Iowa Core (Infant)

Main Criteria: Iowa Core
Secondary Criteria: ReadyRosie
Subject: Early Childhood Education
Grades: Ages Birth to 12 months, Ages 13 to 24 months, Ages 25 to 36 months
Correlation Options: Show Correlated

Iowa Core
Early Childhood Education
Grade: Ages Birth to 12 months - Adopted: 2017
STRAND / COURSE Area 1:Social and Emotional Development
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Self – Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 1.1.ITInfants and toddlers display a positive sense of self.
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION The infant or toddler…
EXAMPLE 1.1.IT.1responds to familiar adults’ and children’s interactions using behaviors such as gazing, cuddling, and accepting assistance.

Baby Massage
Behavior is a form of communication
How can I get my child to listen to me?
Snuggle Close
Tips for bonding with your baby
What Comes after Two?
You are your child's first teacher
EXAMPLE 1.1.IT.2explores his or her own body.

Kicking Paper
Piggy Toes
Roll Over
Strong Legs
STRAND / COURSE Area 1:Social and Emotional Development
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Self-Regulation - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 1.2.ITInfants and toddlers show increasing awareness of and ability to express emotions in socially and culturally appropriate ways.
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION The infant or toddler…
EXAMPLE 1.2.IT.1indicates need for assistance through actions such as crying, gesturing, vocalizing, using words, or approaching familiar adults.

Behavior is a form of communication
EXAMPLE 1.2.IT.6begins to control behavior through following simple rules and limits in a variety of settings.

How can I get my child to listen to me?
EXAMPLE 1.2.IT.7begins to transition between feeling states with guidance from a caring adult.

How can I get my child to listen to me?
STRAND / COURSE Area 1:Social and Emotional Development
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Relationship with Adults - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 1.3.ITInfants and toddlers relate positively with significant adults.
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION The infant or toddler…
EXAMPLE 1.3.IT.1distinguishes between familiar and unfamiliar adults; for example, is comforted by the sight of the familiar adult or the sound of the familiar adult’s voice.

Baby Massage
Behavior is a form of communication
How can I help my child with separation?
Snuggle Close
Tips for bonding with your baby
What Comes after Two?
You are your child's first teacher
EXAMPLE 1.3.IT.2accepts assistance and comfort from familiar adults.

How can I get my child to listen to me?
EXAMPLE 1.3.IT.3seeks and maintains contact with familiar adults; for example, by looking at the adult, hearing the adult’s voice, or touching the adult.

Grasp and Grab
How can I make music part of our day?
Me in the Mirror
Sing to Your Baby
Snuggle Close
Tummy Talk
Two on Me and You
Which Toy?
EXAMPLE 1.3.IT.4shows discomfort at separations from familiar adults.

How can I help my child with separation?
EXAMPLE 1.3.IT.5seeks help from familiar adults in unfamiliar situations.

How can I get my child to listen to me?
STRAND / COURSE Area 1:Social and Emotional Development
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Relationship with Children - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 1.4.ITInfants and toddlers respond to and initiate interactions with other children.
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION The infant or toddler…
EXAMPLE 1.4.IT.4develops an awareness of his or her behavior and how it affects others.

How can I get my child to listen to me?
STRAND / COURSE Area 2:Physical Well-Being and Motor Development
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Healthy and Safe Living - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 2.1.ITInfants and toddlers participate in healthy and safe living practices.
EXAMPLE 2.1.IT.2establishes healthy eating and sleeping patterns with the assistance of a responsive adult.

Lunchtime Language
STRAND / COURSE Area 2:Physical Well-Being and Motor Development
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Healthy and Safe Living - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 2.1.ITInfants and toddlers participate in healthy and safe living practices.
EXAMPLE 2.1.IT.5shows a willingness to try new foods and engages in food exploration such as basic cooking tasks or dramatic play activity.

Lunchtime Language
EXAMPLE 2.1.IT.6participates in safe behaviors regarding the environment, such as around stairs or hot surfaces, or accepts redirection from adults.

How can I get my child to listen to me?
STRAND / COURSE Area 2:Physical Well-Being and Motor Development
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Large Motor Skills - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 2.2.ITInfants and toddlers develop large motor skills.
EXAMPLE 2.2.IT.2shows increasing control in large motor skills such as reaching, rolling over, crawling, standing, and walking.

Roll Over
STRAND / COURSE Area 2:Physical Well-Being and Motor Development
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Small Motor Development - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 2.3.ITInfants and toddlers develop small motor skills.
EXAMPLE 2.3.IT.1uses hand-eye coordination to perform self-help and small motor tasks, such as eating food, picking up objects, placing objects on a surface, transferring objects from hand to hand, and fitting objects into a hole in a box.

Grasp and Grab
Touch and Taste
STRAND / COURSE Area 2:Physical Well-Being and Motor Development
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Small Motor Development - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 2.3.ITInfants and toddlers develop small motor skills.
EXAMPLE 2.3.IT.2uses hand-eye coordination to perform self-help and small motor tasks such as eating with a fork or spoon, completing simple puzzles, stacking blocks, dressing with assistance, scribbling with crayons or markers, participating in finger plays, and using musical instruments.

Grasp and Grab
Touch and Taste
STRAND / COURSE Area 3:Approaches to Learning
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Curiosity and Initiative - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 3.1.ITInfants and toddlers express curiosity and initiative in exploring the environment and learning new skills.
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION The infant or toddler…
EXAMPLE 3.1.IT.1shows interest in people including other infants, objects, and events.

Do You See Me?
Kicking Paper
Touch and Taste
Which Toy?
EXAMPLE 3.1.IT.2uses his or her senses to choose, explore, and manipulate a variety of objects or toys in a variety of ways.

Bath Time Fun
Two on Me and You
EXAMPLE 3.1.IT.3actively plays with or near adults, other children, and materials.

Grasp and Grab
How can I make music part of our day?
Me in the Mirror
Sing to Your Baby
Snuggle Close
Tummy Talk
Two on Me and You
Which Toy?
STRAND / COURSE Area 3:Approaches to Learning
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Engagement and Persistence - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 3.2.ITInfants and toddlers purposefully choose, engage, and persist in play, experiences, and routines.
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION The infant or toddler…
EXAMPLE 3.2.IT.1holds attention of familiar adult; for example, through eye contact or vocalizations.

Do You See Me?
Me in the Mirror
Pattern Play
Self Talk
Sing to Your Baby
Which Toy?
EXAMPLE 3.2.IT.2repeats familiar and newly learned experiences.

Do You See Me?
Kicking Paper
Touch and Taste
Which Toy?
EXAMPLE 3.2.IT.3maintains focus, if interested, on people or objects, play experiences, or novel events.

Do You See Me?
Kicking Paper
Touch and Taste
Which Toy?
EXAMPLE 3.2.IT.4continues to try to succeed using challenging materials or during experiences.

Do You See Me?
Kicking Paper
Touch and Taste
Which Toy?
STRAND / COURSE Area 3:Approaches to Learning
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Reasoning and Problem Solving - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 3.3.ITInfants and toddlers purposefully demonstrate strategies for reasoning and problem solving.
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION The infant or toddler…
EXAMPLE 3.3.IT.1uses an object, action, or adult to accomplish tasks, such as pulling a blanket to reach a toy or pushing a button to hear a sound.

Do You See Me?
Supported Standing
EXAMPLE 3.3.IT.2experiments to find a solution to a problem.

Do You See Me?
Supported Standing
EXAMPLE 3.3.IT.3imitates an adult action to solve a problem.

Do You See Me?
Supported Standing
EXAMPLE 3.3.IT.4recognizes difficulties and adjusts actions, as needed.

Do You See Me?
Kicking Paper
Supported Standing
Touch and Taste
Which Toy?
EXAMPLE 3.3.IT.5seeks and accepts help when encountering a problem beyond his or her ability to solve independently.

Do You See Me?
How can I get my child to listen to me?
Supported Standing
STRAND / COURSE Area 3:Approaches to Learning
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Play and Senses - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 3.4.ITInfants and toddlers engage in play to learn.
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION The infant or toddler…
EXAMPLE 3.4.IT.1uses sights, smells, sounds, textures, and tastes to explore and experience routines and materials within the environment.

Bath Time Fun
Two on Me and You
EXAMPLE 3.4.IT.4repeats experiences with materials, adults, and peers to build knowledge and understanding of the world around them.

Do You See Me?
Kicking Paper
Touch and Taste
Which Toy?
STRAND / COURSE Area 4:Social Studies
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Awareness of Family and Community - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 4.1.ITInfants and toddlers demonstrate a sense of belonging within their family, program, and other social settings or groups.
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION The infant or toddler…
EXAMPLE 4.1.IT.2recognizes familiar adults and uses them to determine safety during exploration.

Baby Massage
Behavior is a form of communication
Snuggle Close
Tips for bonding with your baby
What Comes after Two?
You are your child's first teacher
STRAND / COURSE Area 4:Social Studies
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Awareness of Culture - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 4.2.ITInfants and toddlers demonstrate a strong sense of self within their culture.
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION The infant or toddler…
EXAMPLE 4.2.IT.2chooses and participates in familiar experiences, including songs and stories from his or her home culture.

How can I communicate with my baby?
How can I make music part of our day?
I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby?
Itsy Bitsy Spider Motions
Piggy Toes
Sing to Your Baby
Why should I sing to my baby?
EXAMPLE 4.2.IT.3explores materials from various cultures.

How can I communicate with my baby?
Piggy Toes
STRAND / COURSE Area 4:Social Studies
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Exploration of the Environment - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 4.3.ITInfants and toddlers explore new environments with interest and recognize familiar places.
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION The infant or toddler…
EXAMPLE 4.3.IT.1demonstrates interest and curiosity within familiar and unfamiliar settings.

Do You See Me?
Kicking Paper
Touch and Taste
Which Toy?
EXAMPLE 4.3.IT.2explores and plays with new, as well as familiar objects, in the environment using all five senses.

Bath Time Fun
Two on Me and You
EXAMPLE 4.3.IT.3chooses and participates in unfamiliar experiences.

Do You See Me?
Kicking Paper
Touch and Taste
Which Toy?
STRAND / COURSE Area 5:Creative Arts
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Art - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 5.1.ITInfants and toddlers participate in a variety of sensory and art-related experiences.
EXAMPLE 5.1.IT.1gazes at a picture, photo, or mirror images.

Do You See Me?
Kicking Paper
Touch and Taste
Which Toy?
EXAMPLE 5.1.IT.2manipulates and explores play materials within the environment.

Grasp and Grab
Touch and Taste
STRAND / COURSE Area 5:Creative Arts
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Art - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 5.1.ITInfants and toddlers participate in a variety of sensory and art-related experiences.
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION The older infant and toddler also…
EXAMPLE 5.1.IT.3expresses interest in art-related experiences and media.

Animal Noises
STRAND / COURSE Area 5:Creative Arts
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Music, Rhythm, and Movement - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 5.2.ITInfants and Toddlers participate in a variety of rhythm, music, and movement experiences.
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION The infant or toddler…
EXAMPLE 5.2.IT.1shows interest in songs, tones, rhythms, voices, and music.

How can I communicate with my baby?
How can I make music part of our day?
I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby?
Itsy Bitsy Spider Motions
Piggy Toes
Sing to Your Baby
Why should I sing to my baby?
STRAND / COURSE Area 5:Creative Arts
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Music, Rhythm, and Movement - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 5.2.ITInfants and Toddlers participate in a variety of rhythm, music, and movement experiences.
EXAMPLE 5.2.IT.5sings simple songs and participates in finger plays.

How can I communicate with my baby?
How can I make music part of our day?
I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby?
Itsy Bitsy Spider Motions
Piggy Toes
Sing to Your Baby
Why should I sing to my baby?
EXAMPLE 5.2.IT.6sings daily songs to recognize the patterns throughout their day.

How can I communicate with my baby?
How can I make music part of our day?
I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby?
Itsy Bitsy Spider Motions
Piggy Toes
Sing to Your Baby
Why should I sing to my baby?
STRAND / COURSE Area 6:Communication, Language, and Literacy
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Language Understanding and Use - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 6.1.ITInfants and toddlers understand and use communication and language for a variety of purposes.
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION The infant or toddler, in home language and in English…
EXAMPLE 6.1.IT.1responds to the vocalizations and communications, verbal and nonverbal, of familiar adults.

Lunchtime Language
Self Talk
Tummy Talk
EXAMPLE 6.1.IT.3uses vocalizations and gestures to communicate wants and needs.

Behavior is a form of communication
EXAMPLE 6.1.IT.4increases both listening (receptive) and speaking (expressive) vocabulary.

How can I help my child learn new words?
Lunchtime Language
STRAND / COURSE Area 6:Communication, Language, and Literacy
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Early Literacy - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 6.2.ITInfants and toddlers engage in early reading experiences.
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION The infant and toddler…
EXAMPLE 6.2.IT.4responds to or engages in songs, rhyming games, or finger plays with a familiar adult.

How can I communicate with my baby?
How can I make music part of our day?
I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby?
Itsy Bitsy Spider Motions
Piggy Toes
Sing to Your Baby
Why should I sing to my baby?
STRAND / COURSE Area 6:Communication, Language, and Literacy
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Early Literacy - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 6.2.ITInfants and toddlers engage in early reading experiences.
EXAMPLE 6.2.IT.6enjoys and repeats songs, rhymes, or finger plays.

How can I communicate with my baby?
How can I make music part of our day?
I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby?
Itsy Bitsy Spider Motions
Piggy Toes
Sing to Your Baby
Why should I sing to my baby?
EXAMPLE 6.2.IT.7answers simple questions related to books.

Reading Routines for Early Readers
STRAND / COURSE Area 6:Communication, Language, and Literacy
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Early Writing - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 6.3.ITInfants and toddlers engage in early writing experiences.
EXAMPLE 6.3.IT.1grasps and/or manipulates a variety of objects in his or her environment.

Bath Time Fun
Grasp and Grab
Table Taps
Touch and Taste
STRAND / COURSE Area 6:Communication, Language, and Literacy
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Early Writing - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 6.3.ITInfants and toddlers engage in early writing experiences.
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION The older infant and toddler also…
EXAMPLE 6.3.IT.3shows increasing skill in manipulating objects such as stacking several items, using pegboards, and mastering the use of eating utensils.

Grasp and Grab
Touch and Taste
STRAND / COURSE Area 7:Mathematics
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Comparison and Number - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 7.1.ITInfants and toddlers show increasing understanding of comparisons and amount, including use of numbers and counting.
EXAMPLE 7.1.IT.3begins to use simple counting in play and interactions, although numbers may occur out of order.

Table Taps
STRAND / COURSE Area 7:Mathematics
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Patterns - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 7.2.ITInfants and toddlers begin to recognize patterns.
EXAMPLE 7.2.IT.3repeats actions in sequence, such as finger plays.

Itsy Bitsy Spider Motions
STRAND / COURSE Area 7:Mathematics
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Shapes and Spatial Relationships - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 7.3.ITInfants and toddlers show increasing understanding of spatial relationships.
EXAMPLE 7.3.IT.1takes objects apart.

Grasp and Grab
Touch and Taste
STRAND / COURSE Area 7:Mathematics
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Shapes and Spatial Relationships - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 7.3.ITInfants and toddlers show increasing understanding of spatial relationships.
EXAMPLE 7.3.IT.3takes objects apart and attempts to put them together.

Grasp and Grab
Touch and Taste
EXAMPLE 7.3.IT.4shows awareness of his or her own body space.

Kicking Paper
Piggy Toes
Roll Over
Strong Legs
STRAND / COURSE Area 8:Science
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Scientific Investigations - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 8.1.ITInfants and toddlers observe and wonder about the environment around them.
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION The infant or toddler…
EXAMPLE 8.1.IT.2engages in a variety of play experiences and exploration when provided open-ended materials, such as toys or household items that can be taken apart/put together, a container of water and various objects, seeds of different sizes/textures/shapes).

Grasp and Grab
Touch and Taste
EXAMPLE 8.1.IT.3uses one or more senses to make observations of their environment.

Bath Time Fun
Two on Me and You

Iowa Core
Early Childhood Education
Grade: Ages 13 to 24 months - Adopted: 2017
STRAND / COURSE Area 1:Social and Emotional Development
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Self – Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 1.1.ITInfants and toddlers display a positive sense of self.
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION The infant or toddler…
EXAMPLE 1.1.IT.1responds to familiar adults’ and children’s interactions using behaviors such as gazing, cuddling, and accepting assistance.

Behavior is a form of communication
How can I get my child to listen to me?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
Tips for bonding with your baby
You are your child's first teacher
EXAMPLE 1.1.IT.2explores his or her own body.

Flying with Mom
Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
Kick With Me
Point and Learn
Pop Go the Bubbles
Walk the Line
EXAMPLE 1.1.IT.4shows preferences for toys and experiences.

Choosing Clothes
This or That
STRAND / COURSE Area 1:Social and Emotional Development
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Self-Regulation - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 1.2.ITInfants and toddlers show increasing awareness of and ability to express emotions in socially and culturally appropriate ways.
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION The infant or toddler…
EXAMPLE 1.2.IT.1indicates need for assistance through actions such as crying, gesturing, vocalizing, using words, or approaching familiar adults.

Behavior is a form of communication
Snack Time Speech
EXAMPLE 1.2.IT.3begins to express a range and variety of feelings and emotions through body language, facial expressions, actions, and/or verbal responses.

Reading Emotions
EXAMPLE 1.2.IT.4shows increasing ability to recognize own feelings, including simple (such as mad, glad) and complex (such as excited, frustrated, disappointed) feelings.

Walk the Line
EXAMPLE 1.2.IT.6begins to control behavior through following simple rules and limits in a variety of settings.

How can I get my child to listen to me?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
Is my child overscheduled?
EXAMPLE 1.2.IT.7begins to transition between feeling states with guidance from a caring adult.

How can I get my child to listen to me?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
Is my child overscheduled?
STRAND / COURSE Area 1:Social and Emotional Development
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Relationship with Adults - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 1.3.ITInfants and toddlers relate positively with significant adults.
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION The infant or toddler…
EXAMPLE 1.3.IT.1distinguishes between familiar and unfamiliar adults; for example, is comforted by the sight of the familiar adult or the sound of the familiar adult’s voice.

Behavior is a form of communication
How can I help my child with separation?
Tips for bonding with your baby
You are your child's first teacher
EXAMPLE 1.3.IT.2accepts assistance and comfort from familiar adults.

How can I get my child to listen to me?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
EXAMPLE 1.3.IT.3seeks and maintains contact with familiar adults; for example, by looking at the adult, hearing the adult’s voice, or touching the adult.

Choosing Clothes
How can I make music part of our day?
Move to to the Music
This or That
EXAMPLE 1.3.IT.4shows discomfort at separations from familiar adults.

How can I help my child with separation?
EXAMPLE 1.3.IT.5seeks help from familiar adults in unfamiliar situations.

How can I get my child to listen to me?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
EXAMPLE 1.3.IT.7begins to imitate or portray roles and relationships.

Bear Bath
EXAMPLE 1.3.IT.8imitates adult behaviors.

Bear Bath
STRAND / COURSE Area 1:Social and Emotional Development
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Relationship with Children - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 1.4.ITInfants and toddlers respond to and initiate interactions with other children.
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION The infant or toddler…
EXAMPLE 1.4.IT.1initiates interactions with other children through gestures, vocalizations, facial expressions, and/or body movements.

Kick With Me
Little Hands, Big Plans
Tea Party
EXAMPLE 1.4.IT.4develops an awareness of his or her behavior and how it affects others.

How can I get my child to listen to me?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
Is my child overscheduled?
EXAMPLE 1.4.IT.5imitates other children’s behaviors.

Bear Bath
STRAND / COURSE Area 2:Physical Well-Being and Motor Development
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Healthy and Safe Living - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 2.1.ITInfants and toddlers participate in healthy and safe living practices.
EXAMPLE 2.1.IT.2establishes healthy eating and sleeping patterns with the assistance of a responsive adult.

Snack Time Speech
STRAND / COURSE Area 2:Physical Well-Being and Motor Development
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Healthy and Safe Living - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 2.1.ITInfants and toddlers participate in healthy and safe living practices.
EXAMPLE 2.1.IT.5shows a willingness to try new foods and engages in food exploration such as basic cooking tasks or dramatic play activity.

Snack Time Speech
EXAMPLE 2.1.IT.6participates in safe behaviors regarding the environment, such as around stairs or hot surfaces, or accepts redirection from adults.

How can I get my child to listen to me?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
STRAND / COURSE Area 2:Physical Well-Being and Motor Development
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Large Motor Skills - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 2.2.ITInfants and toddlers develop large motor skills.
EXAMPLE 2.2.IT.1shows increasing balance, strength, and coordination in activities such as gaining control of the head and body by turning head from side to side, lifting the head off the floor, sitting, and standing.

Kick With Me
Move While you Sing
Pop Go the Bubbles
Take Along Toy
Walk the Line
EXAMPLE 2.2.IT.2shows increasing control in large motor skills such as reaching, rolling over, crawling, standing, and walking.

Kick With Me
Move While you Sing
Pop Go the Bubbles
Take Along Toy
Walk the Line
STRAND / COURSE Area 2:Physical Well-Being and Motor Development
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Large Motor Skills - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 2.2.ITInfants and toddlers develop large motor skills.
EXAMPLE 2.2.IT.3shows increasing control in motor skills such as rolling, throwing, and kicking a ball, and jumping.

Baby Basketball
Kick With Me
EXAMPLE 2.2.IT.4shows increasing balance in activities such as running, climbing stairs, marching, and moving a riding toy using his or her feet.

Kick With Me
Move While you Sing
Pop Go the Bubbles
Take Along Toy
Walk the Line
STRAND / COURSE Area 2:Physical Well-Being and Motor Development
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Small Motor Development - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 2.3.ITInfants and toddlers develop small motor skills.
EXAMPLE 2.3.IT.1uses hand-eye coordination to perform self-help and small motor tasks, such as eating food, picking up objects, placing objects on a surface, transferring objects from hand to hand, and fitting objects into a hole in a box.

Big, Little Helper
Clap and Swing
Color with Me
Dump and Pick Up
Little Hands, Big Plans
Take Along Toy
Tube Chute
STRAND / COURSE Area 2:Physical Well-Being and Motor Development
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Small Motor Development - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 2.3.ITInfants and toddlers develop small motor skills.
EXAMPLE 2.3.IT.2uses hand-eye coordination to perform self-help and small motor tasks such as eating with a fork or spoon, completing simple puzzles, stacking blocks, dressing with assistance, scribbling with crayons or markers, participating in finger plays, and using musical instruments.

Big, Little Helper
Clap and Swing
Color with Me
Dump and Pick Up
Little Hands, Big Plans
Take Along Toy
Tube Chute
STRAND / COURSE Area 3:Approaches to Learning
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Curiosity and Initiative - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 3.1.ITInfants and toddlers express curiosity and initiative in exploring the environment and learning new skills.
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION The infant or toddler…
EXAMPLE 3.1.IT.1shows interest in people including other infants, objects, and events.

Build to Four
Buried Treasure
Can You Find Me?
Check the Mail
Take Along Toy
Tube Chute
Walk the Line
EXAMPLE 3.1.IT.2uses his or her senses to choose, explore, and manipulate a variety of objects or toys in a variety of ways.

Baby Basketball
Flying with Mom
Pop Go the Bubbles
Take Along Toy
Walk the Line
EXAMPLE 3.1.IT.3actively plays with or near adults, other children, and materials.

Choosing Clothes
How can I make music part of our day?
Kick With Me
Little Hands, Big Plans
Move to to the Music
Tea Party
This or That
STRAND / COURSE Area 3:Approaches to Learning
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Engagement and Persistence - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 3.2.ITInfants and toddlers purposefully choose, engage, and persist in play, experiences, and routines.
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION The infant or toddler…
EXAMPLE 3.2.IT.2repeats familiar and newly learned experiences.

Build to Four
Buried Treasure
Can You Find Me?
Check the Mail
Take Along Toy
Tube Chute
Walk the Line
EXAMPLE 3.2.IT.3maintains focus, if interested, on people or objects, play experiences, or novel events.

Build to Four
Buried Treasure
Can You Find Me?
Check the Mail
Take Along Toy
Tube Chute
Walk the Line
EXAMPLE 3.2.IT.4continues to try to succeed using challenging materials or during experiences.

Build to Four
Buried Treasure
Can You Find Me?
Check the Mail
Take Along Toy
Tube Chute
Walk the Line
STRAND / COURSE Area 3:Approaches to Learning
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Reasoning and Problem Solving - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 3.3.ITInfants and toddlers purposefully demonstrate strategies for reasoning and problem solving.
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION The infant or toddler…
EXAMPLE 3.3.IT.1uses an object, action, or adult to accomplish tasks, such as pulling a blanket to reach a toy or pushing a button to hear a sound.

Build to Four
Buried Treasure
Can You Find Me?
Dump and Pick Up
EXAMPLE 3.3.IT.2experiments to find a solution to a problem.

Build to Four
Buried Treasure
Can You Find Me?
Dump and Pick Up
EXAMPLE 3.3.IT.3imitates an adult action to solve a problem.

Build to Four
Buried Treasure
Can You Find Me?
Dump and Pick Up
EXAMPLE 3.3.IT.4recognizes difficulties and adjusts actions, as needed.

Build to Four
Buried Treasure
Can You Find Me?
Check the Mail
Dump and Pick Up
Take Along Toy
Tube Chute
Walk the Line
EXAMPLE 3.3.IT.5seeks and accepts help when encountering a problem beyond his or her ability to solve independently.

Build to Four
Buried Treasure
Can You Find Me?
Dump and Pick Up
How can I get my child to listen to me?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
STRAND / COURSE Area 3:Approaches to Learning
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Play and Senses - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 3.4.ITInfants and toddlers engage in play to learn.
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION The infant or toddler…
EXAMPLE 3.4.IT.1uses sights, smells, sounds, textures, and tastes to explore and experience routines and materials within the environment.

Baby Basketball
Flying with Mom
Pop Go the Bubbles
Take Along Toy
Walk the Line
EXAMPLE 3.4.IT.2chooses and participates in a variety of play experiences.

Kick With Me
Little Hands, Big Plans
Tea Party
EXAMPLE 3.4.IT.4repeats experiences with materials, adults, and peers to build knowledge and understanding of the world around them.

Build to Four
Buried Treasure
Can You Find Me?
Check the Mail
Take Along Toy
Tube Chute
Walk the Line
STRAND / COURSE Area 4:Social Studies
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Awareness of Family and Community - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 4.1.ITInfants and toddlers demonstrate a sense of belonging within their family, program, and other social settings or groups.
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION The infant or toddler…
EXAMPLE 4.1.IT.2recognizes familiar adults and uses them to determine safety during exploration.

Behavior is a form of communication
Tips for bonding with your baby
You are your child's first teacher
STRAND / COURSE Area 4:Social Studies
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Awareness of Culture - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 4.2.ITInfants and toddlers demonstrate a strong sense of self within their culture.
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION The infant or toddler…
EXAMPLE 4.2.IT.2chooses and participates in familiar experiences, including songs and stories from his or her home culture.

Clap and Swing
Happy Birthday to You
How can I communicate with my baby?
How can I make music part of our day?
I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby?
Itsy Bitsy Spider Motions
Move While you Sing
Move to to the Music
Rhyme and Ride
Swing Song
Where is Thumbkin?
Why should I sing to my baby?
Why should we tell family stories?
EXAMPLE 4.2.IT.3explores materials from various cultures.

Clap and Swing
How can I communicate with my baby?
Swing Song
Why should we tell family stories?
STRAND / COURSE Area 4:Social Studies
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Exploration of the Environment - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 4.3.ITInfants and toddlers explore new environments with interest and recognize familiar places.
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION The infant or toddler…
EXAMPLE 4.3.IT.1demonstrates interest and curiosity within familiar and unfamiliar settings.

Build to Four
Buried Treasure
Can You Find Me?
Check the Mail
Take Along Toy
Tube Chute
Walk the Line
EXAMPLE 4.3.IT.2explores and plays with new, as well as familiar objects, in the environment using all five senses.

Baby Basketball
Flying with Mom
Pop Go the Bubbles
Take Along Toy
Walk the Line
EXAMPLE 4.3.IT.3chooses and participates in unfamiliar experiences.

Build to Four
Buried Treasure
Can You Find Me?
Check the Mail
Take Along Toy
Tube Chute
Walk the Line
STRAND / COURSE Area 5:Creative Arts
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Art - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 5.1.ITInfants and toddlers participate in a variety of sensory and art-related experiences.
EXAMPLE 5.1.IT.1gazes at a picture, photo, or mirror images.

Build to Four
Buried Treasure
Can You Find Me?
Check the Mail
Take Along Toy
Tube Chute
Walk the Line
EXAMPLE 5.1.IT.2manipulates and explores play materials within the environment.

Big, Little Helper
Clap and Swing
Color with Me
Dump and Pick Up
Little Hands, Big Plans
Take Along Toy
Tube Chute
STRAND / COURSE Area 5:Creative Arts
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Art - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 5.1.ITInfants and toddlers participate in a variety of sensory and art-related experiences.
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION The older infant and toddler also…
EXAMPLE 5.1.IT.3expresses interest in art-related experiences and media.

Reading Emotions
STRAND / COURSE Area 5:Creative Arts
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Music, Rhythm, and Movement - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 5.2.ITInfants and Toddlers participate in a variety of rhythm, music, and movement experiences.
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION The infant or toddler…
EXAMPLE 5.2.IT.1shows interest in songs, tones, rhythms, voices, and music.

Clap and Swing
Happy Birthday to You
How can I communicate with my baby?
How can I make music part of our day?
I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby?
Itsy Bitsy Spider Motions
Move While you Sing
Move to to the Music
Rhyme and Ride
Swing Song
Where is Thumbkin?
Why should I sing to my baby?
STRAND / COURSE Area 5:Creative Arts
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Music, Rhythm, and Movement - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 5.2.ITInfants and Toddlers participate in a variety of rhythm, music, and movement experiences.
EXAMPLE 5.2.IT.5sings simple songs and participates in finger plays.

Clap and Swing
Happy Birthday to You
How can I communicate with my baby?
How can I make music part of our day?
I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby?
Itsy Bitsy Spider Motions
Move While you Sing
Move to to the Music
Rhyme and Ride
Swing Song
Where is Thumbkin?
Why should I sing to my baby?
EXAMPLE 5.2.IT.6sings daily songs to recognize the patterns throughout their day.

Clap and Swing
Happy Birthday to You
How can I communicate with my baby?
How can I make music part of our day?
I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby?
Itsy Bitsy Spider Motions
Move While you Sing
Move to to the Music
Rhyme and Ride
Swing Song
Where is Thumbkin?
Why should I sing to my baby?
STRAND / COURSE Area 5:Creative Arts
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Dramatic Play - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 5.3.ITInfants and toddlers engage in dramatic play experiences.
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION The infant and toddler…
EXAMPLE 5.3.IT.1imitates the sounds, facial expressions, gestures, or behaviors of another person.

Bear Bath
EXAMPLE 5.3.IT.2imitates the actions and sounds of animals, people, and objects.

Bear Bath
STRAND / COURSE Area 5:Creative Arts
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Dramatic Play - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 5.3.ITInfants and toddlers engage in dramatic play experiences.
EXAMPLE 5.3.IT.3engages in dramatic play in both indoor and outdoor environments.

Bear Bath
STRAND / COURSE Area 6:Communication, Language, and Literacy
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Language Understanding and Use - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 6.1.ITInfants and toddlers understand and use communication and language for a variety of purposes.
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION The infant or toddler, in home language and in English…
EXAMPLE 6.1.IT.1responds to the vocalizations and communications, verbal and nonverbal, of familiar adults.

Choosing Clothes
Point and Learn
Rhyme and Ride
Swing Song
Talk and Play
EXAMPLE 6.1.IT.3uses vocalizations and gestures to communicate wants and needs.

Behavior is a form of communication
Snack Time Speech
EXAMPLE 6.1.IT.4increases both listening (receptive) and speaking (expressive) vocabulary.

Big and Little
Color Toys
Find a Match
Grocery Store I Spy
How can I help my child learn new words?
Point and Learn
Talk and Play
STRAND / COURSE Area 6:Communication, Language, and Literacy
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Language Understanding and Use - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 6.1.ITInfants and toddlers understand and use communication and language for a variety of purposes.
EXAMPLE 6.1.IT.7answers simple questions.

Why should we tell family stories?
EXAMPLE 6.1.IT.8follows simple directions.

Choosing Clothes
Talk and Play
STRAND / COURSE Area 6:Communication, Language, and Literacy
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Early Literacy - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 6.2.ITInfants and toddlers engage in early reading experiences.
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION The infant and toddler…
EXAMPLE 6.2.IT.1explores or shows interest in books by picking them up, mouthing them, carrying them, or flipping through pages.

Look at the Book
EXAMPLE 6.2.IT.4responds to or engages in songs, rhyming games, or finger plays with a familiar adult.

Clap and Swing
Happy Birthday to You
How can I communicate with my baby?
How can I make music part of our day?
I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby?
Itsy Bitsy Spider Motions
Move While you Sing
Move to to the Music
Rhyme and Ride
Swing Song
Where is Thumbkin?
Why should I sing to my baby?
STRAND / COURSE Area 6:Communication, Language, and Literacy
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Early Literacy - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 6.2.ITInfants and toddlers engage in early reading experiences.
EXAMPLE 6.2.IT.6enjoys and repeats songs, rhymes, or finger plays.

Clap and Swing
Happy Birthday to You
How can I communicate with my baby?
How can I make music part of our day?
I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby?
Itsy Bitsy Spider Motions
Move While you Sing
Move to to the Music
Rhyme and Ride
Swing Song
Where is Thumbkin?
Why should I sing to my baby?
EXAMPLE 6.2.IT.7answers simple questions related to books.

Reading Routines for Early Readers
STRAND / COURSE Area 6:Communication, Language, and Literacy
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Early Writing - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 6.3.ITInfants and toddlers engage in early writing experiences.
EXAMPLE 6.3.IT.1grasps and/or manipulates a variety of objects in his or her environment.

Big, Little Helper
Clap and Swing
Color with Me
Dump and Pick Up
Little Hands, Big Plans
Take Along Toy
Tube Chute
STRAND / COURSE Area 6:Communication, Language, and Literacy
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Early Writing - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 6.3.ITInfants and toddlers engage in early writing experiences.
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION The older infant and toddler also…
EXAMPLE 6.3.IT.3shows increasing skill in manipulating objects such as stacking several items, using pegboards, and mastering the use of eating utensils.

Big, Little Helper
Clap and Swing
Color with Me
Dump and Pick Up
Little Hands, Big Plans
Take Along Toy
Tube Chute
STRAND / COURSE Area 7:Mathematics
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Comparison and Number - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 7.1.ITInfants and toddlers show increasing understanding of comparisons and amount, including use of numbers and counting.
EXAMPLE 7.1.IT.2matches and sorts objects by size, color, shape, or quantity.

Big and Little
Color Toys
Find a Match
STRAND / COURSE Area 7:Mathematics
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Patterns - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 7.2.ITInfants and toddlers begin to recognize patterns.
EXAMPLE 7.2.IT.3repeats actions in sequence, such as finger plays.

Itsy Bitsy Spider Motions
STRAND / COURSE Area 7:Mathematics
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Shapes and Spatial Relationships - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 7.3.ITInfants and toddlers show increasing understanding of spatial relationships.
EXAMPLE 7.3.IT.1takes objects apart.

Big, Little Helper
Clap and Swing
Color with Me
Dump and Pick Up
Little Hands, Big Plans
Take Along Toy
Tube Chute
STRAND / COURSE Area 7:Mathematics
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Shapes and Spatial Relationships - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 7.3.ITInfants and toddlers show increasing understanding of spatial relationships.
EXAMPLE 7.3.IT.3takes objects apart and attempts to put them together.

Big, Little Helper
Clap and Swing
Color with Me
Dump and Pick Up
Little Hands, Big Plans
Take Along Toy
Tube Chute
EXAMPLE 7.3.IT.4shows awareness of his or her own body space.

Flying with Mom
Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
Kick With Me
Point and Learn
Pop Go the Bubbles
Walk the Line
EXAMPLE 7.3.IT.6follows simple direction related to positions such as in, on, under, up, or down.

Kick With Me
STRAND / COURSE Area 8:Science
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Scientific Investigations - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 8.1.ITInfants and toddlers observe and wonder about the environment around them.
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION The infant or toddler…
EXAMPLE 8.1.IT.2engages in a variety of play experiences and exploration when provided open-ended materials, such as toys or household items that can be taken apart/put together, a container of water and various objects, seeds of different sizes/textures/shapes).

Bear Bath
Tea Party
EXAMPLE 8.1.IT.3uses one or more senses to make observations of their environment.

Baby Basketball
Flying with Mom
Pop Go the Bubbles
Take Along Toy
Walk the Line

Iowa Core
Early Childhood Education
Grade: Ages 25 to 36 months - Adopted: 2017
STRAND / COURSE Area 1:Social and Emotional Development
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Self – Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 1.1.ITInfants and toddlers display a positive sense of self.
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION The infant or toddler…
EXAMPLE 1.1.IT.1responds to familiar adults’ and children’s interactions using behaviors such as gazing, cuddling, and accepting assistance.

Behavior is a form of communication
How can I get my child to listen to me?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
Tips for bonding with your baby
You are your child's first teacher
EXAMPLE 1.1.IT.2explores his or her own body.

Bear Hunt
EXAMPLE 1.1.IT.4shows preferences for toys and experiences.

I Am Unique
Tell Me About It!
STRAND / COURSE Area 1:Social and Emotional Development
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Self-Regulation - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 1.2.ITInfants and toddlers show increasing awareness of and ability to express emotions in socially and culturally appropriate ways.
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION The infant or toddler…
EXAMPLE 1.2.IT.1indicates need for assistance through actions such as crying, gesturing, vocalizing, using words, or approaching familiar adults.

Behavior is a form of communication
Tempted to Talk
EXAMPLE 1.2.IT.4shows increasing ability to recognize own feelings, including simple (such as mad, glad) and complex (such as excited, frustrated, disappointed) feelings.

Nesting Bowls
EXAMPLE 1.2.IT.6begins to control behavior through following simple rules and limits in a variety of settings.

How can I get my child to listen to me?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
Is my child overscheduled?
EXAMPLE 1.2.IT.7begins to transition between feeling states with guidance from a caring adult.

How can I get my child to listen to me?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
Is my child overscheduled?
STRAND / COURSE Area 1:Social and Emotional Development
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Relationship with Adults - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 1.3.ITInfants and toddlers relate positively with significant adults.
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION The infant or toddler…
EXAMPLE 1.3.IT.1distinguishes between familiar and unfamiliar adults; for example, is comforted by the sight of the familiar adult or the sound of the familiar adult’s voice.

Behavior is a form of communication
How can I help my child with separation?
Tips for bonding with your baby
You are your child's first teacher
EXAMPLE 1.3.IT.2accepts assistance and comfort from familiar adults.

How can I get my child to listen to me?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
EXAMPLE 1.3.IT.3seeks and maintains contact with familiar adults; for example, by looking at the adult, hearing the adult’s voice, or touching the adult.

How can I make music part of our day?
EXAMPLE 1.3.IT.4shows discomfort at separations from familiar adults.

How can I help my child with separation?
EXAMPLE 1.3.IT.5seeks help from familiar adults in unfamiliar situations.

How can I get my child to listen to me?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
EXAMPLE 1.3.IT.6explores the environment, both indoors and outdoors, but may return to a familiar adult periodically for security.

Nature Walk and Talk
What Do We Do?
EXAMPLE 1.3.IT.7begins to imitate or portray roles and relationships.

Banana Phonana
EXAMPLE 1.3.IT.8imitates adult behaviors.

Banana Phonana
STRAND / COURSE Area 1:Social and Emotional Development
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Relationship with Children - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 1.4.ITInfants and toddlers respond to and initiate interactions with other children.
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION The infant or toddler…
EXAMPLE 1.4.IT.1initiates interactions with other children through gestures, vocalizations, facial expressions, and/or body movements.

Ring Around the Rosie
EXAMPLE 1.4.IT.4develops an awareness of his or her behavior and how it affects others.

How can I get my child to listen to me?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
Is my child overscheduled?
EXAMPLE 1.4.IT.5imitates other children’s behaviors.

Banana Phonana
STRAND / COURSE Area 2:Physical Well-Being and Motor Development
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Healthy and Safe Living - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 2.1.ITInfants and toddlers participate in healthy and safe living practices.
EXAMPLE 2.1.IT.1expresses satisfaction or dissatisfaction regarding care and play routines as well as participates in care routines based on appropriate developmental stages and family culture.

I Can Do It All By Myself
EXAMPLE 2.1.IT.2establishes healthy eating and sleeping patterns with the assistance of a responsive adult.

Hooray Parfait
Little Chef
Packing our Lunch
STRAND / COURSE Area 2:Physical Well-Being and Motor Development
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Healthy and Safe Living - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 2.1.ITInfants and toddlers participate in healthy and safe living practices.
EXAMPLE 2.1.IT.4participates in healthy self-care routines, demonstrating increasing independence, such as washing hands and pouring own milk, with assistance from a caring adult.

I Can Do It All By Myself
EXAMPLE 2.1.IT.5shows a willingness to try new foods and engages in food exploration such as basic cooking tasks or dramatic play activity.

Hooray Parfait
Little Chef
Packing our Lunch
EXAMPLE 2.1.IT.6participates in safe behaviors regarding the environment, such as around stairs or hot surfaces, or accepts redirection from adults.

How can I get my child to listen to me?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
STRAND / COURSE Area 2:Physical Well-Being and Motor Development
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Large Motor Skills - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 2.2.ITInfants and toddlers develop large motor skills.
EXAMPLE 2.2.IT.1shows increasing balance, strength, and coordination in activities such as gaining control of the head and body by turning head from side to side, lifting the head off the floor, sitting, and standing.

Bear Hunt
Get Moving
Ring Around the Rosie
Stop and Go
EXAMPLE 2.2.IT.2shows increasing control in large motor skills such as reaching, rolling over, crawling, standing, and walking.

Bear Hunt
Get Moving
Ring Around the Rosie
Stop and Go
STRAND / COURSE Area 2:Physical Well-Being and Motor Development
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Large Motor Skills - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 2.2.ITInfants and toddlers develop large motor skills.
EXAMPLE 2.2.IT.3shows increasing control in motor skills such as rolling, throwing, and kicking a ball, and jumping.

Bear Hunt
Get Moving
EXAMPLE 2.2.IT.4shows increasing balance in activities such as running, climbing stairs, marching, and moving a riding toy using his or her feet.

Bear Hunt
Get Moving
Ring Around the Rosie
Stop and Go
STRAND / COURSE Area 2:Physical Well-Being and Motor Development
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Small Motor Development - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 2.3.ITInfants and toddlers develop small motor skills.
EXAMPLE 2.3.IT.1uses hand-eye coordination to perform self-help and small motor tasks, such as eating food, picking up objects, placing objects on a surface, transferring objects from hand to hand, and fitting objects into a hole in a box.

Drum Patterns
Torn Paper Art
Toy Car Wash
STRAND / COURSE Area 2:Physical Well-Being and Motor Development
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Small Motor Development - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 2.3.ITInfants and toddlers develop small motor skills.
EXAMPLE 2.3.IT.2uses hand-eye coordination to perform self-help and small motor tasks such as eating with a fork or spoon, completing simple puzzles, stacking blocks, dressing with assistance, scribbling with crayons or markers, participating in finger plays, and using musical instruments.

Drum Patterns
Torn Paper Art
Toy Car Wash
STRAND / COURSE Area 3:Approaches to Learning
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Curiosity and Initiative - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 3.1.ITInfants and toddlers express curiosity and initiative in exploring the environment and learning new skills.
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION The infant or toddler…
EXAMPLE 3.1.IT.1shows interest in people including other infants, objects, and events.

Counting Collection
Fast, Slow
I Can Do It All By Myself
Nature Walk and Talk
Nesting Bowls
What Do We Do?
EXAMPLE 3.1.IT.2uses his or her senses to choose, explore, and manipulate a variety of objects or toys in a variety of ways.

Fast, Slow
Playdough Lengths
EXAMPLE 3.1.IT.3actively plays with or near adults, other children, and materials.

How can I make music part of our day?
Ring Around the Rosie
STRAND / COURSE Area 3:Approaches to Learning
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Engagement and Persistence - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 3.2.ITInfants and toddlers purposefully choose, engage, and persist in play, experiences, and routines.
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION The infant or toddler…
EXAMPLE 3.2.IT.2repeats familiar and newly learned experiences.

Counting Collection
Fast, Slow
I Can Do It All By Myself
Nature Walk and Talk
Nesting Bowls
What Do We Do?
EXAMPLE 3.2.IT.3maintains focus, if interested, on people or objects, play experiences, or novel events.

Counting Collection
Fast, Slow
I Can Do It All By Myself
Nature Walk and Talk
Nesting Bowls
What Do We Do?
EXAMPLE 3.2.IT.4continues to try to succeed using challenging materials or during experiences.

Counting Collection
Fast, Slow
I Can Do It All By Myself
Nature Walk and Talk
Nesting Bowls
What Do We Do?
STRAND / COURSE Area 3:Approaches to Learning
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Reasoning and Problem Solving - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 3.3.ITInfants and toddlers purposefully demonstrate strategies for reasoning and problem solving.
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION The infant or toddler…
EXAMPLE 3.3.IT.1uses an object, action, or adult to accomplish tasks, such as pulling a blanket to reach a toy or pushing a button to hear a sound.

Drum Patterns
Fast, Slow
Hooray Parfait
Nesting Bowls
Playdough Lengths
Stop and Go
What Do We Do?
Which Lid?
EXAMPLE 3.3.IT.2experiments to find a solution to a problem.

Drum Patterns
Fast, Slow
Hooray Parfait
Nesting Bowls
Playdough Lengths
Stop and Go
What Do We Do?
Which Lid?
EXAMPLE 3.3.IT.3imitates an adult action to solve a problem.

Drum Patterns
Fast, Slow
Hooray Parfait
Nesting Bowls
Playdough Lengths
Stop and Go
What Do We Do?
Which Lid?
EXAMPLE 3.3.IT.4recognizes difficulties and adjusts actions, as needed.

Counting Collection
Drum Patterns
Fast, Slow
Hooray Parfait
I Can Do It All By Myself
Nature Walk and Talk
Nesting Bowls
Playdough Lengths
Stop and Go
What Do We Do?
Which Lid?
EXAMPLE 3.3.IT.5seeks and accepts help when encountering a problem beyond his or her ability to solve independently.

Drum Patterns
Fast, Slow
Hooray Parfait
How can I get my child to listen to me?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
Nesting Bowls
Playdough Lengths
Stop and Go
What Do We Do?
Which Lid?
STRAND / COURSE Area 3:Approaches to Learning
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Play and Senses - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 3.4.ITInfants and toddlers engage in play to learn.
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION The infant or toddler…
EXAMPLE 3.4.IT.1uses sights, smells, sounds, textures, and tastes to explore and experience routines and materials within the environment.

Fast, Slow
Playdough Lengths
EXAMPLE 3.4.IT.2chooses and participates in a variety of play experiences.

Ring Around the Rosie
EXAMPLE 3.4.IT.4repeats experiences with materials, adults, and peers to build knowledge and understanding of the world around them.

Counting Collection
Fast, Slow
I Can Do It All By Myself
Nature Walk and Talk
Nesting Bowls
What Do We Do?
STRAND / COURSE Area 4:Social Studies
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Awareness of Family and Community - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 4.1.ITInfants and toddlers demonstrate a sense of belonging within their family, program, and other social settings or groups.
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION The infant or toddler…
EXAMPLE 4.1.IT.2recognizes familiar adults and uses them to determine safety during exploration.

Behavior is a form of communication
Tips for bonding with your baby
You are your child's first teacher
EXAMPLE 4.1.IT.3explores and plays freely within familiar settings.

Nature Walk and Talk
What Do We Do?
STRAND / COURSE Area 4:Social Studies
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Awareness of Culture - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 4.2.ITInfants and toddlers demonstrate a strong sense of self within their culture.
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION The infant or toddler…
EXAMPLE 4.2.IT.2chooses and participates in familiar experiences, including songs and stories from his or her home culture.

How can I communicate with my baby?
How can I make music part of our day?
I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby?
Ring Around the Rosie
Why should I sing to my baby?
Why should we tell family stories?
EXAMPLE 4.2.IT.3explores materials from various cultures.

How can I communicate with my baby?
Why should we tell family stories?
STRAND / COURSE Area 4:Social Studies
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Exploration of the Environment - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 4.3.ITInfants and toddlers explore new environments with interest and recognize familiar places.
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION The infant or toddler…
EXAMPLE 4.3.IT.1demonstrates interest and curiosity within familiar and unfamiliar settings.

Counting Collection
Fast, Slow
I Can Do It All By Myself
Nature Walk and Talk
Nesting Bowls
What Do We Do?
EXAMPLE 4.3.IT.2explores and plays with new, as well as familiar objects, in the environment using all five senses.

Fast, Slow
Playdough Lengths
EXAMPLE 4.3.IT.3chooses and participates in unfamiliar experiences.

Counting Collection
Fast, Slow
I Can Do It All By Myself
Nature Walk and Talk
Nesting Bowls
What Do We Do?
STRAND / COURSE Area 5:Creative Arts
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Art - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 5.1.ITInfants and toddlers participate in a variety of sensory and art-related experiences.
EXAMPLE 5.1.IT.1gazes at a picture, photo, or mirror images.

Counting Collection
Fast, Slow
I Can Do It All By Myself
Nature Walk and Talk
Nesting Bowls
What Do We Do?
EXAMPLE 5.1.IT.2manipulates and explores play materials within the environment.

Drum Patterns
Nature Walk and Talk
Torn Paper Art
Toy Car Wash
What Do We Do?
STRAND / COURSE Area 5:Creative Arts
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Art - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 5.1.ITInfants and toddlers participate in a variety of sensory and art-related experiences.
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION The older infant and toddler also…
EXAMPLE 5.1.IT.4engages in experiences that support creative expression.

Copy Me
Recycled Play
EXAMPLE 5.1.IT.5chooses and experiments with a variety of art materials such as playdough, crayons, chalk, water, markers, and paint.

Copy Me
Playdough Lengths
Recycled Play
STRAND / COURSE Area 5:Creative Arts
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Music, Rhythm, and Movement - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 5.2.ITInfants and Toddlers participate in a variety of rhythm, music, and movement experiences.
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION The infant or toddler…
EXAMPLE 5.2.IT.1shows interest in songs, tones, rhythms, voices, and music.

How can I communicate with my baby?
How can I make music part of our day?
I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby?
Ring Around the Rosie
Why should I sing to my baby?
STRAND / COURSE Area 5:Creative Arts
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Music, Rhythm, and Movement - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 5.2.ITInfants and Toddlers participate in a variety of rhythm, music, and movement experiences.
EXAMPLE 5.2.IT.5sings simple songs and participates in finger plays.

How can I communicate with my baby?
How can I make music part of our day?
I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby?
Ring Around the Rosie
Why should I sing to my baby?
EXAMPLE 5.2.IT.6sings daily songs to recognize the patterns throughout their day.

How can I communicate with my baby?
How can I make music part of our day?
I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby?
Ring Around the Rosie
Why should I sing to my baby?
STRAND / COURSE Area 5:Creative Arts
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Dramatic Play - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 5.3.ITInfants and toddlers engage in dramatic play experiences.
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION The infant and toddler…
EXAMPLE 5.3.IT.1imitates the sounds, facial expressions, gestures, or behaviors of another person.

Banana Phonana
EXAMPLE 5.3.IT.2imitates the actions and sounds of animals, people, and objects.

Banana Phonana
STRAND / COURSE Area 5:Creative Arts
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Dramatic Play - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 5.3.ITInfants and toddlers engage in dramatic play experiences.
EXAMPLE 5.3.IT.3engages in dramatic play in both indoor and outdoor environments.

Banana Phonana
STRAND / COURSE Area 6:Communication, Language, and Literacy
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Language Understanding and Use - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 6.1.ITInfants and toddlers understand and use communication and language for a variety of purposes.
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION The infant or toddler, in home language and in English…
EXAMPLE 6.1.IT.3uses vocalizations and gestures to communicate wants and needs.

Behavior is a form of communication
Tempted to Talk
EXAMPLE 6.1.IT.4increases both listening (receptive) and speaking (expressive) vocabulary.

How can I help my child learn new words?
Magazine Picture Walk
One, Two, Moo
Stuck on You
Toy Sort
STRAND / COURSE Area 6:Communication, Language, and Literacy
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Language Understanding and Use - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 6.1.ITInfants and toddlers understand and use communication and language for a variety of purposes.
EXAMPLE 6.1.IT.6participates in conversations that include taking turns, using both receptive (listening) and expressive (speaking) language skills.

Stuck on You
Tell Me About It!
EXAMPLE 6.1.IT.7answers simple questions.

T-Shirt Talk
Why should we tell family stories?
STRAND / COURSE Area 6:Communication, Language, and Literacy
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Early Literacy - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 6.2.ITInfants and toddlers engage in early reading experiences.
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION The infant and toddler…
EXAMPLE 6.2.IT.4responds to or engages in songs, rhyming games, or finger plays with a familiar adult.

How can I communicate with my baby?
How can I make music part of our day?
I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby?
Ring Around the Rosie
Why should I sing to my baby?
STRAND / COURSE Area 6:Communication, Language, and Literacy
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Early Literacy - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 6.2.ITInfants and toddlers engage in early reading experiences.
EXAMPLE 6.2.IT.6enjoys and repeats songs, rhymes, or finger plays.

How can I communicate with my baby?
How can I make music part of our day?
I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby?
Ring Around the Rosie
Why should I sing to my baby?
EXAMPLE 6.2.IT.7answers simple questions related to books.

Reading Routines for Early Readers
Tips for helping your child love reading
STRAND / COURSE Area 6:Communication, Language, and Literacy
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Early Writing - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 6.3.ITInfants and toddlers engage in early writing experiences.
EXAMPLE 6.3.IT.1grasps and/or manipulates a variety of objects in his or her environment.

Drum Patterns
Torn Paper Art
Toy Car Wash
STRAND / COURSE Area 6:Communication, Language, and Literacy
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Early Writing - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 6.3.ITInfants and toddlers engage in early writing experiences.
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION The older infant and toddler also…
EXAMPLE 6.3.IT.2scribbles spontaneously, usually using a fist grip.

Copy Me
Paint your Name
Secret Message
EXAMPLE 6.3.IT.3shows increasing skill in manipulating objects such as stacking several items, using pegboards, and mastering the use of eating utensils.

Drum Patterns
Torn Paper Art
Toy Car Wash
STRAND / COURSE Area 7:Mathematics
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Comparison and Number - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 7.1.ITInfants and toddlers show increasing understanding of comparisons and amount, including use of numbers and counting.
EXAMPLE 7.1.IT.1begins to notice characteristics of objects such as size, color, shape, or quantity.

Copy Me
STRAND / COURSE Area 7:Mathematics
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Comparison and Number - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 7.1.ITInfants and toddlers show increasing understanding of comparisons and amount, including use of numbers and counting.
EXAMPLE 7.1.IT.2matches and sorts objects by size, color, shape, or quantity.

Copy Me
Nature Walk and Talk
Toy Sort
EXAMPLE 7.1.IT.3begins to use simple counting in play and interactions, although numbers may occur out of order.

Blast Off
Magazine Problem Solving
One, Two, Moo
Packing our Lunch
Snack Count
STRAND / COURSE Area 7:Mathematics
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Patterns - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 7.2.ITInfants and toddlers begin to recognize patterns.
EXAMPLE 7.2.IT.4notices patterns and objects in the environment.

Drum Patterns
EXAMPLE 7.2.IT.5organizes objects into groups during play and exploration.

Drum Patterns
STRAND / COURSE Area 7:Mathematics
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Shapes and Spatial Relationships - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 7.3.ITInfants and toddlers show increasing understanding of spatial relationships.
EXAMPLE 7.3.IT.1takes objects apart.

Drum Patterns
Torn Paper Art
Toy Car Wash
STRAND / COURSE Area 7:Mathematics
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Shapes and Spatial Relationships - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 7.3.ITInfants and toddlers show increasing understanding of spatial relationships.
EXAMPLE 7.3.IT.3takes objects apart and attempts to put them together.

Drum Patterns
Torn Paper Art
Toy Car Wash
EXAMPLE 7.3.IT.4shows awareness of his or her own body space.

Bear Hunt
EXAMPLE 7.3.IT.5matches similar shapes.

Copy Me
EXAMPLE 7.3.IT.6follows simple direction related to positions such as in, on, under, up, or down.

Which Lid?
STRAND / COURSE Area 8:Science
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Scientific Investigations - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 8.1.ITInfants and toddlers observe and wonder about the environment around them.
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION The infant or toddler…
EXAMPLE 8.1.IT.3uses one or more senses to make observations of their environment.

Fast, Slow
Playdough Lengths
EXAMPLE 8.1.IT.5attempts to manipulate/understand his or her environment through repetitive play.

Get Moving
STRAND / COURSE Area 8:Science
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Scientific Reasoning - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 8.2.ITInfants and toddlers use reasoning to make sense of information in their environment.
EXAMPLE 8.2.IT.3shows understanding of object permanence (that people exist when they cannot be seen and objects exist even when out of sight).

Nature Walk and Talk
What Do We Do?
STRAND / COURSE Area 8:Science
ESSENTIAL CONCEPT AND/OR SKILL Scientific Communication - Infant and Toddler (birth - 3 years)
DETAILED DESCRIPTOR 8.3.ITInfants and toddlers share information and understanding about experiences in their environment.
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION The infant or toddler…
EXAMPLE 8.3.IT.3shows repetitive actions to demonstrate new learning experiences.

Get Moving