Kentucky Academic Standards (Pre-K)

Main Criteria: Kentucky Academic Standards
Secondary Criteria: ReadyRosie
Subject: Early Childhood Education
Grade: Ages 3-5
Correlation Options: Show Correlated

Kentucky Academic Standards
Early Childhood Education
Grade: Ages 3-5 - Adopted: 2013
STRAND KY.1.Arts and Humanities (Three and Four Year Olds)
CATEGORY / GOAL 1.1.Participates and shows interest in a variety of visual art, dance, music, and drama experiences.
STANDARD / ORGANIZER 1.1.1.Develops skills in and appreciation of visual arts.
EXPECTATION a variety of art forms, elements and materials for representing people, places, and things in the environment.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
May I Take your Order?
Mirror, Mirror
Shaving Cream Shapes
Three Ways to Show a Number
Using a Menu to Order
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
STRAND KY.1.Arts and Humanities (Three and Four Year Olds)
CATEGORY / GOAL 1.1.Participates and shows interest in a variety of visual art, dance, music, and drama experiences.
STANDARD / ORGANIZER 1.1.2.Develops skills in and appreciation of dance.
EXPECTATION movement after participating in or watching others perform games or songs.

If You're Happy & You Know It
Itsy Bitsy Spider Illustrations
Sliding to Nursery Rhymes
Why should I sing to my baby?
STRAND KY.1.Arts and Humanities (Three and Four Year Olds)
CATEGORY / GOAL 1.1.Participates and shows interest in a variety of visual art, dance, music, and drama experiences.
STANDARD / ORGANIZER 1.1.3.Develops skills in and appreciation of music.
EXPECTATION various forms of musical expression through his/her senses.

If You're Happy & You Know It
Itsy Bitsy Spider Illustrations
Sliding to Nursery Rhymes
Why should I sing to my baby?
EXPECTATION finger plays and/or songs to experiment with beat and time.

If You're Happy & You Know It
Itsy Bitsy Spider Illustrations
Sliding to Nursery Rhymes
Why should I sing to my baby?
STRAND KY.2.English/Language Arts (Three and Four Year Olds)
CATEGORY / GOAL 2.1.Demonstrates general skills and strategies of the communication process.
STANDARD / ORGANIZER 2.1.1.Uses non-verbal communication for a variety of purposes.
EXPECTATION symbols or pictures as representation for oral language.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
Making a Grocery List
Thank You Note
Using a Menu to Order
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
STRAND KY.2.English/Language Arts (Three and Four Year Olds)
CATEGORY / GOAL 2.1.Demonstrates general skills and strategies of the communication process.
STANDARD / ORGANIZER 2.1.2.Uses language (verbal, signed, symbolic) for a variety of purposes.
EXPECTATION communication to have needs met.

Behavior is a form of communication
EXPECTATION meaningfully in conversations and discussions with peers and adults.

Behavior is a form of communication
EXPECTATION many why, when, and where questions.

Color Word Sentences
Listening for Sounds
Phone Fun
EXPECTATION words, signs, and/or symbols to effectively express feelings and thoughts, describe experiences, interact with others, and/or communicate needs.

Behavior is a form of communication
Funny Faces
If You're Happy & You Know It
Talking About Your Feelings
STRAND KY.2.English/Language Arts (Three and Four Year Olds)
CATEGORY / GOAL 2.1.Demonstrates general skills and strategies of the communication process.
STANDARD / ORGANIZER 2.1.3.Communicates with increasing clarity and use of conventional grammar.
EXPECTATION simple sentences to express self, but may not always use correct grammar.

All Mixed Up
Family Photos
Pantry Talk Description
Phone Fun
Who Should We Ask?
EXPECTATION more complex sentences, but grammar is still sometimes incorrect.

All Mixed Up
Family Photos
Pantry Talk Description
Phone Fun
Who Should We Ask?
EXPECTATION complex sentences with correct grammar.

All Mixed Up
Family Photos
Pantry Talk Description
Phone Fun
Who Should We Ask?
EXPECTATION increasingly abstract use of language.

Family Photos
Pantry Talk Description
Phone Fun
Who Should We Ask?
STRAND KY.2.English/Language Arts (Three and Four Year Olds)
CATEGORY / GOAL 2.2.Demonstrates general skills and strategies of the listening and observing processes.
STANDARD / ORGANIZER 2.2.1.Engages in active listening in a variety of situations.
EXPECTATION to adult or peer who is speaking/signing.

Choosing the Right Voice
Taking Turns
EXPECTATION simple directions.

Follow My Design
Follow the Leader
Little Miss Muffet Role Play
Making Patterns
Making Trail Mix
Mirror, Mirror
Mystery Bag
Rhyming Purse
Sequences of Sounds
Shopping for Clothes
Sink or Swim
STRAND KY.2.English/Language Arts (Three and Four Year Olds)
CATEGORY / GOAL 2.2.Demonstrates general skills and strategies of the listening and observing processes.
STANDARD / ORGANIZER 2.2.2.Observes to gain information and understanding.
EXPECTATION many senses to explore and interpret the environment.

Grocery Store Conversations
EXPECTATION comparisons through every day experiences and play.

Putting Away the Groceries
Table Riddles
STRAND KY.2.English/Language Arts (Three and Four Year Olds)
CATEGORY / GOAL 2.3.Demonstrates general skills and strategies of the reading process.
STANDARD / ORGANIZER 2.3.1.Demonstrates general skills and strategies of the reading process.
EXPECTATION actively in story time.

Asking Wh- Questions
My Favorite Part
Reading Routines for Early Readers
Reading a Book for the Second Time
Recalling What Happened in a Story
Tips for helping your child love reading
Why should we tell family stories?
EXPECTATION reading activities.

Reading Routines for Early Readers
EXPECTATION to reading activities with interest and enjoyment.

Asking Wh- Questions
My Favorite Part
Reading Routines for Early Readers
Reading a Book for the Second Time
Recalling What Happened in a Story
Tips for helping your child love reading
STRAND KY.2.English/Language Arts (Three and Four Year Olds)
CATEGORY / GOAL 2.3.Demonstrates general skills and strategies of the reading process.
STANDARD / ORGANIZER 2.3.2.Shows interest and understanding of the basic concepts and conventions of print.
EXPECTATION books correctly, showing increasing skills in print directionality.

Chime In
Color Word Sentences
Funny Reading
Kitchen Labeling
Morning Message
My Address
Reading the Grocery List
Reading with Jack and Jill
Shopping for Clothes
Starting a Word Bank
Stuffed Animal Sentences
Stuffed Animal Stories
Words on the Page
EXPECTATION that print has meaning.

Chime In
Color Word Sentences
Kitchen Labeling
Morning Message
My Address
Reading the Grocery List
Reading with Jack and Jill
Shopping for Clothes
Starting a Word Bank
Stuffed Animal Stories
STRAND KY.2.English/Language Arts (Three and Four Year Olds)
CATEGORY / GOAL 2.3.Demonstrates general skills and strategies of the reading process.
STANDARD / ORGANIZER 2.3.3.Demonstrates knowledge of the alphabet.
EXPECTATION some letters of the alphabet.

Jump Rope Letters
Letter Hunt
Letter Sort
Magnetic Letter Mix Up
Making Letter Soup
Name Game
Point the ABC Song
Reading the Grocery List
Searching for Sounds at the Store
Shopping for Clothes
Silverware Alphabet
Stomp the Letter
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
EXPECTATION some letters and words in print.

Jump Rope Letters
Letter Hunt
Letter Sort
Magnetic Letter Mix Up
Making Letter Soup
Name Game
Point the ABC Song
Reading the Grocery List
Searching for Sounds at the Store
Shopping for Clothes
Silverware Alphabet
Stomp the Letter
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
EXPECTATION some known letters of the alphabet in familiar and unfamiliar words.

Jump Rope Letters
Letter Hunt
Letter Sort
Magnetic Letter Mix Up
Making Letter Soup
Name Game
Point the ABC Song
Reading the Grocery List
Searching for Sounds at the Store
Shopping for Clothes
Silverware Alphabet
Stomp the Letter
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
STRAND KY.2.English/Language Arts (Three and Four Year Olds)
CATEGORY / GOAL 2.3.Demonstrates general skills and strategies of the reading process.
STANDARD / ORGANIZER 2.3.4.Demonstrates emergent phonemic/phonological awareness.
EXPECTATION rhyming words.

Finish the Rhyme
Hopping Rhyming
Little Miss Muffet Role Play
Reading with Jack and Jill
Rhyming Purse
Rhyming Toss
Rhyming with Jack and Jill
Sliding to Nursery Rhymes
Twinkle, Twinkle Rhymes
EXPECTATION sounds that match.

Frog Hopping
Listen My Children
Reading the Grocery List
Searching for Sounds at the Store
Shopping for Clothes
EXPECTATION a rhyming word.

Finish the Rhyme
Hopping Rhyming
Little Miss Muffet Role Play
Reading with Jack and Jill
Rhyming Purse
Rhyming Toss
Rhyming with Jack and Jill
Sliding to Nursery Rhymes
Twinkle, Twinkle Rhymes
EXPECTATION separate syllables in words.

Frog Hopping
Grocery Sack Syllables
Sequences of Sounds
EXPECTATION some letter-sound connections.

Frog Hopping
Listen My Children
Reading the Grocery List
Searching for Sounds at the Store
Shopping for Clothes
EXPECTATION some beginning sounds.

Listen My Children
Making a Grocery List
Signaling for Sounds
Swinging to Sounds
Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down
STRAND KY.2.English/Language Arts (Three and Four Year Olds)
CATEGORY / GOAL 2.3.Demonstrates general skills and strategies of the reading process.
STANDARD / ORGANIZER 2.3.5.Draws meaning from pictures, print, and text.
EXPECTATION illustrations to tell major events of a story.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
May I Take your Order?
Mirror, Mirror
Picture Walk Predictions
Retelling the Story
Shaving Cream Shapes
Three Ways to Show a Number
Using a Menu to Order
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
EXPECTATION that text has a specific meaning.

Getting Information from Pictures
STRAND KY.2.English/Language Arts (Three and Four Year Olds)
CATEGORY / GOAL 2.3.Demonstrates general skills and strategies of the reading process.
STANDARD / ORGANIZER 2.3.6.Tells and retells a story.
EXPECTATION act of reading in play.

Tips for helping your child love reading
EXPECTATION out main events of a familiar story.

Act It Out
Toy Stories
EXPECTATION pictures and illustrations to tell and retell a story.

Book Bag Descriptions
Family Movie Night
Family Photos
My Favorite Part
Reading a Book for the Second Time
Recalling What Happened in a Story
Retelling the Story
Tips for helping your child love reading
Tips for storytelling: Using gestures
EXPECTATION prior experience to help make sense of stories.

Picture Walk Predictions
Text to Self Connections
EXPECTATION a story including many details and draws connections between story events.

Book Bag Descriptions
Family Movie Night
Family Photos
My Favorite Part
Picture Walk Predictions
Reading Routines for Early Readers
Reading a Book for the Second Time
Recalling What Happened in a Story
Retelling the Story
Tips for helping your child love reading
Tips for storytelling: Using gestures
STRAND KY.2.English/Language Arts (Three and Four Year Olds)
CATEGORY / GOAL 2.4.Demonstrates competence in the beginning skills and strategies of the writing process.
STANDARD / ORGANIZER 2.4.1.Understands that the purpose of writing is communication.
EXPECTATION that an oral message can be represented by written language.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
Making a Grocery List
Thank You Note
Using a Menu to Order
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
EXPECTATION there is a way to write that conveys meaning.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
Making a Grocery List
Thank You Note
Using a Menu to Order
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
EXPECTATION that once an oral message is written it reads the same way every time.

Stuffed Animal Stories
Weekend News
STRAND KY.2.English/Language Arts (Three and Four Year Olds)
CATEGORY / GOAL 2.4.Demonstrates competence in the beginning skills and strategies of the writing process.
STANDARD / ORGANIZER 2.4.2.Produces marks, pictures, and symbols that represent print and ideas.
EXPECTATION pictures or produces simple texts using scribble writing.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
Making a Grocery List
Thank You Note
Using a Menu to Order
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
EXPECTATION scribble writing or letter-like forms to represent words or ideas.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
Making a Grocery List
Thank You Note
Using a Menu to Order
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
EXPECTATION recognizable letters.

Jump Rope Letters
Making a Grocery List
Silverware Alphabet
Weekend News
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
EXPECTATION familiar words.

Making a Grocery List
Name Game
Thank You Note
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
STRAND KY.2.English/Language Arts (Three and Four Year Olds)
CATEGORY / GOAL 2.4.Demonstrates competence in the beginning skills and strategies of the writing process.
STANDARD / ORGANIZER 2.4.3.Explores the physical aspect of writing.
EXPECTATION tools for writing and drawing.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
May I Take your Order?
Mirror, Mirror
Shaving Cream Shapes
Three Ways to Show a Number
Using a Menu to Order
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
EXPECTATION some evidence of directionality (top to bottom, left to right).

Stuffed Animal Stories
Weekend News
STRAND KY.3.Health/Mental Wellness (Health Education) (Three and Four Year Olds)
CATEGORY / GOAL 3.1.Demonstrates health/metal wellness in individual and cooperative social environments.
STANDARD / ORGANIZER 3.1.1.Demonstrates independent behavior.
EXPECTATION routines independently.

How do I get my child to______?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
EXPECTATION care of personal health/safety needs with adult support as needed.

My Address
EXPECTATION self, using several basic characteristics (e.g., first and last name, gender, age, family, talents, skills, etc.).

Detailed Drawing of a Face
Family Photos
Family Talent Show
How Many Feet?
Tips for storytelling: Story ideas
EXPECTATION materials in a self-directed manner.

Celebrate Learning
My Age
Shape Changers
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
STRAND KY.3.Health/Mental Wellness (Health Education) (Three and Four Year Olds)
CATEGORY / GOAL 3.1.Demonstrates health/metal wellness in individual and cooperative social environments.
STANDARD / ORGANIZER 3.1.2.Shows social cooperation.
EXPECTATION in groups or pairs based on similar interest.

Building Houses
Family Talent Show
Keep It Up
Taking Turns
Who has the Biggest Number?
EXPECTATION identify feelings, likes and dislikes, but may not be able to explain why.

Funny Faces
If You're Happy & You Know It
Talking About Your Feelings
EXPECTATION emotions to peers in an appropriate manner.

Funny Faces
If You're Happy & You Know It
Talking About Your Feelings
STRAND KY.3.Health/Mental Wellness (Health Education) (Three and Four Year Olds)
CATEGORY / GOAL 3.1.Demonstrates health/metal wellness in individual and cooperative social environments.
STANDARD / ORGANIZER 3.1.4.Shows a sense of purpose (future-hopefulness)
EXPECTATION setbacks without giving up.

Celebrate Learning
My Age
Shape Changers
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns

Celebrate Learning
My Age
Shape Changers
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
EXPECTATION short term goals.

Celebrate Learning
My Age
Shape Changers
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
EXPECTATION self into the future.

How can I stop my kids from fighting?
EXPECTATION self-confidence through interactions.

Celebrate Learning
My Age
Shape Changers
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
STRAND KY.4.Mathematics (Three and Four Year Olds)
CATEGORY / GOAL 4.1.Demonstrates general skills and uses concepts of mathematics.
STANDARD / ORGANIZER 4.1.1.Demonstrates an understanding of numbers and counting.
EXPECTATION rote counting using the names of the numbers.

Acorns and Pinecones
Adding Ice
Block Tower
Domino Match-Up
Fruit Salad
How Many Feet?
How Many Steps to Bed?
How Many in the Car?
How Old Are You?
Keep It Up
More than Ten
Show Me
Taking Inventory
EXPECTATION in sequence to 5 and beyond.

Acorns and Pinecones
Adding Ice
Block Tower
Domino Match-Up
Fruit Salad
How Many Can I Grab?
How Many Feet?
How Many Steps to Bed?
How Many in the Car?
How Old Are You?
Keep It Up
More than Ten
Penny Drop
Rub a Dub Counting
Show Me
Taking Inventory
EXPECTATION sets of objects in one-to-one correspondence.

Acorns and Pinecones
Adding Ice
Apple Pie
Candy Sort and Graph
Counting Signs
Decorating Cupcakes
Fruit Salad
How Many Can I Grab?
How Many Feet?
How Many Steps to Bed?
How Many in the Car?
How Old Are You?
Lily Pad Hop
Measure your Steps
Penny Drop
The Number Stays the Same
Three Ways to Show a Number
Under the Cup
What's for Dinner?
EXPECTATION that a single object is always “one” regardless of size, shape, and/or other attributes.

Acorns and Pinecones
Adding Ice
Apple Pie
Candy Sort and Graph
Counting Signs
Decorating Cupcakes
Fruit Salad
How Many Can I Grab?
How Many Feet?
How Many Steps to Bed?
How Many in the Car?
How Old Are You?
Lily Pad Hop
Measure your Steps
Penny Drop
The Number Stays the Same
Three Ways to Show a Number
Under the Cup
What's for Dinner?
EXPECTATION concrete objects to 5 and beyond.

Acorns and Pinecones
Adding Ice
Block Tower
Domino Match-Up
Fruit Salad
How Many Can I Grab?
How Many Feet?
How Many Steps to Bed?
How Many in the Car?
How Old Are You?
Keep It Up
More than Ten
Penny Drop
Rub a Dub Counting
Show Me
Taking Inventory
EXPECTATION concrete quantities to determine which has more.

Acorns and Pinecones
Cereal Challenge
Make a Tower of Ten
More than Ten
Slap One More
Who has the Biggest Number?
EXPECTATION that a set of objects remains the same amount if physically rearranged.

Acorns and Pinecones
Adding Ice
Apple Pie
Candy Sort and Graph
Counting Signs
Decorating Cupcakes
Fruit Salad
How Many Can I Grab?
How Many Feet?
How Many Steps to Bed?
How Many in the Car?
How Old Are You?
Lily Pad Hop
Measure your Steps
Penny Drop
The Number Stays the Same
Three Ways to Show a Number
Under the Cup
What's for Dinner?
EXPECTATION that the last number counted is the total amount of objects.

Acorns and Pinecones
Adding Ice
Apple Pie
Candy Sort and Graph
Counting Signs
Decorating Cupcakes
Fruit Salad
How Many Can I Grab?
How Many Feet?
How Many Steps to Bed?
How Many in the Car?
How Old Are You?
Lily Pad Hop
Measure your Steps
Penny Drop
The Number Stays the Same
Three Ways to Show a Number
Under the Cup
What's for Dinner?
EXPECTATION some numerals and associates number concepts with print materials in a meaningful way.

Fruit Salad
Magazine Number Hunt
Numbers Everywhere
EXPECTATION and writes some numerals.

Fruit Salad
Magazine Number Hunt
Numbers Everywhere
STRAND KY.4.Mathematics (Three and Four Year Olds)
CATEGORY / GOAL 4.1.Demonstrates general skills and uses concepts of mathematics.
STANDARD / ORGANIZER 4.1.2.Recognizes and describes shapes and spatial relationships.
EXPECTATION some basic shapes.

Crazy Counting
Fruit Salad
How Many Steps to Bed?
How Old Are You?
Magazine Number Hunt
Numbers Everywhere
Rub a Dub Counting
EXPECTATION and duplicates shapes.

Building Houses
Finger Shapes
Guess My Shape
Mirror, Mirror
Pantry Sort 1
Pantry Sort 2
Shape Changers
Shape Hunt
Shaving Cream Shapes
Ways to Cut a Sandwich

Building Houses
Finger Shapes
Guess My Shape
Mirror, Mirror
Pantry Sort 1
Pantry Sort 2
Shape Changers
Shape Hunt
Shaving Cream Shapes
Ways to Cut a Sandwich
EXPECTATION parts of a whole.

Sharing a Meal
Snack Fractions
EXPECTATION the position of objects.

Bookcase Problem
Finding the Groceries
Follow My Design
Follow the Leader
Following Directions
Jump to It
Little Miss Muffet Role Play
Mirror, Mirror
Near and Far
Race Car Transformations
Stuffed Animal Olympics
Treasure Map
EXPECTATION words that indicate directionality, order and position of objects.

Bookcase Problem
Finding the Groceries
Follow My Design
Follow the Leader
Following Directions
Jump to It
Little Miss Muffet Role Play
Mirror, Mirror
Near and Far
Race Car Transformations
Stuffed Animal Olympics
Treasure Map
STRAND KY.4.Mathematics (Three and Four Year Olds)
CATEGORY / GOAL 4.1.Demonstrates general skills and uses concepts of mathematics.
STANDARD / ORGANIZER 4.1.3.Uses the attributes of objects for comparison and patterning.

Candy Sort and Graph
I Spy a Coin
I Spy an Animal
Letter Sort
Likely or Unlikely
Sort and Graph Leaves
Sorting Laundry
EXPECTATION objects by one or more attributes.

Candy Sort and Graph
I Spy a Coin
I Spy an Animal
Letter Sort
Likely or Unlikely
Sort and Graph Leaves
Sorting Laundry
EXPECTATION objects by one or more attributes.

Candy Sort and Graph
I Spy a Coin
I Spy an Animal
Letter Sort
Likely or Unlikely
Sort and Graph Leaves
Sorting Laundry
EXPECTATION, duplicates, and extends simple patterns.

Making Patterns
My Age
Setting the Table
Sound Patterns
Speedometer Math
The Fence Problem
EXPECTATION original patterns.

Making Patterns
My Age
Setting the Table
Sound Patterns
Speedometer Math
The Fence Problem
STRAND KY.4.Mathematics (Three and Four Year Olds)
CATEGORY / GOAL 4.1.Demonstrates general skills and uses concepts of mathematics.
STANDARD / ORGANIZER 4.1.4.Use nonstandard and/or standard units to measure and describe.
EXPECTATION and orders by size.

How Many Can I Grab?
EXPECTATION, compares, and describes length, weight or volume using nonstandard units.

Bookcase Problem
Buying Oranges
Fill Up the Cup
Grocery Store Weights
Making Trail Mix
Strawberries for a Picnic
EXPECTATION, compares, and describes length, weight, or volume using standard units.

Bookcase Problem
Buying Oranges
Fill Up the Cup
Grocery Store Weights
Making Trail Mix
Strawberries for a Picnic
EXPECTATION awareness of simple time concepts.

Which Takes Longer?
EXPECTATION and sequences time intervals and uses language associated with time in everyday situations.

All About My Day
Which Takes Longer?
Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
STRAND KY.5.Physical Development (Physical Education) (Three and Four Year Olds)
CATEGORY / GOAL 5.1.Demonstrates basic gross and fine motor development.
STANDARD / ORGANIZER 5.1.1.Performs a variety of loco motor skills with control and balance.
EXPECTATION body spatial awareness in relationship to stationary objects.

Follow the Leader
EXPECTATION with skill.

Follow the Leader
EXPECTATION with skill.

Follow the Leader
EXPECTATION, jumps, and/or hops with increased coordination, balance, and control.

Follow the Leader
Frog Hopping
Hopping Rhyming
Jump to It
Leap Frog Measure
Lily Pad Hop
Stomp the Letter
EXPECTATION with galloping and skipping.

Follow the Leader
EXPECTATION quick stops or changes in direction to avoid contact with moving objects or other people.

Follow the Leader
STRAND KY.5.Physical Development (Physical Education) (Three and Four Year Olds)
CATEGORY / GOAL 5.1.Demonstrates basic gross and fine motor development.
STANDARD / ORGANIZER 5.1.2.Performs a variety of non-loco motor skills with control and balance.
EXPECTATION movements that require a stable base.

Follow the Leader
EXPECTATION, pulls, twists, turns, curls, balances and/or stretches with increased coordination and control.

Follow the Leader
STRAND KY.5.Physical Development (Physical Education) (Three and Four Year Olds)
CATEGORY / GOAL 5.1.Demonstrates basic gross and fine motor development.
STANDARD / ORGANIZER 5.1.3.Combines a sequence of several motor skills with control and balance.
EXPECTATION a variety of movements.

Follow the Leader
STRAND KY.5.Physical Development (Physical Education) (Three and Four Year Olds)
CATEGORY / GOAL 5.1.Demonstrates basic gross and fine motor development.
STANDARD / ORGANIZER 5.1.4.Performs fine motor tasks using eye-hand coordination.
EXPECTATION tasks using more refined and dexterous motions.

Alphabet Clapping
Detailed Drawing of a Face
Drumming Sounds
Finger Shapes
Jump Rope Letters
Mirror, Mirror
Setting the Table
Shaving Cream Shapes
Silverware Alphabet
Thank You Note
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
STRAND KY.6.Science (Three and Four Year Olds)
CATEGORY / GOAL 6.1.Demonstrates scientific ways of thinking and working (with wonder and curiosity).
STANDARD / ORGANIZER 6.1.1.Explores features of environment through manipulation.
EXPECTATION all five senses to examine objects with attention to detail.

Grocery Store Conversations
EXPECTATION objects in terms of similarities or differences.

Candy Sort and Graph
Grocery Store Weights
I Spy an Animal
Likely or Unlikely
Sort and Graph Leaves
Sorting Laundry
STRAND KY.6.Science (Three and Four Year Olds)
CATEGORY / GOAL 6.1.Demonstrates scientific ways of thinking and working (with wonder and curiosity).
STANDARD / ORGANIZER 6.1.2.Investigates simple scientific concepts.
EXPECTATION simple scientific questions.

What's for Dinner?
EXPECTATION and/or manipulates objects and events to answer simple scientific questions.

Grocery Store Conversations
Sink or Float
EXPECTATION objects that influence or affect other objects.

Grocery Store Conversations
Sink or Float
STRAND KY.6.Science (Three and Four Year Olds)
CATEGORY / GOAL 6.1.Demonstrates scientific ways of thinking and working (with wonder and curiosity).
STANDARD / ORGANIZER 6.1.4.Collects, describes, and/or records information through a variety of means.
EXPECTATION items with similar properties.

Candy Sort and Graph
Grocery Store Weights
I Spy an Animal
Likely or Unlikely
Sort and Graph Leaves
Sorting Laundry
EXPECTATION objects in terms of its properties.

Candy Sort and Graph
Grocery Store Weights
I Spy an Animal
Likely or Unlikely
Sort and Graph Leaves
Sorting Laundry
STRAND KY.6.Science (Three and Four Year Olds)
CATEGORY / GOAL 6.1.Demonstrates scientific ways of thinking and working (with wonder and curiosity).
STANDARD / ORGANIZER 6.1.5.Makes and verifies predictions based on past experiences.
EXPECTATION questions and/or uses other resources to confirm observations.

What's for Dinner?
STRAND KY.7.Social Studies (Three and Four Year Olds)
CATEGORY / GOAL 7.1.Demonstrates basic understanding of the world in which he/she lives.
STANDARD / ORGANIZER 7.1.2.Uses environmental clues and tools to understand surroundings.
EXPECTATION interest in investigating geography through the use of maps, globes, charts, compasses, etc.

My Address
STRAND KY.7.Social Studies (Three and Four Year Olds)
CATEGORY / GOAL 7.1.Demonstrates basic understanding of the world in which he/she lives.
STANDARD / ORGANIZER 7.1.3.Shows an awareness of fundamental economic concepts.
EXPECTATION the relationship between supply and demand.

Making a Grocery List
EXPECTATION and uses objects for barter or trade.

Making a Grocery List
STRAND KY.7.Social Studies (Three and Four Year Olds)
CATEGORY / GOAL 7.1.Demonstrates basic understanding of the world in which he/she lives.
STANDARD / ORGANIZER 7.1.4.Recognizes and/or follows rules within the home, school, and community.
EXPECTATION routines with little supervision.

How do I get my child to______?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
EXPECTATION there are different rules for different places.

How do I get my child to______?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
EXPECTATION there are consequences for actions.

All Done
Decorating Cupcakes
How can I get my child to listen to me?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
Is my child overscheduled?
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
EXPECTATION rules applicable to the situation with little supervision.

How do I get my child to______?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
STRAND KY.7.Social Studies (Three and Four Year Olds)
CATEGORY / GOAL 7.1.Demonstrates basic understanding of the world in which he/she lives.
STANDARD / ORGANIZER 7.1.5.Demonstrates understanding of the roles and relationships within his/her family and/or community.
EXPECTATION the roles within his/her home.

My Address
EXPECTATION place in family structure.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
Family Photos
Family Talent Show
How Many Feet?
My Address
Tips for storytelling: Story ideas
EXPECTATION familiar relationships to make sense of the world.

My Address
STRAND KY.7.Social Studies (Three and Four Year Olds)
CATEGORY / GOAL 7.1.Demonstrates basic understanding of the world in which he/she lives.
STANDARD / ORGANIZER 7.1.6.Knows that diversity exists in the world.
EXPECTATION self and/or compares own descriptions with others’ descriptions.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
Family Photos
Family Talent Show
How Many Feet?
Tips for storytelling: Story ideas
EXPECTATION that people differ in language, dress, food, etc.

Family Photos
Family Talent Show
Grandparent Storytime
Why should we tell family stories?