Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks (Pre-K)

Main Criteria: Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks
Secondary Criteria: ReadyRosie
Subjects: Early Childhood Education, Health and PE, Language Arts, Mathematics, Science
Grades: Pre K, Ages 3-5
Correlation Options: Show Correlated

Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks
Early Childhood Education
Grade: Ages 3-5 - Adopted: 2015
FOCUS / COURSE MA.SEL.Social and Emotional Learning
STRAND SEL1:The child will be able to recognize, identify, and express his/her emotions.
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL SEL.PK.By the end of Preschool, a child may…
INDICATOR SEL1.1.Recognize and label basic emotions (e.g., happiness, sadness, anger, fear, surprise) and associate them with words, facial expressions, and/or gestures.

Funny Faces
If You're Happy & You Know It
Talking About Your Feelings
INDICATOR SEL1.2.Begin to develop a rich vocabulary related to emotions/feelings.

Finding the Groceries
Funny Faces
How Many Can You Name?
I Spy an Animal
If You're Happy & You Know It
Mystery Bag
Talking About Your Feelings
INDICATOR SEL1.3.Express a range of emotions appropriately through gestures, actions, drawing, or language, with modeling and support.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
Funny Faces
If You're Happy & You Know It
May I Take your Order?
Mirror, Mirror
Shaving Cream Shapes
Talking About Your Feelings
Three Ways to Show a Number
Using a Menu to Order
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR SEL1.4.Demonstrate beginning understanding of connection between feelings and behaviors (e.g., “If..., then...”).

All Done
Decorating Cupcakes
How can I get my child to listen to me?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
Is my child overscheduled?
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
FOCUS / COURSE MA.SEL.Social and Emotional Learning
STRAND SEL1:The child will be able to recognize, identify, and express his/her emotions.
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL SEL.K.By the end of Kindergarten, a child may…
INDICATOR SEL1.5.Label basic emotions and recognize some complex emotions, and associate them with facial expressions, body language, and behaviors (e.g., pride, embarrassment, frustration, nervousness, loneliness).

Funny Faces
If You're Happy & You Know It
Talking About Your Feelings
INDICATOR SEL1.6.Use richer and more specific vocabulary related to the nuances of emotions (e.g., happy=ecstatic, glad, joyful, elated, delighted, pleased, etc.).

Comparing Vegetables
Funny Faces
Guess My Shape
If You're Happy & You Know It
Pantry Sort 1
Talking About Your Feelings
INDICATOR SEL1.7.Express and share own feelings in a variety of ways (e.g., through speaking, writing, drawing, dramatization).

Detailed Drawing of a Face
Funny Faces
If You're Happy & You Know It
Making a Grocery List
May I Take your Order?
Mirror, Mirror
Shaving Cream Shapes
Talking About Your Feelings
Three Ways to Show a Number
Using a Menu to Order
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR SEL1.8.With support, describe reasons for own feelings and situations that cause them (stimuli/provocations).

Funny Faces
If You're Happy & You Know It
Talking About Your Feelings
FOCUS / COURSE MA.SEL.Social and Emotional Learning
STRAND SEL2:The child will demonstrate accurate self-perception.
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL SEL.PK.By the end of Preschool, a child may…
INDICATOR SEL2.1.Identify some personal characteristics such as physical features, abilities, preferences, interests, gender (e.g., “I am/I can…”).

Book Selection
Detailed Drawing of a Face
Family Photos
Family Talent Show
How Many Feet?
I Remember When
If You're Happy & You Know It
Selecting Books
Tips for storytelling: Story ideas
Using a Menu to Order
What's for Dinner?
INDICATOR SEL2.2.Know some important information about self (e.g., first and last name, parents’/guardians’ names).

Tips for storytelling: Story ideas
INDICATOR SEL2.3.Show recognition of self as a unique individual (i.e., some things that distinguish him/her from others).

Detailed Drawing of a Face
Family Photos
Family Talent Show
How Many Feet?
Tips for storytelling: Story ideas
INDICATOR SEL2.4.Identify personal and family structures (show awareness of themselves as belonging to one or more groups).

My Address
INDICATOR SEL2.5.Demonstrate or express personal preferences and explain the reason for the choice.

Book Selection
Selecting Books
Using a Menu to Order
What's for Dinner?
FOCUS / COURSE MA.SEL.Social and Emotional Learning
STRAND SEL2:The child will demonstrate accurate self-perception.
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL SEL.K.By the end of Kindergarten, a child may…
INDICATOR SEL2.6.Describe multiple personal characteristics realistically (e.g., physical characteristics, abilities/skills, interests, preferences).

Book Selection
Detailed Drawing of a Face
Family Photos
Family Talent Show
How Many Feet?
I Remember When
If You're Happy & You Know It
Selecting Books
Tips for storytelling: Story ideas
Using a Menu to Order
What's for Dinner?
INDICATOR SEL2.7.Share information about self with others, and recognize when sharing information is not appropriate (e.g., recognize family or cultural norms about sharing information).

Family Photos
Family Talent Show
Grandparent Storytime
My Address
Why should we tell family stories?
INDICATOR SEL2.8.Compare/differentiate own physical characteristics, preferences, thoughts, and feelings from those of others (e.g., “I have brown eyes, she has blue eyes;” “I like X; he likes Y”).

Detailed Drawing of a Face
Family Photos
Family Talent Show
How Many Feet?
Tips for storytelling: Story ideas
INDICATOR SEL2.9.Demonstrate awareness and appreciation of self as part of a family, culture/ethnicity, language, community, or group.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
Family Photos
Family Talent Show
Grandparent Storytime
How Many Feet?
Tips for storytelling: Story ideas
Why should we tell family stories?
INDICATOR SEL2.10.Explain the rationale for one preference/choice over another (e.g., “I need to do more work on my project in the art center,” “I like milk better than juice.”)

Book Selection
Selecting Books
Using a Menu to Order
What's for Dinner?
FOCUS / COURSE MA.SEL.Social and Emotional Learning
STRAND SEL3:The child will demonstrate self-efficacy (confidence/competence).
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL SEL.PK.By the end of Preschool, a child may…
INDICATOR SEL3.1.Show confidence in own ability to accomplish tasks and satisfaction in completion.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
Family Talent Show
I Remember When
If You're Happy & You Know It
INDICATOR SEL3.2.Show pleasure in mastery of skills or tasks.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
Family Talent Show
I Remember When
If You're Happy & You Know It
INDICATOR SEL3.3.Attempt to use skills for daily living.

Celebrate Learning
My Age
Shape Changers
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
INDICATOR SEL3.4.Demonstrate reasonable confidence and/or caution in approaching new experiences.

Celebrate Learning
My Age
Shape Changers
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
INDICATOR SEL3.5.Speak out for, or take appropriate action to defend self or meet own needs/rights.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
Family Talent Show
I Remember When
If You're Happy & You Know It
FOCUS / COURSE MA.SEL.Social and Emotional Learning
STRAND SEL3:The child will demonstrate self-efficacy (confidence/competence).
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL SEL.K.By the end of Kindergarten, a child may…
INDICATOR SEL3.7.Display confidence in personal competencies, and satisfaction with results of own work (e.g., make positive statements about self).

Detailed Drawing of a Face
Family Talent Show
I Remember When
If You're Happy & You Know It
INDICATOR SEL3.8.Appropriately share successful mastery of skills or tasks with others.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
Family Talent Show
I Remember When
If You're Happy & You Know It
INDICATOR SEL3.9.Independently use skills for daily living with confidence and competence.

Celebrate Learning
My Age
Shape Changers
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
INDICATOR SEL3.10.Demonstrate confidence in own abilities as well as realistic perception of limitations (e.g., challenges or areas in which he/she might need assistance).

Detailed Drawing of a Face
Family Talent Show
I Remember When
If You're Happy & You Know It
INDICATOR SEL3.11.Express independent thoughts, defend ideas, and take appropriate action to defend own rights.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
Family Talent Show
I Remember When
If You're Happy & You Know It
FOCUS / COURSE MA.SEL.Social and Emotional Learning
STRAND SEL4:The child will demonstrate impulse control and stress management.
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL SEL.PK.By the end of Preschool, a child may…
INDICATOR SEL4.1.With support, use strategies to manage intense or difficult feelings (e.g., pounding clay, taking a deep breath, drawing a picture).

Detailed Drawing of a Face
Funny Faces
May I Take your Order?
Mirror, Mirror
Shaving Cream Shapes
Talking About Your Feelings
Three Ways to Show a Number
Tips for helping your child love reading
Using a Menu to Order
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR SEL4.2.With support, begin to regulate impulses (e.g., communicate wants/needs; wait for something he/she wants).

All Done
Decorating Cupcakes
How can I get my child to listen to me?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
Is my child overscheduled?
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
INDICATOR SEL4.3.Identify challenging situations and use positive skills to deal with them (e.g., recognize that everyone makes mistakes).

All Done
Decorating Cupcakes
How can I get my child to listen to me?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
Is my child overscheduled?
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
INDICATOR SEL4.4.Adjust/modulate behaviors appropriately in familiar settings with some reminders (e.g., indoor/outdoor).

Choosing the Right Voice
INDICATOR SEL4.6.Make changes in thinking or actions. (e.g., implement suggestions from adult or peer, substitute materials, etc.).

How can I get my child to listen to me?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
FOCUS / COURSE MA.SEL.Social and Emotional Learning
STRAND SEL4:The child will demonstrate impulse control and stress management.
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL SEL.K.By the end of Kindergarten, a child may…
INDICATOR SEL4.7.Independently use coping strategies to manage intense or difficult feelings or decrease levels of distress (e.g., separating self, counting to ten, etc.).

How should I handle temper tantrums?
Talking About Your Feelings
INDICATOR SEL4.8.Manage, regulate, and communicate wants/needs (e.g., use strategies to help delay gratification, such as choosing an alternative).

All Done
Behavior is a form of communication
Decorating Cupcakes
How can I get my child to listen to me?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
Is my child overscheduled?
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
INDICATOR SEL4.9.Analyze challenging situations and identify healthy ways to address them (e.g., strategies for handling mistakes such as erasing, correcting, starting over, etc.).

All Done
Decorating Cupcakes
How can I get my child to listen to me?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
Is my child overscheduled?
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
INDICATOR SEL4.10.Adjust/modulate behaviors (voice level, body movement, etc.) appropriate to various settings with minimal support (e.g., library, hallways, auditorium, bus, cafeteria, etc.).

Choosing the Right Voice
FOCUS / COURSE MA.SEL.Social and Emotional Learning
STRAND SEL5:The child will display empathetic characteristics.
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL SEL.PK.By the end of Preschool, a child may…
INDICATOR SEL5.1.Begin to recognize that different people may have different emotional reactions.

Funny Faces
If You're Happy & You Know It
Talking About Your Feelings
Thank You Note
INDICATOR SEL5.3.Respond to another’s emotions and needs (e.g., give comfort; report to an adult).

Funny Faces
If You're Happy & You Know It
Talking About Your Feelings
Thank You Note
INDICATOR SEL5.4.With support (e.g., what will happen if…?), begin to anticipate others’ feelings and responses.

Funny Faces
If You're Happy & You Know It
Talking About Your Feelings
Thank You Note
INDICATOR SEL5.5.Show kindness or regard for other people or for other living things much of the time.

Funny Faces
If You're Happy & You Know It
Talking About Your Feelings
Thank You Note
FOCUS / COURSE MA.SEL.Social and Emotional Learning
STRAND SEL5:The child will display empathetic characteristics.
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL SEL.K.By the end of Kindergarten, a child may…
INDICATOR SEL5.6.Distinguish others’ feelings and begin to speculate on why they might be different from his or her own.

Funny Faces
If You're Happy & You Know It
Talking About Your Feelings
Thank You Note
INDICATOR SEL5.7.Recognize, label, and connect with others’ expression of feelings (e.g., explain reasons/causes).

Funny Faces
If You're Happy & You Know It
Talking About Your Feelings
Thank You Note
INDICATOR SEL5.8.Respond to another’s emotions and needs (e.g., share a similar personal experience; advocate for someone; relinquish an object or turn for another).

Funny Faces
If You're Happy & You Know It
Talking About Your Feelings
Thank You Note
INDICATOR SEL5.9.Predict others’ feelings, responses, and behavior, and make decisions accordingly.

Funny Faces
If You're Happy & You Know It
Talking About Your Feelings
Thank You Note
INDICATOR SEL5.10.Show kindness or regard for others or for other living things most of the time.

Funny Faces
If You're Happy & You Know It
Talking About Your Feelings
Thank You Note
FOCUS / COURSE MA.SEL.Social and Emotional Learning
STRAND SEL6:The child will recognize diversity and demonstrate respect for others.
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL SEL.PK.By the end of Preschool, a child may…
INDICATOR SEL6.1.Demonstrate awareness of commonalities and differences among people (e.g., gender, race, ability/disability, language, family structure).

Family Photos
Family Talent Show
Grandparent Storytime
Why should we tell family stories?
INDICATOR SEL6.2.Demonstrate interest in or curiosity about others’ families, languages, and cultures.

Family Photos
Family Talent Show
Grandparent Storytime
Why should we tell family stories?
INDICATOR SEL6.3.Begin to understand that different people have different abilities.

Funny Faces
If You're Happy & You Know It
Talking About Your Feelings
Thank You Note
INDICATOR SEL6.4.Begin to understand that different people may have different ideas, desires, and perspectives.

Funny Faces
If You're Happy & You Know It
Talking About Your Feelings
Thank You Note
INDICATOR SEL6.5.With some support, show respect for others by using social conventions (e.g., saying “please/thank you”; listening when others speak).

Color Word Sentences
Listening for Sounds
Pantry Talk Description
Taking Turns
INDICATOR SEL6.6.With support, balance own needs with others’ needs (e.g., sharing materials, asking for a turn).

Building Houses
Choosing the Right Voice
Family Talent Show
Keep It Up
Taking Turns
Who has the Biggest Number?
FOCUS / COURSE MA.SEL.Social and Emotional Learning
STRAND SEL6:The child will recognize diversity and demonstrate respect for others.
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL SEL.K.By the end of Kindergarten, a child may…
INDICATOR SEL6.7.Acknowledge and identify commonalities and differences among people (e.g., race, culture, language, abilities, etc.).

Family Photos
Family Talent Show
Grandparent Storytime
Why should we tell family stories?
INDICATOR SEL6.8.Communicate differences in families, languages, and cultures, in positive ways.

Family Photos
Family Talent Show
Grandparent Storytime
Why should we tell family stories?
INDICATOR SEL6.9.Identify and appreciate the abilities, skills, and qualities of others.

Funny Faces
If You're Happy & You Know It
Talking About Your Feelings
Thank You Note
INDICATOR SEL6.10.Accept the validity of others’ perspectives, ideas, and motivations (i.e., they are not “wrong,” just different).

Family Photos
Family Talent Show
Funny Faces
Grandparent Storytime
If You're Happy & You Know It
Talking About Your Feelings
Thank You Note
Why should we tell family stories?
INDICATOR SEL6.11.Show respect for others by using social conventions (e.g., raising hand to speak, taking turns, respecting authority).

Choosing the Right Voice
Funny Faces
If You're Happy & You Know It
Taking Turns
Talking About Your Feelings
Thank You Note
INDICATOR SEL6.12.Independently balance own needs with needs of others (e.g., sharing, dividing materials, giving up an object, moving to make space for another).

Building Houses
Family Talent Show
Keep It Up
Taking Turns
Who has the Biggest Number?
FOCUS / COURSE MA.SEL.Social and Emotional Learning
STRAND SEL7:The child will demonstrate the ability to communicate with others in a variety of ways.
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL SEL.PK.By the end of Preschool, a child may…
INDICATOR SEL7.1.Engage in meaningful communication or conversations with other children throughout the day (including home language or alternative communication systems as needed).

Color Word Sentences
If You're Happy & You Know It
Pantry Talk Description
Phone Fun
Taking Turns
Who Should We Ask?
INDICATOR SEL7.2.Engage in meaningful communication or conversations with adults in the program (including home language or alternative communication systems as needed).

Following Directions
Grandparent Storytime
Morning Message
Phone Fun
Talking About Your Feelings
Who Should We Ask?
INDICATOR SEL7.3.With support, listen or demonstrate attention when others talk (or communicate in non-verbal ways that have been taught, such as gestures, sign language)

Color Word Sentences
Listening for Sounds
Pantry Talk Description
Taking Turns
FOCUS / COURSE MA.SEL.Social and Emotional Learning
STRAND SEL7:The child will demonstrate the ability to communicate with others in a variety of ways.
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL SEL.K.By the end of Kindergarten, a child may…
INDICATOR SEL7.4.Initiate and engage in multiple and reciprocal communications or conversations with other children throughout the day (including home language or alternative communication systems as needed).

Color Word Sentences
If You're Happy & You Know It
Pantry Talk Description
Phone Fun
Taking Turns
Who Should We Ask?
INDICATOR SEL7.5.Initiate and engage in substantive/focused communication or conversations with adults in the program (including home language or alternative communication systems as needed).

Following Directions
Grandparent Storytime
Morning Message
Phone Fun
Talking About Your Feelings
Who Should We Ask?
INDICATOR SEL7.6.Listen or demonstrate attention and respond when peers or adults talk (or communicate in non-verbal ways such as sign language, gestures, body language).

Color Word Sentences
Listening for Sounds
Pantry Talk Description
Taking Turns
FOCUS / COURSE MA.SEL.Social and Emotional Learning
STRAND SEL8:The child will engage socially, and build relationships with other children and with adults.
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL SEL.PK.By the end of Preschool, a child may…
INDICATOR SEL8.1.Engage in interactions with other children much of the time.

Building Houses
Family Talent Show
Keep It Up
Taking Turns
Who has the Biggest Number?
INDICATOR SEL8.2.Develop one or more special, nurturing friendships (e.g., seek out one or more particular children).

Building Houses
Family Talent Show
Keep It Up
Taking Turns
Who has the Biggest Number?
INDICATOR SEL8.3.Demonstrate trusting, caring relationships with one or more adults in the early education and care setting.

Behavior is a form of communication
You are your child's first teacher
INDICATOR SEL8.4.Use play with others to explore and practice social roles and relationships (e.g., assume various roles in dramatic play).

In My Pond, Part 1
In My Pond, Part 2
Pretending Together
Stuffed Animal Stories
Toy Stories
FOCUS / COURSE MA.SEL.Social and Emotional Learning
STRAND SEL8:The child will engage socially, and build relationships with other children and with adults.
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL SEL.K.By the end of Kindergarten, a child may…
INDICATOR SEL8.5.Initiate, expand, and maintain interactions with other children most of the time (e.g., invent/set up activities).

Building Houses
Family Talent Show
Keep It Up
Taking Turns
Who has the Biggest Number?
INDICATOR SEL8.6.Form and maintain increasingly closer and more nurturing friendships (e.g., show loyalty, demonstrate concern for needs/wants of particular children).

Building Houses
Family Talent Show
Keep It Up
Taking Turns
Who has the Biggest Number?
INDICATOR SEL8.7.Demonstrate trusting, caring relationships with more than one adult in the program and school community.

Behavior is a form of communication
You are your child's first teacher
INDICATOR SEL8.8.Use play with others to practice and extend understanding of social roles and relationships (e.g., create and enact more complex dramatizations using dialogue and/or props).

In My Pond, Part 1
In My Pond, Part 2
Pretending Together
Stuffed Animal Stories
Toy Stories
FOCUS / COURSE MA.SEL.Social and Emotional Learning
STRAND SEL9:The child will demonstrate the ability to manage conflict.
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL SEL.PK.By the end of Preschool, a child may…
INDICATOR SEL9.1.Recognize the existence of a social conflict (e.g., acknowledge/identify a conflict).

How can I stop my kids from fighting?
Talking About Your Feelings
INDICATOR SEL9.2.Use beginning negotiation skills (e.g., state own position/perspective with rationale).

How can I stop my kids from fighting?
Talking About Your Feelings
INDICATOR SEL9.3.Seek advice or assistance from peers and/or adults to resolve conflict, when appropriate (e.g., listen to guidance; talk through conflict; develop solutions).

How can I get my child to listen to me?
How can I stop my kids from fighting?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
Talking About Your Feelings
INDICATOR SEL9.5.With support, consider prevention strategies for interpersonal conflicts.

How can I stop my kids from fighting?
Talking About Your Feelings
FOCUS / COURSE MA.SEL.Social and Emotional Learning
STRAND SEL9:The child will demonstrate the ability to manage conflict.
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL SEL.K.By the end of Kindergarten, a child may…
INDICATOR SEL9.6.Recognize and act on conflict situations in a positive manner most of the time (e.g., explain situation with objectivity; listen to others’ perspectives or solutions).

How can I stop my kids from fighting?
Talking About Your Feelings
INDICATOR SEL9.7.Be able to listen to and acknowledge another’s perspective and rationale (e.g., explain/restate understanding of another person’s perspective).

How can I stop my kids from fighting?
Talking About Your Feelings
INDICATOR SEL9.8.Distinguish when it is appropriate to seek adult help and when conflict can be managed by peers.

How can I stop my kids from fighting?
Talking About Your Feelings
INDICATOR SEL9.9.Be able to initiate and engage in compromise or bargaining strategies to seek a middle ground or a mutually satisfactory outcome (e.g., use if/then statements, concessions, etc.).

How can I stop my kids from fighting?
Talking About Your Feelings
INDICATOR SEL9.10.Identify some strategies for preventing interpersonal conflicts.

How can I stop my kids from fighting?
Talking About Your Feelings
FOCUS / COURSE MA.SEL.Social and Emotional Learning
STRAND SEL10:The child will demonstrate the ability to seek help and offer help.
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL SEL.PK.By the end of Preschool, a child may…
INDICATOR SEL10.1.Recognize when assistance is needed (e.g., when frustration level is reached).

How can I get my child to listen to me?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
INDICATOR SEL10.2.Identify external supports (e.g., a trusted adult; how/where to get help and support).

Behavior is a form of communication
How can I get my child to listen to me?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
You are your child's first teacher
INDICATOR SEL10.3.Ask for help from adults and identify support needed.

How can I get my child to listen to me?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
INDICATOR SEL10.5.Recognize when another needs help.

How can I get my child to listen to me?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
FOCUS / COURSE MA.SEL.Social and Emotional Learning
STRAND SEL10:The child will demonstrate the ability to seek help and offer help.
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL SEL.K.By the end of Kindergarten, a child may…
INDICATOR SEL10.6.Often attempt reasonably challenging tasks independently before requesting assistance.

Celebrate Learning
My Age
Shape Changers
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
INDICATOR SEL10.7.Describe and use appropriate strategies for seeking assistance (e.g., big problem vs. small problem).

How can I get my child to listen to me?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
INDICATOR SEL10.8.Ask for assistance from adults in socially acceptable ways.

How can I get my child to listen to me?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
FOCUS / COURSE MA.SEL.Social and Emotional Learning
STRAND SEL11:The child will demonstrate beginning personal, social, and ethical responsibility.
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL SEL.PK.By the end of Preschool, a child may…
INDICATOR SEL11.1.Demonstrate beginning understanding of reasons for rules (benefits to self and others).

How do I get my child to______?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
INDICATOR SEL11.2.Understand and follow rules, limits, and expectations with prompting/assistance.

How do I get my child to______?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
FOCUS / COURSE MA.SEL.Social and Emotional Learning
STRAND SEL11:The child will demonstrate beginning personal, social, and ethical responsibility.
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL SEL.K.By the end of Kindergarten, a child may…
INDICATOR SEL11.4.Communicate reasons for rules (benefits to self and others).

How do I get my child to______?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
INDICATOR SEL11.5.Understand and follow rules, limits, and expectations with minimal prompting/assistance.

How do I get my child to______?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
FOCUS / COURSE MA.SEL.Social and Emotional Learning
STRAND SEL12:The child will demonstrate the ability to reflect on and evaluate the results of his or her actions and decisions.
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL SEL.PK.By the end of Preschool, a child may…
INDICATOR SEL12.5.Recognize negative peer pressure (e.g., when peer suggestions are in conflict with rules or appropriateness).

All Done
Decorating Cupcakes
How can I get my child to listen to me?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
Is my child overscheduled?
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
INDICATOR SEL12.6.Recognize teasing/bullying and seek support from an adult.

All Done
Decorating Cupcakes
How can I get my child to listen to me?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
Is my child overscheduled?
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
FOCUS / COURSE MA.SEL.Social and Emotional Learning
STRAND SEL12:The child will demonstrate the ability to reflect on and evaluate the results of his or her actions and decisions.
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL SEL.K.By the end of Kindergarten, a child may…
INDICATOR SEL12.8.Identify and communicate a social/ethical problem (e.g., describe and report a problem).

All Done
Decorating Cupcakes
How can I get my child to listen to me?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
Is my child overscheduled?
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
INDICATOR SEL12.11.Resist negative peer pressure (e.g., refuse to participate in peer actions that are in conflict with rules or appropriateness).

All Done
Decorating Cupcakes
How can I get my child to listen to me?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
Is my child overscheduled?
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
INDICATOR SEL12.12.Take steps to stop teasing/bullying and/or deal with it effectively (e.g., speaking up; seeking support from an adult).

Funny Faces
How can I get my child to listen to me?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
If You're Happy & You Know It
Talking About Your Feelings
Thank You Note
FOCUS / COURSE MA.APL.Approaches to Play and Learning
STRAND APL1:The child will demonstrate initiative, self-direction, and independence.
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL APL.PK.By the end of Preschool, a child may…
INDICATOR APL1.2.Demonstrate eagerness to learn about a range of topics, ideas, and tasks.

Celebrate Learning
My Age
Shape Changers
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
INDICATOR APL1.3.Demonstrate willingness to try new or challenging experiences.

Celebrate Learning
My Age
Shape Changers
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
INDICATOR APL1.4.Begin to plan, set goals, and make decisions, with assistance (e.g., describe what he/she intends to do in an activity area, with whom, and under what circumstances).

Celebrate Learning
Setting Summer Learning Goals
INDICATOR APL1.5.With support, use a variety of resources to explore materials and ideas.

Who Should We Ask?
FOCUS / COURSE MA.APL.Approaches to Play and Learning
STRAND APL1:The child will demonstrate initiative, self-direction, and independence.
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL APL.K.By the end of Kindergarten, a child may…
INDICATOR APL1.6.Consider diverse personal interests and goals, and select among them.

Celebrate Learning
Setting Summer Learning Goals
INDICATOR APL1.7.Demonstrate eagerness to learn about and participate in a variety of topics, ideas, and tasks, and explore these interests in depth.

Celebrate Learning
My Age
Shape Changers
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
INDICATOR APL1.8.Independently seek new experiences and attempt increasingly complex challenges (physically, cognitively, or socially).

Celebrate Learning
My Age
Shape Changers
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
INDICATOR APL1.9.Engage in planning, goal-setting, and decisions with some assistance (e.g., decide with whom to work and play, and under what circumstances; describe steps to reaching goals, and processes/materials to be used).

Celebrate Learning
Setting Summer Learning Goals
INDICATOR APL1.10.Independently use a variety of resources to find answers to questions, to solve problems, or to create.

Who Should We Ask?
FOCUS / COURSE MA.APL.Approaches to Play and Learning
STRAND APL2:The child will demonstrate eagerness and curiosity as a learner.
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL APL.PK.By the end of Preschool, a child may…
INDICATOR APL2.1.With support and modeling, ask “what” and “how” questions to gain information about familiar and unfamiliar events and phenomena.

Color Word Sentences
Listening for Sounds
Phone Fun
INDICATOR APL2.2.Try new sensory and other experiences (e.g., explore, examine, and experiment with materials, constructions, nature).

Grocery Store Conversations
INDICATOR APL2.3.With support, seek information from a variety of sources, such as books, experts, observations.

Grocery Store Conversations
Sink or Float
INDICATOR APL2.4.Use a variety of learning approaches, such as observing, imitating, asking questions, hands-on investigation

Grocery Store Conversations
In My Pond, Part 1
In My Pond, Part 2
Pretending Together
Sink or Float
Stuffed Animal Stories
Toy Stories
What's for Dinner?
FOCUS / COURSE MA.APL.Approaches to Play and Learning
STRAND APL2:The child will demonstrate eagerness and curiosity as a learner.
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL APL.K.By the end of Kindergarten, a child may…
INDICATOR APL2.5.Ask “why” questions about unknown future events and phenomena, as well as about the here and now (e.g., how, what if).

What's for Dinner?
INDICATOR APL2.6.Try a wide range of new experiences (e.g., materials, tasks, academic or physical skills), both independently and with peers or adults.

Celebrate Learning
My Age
Shape Changers
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
INDICATOR APL2.7.With support, seek information from a variety of sources, such as books, the Internet, experts, and observations.

Grocery Store Conversations
Sink or Float
INDICATOR APL2.8.Describe or demonstrate how he/she likes to learn best (e.g., observing, imitating, asking questions, hands-on investigation).

Grocery Store Conversations
In My Pond, Part 1
In My Pond, Part 2
Pretending Together
Sink or Float
Stuffed Animal Stories
Toy Stories
What's for Dinner?
FOCUS / COURSE MA.APL.Approaches to Play and Learning
STRAND APL3:The child will be able to maintain focus and attention, and persist in efforts to complete a task.
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL APL.PK.By the end of Preschool, a child may…
INDICATOR APL3.1.With support, maintain concentration on a task or activity for short periods of time, until completed.

Celebrate Learning
My Age
Shape Changers
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
INDICATOR APL3.2.With support, resist distraction and maintain attention to a task or activity (e.g., stories read aloud, demonstrations, different activities occurring simultaneously).

Celebrate Learning
My Age
Shape Changers
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
INDICATOR APL3.3.With support, continue with or return to activities after distractions or interruptions.

Celebrate Learning
My Age
Shape Changers
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
INDICATOR APL3.4.Maintain focus on a topic during a conversation or discussions.

Celebrate Learning
Color Word Sentences
If You're Happy & You Know It
My Age
Pantry Talk Description
Phone Fun
Shape Changers
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
Who Should We Ask?
INDICATOR APL3.5.With support, cope with some frustration or disappointment.

How should I handle temper tantrums?
Talking About Your Feelings
INDICATOR APL3.6.Work with purpose, determination, and enjoyment on self-chosen tasks.

Celebrate Learning
My Age
Shape Changers
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
FOCUS / COURSE MA.APL.Approaches to Play and Learning
STRAND APL3:The child will be able to maintain focus and attention, and persist in efforts to complete a task.
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL APL.K.By the end of Kindergarten, a child may…
INDICATOR APL3.7.Independently maintain focus on a project for a sustained period of time, until completed.

Celebrate Learning
My Age
Shape Changers
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
INDICATOR APL3.8.Resist distraction and maintain attention to a task or activity (e.g., teacher instruction, multiple activities occurring simultaneously) with minimal support.

Celebrate Learning
My Age
Shape Changers
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
INDICATOR APL3.9.Continue with or return to activities despite distractions or interruptions.

Celebrate Learning
My Age
Shape Changers
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
INDICATOR APL3.10.Contribute to discussions, holding in mind both the topic of discussion and the contributions of others.

Color Word Sentences
If You're Happy & You Know It
Pantry Talk Description
Phone Fun
Taking Turns
Who Should We Ask?
INDICATOR APL3.11.Independently persist in spite of frustration or disappointment.

Celebrate Learning
How should I handle temper tantrums?
My Age
Shape Changers
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
Talking About Your Feelings
INDICATOR APL3.12.Work to complete projects to own satisfaction based on personal standards of quality or completion (“good enough” or “finished”).

Celebrate Learning
My Age
Shape Changers
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
FOCUS / COURSE MA.APL.Approaches to Play and Learning
STRAND APL4:The child will demonstrate creativity in thinking and use of materials.
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL APL.PK.By the end of Preschool, a child may…
INDICATOR APL4.1.Use materials, tools, information, and experiences in new and different ways.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
May I Take your Order?
Mirror, Mirror
Shaving Cream Shapes
Three Ways to Show a Number
Using a Menu to Order
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR APL4.2.Begin to recognize the difference between pretend/fantasy situations and reality with adult support (e.g., what could/could not happen in real life?).

In My Pond, Part 1
In My Pond, Part 2
Pretending Together
Stuffed Animal Stories
Toy Stories
INDICATOR APL4.4.Use imagination to express an idea or concept.

In My Pond, Part 1
In My Pond, Part 2
Pretending Together
Stuffed Animal Stories
Toy Stories
INDICATOR APL4.5.Express ideas through art, music, movement, drama.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
If You're Happy & You Know It
Itsy Bitsy Spider Illustrations
May I Take your Order?
Mirror, Mirror
Shaving Cream Shapes
Sliding to Nursery Rhymes
Three Ways to Show a Number
Using a Menu to Order
Why should I sing to my baby?
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
FOCUS / COURSE MA.APL.Approaches to Play and Learning
STRAND APL4:The child will demonstrate creativity in thinking and use of materials.
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL APL.K.By the end of Kindergarten, a child may…
INDICATOR APL4.6.Use materials, tools, information, and experiences to express ideas or convey meaning in new and different ways.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
May I Take your Order?
Mirror, Mirror
Shaving Cream Shapes
Three Ways to Show a Number
Using a Menu to Order
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR APL4.7.Describe or represent the difference between fantasy situations and reality.

In My Pond, Part 1
In My Pond, Part 2
Pretending Together
Stuffed Animal Stories
Toy Stories
INDICATOR APL4.9.Use imagination and other materials to produce new ideas.

In My Pond, Part 1
In My Pond, Part 2
Pretending Together
Stuffed Animal Stories
Toy Stories
INDICATOR APL4.10.Combine materials and equipment to express ideas through various creative arts.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
May I Take your Order?
Mirror, Mirror
Shaving Cream Shapes
Three Ways to Show a Number
Using a Menu to Order
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
FOCUS / COURSE MA.APL.Approaches to Play and Learning
STRAND APL5:The child will cooperate with others in play and learning.
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL APL.PK.By the end of Preschool, a child may…
INDICATOR APL5.1.Suggest and listen to ideas for play with others (e.g., block play, puppets, games).

Building Houses
Family Talent Show
Keep It Up
Taking Turns
Who has the Biggest Number?
INDICATOR APL5.2.Plan and negotiate play with another child (e.g., roles/responsibilities each child will assume).

Building Houses
Family Talent Show
Keep It Up
Taking Turns
Who has the Biggest Number?
INDICATOR APL5.3.Begin to use cooperative strategies in play with others (e.g., sharing materials, taking turns, listening to the needs of others).

Building Houses
Family Talent Show
Keep It Up
Taking Turns
Who has the Biggest Number?
INDICATOR APL5.6.Share his/her processes with adults or other children (e.g., demonstrating, explaining, or representing what he/she did).

Putting Away the Groceries
Table Riddles
FOCUS / COURSE MA.APL.Approaches to Play and Learning
STRAND APL5:The child will cooperate with others in play and learning.
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL APL.K.By the end of Kindergarten, a child may…
INDICATOR APL5.8.Collaborate and negotiate play with two or more children (e.g., who will go first, roles each participant will play, assuming various responsibilities).

Building Houses
Family Talent Show
Keep It Up
Taking Turns
Who has the Biggest Number?
INDICATOR APL5.12.Explain (or represent) how cooperative strategies facilitated the process for accomplishing a task or solving a problem.

How can I stop my kids from fighting?
FOCUS / COURSE MA.APL.Approaches to Play and Learning
STRAND APL6:The child will seek multiple solutions to a question, task, or problem.
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL APL.PK.By the end of Preschool, a child may…
INDICATOR APL6.4.With support, formulate and test hypotheses, and draw connections to previous experiences and information.

Acorns and Pinecones
Measure your Steps
Strawberries for a Picnic
FOCUS / COURSE MA.APL.Approaches to Play and Learning
STRAND APL6:The child will seek multiple solutions to a question, task, or problem.
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL APL.K.By the end of Kindergarten, a child may…
INDICATOR APL6.9.With support, formulate and test hypotheses, make inferences, and draw connections to previous experiences and information.

Acorns and Pinecones
Measure your Steps
Strawberries for a Picnic
FOCUS / COURSE MA.APL.Approaches to Play and Learning
STRAND APL7:The child will demonstrate organizational skills.
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL APL.PK.By the end of Preschool, a child may…
INDICATOR APL7.1.With support, organize materials appropriately (e.g., put things away; sort materials by categories such as color, shape).

Candy Sort and Graph
Finger Shapes
Grocery Store Conversations
Guess My Shape
I Spy a Coin
I Spy an Animal
Letter Sort
Likely or Unlikely
Mirror, Mirror
Shape Changers
Shape Hunt
Shaving Cream Shapes
Sort and Graph Leaves
Sorting Laundry
Ways to Cut a Sandwich
INDICATOR APL7.2.Develop organizational routines with reminders (e.g., check cubby or personal space for take-home materials and projects to share with families).

How do I get my child to______?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
INDICATOR APL7.4.Recognize the daily schedule, follow program routines, and identify what comes next.

How do I get my child to______?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
FOCUS / COURSE MA.APL.Approaches to Play and Learning
STRAND APL7:The child will demonstrate organizational skills.
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL APL.K.By the end of Kindergarten, a child may…
INDICATOR APL7.7.Independently carry out organizational routines (e.g., gather personal belongings at end of day).

How do I get my child to______?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
INDICATOR APL7.9.Demonstrate awareness of the weekly schedule (e.g., specials, half days, etc.); anticipate and prepare for coming events.

How do I get my child to______?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
FOCUS / COURSE MA.APL.Approaches to Play and Learning
STRAND APL8:The child will be able to retain and recall information.
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL APL.PK.By the end of Preschool, a child may…
INDICATOR APL8.2.Recall visual items/cues.

Find My Number
My Address
Recalling What Happened in a Story
Sink or Swim
INDICATOR APL8.3.Recall auditory cues and comments.

Find My Number
My Address
Recalling What Happened in a Story
Sink or Swim
INDICATOR APL8.4.Use prior knowledge to predict and ask questions.

What's for Dinner?
FOCUS / COURSE MA.APL.Approaches to Play and Learning
STRAND APL8:The child will be able to retain and recall information.
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL APL.K.By the end of Kindergarten, a child may…
INDICATOR APL8.5.Relate past experiences with details.

Find My Number
My Address
Recalling What Happened in a Story
Sink or Swim
INDICATOR APL8.6.Use intentional strategies to support visual memory (e.g., focusing on specific details, spatial placement).

Find My Number
My Address
Recalling What Happened in a Story
Sink or Swim
INDICATOR APL8.7.Recall and relate auditory information.

Find My Number
My Address
Recalling What Happened in a Story
Sink or Swim
Grade: Ages 3-5 - Adopted: 2003
FOCUS / COURSE MA.ELA.Guiding Preschool Learning in English Language Arts
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 1.1.Observe and use appropriate ways of interacting in a group (taking turns in talking; listening to peers; waiting until someone is finished; asking questions and waiting for an answer; gaining the floor in appropriate ways).
INDICATOR 1.1.1.Interact with other children and adults in small groups through informal activities and everyday routines.

How do I get my child to______?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
INDICATOR 1.1.2.Participate in activities that generate response (e.g., fingerplays, songs, action games).

If You're Happy & You Know It
Itsy Bitsy Spider Illustrations
Sliding to Nursery Rhymes
Why should I sing to my baby?
INDICATOR 1.1.4.Use a system for taking turns and developing listening skills (e.g., passing a ball around the circle).

Choosing the Right Voice
Taking Turns
INDICATOR 1.1.5.Respond to social cues appropriately (signaled by eye contact, tone, pitch, volume, body language).

Choosing the Right Voice
FOCUS / COURSE MA.ELA.Guiding Preschool Learning in English Language Arts
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 1.2.Participate actively in discussions, listen to the ideas of others, and ask and answer relevant questions.
INDICATOR 1.2.1.Engage in meaningful conversations and discussions with peers and with adults, one-on-one, or in small groups.

Color Word Sentences
Following Directions
Grandparent Storytime
If You're Happy & You Know It
Morning Message
Pantry Talk Description
Phone Fun
Taking Turns
Talking About Your Feelings
Who Should We Ask?
INDICATOR 1.2.2.Share their ideas and experiences in small groups (e.g., express what they know or want to learn about a topic).

Color Word Sentences
If You're Happy & You Know It
Pantry Talk Description
Phone Fun
Taking Turns
Who Should We Ask?
INDICATOR 1.2.3.Ask questions to further understanding (e.g., “Where did the snow go when it melted?”) or about daily routines (e.g., “What’s for lunch?” “ Can we play outside today?”)

Color Word Sentences
Listening for Sounds
Phone Fun
What's for Dinner?
INDICATOR 1.2.4.Respond to teachers’ conversation-starters such as “I’m trying to make a snake out of play dough”; “You picked up a blue truck;” “I wonder…; I wish… .”

Color Word Sentences
If You're Happy & You Know It
Listening for Sounds
Pantry Talk Description
Phone Fun
Taking Turns
Who Should We Ask?
FOCUS / COURSE MA.ELA.Guiding Preschool Learning in English Language Arts
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 1.3.Communicate personal experiences or interests.
INDICATOR 1.3.1.Describe experiences to adults or other children in informal conversations.

Putting Away the Groceries
Table Riddles
INDICATOR 1.3.2.Create representations (e.g., drawings, paintings, constructions) about their ideas and describe them to others.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
May I Take your Order?
Mirror, Mirror
Putting Away the Groceries
Shaving Cream Shapes
Table Riddles
Three Ways to Show a Number
Tips for helping your child love reading
Using a Menu to Order
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR 1.3.3.Complete open-ended questions or statements on a topic (e.g., “The last time I went to the beach, I… .”)

Baby Photo Fun
Color Word Sentences
Why should we tell family stories?
Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
INDICATOR 1.3.4.Plan, make choices and decisions, and communicate them.

I'm Thinking of an Animal
Mystery Bag
Pantry Talk Description
Pretending Together
Weekend News
Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
INDICATOR 1.3.5.After sharing information, children discuss what they remember best about what was said.

Putting Away the Groceries
Table Riddles
INDICATOR 1.3.6.Describe or represent daily activities as a way of reviewing or reflecting (e.g., explain why they selected a particular activity area, what they did in that area, and how materials were used).

Putting Away the Groceries
Table Riddles
INDICATOR 1.3.7.Express what they might do differently the next time an activity is visited.

Putting Away the Groceries
Table Riddles
INDICATOR 1.3.8.Share information about what children learned with others (peers/adults).

Putting Away the Groceries
Table Riddles
FOCUS / COURSE MA.ELA.Guiding Preschool Learning in English Language Arts
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 1.4.Engage in play experiences that involve naming and sorting common words into various classifications using general and specific language.
INDICATOR 1.4.1.Select an object from a collection of common items, identify it, then use specific words to describe it (e.g., in terms of color, shape, size, use).

Finger Shapes
Grocery Store Conversations
Guess My Shape
How Many Can I Grab?
Mirror, Mirror
Shape Changers
Shape Hunt
Shaving Cream Shapes
Ways to Cut a Sandwich
INDICATOR 1.4.2.Generate collections of words that can be used to describe categories of words (e.g., footwear could include sneakers, shoes, boots, sandals, socks, slippers).

How Many Can You Name?
Silent Opposites
Sort and Graph Leaves
INDICATOR 1.4.3.Look at illustrations to gain clues to the meaning of new or confusing words.

Picture Walk Predictions
Reading a Book for the Second Time
Retelling the Story
INDICATOR 1.4.4.Examine familiar objects closely, then more closely, adding descriptors with increasing detail (e.g., a child’s shoe; a flower).

Putting Away the Groceries
Table Riddles
INDICATOR 1.4.5.Use a feely box or texture board to name, sort, and categorize various objects.

How Many Can You Name?
Silent Opposites
Sort and Graph Leaves
INDICATOR 1.4.6.Play guessing games in which children use descriptors (“I’m thinking of something round.”).

Putting Away the Groceries
Table Riddles
INDICATOR 1.4.8.Hear new words introduced at the beginning of a story or activity, and reviewed at the end.

Reading a Book for the Second Time
FOCUS / COURSE MA.ELA.Guiding Preschool Learning in English Language Arts
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 1.5.Listen to and use formal and informal language.
INDICATOR 1.5.1.Use new vocabulary introduced through book reading in their play.

Finding the Groceries
How Many Can You Name?
I Spy an Animal
Mystery Bag
INDICATOR 1.5.2.Listen to stories and poems that use formal and informal language.

My Favorite Part
Reading a Book for the Second Time
Why should we tell family stories?
INDICATOR 1.5.4.Respond to and/or dramatize different voices for different characters from familiar stories.

Choosing the Right Voice
INDICATOR 1.5.5.Listen to models of appropriate and correct language by adults (appropriate sentence structure, grammar, syntax).

All Mixed Up
FOCUS / COURSE MA.ELA.Guiding Preschool Learning in English Language Arts
STRAND ELA.RL.Reading & Literature
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 1.6.Listen to a wide variety of age appropriate literature read aloud.
INDICATOR 1.6.1.Explore a wide variety of printed materials about subjects that interest children (e.g., storybooks, picture dictionaries, factual and informational books such as books about science, and books that relate to families and cultures), with texts of varying levels of difficulty.

Family Photos
Family Talent Show
Grandparent Storytime
Why should we tell family stories?
INDICATOR 1.6.2.Listen to age-appropriate stories read aloud frequently and repeatedly.

Grandparent Storytime
I Remember When
Making Trail Mix
My Favorite Part
Reading a Book for the Second Time
Why should we tell family stories?
INDICATOR 1.6.3.Identify favorite books by their cover.

Funny Reading
INDICATOR 1.6.4.Use a listening center with books on tape and matching print books.

Family Movie Night
Getting Information from Pictures
Just the Facts
INDICATOR 1.6.5.Handle books respectfully and appropriately, holding them right-side-up and turning pages one at a time from front to back.

Funny Reading
INDICATOR 1.6.7.Use “big books” and take part in turning pages.

Funny Reading
INDICATOR 1.6.8.Pretend to read by pointing with a finger while reciting text.

Tips for helping your child love reading
FOCUS / COURSE MA.ELA.Guiding Preschool Learning in English Language Arts
STRAND ELA.RL.Reading & Literature
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 1.7.Develop familiarity with the forms of alphabet letters, awareness of print, and letter forms.
INDICATOR 1.7.1.See alphabet letters displayed at children’s eye level.

Jump Rope Letters
Letter Hunt
Letter Sort
Magnetic Letter Mix Up
Making Letter Soup
Name Game
Point the ABC Song
Reading the Grocery List
Searching for Sounds at the Store
Shopping for Clothes
Silverware Alphabet
Stomp the Letter
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR 1.7.2.Examine upper and lower case letter shapes by their spatial features (e.g., a lower case “a” can appear differently) using laminated alphabet letters printed in various fonts, alphabet sorting boxes, alphabet books.

Jump Rope Letters
Letter Hunt
Looking for Letters in Ads
Name Game
Shopping for Clothes
Stomp the Letter
INDICATOR 1.7.3.Explore letters through sensory experiences (e.g., trace letters made of sandpaper, rice; use alphabet cookie cutters, alphabet stamps, or pasta alphabets).

Grocery Store Conversations
Jump Rope Letters
Letter Hunt
Letter Sort
Magnetic Letter Mix Up
Making Letter Soup
Making a Grocery List
Name Game
Point the ABC Song
Reading the Grocery List
Searching for Sounds at the Store
Shopping for Clothes
Silverware Alphabet
Stomp the Letter
Weekend News
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR 1.7.4.Create letters with materials such as finger paint, string, yarn, clay, pipe cleaners.

Jump Rope Letters
Letter Hunt
Letter Sort
Magnetic Letter Mix Up
Making Letter Soup
Name Game
Point the ABC Song
Reading the Grocery List
Searching for Sounds at the Store
Shopping for Clothes
Silverware Alphabet
Stomp the Letter
Tips for helping your child love reading
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR 1.7.5.Listen to and explore alphabet books and alphabet puzzles in which children can see and compare letters and distinguish one from another.

Jump Rope Letters
Letter Hunt
Letter Sort
Magnetic Letter Mix Up
Making Letter Soup
Name Game
Point the ABC Song
Reading the Grocery List
Searching for Sounds at the Store
Shopping for Clothes
Silverware Alphabet
Stomp the Letter
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR 1.7.6.Observe print (or Braille as appropriate) in everyday activities and routines including labels on objects and materials; captions on children’s projects or photographs of children’s activities; nametags on cubbies and coat hooks.

Shopping for Clothes
INDICATOR 1.7.7.Dictate words to tell a story (to build awareness that words can be put together to make sentences).

Color Word Sentences
Reading with Jack and Jill
Sentence Segmenting
Starting a Word Bank
Words on the Page
INDICATOR 1.7.8.Take home the words of familiar songs, rhymes, fingerplays printed out.

Finish the Rhyme
Hopping Rhyming
Little Miss Muffet Role Play
Reading with Jack and Jill
Rhyming Purse
Rhyming Toss
Rhyming with Jack and Jill
Sliding to Nursery Rhymes
Twinkle, Twinkle Rhymes
INDICATOR 1.7.9.Associate pictorial symbols with objects or actions (e.g., picture recipes; rebus stories).

Picture Walk Predictions
Retelling the Story
INDICATOR 1.7.10.Observe adults, teachers, and family members using print to gain meaning and understanding.

Chime In
Color Word Sentences
Kitchen Labeling
Morning Message
My Address
Reading the Grocery List
Reading with Jack and Jill
Shopping for Clothes
Starting a Word Bank
Stuffed Animal Stories
INDICATOR 1.7.11.Use alphabet stamps, magnetic letters, alphabet blocks.

Jump Rope Letters
Letter Hunt
Letter Sort
Magnetic Letter Mix Up
Making Letter Soup
Name Game
Point the ABC Song
Reading the Grocery List
Searching for Sounds at the Store
Shopping for Clothes
Silverware Alphabet
Stomp the Letter
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
FOCUS / COURSE MA.ELA.Guiding Preschool Learning in English Language Arts
STRAND ELA.RL.Reading & Literature
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 1.8.Listen to, identify, and manipulate language sounds to develop auditory discrimination and phonemic awareness.
INDICATOR 1.8.2.Break words into syllables (e.g., clap or tap them out with rhythm instruments).

Frog Hopping
Grocery Sack Syllables
Sequences of Sounds
INDICATOR 1.8.3.Repeat and manipulate sequences of phonemes using phonological memory (e.g., “bo-be-ba”).

Lazy Letters
Little Bo Peep Substitutions
INDICATOR 1.8.4.Find pictures or think of words that begin with a specific initial sound.

Making a Grocery List
Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down
INDICATOR 1.8.5.Fill in rhyming words in stories, poems and songs (e.g., make up new words to the song Down by the Bay… did you ever see a moose kissing a goose).

Finish the Rhyme
Hopping Rhyming
Little Miss Muffet Role Play
Reading with Jack and Jill
Rhyming Purse
Rhyming Toss
Rhyming with Jack and Jill
Sliding to Nursery Rhymes
Twinkle, Twinkle Rhymes
INDICATOR 1.8.6.Play with phoneme substitution (changing the first sound in a word) for example, singing Zee-Zi-Ziddly-I-O instead of Fee-Fi-Fiddly-I-O.

Lazy Letters
Little Bo Peep Substitutions
Making a Grocery List
Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down
INDICATOR 1.8.7.Use finger plays, games, poems, and stories that include rhyme and alliteration to develop an awareness of differences in spoken words, syllables, and sounds.

Finish the Rhyme
Frog Hopping
Grocery Sack Syllables
Hopping Rhyming
Little Miss Muffet Role Play
Reading with Jack and Jill
Rhyming Purse
Rhyming Toss
Rhyming with Jack and Jill
Sequences of Sounds
Signaling for Sounds
Sliding to Nursery Rhymes
Twinkle, Twinkle Rhymes
INDICATOR 1.8.8.For older 4 year olds: Count phonemes (e.g., determine that the word “bat” has three sounds). Phonemes are the smallest units of spoken language (e.g., there are three phonemes in man–m/a/n– and four phonemes in enough–/e/n/u/f).

Drumming Sounds
Echo Game
Lazy Letters
Sequences of Sounds
FOCUS / COURSE MA.ELA.Guiding Preschool Learning in English Language Arts
STRAND ELA.RL.Reading & Literature
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 1.9.Link letters with sounds in play activities.
INDICATOR 1.9.1.Compare the similarities in sounds of words and letters.

Frog Hopping
Listen My Children
Reading the Grocery List
Searching for Sounds at the Store
Shopping for Clothes
INDICATOR 1.9.2.Listen to letters matched with sounds in meaningful contexts (e.g., “Look, the word on your shoe starts with N – Nike, just like your name, Nicholas.”).

Frog Hopping
Listen My Children
Reading the Grocery List
Searching for Sounds at the Store
Shopping for Clothes
INDICATOR 1.9.3.Play guessing games using letter sounds (“I spy something that begins with rrrrrrr.”).

Making a Grocery List
Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down
INDICATOR 1.9.4.Select alphabet letters that match with their sounds (“Find the letter that says “mmmmm.”).

Frog Hopping
Jump Rope Letters
Letter Hunt
Letter Sort
Listen My Children
Magnetic Letter Mix Up
Making Letter Soup
Name Game
Point the ABC Song
Reading the Grocery List
Searching for Sounds at the Store
Shopping for Clothes
Silverware Alphabet
Stomp the Letter
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR 1.9.5.Hear specific letter sounds in the beginning, middle, and at the end of words.

Making a Grocery List
Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down
FOCUS / COURSE MA.ELA.Guiding Preschool Learning in English Language Arts
STRAND ELA.RL.Reading & Literature
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 1.10.Engage actively in read-aloud activities by asking questions, offering ideas, predicting or retelling important parts of a story or informational book.
INDICATOR 1.10.1.Retell a familiar book from memory or based on the illustrations.

All About My Day
Book Bag Descriptions
Family Movie Night
Family Photos
Grandparent Storytime
My Favorite Part
Picture Walk Predictions
Reading a Book for the Second Time
Recalling What Happened in a Story
Retelling the Story
Tips for helping your child love reading
Tips for storytelling: Using gestures
INDICATOR 1.10.2.Arrange illustrations of key incidents from the story in order of what happened first, next.

All About My Day
Itsy Bitsy Spider Illustrations
Picture Walk Predictions
Retelling the Story
Toy Stories
INDICATOR 1.10.3.Make inferences about characters’ motivations.

Baby Photo Fun
Book Selection
Just the Facts
Making Connections PreK
Reading a Book for the Second Time
Recalling What Happened in a Story
Selecting Books
Text to Self Connections
INDICATOR 1.10.4.Act out a story through flannel board, puppets, or dramatic play with props.

Act It Out
Toy Stories
INDICATOR 1.10.5.Describe or represent (e.g., through drawings, constructions) what children remember after listening to an informational book.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
Grandparent Storytime
I Remember When
Making Trail Mix
May I Take your Order?
Mirror, Mirror
Putting Away the Groceries
Shaving Cream Shapes
Table Riddles
Three Ways to Show a Number
Using a Menu to Order
Why should we tell family stories?
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR 1.10.6.Respond appropriately to teachers’ questions about stories.

Asking Wh- Questions
Book Bag Descriptions
Getting Information from Pictures
Making Connections PreK
Reading Routines for Early Readers
Reading a Book for the Second Time
Recalling What Happened in a Story
Think About It
Tips for helping your child love reading
INDICATOR 1.10.7.Listen to stories without illustrations (e.g., chapter books read aloud during rest time) to give children the opportunity to “make pictures in their minds.”

Grandparent Storytime
I Remember When
Making Trail Mix
My Favorite Part
Reading a Book for the Second Time
Why should we tell family stories?
FOCUS / COURSE MA.ELA.Guiding Preschool Learning in English Language Arts
STRAND ELA.RL.Reading & Literature
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 1.11.Listen to several books by the same author or using the same illustrator.
INDICATOR 1.11.4.Recognize the name or work of particular author or illustrator.

Funny Reading
INDICATOR 1.11.5.Make inferences about important characters, settings, or events in stories.

Baby Photo Fun
Book Selection
Just the Facts
Making Connections PreK
Reading a Book for the Second Time
Recalling What Happened in a Story
Selecting Books
Text to Self Connections
Toy Stories
INDICATOR 1.11.6.Take home a class-made book, and describe the story and illustrations to family members.

Picture Walk Predictions
Putting Away the Groceries
Retelling the Story
Table Riddles
FOCUS / COURSE MA.ELA.Guiding Preschool Learning in English Language Arts
STRAND ELA.RL.Reading & Literature
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 1.12.Listen to, recite, sing, and dramatize a variety of age-appropriate literature.
INDICATOR 1.12.1.Recite, sing, or retell fairy tales, Mother Goose rhymes, poetry, myths.

Book Bag Descriptions
Family Movie Night
Family Photos
If You're Happy & You Know It
Itsy Bitsy Spider Illustrations
Little Bo Peep Substitutions
Little Miss Muffet Role Play
My Favorite Part
Reading a Book for the Second Time
Recalling What Happened in a Story
Retelling the Story
Rhyming with Jack and Jill
Sliding to Nursery Rhymes
Tips for helping your child love reading
Tips for storytelling: Using gestures
Twinkle, Twinkle Rhymes
Why should I sing to my baby?
INDICATOR 1.12.3.Compare a factual book with a fictional story (e.g., a scientific book about metamorphosis and Eric Carle’s, The Very Hungry Caterpillar).

Compare and Contrast Questions
INDICATOR 1.12.5.Make a list of all the important facts children recall after listening to a book or story read aloud.

Find My Number
My Address
Recalling What Happened in a Story
Sink or Swim
INDICATOR 1.12.7.Retell information from a class-made book.

All About My Day
Book Bag Descriptions
Family Movie Night
Family Photos
Grandparent Storytime
My Favorite Part
Reading a Book for the Second Time
Recalling What Happened in a Story
Retelling the Story
Tips for helping your child love reading
Tips for storytelling: Using gestures
INDICATOR 1.12.8.Predict what a book is about from the illustrations.

Book Selection
Picture Walk Predictions
Retelling the Story
Selecting Books
Text to Self Connections
Tips for helping your child love reading
INDICATOR 1.12.9.Describe or represent the main idea of a story (e.g., verbally or through drawings).

Detailed Drawing of a Face
May I Take your Order?
Mirror, Mirror
Shaving Cream Shapes
Three Ways to Show a Number
Using a Menu to Order
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR 1.12.10.Sing traditional lullabies.

If You're Happy & You Know It
Itsy Bitsy Spider Illustrations
Sliding to Nursery Rhymes
Why should I sing to my baby?
INDICATOR 1.12.11.Use predictable terms such as “Once upon a time…” or “They lived happily ever after” in retelling or dramatizing traditional literature.

Act It Out
Book Bag Descriptions
Family Movie Night
Family Photos
My Favorite Part
Reading a Book for the Second Time
Recalling What Happened in a Story
Retelling the Story
Tips for helping your child love reading
Tips for storytelling: Using gestures
Toy Stories
FOCUS / COURSE MA.ELA.Guiding Preschool Learning in English Language Arts
STRAND ELA.RL.Reading & Literature
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 1.13.Relate themes and information in books to personal experiences.
INDICATOR 1.13.1.Compare events in books to their own experiences.

Getting Information from Pictures
Just the Facts
Picture Walk Predictions
INDICATOR 1.13.3.Offer verbal or pictorial evidence from a book to support understanding.

Reading Routines for Early Readers
FOCUS / COURSE MA.ELA.Guiding Preschool Learning in English Language Arts
STRAND ELA.RL.Reading & Literature
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 1.14.Recognize and supply rhythm and rhyme in poetry.
INDICATOR 1.14.1.Listen to books/poems that include repetitive/rhythmic elements.

Finish the Rhyme
Hopping Rhyming
Little Miss Muffet Role Play
My Favorite Part
Reading a Book for the Second Time
Reading with Jack and Jill
Rhyming Purse
Rhyming Toss
Rhyming with Jack and Jill
Sliding to Nursery Rhymes
Twinkle, Twinkle Rhymes
Why should we tell family stories?
INDICATOR 1.14.2.Listen to and recite Mother Goose and other nursery rhymes.

Little Bo Peep Substitutions
Little Miss Muffet Role Play
Rhyming with Jack and Jill
Sliding to Nursery Rhymes
Twinkle, Twinkle Rhymes
INDICATOR 1.14.3.Respond to auditory patterns in poems and stories, songs (e.g., clap out the patterns).

Making Patterns
My Age
Setting the Table
Sound Patterns
Speedometer Math
The Fence Problem
INDICATOR 1.14.4.Contribute real or nonsense words that fit rhythm and rhymes in poems, songs, nursery rhymes.

Finish the Rhyme
Hopping Rhyming
If You're Happy & You Know It
Itsy Bitsy Spider Illustrations
Little Bo Peep Substitutions
Little Miss Muffet Role Play
Reading with Jack and Jill
Rhyming Purse
Rhyming Toss
Rhyming with Jack and Jill
Sliding to Nursery Rhymes
Twinkle, Twinkle Rhymes
Why should I sing to my baby?
FOCUS / COURSE MA.ELA.Guiding Preschool Learning in English Language Arts
STRAND ELA.RL.Reading & Literature
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 1.15.Listen to, recognize, and use a broad vocabulary of sensory words.
INDICATOR 1.15.1.Listen to age-appropriate stories, poems, and songs that suggest mood and/or create visual images, or that are rich in descriptive vocabulary (e.g., “mud is very ooey gooey”).

If You're Happy & You Know It
Itsy Bitsy Spider Illustrations
My Favorite Part
Reading a Book for the Second Time
Sliding to Nursery Rhymes
Why should I sing to my baby?
Why should we tell family stories?
INDICATOR 1.15.2.Participate in a wide variety of sensory experiences that reinforce sensory vocabulary (e.g., fluffy shaving cream, sticky glue).

Grocery Store Conversations
INDICATOR 1.15.3.Describe everyday experiences using sensory language (e.g., “the play dough felt sticky;” “the cotton is soft;” “the sandpaper is scratchy”).

Grocery Store Conversations
Putting Away the Groceries
Table Riddles
INDICATOR 1.15.4.Share children’s perceptions about sensory experiences using descriptive vocabulary and generate a story for the newsletter to share with families.

Grocery Store Conversations
Putting Away the Groceries
Table Riddles
FOCUS / COURSE MA.ELA.Guiding Preschool Learning in English Language Arts
STRAND ELA.C.Composition
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 1.16.Use their own words or illustrations to describe their experiences, tell imaginative stories, or communicate information about a topic of interest.
INDICATOR 1.16.1.Draw pictures or use letters or phonetically spelled words to tell a story or give information.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
Jump Rope Letters
Making a Grocery List
May I Take your Order?
Mirror, Mirror
Shaving Cream Shapes
Silverware Alphabet
Three Ways to Show a Number
Using a Menu to Order
Weekend News
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR 1.16.6.Use computers and age-appropriate software as writing tools (e.g., preschool word processing programs that allow children to produce enlarged print, hear what they have written, use the mouse to draw, or make scribbles to accompany their drawings).

Detailed Drawing of a Face
Making a Grocery List
May I Take your Order?
Mirror, Mirror
Shaving Cream Shapes
Thank You Note
Three Ways to Show a Number
Using a Menu to Order
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
FOCUS / COURSE MA.ELA.Guiding Preschool Learning in English Language Arts
STRAND ELA.C.Composition
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 1.17.Add details or make changes to published or class-made stories.
INDICATOR 1.17.1.Expand ideas or details to make a group story more complex.

Stuffed Animal Stories
Weekend News
INDICATOR 1.17.3.Describe how events might turn out differently with changes in circumstances.

Stuffed Animal Stories
Weekend News
FOCUS / COURSE MA.ELA.Guiding Preschool Learning in English Language Arts
STRAND ELA.C.Composition
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 1.18.Use emergent writing skills to make letters in many settings and for many purposes.
INDICATOR 1.18.2.Include writing as an integral part of daily activities (e.g., signs, name cards, grocery lists, menus, greeting cards, messages, recipes).

Making a Grocery List
Using a Menu to Order
INDICATOR 1.18.4.Engage in sensory experiences such as making letters in sand, with finger paint, or tracing over sandpaper letters.

Jump Rope Letters
Making a Grocery List
Silverware Alphabet
Weekend News
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR 1.18.5.Receive guidance from adults in appropriate formation of letters (if requested by children).

Jump Rope Letters
Making a Grocery List
Silverware Alphabet
Weekend News
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
FOCUS / COURSE MA.ELA.Guiding Preschool Learning in English Language Arts
STRAND ELA.C.Composition
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 1.19.Arrange events in order when dictating a story.
INDICATOR 1.19.1.Verbally describe or represent through drawings, paintings, or models the sequence in which events in stories took place (e.g., What happened first? Next? Last?).

Detailed Drawing of a Face
Itsy Bitsy Spider Illustrations
May I Take your Order?
Mirror, Mirror
Shaving Cream Shapes
Three Ways to Show a Number
Toy Stories
Using a Menu to Order
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR 1.19.2.Contribute to group discussions about meaningful events in order to compose a story or article for a newsletter.

Color Word Sentences
If You're Happy & You Know It
Pantry Talk Description
Phone Fun
Taking Turns
Who Should We Ask?
INDICATOR 1.19.3.Arrange illustrations or photographs of personal experiences in sequence.

All About My Day
FOCUS / COURSE MA.ELA.Guiding Preschool Learning in English Language Arts
STRAND ELA.C.Composition
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 1.20.Generate questions and gather information to answer their questions in various ways.
INDICATOR 1.20.2.Work with teachers to find logical sources for the information they need (e.g., reading a fictional story about a spider, consulting non-fiction books, then investigating real spider webs through direct observation).

Getting Information from Pictures
Grocery Store Conversations
Just the Facts
Sink or Float
INDICATOR 1.20.3.Describe something learned about a topic (e.g., butterflies, frogs, snow) verbally or through representations.

Putting Away the Groceries
Table Riddles
INDICATOR 1.20.4.Create, display, and describe representations of their investigations through drawings, paintings, photographs, constructions, and stories.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
May I Take your Order?
Mirror, Mirror
Shaving Cream Shapes
Three Ways to Show a Number
Using a Menu to Order
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR 1.20.5.Formulate questions with teacher support to begin to learn the difference between questions and statements.

Color Word Sentences
Listening for Sounds
Phone Fun
FOCUS / COURSE MA.MA.Guiding Preschool Learning in Mathematics
STRAND MA.NS.Number Sense
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 2.1.Listen to and say the names of numbers in meaningful contexts.
INDICATOR 2.1.1.Play games and listen to stories and poems that contain numbers and counting sequences.

Acorns and Pinecones
Adding Ice
Block Tower
Domino Match-Up
Find My Number
Fruit Salad
How Many Feet?
How Many Steps to Bed?
How Many in the Car?
How Old Are You?
Keep It Up
Lily Pad Hop
Magazine Number Hunt
May I Take your Order?
More than Ten
Numbers Everywhere
Show Me
Special Day Countdown
Taking Inventory
Three Ways to Show a Number
INDICATOR 2.1.2.Use concrete objects to practice one-to-one correspondence (e.g., say the name of objects while placing an object in each space in an egg carton; distributing a musical instrument to each child in a group; putting pegs in each hole of a pegboard).

Acorns and Pinecones
Adding Ice
Apple Pie
Candy Sort and Graph
Counting Signs
Decorating Cupcakes
Fruit Salad
How Many Can I Grab?
How Many Feet?
How Many Steps to Bed?
How Many in the Car?
How Old Are You?
Lily Pad Hop
Measure your Steps
Penny Drop
The Number Stays the Same
Three Ways to Show a Number
Under the Cup
What's for Dinner?
INDICATOR 2.1.3.Count concrete objects for a meaningful purpose (e.g., three crackers for snack; two eyes to glue on the bunny; three steps down to the playground).

Acorns and Pinecones
Adding Ice
Block Tower
Domino Match-Up
Fruit Salad
How Many Feet?
How Many Steps to Bed?
How Many in the Car?
How Old Are You?
Keep It Up
More than Ten
Show Me
Taking Inventory
INDICATOR 2.1.4.Follow visual or rebus recipes (e.g., for making play dough or cookies).

Find My Number
Lily Pad Hop
Magazine Number Hunt
May I Take your Order?
Numbers Everywhere
Special Day Countdown
Three Ways to Show a Number
INDICATOR 2.1.5.Point to numbers displayed in the preschool setting (e.g., labels on objects, projects, activity areas; children’s bus numbers, children’s ages).

Fruit Salad
Magazine Number Hunt
Numbers Everywhere
FOCUS / COURSE MA.MA.Guiding Preschool Learning in Mathematics
STRAND MA.NS.Number Sense
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 2.2.Connect many kinds/quantities of concrete objects and actions to numbers.
INDICATOR 2.2.1.Arrange and count a variety of different kinds of objects to explore the consistency of quantities (e.g., to build understanding of what “3” looks like, whether you are counting blocks, beads or pinecones).

Acorns and Pinecones
Adding Ice
Block Tower
Domino Match-Up
Fruit Salad
How Many Feet?
How Many Steps to Bed?
How Many in the Car?
How Old Are You?
Keep It Up
Magazine Number Hunt
More than Ten
Numbers Everywhere
Show Me
Taking Inventory
INDICATOR 2.2.2.Participate in fingerplays and action rhymes that associate number concepts with concrete actions (e.g., Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed).

Acorns and Pinecones
Adding Ice
Block Tower
Domino Match-Up
Fruit Salad
How Many Feet?
How Many Steps to Bed?
How Many in the Car?
How Old Are You?
Keep It Up
More than Ten
Show Me
Taking Inventory
INDICATOR 2.2.3.Use concrete objects, actions, or drawings to represent quantities (e.g., jump two times; stack four unit blocks; string three beads, hold up two fingers, get three blocks on request).

Acorns and Pinecones
Adding Ice
Block Tower
Domino Match-Up
Find My Number
Fruit Salad
How Many Feet?
How Many Steps to Bed?
How Many in the Car?
How Old Are You?
Keep It Up
Lily Pad Hop
Magazine Number Hunt
May I Take your Order?
More than Ten
Numbers Everywhere
Show Me
Special Day Countdown
Taking Inventory
Three Ways to Show a Number
FOCUS / COURSE MA.MA.Guiding Preschool Learning in Mathematics
STRAND MA.NS.Number Sense
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 2.3.Use positional language and ordinal numbers (first, second, third) in everyday activities.
INDICATOR 2.3.1.Place concrete objects such as nesting or stacking cups, boxes, or dolls in a row and identify their position as first, second, third.

First Place
Under the Cup
INDICATOR 2.3.2.Arrange materials in order (seriate) from small to large; short to long, etc.

How Many Can I Grab?
INDICATOR 2.3.3.Use ordinal numbers and positional words (e.g., before/after; first, second, third) to describe the order of daily activities.

Bookcase Problem
Finding the Groceries
First Place
Follow My Design
Follow the Leader
Following Directions
Jump to It
Little Miss Muffet Role Play
Mirror, Mirror
Near and Far
Race Car Transformations
Stuffed Animal Olympics
Treasure Map
Under the Cup
INDICATOR 2.3.4.Arrange illustrations from a story or photographs of class events or daily routines in sequence.

How Many Can I Grab?
Picture Walk Predictions
Retelling the Story
FOCUS / COURSE MA.MA.Guiding Preschool Learning in Mathematics
STRAND MA.NS.Number Sense
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 2.4.Use concrete objects to solve simple addition and subtraction problems using comparative language (more than, fewer than, same number of).
INDICATOR 2.4.1.Distribute and compare concrete objects in meaningful ways (e.g., which bucket has more rocks in it; how many more napkins are needed for everyone at the table).

Acorns and Pinecones
Cereal Challenge
Make a Tower of Ten
More than Ten
Slap One More
Who has the Biggest Number?
INDICATOR 2.4.2.Sing songs and do fingerplays that involve adding and taking away (e.g., Two Little Blackbirds).

Decorating Cupcakes
How Many Feet?
If You're Happy & You Know It
In My Pond, Part 1
Itsy Bitsy Spider Illustrations
Make a Tower of Ten
One More
Packing for Our Trip
Rock Toss
Sliding to Nursery Rhymes
Why should I sing to my baby?
INDICATOR 2.4.3.Use pictorial recipes and discuss how many more cups of cups of flour need to be added to the cookie dough.

Keep It Up
One Less
One More
Slap One More
Special Day Countdown
Who has the Biggest Number?
INDICATOR 2.4.4.Make pictorial menus or shopping lists; identify the amount the amount of money needed to “buy products” in various play areas.

I Spy a Coin
INDICATOR 2.4.5.Figure out how many blocks they have altogether when they join two sets or how many blocks are needed to make two towers the same size.

Decorating Cupcakes
How Many Feet?
In My Pond, Part 1
Make a Tower of Ten
One More
Packing for Our Trip
Rock Toss
FOCUS / COURSE MA.MA.Guiding Preschool Learning in Mathematics
STRAND MA.NS.Number Sense
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 2.5.Observe and manipulate concrete examples of whole and half.
INDICATOR 2.5.1.Cut food into two equal parts for snacks.

Acorns and Pinecones
Make a Tower of Ten
Sharing Goldfish
Snack Fractions
Who has the Biggest Number?
INDICATOR 2.5.2.Match whole objects to similar objects that have been broken or cut in half.

Sharing a Meal
Snack Fractions
INDICATOR 2.5.3.Divide a set of objects into two equal parts (e.g., two for you and two for me).

Acorns and Pinecones
Make a Tower of Ten
Sharing Goldfish
Snack Fractions
Who has the Biggest Number?
FOCUS / COURSE MA.MA.Guiding Preschool Learning in Mathematics
STRAND MA.NS.Number Sense
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 2.6.Examine, manipulate, and identify familiar U.S. coins (penny, nickel, dime, quarter) in play activities.
INDICATOR 2.6.1.Create a grocery store or shoe store in the dramatic play area and use play money to pay for items.

I Spy a Coin
INDICATOR 2.6.2.Listen to age appropriate books about money and identify the coins.

I Spy a Coin
INDICATOR 2.6.3.Separate coins by color and size.

Grocery Store Conversations
How Many Can I Grab?
I Spy a Coin
FOCUS / COURSE MA.MA.Guiding Preschool Learning in Mathematics
STRAND MA.PR.Patterns & Relations
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 2.7.Explore and describe a wide variety of concrete objects by their attributes.
INDICATOR 2.7.1.Describe the size, shape, color, and texture of everyday materials such as pasta, rocks, shells, unit blocks, attribute blocks, parquetry blocks, crackers.

Finger Shapes
Grocery Store Conversations
Guess My Shape
How Many Can I Grab?
Mirror, Mirror
Shape Changers
Shape Hunt
Shaving Cream Shapes
Ways to Cut a Sandwich
INDICATOR 2.7.2.Play games that include identifying (pointing to, selecting, or naming) a specified object from a group of objects (e.g., lotto, concentration cards).

Making Patterns
My Age
Setting the Table
Sound Patterns
Speedometer Math
The Fence Problem
INDICATOR 2.7.3.Listen to and use words that describe the characteristics of objects (e.g., big, small, tall, short, narrow, thick, thin, deep, shallow, round, flat, straight, crooked, heavy, light).

Candy Sort and Graph
I Spy a Coin
I Spy an Animal
Letter Sort
Likely or Unlikely
Sort and Graph Leaves
Sorting Laundry
FOCUS / COURSE MA.MA.Guiding Preschool Learning in Mathematics
STRAND MA.PR.Patterns & Relations
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 2.8.Sort, categorize, or classify objects by more than one attribute.
INDICATOR 2.8.1.Sort parquetry blocks or string beads by size, shape, color, or texture (e.g., big circles/small circles; blue squares/blue circles; big yellow squares/small yellow squares).

Candy Sort and Graph
Finger Shapes
Grocery Store Conversations
Guess My Shape
How Many Can I Grab?
I Spy a Coin
I Spy an Animal
Letter Sort
Likely or Unlikely
Mirror, Mirror
Shape Changers
Shape Hunt
Shaving Cream Shapes
Sort and Graph Leaves
Sorting Laundry
Ways to Cut a Sandwich
FOCUS / COURSE MA.MA.Guiding Preschool Learning in Mathematics
STRAND MA.PR.Patterns & Relations
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 2.9.Recognize, describe, reproduce, extend, create, and compare repeating patterns of concrete materials.
INDICATOR 2.9.2.Use pattern cards to reproduce patterns with concrete objects such as beads, colored cubes, mosaic tiles with pattern cards.

Making Patterns
My Age
Setting the Table
Sound Patterns
Speedometer Math
The Fence Problem
INDICATOR 2.9.3.Find patterns in their everyday environment (plaid, stripes, checks on clothing, floors or walls).

Making Patterns
My Age
Setting the Table
Sound Patterns
Speedometer Math
The Fence Problem
INDICATOR 2.9.4.Repeat a pattern/sequence in a variety of ways (e.g., an ABAB pattern with stickers, blocks, or stamps).

Making Patterns
My Age
Setting the Table
Sound Patterns
Speedometer Math
The Fence Problem
INDICATOR 2.9.5.Manipulate objects in and out of patterns.

Making Patterns
My Age
Setting the Table
Sound Patterns
Speedometer Math
The Fence Problem
INDICATOR 2.9.6.Recognize and predict word patterns in familiar rhythms, music or stories.

Making Patterns
My Age
Setting the Table
Sound Patterns
Speedometer Math
The Fence Problem
FOCUS / COURSE MA.MA.Guiding Preschool Learning in Mathematics
STRAND MA.SSS.Shapes & Spatial Sense
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 2.10.Investigate and identify materials of various shapes, using appropriate language.
INDICATOR 2.10.1.Sort parquetry blocks by one or more attributes.

Candy Sort and Graph
I Spy a Coin
I Spy an Animal
Letter Sort
Likely or Unlikely
Sort and Graph Leaves
Sorting Laundry
INDICATOR 2.10.2.Place unit blocks on top of their silhouettes.

Finger Shapes
Guess My Shape
Mirror, Mirror
Shape Changers
Shape Hunt
Shaving Cream Shapes
Ways to Cut a Sandwich
INDICATOR 2.10.3.Feel and describe parquetry blocks, then try to identify them without looking.

Finger Shapes
Guess My Shape
Mirror, Mirror
Shape Changers
Shape Hunt
Shaving Cream Shapes
Ways to Cut a Sandwich
INDICATOR 2.10.4.Eat snacks cut in various shapes; cut cookie dough into basic shapes.

Finger Shapes
Guess My Shape
Mirror, Mirror
Shape Changers
Shape Hunt
Shaving Cream Shapes
Ways to Cut a Sandwich
INDICATOR 2.10.5.Create/represent shapes (e.g., using popsicle sticks, pipe cleaners, unit blocks).

Finger Shapes
Guess My Shape
Mirror, Mirror
Shape Changers
Shape Hunt
Shaving Cream Shapes
Ways to Cut a Sandwich
INDICATOR 2.10.6.Find examples of basic shapes such as circle, square, triangle, and rectangle in the environment (e.g., go on a “shape walk” indoors or outdoors to find examples of basic shapes in buildings, in the classroom, in nature).

Buying Oranges
Finger Shapes
Guess My Shape
Mirror, Mirror
Shape Changers
Shape Hunt
Shaving Cream Shapes
Ways to Cut a Sandwich
INDICATOR 2.10.7.Locate individual objects in pictures composed of overlapping shapes or find shapes in magazine illustrations, picture books (e.g., I Spy books).

Finger Shapes
Guess My Shape
Mirror, Mirror
Shape Changers
Shape Hunt
Shaving Cream Shapes
Ways to Cut a Sandwich
FOCUS / COURSE MA.MA.Guiding Preschool Learning in Mathematics
STRAND MA.SSS.Shapes & Spatial Sense
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 2.11.Explore and identify space, direction, movement, relative position, and size using body movement and concrete objects.
INDICATOR 2.11.1.Illustrate position and relative distance among objects/locations using classroom materials or outdoor equipment (e.g., up, down, high, low, above, below, in front of, behind, beside, near, far, next to, apart, together).

Bookcase Problem
Building Houses
Comparing Vegetables
Finding the Groceries
Follow My Design
Follow the Leader
Following Directions
Jump to It
Leap Frog Measure
Little Miss Muffet Role Play
Measuring the Table
Mirror, Mirror
Near and Far
Race Car Transformations
Stuffed Animal Olympics
Treasure Map
INDICATOR 2.11.2.Move their bodies in space by following verbal instructions through an obstacle course (e.g., crawl under the table, walk around the jungle gym; jump over the block).

Follow the Leader
Frog Hopping
Hopping Rhyming
Jump to It
Leap Frog Measure
Lily Pad Hop
Rock Toss
Stomp the Letter
Stuffed Animal Olympics
INDICATOR 2.11.3.Follow or use directional language related to daily routines and activities or in dance recordings (e.g., “Put your hands up, down, over your head.”).

Stuffed Animal Olympics
INDICATOR 2.11.4.Locate objects based on directional words (e.g., it’s next to the ball; under the basket).

Stuffed Animal Olympics
INDICATOR 2.11.5.Play with puzzles of increasing complexity as skills develop.

Finger Shapes
Guess My Shape
Mirror, Mirror
Shape Changers
Shape Hunt
Shaving Cream Shapes
Ways to Cut a Sandwich
INDICATOR 2.11.6.Figure out how much space is needed for a task (e.g., to build a construction using large interlocking panels, or whether two children can fit inside a cardboard box).

Follow the Leader
Jump to It
Rock Toss
INDICATOR 2.11.7.Identify shapes in different orientations (a triangle is still a triangle even though it’s turned in different directions).

Finger Shapes
Guess My Shape
Mirror, Mirror
Shape Changers
Shape Hunt
Shaving Cream Shapes
Ways to Cut a Sandwich
FOCUS / COURSE MA.MA.Guiding Preschool Learning in Mathematics
STRAND MA.SSS.Shapes & Spatial Sense
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 2.12.Listen to and use comparative words to describe the relationships of objects to one another.
INDICATOR 2.12.1.Compare and describe objects according to a single attribute (e.g., which is bigger, smaller, taller, longer, shorter, same length, wider, narrower, thicker, thinner, deeper, shallower, lighter, heavier, holds less, or holds the same amount).

Candy Sort and Graph
I Spy a Coin
I Spy an Animal
Letter Sort
Likely or Unlikely
Sort and Graph Leaves
Sorting Laundry
INDICATOR 2.12.2.Measure sand, water, or rice using a variety of containers and compare the amounts.

Fill Up the Cup
Making Trail Mix
Strawberries for a Picnic
INDICATOR 2.12.3.Make objects of play dough and compare their size.

How Many Can I Grab?
Tips for helping your child love reading
INDICATOR 2.12.4.Build structures with blocks and compare their length or height.

Bookcase Problem
Building Houses
Comparing Vegetables
Leap Frog Measure
Measuring the Table
Near and Far
INDICATOR 2.12.5.String beads and compare the length of two necklaces.

Bookcase Problem
Building Houses
Comparing Vegetables
Leap Frog Measure
Measuring the Table
Near and Far
INDICATOR 2.12.6.Use simple balance scales to compare the weight of classroom materials.

Buying Oranges
INDICATOR 2.12.7.Compare the size of various everyday objects (e.g., put various people’s shoes side by side to see which is longest).

How Many Can I Grab?
FOCUS / COURSE MA.MA.Guiding Preschool Learning in Mathematics
STRAND MA.M.Measurement
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 2.13.Use estimation in meaningful ways and follow up by verifying the accuracy of estimations.
INDICATOR 2.13.1.Estimate how many steps it will take to cross the room or the sandbox; how many small containers it will take to fill a larger one, how many mosaic tiles it will take to fill the board; which cup contains more beans.

How Many Can I Grab?
INDICATOR 2.13.2.Experiment to verify whether their estimates were accurate.

How Many Can I Grab?
FOCUS / COURSE MA.MA.Guiding Preschool Learning in Mathematics
STRAND MA.M.Measurement
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 2.14.Use nonstandard units to measure length, weight, and amount of content in familiar objects.
INDICATOR 2.14.1.Measure the circumference of a pumpkin or watermelon using a piece of string.

Bookcase Problem
INDICATOR 2.14.2.Measure the length of a table using their hands.

Bookcase Problem
INDICATOR 2.14.3.Measure the width of the sandbox with footsteps.

Bookcase Problem
INDICATOR 2.14.4.Measure a child’s height using large cardboard blocks.

Bookcase Problem
INDICATOR 2.14.5.Compare the length of two play dough snakes or the height of two block towers using their hands.

Bookcase Problem
Tips for helping your child love reading
INDICATOR 2.14.6.Compare the capacity of two different containers in the sand or water table.

Fill Up the Cup
Making Trail Mix
Strawberries for a Picnic
FOCUS / COURSE MA.MA.Guiding Preschool Learning in Mathematics
STRAND MA.DCA.Data Collection & Analysis
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 2.15.Organize and draw conclusions from facts they have collected.
INDICATOR 2.15.1.Construct simple graphs and charts to describe concrete materials (e.g., after sorting leaves, children create a graph illustrating the various kinds of leaves, marking the number of leaves in each category, and describing how they sorted the leaves).

Acorns and Pinecones
Adding Ice
Block Tower
Candy Sort and Graph
Domino Match-Up
Fruit Salad
How Many Feet?
How Many Steps to Bed?
How Many in the Car?
How Old Are You?
I Spy a Coin
I Spy an Animal
Keep It Up
Letter Sort
Likely or Unlikely
More than Ten
Show Me
Sort and Graph Leaves
Sorting Laundry
Taking Inventory
INDICATOR 2.15.2.Take part in creating and discussing surveys (e.g., survey children’s food preferences to decide what snack to serve, with children placing marks on graphs indicating their choice).

Candy Sort and Graph
I Spy a Coin
I Spy an Animal
Letter Sort
Likely or Unlikely
Sort and Graph Leaves
Sorting Laundry
FOCUS / COURSE MA.STE.Guiding Preschool Learning in Science and Technology/Engineering
STRAND STE.IS.Inquiry Skills
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 3.1.Ask and seek out answers to questions about objects and events with the assistance of interested adults.
INDICATOR 3.1.1.Conduct simple investigations, with guidance about what to look for or compare (e.g., a leaf hunt using samples of leaves to find others that are the same shape/color).

Finger Shapes
Grocery Store Conversations
Guess My Shape
Mirror, Mirror
Shape Changers
Shape Hunt
Shaving Cream Shapes
Ways to Cut a Sandwich
INDICATOR 3.1.3.Answer “what if” type questions (e.g., what will happen if materials are mixed together?).

What's for Dinner?
FOCUS / COURSE MA.STE.Guiding Preschool Learning in Science and Technology/Engineering
STRAND STE.IS.Inquiry Skills
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 3.3.Identify and use simple tools appropriately to extend observations.
INDICATOR 3.3.5.Use eye droppers to add food color to water and mix colors.

Grocery Store Conversations
FOCUS / COURSE MA.STE.Guiding Preschool Learning in Science and Technology/Engineering
STRAND STE.IS.Inquiry Skills
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 3.4.Record observations and share ideas through simple forms of representation such as drawings.
INDICATOR 3.4.1.Create representations to illustrate what they learned about materials or the environment (e.g., create a collage, construction or mural showing which objects floated and which sank).

Tips for helping your child love reading
INDICATOR 3.4.2.Help create charts to describe collections of materials (e.g., leaves from various trees, beach rocks) in terms of color, shape, size.

Finger Shapes
Grocery Store Conversations
Guess My Shape
How Many Can I Grab?
Mirror, Mirror
Shape Changers
Shape Hunt
Shaving Cream Shapes
Ways to Cut a Sandwich
INDICATOR 3.4.3.Draw their own interpretations of materials observed (e.g., the details in a shell or flower).

Detailed Drawing of a Face
Grocery Store Conversations
May I Take your Order?
Mirror, Mirror
Shaving Cream Shapes
Sink or Float
Three Ways to Show a Number
Using a Menu to Order
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
FOCUS / COURSE MA.STE.Guiding Preschool Learning in Science and Technology/Engineering
STRAND STE.ESS.Earth and Space Sciences
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 3.5.Compare and contrast natural materials such as water, rocks, soil, and living organisms using descriptive language.
INDICATOR 3.5.4.Make wet sand constructions or mud pies.

Tips for helping your child love reading
FOCUS / COURSE MA.STE.Guiding Preschool Learning in Science and Technology/Engineering
STRAND STE.ESS.Earth and Space Sciences
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 3.7.Identify the characteristics of local weather based on first-hand observations.
INDICATOR 3.7.1.Walk in the rain, wind, snow, and fog, and use all the senses to describe sensations.

Grocery Store Conversations
INDICATOR 3.7.3.Record observations about weather (e.g., create charts to show the number of snowy, sunny, cloudy days; amount of snow).

Grocery Store Conversations
Sink or Float
INDICATOR 3.7.4.Listen to non-fiction books and scientifically accurate fictional stories related to weather.

Grandparent Storytime
I Remember When
Making Trail Mix
Why should we tell family stories?
FOCUS / COURSE MA.STE.Guiding Preschool Learning in Science and Technology/Engineering
STRAND STE.ESS.Earth and Space Sciences
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 3.8.Explore sunlight and shadows and describe the effects of the sun or sunlight.
INDICATOR 3.8.2.Observe colors created by sunlight through a prism hung in the window.

Grocery Store Conversations
INDICATOR 3.8.6.Trace the outline of their shadows at different times of the day and observe changes.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
May I Take your Order?
Mirror, Mirror
Shaving Cream Shapes
Three Ways to Show a Number
Using a Menu to Order
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
FOCUS / COURSE MA.STE.Guiding Preschool Learning in Science and Technology/Engineering
STRAND STE.ESS.Earth and Space Sciences
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 3.9.Observe and describe or represent scientific phenomena meaningful to children’s lives that have a repeating pattern (e.g., day and night).
INDICATOR 3.9.1.Represent their observations of day and night through drawings, paintings, collage.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
May I Take your Order?
Mirror, Mirror
Shaving Cream Shapes
Three Ways to Show a Number
Tips for helping your child love reading
Using a Menu to Order
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR 3.9.2.Sort familiar objects according to day/night (e.g., do you wear pajamas at night or in the daytime?)

How Many Can You Name?
Silent Opposites
Sort and Graph Leaves
INDICATOR 3.9.3.Observe and identify the differences between night and day based on what children see in the sky.

Grocery Store Conversations
Sink or Float
FOCUS / COURSE MA.STE.Guiding Preschool Learning in Science and Technology/Engineering
STRAND STE.LTE.Living Things & Their Environment
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 3.15.Use their senses of sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste to explore their environment using sensory vocabulary.
INDICATOR 3.15.4.Listen to age-appropriate books related to the senses such as My Five Senses by Aliki.

Grocery Store Conversations
INDICATOR 3.15.6.Play in a sensory table filled with various materials (e.g., sand, water, snow, ice, mud, “oobleck”).

Grocery Store Conversations
FOCUS / COURSE MA.STE.Guiding Preschool Learning in Science and Technology/Engineering
STRAND STE.PS.The Physical Sciences
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 3.18.Manipulate a wide variety of familiar and unfamiliar objects to observe, describe, and compare their properties using appropriate language.
INDICATOR 3.18.1.Describe the attributes of common objects (e.g., size, shape, color, weight, texture).

Finger Shapes
Guess My Shape
How Many Can I Grab?
Mirror, Mirror
Shape Changers
Shape Hunt
Shaving Cream Shapes
Ways to Cut a Sandwich
INDICATOR 3.18.2.Sort, group, or classify objects in meaningful ways based on one or more properties.

Candy Sort and Graph
I Spy a Coin
I Spy an Animal
Letter Sort
Likely or Unlikely
Sort and Graph Leaves
Sorting Laundry
INDICATOR 3.18.3.Match familiar objects to their outlines or make crayon rubbings and identify them.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
May I Take your Order?
Mirror, Mirror
Shaving Cream Shapes
Three Ways to Show a Number
Using a Menu to Order
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR 3.18.4.Make a “big book” about shapes and textures using materials such as feathers, metallic paper, leather.

Finger Shapes
Guess My Shape
Mirror, Mirror
Shape Changers
Shape Hunt
Shaving Cream Shapes
Ways to Cut a Sandwich
FOCUS / COURSE MA.STE.Guiding Preschool Learning in Science and Technology/Engineering
STRAND STE.PS.The Physical Sciences
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 3.19.Explore, describe, and compare the properties of liquids and solids found in children’s daily environment.
INDICATOR 3.19.1.Manipulate and describe materials such as water, sand, clay, play dough.

Tips for helping your child love reading
FOCUS / COURSE MA.STE.Guiding Preschool Learning in Science and Technology/Engineering
STRAND STE.PS.The Physical Sciences
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 3.20.Investigate and describe or demonstrate various ways that objects can move.
INDICATOR 3.20.2.Use body movement to explore and label various positions/motions by (e.g., dancing, creative movement, and playground activities).

Follow the Leader
Jump to It
Rock Toss
INDICATOR 3.20.4.Respond to oral and visual cues (e.g., move your arms back and forth, slowly/quickly).

Follow the Leader
Jump to It
Rock Toss
FOCUS / COURSE MA.STE.Guiding Preschool Learning in Science and Technology/Engineering
STRAND STE.PS.The Physical Sciences
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 3.22.Experiment with a variety of objects to determine when the objects can stand and ways that objects can be balanced.
INDICATOR 3.22.1.Play with various kinds of blocks (e.g., foam, cardboard, wood, hollow, waffle blocks, building panels) to make constructions of various sizes.

How Many Can I Grab?
INDICATOR 3.22.3.Use body movement to explore balance (e.g., using a balance beam or board).

Follow the Leader
FOCUS / COURSE MA.STE.Guiding Preschool Learning in Science and Technology/Engineering
STRAND STE.TE.Technology & Engineering
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 3.23.Explore and describe a wide variety of natural and man-made materials through sensory experiences.
INDICATOR 3.23.4.Express hypotheses about why certain materials are/are not appropriate for making various objects (e.g., “What is the table made of? Why is it made of wood and not styrofoam?”).

Acorns and Pinecones
Measure your Steps
Strawberries for a Picnic
FOCUS / COURSE MA.HSS.Guiding Preschool Learning in History and Social Science
STRAND 4.1.Discuss and identify the order of daily routines.
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 4.1.1.Describe what comes first, next, and last in meaningful contexts such as daily routines (e.g., “First we wash our hands; then we sit down; then we open our snacks.” “First we have circle; then choice time; then snacks.”).

How do I get my child to______?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 4.1.2.Use photographs as sequencing cards to describe children’s own daily routines and events such as field trips (describing what came first, next, last).

How do I get my child to______?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 4.1.3.Arrange illustrations from familiar stories in order of occurrence.

All About My Day
Itsy Bitsy Spider Illustrations
Picture Walk Predictions
Retelling the Story
Toy Stories
FOCUS / COURSE MA.HSS.Guiding Preschool Learning in History and Social Science
STRAND 4.2.Discuss and use vocabulary related to time in relevant activities.
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 4.2.1.Create timelines to represent events in meaningful experiences using words related to time (e.g., now, long ago, before, after, morning, afternoon, night, today, tomorrow, yesterday, last or next week, month, year) along with drawings, photographs or objects.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
May I Take your Order?
Mirror, Mirror
Shaving Cream Shapes
Three Ways to Show a Number
Using a Menu to Order
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 4.2.2.Count down days to an event with concrete materials such as removing a link on a paper chain.

Acorns and Pinecones
Adding Ice
Block Tower
Domino Match-Up
Fruit Salad
How Many Feet?
How Many Steps to Bed?
How Many in the Car?
How Old Are You?
Keep It Up
More than Ten
Show Me
Taking Inventory
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 4.2.4.Look at photographs of their parents and grandparents as children.

Tips for storytelling: Story ideas
FOCUS / COURSE MA.HSS.Guiding Preschool Learning in History and Social Science
STRAND 4.3.Identify and describe cause and effect as they relate to personal experiences and age-appropriate stories.
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 4.3.4.Listen to age-appropriate stories that describe the consequences of choices by the characters (happy, unhappy, unexpected) and talk about or dramatize how outcomes might have been different.

Making Connections PreK
My Favorite Part
Reading a Book for the Second Time
Text to Self Connections
Why should we tell family stories?
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 4.3.5.Predict a range of possible outcomes to real events or those in stories based on changes in conditions/decisions (“what might happen if…?”).

Book Selection
Picture Walk Predictions
Selecting Books
Text to Self Connections
Tips for helping your child love reading
FOCUS / COURSE MA.HSS.Guiding Preschool Learning in History and Social Science
STRAND 4.4.Engage in activities that build understanding of words for location and direction.
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 4.4.2.Listen to and use locational terms in body movement activities (e.g., up, down, near, far, left, right, straight, back, behind, in front of, beside, above, below, between).

Follow the Leader
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 4.4.3.Participate in a variety of experiences that build/reinforce concepts related to directionality (e.g., manipulating blocks/vehicles on a “road rug” or class-made map; moving their bodies through obstacle courses).

Follow the Leader
Jump to It
Rock Toss
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 4.4.4.Talk about and dramatize ways they travel from one place to another (e.g., a bus, car, train, or plane trip with road maps, photographs or brochures of places to visit, souvenirs).

My Address
FOCUS / COURSE MA.HSS.Guiding Preschool Learning in History and Social Science
STRAND 4.5.Construct and describe simple maps of their immediate neighborhood.
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 4.5.1.Create representations of their classroom, school building, playground, neighborhood, home (e.g., simple maps, three-dimensional models, photographic displays, chalk drawings on the playground, block buildings).

My Address
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 4.5.3.Use toy vehicles to follow their own maps and describe the features (e.g., “Can you drive to the post office? The fruit stand? What do you see along the way?”).

My Address
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 4.5.4.Identify common signs and symbols (e.g., traffic signs, street signs. traffic lights, street and highway markers) and discuss their purpose.

Shopping for Clothes
FOCUS / COURSE MA.HSS.Guiding Preschool Learning in History and Social Science
STRAND 4.6.Discuss examples of rules, fairness, personal responsibilities, and authority in their own experiences and in stories read to them.
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 4.6.1.Talk about why we need classroom and playground rules.

How do I get my child to______?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 4.6.2.Take part in developing group goals and rules (e.g., how they will get ready for a walking field trip, what needs to happen at clean-up time).

Celebrate Learning
Detailed Drawing of a Face
Family Talent Show
I Remember When
If You're Happy & You Know It
Setting Summer Learning Goals
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 4.6.3.Talk about the consequences of negative behavior.

All Done
Decorating Cupcakes
How can I get my child to listen to me?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
Is my child overscheduled?
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 4.6.4.Discuss why there may be different rules in different places (e.g., school rules may be different from rules at home).

Brushing Your Teeth
How do I get my child to______?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
Packing for Our Trip
Reading Routines for Early Readers
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 4.6.5.Discuss who are appropriate authority figures in various settings.

Who Should We Ask?
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 4.6.7.Discuss what could happen when children are not considerate of one another when such situations arise.

All Done
Decorating Cupcakes
How can I get my child to listen to me?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
Is my child overscheduled?
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
FOCUS / COURSE MA.HSS.Guiding Preschool Learning in History and Social Science
STRAND 4.7.Talk about the qualities we value in a person’s character such as honesty, courage, courtesy, willingness to work hard, kindness, fairness, trustworthiness, self-discipline, loyalty, and personal responsibility.
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 4.7.1.Listen to and discuss age appropriate stories with characters that make a difference to others, or situations in which characters take care of each other.

Asking Wh- Questions
Funny Faces
If You're Happy & You Know It
My Favorite Part
Reading Routines for Early Readers
Reading a Book for the Second Time
Recalling What Happened in a Story
Talking About Your Feelings
Thank You Note
Tips for helping your child love reading
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 4.7.2.Discuss alternative outcomes of stories if the characters had different traits (e.g., honesty/dishonesty).

All Done
Decorating Cupcakes
How can I get my child to listen to me?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
Is my child overscheduled?
Making Connections PreK
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
Text to Self Connections
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 4.7.4.Engage in dramatic play to act out their ideas, understandings, and personal experiences related to human character and relationships.

Funny Faces
If You're Happy & You Know It
Talking About Your Feelings
FOCUS / COURSE MA.HSS.Guiding Preschool Learning in History and Social Science
STRAND 4.9.Discuss roles and responsibilities of family or community members who promote the welfare and safety of children and adults.
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 4.9.1.Talk about and dramatize roles of family members (e.g., create a chart listing each child’s family members, and the jobs each person does such as shopping, cooking, cleaning, reading bedtime stories, washing clothes, taking out the trash, mowing the lawn, etc.).

My Address
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 4.9.2.Visit or be visited by community helpers such as police officers, firefighters, doctors, dentists, etc.

Who Should We Ask?
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 4.9.3.Set up dramatic play area with uniforms and accessories (e.g., hats, lunch boxes, brief cases, boots, tool kits) that promote community roles such as firefighter, postal worker, librarian.

Who Should We Ask?
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 4.9.4.Contribute to class-made books or lists of facts about various community roles and responsibilities.

Who Should We Ask?
FOCUS / COURSE MA.HSS.Guiding Preschool Learning in History and Social Science
STRAND 4.11.Observe, discuss, and dramatize basic economic concepts such as buying and selling, producing, and consuming.
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 4.11.1.Make purchases at a store (e.g., foods for a cooking project; paper goods for snacks).

Making a Grocery List
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 4.11.3.Create/dramatize roles that include money, buying and selling (e.g., set up a store, restaurant, doctor’s office, hair salon with accessories such as play money, cash register, order/receipt book; forms; old checkbooks/credit cards, telephones).

Making a Grocery List
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 4.11.4.Give examples of how family members, friends, or acquaintances use money directly or indirectly (e.g., credit card or check) to acquire things they need/want.

Making a Grocery List
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 4.11.5.Listen to age-appropriate stories that relate to economic concepts (e.g., Jack & the Beanstalk; Uh-Oh It’s Mama’s Birthday; A Chair for My Mother; Epomynandes).

Making a Grocery List
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 4.11.7.Conserve materials and goods in meaningful ways (e.g., save paper scraps to use in new projects; use collections of recycled materials for collage and construction).

Making a Grocery List
FOCUS / COURSE MA.HSS.Guiding Preschool Learning in History and Social Science
STRAND 4.13.Observe or listen to important American symbols including the American flag and its colors and shapes; the melody of the national anthem; the picture and name of the current President, and the words of the Pledge of Allegiance.
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 4.13.1.Play games that build recognition of colors and shapes in the flag.

Grocery Store Conversations
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 4.13.3.Sing songs about the flag; march while holding the flag.

If You're Happy & You Know It
Itsy Bitsy Spider Illustrations
Sliding to Nursery Rhymes
Why should I sing to my baby?
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 4.13.4.Use red, white and blue paint or crayons to make representations of the American flag.

Grocery Store Conversations
FOCUS / COURSE MA.HE.Guiding Preschool Learning in Health Education
STRAND HE.PD.Physical Development
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 5.1.Listen to and use appropriate language describing the names and functions of parts of the human body.
INDICATOR 5.1.2.Make representations such as drawings, paintings, collages about parts of the body.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
May I Take your Order?
Mirror, Mirror
Shaving Cream Shapes
Three Ways to Show a Number
Using a Menu to Order
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR 5.1.3.Create life-size drawings of their own bodies and label various parts.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
May I Take your Order?
Mirror, Mirror
Shaving Cream Shapes
Three Ways to Show a Number
Using a Menu to Order
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR 5.1.5.Listen to age-appropriate books that use the scientific names of some parts of the body and various body systems.

Grandparent Storytime
I Remember When
Making Trail Mix
Why should we tell family stories?
FOCUS / COURSE MA.HE.Guiding Preschool Learning in Health Education
STRAND HE.PD.Physical Development
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 5.2.Build body awareness, strength, and coordination through locomotion activities.
INDICATOR 5.2.1.Use various locomotor skills (walking, running, galloping) to move from one place to another (e.g., across the mat; across the playground).

Follow the Leader
INDICATOR 5.2.2.Balance like a flamingo or crane standing on one leg.

Follow the Leader
INDICATOR 5.2.3.Jump in a series of “baby”, “giant”, “elephant” steps or frog hops; pretend to be various jumping creatures (rabbit, kangaroo, frog, grasshopper); jump to music or the beat of a tambourine; jump along footprints cut out of contact paper.

Follow the Leader
INDICATOR 5.2.4.Hop on one leg then the other, or move forward with their hops.

Follow the Leader
INDICATOR 5.2.6.Respond to movement challenges (e.g., move across the mat backwards, then find 5 or 6 different way to move across it; walk around holding a beanbag on their head, shoulder, elbow).

Follow the Leader
Jump to It
Rock Toss
INDICATOR 5.2.7.Engage in activities that involve rocking, swinging, rolling, spinning, jumping, being turned upside-down (research indicates that such stimulation is critical to attention, memory, and sensory development).

Follow the Leader
Frog Hopping
Hopping Rhyming
Jump to It
Leap Frog Measure
Lily Pad Hop
Rock Toss
Stomp the Letter
FOCUS / COURSE MA.HE.Guiding Preschool Learning in Health Education
STRAND HE.PD.Physical Development
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 5.3.Discuss various aids and accommodations used by people for the activities of daily life.
INDICATOR 5.3.2.Listen to age-appropriate stories about people with disabilities.

Grandparent Storytime
I Remember When
Making Trail Mix
My Favorite Part
Reading a Book for the Second Time
Why should we tell family stories?
FOCUS / COURSE MA.HE.Guiding Preschool Learning in Health Education
STRAND HE.PD.Physical Development
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 5.4.Build awareness of directionality and position in space.
INDICATOR 5.4.3.Move and place objects in various positions (e.g., “put the ball beside the box; over your head; under your legs”).

Rhyming Toss
Rock Toss
The Number Stays the Same
INDICATOR 5.4.4.Move their bodies at various levels (high/low) and pathways (straight, curve, zigzag), for example, stand and walk on a balance board or beam, or walk along a zigzag or curved chalk line outdoors.

Follow the Leader
INDICATOR 5.4.5.Throw and catch objects (catching is more difficult) such as beanbags, rings, balls of yarn, sponge balls of varying size); aim at a target (basket, hoop, carton).

Rhyming Toss
Rock Toss
The Number Stays the Same
FOCUS / COURSE MA.HE.Guiding Preschool Learning in Health Education
STRAND HE.PD.Physical Development
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 5.5.Use both sides of the body to strengthen bilateral coordination.
INDICATOR 5.5.1.Jump with both feet over a line or over a “river” created with two pieces of masking tape (the obstacle can be made progressively wider as children gain skill.

Frog Hopping
Hopping Rhyming
Jump to It
Leap Frog Measure
Lily Pad Hop
Stomp the Letter
INDICATOR 5.5.2.Jump over a block or other raised object.

Frog Hopping
Hopping Rhyming
Jump to It
Leap Frog Measure
Lily Pad Hop
Stomp the Letter
INDICATOR 5.5.3.Lift objects with both hands.

Alphabet Clapping
Detailed Drawing of a Face
Drumming Sounds
Finger Shapes
Jump Rope Letters
Mirror, Mirror
Setting the Table
Shaving Cream Shapes
Silverware Alphabet
Thank You Note
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR 5.5.4.Push a wheelbarrow or doll buggy with both arms.

Alphabet Clapping
Detailed Drawing of a Face
Drumming Sounds
Finger Shapes
Jump Rope Letters
Mirror, Mirror
Setting the Table
Shaving Cream Shapes
Silverware Alphabet
Thank You Note
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR 5.5.5.Use both arms simultaneously to draw big circles on a blackboard.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
May I Take your Order?
Mirror, Mirror
Shaving Cream Shapes
Three Ways to Show a Number
Using a Menu to Order
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR 5.5.6.Carry things with both arms (e.g., a tray full of paper cups, an armful of leaves).

Alphabet Clapping
Detailed Drawing of a Face
Drumming Sounds
Finger Shapes
Jump Rope Letters
Mirror, Mirror
Setting the Table
Shaving Cream Shapes
Silverware Alphabet
Thank You Note
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
FOCUS / COURSE MA.HE.Guiding Preschool Learning in Health Education
STRAND HE.PD.Physical Development
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 5.6.Alternate the left and right sides of the body and cross the midline of the body.
INDICATOR 5.6.1.Walk, run, crawl and creep (e.g., pretend to be worms, snakes, lizards, beetles, caterpillars or alligators from familiar stories; crawl to the beat of music).

Follow the Leader
Jump to It
Rock Toss
INDICATOR 5.6.4.Bounce a ball with each hand or transfer objects from one hand to the other repeatedly (e.g., a ball or beanbag).

Rhyming Toss
Rock Toss
The Number Stays the Same
INDICATOR 5.6.5.Use sweeping motions that extend from one shoulder to the other (e.g., paint at an easel, draw on a large chalkboard).

Detailed Drawing of a Face
Follow the Leader
Jump to It
May I Take your Order?
Mirror, Mirror
Rock Toss
Shaving Cream Shapes
Three Ways to Show a Number
Using a Menu to Order
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR 5.6.6.Follow a path of criss-cross footprint patterns.

Follow the Leader
INDICATOR 5.6.7.Transfer objects between two containers placed at opposite sides of the body.

Follow the Leader
Jump to It
Rock Toss
FOCUS / COURSE MA.HE.Guiding Preschool Learning in Health Education
STRAND HE.PD.Physical Development
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 5.7.Build upper body strength and stability to gain controlled movement of shoulders.
INDICATOR 5.7.2.Pour water, sand, etc. from a plastic milk jug, pitcher or watering can into several smaller containers (within child’s strength limitation).

Fill Up the Cup
Making Trail Mix
Strawberries for a Picnic
FOCUS / COURSE MA.HE.Guiding Preschool Learning in Health Education
STRAND HE.PD.Physical Development
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 5.8.Strengthen hand grasp and flexibility.
INDICATOR 5.8.1.Use a hand hole punch on materials of increasing thickness to punch as many holes as they are able; try to constantly better their own record. Move to heavier weight paper as strength increases.

Alphabet Clapping
Detailed Drawing of a Face
Drumming Sounds
Finger Shapes
Jump Rope Letters
Mirror, Mirror
Setting the Table
Shaving Cream Shapes
Silverware Alphabet
Thank You Note
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR 5.8.2.Manipulate modeling materials of varying consistency (e.g., play dough, clay, plasticine® or Theraplast®).

Alphabet Clapping
Detailed Drawing of a Face
Drumming Sounds
Finger Shapes
Jump Rope Letters
Mirror, Mirror
Setting the Table
Shaving Cream Shapes
Silverware Alphabet
Thank You Note
Tips for helping your child love reading
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR 5.8.4.Use a plant sprayer to spray plants or mix water with food coloring to spray snow.

Alphabet Clapping
Detailed Drawing of a Face
Drumming Sounds
Finger Shapes
Jump Rope Letters
Mirror, Mirror
Setting the Table
Shaving Cream Shapes
Silverware Alphabet
Thank You Note
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR 5.8.5.Pinch clothespins and bulldog clips of various strengths around a paper plate.

Alphabet Clapping
Detailed Drawing of a Face
Drumming Sounds
Finger Shapes
Jump Rope Letters
Mirror, Mirror
Setting the Table
Shaving Cream Shapes
Silverware Alphabet
Thank You Note
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR 5.8.6.Use a garlic press to force play dough through the grate.

Tips for helping your child love reading
FOCUS / COURSE MA.HE.Guiding Preschool Learning in Health Education
STRAND HE.PD.Physical Development
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 5.9.Use thumb/forefinger in pincer grasp.
INDICATOR 5.9.1.Place small objects into a container one by one (e.g., cotton balls, miniature pompoms, Cheerios®, beans, small marshmallows).

Alphabet Clapping
Detailed Drawing of a Face
Drumming Sounds
Finger Shapes
Jump Rope Letters
Mirror, Mirror
Setting the Table
Shaving Cream Shapes
Silverware Alphabet
Thank You Note
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR 5.9.2.Use tweezers, strawberry hullers to pick up objects.

Alphabet Clapping
Detailed Drawing of a Face
Drumming Sounds
Finger Shapes
Jump Rope Letters
Mirror, Mirror
Setting the Table
Shaving Cream Shapes
Silverware Alphabet
Thank You Note
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR 5.9.3.Place small pegs in a pegboard.

Alphabet Clapping
Detailed Drawing of a Face
Drumming Sounds
Finger Shapes
Jump Rope Letters
Mirror, Mirror
Setting the Table
Shaving Cream Shapes
Silverware Alphabet
Thank You Note
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR 5.9.4.Create designs with stickers, Colorforms®

Alphabet Clapping
Detailed Drawing of a Face
Drumming Sounds
Finger Shapes
Jump Rope Letters
Mirror, Mirror
Setting the Table
Shaving Cream Shapes
Silverware Alphabet
Thank You Note
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR 5.9.5.Use eyedroppers to squeeze drops of colored water onto absorbent paper or coffee filters.

Alphabet Clapping
Detailed Drawing of a Face
Drumming Sounds
Finger Shapes
Jump Rope Letters
Mirror, Mirror
Setting the Table
Shaving Cream Shapes
Silverware Alphabet
Thank You Note
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR 5.9.6.Draw with small pieces of crayon or chalk.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
May I Take your Order?
Mirror, Mirror
Shaving Cream Shapes
Three Ways to Show a Number
Using a Menu to Order
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
FOCUS / COURSE MA.HE.Guiding Preschool Learning in Health Education
STRAND HE.PD.Physical Development
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 5.10.Use a variety of tools and materials to build grasp-and-release skill.
INDICATOR 5.10.1.Use tongs, barbecue tools to move objects from one container to another.

Alphabet Clapping
Detailed Drawing of a Face
Drumming Sounds
Finger Shapes
Jump Rope Letters
Mirror, Mirror
Setting the Table
Shaving Cream Shapes
Silverware Alphabet
Thank You Note
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR 5.10.8.Cut materials with a range of resistance (e.g., tissue paper, wallpaper, fabric, cardboard).

Alphabet Clapping
Detailed Drawing of a Face
Drumming Sounds
Finger Shapes
Jump Rope Letters
Mirror, Mirror
Setting the Table
Shaving Cream Shapes
Silverware Alphabet
Thank You Note
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR 5.10.9.Go through a progressive series of cutting skills including unstructured snipping (e.g., snipping pieces of plastic straws or strips of paper); cutting within a “track,” and cutting on a line and stopping at a marked point.

Alphabet Clapping
Detailed Drawing of a Face
Drumming Sounds
Finger Shapes
Jump Rope Letters
Mirror, Mirror
Setting the Table
Shaving Cream Shapes
Silverware Alphabet
Thank You Note
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
FOCUS / COURSE MA.HE.Guiding Preschool Learning in Health Education
STRAND HE.PD.Physical Development
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 5.11.Build finger dexterity.
INDICATOR 5.11.1.Flip coins from “heads” to “tails.”

Alphabet Clapping
Detailed Drawing of a Face
Drumming Sounds
Finger Shapes
Jump Rope Letters
Mirror, Mirror
Setting the Table
Shaving Cream Shapes
Silverware Alphabet
Thank You Note
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR 5.11.2.Link paper clips to make necklaces.

Alphabet Clapping
Detailed Drawing of a Face
Drumming Sounds
Finger Shapes
Jump Rope Letters
Mirror, Mirror
Setting the Table
Shaving Cream Shapes
Silverware Alphabet
Thank You Note
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR 5.11.3.Use dressing frames (snapping, buttoning, zipping).

Alphabet Clapping
Detailed Drawing of a Face
Drumming Sounds
Finger Shapes
Jump Rope Letters
Mirror, Mirror
Setting the Table
Shaving Cream Shapes
Silverware Alphabet
Thank You Note
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR 5.11.4.String beads, straw segments, paper clips, Cheerios®.

Alphabet Clapping
Detailed Drawing of a Face
Drumming Sounds
Finger Shapes
Jump Rope Letters
Mirror, Mirror
Setting the Table
Shaving Cream Shapes
Silverware Alphabet
Thank You Note
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR 5.11.5.Manipulate keys in locks of varying sizes.

Alphabet Clapping
Detailed Drawing of a Face
Drumming Sounds
Finger Shapes
Jump Rope Letters
Mirror, Mirror
Setting the Table
Shaving Cream Shapes
Silverware Alphabet
Thank You Note
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR 5.11.6.Use one finger at a time in fingerplays (e.g., Where is Thumbkin?).

Alphabet Clapping
Detailed Drawing of a Face
Drumming Sounds
Finger Shapes
Jump Rope Letters
Mirror, Mirror
Setting the Table
Shaving Cream Shapes
Silverware Alphabet
Thank You Note
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR 5.11.7.Create puppet shows with finger puppets.

Alphabet Clapping
Detailed Drawing of a Face
Drumming Sounds
Finger Shapes
Jump Rope Letters
Mirror, Mirror
Setting the Table
Shaving Cream Shapes
Silverware Alphabet
Thank You Note
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR 5.11.9.Use thumb and forefinger to spin a top.

Alphabet Clapping
Detailed Drawing of a Face
Drumming Sounds
Finger Shapes
Jump Rope Letters
Mirror, Mirror
Setting the Table
Shaving Cream Shapes
Silverware Alphabet
Thank You Note
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
FOCUS / COURSE MA.HE.Guiding Preschool Learning in Health Education
STRAND HE.PD.Physical Development
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 5.12.Use eye-hand coordination, visual perception and tracking, and visual motor skills in play activities.
INDICATOR 5.12.2.Play with a pounding board, typewriter, or keyboard.

Alphabet Clapping
Detailed Drawing of a Face
Drumming Sounds
Finger Shapes
Jump Rope Letters
Mirror, Mirror
Setting the Table
Shaving Cream Shapes
Silverware Alphabet
Thank You Note
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR 5.12.3.Trace around simple stencils and templates.

Alphabet Clapping
Detailed Drawing of a Face
Drumming Sounds
Finger Shapes
Jump Rope Letters
Mirror, Mirror
Setting the Table
Shaving Cream Shapes
Silverware Alphabet
Thank You Note
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR 5.12.4.Use lacing cards or do simple weaving.

Alphabet Clapping
Detailed Drawing of a Face
Drumming Sounds
Finger Shapes
Jump Rope Letters
Mirror, Mirror
Setting the Table
Shaving Cream Shapes
Silverware Alphabet
Thank You Note
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR 5.12.7.Follow a left-right movement using an Etch-a-Sketch®; dry-erase board, sand, paints.

Alphabet Clapping
Detailed Drawing of a Face
Drumming Sounds
Finger Shapes
Jump Rope Letters
Mirror, Mirror
Setting the Table
Shaving Cream Shapes
Silverware Alphabet
Thank You Note
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR 5.12.8.Follow simple mazes using crayons or markers from a left start point to a right end point. As skills increase, more complex mazes can weave from left to right or curve.

Alphabet Clapping
Detailed Drawing of a Face
Drumming Sounds
Finger Shapes
Jump Rope Letters
Mirror, Mirror
Setting the Table
Shaving Cream Shapes
Silverware Alphabet
Thank You Note
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
FOCUS / COURSE MA.HE.Guiding Preschool Learning in Health Education
STRAND HE.PD.Physical Development
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 5.13.Discuss nutritious meals and snacks and the difference between junk food and healthy food.
INDICATOR 5.13.1.Grow vegetables in a garden.

Grocery Store Conversations
Putting Away the Groceries
INDICATOR 5.13.2.Have a food-tasting party with samples of a wide variety of nutritious foods, especially those that may be unfamiliar at home, or “snacks” from other cultures.

Grocery Store Conversations
Putting Away the Groceries
INDICATOR 5.13.3.Help to prepare a variety of healthy snacks and meals, and talk about ingredients (e.g., apple sauce, waffles, fruit salad, sandwiches, cranberry relish, scrambled eggs, vegetable soup).

Grocery Store Conversations
Putting Away the Groceries
INDICATOR 5.13.5.Talk about the nutritional value of various foods (i.e., milk is good for strong bones and teeth, vegetables provide vitamins, breads a cereals provide fiber) and the relationship between a healthy diet and overall health and fitness.

Grocery Store Conversations
Putting Away the Groceries
INDICATOR 5.13.6.Use replicas of healthy foods in the dramatic play area with themes of cooking, grocery store, or restaurant.

Grocery Store Conversations
Putting Away the Groceries
INDICATOR 5.13.7.Create a recipe book including foods made in class and favorite recipes shared by families.

Grocery Store Conversations
Putting Away the Groceries
FOCUS / COURSE MA.HE.Guiding Preschool Learning in Health Education
STRAND HE.PD.Physical Development
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 5.14.Practice personal hygiene and safety measures.
INDICATOR 5.14.1.Follow consistent routines regarding washing hands and utensils before and after preparing food and eating.

Grocery Store Conversations
Putting Away the Groceries
Rub a Dub Counting
INDICATOR 5.14.2.Talk about health and safety rules regarding food preparation and eating (e.g., not sharing food or utensils; not sneezing/coughing near food).

Grocery Store Conversations
Putting Away the Groceries
INDICATOR 5.14.3.Learn how to use cutting tools safely.

Grocery Store Conversations
Putting Away the Groceries
INDICATOR 5.14.4.Help to clean surfaces before and after eating with appropriate cleaning solutions.

Grocery Store Conversations
Putting Away the Groceries
FOCUS / COURSE MA.HE.Guiding Preschool Learning in Health Education
STRAND HE.SEH.Social & Emotional Health
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 5.16.Recognize and describe or represent emotions such as happiness, surprise, anger, fear, sadness.
INDICATOR 5.16.1.Listen to/discuss books about emotions and respond to situations in stories in that evoke emotions (e.g., “How is he feeling?”)

Asking Wh- Questions
Funny Faces
If You're Happy & You Know It
Just the Facts
My Favorite Part
Reading Routines for Early Readers
Reading a Book for the Second Time
Recalling What Happened in a Story
Talking About Your Feelings
Tips for helping your child love reading
INDICATOR 5.16.2.Identify emotions in photographs of children and adults.

Funny Faces
If You're Happy & You Know It
Talking About Your Feelings
INDICATOR 5.16.3.Reflect on personal experiences that evoked strong emotions.

Funny Faces
If You're Happy & You Know It
Talking About Your Feelings
INDICATOR 5.16.4.Talk about ways to express emotions without harming themselves, others, or property (e.g., dancing or exercising until out of breath; using pounding toys; manipulating play dough, talking to an adult).

Following Directions
Funny Faces
Grandparent Storytime
If You're Happy & You Know It
Morning Message
Phone Fun
Talking About Your Feelings
Tips for helping your child love reading
Who Should We Ask?
INDICATOR 5.16.5.Create drawings, paintings, collage, a class book about emotions.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
Funny Faces
If You're Happy & You Know It
May I Take your Order?
Mirror, Mirror
Shaving Cream Shapes
Talking About Your Feelings
Three Ways to Show a Number
Using a Menu to Order
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR 5.16.6.Use stories, fingerplays, and songs to illustrate emotions (e.g., sing “If you’re happy and you know it” including “angry, scared, sad,” suggesting gestures/expressions to illustrate feelings).

Funny Faces
If You're Happy & You Know It
Itsy Bitsy Spider Illustrations
Sliding to Nursery Rhymes
Talking About Your Feelings
Why should I sing to my baby?
FOCUS / COURSE MA.HE.Guiding Preschool Learning in Health Education
STRAND HE.SEH.Social & Emotional Health
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 5.17.Talk about ways to solve or prevent problems and discuss situations that illustrate that actions have consequences.
INDICATOR 5.17.2.Listen to stories that illustrate negotiation and conflict resolution strategies (e.g., Best Friends Think Alike by Lynn Reiser; Hot Hippo by Mwenye Hadithi).

My Favorite Part
Reading a Book for the Second Time
Why should we tell family stories?
INDICATOR 5.17.3.Retell stories of how they successfully solved a problem.

All About My Day
Book Bag Descriptions
Family Movie Night
Family Photos
Grandparent Storytime
My Favorite Part
Reading a Book for the Second Time
Recalling What Happened in a Story
Retelling the Story
Tips for helping your child love reading
Tips for storytelling: Using gestures
INDICATOR 5.17.4.Predict possible consequences of their own actions or decisions in everyday situations or the actions/decisions of characters in stories.

All Done
Book Selection
Decorating Cupcakes
How can I get my child to listen to me?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
Is my child overscheduled?
Making Connections PreK
Picture Walk Predictions
Selecting Books
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
Text to Self Connections
INDICATOR 5.17.5.Talk about things they have seen that scare them (e.g., danger, conflict, or violence in the home, school, or community) and where they can go for assistance (e.g., counselors, neighbors, law enforcement, clergy, and members of faith-based groups.

Who Should We Ask?
FOCUS / COURSE MA.HE.Guiding Preschool Learning in Health Education
STRAND HE.SEH.Social & Emotional Health
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 5.18.Talk about how people can be helpful/hurtful to one another.
INDICATOR 5.18.1.Listen to age appropriate stories about relationships, helpful/hurtful words or actions.

Funny Faces
Grandparent Storytime
I Remember When
If You're Happy & You Know It
Making Trail Mix
My Favorite Part
Reading a Book for the Second Time
Talking About Your Feelings
Thank You Note
Why should we tell family stories?
INDICATOR 5.18.3.Act out what can be done if someone hurts your feelings.

Funny Faces
If You're Happy & You Know It
Talking About Your Feelings
INDICATOR 5.18.4.Predict what might happen next in various situations.

Funny Faces
If You're Happy & You Know It
Talking About Your Feelings
FOCUS / COURSE MA.HE.Guiding Preschool Learning in Health Education
STRAND HE.SEH.Social & Emotional Health
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 5.19.Practice independence and self-help skills.
INDICATOR 5.19.1.Take care of their own needs with the support of adults (e.g., wash hands independently at accessible sinks; handle toileting; dress/undress themselves; hang up clothing).

Rub a Dub Counting
INDICATOR 5.19.2.Serve themselves snacks and meals (e.g., count out certain number of crackers; pour liquids into cups from small lidded pitchers).

Fill Up the Cup
Making Trail Mix
Strawberries for a Picnic
INDICATOR 5.19.3.Manipulate fasteners commonly found on clothing (e.g., buttons, snaps, zippers, laces).

Alphabet Clapping
Detailed Drawing of a Face
Drumming Sounds
Finger Shapes
Jump Rope Letters
Mirror, Mirror
Setting the Table
Shaving Cream Shapes
Silverware Alphabet
Thank You Note
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
FOCUS / COURSE MA.HE.Guiding Preschool Learning in Health Education
STRAND HE.SEH.Social & Emotional Health
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 5.20.Describe members of their family and discuss what parents do for their children to keep them safe and healthy.
INDICATOR 5.20.1.Create representations of family members and their roles (e.g., family portrait, collage, chart).

Detailed Drawing of a Face
May I Take your Order?
Mirror, Mirror
Shaving Cream Shapes
Three Ways to Show a Number
Tips for storytelling: Story ideas
Using a Menu to Order
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR 5.20.2.Use vocabulary related to titles of various family members (e.g., aunt, uncle, sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather, grandson, grand-daughter, cousin).

Tips for storytelling: Story ideas
INDICATOR 5.20.3.Use props and costumes to act out family roles individually or in small groups in dramatic play.

My Address
INDICATOR 5.20.4.Identify things parents do for their children in stories and personal experience.

My Address
INDICATOR 5.20.5.Listen to stories about all types of families.

Grandparent Storytime
I Remember When
Making Trail Mix
My Favorite Part
Reading a Book for the Second Time
Why should we tell family stories?
FOCUS / COURSE MA.HE.Guiding Preschool Learning in Health Education
STRAND HE.SEH.Social & Emotional Health
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 5.21.Discuss strategies to prevent injury and illness, control the spread of disease, and promote cleanliness.
INDICATOR 5.21.1.Listen to stories about germs and disease, immunization, preventive doctor’s visits.

Who Should We Ask?
INDICATOR 5.21.4.Talk about or invite a health care practitioner to talk about illness, and strategies/habits for disease prevention (e.g., covering mouth/nose when sneezing and coughing, disposing of tissues properly; taking medicines, visiting the doctor, immunizations).

Who Should We Ask?
INDICATOR 5.21.5.Discuss risks, consequences and prevention strategies related to health and safety (e.g., if you go to sleep late, you’ll be tired; if you don’t wear your coat you’ll be cold; if you run in a crowded space you may bump into something and get hurt; using sunscreen, taking vitamins, using rubber gloves).

All Done
Decorating Cupcakes
How can I get my child to listen to me?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
Is my child overscheduled?
My Address
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
FOCUS / COURSE MA.HE.Guiding Preschool Learning in Health Education
STRAND HE.SEH.Social & Emotional Health
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 5.22.Talk about the common symptoms of illness and injury and what they should do when they hurt or don’t feel well.
INDICATOR 5.22.1.Listen to age-appropriate stories about illness, doctors, hospitals.

Grandparent Storytime
I Remember When
Making Trail Mix
My Favorite Part
Reading a Book for the Second Time
Who Should We Ask?
Why should we tell family stories?
INDICATOR 5.22.2.Dramatize experiences related to illness and health care (e.g., set up a hospital or doctor’s office with props including stethoscope, forms, bandages).

Who Should We Ask?
INDICATOR 5.22.3.Make a get-well kit or card for a sick or injured friend or relative.

Funny Faces
If You're Happy & You Know It
Making a Grocery List
Talking About Your Feelings
Thank You Note
Using a Menu to Order
FOCUS / COURSE MA.HE.Guiding Preschool Learning in Health Education
STRAND HE.SEH.Social & Emotional Health
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 5.23.Discuss tooth care and dental health including brushing, flossing, and healthy foods.
INDICATOR 5.23.1.Invite a dentist or dental hygienist to visit the program or visiting a dentist’s office to see a demonstration of tooth brushing and tooth care.

Who Should We Ask?
INDICATOR 5.23.2.Create a chart of foods that build healthy teeth.

Grocery Store Conversations
Putting Away the Groceries
INDICATOR 5.23.4.Listen to stories about teeth, losing teeth.

Grandparent Storytime
I Remember When
Making Trail Mix
My Favorite Part
Reading a Book for the Second Time
Why should we tell family stories?
FOCUS / COURSE MA.HE.Guiding Preschool Learning in Health Education
STRAND HE.SEH.Social & Emotional Health
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 5.24.Discuss rules for safety in a variety of settings including fire safety, weapons safety, bus safety, seat belt use, playground safety, as well as safety at home and in the community.
INDICATOR 5.24.1.Visit or be visited by safety officials to explain safety rules in various situations.

My Address
Who Should We Ask?
INDICATOR 5.24.2.Share stories about when children have been hurt and what could have been done to prevent it.

My Address
INDICATOR 5.24.5.Explore ways to reduce hazards and avoid accidents in the classroom, on the playground, at home and in the community (e.g., shopping cart safety; Halloween safety, around bodies of water).

My Address
INDICATOR 5.24.6.Role play safe play behavior in various situations.

My Address
INDICATOR 5.24.7.Dramatize what to do and who to go to for help in case of a fire or an accident (e.g., stop, drop, and roll).

Who Should We Ask?
INDICATOR 5.24.8.Make a mural or chart of things that are and are not safe to touch.

My Address
FOCUS / COURSE MA.HE.Guiding Preschool Learning in Health Education
STRAND HE.SEH.Social & Emotional Health
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 5.25.Talk and listen to stories about safe, unsafe, and inappropriate touch and ways to protect themselves.
INDICATOR 5.25.4.Develop a “support system” for help or information (e.g., parents, relatives, teachers, counselors, clergy, police).

Who Should We Ask?
INDICATOR 5.25.5.Listen to age-appropriate stories about unsafe/inappropriate touch.

Grandparent Storytime
I Remember When
Making Trail Mix
My Favorite Part
Reading a Book for the Second Time
Why should we tell family stories?
FOCUS / COURSE MA.HE.Guiding Preschool Learning in Health Education
STRAND HE.SEH.Social & Emotional Health
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 5.26.Talk about what to do when someone gets hurt and the rules for universal precautions (do not touch body fluids; wash hands after touching body fluids).
INDICATOR 5.26.1.Role play how to wash hands.

Rub a Dub Counting
INDICATOR 5.26.3.Visit nurse’s office for demonstration of simple first aid procedures (e.g., boo-boo bunny, ice pack).

Who Should We Ask?
FOCUS / COURSE MA.AR.Guiding Preschool Learning in the Arts
STRAND AR.MD.Movement & Dance
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 6.1.Explore activities and vocabulary related to movement, balance, strength, and flexibility.
INDICATOR 6.1.1.Experiment with locomotor movements that move the body from one place to another including crawling, creeping, walking, running, jumping, hopping, galloping, sliding, rolling, climbing).

Follow the Leader
Frog Hopping
Hopping Rhyming
Jump to It
Leap Frog Measure
Lily Pad Hop
Stomp the Letter
INDICATOR 6.1.2.Try out non-locomotor movements while standing, sitting, kneeling, or lying (e.g., bending, turning, twisting, rolling, stretching, shaking, curling, swinging, rocking, swaying).

Follow the Leader
INDICATOR 6.1.3.Walk on a low balance board or a real or imaginary tightrope (e.g., a line of masking tape, string or chalk on the floor or playground), and as skills increase try moving sideways, backwards.

Follow the Leader
INDICATOR 6.1.4.Push, pull, or lift heavy objects or equipment (e.g., a wagon, wheelbarrow).

Follow the Leader
FOCUS / COURSE MA.AR.Guiding Preschool Learning in the Arts
STRAND AR.MD.Movement & Dance
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 6.3.Participate in simple sequences of movements and dance to various kinds of music.
INDICATOR 6.3.3.Sing songs that contain sequences of body motions (e.g., Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes).

If You're Happy & You Know It
Itsy Bitsy Spider Illustrations
Sliding to Nursery Rhymes
Why should I sing to my baby?
FOCUS / COURSE MA.AR.Guiding Preschool Learning in the Arts
STRAND AR.MD.Movement & Dance
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 6.4.Express themselves freely through movement.
INDICATOR 6.4.3.Invent various ways to move from one point to another (e.g., across the mat or playground).

Follow the Leader
Jump to It
Rock Toss
FOCUS / COURSE MA.AR.Guiding Preschool Learning in the Arts
STRAND AR.MD.Movement & Dance
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 6.5.Use props to explore space and movement.
INDICATOR 6.5.1.Use balls, hoops or beanbags to explore the concepts of over, under, around, in front of, behind.

Follow the Leader
Jump to It
Rhyming Toss
Rock Toss
The Number Stays the Same
INDICATOR 6.5.2.Use carpet squares, hoops, masking tape to limit personal space and move around without touching others.

Follow the Leader
Jump to It
Rock Toss
INDICATOR 6.5.3.Explore how far can they reach up/down, side to side, in front of and behind them. How many ways can they move their arms in their space?

Follow the Leader
Jump to It
Rock Toss
INDICATOR 6.5.4.Experiment with various ways to move scarves, streamers, or ribbons (e.g., moving them in small/large circles, swinging, zig-zag, making various shapes in the air, etc.).

Follow the Leader
Jump to It
Rock Toss
INDICATOR 6.5.5.Jump in and out of hoops; step in spaces of a ladder placed on the floor.

Frog Hopping
Hopping Rhyming
Jump to It
Leap Frog Measure
Lily Pad Hop
Stomp the Letter
FOCUS / COURSE MA.AR.Guiding Preschool Learning in the Arts
STRAND AR.MD.Movement & Dance
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 6.6.Act out ways that movement and dance can show feelings or convey meaning.
INDICATOR 6.6.1.Express emotions (e.g., tapping feet or clapping hands like they’re happy, angry).

Funny Faces
If You're Happy & You Know It
Talking About Your Feelings
INDICATOR 6.6.2.Act out various objects, animals, or characters in various conditions (e.g., moving like a snake, spider, turtle, cat, elephant, frog, dinosaur, a bowl of jello; a very cold person; a leaf in the wind; a washing machine, an egg beater, a magical elf).

Follow the Leader
Jump to It
Rock Toss
INDICATOR 6.6.3.Listen or move to music that evokes emotion and talk about how it makes them feel (e.g., The Sorceror’s Apprentice, Carmen).

Funny Faces
If You're Happy & You Know It
Talking About Your Feelings
FOCUS / COURSE MA.AR.Guiding Preschool Learning in the Arts
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 6.8.Sing a variety of songs within children’s vocal range, independently and with others.
INDICATOR 6.8.1.Sing songs with clear, easy melodies.

If You're Happy & You Know It
Itsy Bitsy Spider Illustrations
Sliding to Nursery Rhymes
Why should I sing to my baby?
INDICATOR 6.8.2.Sing fingerplays (e.g., Eensy Weensy Spider, Two Little Blackbirds, Where is Thumbkin?).

If You're Happy & You Know It
Itsy Bitsy Spider Illustrations
Sliding to Nursery Rhymes
Why should I sing to my baby?
INDICATOR 6.8.3.Sing independently while music is being played (e.g., during center times and free time).

If You're Happy & You Know It
Itsy Bitsy Spider Illustrations
Sliding to Nursery Rhymes
Why should I sing to my baby?
INDICATOR 6.8.4.Listen to and sing many nursery rhymes, lullabies, and songs from around the world.

Family Photos
Family Talent Show
Grandparent Storytime
If You're Happy & You Know It
Itsy Bitsy Spider Illustrations
Sliding to Nursery Rhymes
Why should I sing to my baby?
Why should we tell family stories?
INDICATOR 6.8.5.Sing in groups that allow children to respond individually (e.g., good morning songs).

If You're Happy & You Know It
Itsy Bitsy Spider Illustrations
Sliding to Nursery Rhymes
Why should I sing to my baby?
FOCUS / COURSE MA.AR.Guiding Preschool Learning in the Arts
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 6.9.Sing expressively.
INDICATOR 6.9.1.Use soft and loud voices at appropriate times when singing.

If You're Happy & You Know It
Itsy Bitsy Spider Illustrations
Sliding to Nursery Rhymes
Why should I sing to my baby?
INDICATOR 6.9.2.Sing chants, action songs and songs that use intonation to set the mood (e.g., If You’re Happy, The Wheels on the Bus, Five Little Pumpkins).

Funny Faces
If You're Happy & You Know It
Itsy Bitsy Spider Illustrations
Sliding to Nursery Rhymes
Talking About Your Feelings
Why should I sing to my baby?
INDICATOR 6.9.3.Sing songs that have personal meaning (e.g., songs about their names, body parts, clothes, feelings, animal songs and home and family, songs to celebrate special events and occasions).

Funny Faces
If You're Happy & You Know It
Itsy Bitsy Spider Illustrations
Sliding to Nursery Rhymes
Talking About Your Feelings
Why should I sing to my baby?
INDICATOR 6.9.4.Sing songs that use gestures to illustrate or substitute for words (e.g., Grey Squirrel, Six Little Ducks).

If You're Happy & You Know It
Itsy Bitsy Spider Illustrations
Sliding to Nursery Rhymes
Why should I sing to my baby?
FOCUS / COURSE MA.AR.Guiding Preschool Learning in the Arts
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 6.10.Sing songs with repetitive phrases and rhythmic patterns.
INDICATOR 6.10.1.Sing songs with dominant rhythm patterns, repetition and nonsense syllables (e.g., Miss Mary Mack, Wibbledy Wobbly Wee).

If You're Happy & You Know It
Itsy Bitsy Spider Illustrations
Sliding to Nursery Rhymes
Why should I sing to my baby?
INDICATOR 6.10.2.Sing songs with rhythmic body movements (e.g., finger plays, Head Shoulders, Knees and Toes, London Bridge is Falling Down).

If You're Happy & You Know It
Itsy Bitsy Spider Illustrations
Sliding to Nursery Rhymes
Why should I sing to my baby?
INDICATOR 6.10.3.Sing call-and-response songs (e.g., Did You Feed My Cow? Yes, M’am).

If You're Happy & You Know It
Itsy Bitsy Spider Illustrations
Sliding to Nursery Rhymes
Why should I sing to my baby?
FOCUS / COURSE MA.AR.Guiding Preschool Learning in the Arts
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 6.11.Listen to various kinds of instrumental music and explore a variety of melody and rhythmic instruments.
INDICATOR 6.11.4.Invite parents and other visitors to demonstrate music, instruments, and dances from various cultures.

Family Photos
Family Talent Show
Grandparent Storytime
Why should we tell family stories?
FOCUS / COURSE MA.AR.Guiding Preschool Learning in the Arts
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 6.13.Listen to, imitate, and improvise sounds, patterns, or songs.
INDICATOR 6.13.1.Create responses to call-and-response songs (e.g., Little Sir Echo, Old MacDonald, Wheels on the Bus, What Do the Elephants Say Today, Down By the Bay).

If You're Happy & You Know It
Itsy Bitsy Spider Illustrations
Sliding to Nursery Rhymes
Why should I sing to my baby?
INDICATOR 6.13.2.Listen and imitate sounds (e.g., recordings of environmental sounds such as a squeaking door, a door bell, howling wind, a babbling brook) with voice, body, or musical instruments.

If You're Happy & You Know It
Itsy Bitsy Spider Illustrations
Sliding to Nursery Rhymes
Why should I sing to my baby?
INDICATOR 6.13.3.Make up songs about their experiences or make up new words to familiar songs.

If You're Happy & You Know It
Itsy Bitsy Spider Illustrations
Sliding to Nursery Rhymes
Why should I sing to my baby?
FOCUS / COURSE MA.AR.Guiding Preschool Learning in the Arts
STRAND AR.TA.Theatre Arts
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 6.14.Listen to storytellers and watch puppet shows.
INDICATOR 6.14.1.Listen to visiting storytellers.

My Favorite Part
Reading a Book for the Second Time
Why should we tell family stories?
INDICATOR 6.14.2.Talk about the characters in puppet shows and what each one said or did.

Making Connections PreK
Text to Self Connections
INDICATOR 6.14.3.Listen to stories in small and large groups, and tell stories to each other.

My Favorite Part
Reading a Book for the Second Time
Why should we tell family stories?
FOCUS / COURSE MA.AR.Guiding Preschool Learning in the Arts
STRAND AR.TA.Theatre Arts
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 6.15.Use dramatic play, costumes, and props to pretend to be someone else.
INDICATOR 6.15.1.Retell or act out stories or folktales through dramatic play, puppets, flannel board.

Book Bag Descriptions
Family Movie Night
Family Photos
My Favorite Part
Reading a Book for the Second Time
Recalling What Happened in a Story
Retelling the Story
Tips for helping your child love reading
Tips for storytelling: Using gestures
INDICATOR 6.15.2.Create a character based on stories or through improvisation.

Making Connections PreK
Text to Self Connections
INDICATOR 6.15.3.Play out roles with dolls, prop boxes, costumes (e.g., picnic items; post office material: stamp pads, envelopes, crayons, pencils; supermarket items: cash register, play money, grocery boxes).

In My Pond, Part 1
In My Pond, Part 2
Pretending Together
Stuffed Animal Stories
Toy Stories
INDICATOR 6.15.4.Role play characters from familiar songs, stories and nursery rhymes (e.g., Three Bears, The Three Little Pigs, Humpty Dumpty).

Making Connections PreK
Text to Self Connections
FOCUS / COURSE MA.AR.Guiding Preschool Learning in the Arts
STRAND AR.TA.Theatre Arts
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 6.16.Create characters through physical movement, gesture, sound, speech, and facial expressions.
INDICATOR 6.16.1.Pantomime various characters using body movement, facial expression and gestures.

Making Connections PreK
Text to Self Connections
INDICATOR 6.16.2.Use various kinds of puppets to experiment with ways to express different characteristics (e.g., hold it in different ways, experiment with different voices, movements).

Choosing the Right Voice
INDICATOR 6.16.3.Use movement, gesture, voice and facial expressions to convey characteristics or roles of a character (e.g., pretend to be a cook, doctor, ballet dancer, lion, bear, butterfly).

Making Connections PreK
Text to Self Connections
INDICATOR 6.16.5.Make up dialogue in dramatic play (e.g., act out a grocery store clerk saying, “It will cost 10 cents.”).

In My Pond, Part 1
In My Pond, Part 2
Pretending Together
Stuffed Animal Stories
Toy Stories
FOCUS / COURSE MA.AR.Guiding Preschool Learning in the Arts
STRAND AR.TA.Theatre Arts
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 6.17.Create scenarios, props, and settings for dramatizations and dramatic play.
INDICATOR 6.17.1.Play with other children in dramatic play (e.g., decide who will play various roles).

Building Houses
Family Talent Show
In My Pond, Part 1
In My Pond, Part 2
Keep It Up
Pretending Together
Stuffed Animal Stories
Taking Turns
Toy Stories
Who has the Biggest Number?
INDICATOR 6.17.2.Act out familiar rhymes in pairs or small groups (e.g., Five Little Monkeys; Little Sally Walker).

Little Bo Peep Substitutions
Little Miss Muffet Role Play
Rhyming with Jack and Jill
Sliding to Nursery Rhymes
Twinkle, Twinkle Rhymes
FOCUS / COURSE MA.AR.Guiding Preschool Learning in the Arts
STRAND AR.VA.Visual Arts
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 6.18.Explore a variety of age-appropriate materials and media to create two- and three-dimensional artwork.
INDICATOR 6.18.3.Use found materials to create collages (e.g., feathers, buttons, wool fabric, steel wool, recycled materials).

Tips for helping your child love reading
INDICATOR 6.18.4.Construct assemblages using wood, glue, and other three-dimensional materials.

Tips for helping your child love reading
INDICATOR 6.18.5.Make sculptures out of play dough, clay, or plasticine.

Tips for helping your child love reading
INDICATOR 6.18.6.Make impressions in clay or play dough with common objects (e.g., clothespins, pine cones, shells).

Tips for helping your child love reading
INDICATOR 6.18.7.Play with various kinds of modeling materials including play dough, clay, plasticine, pipe cleaners and wire to construct shapes/objects (e.g., twisting, coiling, wrapping).

Tips for helping your child love reading
INDICATOR 6.18.8.Experiment with combining various materials and media.

Tips for helping your child love reading
INDICATOR 6.18.9.Listen to and use appropriate vocabulary related to materials (e.g., clay, wire, fabric, yarn, watercolor, tempera, crayon, chalk) and techniques (e.g., collage, painting, drawing, building, sculpture).

Detailed Drawing of a Face
May I Take your Order?
Mirror, Mirror
Shaving Cream Shapes
Three Ways to Show a Number
Tips for helping your child love reading
Using a Menu to Order
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
FOCUS / COURSE MA.AR.Guiding Preschool Learning in the Arts
STRAND AR.VA.Visual Arts
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 6.20.Explore and experiment with wet and dry media in a variety of colors including black and white.
INDICATOR 6.20.1.Listen to and use the names of primary and secondary colors including black and white in various media (e.g., tempera, fingerpaint, watercolors, crayons, markers, chalks).

Detailed Drawing of a Face
Grocery Store Conversations
May I Take your Order?
Mirror, Mirror
Shaving Cream Shapes
Three Ways to Show a Number
Using a Menu to Order
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR 6.20.2.Combine primary colors to discover secondary colors using tempera, watercolors, or food coloring.

Grocery Store Conversations
INDICATOR 6.20.3.Paint with black and white and combine them with other colors to achieve shades of light and dark.

Grocery Store Conversations
INDICATOR 6.20.4.Use various media of a single color and compare the effects in each medium.

Grocery Store Conversations
INDICATOR 6.20.5.Create tissue paper collages by cutting, pasting and overlapping paper of various colors.

Grocery Store Conversations
Tips for helping your child love reading
FOCUS / COURSE MA.AR.Guiding Preschool Learning in the Arts
STRAND AR.VA.Visual Arts
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 6.21.Explore how color can convey mood and emotion.
INDICATOR 6.21.1.Talk about how different colors make them feel.

Funny Faces
Grocery Store Conversations
If You're Happy & You Know It
Talking About Your Feelings
INDICATOR 6.21.2.Paint to music that evokes various moods using a variety of colors.

Funny Faces
If You're Happy & You Know It
Talking About Your Feelings
FOCUS / COURSE MA.AR.Guiding Preschool Learning in the Arts
STRAND AR.VA.Visual Arts
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 6.22.Explore various types of lines in artwork and in nature.
INDICATOR 6.22.1.Draw lines of various sizes (e.g., thin, thick, straight, crooked, curved) using a variety of sizes of paint brushes, markers and crayons and chalk.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
May I Take your Order?
Mirror, Mirror
Shaving Cream Shapes
Three Ways to Show a Number
Using a Menu to Order
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
FOCUS / COURSE MA.AR.Guiding Preschool Learning in the Arts
STRAND AR.VA.Visual Arts
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 6.23.Experiment with the use of texture in artwork.
INDICATOR 6.23.1.Use a single texture theme to create collages (e.g., soft, hard, fuzzy, rough, smooth, shiny).

Tips for helping your child love reading
INDICATOR 6.23.2.Create collages using materials of various textures (e.g., pieces of sand paper, fake fur, velvet, mylar, hard plastic, cotton balls).

Tips for helping your child love reading
INDICATOR 6.23.4.Make crayon rubbings by placing shapes or textures under paper and rubbing over the surface.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
Finger Shapes
Guess My Shape
May I Take your Order?
Mirror, Mirror
Shape Changers
Shape Hunt
Shaving Cream Shapes
Three Ways to Show a Number
Using a Menu to Order
Ways to Cut a Sandwich
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
FOCUS / COURSE MA.AR.Guiding Preschool Learning in the Arts
STRAND AR.VA.Visual Arts
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 6.24.Use basic shapes and forms of different sizes to create artwork.
INDICATOR 6.24.1.Create artwork with a theme of circles, squares or triangles or using natural forms.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
Finger Shapes
Guess My Shape
May I Take your Order?
Mirror, Mirror
Shape Changers
Shape Hunt
Shaving Cream Shapes
Three Ways to Show a Number
Using a Menu to Order
Ways to Cut a Sandwich
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR 6.24.2.Print with sponges cut into shapes or objects that are circles, squares and triangles.

Finger Shapes
Guess My Shape
Mirror, Mirror
Shape Changers
Shape Hunt
Shaving Cream Shapes
Ways to Cut a Sandwich
INDICATOR 6.24.3.Paint on easel paper cut into basic shapes.

Finger Shapes
Guess My Shape
Mirror, Mirror
Shape Changers
Shape Hunt
Shaving Cream Shapes
Ways to Cut a Sandwich
INDICATOR 6.24.4.Use shapes as a starting point in a drawing or design (e.g., “What can you make with a circle? A triangle?”)

Detailed Drawing of a Face
Finger Shapes
Guess My Shape
May I Take your Order?
Mirror, Mirror
Shape Changers
Shape Hunt
Shaving Cream Shapes
Three Ways to Show a Number
Using a Menu to Order
Ways to Cut a Sandwich
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
FOCUS / COURSE MA.AR.Guiding Preschool Learning in the Arts
STRAND AR.VA.Visual Arts
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 6.25.Explore concepts of pattern and symmetry in the environment and artwork.
INDICATOR 6.25.1.Look at books that illustrate patterns and symmetry.

Making Patterns
My Age
Setting the Table
Sound Patterns
Speedometer Math
The Fence Problem
INDICATOR 6.25.3.Create patterns using shape stickers.

Finger Shapes
Guess My Shape
Making Patterns
Mirror, Mirror
My Age
Setting the Table
Shape Changers
Shape Hunt
Shaving Cream Shapes
Sound Patterns
Speedometer Math
The Fence Problem
Ways to Cut a Sandwich
INDICATOR 6.25.4.Explore quilts and observe patterns; then create a class quilt on a mural using shapes/strips of patterned or colored paper.

Finger Shapes
Grocery Store Conversations
Guess My Shape
Making Patterns
Mirror, Mirror
My Age
Setting the Table
Shape Changers
Shape Hunt
Shaving Cream Shapes
Sound Patterns
Speedometer Math
The Fence Problem
Ways to Cut a Sandwich
FOCUS / COURSE MA.AR.Guiding Preschool Learning in the Arts
STRAND AR.VA.Visual Arts
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 6.26.Create artwork from memory or imagination.
INDICATOR 6.26.1.Create drawings, sculptures (e.g., of their pet or of an animal they saw in a zoo).

Detailed Drawing of a Face
May I Take your Order?
Mirror, Mirror
Shaving Cream Shapes
Three Ways to Show a Number
Tips for helping your child love reading
Using a Menu to Order
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR 6.26.3.Illustrate a story.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
May I Take your Order?
Mirror, Mirror
Shaving Cream Shapes
Three Ways to Show a Number
Using a Menu to Order
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR 6.26.4.Draw a picture documenting what they did at school.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
May I Take your Order?
Mirror, Mirror
Shaving Cream Shapes
Three Ways to Show a Number
Using a Menu to Order
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
FOCUS / COURSE MA.AR.Guiding Preschool Learning in the Arts
STRAND AR.VA.Visual Arts
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL 6.27.Choose artwork for display in the classroom, school or community or for a personal book, class book or portfolio, and explain why they chose it.
INDICATOR 6.27.1.Create personal books of their artwork (e.g., photographs of their art in process, actual examples of their artwork).

Detailed Drawing of a Face
May I Take your Order?
Mirror, Mirror
Shaving Cream Shapes
Three Ways to Show a Number
Using a Menu to Order
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR 6.27.2.Work collaboratively to create art work for display (e.g., mural, large fence painting, table top crayon rubbing).

Detailed Drawing of a Face
May I Take your Order?
Mirror, Mirror
Shaving Cream Shapes
Three Ways to Show a Number
Using a Menu to Order
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR 6.27.4.Describe elements of their artwork using words for color, line, textures and shapes with teacher prompts (e.g., “Tell me about your painting, sculpture, building...”).

Finger Shapes
Grocery Store Conversations
Guess My Shape
Mirror, Mirror
Shape Changers
Shape Hunt
Shaving Cream Shapes
Ways to Cut a Sandwich

Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks
Health and PE
Grade: Pre K - Adopted: 1999
FOCUS / COURSE MA.2.Physical Activity and Fitness: Students will, by repeated practice, acquire and refine a variety of manipulative, locomotor, and non-locomotor movement skills, and will utilize principles of training and conditioning, will learn biomechanics and exercise physiology, and will apply the concept of wellness to their lives.
STRAND 2.7.Personal and Social Competency: Demonstrate responsible personal and social conduct used in physical activity settings.

Clap and Count
How do I get my child to______?
Sink or Swim
FOCUS / COURSE MA.3.Nutrition: Students will gain the knowledge and skills to select a diet that supports health and reduces the risk of illness and future chronic diseases.
STRAND 3.6.Safe and Adequate Food Supply: Describe personal hygiene and safety measures used in preparing foods.

Rub a Dub Counting
FOCUS / COURSE MA.5.Mental Health: Students will acquire knowledge about emotions and physical health, the management of emotions, personality and character development, and social awareness; and will learn skills to promote self-acceptance, make decisions, and cope with stress, including suicide prevention.
STRAND 5.5.Decision Making: Explain and practice a model for decision-making that includes gathering information, predicting outcomes, listing advantages and disadvantages, identifying moral implications, and evaluating decisions.

Talking About Your Feelings
FOCUS / COURSE MA.7.Interpersonal Relationships: Students will learn that relationships with others are an integral part of the human life experience and the factors that contribute to healthy interpersonal relationships, and will acquire skills to enhance and make many of these relationships more fulfilling through commitment and communication.
STRAND 7.1.Communication: Explain why communication is essential in human relationships and identify people from whom children can learn how to communicate, such as family members, friends, community members, and members of faith-based groups.

Talking About Your Feelings
STRAND 7.2.Communication: Apply both verbal and non-verbal communication skills to develop positive relationships and improve the social environment of the school.

Clap and Count
Talking About Your Feelings
FOCUS / COURSE MA.8.Disease Prevention and Control: Students will learn the signs, causes, and treatment of chronic and communicable diseases, and will gain skills related to health promotion, disease prevention, and health maintenance.
STRAND 8.4.Health Maintenance: Identify tooth functions and causes of tooth health and decay, and apply proper dental health skills (such as choosing healthy tooth snacks, brushing, flossing).

Brushing Your Teeth
FOCUS / COURSE MA.11.Violence Prevention: Students will learn how their actions affect others, will understand the power that positive character traits can have in violence prevention, will gain skills to report incidents of violence and hurtful behavior to adults in the school and community, will avoid engaging in violence, and will identify constructive alternatives to violence, including how to discourage others from engaging in violence.
STRAND 11.3.Alternatives: Differentiate between one's personal rights and those of others and use communication and problem-solving to set personal boundaries, resolve conflicts, and develop positive relationships.

How can I stop my kids from fighting?
Talking About Your Feelings

Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks
Language Arts
Grade: Pre K - Adopted: 2017
FOCUS / COURSE MA.CCRA.R.College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Reading
STRAND Key Ideas and Details
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL CCRA.R.1.Read closely to determine what a text states explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from a text.

Baby Photo Fun
Making Connections PreK
Reading a Book for the Second Time
Recalling What Happened in a Story
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL CCRA.R.3.Analyze how and why individuals, events, and ideas develop and interact over the course of a text.

Making Connections PreK
Toy Stories
FOCUS / COURSE MA.CCRA.R.College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Reading
STRAND Craft and Structure
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL CCRA.R.4.Interpret words and phrases as they are used in a text, including determining technical, connotative, and figurative meanings, and analyze how specific word choices shape meaning or tone.

Think About It
FOCUS / COURSE MA.CCRA.R.College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Reading
STRAND Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL CCRA.R.9.Analyze how two or more texts address similar themes or topics in order to build knowledge or to compare the approaches the authors take.

Compare and Contrast Questions
FOCUS / COURSE MA.CCRA.R.College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Reading
STRAND Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL CCRA.R.10.Independently and proficiently read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts.

Book Selection
Reading Routines for Early Readers
FOCUS / COURSE MA.CCRA.W.College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Writing
STRAND Text Types and Purposes
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL CCRA.W.3.Write narratives to develop experiences or events using effective literary techniques, well-chosen details, and well-structured sequences.

Tips for storytelling: Using gestures
Weekend News
Why is storytelling important?
Why should we tell family stories?
FOCUS / COURSE MA.CCRA.W.College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Writing
STRAND Production and Distribution of Writing
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL CCRA.W.4.Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

Tips for storytelling: Using your voice
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL CCRA.W.6.Use technology to produce and publish writing and to interact and collaborate with others.

Stuffed Animal Stories
FOCUS / COURSE MA.CCRA.W.College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Writing
STRAND Range of Writing
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL CCRA.W.10.Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of tasks, purposes, and audiences.

Thank You Note
FOCUS / COURSE MA.CCRA.L.College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Language
STRAND Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL CCRA.L.6.Acquire and use accurately a range of general academic and domain-specific words and phrases sufficient for reading, writing, speaking, and listening at the college and career readiness level; demonstrate independence in gathering vocabulary knowledge.

Guess My Shape
Think About It
FOCUS / COURSE MA.RL.PK.Pre-K Reading Standards for Literature [RL]
STRAND Key Ideas and Details
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL RL.PK.1.With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about a story or poem read aloud.

Book Bag Descriptions
Reading a Book for the Second Time
Recalling What Happened in a Story
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL RL.PK.2.With prompting and support, retell a sequence of events from a story read aloud.

My Favorite Part
Recalling What Happened in a Story
Retelling the Story
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL RL.PK.3.With prompting and support, act out characters and events from a story or poem read aloud.

Funny Faces
Making Connections PreK
Toy Stories
FOCUS / COURSE MA.RL.PK.Pre-K Reading Standards for Literature [RL]
STRAND Craft and Structure
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL RL.PK.4.With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about unfamiliar words in a story or poem read aloud. (See pre-kindergarten Language Standards 4–6 on applying knowledge of vocabulary to reading.)

Book Bag Descriptions
Reading a Book for the Second Time
Recalling What Happened in a Story
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL RL.PK.6.With prompting and support, “read” the illustrations in a picture book by describing a character or place depicted, or by telling how a sequence of events unfolds.

Itsy Bitsy Spider Illustrations
Making Connections PreK
Picture Walk Predictions
Retelling the Story
FOCUS / COURSE MA.RL.PK.Pre-K Reading Standards for Literature [RL]
STRAND Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL RL.PK.7.With prompting and support, make predictions about what happens next in a picture book after examining and discussing the illustrations.

Book Selection
Picture Walk Predictions
Predicting Vocabulary
Retelling the Story
Selecting Books
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL RL.PK.9.With prompting and support, make connections between a story or poem and their own experiences.

Funny Reading
Picture Walk Predictions
FOCUS / COURSE MA.RL.PK.Pre-K Reading Standards for Literature [RL]
STRAND Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL RL.PK.10.Listen actively as an individual and as a member of a group to a variety of age-appropriate literature read aloud.

Stuffed Animal Stories
FOCUS / COURSE MA.RI.PK.Pre-K Reading Standards for Informational Text [RI]
STRAND Key Ideas and Details
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL RI.PK.1.With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about an informational text read aloud.

Book Bag Descriptions
Getting Information from Pictures
Just the Facts
Making Trail Mix
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL RI.PK.2.With prompting and support, recall important facts from an informational text after hearing it read aloud.

All About My Day
Just the Facts
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL RI.PK.3.With prompting and support, represent or act out concepts learned from hearing an informational text read aloud (e.g., make a skyscraper out of blocks after listening to a book about cities or, following a read-aloud on animals, show how an elephant’s gait differs from a bunny’s hop).

Funny Faces
FOCUS / COURSE MA.RI.PK.Pre-K Reading Standards for Informational Text [RI]
STRAND Craft and Structure
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL RI.PK.4.With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about unfamiliar words in an informational text read aloud. (See pre-kindergarten Language Standards 4–6 on applying knowledge of vocabulary to reading.)

Book Bag Descriptions
Getting Information from Pictures
Just the Facts
Making Trail Mix
FOCUS / COURSE MA.RI.PK.Pre-K Reading Standards for Informational Text [RI]
STRAND Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL RI.PK.9.With prompting and support, identify several books on a favorite topic or several books by a favorite author or illustrator.

Book Selection
Reading Routines for Early Readers
FOCUS / COURSE MA.RI.PK.Pre-K Reading Standards for Informational Text [RI]
STRAND Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL RI.PK.10.Listen actively as an individual and as a member of a group to a variety of age-appropriate informational texts read aloud.

Stuffed Animal Stories
FOCUS / COURSE MA.RF.PK.Pre-K Reading Standards for Foundational Skills [RF]
STRAND Print Concepts
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL RF.PK.1.With guidance and support, demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of printed and written text: books, words, letters, and the alphabet.
INDICATOR RF.PK.1.a.Handle books respectfully and appropriately, holding them right-side-up and turning pages one at a time from front to back.

Chime In
Funny Reading
Reading with Jack and Jill
Words on the Page
INDICATOR RF.PK.1.d.Recognize and name some uppercase letters of the alphabet and the lowercase letters in their own name.

Letter Hunt
Letter Sort
Looking for Letters in Ads
Morning Message
Name Game
Reading the Grocery List
Searching for Sounds at the Store
Stomp the Letter
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
FOCUS / COURSE MA.RF.PK.Pre-K Reading Standards for Foundational Skills [RF]
STRAND Print Concepts
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL RF.PK.2.With guidance and support, demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes).
INDICATOR RF.PK.2.a.With guidance and support, recognize and produce rhyming words (e.g., identify words that rhyme with /cat/ such as /bat/ and /sat/).

Hopping Rhyming
Little Bo Peep Substitutions
Little Miss Muffet Role Play
Reading with Jack and Jill
Rhyming Purse
Rhyming Toss
Rhyming with Jack and Jill
Sliding to Nursery Rhymes
Twinkle, Twinkle Rhymes
INDICATOR RF.PK.2.b.With guidance and support, segment words in a simple sentence by clapping and naming the number of words in the sentence.

Color Word Sentences
Sentence Segmenting
Words on the Page
INDICATOR RF.PK.2.c.Identify the initial sound of a spoken word and, with guidance and support, generate several other words that have the same initial sound.

Listen My Children
Reading the Grocery List
Searching for Sounds at the Store
Signaling for Sounds
Swinging to Sounds
Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down
FOCUS / COURSE MA.RF.PK.Pre-K Reading Standards for Foundational Skills [RF]
STRAND Phonics and Word Recognition
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL RF.PK.3.Demonstrate beginning understanding of phonics and word analysis skills.
INDICATOR RF.PK.3.a.Link an initial sound to a picture of an object that begins with that sound and, with guidance and support, to the corresponding printed letter (e.g., link the initial sound /b/ to a picture of a ball and, with support, to a printed or written “B”).

Listen My Children
Reading the Grocery List
Searching for Sounds at the Store
Signaling for Sounds
Swinging to Sounds
Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down
INDICATOR RF.PK.3.c.Recognize their own name and familiar common signs and labels (e.g., STOP).

Kitchen Labeling
Morning Message
Name Game
Shopping for Clothes
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
FOCUS / COURSE MA.W.PK.Pre-K Writing Standards [W]
STRAND Text Types and Purposes
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL W.PK.1.Dictate words to express a preference or opinion about a topic (e.g., “I would like to go to the fire station to see the truck and meet the firemen.”).

Making a Grocery List
Stuffed Animal Stories
Thank You Note
Using a Menu to Order
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL W.PK.2.Use a combination of dictating and drawing to supply information about a topic.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
Itsy Bitsy Spider Illustrations
Making a Grocery List
Stuffed Animal Stories
Thank You Note
Using a Menu to Order
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL W.PK.3.Use a combination of dictating and drawing to tell a story.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
Itsy Bitsy Spider Illustrations
Making a Grocery List
Stuffed Animal Stories
Thank You Note
Using a Menu to Order
FOCUS / COURSE MA.SL.PK.Pre-K Speaking and Listening Standards [SL]
STRAND Comprehension and Collaboration
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL SL.PK.1.Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners during daily routines and play.
INDICATOR SL.PK.1.a.Observe and use appropriate ways of interacting in a group (e.g., taking turns in talking, listening to peers, waiting to speak until another person is finished talking, asking questions and waiting for an answer, gaining the floor in appropriate ways).

Choosing the Right Voice
Taking Turns
What's for Dinner?
Who Should We Ask?
FOCUS / COURSE MA.SL.PK.Pre-K Speaking and Listening Standards [SL]
STRAND Comprehension and Collaboration
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL SL.PK.2.Recall information for short periods of time and retell, act out, or represent information from a text read aloud, a recording, or a video (e.g., watch a video about birds and their habitats and make drawings or constructions of birds and their nests).

Detailed Drawing of a Face
Funny Faces
Itsy Bitsy Spider Illustrations
Stuffed Animal Stories
Using a Menu to Order
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL SL.PK.3.Ask and answer questions in order to seek help, get information, or clarify something that is not understood.

What's for Dinner?
Who Should We Ask?
FOCUS / COURSE MA.SL.PK.Pre-K Speaking and Listening Standards [SL]
STRAND Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL SL.PK.4.Describe personal experiences; tell stories.

Grandparent Storytime
Pantry Talk Description
Pretending Together
Putting Away the Groceries
Table Riddles
Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Zoo in My Room
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL SL.PK.6.Speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas.

Choosing the Right Voice
FOCUS / COURSE MA.L.PK.Pre-K Language Standards [L]
STRAND Conventions of Standard English
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL L.PK.1.Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when speaking.
INDICATOR Sentence Structure and Meaning
EXPECTATION L.PK.1.a.Demonstrate the ability to speak in complete sentences and to form questions using frequently occurring nouns, verbs, question words, and prepositions; name and use in context numbers 0–10 (see pre-kindergarten mathematics standards for Counting and Cardinality).

All Mixed Up
I'm Thinking of an Animal
What's for Dinner?
Who Should We Ask?
FOCUS / COURSE MA.L.PK.Pre-K Language Standards [L]
STRAND Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL L.PK.5.With guidance and support from adults, explore word relationships and nuances in word meanings.
INDICATOR L.PK.5.a.Demonstrate understanding of concepts by sorting common objects into categories (e.g., sort objects by color, shape, texture).

Grocery Store Conversations
How Many Can You Name?
INDICATOR L.PK.5.c.Apply words learned in classroom activities to real-life examples (e.g., name places in school that are fun, quiet, or noisy).

Grocery Store Conversations
How can I help my child learn new words?
I'm Thinking of an Animal
Mystery Bag
Predicting Vocabulary
Silent Opposites
Sink or Float
Take Away
Think About It
FOCUS / COURSE MA.L.PK.Pre-K Language Standards [L]
STRAND Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL L.PK.6.Use words and phrases acquired through conversations, listening to books read aloud, activities, and play.

Grocery Store Conversations
How can I help my child learn new words?
I'm Thinking of an Animal
Mystery Bag
Predicting Vocabulary
Silent Opposites
Sink or Float
Take Away
Think About It

Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks
Grade: Pre K - Adopted: 2017
FOCUS / COURSE MA.MP.Mathematical Practice
STRAND MP.4.Model with mathematics.

Decorating Cupcakes
FOCUS / COURSE MA.PK.CC.Counting and Cardinality
STRAND PK.CC.A.Know number names and the counting sequence.
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL PK.CC.A.1.Listen to and say the names of numbers in meaningful contexts.

Crazy Counting
Find My Number
How Old Are You?
Lily Pad Hop
Numbers Everywhere
Rub a Dub Counting
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL PK.CC.A.2.Recognize and name written numerals 0–10.

Crazy Counting
Find My Number
How Old Are You?
Lily Pad Hop
Numbers Everywhere
Rub a Dub Counting
FOCUS / COURSE MA.PK.CC.Counting and Cardinality
STRAND PK.CC.B.Count to tell the number of objects.
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL PK.CC.B.3.Understand the relationships between numerals and quantities up to 10.

Adding Ice
Candy Sort and Graph
I Spy an Animal
Lily Pad Hop
My Age
FOCUS / COURSE MA.PK.CC.Counting and Cardinality
STRAND PK.CC.C.Compare numbers.
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL PK.CC.C.4.Count many kinds of concrete objects and actions up to ten, using one-to-one correspondence, and accurately count as many as seven things in a scattered configuration. Recognize the “one more,” “one less” patterns.

Adding Ice
How Many Can I Grab?
How Many Feet?
Three Little Animals
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL PK.CC.C.5.Use comparative language, such as more/less than, equal to, to compare and describe collections of objects.

Adding Ice
Sort and Graph Leaves
FOCUS / COURSE MA.PK.OA.Operations and Algebraic Thinking
STRAND PK.OA.A.Understand addition as putting together and adding to, and understand subtraction as taking apart and taking from.
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL PK.OA.A.1.Use concrete objects to model real-world addition (putting together) and subtraction (taking away) problems up through five.

All Done
Decorating Cupcakes
In My Pond, Part 1
In My Pond, Part 2
Packing for Our Trip
Three Little Animals
FOCUS / COURSE MA.PK.MD.Measurement and Data
STRAND PK.MD.A.Describe and compare measurable attributes.
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL PK.MD.A.1.Recognize the attributes of length, area, weight, and capacity of everyday objects using appropriate vocabulary (e.g., long, short, tall, heavy, light, big, small, wide, narrow).

Bookcase Problem
Fill Up the Cup
Grocery Store Weights
Leap Frog Measure
Making Trail Mix
Near and Far
Strawberries for a Picnic
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL PK.MD.A.2.Compare the attributes of length and weight for two objects, including longer/shorter, same length; heavier/lighter, same weight; holds more/less, holds the same amount.

Bookcase Problem
Fill Up the Cup
Grocery Store Weights
How Many Can I Grab?
Leap Frog Measure
Measuring the Table
Near and Far
FOCUS / COURSE MA.PK.MD.Measurement and Data
STRAND PK.MD.B.Classify objects and count the number of objects in each category.
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL PK.MD.B.3.Sort, categorize, and classify objects by more than one attribute.

Candy Sort and Graph
Dino Dig
I Spy a Coin
I Spy an Animal
Letter Sort
Likely or Unlikely
Sort and Graph Leaves
Sorting Laundry
FOCUS / COURSE MA.PK.MD.Measurement and Data
STRAND PK.MD.C.Work with money.
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL PK.MD.C.4.Recognize that certain objects are coins and that dollars and coins represent money.

I Spy a Coin
STRAND PK.G.A.Identify and describe shapes (squares, circles, triangles, rectangles).
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL PK.G.A.1.Identify relative positions of objects in space, and use appropriate language (e.g., beside, inside, next to, close to, above, below, apart).

Bookcase Problem
Finding the Groceries
Follow My Design
Follow the Leader
Following Directions
Jump to It
Mirror, Mirror
Near and Far
Stuffed Animal Olympics
Treasure Map
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL PK.G.A.2.Identify various two-dimensional shapes using appropriate language.

Finger Shapes
Guess My Shape
Shape Changers
Shape Hunt
Shaving Cream Shapes
Ways to Cut a Sandwich
STRAND PK.G.B.Analyze, compare, create, and compose shapes.
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL PK.G.B.3.Create and represent three-dimensional shapes (ball/sphere, square box/cube, tube/cylinder) using various manipulative materials (such as Popsicle sticks, blocks, pipe cleaners, pattern blocks).

Building Houses
Pantry Sort 1
Pantry Sort 2

Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks
Grade: Pre K - Adopted: 2016
FOCUS / COURSE MA.PreK-LS.Pre-K: Life Science
STRAND LS1.From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL PreK-LS1-1(MA).Compare, using descriptions and drawings, the external body parts of animals (including humans) and plants and explain functions of some of the observable body parts.

I'm Thinking of an Animal
FOCUS / COURSE MA.PreK-PS.Pre-K: Physical Sciences
STRAND PS1.Matter and Its Interactions
STANDARD / CONCEPT / SKILL PreK-PS1-2(MA).Investigate natural and human-made objects to describe, compare, sort, and classify objects based on observable physical characteristics, uses, and whether something is manufactured or occurs in nature.

Sink or Float