on the basis of previous experiences with them.

Kick With Me
Little Hands, Big Plans
Tea Party
CONTENT AREA CO.ED.Emotional Development (Ages 9-18 months)
STANDARD ED.3.Recognition of Ability: The developing understanding that the child can take action to influence the environment.
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES ED.3.2.Persist in trying to do things even when faced with difficulty.

Build to Four
Buried Treasure
Can You Find Me?
Dump and Pick Up
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES ED.3.3.Show a sense of satisfaction with what they can do.

Happy Birthday to You
Point and Learn
This or That
CONTENT AREA CO.ED.Emotional Development (Ages 9-18 months)
STANDARD ED.4.Expression of Emotion: The developing ability to express a variety of feelings through facial expressions, movements, gestures, sounds, or words.
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES ED.4.1.Express emotions in a clear and intentional way.

Reading Emotions
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES ED.4.2.Begin to express some complex emotions, such as pride.

Happy Birthday to You
Point and Learn
Reading Emotions
This or That
CONTENT AREA CO.ED.Emotional Development (Ages 9-18 months)
STANDARD ED.5.Emotion Regulation: The developing ability to manage emotional responses, with assistance from others and independently.
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES ED.5.1.Demonstrate a variety of responses to comfort themselves and actively avoid or ignore situations that cause discomfort.

How should I handle temper tantrums?
CONTENT AREA CO.LLD.Language & Literacy Development (Ages 9-18 months)
STANDARD LLD.1.Receptive Language: The developing ability to understand words and increasingly complex utterances.
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES LLD.1.1.Show understanding of one-step requests that have to do with the current situation.

Choosing Clothes
Talk and Play
CONTENT AREA CO.LLD.Language & Literacy Development (Ages 9-18 months)
STANDARD LLD.2.Expressive Language: The developing ability to produce the sounds of language and use vocabulary and increasingly complex utterances.
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES LLD.2.1.Say a few words and use conventional gestures to tell others about their needs, wants, and interests.

Behavior is a form of communication
Snack Time Speech
CONTENT AREA CO.LLD.Language & Literacy Development (Ages 9-18 months)
STANDARD LLD.4.Interest in Print: The developing interest in engaging with print in books and the environment.
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES LLD.4.1.Listen to the adult and participate while being read to by pointing, turning pages, or making one- or two-word comments.

Look at the Book
Reading Emotions
CONTENT AREA CO.CD.Cognitive Development (Ages 9-18 months)
STANDARD CD.1.Cause-and-Effect: The developing understanding that one event brings about another.
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES CD.1.1.Combine simple actions to cause things to happen.

Dump and Pick Up
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES CD.1.2.Change the way they interact with objects and people in order to see how it changes the outcome.

Dump and Pick Up
CONTENT AREA CO.CD.Cognitive Development (Ages 9-18 months)
STANDARD CD.3.Imitation: The developing ability to mirror, repeat, and practice the actions of others, either immediately or later.
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES CD.3.1.Imitate others’ actions that have more than one step.

I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby?
Move While you Sing
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES CD.3.2.Imitate simple actions that they have observed others do at an earlier time.

I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby?
Move While you Sing
CONTENT AREA CO.CD.Cognitive Development (Ages 9-18 months)
STANDARD CD.5.Classification: The developing ability to group, sort, categorize, connect, and have expectations of objects and people according to their attributes.
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES CD.5.1.Show awareness when objects are in some way connected to each other.

Big and Little
Color Toys
Find a Match
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES CD.5.2.Match two objects that are the same, and separate a pile of objects into two groups based on one attribute.

Big and Little
Color Toys
Find a Match
CONTENT AREA CO.CD.Cognitive Development (Ages 9-18 months)
STANDARD CD.6.Symbolic Play: The developing ability to use actions, objects, or ideas to represent other actions, objects, or ideas.
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES CD.6.1.Use one object to represent another object.

Bear Bath
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES CD.6.2.Engage in one or two simple actions of pretend play.

Bear Bath
Tea Party
CONTENT AREA CO.CD.Cognitive Development (Ages 9-18 months)
STANDARD CD.7.Routines: The developing ability to understand and participate in personal care and sleep routines.
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES CD.7.1.Show awareness of familiar personal care routines and participate in the steps of these routines.

Brush, Baby, Brush
CONTENT AREA CO.AL.Approaches to Learning (Ages 9-18 months)
STANDARD AL.1.Problem Solving: The developing ability to engage in a purposeful effort to reach a goal or figure out how something works.
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES AL.1.1.Physically try out possible solutions before finding one that works.

Build to Four
Buried Treasure
Can You Find Me?
Dump and Pick Up
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES AL.1.3.Watch someone else solve the problem and then apply the same solution.

Build to Four
Buried Treasure
Can You Find Me?
Dump and Pick Up
CONTENT AREA CO.AL.Approaches to Learning (Ages 9-18 months)
STANDARD AL.2.Memory: The developing ability to store and later retrieve information about past experiences.
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES AL.2.1.Remember typical actions of people, the location of objects, and steps of routines.

How do I get my child to______?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
Let's Get Dressed
Shoe Search
CONTENT AREA CO.AL.Approaches to Learning (Ages 9-18 months)
STANDARD AL.3.Attention Maintenance: The developing ability to attend to people and things while interacting with others and exploring the environment and play materials.
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES AL.3.1.Rely on order and predictability in the environment to help organize their thoughts and focus attention.

Build to Four
Buried Treasure
Can You Find Me?
Check the Mail
Take Along Toy
Tube Chute
Walk the Line

Colorado Academic Standards (CAS)
Early Childhood Education
Grade: Ages 25 to 36 months - Adopted: 2011
CONTENT AREA CO.PDH.Physical Development & Health (Ages 19-36 months)
STANDARD PDH.1.Perceptual Development: The developing ability to become aware of the social and physical environment through the senses.
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES PDH.1.1.Quickly and easily combine the information received from the senses to inform the way they interact with the environment.

Fast, Slow
Playdough Lengths
CONTENT AREA CO.PDH.Physical Development & Health (Ages 19-36 months)
STANDARD PDH.2.Gross Motor: The developing ability to move the large muscles.
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES PDH.2.1.Move with ease, coordinating movements, and performing a variety of movements.

Bear Hunt
Get Moving
I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby?
Ring Around the Rosie
Stop and Go
CONTENT AREA CO.PDH.Physical Development & Health (Ages 19-36 months)
STANDARD PDH.3.Fine Motor: The developing ability to move the small muscles.
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES PDH.3.1.Coordinate the fine movements of the fingers, wrists, and hands to skillfully manipulate a wide range of objects and materials in intricate ways.

Drum Patterns
Torn Paper Art
Toy Car Wash
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES PDH.3.2.Use one hand to stabilize an object while manipulating it.

Drum Patterns
Torn Paper Art
Toy Car Wash
CONTENT AREA CO.PDH.Physical Development & Health (Ages 19-36 months)
STANDARD PDH.4.Health: The maintenance of healthy and age appropriate physical well-being.
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES PDH.4.1.Participate in physical activity.

Bear Hunt
Get Moving
CONTENT AREA CO.SD.Social Development (Ages 19-36 months)
STANDARD SD.1.Interaction with Adults: The developing ability to respond to and engage with adults.
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES SD.1.1.Interact with adults to solve problems or communicate about experiences or ideas.

Drum Patterns
Fast, Slow
Hooray Parfait
Nesting Bowls
Playdough Lengths
Stop and Go
What Do We Do?
Which Lid?
CONTENT AREA CO.SD.Social Development (Ages 19-36 months)
STANDARD SD.2.Interaction with Peers: The developing ability to respond to and engage with other children.
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES SD.2.1.Engage in simple cooperative play with peers.

Ring Around the Rosie
CONTENT AREA CO.SD.Social Development (Ages 19-36 months)
STANDARD SD.3.Relationships with Peers: The development of relationships with certain peers through interactions over time.
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES SD.3.1.Develop friendships with a small number of children and engage in more complex play with those friends than with other peers.

Ring Around the Rosie
CONTENT AREA CO.SD.Social Development (Ages 19-36 months)
STANDARD SD.5.Social Understanding: The developing understanding of the responses, communication, emotional expressions, and actions of other people.
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES SD.5.2.Describe familiar routines.

How do I get my child to______?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES SD.5.3.Participate in coordinated episodes of pretend play with peers.

Banana Phonana
Drum Patterns
Recycled Play
Toy Car Wash
Vroom! Vroom!
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES SD.5.4.Interact with adults in more complex ways.

How can I make music part of our day?
CONTENT AREA CO.ED.Emotional Development (Ages 19-36 months)
STANDARD ED.1.Relationships with adults: The development of close relationships with certain adults who provide consistent nurturance.
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES ED.1.1.When exploring the environment, from time to time reconnect, in a variety of ways, with the adult(s) with whom they have developed a special relationship: through eye contact; facial expressions; shared feelings; or conversations about feelings, shared activities, or plans.

How can I make music part of our day?
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES ED.1.2.When distressed, still seek to be physically close to these adults.

Behavior is a form of communication
Tips for bonding with your baby
You are your child's first teacher
CONTENT AREA CO.ED.Emotional Development (Ages 19-36 months)
STANDARD ED.2.Identity of Self in Relation to Others: The developing concept that the child is an individual operating with social relationships.
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES ED.2.2.Identify themselves and others as members of one or more groups by referring to categories.

I Am Unique
I Can Do It All By Myself
Tell Me About It!
Tips for storytelling: Story ideas
CONTENT AREA CO.ED.Emotional Development (Ages 19-36 months)
STANDARD ED.4.Expression of Emotion: The developing ability to express a variety of feelings through facial expressions, movements, gestures, sounds, or words.
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES ED.4.2.Demonstrate awareness of their feelings by using words to describe feelings to others or acting them out in pretend play.

Banana Phonana
Drum Patterns
Recycled Play
Toy Car Wash
Vroom! Vroom!
CONTENT AREA CO.ED.Emotional Development (Ages 19-36 months)
STANDARD ED.5.Emotion Regulation: The developing ability to manage emotional responses, with assistance from others and independently.
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES ED.5.1.Anticipate the need for comfort and try to prepare themselves for changes in routine.

How should I handle temper tantrums?
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES ED.5.2.Have many self-comforting behaviors to choose from, depending on the situation, and be able to communicate specific needs and wants.

Behavior is a form of communication
How should I handle temper tantrums?
Tempted to Talk
CONTENT AREA CO.ED.Emotional Development (Ages 19-36 months)
STANDARD ED.6.Impulse Control: The developing capacity to wait for needs to be met, to inhibit potentially hurtful behavior, and to act according to social expectations, including safety rules.
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES ED.6.1.Sometimes exercise voluntary control over actions and emotional expressions.

How should I handle temper tantrums?
CONTENT AREA CO.LLD.Language & Literacy Development (Ages 19-36 months)
STANDARD LLD.1.Receptive Language: The developing ability to understand words and increasingly complex utterances.
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES LLD.1.1.Demonstrate understanding of the meaning of others’ comments, questions, requests, or stories.

How can I help my child learn new words?
Magazine Picture Walk
One, Two, Moo
Stuck on You
Tell Me About It!
Why should we tell family stories?
CONTENT AREA CO.LLD.Language & Literacy Development (Ages 19-36 months)
STANDARD LLD.2.Expressive Language: The developing ability to produce the sounds of language and use vocabulary and increasingly complex utterances.
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES LLD.2.2.Combine words into simple sentences.

Magazine Picture Walk
Stuck on You
Tell Me About It!
Tempted to Talk
Toy Sort
CONTENT AREA CO.LLD.Language & Literacy Development (Ages 19-36 months)
STANDARD LLD.3.Communication Skills and Knowledge: The developing ability to communicate nonverbally and verbally.
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES LLD.3.1.Engage in back-and-forth conversations that contain a number of turns, with each turn building upon what was said in the previous turn.

Stuck on You
Tell Me About It!
CONTENT AREA CO.LLD.Language & Literacy Development (Ages 19-36 months)
STANDARD LLD.4.Interest in Print: The developing interest in engaging with print in books and the environment.
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES LLD.4.1.Listen, ask questions, or make comments while being read to.

Book Chats
Bring Me the Book
Tips for helping your child love reading
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES LLD.4.3.Make scribble marks on paper and pretending to read what is written.

Banana Phonana
Copy Me
Drum Patterns
Paint your Name
Recycled Play
Secret Message
Toy Car Wash
Vroom! Vroom!
CONTENT AREA CO.CD.Cognitive Development (Ages 19-36 months)
STANDARD CD.2.Spatial Relationships: The developing understanding of how things move and fit in space.
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES CD.2.1.Predict how things will fit and move in space without having to try out every possible solution.

I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby?
Ring Around the Rosie
CONTENT AREA CO.CD.Cognitive Development (Ages 19-36 months)
STANDARD CD.3.Imitation: The developing ability to mirror, repeat, and practice the actions of others, either immediately or later.
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES CD.3.1.Reenact multiple steps of others’ actions that they have observed at an earlier time.

Banana Phonana
Tips for helping your child love reading
CONTENT AREA CO.CD.Cognitive Development (Ages 19-36 months)
STANDARD CD.5.Classification: The developing ability to group, sort, categorize, connect, and have expectations of objects and people according to their attributes.
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES CD.5.1.Group objects into multiple piles based on one attribute at a time.

Nature Walk and Talk
Toy Sort
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES CD.5.2.Put things that are similar but not identical into one group, even though sometimes these labels are overgeneralized.

Nature Walk and Talk
Toy Sort
CONTENT AREA CO.CD.Cognitive Development (Ages 19-36 months)
STANDARD CD.6.Symbolic Play: The developing ability to use actions, objects, or ideas to represent other actions, objects, or ideas.
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES CD.6.1.Engage in make-believe play involving several sequenced steps, assigned roles, and an overall plan.

Banana Phonana
Drum Patterns
Recycled Play
Tips for helping your child love reading
Toy Car Wash
Vroom! Vroom!
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES CD.6.2.Sometimes pretend by imagining an object without needing the concrete object present.

Banana Phonana
Drum Patterns
Recycled Play
Toy Car Wash
Vroom! Vroom!
CONTENT AREA CO.CD.Cognitive Development (Ages 19-36 months)
STANDARD CD.7.Routines: The developing ability to understand and participate in personal care and sleep routines.
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES CD.7.1.Initiate and follow through with some personal care routines.

I Can Do It All By Myself
CONTENT AREA CO.AL.Approaches to Learning (Ages 19-36 months)
STANDARD AL.1.Problem Solving: The developing ability to engage in a purposeful effort to reach a goal or figure out how something works.
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES AL.1.1.Solve some problems without having to physically try out every possible solution and ask for help when needed.

Drum Patterns
Fast, Slow
Hooray Parfait
Nesting Bowls
Playdough Lengths
Stop and Go
What Do We Do?
Which Lid?
CONTENT AREA CO.AL.Approaches to Learning (Ages 19-36 months)
STANDARD AL.2.Memory: The developing ability to store and later retrieve information about past experiences.
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES AL.2.1.Anticipate the series of steps in familiar activities, events, or routines.

How do I get my child to______?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
CONTENT AREA CO.AL.Approaches to Learning (Ages 19-36 months)
STANDARD AL.3.Attention Maintenance: The developing ability to attend to people and things while interacting with others and exploring the environment and play materials.
CONCEPTS AND SKILLS / EVIDENCE OUTCOMES AL.3.1.Sometimes demonstrate an ability to pay attention to more than one thing at a time.

Counting Collection
Fast, Slow
I Can Do It All By Myself
Nature Walk and Talk
Nesting Bowls
What Do We Do?