Indiana Academic Standards (Infant)

Main Criteria: Indiana Academic Standards
Secondary Criteria: ReadyRosie
Subject: Early Childhood Education
Grades: Ages Birth to 12 months, Ages 13 to 24 months, Ages 25 to 36 months
Correlation Options: Show Correlated

Indiana Academic Standards
Early Childhood Education
Grade: Ages Birth to 12 months - Adopted: 2015
STANDARD / STRAND IN.IN.ELA.English / Language Arts (Infant)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND IN.ELA1.Communication Process - Early learners develop foundational skills to communicate effectively for a variety of purposes.
INDICATOR / STANDARD IN.ELA1.1.Demonstrate receptive communication
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR IN.ELA1.1.1.Demonstrate continual growth in understanding increasingly complex and varied vocabulary

How can I help my child learn new words?
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR IN.ELA1.1.2.Respond to words or gestures

Lunchtime Language
Self Talk
Tummy Talk
STANDARD / STRAND IN.IN.ELA.English / Language Arts (Infant)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND IN.ELA1.Communication Process - Early learners develop foundational skills to communicate effectively for a variety of purposes.
INDICATOR / STANDARD IN.ELA1.2.Demonstrate expressive communication
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR IN.ELA1.2.1.Use facial expressions to communicate

Snuggle Close
STANDARD / STRAND IN.IN.ELA.English / Language Arts (Infant)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND IN.ELA2.Early Reading - Early learners develop foundational skills in understanding alphabet awareness, phonological awareness, concepts of print, and comprehension.
INDICATOR / STANDARD IN.ELA2.3.Demonstrate awareness and understanding of concepts of print
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR IN.ELA2.3.2.Respond to songs

How can I communicate with my baby?
How can I make music part of our day?
I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby?
Itsy Bitsy Spider Motions
Piggy Toes
Sing to Your Baby
Why should I sing to my baby?
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR IN.ELA2.3.3.Listen to repetition of familiar words, songs, signs, rhymes, and stories

How can I communicate with my baby?
How can I make music part of our day?
I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby?
Itsy Bitsy Spider Motions
Piggy Toes
Sing to Your Baby
Why should I sing to my baby?
STANDARD / STRAND IN.IN.ELA.English / Language Arts (Infant)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND IN.ELA2.Early Reading - Early learners develop foundational skills in understanding alphabet awareness, phonological awareness, concepts of print, and comprehension.
INDICATOR / STANDARD IN.ELA2.4.Demonstrate comprehension
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR IN.ELA2.4.2.Attend to caregiver’s voice while being held and/or read to

That's My Name
STANDARD / STRAND IN.IN.M.Mathematics (Infant)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND IN.M1.Numeracy - Early learners develop foundational skills in learning to understand counting, cardinality, written numerals, quantity, and comparison.
INDICATOR / STANDARD IN.M1.1.Demonstrate strong sense of counting
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR IN.M1.1.1.Repeat a movement like a clap

Table Taps
STANDARD / STRAND IN.IN.M.Mathematics (Infant)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND IN.M2.Computation and Algebraic Thinking - Early learners develop foundational skills in learning to understand mathematic structure and patterning.
INDICATOR / STANDARD IN.M2.2.Demonstrate awareness of patterning
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR IN.M2.2.1.Show interest in visual, auditory, and tactile patterns

Grasp and Grab
Touch and Taste
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR IN.M2.2.2.Recognize daily routines

How do I get my child to______?
STANDARD / STRAND IN.IN.M.Mathematics (Infant)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND IN.M5.Measurement - Early learners develop foundational skills in learning to understand concepts of time and measurement comparisons.
INDICATOR / STANDARD IN.M5.1.Understand concept of time
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR IN.M5.1.1.Cooperate with a routine

How do I get my child to______?
STANDARD / STRAND IN.IN.SE.Social Emotional Skills (Infant)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND IN.SE1.Sense of Self - Early learners develop foundational skills that support self-awareness, confidence, and the identification and expression of emotions.
INDICATOR / STANDARD IN.SE1.1.Demonstrate self-awareness and confidence
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR IN.SE1.1.1.Respond to own name

Lunchtime Language
Self Talk
Tummy Talk
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR IN.SE1.1.3.Communicate to indicate physical and emotional needs

Behavior is a form of communication
STANDARD / STRAND IN.IN.SE.Social Emotional Skills (Infant)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND IN.SE1.Sense of Self - Early learners develop foundational skills that support self-awareness, confidence, and the identification and expression of emotions.
INDICATOR / STANDARD IN.SE1.2.Demonstrate identification and expression of emotions
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR IN.SE1.2.2.Use cues to signal overstimulation

Baby Massage
Behavior is a form of communication
Snuggle Close
Tips for bonding with your baby
What Comes after Two?
You are your child's first teacher
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR IN.SE1.2.3.Respond positively to adults who provide comfort

Baby Massage
Behavior is a form of communication
Snuggle Close
Tips for bonding with your baby
What Comes after Two?
You are your child's first teacher
STANDARD / STRAND IN.IN.SE.Social Emotional Skills (Infant)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND IN.SE4.Building Relationships - Early learners develop foundational skills that support social development and engagement with others.
INDICATOR / STANDARD IN.SE4.1.Demonstrate relationship skills
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR IN.SE4.1.1.Engage in simple social interactions with adults

Grasp and Grab
How can I make music part of our day?
Me in the Mirror
Sing to Your Baby
Snuggle Close
Tummy Talk
Two on Me and You
Which Toy?
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR IN.SE4.1.2.Exhibit caution of unfamiliar adults

Baby Massage
Behavior is a form of communication
Snuggle Close
Tips for bonding with your baby
What Comes after Two?
You are your child's first teacher
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR IN.SE4.1.3.Use key adults as a secure base when exploring the environment

Baby Massage
Behavior is a form of communication
Snuggle Close
Tips for bonding with your baby
What Comes after Two?
You are your child's first teacher
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR IN.SE4.1.4.Notice other children in their environment

Do You See Me?
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR IN.SE4.1.5.Engage in onlooker play

Do You See Me?
STANDARD / STRAND IN.IN.APL.Approaches to Play and Learning (Infant)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND IN.APL1.Initiative and Exploration - Early learners develop foundational skills that support initiative, self-direction, interest, and curiosity as a learner.
INDICATOR / STANDARD IN.APL1.1.Demonstrate initiative and self-direction
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR IN.APL1.1.2.Show curiosity/interest in surroundings

Do You See Me?
Kicking Paper
Touch and Taste
Which Toy?
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR IN.APL1.1.3.Show eagerness and delight in self, others, and surroundings

Do You See Me?
STANDARD / STRAND IN.IN.APL.Approaches to Play and Learning (Infant)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND IN.APL1.Initiative and Exploration - Early learners develop foundational skills that support initiative, self-direction, interest, and curiosity as a learner.
INDICATOR / STANDARD IN.APL1.2.Demonstrate interest and curiosity as a learner
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR IN.APL1.2.1.Show budding interest in how objects work

Do You See Me?
Kicking Paper
Touch and Taste
Which Toy?
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR IN.APL1.2.2.Try a variety of approaches to get desired outcomes

Do You See Me?
Kicking Paper
Touch and Taste
Which Toy?
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR IN.APL1.2.3.Physically explore new ways to use objects and observe results

Do You See Me?
Kicking Paper
Touch and Taste
Which Toy?
STANDARD / STRAND IN.IN.APL.Approaches to Play and Learning (Infant)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND IN.APL3.Attentiveness and Persistence - Early learners develop foundational skills that support focus and attention to a specific activity and persistence to complete a task.
INDICATOR / STANDARD IN.APL3.1.Demonstrate development of sustained attention and persistence
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR IN.APL3.1.1.Examine objects for brief periods of time

Do You See Me?
Kicking Paper
Touch and Taste
Which Toy?
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR IN.APL3.1.2.Express discomfort when needs are not met

Behavior is a form of communication
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR IN.APL3.1.3.Repeat actions to make something happen again

Bath Time Fun
Kicking Paper
STANDARD / STRAND IN.IN.SS.Social Studies (Infant)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND IN.SS1.Self - Early learners develop foundational skills in learning and understanding the concept of self within the context of their family and community.
INDICATOR / STANDARD IN.SS1.1.Demonstrate development of self
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR IN.SS1.1.1.Respond to celebrations and other cultural events if observed

How can I communicate with my baby?
Piggy Toes
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR IN.SS1.1.2.Engage in onlooker play

Do You See Me?
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR IN.SS1.1.3.Begin to separate self from others

Do You See Me?
Kicking Paper
Touch and Taste
Which Toy?
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR IN.SS1.1.4.Show affection and bonds with familiar adults

That's My Name
STANDARD / STRAND IN.IN.SS.Social Studies (Infant)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND IN.SS2.History and Events - Early learners develop foundational skills in learning and understanding the passage of time and the foundations and functions of government.
INDICATOR / STANDARD IN.SS2.4.Demonstrate awareness of the functions of government
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR IN.SS2.4.1.Demonstrate comfort in familiar routines, objects, and materials

How do I get my child to______?
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR IN.SS2.4.2.Respond to adult guidance about behavior

How can I get my child to listen to me?
STANDARD / STRAND IN.IN.SS.Social Studies (Infant)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND IN.SS3.Geography - Early learners develop foundational skills in learning and understanding the world in spatial terms and the relationship between society and the environment.
INDICATOR / STANDARD IN.SS3.1.Demonstrate awareness of the world in spatial terms
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR IN.SS3.1.1.Begin to discover use of body and objects in the environment

Kicking Paper
Piggy Toes
Roll Over
Strong Legs
STANDARD / STRAND IN.IN.SS.Social Studies (Infant)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND IN.SS5.Citizenship - Early learners develop foundational skills in understanding the expected behavior as a citizen in a democratic society.
INDICATOR / STANDARD IN.SS5.1.Demonstrate awareness of citizenship
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR IN.SS5.1.1.Interact with the environment to make needs known

Behavior is a form of communication
STANDARD / STRAND IN.IN.CA.Creative Arts (Infant)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND IN.CA1.Music - Early learners develop foundational skills that support creative expression through voice, instruments, and objects.
INDICATOR / STANDARD IN.CA1.1.Demonstrate creative music expression
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR IN.CA1.1.2.Experiment with vocalizations and sounds

How can I communicate with my baby?
How can I make music part of our day?
I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby?
Itsy Bitsy Spider Motions
Piggy Toes
Sing to Your Baby
Why should I sing to my baby?
STANDARD / STRAND IN.IN.CA.Creative Arts (Infant)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND IN.CA2.Dance - Early learners develop foundational skills that support creative expression through movement.
INDICATOR / STANDARD IN.CA2.1.Demonstrate creative movement expression
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR IN.CA2.1.1.Respond to music with body movements

I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby?
STANDARD / STRAND IN.IN.CA.Creative Arts (Infant)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND IN.CA3.Visual Arts - Early learners develop foundational skills that support creative expression through the process, production, and appreciation of visual art forms.
INDICATOR / STANDARD IN.CA3.2.Demonstrate creative expression through visual art production
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR IN.CA3.2.1.Respond to various textures and sensory materials

Animal Noises
STANDARD / STRAND IN.IN.CA.Creative Arts (Infant)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND IN.CA3.Visual Arts - Early learners develop foundational skills that support creative expression through the process, production, and appreciation of visual art forms.
INDICATOR / STANDARD IN.CA3.3.Demonstrate creative expression through art appreciation
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR IN.CA3.3.1.Show preference for particular visual stimuli

Animal Noises
STANDARD / STRAND IN.IN.CA.Creative Arts (Infant)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND IN.CA4.Dramatic Play - Early learners develop foundational skills that support creative expression through dramatic play.
INDICATOR / STANDARD IN.CA4.1.Demonstrate creative expression through dramatic play
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR IN.CA4.1.1.Engage in onlooker play

Do You See Me?
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR IN.CA4.1.4.Begin to recognize that certain actions will draw responses

Bath Time Fun
Kicking Paper
STANDARD / STRAND IN.IN.PHG.Physical Health and Growth (Infant)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND IN.PHG1.Health and Well-Being - Early learners develop foundational skills that support healthy, safe, and nutritious practices.
INDICATOR / STANDARD IN.PHG1.1.Demonstrate development of healthy practices
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR IN.PHG1.1.1.Passively participate in health and hygiene-related behaviors initiated by an adult

Lunchtime Language
STANDARD / STRAND IN.IN.PHG.Physical Health and Growth (Infant)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND IN.PHG1.Health and Well-Being - Early learners develop foundational skills that support healthy, safe, and nutritious practices.
INDICATOR / STANDARD IN.PHG1.2.Demonstrate development of safety practices
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR IN.PHG1.2.2.Seek reassurance from a trusted caregiver when encountering an unfamiliar person or object

Baby Massage
Behavior is a form of communication
Snuggle Close
Tips for bonding with your baby
What Comes after Two?
You are your child's first teacher
STANDARD / STRAND IN.IN.PHG.Physical Health and Growth (Infant)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND IN.PHG1.Health and Well-Being - Early learners develop foundational skills that support healthy, safe, and nutritious practices.
INDICATOR / STANDARD IN.PHG1.3.Demonstrate development of nutrition awareness
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR IN.PHG1.3.3.Begin following a regular eating routine

Lunchtime Language
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR IN.PHG1.3.4.Demonstrate awareness of different textures of food

Lunchtime Language
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR IN.PHG1.3.5.Help with self-feeding

Lunchtime Language
STANDARD / STRAND IN.IN.PHG.Physical Health and Growth (Infant)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND IN.PHG2.Senses - Early learners use the five senses to develop foundational skills that support processing information and understanding one’s own body in relation to space and objects in space.
INDICATOR / STANDARD IN.PHG2.1.Demonstrate how the five senses support processing information
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR IN.PHG2.1.1.Manipulate objects to see what will happen

Bath Time Fun
Table Taps
Touch and Taste
STANDARD / STRAND IN.IN.PHG.Physical Health and Growth (Infant)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND IN.PHG2.Senses - Early learners use the five senses to develop foundational skills that support processing information and understanding one’s own body in relation to space and objects in space.
INDICATOR / STANDARD IN.PHG2.2.Demonstrate development of body awareness
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR IN.PHG2.2.1.Show awareness of own body and start to move intentionally

Kicking Paper
Piggy Toes
Roll Over
Strong Legs
STANDARD / STRAND IN.IN.PHG.Physical Health and Growth (Infant)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND IN.PHG3.Motor Skills - Early learners develop foundational skills that support the development of fine and gross motor coordination.
INDICATOR / STANDARD IN.PHG3.1.Demonstrate development of fine and gross motor coordination
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR IN.PHG3.1.1.Demonstrate hand-eye coordination and participate in a variety of activities to enhance coordination

Grasp and Grab
Touch and Taste

Indiana Academic Standards
Early Childhood Education
Grade: Ages 13 to 24 months - Adopted: 2015
STANDARD / STRAND IN.YT.ELA.English / Language Arts (Younger Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND YT.ELA1.Communication Process - Early learners develop foundational skills to communicate effectively for a variety of purposes.
INDICATOR / STANDARD YT.ELA1.1.Demonstrate receptive communication
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR YT.ELA1.1.1.Demonstrate continual growth in understanding increasingly complex and varied vocabulary

How can I help my child learn new words?
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR YT.ELA1.1.2.Respond to simple statements, requests, and/or gestures

Choosing Clothes
Point and Learn
Rhyme and Ride
Swing Song
Talk and Play
STANDARD / STRAND IN.YT.ELA.English / Language Arts (Younger Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND YT.ELA1.Communication Process - Early learners develop foundational skills to communicate effectively for a variety of purposes.
INDICATOR / STANDARD YT.ELA1.2.Demonstrate expressive communication
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR YT.ELA1.2.1.Demonstrate continual growth in increasingly varied and complex vocabulary

Big and Little
Color Toys
Find a Match
Grocery Store I Spy
Point and Learn
Talk and Play
STANDARD / STRAND IN.YT.ELA.English / Language Arts (Younger Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND YT.ELA2.Early Reading - Early learners develop foundational skills in understanding alphabet awareness, phonological awareness, concepts of print, and comprehension.
INDICATOR / STANDARD YT.ELA2.4.Demonstrate comprehension
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR YT.ELA2.4.1.Show preference for familiar stories

Choosing Clothes
This or That
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR YT.ELA2.4.2.With adult support, respond to simple questions about a story

Reading Routines for Early Readers
STANDARD / STRAND IN.YT.M.Mathematics (Younger Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND YT.M2.Computation and Algebraic Thinking - Early learners develop foundational skills in learning to understand mathematic structure and patterning.
INDICATOR / STANDARD YT.M2.1.Exhibit understanding of mathematic structure
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR YT.M2.1.1.Take away objects or combine groups when asked

Build to Four
Counting Counts
Dump and Pick Up
Little Hands, Big Plans
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR YT.M2.1.2.Attend to a new object in a group of objects

Build to Four
Counting Counts
Dump and Pick Up
Little Hands, Big Plans
STANDARD / STRAND IN.YT.M.Mathematics (Younger Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND YT.M2.Computation and Algebraic Thinking - Early learners develop foundational skills in learning to understand mathematic structure and patterning.
INDICATOR / STANDARD YT.M2.2.Demonstrate awareness of patterning
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR YT.M2.2.2.Clap or move to a beat

I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby?
Move While you Sing
STANDARD / STRAND IN.YT.M.Mathematics (Younger Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND YT.M4.Geometry - Early learners develop foundational skills in learning to understand spatial relationships and shape analysis.
INDICATOR / STANDARD YT.M4.1.Understanding of spatial relationships
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR YT.M4.1.2.Hide behind or between objects for play

Flying with Mom
Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
Kick With Me
Point and Learn
Pop Go the Bubbles
Walk the Line
STANDARD / STRAND IN.YT.M.Mathematics (Younger Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND YT.M5.Measurement - Early learners develop foundational skills in learning to understand concepts of time and measurement comparisons.
INDICATOR / STANDARD YT.M5.1.Understand concept of time
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR YT.M5.1.1.Follow a daily schedule

How do I get my child to______?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
Let's Get Dressed
Shoe Search
STANDARD / STRAND IN.YT.M.Mathematics (Younger Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND YT.M5.Measurement - Early learners develop foundational skills in learning to understand concepts of time and measurement comparisons.
INDICATOR / STANDARD YT.M5.2.Understand measurement through description and comparison
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR YT.M5.2.1.Use any basic measurement word or gesture to express measureable attributes, such as big/little, hot/cold

Big and Little
Color Toys
Find a Match
STANDARD / STRAND IN.YT.SE.Social Emotional Skills (Younger Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND YT.SE1.Sense of Self - Early learners develop foundational skills that support self-awareness, confidence, and the identification and expression of emotions.
INDICATOR / STANDARD YT.SE1.1.Demonstrate self-awareness and confidence
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR YT.SE1.1.1.Identify image of self

Happy Birthday to You
Point and Learn
This or That
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR YT.SE1.1.3.Show knowledge of own abilities

Happy Birthday to You
Point and Learn
This or That
STANDARD / STRAND IN.YT.SE.Social Emotional Skills (Younger Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND YT.SE1.Sense of Self - Early learners develop foundational skills that support self-awareness, confidence, and the identification and expression of emotions.
INDICATOR / STANDARD YT.SE1.2.Demonstrate identification and expression of emotions
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR YT.SE1.2.1.Communicate feelings and emotions

Reading Emotions
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR YT.SE1.2.3.Imitate comforting behaviors of caregivers

How should I handle temper tantrums?
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR YT.SE1.2.4.Use sounds, gestures, and actions to express feelings

Reading Emotions
STANDARD / STRAND IN.YT.SE.Social Emotional Skills (Younger Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND YT.SE2.Self-Regulation - Early learners develop foundational skills that support executive functions including impulse control, planning skills, and emotional regulation.
INDICATOR / STANDARD YT.SE2.1.Demonstrate self control
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR YT.SE2.1.1.Follow simple routines with adult support

How do I get my child to______?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
Let's Get Dressed
Shoe Search
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR YT.SE2.1.2.Self-soothe with minimal adult support

How should I handle temper tantrums?
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR YT.SE2.1.3.Demonstrate the beginnings of impulse control with adult support

How can I get my child to listen to me?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
Is my child overscheduled?
STANDARD / STRAND IN.YT.SE.Social Emotional Skills (Younger Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND YT.SE4.Building Relationships - Early learners develop foundational skills that support social development and engagement with others.
INDICATOR / STANDARD YT.SE4.1.Demonstrate relationship skills
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR YT.SE4.1.1.Engage in social interactions with familiar adults

Choosing Clothes
How can I make music part of our day?
Move to to the Music
This or That
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR YT.SE4.1.2.Show feelings of security with familiar adults

Behavior is a form of communication
Tips for bonding with your baby
You are your child's first teacher
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR YT.SE4.1.3.Seek adult assistance with challenges, but may refuse help and may say no

How can I get my child to listen to me?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR YT.SE4.1.4.Use social referencing when encountering new experiences

How can I get my child to listen to me?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR YT.SE4.1.5.Observe friendship skills in the environments

Kick With Me
Little Hands, Big Plans
Tea Party
STANDARD / STRAND IN.YT.APL.Approaches to Play and Learning (Younger Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND YT.APL1.Initiative and Exploration - Early learners develop foundational skills that support initiative, self-direction, interest, and curiosity as a learner.
INDICATOR / STANDARD YT.APL1.1.Demonstrate initiative and self-direction
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR YT.APL1.1.2.Select desired object from several options

Choosing Clothes
This or That
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR YT.APL1.1.3.Begin to show curiosity/interest in new objects, experiences, and people

Build to Four
Buried Treasure
Can You Find Me?
Check the Mail
Take Along Toy
Tube Chute
Walk the Line
STANDARD / STRAND IN.YT.APL.Approaches to Play and Learning (Younger Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND YT.APL1.Initiative and Exploration - Early learners develop foundational skills that support initiative, self-direction, interest, and curiosity as a learner.
INDICATOR / STANDARD YT.APL1.2.Demonstrate interest and curiosity as a learner
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR YT.APL1.2.2.Begin to show curiosity and interest in new objects, experiences, and people

Build to Four
Buried Treasure
Can You Find Me?
Check the Mail
Take Along Toy
Tube Chute
Walk the Line
STANDARD / STRAND IN.YT.APL.Approaches to Play and Learning (Younger Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND YT.APL2.Flexible Thinking - Early learners develop foundational skills that support flexible thinking and social interactions during play.
INDICATOR / STANDARD YT.APL2.1.Demonstrate development of flexible thinking skills during play
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR YT.APL2.1.1.Use objects for real or imagined purposes

Bear Bath
Tea Party
STANDARD / STRAND IN.YT.APL.Approaches to Play and Learning (Younger Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND YT.APL3.Attentiveness and Persistence - Early learners develop foundational skills that support focus and attention to a specific activity and persistence to complete a task.
INDICATOR / STANDARD YT.APL3.1.Demonstrate development of sustained attention and persistence
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR YT.APL3.1.1.Jointly attend to books for several minutes

Build to Four
Buried Treasure
Can You Find Me?
Check the Mail
Take Along Toy
Tube Chute
Walk the Line
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR YT.APL3.1.2.Engage and persist with an activity, toy, or object, but is easily distracted

Build to Four
Buried Treasure
Can You Find Me?
Check the Mail
Take Along Toy
Tube Chute
Walk the Line
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR YT.APL3.1.3.Engage for longer periods of time when trying to work through tasks

Build to Four
Buried Treasure
Can You Find Me?
Check the Mail
Take Along Toy
Tube Chute
Walk the Line
STANDARD / STRAND IN.YT.APL.Approaches to Play and Learning (Younger Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND YT.APL4.Social Interactions - Early learners develop foundational skills that support the engagement in imaginative and cooperative play with others.
INDICATOR / STANDARD YT.APL4.1.Demonstrate development of social interactions during play
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR YT.APL4.1.3.Show preference for certain peers over time although these preferences may shift

Kick With Me
Little Hands, Big Plans
Tea Party
STANDARD / STRAND IN.YT.SC.Science (Younger Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND YT.SC5.Scientific Inquiry and Method - Early learners develop foundational skills in learning and understanding about the world around them through exploration and investigation.
INDICATOR / STANDARD YT.SC5.1.Demonstrate scientific curiosity
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR YT.SC5.1.1.Demonstrate curiosity

Build to Four
Buried Treasure
Can You Find Me?
Check the Mail
Take Along Toy
Tube Chute
Walk the Line
STANDARD / STRAND IN.YT.SS.Social Studies (Younger Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND YT.SS1.Self - Early learners develop foundational skills in learning and understanding the concept of self within the context of their family and community.
INDICATOR / STANDARD YT.SS1.1.Demonstrate development of self
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR YT.SS1.1.1.Participate in celebrations and other cultural events if observed

Clap and Swing
How can I communicate with my baby?
Swing Song
Why should we tell family stories?
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR YT.SS1.1.3.Begin to notice differences in others

Clap and Swing
How can I communicate with my baby?
Swing Song
Why should we tell family stories?
STANDARD / STRAND IN.YT.SS.Social Studies (Younger Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND YT.SS2.History and Events - Early learners develop foundational skills in learning and understanding the passage of time and the foundations and functions of government.
INDICATOR / STANDARD YT.SS2.1.Demonstrate awareness of chronological thinking
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR YT.SS2.1.2.Anticipate events

Why is storytelling important?
STANDARD / STRAND IN.YT.SS.Social Studies (Younger Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND YT.SS2.History and Events - Early learners develop foundational skills in learning and understanding the passage of time and the foundations and functions of government.
INDICATOR / STANDARD YT.SS2.4.Demonstrate awareness of the functions of government
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR YT.SS2.4.1.Begin to understand and follow basic guidance

How can I get my child to listen to me?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
STANDARD / STRAND IN.YT.SS.Social Studies (Younger Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND YT.SS4.Economics - Early learners develop foundational skills in learning and understanding the functions of an economy.
INDICATOR / STANDARD YT.SS4.1.Demonstrate awareness of economics
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR YT.SS4.1.1.Communicate desire for objects and/or persons that are in the classroom or home

Choosing Clothes
This or That
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR YT.SS4.1.2.Imitate familiar roles and routines

How do I get my child to______?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
Let's Get Dressed
Shoe Search
STANDARD / STRAND IN.YT.CA.Creative Arts (Younger Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND YT.CA1.Music - Early learners develop foundational skills that support creative expression through voice, instruments, and objects.
INDICATOR / STANDARD YT.CA1.1.Demonstrate creative music expression
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR YT.CA1.1.2.Imitate sounds using voice or objects

Clap and Swing
Happy Birthday to You
How can I communicate with my baby?
How can I make music part of our day?
I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby?
Itsy Bitsy Spider Motions
Move While you Sing
Move to to the Music
Rhyme and Ride
Swing Song
Where is Thumbkin?
Why should I sing to my baby?
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR YT.CA1.1.3.Sing along to familiar songs

Clap and Swing
Happy Birthday to You
How can I communicate with my baby?
How can I make music part of our day?
I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby?
Itsy Bitsy Spider Motions
Move While you Sing
Move to to the Music
Rhyme and Ride
Swing Song
Where is Thumbkin?
Why should I sing to my baby?
STANDARD / STRAND IN.YT.CA.Creative Arts (Younger Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND YT.CA2.Dance - Early learners develop foundational skills that support creative expression through movement.
INDICATOR / STANDARD YT.CA2.1.Demonstrate creative movement expression
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR YT.CA2.1.1.Use whole body to respond to music

I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby?
Move While you Sing
STANDARD / STRAND IN.YT.CA.Creative Arts (Younger Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND YT.CA3.Visual Arts - Early learners develop foundational skills that support creative expression through the process, production, and appreciation of visual art forms.
INDICATOR / STANDARD YT.CA3.1.Demonstrate creative expression through the visual art process
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR YT.CA3.1.2.Express preferences for certain art materials

Reading Emotions
STANDARD / STRAND IN.YT.CA.Creative Arts (Younger Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND YT.CA3.Visual Arts - Early learners develop foundational skills that support creative expression through the process, production, and appreciation of visual art forms.
INDICATOR / STANDARD YT.CA3.3.Demonstrate creative expression through art appreciation
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR YT.CA3.3.1.Express likes or dislikes of certain colors or patterns

Find a Match
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR YT.CA3.3.2.Look at pictures, photographs, and illustrations

Reading Emotions
STANDARD / STRAND IN.YT.CA.Creative Arts (Younger Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND YT.CA4.Dramatic Play - Early learners develop foundational skills that support creative expression through dramatic play.
INDICATOR / STANDARD YT.CA4.1.Demonstrate creative expression through dramatic play
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR YT.CA4.1.2.Begin to exhibit skills in parallel play

Bear Bath
Tea Party
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR YT.CA4.1.4.Demonstrate simple character/animal sounds with motions

Bear Bath
STANDARD / STRAND IN.YT.PHG.Physical Health and Growth (Younger Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND YT.PHG1.Health and Well-Being - Early learners develop foundational skills that support healthy, safe, and nutritious practices.
INDICATOR / STANDARD YT.PHG1.1.Demonstrate development of healthy practices
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR YT.PHG1.1.1.Participate with adult support in health and hygiene-related behaviors

Snack Time Speech
STANDARD / STRAND IN.YT.PHG.Physical Health and Growth (Younger Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND YT.PHG1.Health and Well-Being - Early learners develop foundational skills that support healthy, safe, and nutritious practices.
INDICATOR / STANDARD YT.PHG1.2.Demonstrate development of safety practices
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR YT.PHG1.2.2.Respond to adult direction to change behavior in order to avoid danger or prevent injuries

How can I get my child to listen to me?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
STANDARD / STRAND IN.YT.PHG.Physical Health and Growth (Younger Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND YT.PHG1.Health and Well-Being - Early learners develop foundational skills that support healthy, safe, and nutritious practices.
INDICATOR / STANDARD YT.PHG1.3.Demonstrate development of nutrition awareness

Snack Time Speech
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR YT.PHG1.3.3.Follow a regular eating routine

Snack Time Speech
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR YT.PHG1.3.4.Feed self with some assistance

Snack Time Speech
STANDARD / STRAND IN.YT.PHG.Physical Health and Growth (Younger Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND YT.PHG2.Senses - Early learners use the five senses to develop foundational skills that support processing information and understanding one’s own body in relation to space and objects in space.
INDICATOR / STANDARD YT.PHG2.1.Demonstrate how the five senses support processing information
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR YT.PHG2.1.1.Try a new action with a familiar object

Build to Four
Buried Treasure
Can You Find Me?
Check the Mail
Take Along Toy
Tube Chute
Walk the Line
STANDARD / STRAND IN.YT.PHG.Physical Health and Growth (Younger Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND YT.PHG2.Senses - Early learners use the five senses to develop foundational skills that support processing information and understanding one’s own body in relation to space and objects in space.
INDICATOR / STANDARD YT.PHG2.2.Demonstrate development of body awareness
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR YT.PHG2.2.1.Identify basic body parts

Flying with Mom
Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
Kick With Me
Point and Learn
Pop Go the Bubbles
Walk the Line
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR YT.PHG2.2.2.Use trial and error to discover how the body and objects move through space

Flying with Mom
Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
Kick With Me
Point and Learn
Pop Go the Bubbles
Walk the Line
STANDARD / STRAND IN.YT.PHG.Physical Health and Growth (Younger Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND YT.PHG3.Motor Skills - Early learners develop foundational skills that support the development of fine and gross motor coordination.
INDICATOR / STANDARD YT.PHG3.1.Demonstrate development of fine and gross motor coordination
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR YT.PHG3.1.1.Gain control of hands and fingers

Kick With Me
Move While you Sing
Pop Go the Bubbles
Take Along Toy
Walk the Line
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR YT.PHG3.1.2.Begin to develop coordination and balance, requiring less support

Kick With Me
Move While you Sing
Pop Go the Bubbles
Take Along Toy
Walk the Line
STANDARD / STRAND IN.YT.PHG.Physical Health and Growth (Younger Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND YT.PHG3.Motor Skills - Early learners develop foundational skills that support the development of fine and gross motor coordination.
INDICATOR / STANDARD YT.PHG3.2.Demonstrate development of oral motor skills
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR YT.PHG3.2.1.Demonstrate continual progression in oral muscle tone, strength, and range of motion, leading to more complex oral movement and control

Baby Basketball

Indiana Academic Standards
Early Childhood Education
Grade: Ages 25 to 36 months - Adopted: 2015
STANDARD / STRAND IN.OT.ELA.English / Language Arts (Older Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND OT.ELA1.Communication Process - Early learners develop foundational skills to communicate effectively for a variety of purposes.
INDICATOR / STANDARD OT.ELA1.1.Demonstrate receptive communication
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.ELA1.1.1.Demonstrate continual growth in understanding increasingly complex and varied vocabulary

How can I help my child learn new words?
Magazine Picture Walk
One, Two, Moo
Stuck on You
STANDARD / STRAND IN.OT.ELA.English / Language Arts (Older Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND OT.ELA1.Communication Process - Early learners develop foundational skills to communicate effectively for a variety of purposes.
INDICATOR / STANDARD OT.ELA1.2.Demonstrate expressive communication
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.ELA1.2.1.Demonstrate continual growth in increasingly varied and complex vocabulary

Magazine Picture Walk
Stuck on You
Toy Sort
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.ELA1.2.3.Use simple phrases or simple sentences

Stuck on You
Tell Me About It!
Tempted to Talk
STANDARD / STRAND IN.OT.ELA.English / Language Arts (Older Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND OT.ELA1.Communication Process - Early learners develop foundational skills to communicate effectively for a variety of purposes.
INDICATOR / STANDARD OT.ELA1.3.Demonstrate ability to engage in conversations
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.ELA1.3.2.Respond to a request for clarification

T-Shirt Talk
Why should we tell family stories?
STANDARD / STRAND IN.OT.ELA.English / Language Arts (Older Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND OT.ELA2.Early Reading - Early learners develop foundational skills in understanding alphabet awareness, phonological awareness, concepts of print, and comprehension.
INDICATOR / STANDARD OT.ELA2.4.Demonstrate comprehension
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.ELA2.4.1.Show preference for familiar stories and report phrases of the story

I Am Unique
Tell Me About It!
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.ELA2.4.2.Answer simple questions about a story

Reading Routines for Early Readers
Tips for helping your child love reading
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.ELA2.4.3.Tell a story from pictures in the book

Family Movie Night
Tips for helping your child love reading
Tips for storytelling: Using gestures
STANDARD / STRAND IN.OT.ELA.English / Language Arts (Older Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND OT.ELA3.Early Writing - Early learners develop foundational skills in mechanics of writing, ability to tell a story, and write for a variety of purposes.
INDICATOR / STANDARD OT.ELA3.1.Demonstrate mechanics of writing
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.ELA3.1.1.Explore drawing, painting, and writing as a way of communicating

Copy Me
Paint your Name
Recycled Play
Secret Message
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.ELA3.1.2.Make scribbles or shapes to convey meaning

Copy Me
Paint your Name
Secret Message
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.ELA3.1.3.Imitate simple lines and shapes

Paint your Name
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.ELA3.1.4.Experiment with a variety of writing tools, materials, and surfaces

Copy Me
Secret Message
STANDARD / STRAND IN.OT.ELA.English / Language Arts (Older Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND OT.ELA3.Early Writing - Early learners develop foundational skills in mechanics of writing, ability to tell a story, and write for a variety of purposes.
INDICATOR / STANDARD OT.ELA3.2.Demonstrate ability to communicate a story
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.ELA3.2.1.Draw pictures and scribble to generate and express ideas

Copy Me
Paint your Name
Recycled Play
Secret Message
STANDARD / STRAND IN.OT.M.Mathematics (Older Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND OT.M1.Numeracy - Early learners develop foundational skills in learning to understand counting, cardinality, written numerals, quantity, and comparison.
INDICATOR / STANDARD OT.M1.1.Demonstrate strong sense of counting
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.M1.1.1.Count the number sequence 1-5

Snack Count
STANDARD / STRAND IN.OT.M.Mathematics (Older Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND OT.M2.Computation and Algebraic Thinking - Early learners develop foundational skills in learning to understand mathematic structure and patterning.
INDICATOR / STANDARD OT.M2.2.Demonstrate awareness of patterning
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.M2.2.2.Verbally or non-verbally predict what comes next when shown a simple ABAB pattern of concrete objects

Drum Patterns
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.M2.2.3.Show greater recognition of daily routines

How do I get my child to______?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
STANDARD / STRAND IN.OT.M.Mathematics (Older Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND OT.M3.Data Analysis - Early learners develop foundational skills in learning to understand concepts of classification, data collection, organization, and description.
INDICATOR / STANDARD OT.M3.1.Demonstrate understanding of classifying
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.M3.1.1.Identify similarities and differences in objects

Nature Walk and Talk
Toy Sort
STANDARD / STRAND IN.OT.M.Mathematics (Older Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND OT.M4.Geometry - Early learners develop foundational skills in learning to understand spatial relationships and shape analysis.
INDICATOR / STANDARD OT.M4.1.Understanding of spatial relationships
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.M4.1.1.Complete basic shape interlocking puzzle with most pieces accurately in place with some assistance

Nesting Bowls
STANDARD / STRAND IN.OT.M.Mathematics (Older Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND OT.M5.Measurement - Early learners develop foundational skills in learning to understand concepts of time and measurement comparisons.
INDICATOR / STANDARD OT.M5.1.Understand concept of time
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.M5.1.1.Follow steps in a simple routine

How do I get my child to______?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
STANDARD / STRAND IN.OT.M.Mathematics (Older Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND OT.M5.Measurement - Early learners develop foundational skills in learning to understand concepts of time and measurement comparisons.
INDICATOR / STANDARD OT.M5.2.Understand measurement through description and comparison
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.M5.2.1.Sort objects into two categories based on attributes

Nature Walk and Talk
Toy Sort
STANDARD / STRAND IN.OT.SE.Social Emotional Skills (Older Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND OT.SE1.Sense of Self - Early learners develop foundational skills that support self-awareness, confidence, and the identification and expression of emotions.
INDICATOR / STANDARD OT.SE1.1.Demonstrate self-awareness and confidence
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.SE1.1.4.Begin to show independence by occasionally resisting adult control

Counting Collection
Fast, Slow
I Can Do It All By Myself
Nature Walk and Talk
Nesting Bowls
What Do We Do?
STANDARD / STRAND IN.OT.SE.Social Emotional Skills (Older Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND OT.SE2.Self-Regulation - Early learners develop foundational skills that support executive functions including impulse control, planning skills, and emotional regulation.
INDICATOR / STANDARD OT.SE2.1.Demonstrate self control
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.SE2.1.1.Follow simple routines with adult support

How do I get my child to______?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.SE2.1.2.Self-soothe independently

How should I handle temper tantrums?
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.SE2.1.3.Regulate some impulses with adult support

How can I get my child to listen to me?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
Is my child overscheduled?
STANDARD / STRAND IN.OT.SE.Social Emotional Skills (Older Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND OT.SE3.Conflict Resolution - Early learners develop foundational skills that support conflict resolution.
INDICATOR / STANDARD OT.SE3.1.Demonstrate conflict resolution
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.SE3.1.1.Engage in simple conflict resolution strategies with adult support

How can I stop my kids from fighting?
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.SE3.1.2.Begin to use language skills instead of physical force to resolve conflicts

How can I stop my kids from fighting?
STANDARD / STRAND IN.OT.SE.Social Emotional Skills (Older Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND OT.SE4.Building Relationships - Early learners develop foundational skills that support social development and engagement with others.
INDICATOR / STANDARD OT.SE4.1.Demonstrate relationship skills
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.SE4.1.1.Stay connected with familiar adults

How can I make music part of our day?
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.SE4.1.2.Separate from familiar adults in a familiar setting with minimal distress

Behavior is a form of communication
Tips for bonding with your baby
You are your child's first teacher
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.SE4.1.3.Ask for adult assistance when having difficulty in a social situation

How can I get my child to listen to me?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.SE4.1.4.Imitate and model friendship skills

Ring Around the Rosie
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.SE4.1.6.Begin to exhibit skills in associative play

Ring Around the Rosie
STANDARD / STRAND IN.OT.APL.Approaches to Play and Learning (Older Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND OT.APL1.Initiative and Exploration - Early learners develop foundational skills that support initiative, self-direction, interest, and curiosity as a learner.
INDICATOR / STANDARD OT.APL1.1.Demonstrate initiative and self-direction
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.APL1.1.1.At times, initiate a new task

Counting Collection
Fast, Slow
I Can Do It All By Myself
Nature Walk and Talk
Nesting Bowls
What Do We Do?
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.APL1.1.2.Verbally express a desire to complete task by self

Counting Collection
Fast, Slow
I Can Do It All By Myself
Nature Walk and Talk
Nesting Bowls
What Do We Do?
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.APL1.1.3.Independently select and use materials

Counting Collection
Fast, Slow
I Can Do It All By Myself
Nature Walk and Talk
Nesting Bowls
What Do We Do?
STANDARD / STRAND IN.OT.APL.Approaches to Play and Learning (Older Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND OT.APL1.Initiative and Exploration - Early learners develop foundational skills that support initiative, self-direction, interest, and curiosity as a learner.
INDICATOR / STANDARD OT.APL1.2.Demonstrate interest and curiosity as a learner
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.APL1.2.1.Ask questions about novel objects, people, and experiences

Nature Walk and Talk
What Do We Do?
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.APL1.2.2.Demonstrate enthusiasm for new learning (may be within familiar contexts)

Counting Collection
Fast, Slow
I Can Do It All By Myself
Nature Walk and Talk
Nesting Bowls
What Do We Do?
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.APL1.2.3.Use active exploration to solve a problem

Drum Patterns
Fast, Slow
Hooray Parfait
Nesting Bowls
Playdough Lengths
Stop and Go
What Do We Do?
Which Lid?
STANDARD / STRAND IN.OT.APL.Approaches to Play and Learning (Older Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND OT.APL2.Flexible Thinking - Early learners develop foundational skills that support flexible thinking and social interactions during play.
INDICATOR / STANDARD OT.APL2.1.Demonstrate development of flexible thinking skills during play
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.APL2.1.1.Substitute one object for another in pretend play or pretend with objects that may or may not be present

Banana Phonana
Drum Patterns
Recycled Play
Toy Car Wash
Vroom! Vroom!
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.APL2.1.2.Show creativity, inventiveness, and flexibility in approach to play with adult guidance

Nesting Bowls
STANDARD / STRAND IN.OT.APL.Approaches to Play and Learning (Older Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND OT.APL3.Attentiveness and Persistence - Early learners develop foundational skills that support focus and attention to a specific activity and persistence to complete a task.
INDICATOR / STANDARD OT.APL3.1.Demonstrate development of sustained attention and persistence
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.APL3.1.1.Attend to a book for longer periods of time (jointly or independently)

Counting Collection
Fast, Slow
I Can Do It All By Myself
Nature Walk and Talk
Nesting Bowls
What Do We Do?
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.APL3.1.2.Focus on an activity for short periods of time despite distractions

Counting Collection
Fast, Slow
I Can Do It All By Myself
Nature Walk and Talk
Nesting Bowls
What Do We Do?
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.APL3.1.3.Repeat an activity many times in order to master it, even if setbacks occur

Get Moving
STANDARD / STRAND IN.OT.APL.Approaches to Play and Learning (Older Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND OT.APL4.Social Interactions - Early learners develop foundational skills that support the engagement in imaginative and cooperative play with others.
INDICATOR / STANDARD OT.APL4.1.Demonstrate development of social interactions during play
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.APL4.1.2.Begin to exhibit skills in associative play

Ring Around the Rosie
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.APL4.1.3.Participate in play activities with a small group of children for short periods of time

Ring Around the Rosie
STANDARD / STRAND IN.OT.SC.Science (Older Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND OT.SC5.Scientific Inquiry and Method - Early learners develop foundational skills in learning and understanding about the world around them through exploration and investigation.
INDICATOR / STANDARD OT.SC5.1.Demonstrate scientific curiosity
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.SC5.1.1.Demonstrate curiosity and ask for more information

Counting Collection
Fast, Slow
I Can Do It All By Myself
Nature Walk and Talk
Nesting Bowls
What Do We Do?
STANDARD / STRAND IN.OT.SS.Social Studies (Older Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND OT.SS1.Self - Early learners develop foundational skills in learning and understanding the concept of self within the context of their family and community.
INDICATOR / STANDARD OT.SS1.1.Demonstrate development of self
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.SS1.1.1.Participate in and imitate celebrations and other cultural events for family, peers, and community if observed

How can I communicate with my baby?
Why should we tell family stories?
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.SS1.1.2.Begin to demonstrate a sense of belonging to a group by engaging in associative play

Ring Around the Rosie
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.SS1.1.3.Begin to gesture and ask simple questions regarding differences and/or similarities between self and others

How can I communicate with my baby?
Why should we tell family stories?
STANDARD / STRAND IN.OT.SS.Social Studies (Older Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND OT.SS2.History and Events - Early learners develop foundational skills in learning and understanding the passage of time and the foundations and functions of government.
INDICATOR / STANDARD OT.SS2.4.Demonstrate awareness of the functions of government
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.SS2.4.1.Begin to demonstrate an understanding of rules

How do I get my child to______?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
Reading Routines for Early Readers
STANDARD / STRAND IN.OT.SS.Social Studies (Older Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND OT.SS3.Geography - Early learners develop foundational skills in learning and understanding the world in spatial terms and the relationship between society and the environment.
INDICATOR / STANDARD OT.SS3.1.Demonstrate awareness of the world in spatial terms
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.SS3.1.2.Experiment with materials to represent objects in play

Tips for helping your child love reading
STANDARD / STRAND IN.OT.SS.Social Studies (Older Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND OT.SS3.Geography - Early learners develop foundational skills in learning and understanding the world in spatial terms and the relationship between society and the environment.
INDICATOR / STANDARD OT.SS3.3.Demonstrate awareness of environment and society
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.SS3.3.1.Explore characteristics and ask questions about aspects of the environment

Nature Walk and Talk
What Do We Do?
STANDARD / STRAND IN.OT.SS.Social Studies (Older Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND OT.SS4.Economics - Early learners develop foundational skills in learning and understanding the functions of an economy.
INDICATOR / STANDARD OT.SS4.1.Demonstrate awareness of economics
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.SS4.1.2.Communicate wants and needs

Behavior is a form of communication
Tempted to Talk
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.SS4.1.4.Begin to role play different jobs

Banana Phonana
STANDARD / STRAND IN.OT.SS.Social Studies (Older Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND OT.SS5.Citizenship - Early learners develop foundational skills in understanding the expected behavior as a citizen in a democratic society.
INDICATOR / STANDARD OT.SS5.1.Demonstrate awareness of citizenship
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.SS5.1.1.Participate in simple routines with adult support

How do I get my child to______?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.SS5.1.2.Identify preferences

I Am Unique
Tell Me About It!
STANDARD / STRAND IN.OT.CA.Creative Arts (Older Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND OT.CA1.Music - Early learners develop foundational skills that support creative expression through voice, instruments, and objects.
INDICATOR / STANDARD OT.CA1.1.Demonstrate creative music expression
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.CA1.1.2.Experiment with vocalizations, sounds, and musical instruments

How can I communicate with my baby?
How can I make music part of our day?
I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby?
Ring Around the Rosie
Why should I sing to my baby?
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.CA1.1.3.Initiate singing a song repeatedly

How can I communicate with my baby?
How can I make music part of our day?
I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby?
Ring Around the Rosie
Why should I sing to my baby?
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.CA1.1.4.Produce rhythmic patterns to familiar songs

Drum Patterns
STANDARD / STRAND IN.OT.CA.Creative Arts (Older Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND OT.CA2.Dance - Early learners develop foundational skills that support creative expression through movement.
INDICATOR / STANDARD OT.CA2.1.Demonstrate creative movement expression
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.CA2.1.1.Use dance for self-expression

I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby?
Ring Around the Rosie
STANDARD / STRAND IN.OT.CA.Creative Arts (Older Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND OT.CA3.Visual Arts - Early learners develop foundational skills that support creative expression through the process, production, and appreciation of visual art forms.
INDICATOR / STANDARD OT.CA3.1.Demonstrate creative expression through the visual art process
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.CA3.1.1.Enjoy repetition of materials and experiences

Copy Me
Recycled Play
STANDARD / STRAND IN.OT.CA.Creative Arts (Older Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND OT.CA3.Visual Arts - Early learners develop foundational skills that support creative expression through the process, production, and appreciation of visual art forms.
INDICATOR / STANDARD OT.CA3.2.Demonstrate creative expression through visual art production
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.CA3.2.1.Use a variety of media

Copy Me
Recycled Play
STANDARD / STRAND IN.OT.CA.Creative Arts (Older Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND OT.CA4.Dramatic Play - Early learners develop foundational skills that support creative expression through dramatic play.
INDICATOR / STANDARD OT.CA4.1.Demonstrate creative expression through dramatic play
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.CA4.1.1.Engage in parallel play

Banana Phonana
Drum Patterns
Recycled Play
Toy Car Wash
Vroom! Vroom!
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.CA4.1.2.Begin to exhibit skills in associative play

Ring Around the Rosie
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.CA4.1.3.Spontaneously pretend to take on the characteristics of a person, character, or animal

Banana Phonana
Drum Patterns
Recycled Play
Toy Car Wash
Vroom! Vroom!
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.CA4.1.4.Express self through dramatic play

Banana Phonana
STANDARD / STRAND IN.OT.PHG.Physical Health and Growth (Older Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND OT.PHG1.Health and Well-Being - Early learners develop foundational skills that support healthy, safe, and nutritious practices.
INDICATOR / STANDARD OT.PHG1.1.Demonstrate development of healthy practices
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.PHG1.1.1.Practice health and hygiene-related behaviors with reminders

Hooray Parfait
I Can Do It All By Myself
Little Chef
Packing our Lunch
STANDARD / STRAND IN.OT.PHG.Physical Health and Growth (Older Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND OT.PHG1.Health and Well-Being - Early learners develop foundational skills that support healthy, safe, and nutritious practices.
INDICATOR / STANDARD OT.PHG1.2.Demonstrate development of safety practices
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.PHG1.2.3.Respond to adult guidance and direction regarding safety

How can I get my child to listen to me?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
STANDARD / STRAND IN.OT.PHG.Physical Health and Growth (Older Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND OT.PHG1.Health and Well-Being - Early learners develop foundational skills that support healthy, safe, and nutritious practices.
INDICATOR / STANDARD OT.PHG1.3.Demonstrate development of nutrition awareness
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.PHG1.3.3.Communicate about various characteristics of food

Hooray Parfait
Little Chef
Packing our Lunch
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.PHG1.3.4.Feed self with minimal assistance

Hooray Parfait
Little Chef
Packing our Lunch
STANDARD / STRAND IN.OT.PHG.Physical Health and Growth (Older Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND OT.PHG2.Senses - Early learners use the five senses to develop foundational skills that support processing information and understanding one’s own body in relation to space and objects in space.
INDICATOR / STANDARD OT.PHG2.1.Demonstrate how the five senses support processing information
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.PHG2.1.1.Test objects to determine their purpose

Counting Collection
Fast, Slow
I Can Do It All By Myself
Nature Walk and Talk
Nesting Bowls
What Do We Do?
STANDARD / STRAND IN.OT.PHG.Physical Health and Growth (Older Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND OT.PHG2.Senses - Early learners use the five senses to develop foundational skills that support processing information and understanding one’s own body in relation to space and objects in space.
INDICATOR / STANDARD OT.PHG2.2.Demonstrate development of body awareness
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.PHG2.2.1.Identify basic body parts

Bear Hunt
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.PHG2.2.2.Demonstrate awareness of own body in space and in relationship to objects

Bear Hunt
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.PHG2.2.3.Participate in active physical play and structured activities requiring spontaneous and instructed body movements

Bear Hunt
Get Moving
STANDARD / STRAND IN.OT.PHG.Physical Health and Growth (Older Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND OT.PHG3.Motor Skills - Early learners develop foundational skills that support the development of fine and gross motor coordination.
INDICATOR / STANDARD OT.PHG3.1.Demonstrate development of fine and gross motor coordination
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.PHG3.1.1.Use hand-eye coordination to manipulate smaller objects with increasing control

Drum Patterns
Torn Paper Art
Toy Car Wash
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.PHG3.1.2.Develop coordination and balance

Bear Hunt
Get Moving
Ring Around the Rosie
Stop and Go
STANDARD / STRAND IN.OT.PHG.Physical Health and Growth (Older Toddler)
PROFICIENCY STATEMENT / SUBSTRAND OT.PHG4.Personal Care - Early learners develop foundational skills that support the independent care of one’s self.
INDICATOR / STANDARD OT.PHG4.1.Demonstrate increased independence in personal care routines
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.PHG4.1.1.Participate with adult support in personal body care practices

I Can Do It All By Myself
EXPECTATION / INDICATOR OT.PHG4.1.2.Participate with adult support in dressing and undressing self

T-Shirt Talk