Montana Content Standards (Infant)
Main Criteria: Montana Content Standards | ||
Secondary Criteria: ReadyRosie | ||
Subject: Early Childhood Education | ||
Grades: Ages Birth to 12 months, Ages 13 to 24 months, Ages 25 to 36 months | ||
Correlation Options: Show Correlated |
Montana Content Standards |
Early Childhood Education |
Grade: Ages Birth to 12 months - Adopted: 2014 |
CONTENT STANDARD / DOMAIN | MT.1. | Emotional and Social |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Culture, Family, and Community | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 1.1. | Culture: Children develop an awareness of and appreciation for the similarities and differences between themselves and others. |
EXPECTATION | 1.1.a. | Distinguish primary caregiver from others. ReadyRosie Baby Massage Behavior is a form of communication Snuggle Close Tips for bonding with your baby What Comes after Two? You are your child's first teacher |
EXPECTATION | 1.1.b. | Notice others’ physical characteristics. ReadyRosie How can I communicate with my baby? Piggy Toes |
EXPECTATION | 1.1.c. | Interact with diverse groups and individuals. ReadyRosie How can I communicate with my baby? Piggy Toes |
EXPECTATION | 1.1.d. | Know poems, songs, and stories from a variety of cultures and people, including his or her own family. ReadyRosie How can I communicate with my baby? Piggy Toes |
EXPECTATION | 1.1.g. | Ask questions about other children and adults. ReadyRosie How can I communicate with my baby? Piggy Toes |
EXPECTATION | 1.1.h. | Demonstrate respect for similarities and differences. ReadyRosie How can I communicate with my baby? Piggy Toes |
EXPECTATION | 1.1.i. | Describe differences between people in different ages and stages. ReadyRosie How can I communicate with my baby? Piggy Toes |
EXPECTATION | 1.1.k. | Recognize stereotypes that are culturally or linguistically unfair as well as other biased behaviors. ReadyRosie How can I communicate with my baby? Piggy Toes |
EXPECTATION | 1.1.l. | Demonstrate awareness, knowledge, and appreciation for another culture. ReadyRosie How can I communicate with my baby? Piggy Toes |
CONTENT STANDARD / DOMAIN | MT.1. | Emotional and Social |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Culture, Family, and Community | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 1.2. | Family: Children develop an awareness of and appreciation for the functions, contributions, and diverse characteristics of families. |
EXPECTATION | 1.2.a. | Focus on and respond to familiar voices or faces. ReadyRosie Do You See Me? |
EXPECTATION | 1.2.b. | Show preference for and seek comfort from a familiar adult. ReadyRosie Baby Massage Behavior is a form of communication Snuggle Close Tips for bonding with your baby What Comes after Two? You are your child's first teacher |
EXPECTATION | 1.2.d. | Use gestures, words, or glances to stay connected with familiar adults. ReadyRosie Grasp and Grab How can I make music part of our day? Me in the Mirror Sing to Your Baby Snuggle Close Tummy Talk Two on Me and You Which Toy? |
CONTENT STANDARD / DOMAIN | MT.1. | Emotional and Social |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Culture, Family, and Community | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 1.3 | Community: Children develop an understanding of the basic principles of how communities function, including work roles and commerce. |
EXPECTATION | 1.3.a. | Watch other children. ReadyRosie Do You See Me? |
EXPECTATION | 1.3.b. | Interact with other children. ReadyRosie Do You See Me? |
EXPECTATION | 1.3.d. | Recognize and use the names of peers. ReadyRosie Do You See Me? |
CONTENT STANDARD / DOMAIN | MT.1. | Emotional and Social |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Emotional Development | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 1.4. | Self-Concept: Children develop an awareness and appreciation of themselves as unique, competent, and capable individuals. |
EXPECTATION | 1.4.a. | Explore hands and feet with fascination. ReadyRosie Kicking Paper Piggy Toes Roll Over Strong Legs |
EXPECTATION | 1.4.b. | Notice and prefer people’s faces. ReadyRosie Do You See Me? |
EXPECTATION | 1.4.d. | Recognize own body as belonging to self. ReadyRosie Kicking Paper Piggy Toes Roll Over Strong Legs |
EXPECTATION | 1.4.g. | Name different body parts. ReadyRosie Kicking Paper Piggy Toes Roll Over Strong Legs |
CONTENT STANDARD / DOMAIN | MT.1. | Emotional and Social |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Emotional Development | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 1.5. | Self-Efficacy: Children demonstrate a belief in their abilities. |
EXPECTATION | 1.5.a. | Respond to attention. ReadyRosie That's My Name |
EXPECTATION | 1.5.d. | Repeat an action to get an effect. ReadyRosie Bath Time Fun Kicking Paper |
EXPECTATION | 1.5.i. | Exhibit independence. ReadyRosie Do You See Me? Kicking Paper Touch and Taste Which Toy? |
CONTENT STANDARD / DOMAIN | MT.1. | Emotional and Social |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Emotional Development | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 1.6. | Self-Regulation: Children manage their internal states, feelings, and behavior, and develop the ability to adapt to diverse situations and environments. |
EXPECTATION | 1.6.b. | Calm and relax when comforted. ReadyRosie Baby Massage Behavior is a form of communication Snuggle Close Tips for bonding with your baby What Comes after Two? You are your child's first teacher |
EXPECTATION | 1.6.c. | Develop increasing consistency in sleeping, eating, and waking patterns. ReadyRosie Lunchtime Language |
EXPECTATION | 1.6.d. | Follow a few consistently set rules and routines. ReadyRosie How do I get my child to______? |
EXPECTATION | 1.6.e. | Rely on adults for reassurance and help in controlling feelings and behaviors. ReadyRosie How can I get my child to listen to me? |
EXPECTATION | 1.6.f. | Strive for independence. ReadyRosie Do You See Me? Kicking Paper Touch and Taste Which Toy? |
EXPECTATION | 1.6.g. | Recognize own needs and take steps to fulfill them. ReadyRosie How can I get my child to listen to me? |
EXPECTATION | 1.6.h. | Explore social cause and effect. ReadyRosie Bath Time Fun Kicking Paper |
EXPECTATION | 1.6.j. | Participate in developing program rules and guidelines for group games and interactive play and pay attention when rules are not followed. ReadyRosie How do I get my child to______? |
CONTENT STANDARD / DOMAIN | MT.1. | Emotional and Social |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Emotional Development | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 1.7. | Expression of Emotions: Children express a wide and varied range of feelings through their facial expressions, gestures, behaviors, and words. |
EXPECTATION | 1.7.c. | Shift attention away from a distressing event to manage emotions. ReadyRosie How can I get my child to listen to me? |
EXPECTATION | 1.7.d. | Use gestures, words, or facial expressions to communicate feelings and seek help in order to calm him or herself. ReadyRosie How can I get my child to listen to me? Snuggle Close |
EXPECTATION | 1.7.e. | Use words and dramatic play to describe, understand, and control impulses and feelings. ReadyRosie How can I get my child to listen to me? |
EXPECTATION | 1.7.g. | Seek adult assistance for help resolving strong emotions. ReadyRosie How can I get my child to listen to me? |
EXPECTATION | 1.7.h. | Associate emotions with words and facial expressions and communicate his or her feelings. ReadyRosie Snuggle Close |
EXPECTATION | 1.7.j. | Modify behaviors and emotions based on the environment and situation. ReadyRosie How can I get my child to listen to me? |
CONTENT STANDARD / DOMAIN | MT.1. | Emotional and Social |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Social Development | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 1.8. | Interaction with Adults: Children show trust, develop emotional bonds, and interact comfortably with adults. |
EXPECTATION | 1.8.a. | Show preference for and seek comfort from a familiar adult. ReadyRosie That's My Name |
EXPECTATION | 1.8.b. | Establish and maintain positive interactions with caregivers. ReadyRosie Grasp and Grab How can I make music part of our day? Me in the Mirror Sing to Your Baby Snuggle Close Tummy Talk Two on Me and You Which Toy? |
EXPECTATION | 1.8.c. | Demonstrate feeling safe with familiar adults. ReadyRosie Baby Massage Behavior is a form of communication Snuggle Close Tips for bonding with your baby What Comes after Two? You are your child's first teacher |
EXPECTATION | 1.8.d. | Respond appropriately to familiar adults’ greetings. ReadyRosie Lunchtime Language Self Talk Tummy Talk |
EXPECTATION | 1.8.e. | Respond to requests made by familiar adults. ReadyRosie Lunchtime Language Self Talk Tummy Talk |
EXPECTATION | 1.8.g. | Initiate and maintain interactions with adults using conversation or play. ReadyRosie Grasp and Grab How can I make music part of our day? Me in the Mirror Sing to Your Baby Snuggle Close Tummy Talk Two on Me and You Which Toy? |
EXPECTATION | 1.8.h. | Express appropriate affection for significant adults. ReadyRosie That's My Name |
EXPECTATION | 1.8.i. | Seek adult affirmations. ReadyRosie That's My Name |
CONTENT STANDARD / DOMAIN | MT.1. | Emotional and Social |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Social Development | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 1.9. | Interaction with Peers: Children interact and build relationships with peers as they expand their world beyond the family and develop skills in cooperation, negotiation, and showing empathy. |
EXPECTATION | 1.9.a. | Show interest in other children. ReadyRosie Do You See Me? |
EXPECTATION | 1.9.e. | Participate in turn-taking when assisted by an adult. ReadyRosie Snuggle Close |
EXPECTATION | 1.9.f. | React to another child’s attempts to take away a toy, and look to an adult for assistance. ReadyRosie How can I get my child to listen to me? |
EXPECTATION | 1.9.i. | Cooperate with others. ReadyRosie Snuggle Close |
EXPECTATION | 1.9.j. | Use problem-solving strategies when conflicts arise with peers. ReadyRosie Do You See Me? Supported Standing |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Physical Development | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 2.1. | Fine Motor Skills: Children develop small muscle strength, coordination, and skills. |
EXPECTATION | 2.1.c. | Exhibit a variety of small motor skills. ReadyRosie Grasp and Grab Touch and Taste |
EXPECTATION | 2.1.e. | Engage in self-help skills. ReadyRosie Grasp and Grab Touch and Taste |
EXPECTATION | 2.1.f. | Perform increasingly more sophisticated actions requiring eyehand coordination. ReadyRosie Grasp and Grab Touch and Taste |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Physical Development | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 2.2. | Gross Motor Skills: Children develop large muscle strength, coordination, and skills. |
EXPECTATION | 2.2.e. | Demonstrate skills to move in the Environment. ReadyRosie Kicking Paper Piggy Toes Roll Over Strong Legs |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Physical Development | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 2.3. | Sensorimotor Development: Children use all the senses to explore the environment and develop skills through sight, smell, touch, taste, and sound. |
EXPECTATION | 2.3.a. | Respond to touch, movement, and sound. ReadyRosie Bath Time Fun Table Taps Touch and Taste |
EXPECTATION | 2.3.c. | Calm with assistance. ReadyRosie How can I get my child to listen to me? |
EXPECTATION | 2.3.f. | Demonstrate an awareness of her body in space. ReadyRosie Kicking Paper Piggy Toes Roll Over Strong Legs |
EXPECTATION | 2.3.g. | Practice sensory integration. ReadyRosie Bath Time Fun Two on Me and You |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Health, Safety, and Personal Care | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 2.4. | Daily Living Skills: Children demonstrate personal health and hygiene skills as they develop and practice basic care routines. |
EXPECTATION | 2.4.a. | React to participation in daily routines. ReadyRosie How do I get my child to______? |
EXPECTATION | 2.4.c. | Indicate needs and wants. ReadyRosie Behavior is a form of communication |
EXPECTATION | 2.4.f. | Communicate with an adult when not feeling well. ReadyRosie Behavior is a form of communication |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Health, Safety, and Personal Care | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 2.5. | Nutrition: Children eat and enjoy a variety of nutritional foods and develop healthy eating practices. |
EXPECTATION | 2.5.a. | Eat to satisfaction. ReadyRosie Lunchtime Language |
EXPECTATION | 2.5.b. | Explore foods with fingers. ReadyRosie Lunchtime Language |
EXPECTATION | 2.5.d. | Consume appropriate amounts of healthy beverages. ReadyRosie Lunchtime Language |
EXPECTATION | 2.5.e. | Participate in meals. ReadyRosie Lunchtime Language |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Health, Safety, and Personal Care | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 2.6. | Physical Fitness: Children demonstrate healthy behaviors that contribute to lifelong well-being through physical activity. |
EXPECTATION | 2.6.a. | Attempt new large and small motor activities. ReadyRosie Grasp and Grab Touch and Taste |
EXPECTATION | 2.6.d. | Participate in simple games, dance, outdoor play, and other forms of movement. ReadyRosie I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby? |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Health, Safety, and Personal Care | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 2.7. | Safety Practices: Children develop an awareness and understanding of safety rules as they learn to make safe and appropriate choices. |
EXPECTATION | 2.7.a. | Show a preference for familiar people and recognize the difference between familiar people and strangers recognize the positive feelings experienced during and after physical activity. ReadyRosie Baby Massage Behavior is a form of communication Snuggle Close Tips for bonding with your baby What Comes after Two? You are your child's first teacher |
EXPECTATION | 2.7.d. | Recognize rules and follow basic safety instructions. ReadyRosie How do I get my child to______? |
EXPECTATION | 2.7.f. | Understand and anticipate potential consequences of disregarding rules. ReadyRosie How can I get my child to listen to me? How do I get my child to______? |
EXPECTATION | 2.7.g. | Recognize and describe the reasons for rules. ReadyRosie How do I get my child to______? |
EXPECTATION | 2.7.i. | Control or appropriately express intense emotions most of the time. ReadyRosie How can I get my child to listen to me? |
CONTENT STANDARD / DOMAIN | MT.3. | Communication |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Communication and Language Development | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 3.1. | Receptive Communication: Children use listening and observation skills to make sense of and respond to spoken language and other forms of communication. Children enter into the exchange of information around what they see, hear, and experience. They begin to acquire an understanding of the concepts of language that contribute to learning. |
EXPECTATION | 3.1.a. | React to familiar voices, sounds, words, facial expressions, and gestures. ReadyRosie Lunchtime Language Self Talk Snuggle Close Tummy Talk |
EXPECTATION | 3.1.b. | React to simple, familiar words and actions. ReadyRosie Lunchtime Language Self Talk Tummy Talk |
EXPECTATION | 3.1.c. | Respond to simple “where” questions with words, gestures, or actions. ReadyRosie Lunchtime Language Self Talk Tummy Talk |
EXPECTATION | 3.1.e. | Use one or two words to respond to “what,” “who,” “whose,” and “where” questions in context. ReadyRosie Lunchtime Language |
EXPECTATION | 3.1.f. | Respond to songs, rhymes, or stories. ReadyRosie How can I communicate with my baby? How can I make music part of our day? I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby? Itsy Bitsy Spider Motions Piggy Toes Sing to Your Baby Why should I sing to my baby? |
EXPECTATION | 3.1.h. | Demonstrate an understanding of words that describe spatial concepts. ReadyRosie Lunchtime Language Self Talk Tummy Talk |
EXPECTATION | 3.1.k. | Focus on the meaning of words to enhance understanding and build vocabulary. ReadyRosie How can I help my child learn new words? |
CONTENT STANDARD / DOMAIN | MT.3. | Communication |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Communication and Language Development | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 3.2. | Expressive Communication: Children develop skills in using sounds, facial expressions, gestures, and words for a variety of purposes, such as to help adults and others understand their needs, ask questions, express feelings and ideas, and solve problems. |
EXPECTATION | 3.2.b. | Make sounds or signs in response to people and the environment. ReadyRosie Lunchtime Language Self Talk Tummy Talk |
EXPECTATION | 3.2.d. | Combine words and gestures. ReadyRosie Lunchtime Language |
EXPECTATION | 3.2.g. | Use single words to communicate. ReadyRosie Lunchtime Language |
EXPECTATION | 3.2.l. | Express feelings with words. ReadyRosie Lunchtime Language |
EXPECTATION | 3.2.p. | Use new words. ReadyRosie Lunchtime Language |
CONTENT STANDARD / DOMAIN | MT.3. | Communication |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Communication and Language Development | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 3.3. | Social Communication: Children develop skills that help them interact and communicate with others in effective ways. |
EXPECTATION | 3.3.a. | Gaze at familiar adults. ReadyRosie Do You See Me? |
EXPECTATION | 3.3.b. | Respond when name is said. ReadyRosie Lunchtime Language Self Talk Tummy Talk |
EXPECTATION | 3.3.d. | Engage in give-and-take interactions. ReadyRosie Grasp and Grab How can I make music part of our day? Me in the Mirror Sing to Your Baby Snuggle Close Tummy Talk Two on Me and You Which Toy? |
EXPECTATION | 3.3.e. | Respond to speech by attending to who is speaking. ReadyRosie Lunchtime Language Self Talk Tummy Talk |
EXPECTATION | 3.3.g. | Initiate communication with others. ReadyRosie Grasp and Grab How can I make music part of our day? Me in the Mirror Sing to Your Baby Snuggle Close Tummy Talk Two on Me and You Which Toy? |
CONTENT STANDARD / DOMAIN | MT.3. | Communication |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 3.5. | Early Reading and Book Appreciation: Children develop an understanding, skills, and interest in the symbols, sounds, and rhythms of written language as they also develop interest in reading, enjoyment from books, and awareness that the printed word can be used for various purposes. |
EXPECTATION | 3.5.g. | Point at or name objects, animals, or people in pictures, books or drawings. ReadyRosie Animal Noises |
EXPECTATION | 3.5.k. | Repeat simple songs, rhymes, or stories. ReadyRosie How can I communicate with my baby? How can I make music part of our day? I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby? Itsy Bitsy Spider Motions Piggy Toes Sing to Your Baby Why should I sing to my baby? |
CONTENT STANDARD / DOMAIN | MT.3. | Communication |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 3.6. | Print Development/Writing: Children develop interest and skills in using symbols as a meaningful form of communication. |
EXPECTATION | 3.6.a. | Experiment with grasp. ReadyRosie Bath Time Fun Grasp and Grab Table Taps Touch and Taste |
EXPECTATION | 3.6.d. | Demonstrate a pincer grasp. ReadyRosie Bath Time Fun Grasp and Grab Table Taps Touch and Taste |
CONTENT STANDARD / DOMAIN | MT.3. | Communication |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 3.8. | Phonological Awareness: Children develop an awareness of the sounds of letters and the combination of letters that make up words and use this awareness to manipulate syllables and sounds of speech. |
EXPECTATION | 3.8.a. | Respond to the sound of spoken language. ReadyRosie Grocery List |
EXPECTATION | 3.8.b. | Imitate sounds in stories, songs, and rhymes. ReadyRosie How can I communicate with my baby? How can I make music part of our day? I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby? Itsy Bitsy Spider Motions Piggy Toes Sing to Your Baby Why should I sing to my baby? |
EXPECTATION | 3.8.c. | Engage in familiar word games, songs, or finger plays. ReadyRosie Itsy Bitsy Spider Motions |
EXPECTATION | 3.8.d. | Imitate rhyming patterns. ReadyRosie Itsy Bitsy Spider Motions Piggy Toes Sing to Your Baby |
EXPECTATION | 3.8.e. | Discriminate and identify sounds in spoken language. ReadyRosie Grocery List |
EXPECTATION | 3.8.g. | Demonstrate progress in rhyming words. ReadyRosie Itsy Bitsy Spider Motions Piggy Toes Sing to Your Baby |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Approaches to Learning | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 4.1. | Curiosity: Children develop imagination, inventiveness, originality, and interest as they explore and experience new things. |
EXPECTATION | 4.1.a. | Notice and imitate gestures. ReadyRosie Do You See Me? Kicking Paper Touch and Taste Which Toy? |
EXPECTATION | 4.1.c. | Attend to and examine small objects. ReadyRosie Do You See Me? Kicking Paper Touch and Taste Which Toy? |
EXPECTATION | 4.1.d. | Investigate how things move. ReadyRosie Do You See Me? Kicking Paper Touch and Taste Which Toy? |
EXPECTATION | 4.1.f. | Show interest in new activities. ReadyRosie Do You See Me? Kicking Paper Touch and Taste Which Toy? |
EXPECTATION | 4.1.g. | Study materials to find how they work. ReadyRosie Do You See Me? Kicking Paper Touch and Taste Which Toy? |
EXPECTATION | 4.1.i. | Develop personal interests. ReadyRosie Do You See Me? Kicking Paper Touch and Taste Which Toy? |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Approaches to Learning | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 4.2. | Initiative and Self-Direction: Children develop an eagerness to engage in new tasks and to take risks in learning new skills or information. |
EXPECTATION | 4.2.d. | Approach tasks and activities with increased flexibility, imagination and inventiveness. ReadyRosie Do You See Me? Kicking Paper Touch and Taste Which Toy? |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Approaches to Learning | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 4.3. | Persistence and Attentiveness: Children develop the ability to focus their attention and concentrate to complete tasks and increase their learning. |
EXPECTATION | 4.3.a. | Stare intently at faces, objects, and pictures. ReadyRosie Do You See Me? |
EXPECTATION | 4.3.b. | Hold the attention of an adult. ReadyRosie That's My Name |
EXPECTATION | 4.3.e. | Exhibit increased attention span with chosen activities. ReadyRosie Do You See Me? Kicking Paper Touch and Taste Which Toy? |
EXPECTATION | 4.3.g. | Persist in meeting a challenge, despite distractions or frustrations. ReadyRosie Do You See Me? Kicking Paper Touch and Taste Which Toy? |
EXPECTATION | 4.3.i. | Work on a task that extends over a period of time. ReadyRosie Do You See Me? Kicking Paper Touch and Taste Which Toy? |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Approaches to Learning | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 4.4. | Reflection and Interpretation: Children develop skills in thinking about their learning in order to inform future decisions. |
EXPECTATION | 4.4.a. | Track faces and objects by moving eyes and/or head as the person or object moves. ReadyRosie Do You See Me? |
EXPECTATION | 4.4.b. | Play interactive games with adults or older children that involve repetition. ReadyRosie Grasp and Grab How can I make music part of our day? Me in the Mirror Sing to Your Baby Snuggle Close Tummy Talk Two on Me and You Which Toy? |
EXPECTATION | 4.4.d. | Experiment with play materials using familiar approaches with new objects. ReadyRosie Do You See Me? Kicking Paper Touch and Taste Which Toy? |
EXPECTATION | 4.4.e. | Alter present behavior based on past results (or lack of results). ReadyRosie How can I get my child to listen to me? |
EXPECTATION | 4.4.h. | Work out a problem or a challenge mentally. ReadyRosie Do You See Me? Supported Standing |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Reasoning and Representational Thought | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 4.5. | Reasoning and Representational Thought: Children develop skills in causation, critical and analytical thinking, problem solving, and representational thought. |
EXPECTATION | 4.5.a. | Act on an object to make sound or movement. ReadyRosie Bath Time Fun Kicking Paper |
EXPECTATION | 4.5.c. | Search for an object that moves out of sight. ReadyRosie Do You See Me? Supported Standing |
EXPECTATION | 4.5.d. | Use objects and people as tools to accomplish a means to an end. ReadyRosie Do You See Me? Supported Standing |
EXPECTATION | 4.5.e. | Use one object to represent another. ReadyRosie Do You See Me? Supported Standing |
EXPECTATION | 4.5.f. | Experiment with cause and effect. ReadyRosie Bath Time Fun Kicking Paper |
EXPECTATION | 4.5.g. | Try several methods to solve a problem before asking for assistance. ReadyRosie Do You See Me? Kicking Paper Touch and Taste Which Toy? |
EXPECTATION | 4.5.i. | Explain the effects that actions might have upon objects. ReadyRosie Bath Time Fun Kicking Paper |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Creative Arts | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 4.6. | Creative Movement and Dance: Children produce rhythmic movements spontaneously and in imitation, with growing technical and artistic abilities. |
EXPECTATION | 4.6.a. | Move arms and legs in response to music. ReadyRosie I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby? |
EXPECTATION | 4.6.b. | Engage with people through touch and attention. ReadyRosie That's My Name |
EXPECTATION | 4.6.c. | Use body for self-expression. ReadyRosie Kicking Paper Piggy Toes Roll Over Strong Legs |
EXPECTATION | 4.6.d. | Move to a beat. ReadyRosie I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby? |
EXPECTATION | 4.6.e. | Explore a variety of ways of moving with and without music. ReadyRosie I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby? |
EXPECTATION | 4.6.g. | Participate in guided movement activities. ReadyRosie I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby? |
EXPECTATION | 4.6.h. | Watch dance and creative movement performances with attention. ReadyRosie I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby? |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Creative Arts | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 4.7. | Drama: Children show appreciation and awareness of drama through observation and imitation, and by participating in simple dramatic plots, assuming roles related to their life experiences as well as their fantasies. |
EXPECTATION | 4.7.a. | Copy facial expressions. ReadyRosie Snuggle Close |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Creative Arts | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 4.8. | Music: Children engage in a variety of musical or rhythmic activities with growing skills for a variety of purposes, including enjoyment, self-expression, and creativity. |
EXPECTATION | 4.8.c. | Respond to rhythms, songs, and different elements of music. ReadyRosie How can I communicate with my baby? How can I make music part of our day? I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby? Itsy Bitsy Spider Motions Piggy Toes Sing to Your Baby Why should I sing to my baby? |
EXPECTATION | 4.8.f. | Sing along to familiar songs. ReadyRosie How can I communicate with my baby? How can I make music part of our day? I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby? Itsy Bitsy Spider Motions Piggy Toes Sing to Your Baby Why should I sing to my baby? |
EXPECTATION | 4.8.g. | Change vocalizations to accommodate the tempo (fast/slow) and dynamics (soft/loud) of music. ReadyRosie How can I communicate with my baby? How can I make music part of our day? I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby? Itsy Bitsy Spider Motions Piggy Toes Sing to Your Baby Why should I sing to my baby? |
EXPECTATION | 4.8.h. | Experiment with musical words and sounds. ReadyRosie How can I communicate with my baby? How can I make music part of our day? I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby? Itsy Bitsy Spider Motions Piggy Toes Sing to Your Baby Why should I sing to my baby? |
EXPECTATION | 4.8.i. | Imitate and produce rhythmic patterns to familiar songs. ReadyRosie How can I communicate with my baby? How can I make music part of our day? I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby? Itsy Bitsy Spider Motions Piggy Toes Sing to Your Baby Why should I sing to my baby? |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Creative Arts | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 4.9. | Visual Arts: Children demonstrate a growing understanding and appreciation for the creative process as they use the visual arts to express personal interests, ideas, and feelings, and share opinions about artwork and artistic experiences. |
EXPECTATION | 4.9.a. | Gaze at photos, pictures, and mirror images. ReadyRosie Animal Noises |
EXPECTATION | 4.9.b. | Use hands and mouth for sensory exploration of objects. ReadyRosie Bath Time Fun Table Taps Touch and Taste |
EXPECTATION | 4.9.h. | Display a sense of wonder and ask questions about works of art. ReadyRosie Animal Noises |
EXPECTATION | 4.9.i. | Express feelings, ideas, and concepts about art. ReadyRosie Animal Noises |
EXPECTATION | 4.9.j. | Create and appreciate works of art representing cultural lifestyles. ReadyRosie Animal Noises How can I communicate with my baby? Piggy Toes |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Mathematics and Numeracy | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 4.10. | Number Sense and Operations: Children develop the ability to think and work with numbers to understand their uses, and describe numerical relationships through structured and everyday experiences. |
EXPECTATION | 4.10.e. | Move from inventive counting to accurate rote counting. ReadyRosie Table Taps |
EXPECTATION | 4.10.g. | Match numerals with the correct amount of objects. ReadyRosie Table Taps |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Mathematics and Numeracy | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 4.13. | Algebraic Thinking: Children learn to identify, describe, produce, and create patterns using mathematical language and materials. |
EXPECTATION | 4.13.f. | Reproduce simple patterns of sound and movement. ReadyRosie Pattern Play |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 4.15. | Scientific Thinking and Use of the Scientific Method: As children seek to understand their environment and test new knowledge, they engage in scientific investigations using their senses to observe, manipulate objects, ask questions, make predictions, and develop conclusions and generalizations. |
EXPECTATION | 4.15.b. | Use senses to examine objects in detail. ReadyRosie Bath Time Fun Two on Me and You |
EXPECTATION | 4.15.c. | Explore the features of materials, objects, and processes using all the senses. ReadyRosie Bath Time Fun Two on Me and You |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 4.17. | Physical Science: Children develop an understanding of the physical world (the nature and properties of energy, non-living matter, and the forces that give order to the natural world). |
EXPECTATION | 4.17.a. | Use all of the senses to actively explore objects and their properties. ReadyRosie Bath Time Fun Two on Me and You |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 4.22. | The Physical World (Ecology): Children become mindful of their environment and their interdependence on the natural world; they learn how to care for the environment and why it is important. |
EXPECTATION | 4.22.a. | Use all the senses to explore the environment. ReadyRosie Bath Time Fun Two on Me and You |
Montana Content Standards |
Early Childhood Education |
Grade: Ages 13 to 24 months - Adopted: 2014 |
CONTENT STANDARD / DOMAIN | MT.1. | Emotional and Social |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Culture, Family, and Community | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 1.1. | Culture: Children develop an awareness of and appreciation for the similarities and differences between themselves and others. |
EXPECTATION | 1.1.a. | Distinguish primary caregiver from others. ReadyRosie Behavior is a form of communication Tips for bonding with your baby You are your child's first teacher |
EXPECTATION | 1.1.b. | Notice others’ physical characteristics. ReadyRosie Clap and Swing How can I communicate with my baby? Swing Song Why should we tell family stories? |
EXPECTATION | 1.1.c. | Interact with diverse groups and individuals. ReadyRosie Clap and Swing How can I communicate with my baby? Swing Song Why should we tell family stories? |
EXPECTATION | 1.1.d. | Know poems, songs, and stories from a variety of cultures and people, including his or her own family. ReadyRosie Clap and Swing How can I communicate with my baby? Swing Song Why is storytelling important? Why should we tell family stories? |
EXPECTATION | 1.1.e. | Explore gender roles through dramatic play. ReadyRosie Bear Bath |
EXPECTATION | 1.1.g. | Ask questions about other children and adults. ReadyRosie Clap and Swing How can I communicate with my baby? Swing Song Why should we tell family stories? |
EXPECTATION | 1.1.h. | Demonstrate respect for similarities and differences. ReadyRosie Clap and Swing How can I communicate with my baby? Swing Song Why should we tell family stories? |
EXPECTATION | 1.1.i. | Describe differences between people in different ages and stages. ReadyRosie Clap and Swing How can I communicate with my baby? Swing Song Why should we tell family stories? |
EXPECTATION | 1.1.k. | Recognize stereotypes that are culturally or linguistically unfair as well as other biased behaviors. ReadyRosie Clap and Swing How can I communicate with my baby? Swing Song Why should we tell family stories? |
EXPECTATION | 1.1.l. | Demonstrate awareness, knowledge, and appreciation for another culture. ReadyRosie Clap and Swing How can I communicate with my baby? Swing Song Why should we tell family stories? |
CONTENT STANDARD / DOMAIN | MT.1. | Emotional and Social |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Culture, Family, and Community | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 1.2. | Family: Children develop an awareness of and appreciation for the functions, contributions, and diverse characteristics of families. |
EXPECTATION | 1.2.b. | Show preference for and seek comfort from a familiar adult. ReadyRosie Behavior is a form of communication Tips for bonding with your baby You are your child's first teacher |
EXPECTATION | 1.2.d. | Use gestures, words, or glances to stay connected with familiar adults. ReadyRosie Choosing Clothes How can I make music part of our day? Move to to the Music This or That |
CONTENT STANDARD / DOMAIN | MT.1. | Emotional and Social |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Culture, Family, and Community | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 1.3 | Community: Children develop an understanding of the basic principles of how communities function, including work roles and commerce. |
EXPECTATION | 1.3.e. | Play the role of different family or community members. ReadyRosie Bear Bath Tea Party |
CONTENT STANDARD / DOMAIN | MT.1. | Emotional and Social |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Emotional Development | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 1.4. | Self-Concept: Children develop an awareness and appreciation of themselves as unique, competent, and capable individuals. |
EXPECTATION | 1.4.a. | Explore hands and feet with fascination. ReadyRosie Flying with Mom Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes Kick With Me Point and Learn Pop Go the Bubbles Walk the Line |
EXPECTATION | 1.4.c. | React to hearing his or her own name. ReadyRosie Happy Birthday to You Point and Learn This or That |
EXPECTATION | 1.4.d. | Recognize own body as belonging to self. ReadyRosie Flying with Mom Happy Birthday to You Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes Kick With Me Point and Learn Pop Go the Bubbles This or That Walk the Line |
EXPECTATION | 1.4.e. | Show pleasure or pride when achieving a skill. ReadyRosie Happy Birthday to You Point and Learn This or That |
EXPECTATION | 1.4.g. | Name different body parts. ReadyRosie Flying with Mom Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes Kick With Me Point and Learn Pop Go the Bubbles Walk the Line |
EXPECTATION | 1.4.i. | Describe personal preferences and interests. ReadyRosie Choosing Clothes This or That |
CONTENT STANDARD / DOMAIN | MT.1. | Emotional and Social |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Emotional Development | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 1.5. | Self-Efficacy: Children demonstrate a belief in their abilities. |
EXPECTATION | 1.5.c. | Show likes and dislikes. ReadyRosie Choosing Clothes This or That |
EXPECTATION | 1.5.d. | Repeat an action to get an effect. ReadyRosie Dump and Pick Up |
EXPECTATION | 1.5.f. | Accept and adjust when things do not go his way. ReadyRosie How should I handle temper tantrums? |
EXPECTATION | 1.5.g. | Accept and adjust when things do not go his way. ReadyRosie How should I handle temper tantrums? |
EXPECTATION | 1.5.i. | Exhibit independence. ReadyRosie Build to Four Buried Treasure Can You Find Me? Check the Mail Take Along Toy Tube Chute Walk the Line |
CONTENT STANDARD / DOMAIN | MT.1. | Emotional and Social |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Emotional Development | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 1.6. | Self-Regulation: Children manage their internal states, feelings, and behavior, and develop the ability to adapt to diverse situations and environments. |
EXPECTATION | 1.6. a. | Fuss or cry when hungry, tired, wet, or over-stimulated. ReadyRosie Choosing Clothes This or That |
EXPECTATION | 1.6.b. | Calm and relax when comforted. ReadyRosie Behavior is a form of communication Tips for bonding with your baby You are your child's first teacher |
EXPECTATION | 1.6.c. | Develop increasing consistency in sleeping, eating, and waking patterns. ReadyRosie Snack Time Speech |
EXPECTATION | 1.6.d. | Follow a few consistently set rules and routines. ReadyRosie How do I get my child to______? How should I handle temper tantrums? Let's Get Dressed Shoe Search |
EXPECTATION | 1.6.e. | Rely on adults for reassurance and help in controlling feelings and behaviors. ReadyRosie How can I get my child to listen to me? How should I handle temper tantrums? |
EXPECTATION | 1.6.f. | Strive for independence. ReadyRosie Build to Four Buried Treasure Can You Find Me? Check the Mail Take Along Toy Tube Chute Walk the Line |
EXPECTATION | 1.6.g. | Recognize own needs and take steps to fulfill them. ReadyRosie How can I get my child to listen to me? How should I handle temper tantrums? Is my child overscheduled? |
EXPECTATION | 1.6.h. | Explore social cause and effect. ReadyRosie Dump and Pick Up |
EXPECTATION | 1.6.j. | Participate in developing program rules and guidelines for group games and interactive play and pay attention when rules are not followed. ReadyRosie Bear Bath How do I get my child to______? How should I handle temper tantrums? Let's Get Dressed Shoe Search Tea Party |
CONTENT STANDARD / DOMAIN | MT.1. | Emotional and Social |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Emotional Development | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 1.7. | Expression of Emotions: Children express a wide and varied range of feelings through their facial expressions, gestures, behaviors, and words. |
EXPECTATION | 1.7.a. | Release tension and get needs met by fussing, crying, babbling, yawning, laughing, or trembling. ReadyRosie Reading Emotions |
EXPECTATION | 1.7.c. | Shift attention away from a distressing event to manage emotions. ReadyRosie How can I get my child to listen to me? How should I handle temper tantrums? Is my child overscheduled? |
EXPECTATION | 1.7.d. | Use gestures, words, or facial expressions to communicate feelings and seek help in order to calm him or herself. ReadyRosie How can I get my child to listen to me? How should I handle temper tantrums? Reading Emotions |
EXPECTATION | 1.7.e. | Use words and dramatic play to describe, understand, and control impulses and feelings. ReadyRosie Bear Bath How can I get my child to listen to me? How should I handle temper tantrums? Is my child overscheduled? Reading Emotions |
EXPECTATION | 1.7.g. | Seek adult assistance for help resolving strong emotions. ReadyRosie How can I get my child to listen to me? How should I handle temper tantrums? Reading Emotions |
EXPECTATION | 1.7.h. | Associate emotions with words and facial expressions and communicate his or her feelings. ReadyRosie Reading Emotions |
EXPECTATION | 1.7.i. | Express a deeper and wider range of emotions. ReadyRosie Reading Emotions |
EXPECTATION | 1.7.j. | Modify behaviors and emotions based on the environment and situation. ReadyRosie How can I get my child to listen to me? How should I handle temper tantrums? Is my child overscheduled? |
CONTENT STANDARD / DOMAIN | MT.1. | Emotional and Social |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Social Development | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 1.8. | Interaction with Adults: Children show trust, develop emotional bonds, and interact comfortably with adults. |
EXPECTATION | 1.8.b. | Establish and maintain positive interactions with caregivers. ReadyRosie Choosing Clothes How can I make music part of our day? Move to to the Music This or That |
EXPECTATION | 1.8.c. | Demonstrate feeling safe with familiar adults. ReadyRosie Behavior is a form of communication Tips for bonding with your baby You are your child's first teacher |
EXPECTATION | 1.8.d. | Respond appropriately to familiar adults’ greetings. ReadyRosie Choosing Clothes Point and Learn Rhyme and Ride Swing Song Talk and Play |
EXPECTATION | 1.8.e. | Respond to requests made by familiar adults. ReadyRosie Choosing Clothes Point and Learn Rhyme and Ride Swing Song Talk and Play |
EXPECTATION | 1.8.f. | Use pretend play as a way of making sense of relationships. ReadyRosie Bear Bath Tea Party |
EXPECTATION | 1.8.g. | Initiate and maintain interactions with adults using conversation or play. ReadyRosie Choosing Clothes How can I make music part of our day? Move to to the Music This or That |
CONTENT STANDARD / DOMAIN | MT.1. | Emotional and Social |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Social Development | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 1.9. | Interaction with Peers: Children interact and build relationships with peers as they expand their world beyond the family and develop skills in cooperation, negotiation, and showing empathy. |
EXPECTATION | 1.9.c. | Interact with familiar peers. ReadyRosie Kick With Me Little Hands, Big Plans Tea Party |
EXPECTATION | 1.9.d. | Play side by side with another child. ReadyRosie Kick With Me Little Hands, Big Plans Tea Party |
EXPECTATION | 1.9.f. | React to another child’s attempts to take away a toy, and look to an adult for assistance. ReadyRosie How can I get my child to listen to me? How should I handle temper tantrums? |
EXPECTATION | 1.9.g. | Prefer certain playmates and develop warm bonds with peers. ReadyRosie Kick With Me Little Hands, Big Plans Tea Party |
EXPECTATION | 1.9.h. | Negotiate play with small groups of Children. ReadyRosie Kick With Me Little Hands, Big Plans Tea Party |
EXPECTATION | 1.9.j. | Use problem-solving strategies when conflicts arise with peers. ReadyRosie Build to Four Buried Treasure Can You Find Me? Dump and Pick Up |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Physical Development | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 2.1. | Fine Motor Skills: Children develop small muscle strength, coordination, and skills. |
EXPECTATION | 2.1.b. | Explore toys and objects with hands and mouth. ReadyRosie Bear Bath Tea Party |
EXPECTATION | 2.1.c. | Exhibit a variety of small motor skills. ReadyRosie Big, Little Helper Clap and Swing Color with Me Dump and Pick Up Little Hands, Big Plans Take Along Toy Tube Chute |
EXPECTATION | 2.1.f. | Perform increasingly more sophisticated actions requiring eyehand coordination. ReadyRosie Big, Little Helper Clap and Swing Color with Me Dump and Pick Up Little Hands, Big Plans Take Along Toy Tube Chute |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Physical Development | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 2.2. | Gross Motor Skills: Children develop large muscle strength, coordination, and skills. |
EXPECTATION | 2.2.a. | Exhibit physical reflexes in response to stimulation. ReadyRosie Baby Basketball |
EXPECTATION | 2.2.b. | Develop muscle tone and strength in trunk, neck, head, arms, and legs. ReadyRosie Baby Basketball |
EXPECTATION | 2.2.c. | Use developing motor skills to move more independently. ReadyRosie Baby Basketball |
EXPECTATION | 2.2.d. | Develop coordination to use motor skills with toys. ReadyRosie Baby Basketball Bear Bath Tea Party |
EXPECTATION | 2.2.e. | Demonstrate skills to move in the Environment. ReadyRosie Flying with Mom Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes Kick With Me Point and Learn Pop Go the Bubbles Walk the Line |
EXPECTATION | 2.2.f. | Refine motor coordination and skills to play with toys and people. ReadyRosie Baby Basketball Bear Bath Tea Party |
EXPECTATION | 2.2.g. | Demonstrate increased ability to use skills requiring balance. ReadyRosie Kick With Me Move While you Sing Pop Go the Bubbles Take Along Toy Walk the Line |
EXPECTATION | 2.2.h. | Perform large motor movement alone or with others. ReadyRosie Baby Basketball |
EXPECTATION | 2.2.i. | Manipulate objects with large muscles. ReadyRosie Baby Basketball |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Physical Development | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 2.3. | Sensorimotor Development: Children use all the senses to explore the environment and develop skills through sight, smell, touch, taste, and sound. |
EXPECTATION | 2.3.c. | Calm with assistance. ReadyRosie How can I get my child to listen to me? How should I handle temper tantrums? |
EXPECTATION | 2.3.f. | Demonstrate an awareness of her body in space. ReadyRosie Flying with Mom Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes Kick With Me Point and Learn Pop Go the Bubbles Walk the Line |
EXPECTATION | 2.3.g. | Practice sensory integration. ReadyRosie Baby Basketball Flying with Mom Pop Go the Bubbles Take Along Toy Walk the Line |
EXPECTATION | 2.3.h. | Adapt movements to specific situations. ReadyRosie Baby Basketball |
EXPECTATION | 2.3.i. | Demonstrate concepts through movement. ReadyRosie Baby Basketball |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Health, Safety, and Personal Care | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 2.4. | Daily Living Skills: Children demonstrate personal health and hygiene skills as they develop and practice basic care routines. |
EXPECTATION | 2.4.a. | React to participation in daily routines. ReadyRosie How do I get my child to______? How should I handle temper tantrums? Let's Get Dressed Shoe Search |
EXPECTATION | 2.4.c. | Indicate needs and wants. ReadyRosie Behavior is a form of communication Snack Time Speech |
EXPECTATION | 2.4.f. | Communicate with an adult when not feeling well. ReadyRosie Behavior is a form of communication Snack Time Speech |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Health, Safety, and Personal Care | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 2.5. | Nutrition: Children eat and enjoy a variety of nutritional foods and develop healthy eating practices. |
EXPECTATION | 2.5.a. | Eat to satisfaction. ReadyRosie Snack Time Speech |
EXPECTATION | 2.5.b. | Explore foods with fingers. ReadyRosie Snack Time Speech |
EXPECTATION | 2.5.d. | Consume appropriate amounts of healthy beverages. ReadyRosie Snack Time Speech |
EXPECTATION | 2.5.e. | Participate in meals. ReadyRosie Snack Time Speech |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Health, Safety, and Personal Care | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 2.6. | Physical Fitness: Children demonstrate healthy behaviors that contribute to lifelong well-being through physical activity. |
EXPECTATION | 2.6.a. | Attempt new large and small motor activities. ReadyRosie Baby Basketball Big, Little Helper Clap and Swing Color with Me Dump and Pick Up Little Hands, Big Plans Take Along Toy Tube Chute |
EXPECTATION | 2.6.d. | Participate in simple games, dance, outdoor play, and other forms of movement. ReadyRosie Bear Bath I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby? Move While you Sing Tea Party |
EXPECTATION | 2.6.f. | Participate in physically active games with peers. ReadyRosie Bear Bath Tea Party |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Health, Safety, and Personal Care | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 2.7. | Safety Practices: Children develop an awareness and understanding of safety rules as they learn to make safe and appropriate choices. |
EXPECTATION | 2.7.a. | Show a preference for familiar people and recognize the difference between familiar people and strangers recognize the positive feelings experienced during and after physical activity. ReadyRosie Behavior is a form of communication Tips for bonding with your baby You are your child's first teacher |
EXPECTATION | 2.7.d. | Recognize rules and follow basic safety instructions. ReadyRosie How do I get my child to______? How should I handle temper tantrums? Let's Get Dressed Shoe Search |
EXPECTATION | 2.7.f. | Understand and anticipate potential consequences of disregarding rules. ReadyRosie How can I get my child to listen to me? How do I get my child to______? How should I handle temper tantrums? Is my child overscheduled? Let's Get Dressed Shoe Search |
EXPECTATION | 2.7.g. | Recognize and describe the reasons for rules. ReadyRosie How do I get my child to______? How should I handle temper tantrums? Let's Get Dressed Shoe Search |
EXPECTATION | 2.7.i. | Control or appropriately express intense emotions most of the time. ReadyRosie How can I get my child to listen to me? How should I handle temper tantrums? Is my child overscheduled? Reading Emotions |
CONTENT STANDARD / DOMAIN | MT.3. | Communication |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Communication and Language Development | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 3.1. | Receptive Communication: Children use listening and observation skills to make sense of and respond to spoken language and other forms of communication. Children enter into the exchange of information around what they see, hear, and experience. They begin to acquire an understanding of the concepts of language that contribute to learning. |
EXPECTATION | 3.1.a. | React to familiar voices, sounds, words, facial expressions, and gestures. ReadyRosie Choosing Clothes Point and Learn Rhyme and Ride Swing Song Talk and Play |
EXPECTATION | 3.1.b. | React to simple, familiar words and actions. ReadyRosie Choosing Clothes Point and Learn Rhyme and Ride Swing Song Talk and Play |
EXPECTATION | 3.1.c. | Respond to simple “where” questions with words, gestures, or actions. ReadyRosie Choosing Clothes Point and Learn Rhyme and Ride Swing Song Talk and Play |
EXPECTATION | 3.1.d. | Follow simple one-step directions related to her immediate and visible context. ReadyRosie Choosing Clothes Talk and Play |
EXPECTATION | 3.1.e. | Use one or two words to respond to “what,” “who,” “whose,” and “where” questions in context. ReadyRosie Big and Little Color Toys Find a Match Grocery Store I Spy Point and Learn Talk and Play |
EXPECTATION | 3.1.g. | Follow a two-step interrelated direction. ReadyRosie Choosing Clothes Talk and Play |
EXPECTATION | 3.1.h. | Demonstrate an understanding of words that describe spatial concepts. ReadyRosie Choosing Clothes Point and Learn Rhyme and Ride Swing Song Talk and Play |
EXPECTATION | 3.1.i. | Use and respond to “how,” “why,” and “when” questions appropriately. ReadyRosie Why should we tell family stories? |
EXPECTATION | 3.1.j. | Follow three and four-step directions. ReadyRosie Choosing Clothes Talk and Play |
EXPECTATION | 3.1.k. | Focus on the meaning of words to enhance understanding and build vocabulary. ReadyRosie How can I help my child learn new words? |
CONTENT STANDARD / DOMAIN | MT.3. | Communication |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Communication and Language Development | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 3.2. | Expressive Communication: Children develop skills in using sounds, facial expressions, gestures, and words for a variety of purposes, such as to help adults and others understand their needs, ask questions, express feelings and ideas, and solve problems. |
EXPECTATION | 3.2.b. | Make sounds or signs in response to people and the environment. ReadyRosie Choosing Clothes Point and Learn Rhyme and Ride Swing Song Talk and Play |
EXPECTATION | 3.2.d. | Combine words and gestures. ReadyRosie Big and Little Color Toys Find a Match Grocery Store I Spy Point and Learn Talk and Play |
EXPECTATION | 3.2.f. | Respond to simple requests or comments with non-verbal or verbal answer. ReadyRosie Why should we tell family stories? |
EXPECTATION | 3.2.g. | Use single words to communicate. ReadyRosie Big and Little Color Toys Find a Match Grocery Store I Spy Point and Learn Talk and Play |
EXPECTATION | 3.2.l. | Express feelings with words. ReadyRosie Big and Little Color Toys Find a Match Grocery Store I Spy Point and Learn Reading Emotions Talk and Play |
EXPECTATION | 3.2.p. | Use new words. ReadyRosie Big and Little Color Toys Find a Match Grocery Store I Spy Point and Learn Talk and Play |
CONTENT STANDARD / DOMAIN | MT.3. | Communication |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Communication and Language Development | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 3.3. | Social Communication: Children develop skills that help them interact and communicate with others in effective ways. |
EXPECTATION | 3.3.b. | Respond when name is said. ReadyRosie Choosing Clothes Point and Learn Rhyme and Ride Swing Song Talk and Play |
EXPECTATION | 3.3.d. | Engage in give-and-take interactions. ReadyRosie Choosing Clothes How can I make music part of our day? Move to to the Music This or That |
EXPECTATION | 3.3.e. | Respond to speech by attending to who is speaking. ReadyRosie Choosing Clothes Point and Learn Rhyme and Ride Swing Song Talk and Play |
EXPECTATION | 3.3.g. | Initiate communication with others. ReadyRosie Choosing Clothes How can I make music part of our day? Move to to the Music This or That |
CONTENT STANDARD / DOMAIN | MT.3. | Communication |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Communication and Language Development | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 3.4. | English Language Learners: Children develop competency in their home language while becoming proficient in English. |
EXPECTATION | 3.4.c. | Follow simple directions in home language or in English. ReadyRosie Choosing Clothes Talk and Play |
CONTENT STANDARD / DOMAIN | MT.3. | Communication |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 3.5. | Early Reading and Book Appreciation: Children develop an understanding, skills, and interest in the symbols, sounds, and rhythms of written language as they also develop interest in reading, enjoyment from books, and awareness that the printed word can be used for various purposes. |
EXPECTATION | 3.5.c. | Explore books with mouth and hands. ReadyRosie Look at the Book |
EXPECTATION | 3.5.d. | Maintain attention when being read a book. ReadyRosie Look at the Book Reading Emotions Why should we tell family stories? |
EXPECTATION | 3.5.g. | Point at or name objects, animals, or people in pictures, books or drawings. ReadyRosie Look at the Book Reading Emotions |
EXPECTATION | 3.5.i. | Purposefully explore books with respect to proper position and use. ReadyRosie Look at the Book |
EXPECTATION | 3.5.m. | Recognize print or symbols in the neighborhood, community, and environment. ReadyRosie Check the Mail |
CONTENT STANDARD / DOMAIN | MT.3. | Communication |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 3.6. | Print Development/Writing: Children develop interest and skills in using symbols as a meaningful form of communication. |
EXPECTATION | 3.6.a. | Experiment with grasp. ReadyRosie Big, Little Helper Clap and Swing Color with Me Dump and Pick Up Little Hands, Big Plans Take Along Toy Tube Chute |
EXPECTATION | 3.6.d. | Demonstrate a pincer grasp. ReadyRosie Big, Little Helper Clap and Swing Color with Me Dump and Pick Up Little Hands, Big Plans Take Along Toy Tube Chute |
EXPECTATION | 3.6.e. | Experiment with a variety of writing tools. ReadyRosie Color with Me |
CONTENT STANDARD / DOMAIN | MT.3. | Communication |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 3.7. | Print Concepts: Children develop an understanding that print carries a message through symbols and words, and that there is a connection between sounds and letters (the alphabetic principle). |
EXPECTATION | 3.7.e. | Respond to print in the environment. ReadyRosie Check the Mail |
CONTENT STANDARD / DOMAIN | MT.3. | Communication |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 3.8. | Phonological Awareness: Children develop an awareness of the sounds of letters and the combination of letters that make up words and use this awareness to manipulate syllables and sounds of speech. |
EXPECTATION | 3.8.b. | Imitate sounds in stories, songs, and rhymes. ReadyRosie Clap and Swing Happy Birthday to You How can I communicate with my baby? How can I make music part of our day? I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby? Itsy Bitsy Spider Motions Move While you Sing Move to to the Music Rhyme and Ride Swing Song Where is Thumbkin? Why should I sing to my baby? |
EXPECTATION | 3.8.c. | Engage in familiar word games, songs, or finger plays. ReadyRosie Itsy Bitsy Spider Motions |
EXPECTATION | 3.8.d. | Imitate rhyming patterns. ReadyRosie Clap and Swing Itsy Bitsy Spider Motions Rhyme and Ride Swing Song Where is Thumbkin? |
EXPECTATION | 3.8.g. | Demonstrate progress in rhyming words. ReadyRosie Clap and Swing Itsy Bitsy Spider Motions Rhyme and Ride Swing Song Where is Thumbkin? |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Approaches to Learning | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 4.1. | Curiosity: Children develop imagination, inventiveness, originality, and interest as they explore and experience new things. |
EXPECTATION | 4.1.a. | Notice and imitate gestures. ReadyRosie Build to Four Buried Treasure Can You Find Me? Check the Mail Take Along Toy Tube Chute Walk the Line |
EXPECTATION | 4.1.c. | Attend to and examine small objects. ReadyRosie Build to Four Buried Treasure Can You Find Me? Check the Mail Take Along Toy Tube Chute Walk the Line |
EXPECTATION | 4.1.d. | Investigate how things move. ReadyRosie Build to Four Buried Treasure Can You Find Me? Check the Mail Take Along Toy Tube Chute Walk the Line |
EXPECTATION | 4.1.f. | Show interest in new activities. ReadyRosie Build to Four Buried Treasure Can You Find Me? Check the Mail Take Along Toy Tube Chute Walk the Line |
EXPECTATION | 4.1.g. | Study materials to find how they work. ReadyRosie Build to Four Buried Treasure Can You Find Me? Check the Mail Take Along Toy Tube Chute Walk the Line |
EXPECTATION | 4.1.i. | Develop personal interests. ReadyRosie Build to Four Buried Treasure Can You Find Me? Check the Mail Take Along Toy Tube Chute Walk the Line |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Approaches to Learning | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 4.2. | Initiative and Self-Direction: Children develop an eagerness to engage in new tasks and to take risks in learning new skills or information. |
EXPECTATION | 4.2.c. | Express a desire to take care of self. ReadyRosie Happy Birthday to You Point and Learn This or That |
EXPECTATION | 4.2.d. | Approach tasks and activities with increased flexibility, imagination and inventiveness. ReadyRosie Build to Four Buried Treasure Can You Find Me? Check the Mail Take Along Toy Tube Chute Walk the Line |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Approaches to Learning | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 4.3. | Persistence and Attentiveness: Children develop the ability to focus their attention and concentrate to complete tasks and increase their learning. |
EXPECTATION | 4.3.e. | Exhibit increased attention span with chosen activities. ReadyRosie Build to Four Buried Treasure Can You Find Me? Check the Mail Take Along Toy Tube Chute Walk the Line |
EXPECTATION | 4.3.g. | Persist in meeting a challenge, despite distractions or frustrations. ReadyRosie Build to Four Buried Treasure Can You Find Me? Check the Mail How should I handle temper tantrums? Take Along Toy Tube Chute Walk the Line |
EXPECTATION | 4.3.i. | Work on a task that extends over a period of time. ReadyRosie Build to Four Buried Treasure Can You Find Me? Check the Mail Take Along Toy Tube Chute Walk the Line |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Approaches to Learning | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 4.4. | Reflection and Interpretation: Children develop skills in thinking about their learning in order to inform future decisions. |
EXPECTATION | 4.4.b. | Play interactive games with adults or older children that involve repetition. ReadyRosie Choosing Clothes How can I make music part of our day? Move to to the Music This or That |
EXPECTATION | 4.4.d. | Experiment with play materials using familiar approaches with new objects. ReadyRosie Build to Four Buried Treasure Can You Find Me? Check the Mail Take Along Toy Tube Chute Walk the Line |
EXPECTATION | 4.4.e. | Alter present behavior based on past results (or lack of results). ReadyRosie How can I get my child to listen to me? How should I handle temper tantrums? Is my child overscheduled? |
EXPECTATION | 4.4.h. | Work out a problem or a challenge mentally. ReadyRosie Build to Four Buried Treasure Can You Find Me? Dump and Pick Up |
EXPECTATION | 4.4.i. | Use a variety of methods to express thoughts and feelings. ReadyRosie Reading Emotions |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Reasoning and Representational Thought | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 4.5. | Reasoning and Representational Thought: Children develop skills in causation, critical and analytical thinking, problem solving, and representational thought. |
EXPECTATION | 4.5.a. | Act on an object to make sound or movement. ReadyRosie Dump and Pick Up |
EXPECTATION | 4.5.c. | Search for an object that moves out of sight. ReadyRosie Build to Four Buried Treasure Can You Find Me? Dump and Pick Up |
EXPECTATION | 4.5.d. | Use objects and people as tools to accomplish a means to an end. ReadyRosie Build to Four Buried Treasure Can You Find Me? Dump and Pick Up |
EXPECTATION | 4.5.e. | Use one object to represent another. ReadyRosie Build to Four Buried Treasure Can You Find Me? Dump and Pick Up |
EXPECTATION | 4.5.f. | Experiment with cause and effect. ReadyRosie Dump and Pick Up |
EXPECTATION | 4.5.g. | Try several methods to solve a problem before asking for assistance. ReadyRosie Build to Four Buried Treasure Can You Find Me? Check the Mail Take Along Toy Tube Chute Walk the Line |
EXPECTATION | 4.5.i. | Explain the effects that actions might have upon objects. ReadyRosie Dump and Pick Up |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Creative Arts | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 4.6. | Creative Movement and Dance: Children produce rhythmic movements spontaneously and in imitation, with growing technical and artistic abilities. |
EXPECTATION | 4.6.a. | Move arms and legs in response to music. ReadyRosie I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby? Move While you Sing |
EXPECTATION | 4.6.c. | Use body for self-expression. ReadyRosie Flying with Mom Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes Kick With Me Point and Learn Pop Go the Bubbles Walk the Line |
EXPECTATION | 4.6.d. | Move to a beat. ReadyRosie I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby? Move While you Sing |
EXPECTATION | 4.6.e. | Explore a variety of ways of moving with and without music. ReadyRosie Baby Basketball I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby? Move While you Sing |
EXPECTATION | 4.6.f. | Move with balance and coordination. ReadyRosie Kick With Me Move While you Sing Pop Go the Bubbles Take Along Toy Walk the Line |
EXPECTATION | 4.6.g. | Participate in guided movement activities. ReadyRosie I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby? Move While you Sing |
EXPECTATION | 4.6.h. | Watch dance and creative movement performances with attention. ReadyRosie I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby? Move While you Sing |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Creative Arts | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 4.7. | Drama: Children show appreciation and awareness of drama through observation and imitation, and by participating in simple dramatic plots, assuming roles related to their life experiences as well as their fantasies. |
EXPECTATION | 4.7.b. | Imitate familiar actions. ReadyRosie Bear Bath Tea Party |
EXPECTATION | 4.7.d. | Engage in rough and tumble play. ReadyRosie Bear Bath Tea Party |
EXPECTATION | 4.7.e. | Imitate real life experiences in play. ReadyRosie Bear Bath Tea Party |
EXPECTATION | 4.7.f. | Role-play using stories from books, poems, or imaginary themes including the elements of drama, such as character, place, theme, and idea. ReadyRosie Bear Bath |
EXPECTATION | 4.7.g. | Engage in cooperative peer play in which there is a shared purpose. ReadyRosie Kick With Me Little Hands, Big Plans Tea Party |
EXPECTATION | 4.7.h. | Create and direct complex scenarios based on individual and group ideas or past experiences. ReadyRosie Bear Bath Build to Four |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Creative Arts | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 4.8. | Music: Children engage in a variety of musical or rhythmic activities with growing skills for a variety of purposes, including enjoyment, self-expression, and creativity. |
EXPECTATION | 4.8.c. | Respond to rhythms, songs, and different elements of music. ReadyRosie Clap and Swing Happy Birthday to You How can I communicate with my baby? How can I make music part of our day? I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby? Itsy Bitsy Spider Motions Move While you Sing Move to to the Music Rhyme and Ride Swing Song Where is Thumbkin? Why should I sing to my baby? |
EXPECTATION | 4.8.g. | Change vocalizations to accommodate the tempo (fast/slow) and dynamics (soft/loud) of music. ReadyRosie Clap and Swing Happy Birthday to You How can I communicate with my baby? How can I make music part of our day? I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby? Itsy Bitsy Spider Motions Move While you Sing Move to to the Music Rhyme and Ride Swing Song Where is Thumbkin? Why should I sing to my baby? |
EXPECTATION | 4.8.i. | Imitate and produce rhythmic patterns to familiar songs. ReadyRosie Clap and Swing Happy Birthday to You How can I communicate with my baby? How can I make music part of our day? I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby? Itsy Bitsy Spider Motions Move While you Sing Move to to the Music Rhyme and Ride Swing Song Where is Thumbkin? Why should I sing to my baby? |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Creative Arts | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 4.9. | Visual Arts: Children demonstrate a growing understanding and appreciation for the creative process as they use the visual arts to express personal interests, ideas, and feelings, and share opinions about artwork and artistic experiences. |
EXPECTATION | 4.9.a. | Gaze at photos, pictures, and mirror images. ReadyRosie Reading Emotions |
EXPECTATION | 4.9.d. | Demonstrate interest in shapes, textures, and colors. ReadyRosie Find a Match |
EXPECTATION | 4.9.g. | Use different colors, surface textures, and shapes to create form and meaning. ReadyRosie Find a Match |
EXPECTATION | 4.9.h. | Display a sense of wonder and ask questions about works of art. ReadyRosie Reading Emotions |
EXPECTATION | 4.9.i. | Express feelings, ideas, and concepts about art. ReadyRosie Reading Emotions |
EXPECTATION | 4.9.j. | Create and appreciate works of art representing cultural lifestyles. ReadyRosie Clap and Swing How can I communicate with my baby? Reading Emotions Swing Song Why should we tell family stories? |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Mathematics and Numeracy | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 4.10. | Number Sense and Operations: Children develop the ability to think and work with numbers to understand their uses, and describe numerical relationships through structured and everyday experiences. |
EXPECTATION | 4.10.a. | Understand the concept of “more” in reference to food and play. ReadyRosie Build to Four Counting Counts Dump and Pick Up Little Hands, Big Plans |
EXPECTATION | 4.10.f. | Count objects demonstrating one-to one correspondence and meaning. ReadyRosie Build to Four Counting Counts |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Mathematics and Numeracy | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 4.11. | Measurement: Children develop skills in using measurement instruments to explore and discover measurement relationships and characteristics, such as length, quantity, volume, distance, weight, area, and time. |
EXPECTATION | 4.11.g. | Organize objects without assistance. ReadyRosie Big and Little Color Toys Find a Match |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Mathematics and Numeracy | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 4.12. | Data Analysis: Children apply mathematical skills in data analysis, such as counting, sorting, and comparing objects. |
EXPECTATION | 4.12.a. | Group a few objects together by similarity. ReadyRosie Big and Little Color Toys Find a Match |
EXPECTATION | 4.12.c. | Match, sort, put in order, and regroup objects using one or two attributes. ReadyRosie Big and Little Color Toys Find a Match |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Mathematics and Numeracy | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 4.13. | Algebraic Thinking: Children learn to identify, describe, produce, and create patterns using mathematical language and materials. |
EXPECTATION | 4.13.b. | Classify, label, and sort familiar objects into a known group. ReadyRosie Big and Little Color Toys Find a Match |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Mathematics and Numeracy | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 4.14. | Geometry and Spatial Reasoning: Children build the foundation for recognizing and describing shapes by manipulating, playing with, tracing, and making common shapes. Children learn spatial reasoning and directional words as they become aware of their bodies and personal space within the physical environment. |
EXPECTATION | 4.14.h. | Experiment with mapping skills. ReadyRosie Kick With Me |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 4.15. | Scientific Thinking and Use of the Scientific Method: As children seek to understand their environment and test new knowledge, they engage in scientific investigations using their senses to observe, manipulate objects, ask questions, make predictions, and develop conclusions and generalizations. |
EXPECTATION | 4.15.b. | Use senses to examine objects in detail. ReadyRosie Baby Basketball Flying with Mom Pop Go the Bubbles Take Along Toy Walk the Line |
EXPECTATION | 4.15.c. | Explore the features of materials, objects, and processes using all the senses. ReadyRosie Baby Basketball Flying with Mom Pop Go the Bubbles Take Along Toy Walk the Line |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 4.17. | Physical Science: Children develop an understanding of the physical world (the nature and properties of energy, non-living matter, and the forces that give order to the natural world). |
EXPECTATION | 4.17.a. | Use all of the senses to actively explore objects and their properties. ReadyRosie Baby Basketball Flying with Mom Pop Go the Bubbles Take Along Toy Walk the Line |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 4.22. | The Physical World (Ecology): Children become mindful of their environment and their interdependence on the natural world; they learn how to care for the environment and why it is important. |
EXPECTATION | 4.22.a. | Use all the senses to explore the environment. ReadyRosie Baby Basketball Flying with Mom Pop Go the Bubbles Take Along Toy Walk the Line |
EXPECTATION | 4.22.e. | Use natural objects for play. ReadyRosie Bear Bath Tea Party |
Montana Content Standards |
Early Childhood Education |
Grade: Ages 25 to 36 months - Adopted: 2014 |
CONTENT STANDARD / DOMAIN | MT.1. | Emotional and Social |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Culture, Family, and Community | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 1.1. | Culture: Children develop an awareness of and appreciation for the similarities and differences between themselves and others. |
EXPECTATION | 1.1.a. | Distinguish primary caregiver from others. ReadyRosie Behavior is a form of communication Tips for bonding with your baby You are your child's first teacher |
EXPECTATION | 1.1.b. | Notice others’ physical characteristics. ReadyRosie How can I communicate with my baby? Why should we tell family stories? |
EXPECTATION | 1.1.c. | Interact with diverse groups and individuals. ReadyRosie How can I communicate with my baby? Why should we tell family stories? |
EXPECTATION | 1.1.d. | Know poems, songs, and stories from a variety of cultures and people, including his or her own family. ReadyRosie How can I communicate with my baby? Why is storytelling important? Why should we tell family stories? |
EXPECTATION | 1.1.e. | Explore gender roles through dramatic play. ReadyRosie Banana Phonana |
EXPECTATION | 1.1.f. | Demonstrate awareness and appreciation for own cultural background and heritage. ReadyRosie I Am Unique I Can Do It All By Myself Tell Me About It! Tips for storytelling: Story ideas |
EXPECTATION | 1.1.g. | Ask questions about other children and adults. ReadyRosie How can I communicate with my baby? Nature Walk and Talk What Do We Do? Why should we tell family stories? |
EXPECTATION | 1.1.h. | Demonstrate respect for similarities and differences. ReadyRosie How can I communicate with my baby? Why should we tell family stories? |
EXPECTATION | 1.1.i. | Describe differences between people in different ages and stages. ReadyRosie How can I communicate with my baby? Why should we tell family stories? |
EXPECTATION | 1.1.j. | Demonstrate knowledge as well as awareness and appreciation for own culture. ReadyRosie I Am Unique I Can Do It All By Myself Tell Me About It! Tips for storytelling: Story ideas |
EXPECTATION | 1.1.k. | Recognize stereotypes that are culturally or linguistically unfair as well as other biased behaviors. ReadyRosie How can I communicate with my baby? Why should we tell family stories? |
EXPECTATION | 1.1.l. | Demonstrate awareness, knowledge, and appreciation for another culture. ReadyRosie How can I communicate with my baby? Why should we tell family stories? |
CONTENT STANDARD / DOMAIN | MT.1. | Emotional and Social |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Culture, Family, and Community | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 1.2. | Family: Children develop an awareness of and appreciation for the functions, contributions, and diverse characteristics of families. |
EXPECTATION | 1.2.b. | Show preference for and seek comfort from a familiar adult. ReadyRosie Behavior is a form of communication Tips for bonding with your baby You are your child's first teacher |
EXPECTATION | 1.2.d. | Use gestures, words, or glances to stay connected with familiar adults. ReadyRosie How can I make music part of our day? |
EXPECTATION | 1.2.f. | Identify family members verbally and through gestures. ReadyRosie Tips for storytelling: Story ideas |
CONTENT STANDARD / DOMAIN | MT.1. | Emotional and Social |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Culture, Family, and Community | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 1.3 | Community: Children develop an understanding of the basic principles of how communities function, including work roles and commerce. |
EXPECTATION | 1.3.e. | Play the role of different family or community members. ReadyRosie Banana Phonana Drum Patterns Recycled Play Toy Car Wash Vroom! Vroom! |
CONTENT STANDARD / DOMAIN | MT.1. | Emotional and Social |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Emotional Development | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 1.4. | Self-Concept: Children develop an awareness and appreciation of themselves as unique, competent, and capable individuals. |
EXPECTATION | 1.4.a. | Explore hands and feet with fascination. ReadyRosie Bear Hunt |
EXPECTATION | 1.4.d. | Recognize own body as belonging to self. ReadyRosie Bear Hunt |
EXPECTATION | 1.4.g. | Name different body parts. ReadyRosie Bear Hunt |
EXPECTATION | 1.4.i. | Describe personal preferences and interests. ReadyRosie I Am Unique Tell Me About It! |
CONTENT STANDARD / DOMAIN | MT.1. | Emotional and Social |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Emotional Development | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 1.5. | Self-Efficacy: Children demonstrate a belief in their abilities. |
EXPECTATION | 1.5.a. | Respond to attention. ReadyRosie Tell Me About It! |
EXPECTATION | 1.5.c. | Show likes and dislikes. ReadyRosie I Am Unique Tell Me About It! |
EXPECTATION | 1.5.f. | Accept and adjust when things do not go his way. ReadyRosie How should I handle temper tantrums? |
EXPECTATION | 1.5.g. | Accept and adjust when things do not go his way. ReadyRosie How should I handle temper tantrums? |
EXPECTATION | 1.5.i. | Exhibit independence. ReadyRosie Counting Collection Fast, Slow I Can Do It All By Myself Nature Walk and Talk Nesting Bowls What Do We Do? |
CONTENT STANDARD / DOMAIN | MT.1. | Emotional and Social |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Emotional Development | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 1.6. | Self-Regulation: Children manage their internal states, feelings, and behavior, and develop the ability to adapt to diverse situations and environments. |
EXPECTATION | 1.6. a. | Fuss or cry when hungry, tired, wet, or over-stimulated. ReadyRosie I Am Unique Tell Me About It! |
EXPECTATION | 1.6.b. | Calm and relax when comforted. ReadyRosie Behavior is a form of communication Tips for bonding with your baby You are your child's first teacher |
EXPECTATION | 1.6.c. | Develop increasing consistency in sleeping, eating, and waking patterns. ReadyRosie Hooray Parfait Little Chef Packing our Lunch |
EXPECTATION | 1.6.d. | Follow a few consistently set rules and routines. ReadyRosie How do I get my child to______? How should I handle temper tantrums? |
EXPECTATION | 1.6.e. | Rely on adults for reassurance and help in controlling feelings and behaviors. ReadyRosie How can I get my child to listen to me? How should I handle temper tantrums? |
EXPECTATION | 1.6.f. | Strive for independence. ReadyRosie Counting Collection Fast, Slow I Can Do It All By Myself Nature Walk and Talk Nesting Bowls What Do We Do? |
EXPECTATION | 1.6.g. | Recognize own needs and take steps to fulfill them. ReadyRosie How can I get my child to listen to me? How should I handle temper tantrums? Is my child overscheduled? |
EXPECTATION | 1.6.j. | Participate in developing program rules and guidelines for group games and interactive play and pay attention when rules are not followed. ReadyRosie How do I get my child to______? How should I handle temper tantrums? |
CONTENT STANDARD / DOMAIN | MT.1. | Emotional and Social |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Emotional Development | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 1.7. | Expression of Emotions: Children express a wide and varied range of feelings through their facial expressions, gestures, behaviors, and words. |
EXPECTATION | 1.7.c. | Shift attention away from a distressing event to manage emotions. ReadyRosie How can I get my child to listen to me? How should I handle temper tantrums? Is my child overscheduled? |
EXPECTATION | 1.7.d. | Use gestures, words, or facial expressions to communicate feelings and seek help in order to calm him or herself. ReadyRosie How can I get my child to listen to me? How should I handle temper tantrums? |
EXPECTATION | 1.7.e. | Use words and dramatic play to describe, understand, and control impulses and feelings. ReadyRosie Banana Phonana How can I get my child to listen to me? How should I handle temper tantrums? Is my child overscheduled? |
EXPECTATION | 1.7.g. | Seek adult assistance for help resolving strong emotions. ReadyRosie How can I get my child to listen to me? How should I handle temper tantrums? |
EXPECTATION | 1.7.j. | Modify behaviors and emotions based on the environment and situation. ReadyRosie How can I get my child to listen to me? How should I handle temper tantrums? Is my child overscheduled? |
CONTENT STANDARD / DOMAIN | MT.1. | Emotional and Social |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Social Development | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 1.8. | Interaction with Adults: Children show trust, develop emotional bonds, and interact comfortably with adults. |
EXPECTATION | 1.8.a. | Show preference for and seek comfort from a familiar adult. ReadyRosie Tell Me About It! |
EXPECTATION | 1.8.b. | Establish and maintain positive interactions with caregivers. ReadyRosie How can I make music part of our day? |
EXPECTATION | 1.8.c. | Demonstrate feeling safe with familiar adults. ReadyRosie Behavior is a form of communication Tips for bonding with your baby You are your child's first teacher |
EXPECTATION | 1.8.f. | Use pretend play as a way of making sense of relationships. ReadyRosie Banana Phonana Drum Patterns Recycled Play Toy Car Wash Vroom! Vroom! |
EXPECTATION | 1.8.g. | Initiate and maintain interactions with adults using conversation or play. ReadyRosie How can I make music part of our day? |
EXPECTATION | 1.8.h. | Express appropriate affection for significant adults. ReadyRosie Tell Me About It! |
EXPECTATION | 1.8.i. | Seek adult affirmations. ReadyRosie Tell Me About It! |
CONTENT STANDARD / DOMAIN | MT.1. | Emotional and Social |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Social Development | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 1.9. | Interaction with Peers: Children interact and build relationships with peers as they expand their world beyond the family and develop skills in cooperation, negotiation, and showing empathy. |
EXPECTATION | 1.9.c. | Interact with familiar peers. ReadyRosie Catch! Ring Around the Rosie |
EXPECTATION | 1.9.d. | Play side by side with another child. ReadyRosie Catch! Ring Around the Rosie |
EXPECTATION | 1.9.e. | Participate in turn-taking when assisted by an adult. ReadyRosie Fast, Slow How can I stop my kids from fighting? |
EXPECTATION | 1.9.f. | React to another child’s attempts to take away a toy, and look to an adult for assistance. ReadyRosie How can I get my child to listen to me? How should I handle temper tantrums? |
EXPECTATION | 1.9.g. | Prefer certain playmates and develop warm bonds with peers. ReadyRosie Catch! Ring Around the Rosie |
EXPECTATION | 1.9.h. | Negotiate play with small groups of Children. ReadyRosie Catch! Ring Around the Rosie |
EXPECTATION | 1.9.i. | Cooperate with others. ReadyRosie Fast, Slow How can I stop my kids from fighting? |
EXPECTATION | 1.9.j. | Use problem-solving strategies when conflicts arise with peers. ReadyRosie Drum Patterns Fast, Slow Hooray Parfait How can I stop my kids from fighting? Nesting Bowls Playdough Lengths Stop and Go What Do We Do? Which Lid? |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Physical Development | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 2.1. | Fine Motor Skills: Children develop small muscle strength, coordination, and skills. |
EXPECTATION | 2.1.c. | Exhibit a variety of small motor skills. ReadyRosie Drum Patterns Torn Paper Art Toy Car Wash |
EXPECTATION | 2.1.d. | Scribble with a crayon or marker. ReadyRosie Copy Me Paint your Name Secret Message |
EXPECTATION | 2.1.e. | Engage in self-help skills. ReadyRosie I Can Do It All By Myself |
EXPECTATION | 2.1.f. | Perform increasingly more sophisticated actions requiring eyehand coordination. ReadyRosie Drum Patterns Torn Paper Art Toy Car Wash |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Physical Development | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 2.2. | Gross Motor Skills: Children develop large muscle strength, coordination, and skills. |
EXPECTATION | 2.2.e. | Demonstrate skills to move in the Environment. ReadyRosie Bear Hunt |
EXPECTATION | 2.2.g. | Demonstrate increased ability to use skills requiring balance. ReadyRosie Bear Hunt Get Moving Ring Around the Rosie Stop and Go |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Physical Development | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 2.3. | Sensorimotor Development: Children use all the senses to explore the environment and develop skills through sight, smell, touch, taste, and sound. |
EXPECTATION | 2.3.c. | Calm with assistance. ReadyRosie How can I get my child to listen to me? How should I handle temper tantrums? |
EXPECTATION | 2.3.d. | Explore the environment with mouth and hands and respond to different textures. ReadyRosie Nature Walk and Talk What Do We Do? |
EXPECTATION | 2.3.f. | Demonstrate an awareness of her body in space. ReadyRosie Bear Hunt |
EXPECTATION | 2.3.g. | Practice sensory integration. ReadyRosie Fast, Slow Playdough Lengths |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Health, Safety, and Personal Care | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 2.4. | Daily Living Skills: Children demonstrate personal health and hygiene skills as they develop and practice basic care routines. |
EXPECTATION | 2.4.a. | React to participation in daily routines. ReadyRosie How do I get my child to______? How should I handle temper tantrums? |
EXPECTATION | 2.4.c. | Indicate needs and wants. ReadyRosie Behavior is a form of communication Tempted to Talk |
EXPECTATION | 2.4.d. | Take an interest in meeting physical needs. ReadyRosie Bear Hunt Get Moving |
EXPECTATION | 2.4.f. | Communicate with an adult when not feeling well. ReadyRosie Behavior is a form of communication Tempted to Talk |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Health, Safety, and Personal Care | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 2.5. | Nutrition: Children eat and enjoy a variety of nutritional foods and develop healthy eating practices. |
EXPECTATION | 2.5.a. | Eat to satisfaction. ReadyRosie Hooray Parfait Little Chef Packing our Lunch |
EXPECTATION | 2.5.b. | Explore foods with fingers. ReadyRosie Hooray Parfait Little Chef Packing our Lunch |
EXPECTATION | 2.5.d. | Consume appropriate amounts of healthy beverages. ReadyRosie Hooray Parfait Little Chef Packing our Lunch |
EXPECTATION | 2.5.e. | Participate in meals. ReadyRosie Hooray Parfait Little Chef Packing our Lunch |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Health, Safety, and Personal Care | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 2.6. | Physical Fitness: Children demonstrate healthy behaviors that contribute to lifelong well-being through physical activity. |
EXPECTATION | 2.6.a. | Attempt new large and small motor activities. ReadyRosie Drum Patterns Torn Paper Art Toy Car Wash |
EXPECTATION | 2.6.b. | Participate in simple movement games. ReadyRosie Bear Hunt Get Moving |
EXPECTATION | 2.6.c. | Initiate active play, exploration, and engagement with the environment. ReadyRosie Bear Hunt Get Moving |
EXPECTATION | 2.6.d. | Participate in simple games, dance, outdoor play, and other forms of movement. ReadyRosie Bear Hunt Get Moving I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby? Ring Around the Rosie |
EXPECTATION | 2.6.e. | Engage in activities requiring new skills, without adult assistance. ReadyRosie Bear Hunt Get Moving |
EXPECTATION | 2.6.f. | Participate in physically active games with peers. ReadyRosie Bear Hunt Get Moving |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Health, Safety, and Personal Care | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 2.7. | Safety Practices: Children develop an awareness and understanding of safety rules as they learn to make safe and appropriate choices. |
EXPECTATION | 2.7.a. | Show a preference for familiar people and recognize the difference between familiar people and strangers recognize the positive feelings experienced during and after physical activity. ReadyRosie Bear Hunt Behavior is a form of communication Get Moving Tips for bonding with your baby You are your child's first teacher |
EXPECTATION | 2.7.d. | Recognize rules and follow basic safety instructions. ReadyRosie How do I get my child to______? How should I handle temper tantrums? |
EXPECTATION | 2.7.f. | Understand and anticipate potential consequences of disregarding rules. ReadyRosie How can I get my child to listen to me? How do I get my child to______? How should I handle temper tantrums? Is my child overscheduled? |
EXPECTATION | 2.7.g. | Recognize and describe the reasons for rules. ReadyRosie How do I get my child to______? How should I handle temper tantrums? |
EXPECTATION | 2.7.i. | Control or appropriately express intense emotions most of the time. ReadyRosie How can I get my child to listen to me? How should I handle temper tantrums? Is my child overscheduled? |
CONTENT STANDARD / DOMAIN | MT.3. | Communication |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Communication and Language Development | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 3.1. | Receptive Communication: Children use listening and observation skills to make sense of and respond to spoken language and other forms of communication. Children enter into the exchange of information around what they see, hear, and experience. They begin to acquire an understanding of the concepts of language that contribute to learning. |
EXPECTATION | 3.1.e. | Use one or two words to respond to “what,” “who,” “whose,” and “where” questions in context. ReadyRosie Magazine Picture Walk Stuck on You Toy Sort |
EXPECTATION | 3.1.f. | Respond to songs, rhymes, or stories. ReadyRosie How can I communicate with my baby? How can I make music part of our day? I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby? Ring Around the Rosie Why should I sing to my baby? |
EXPECTATION | 3.1.i. | Use and respond to “how,” “why,” and “when” questions appropriately. ReadyRosie T-Shirt Talk Why should we tell family stories? |
EXPECTATION | 3.1.k. | Focus on the meaning of words to enhance understanding and build vocabulary. ReadyRosie How can I help my child learn new words? Magazine Picture Walk One, Two, Moo Stuck on You |
CONTENT STANDARD / DOMAIN | MT.3. | Communication |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Communication and Language Development | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 3.2. | Expressive Communication: Children develop skills in using sounds, facial expressions, gestures, and words for a variety of purposes, such as to help adults and others understand their needs, ask questions, express feelings and ideas, and solve problems. |
EXPECTATION | 3.2.d. | Combine words and gestures. ReadyRosie Magazine Picture Walk Stuck on You Toy Sort |
EXPECTATION | 3.2.f. | Respond to simple requests or comments with non-verbal or verbal answer. ReadyRosie T-Shirt Talk Why should we tell family stories? |
EXPECTATION | 3.2.g. | Use single words to communicate. ReadyRosie Magazine Picture Walk Stuck on You Toy Sort |
EXPECTATION | 3.2.h. | Ask others to label unfamiliar objects. ReadyRosie Nature Walk and Talk What Do We Do? |
EXPECTATION | 3.2.k. | Use multi-word phrases and full sentences. ReadyRosie Stuck on You Tell Me About It! Tempted to Talk |
EXPECTATION | 3.2.l. | Express feelings with words. ReadyRosie Magazine Picture Walk Stuck on You Toy Sort |
EXPECTATION | 3.2.m. | Initiate and participate in conversations with peers and adults. ReadyRosie Stuck on You Tell Me About It! |
EXPECTATION | 3.2.p. | Use new words. ReadyRosie Magazine Picture Walk Stuck on You Toy Sort |
EXPECTATION | 3.2.q. | Relate a story or event with increasing detail and coherence. ReadyRosie Book Walk Stuck on You |
CONTENT STANDARD / DOMAIN | MT.3. | Communication |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Communication and Language Development | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 3.3. | Social Communication: Children develop skills that help them interact and communicate with others in effective ways. |
EXPECTATION | 3.3.d. | Engage in give-and-take interactions. ReadyRosie How can I make music part of our day? |
EXPECTATION | 3.3.g. | Initiate communication with others. ReadyRosie How can I make music part of our day? |
CONTENT STANDARD / DOMAIN | MT.3. | Communication |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 3.5. | Early Reading and Book Appreciation: Children develop an understanding, skills, and interest in the symbols, sounds, and rhythms of written language as they also develop interest in reading, enjoyment from books, and awareness that the printed word can be used for various purposes. |
EXPECTATION | 3.5.d. | Maintain attention when being read a book. ReadyRosie Why should we tell family stories? |
EXPECTATION | 3.5.k. | Repeat simple songs, rhymes, or stories. ReadyRosie How can I communicate with my baby? How can I make music part of our day? I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby? Ring Around the Rosie Why should I sing to my baby? |
EXPECTATION | 3.5.l. | Use books, magazines, and other printed materials to enhance play. ReadyRosie Book Chats Book Walk Magazine Picture Walk Stop and Go Tips for helping your child love reading |
CONTENT STANDARD / DOMAIN | MT.3. | Communication |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 3.6. | Print Development/Writing: Children develop interest and skills in using symbols as a meaningful form of communication. |
EXPECTATION | 3.6.a. | Experiment with grasp. ReadyRosie Copy Me Paint your Name Secret Message |
EXPECTATION | 3.6.b. | Watch others write and draw. ReadyRosie Copy Me Paint your Name Recycled Play Secret Message |
EXPECTATION | 3.6.c. | Scribble on paper spontaneously. ReadyRosie Copy Me Paint your Name Secret Message |
EXPECTATION | 3.6.d. | Demonstrate a pincer grasp. ReadyRosie Copy Me Secret Message |
EXPECTATION | 3.6.e. | Experiment with a variety of writing tools. ReadyRosie Copy Me Secret Message |
EXPECTATION | 3.6.f. | Imitate others who are writing or drawing shapes. ReadyRosie Copy Me Paint your Name Recycled Play Secret Message |
EXPECTATION | 3.6.g. | Demonstrate controlled linear scribbles. ReadyRosie Copy Me Paint your Name Secret Message |
EXPECTATION | 3.6.h. | Write letters, letter-like shapes, and inventive words. ReadyRosie Paint your Name |
EXPECTATION | 3.6.i. | Use print in play. ReadyRosie Copy Me Paint your Name Secret Message |
EXPECTATION | 3.6.k. | Form letters to approximate conventional forms. ReadyRosie Paint your Name |
CONTENT STANDARD / DOMAIN | MT.3. | Communication |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 3.8. | Phonological Awareness: Children develop an awareness of the sounds of letters and the combination of letters that make up words and use this awareness to manipulate syllables and sounds of speech. |
EXPECTATION | 3.8.b. | Imitate sounds in stories, songs, and rhymes. ReadyRosie How can I communicate with my baby? How can I make music part of our day? I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby? Ring Around the Rosie Why should I sing to my baby? |
EXPECTATION | 3.8.d. | Imitate rhyming patterns. ReadyRosie Ring Around the Rosie |
EXPECTATION | 3.8.g. | Demonstrate progress in rhyming words. ReadyRosie Ring Around the Rosie |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Approaches to Learning | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 4.1. | Curiosity: Children develop imagination, inventiveness, originality, and interest as they explore and experience new things. |
EXPECTATION | 4.1.a. | Notice and imitate gestures. ReadyRosie Counting Collection Fast, Slow I Can Do It All By Myself Nature Walk and Talk Nesting Bowls What Do We Do? |
EXPECTATION | 4.1.b. | Repeat actions again and again to see effects. ReadyRosie Get Moving |
EXPECTATION | 4.1.c. | Attend to and examine small objects. ReadyRosie Counting Collection Fast, Slow I Can Do It All By Myself Nature Walk and Talk Nesting Bowls What Do We Do? |
EXPECTATION | 4.1.d. | Investigate how things move. ReadyRosie Counting Collection Fast, Slow I Can Do It All By Myself Nature Walk and Talk Nesting Bowls What Do We Do? |
EXPECTATION | 4.1.e. | Ask simple questions. ReadyRosie Nature Walk and Talk What Do We Do? |
EXPECTATION | 4.1.f. | Show interest in new activities. ReadyRosie Counting Collection Fast, Slow I Can Do It All By Myself Nature Walk and Talk Nesting Bowls What Do We Do? |
EXPECTATION | 4.1.g. | Study materials to find how they work. ReadyRosie Counting Collection Fast, Slow I Can Do It All By Myself Nature Walk and Talk Nesting Bowls What Do We Do? |
EXPECTATION | 4.1.h. | Ask more complex questions. ReadyRosie Nature Walk and Talk What Do We Do? |
EXPECTATION | 4.1.i. | Develop personal interests. ReadyRosie Counting Collection Fast, Slow I Can Do It All By Myself Nature Walk and Talk Nesting Bowls What Do We Do? |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Approaches to Learning | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 4.2. | Initiative and Self-Direction: Children develop an eagerness to engage in new tasks and to take risks in learning new skills or information. |
EXPECTATION | 4.2.a. | Use sounds, gestures, and movements to impact the environment and interactions with others. ReadyRosie Nature Walk and Talk What Do We Do? |
EXPECTATION | 4.2.d. | Approach tasks and activities with increased flexibility, imagination and inventiveness. ReadyRosie Counting Collection Fast, Slow I Can Do It All By Myself Nature Walk and Talk Nesting Bowls What Do We Do? |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Approaches to Learning | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 4.3. | Persistence and Attentiveness: Children develop the ability to focus their attention and concentrate to complete tasks and increase their learning. |
EXPECTATION | 4.3.b. | Hold the attention of an adult. ReadyRosie Tell Me About It! |
EXPECTATION | 4.3.c. | Repeat an action that has produced a reaction in the past. ReadyRosie Get Moving |
EXPECTATION | 4.3.e. | Exhibit increased attention span with chosen activities. ReadyRosie Counting Collection Fast, Slow I Can Do It All By Myself Nature Walk and Talk Nesting Bowls What Do We Do? |
EXPECTATION | 4.3.f. | Develop skills through repetitive practice. ReadyRosie Get Moving |
EXPECTATION | 4.3.g. | Persist in meeting a challenge, despite distractions or frustrations. ReadyRosie Counting Collection Fast, Slow How should I handle temper tantrums? I Can Do It All By Myself Nature Walk and Talk Nesting Bowls What Do We Do? Which Lid? |
EXPECTATION | 4.3.i. | Work on a task that extends over a period of time. ReadyRosie Counting Collection Fast, Slow I Can Do It All By Myself Nature Walk and Talk Nesting Bowls What Do We Do? |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Approaches to Learning | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 4.4. | Reflection and Interpretation: Children develop skills in thinking about their learning in order to inform future decisions. |
EXPECTATION | 4.4.b. | Play interactive games with adults or older children that involve repetition. ReadyRosie How can I make music part of our day? |
EXPECTATION | 4.4.d. | Experiment with play materials using familiar approaches with new objects. ReadyRosie Counting Collection Fast, Slow I Can Do It All By Myself Nature Walk and Talk Nesting Bowls What Do We Do? |
EXPECTATION | 4.4.e. | Alter present behavior based on past results (or lack of results). ReadyRosie How can I get my child to listen to me? How should I handle temper tantrums? Is my child overscheduled? |
EXPECTATION | 4.4.h. | Work out a problem or a challenge mentally. ReadyRosie Drum Patterns Fast, Slow Hooray Parfait Nesting Bowls Playdough Lengths Stop and Go What Do We Do? Which Lid? |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Reasoning and Representational Thought | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 4.5. | Reasoning and Representational Thought: Children develop skills in causation, critical and analytical thinking, problem solving, and representational thought. |
EXPECTATION | 4.5.b. | Repeat simple motions or activities. ReadyRosie Get Moving |
EXPECTATION | 4.5.c. | Search for an object that moves out of sight. ReadyRosie Drum Patterns Fast, Slow Hooray Parfait Nesting Bowls Playdough Lengths Stop and Go What Do We Do? Which Lid? |
EXPECTATION | 4.5.d. | Use objects and people as tools to accomplish a means to an end. ReadyRosie Drum Patterns Fast, Slow Hooray Parfait Nesting Bowls Playdough Lengths Stop and Go What Do We Do? Which Lid? |
EXPECTATION | 4.5.e. | Use one object to represent another. ReadyRosie Drum Patterns Fast, Slow Hooray Parfait Nesting Bowls Playdough Lengths Stop and Go What Do We Do? Which Lid? |
EXPECTATION | 4.5.g. | Try several methods to solve a problem before asking for assistance. ReadyRosie Counting Collection Fast, Slow I Can Do It All By Myself Nature Walk and Talk Nesting Bowls What Do We Do? |
EXPECTATION | 4.5.h. | Notice and describe how items are the same or different. ReadyRosie Book Walk Stuck on You |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Creative Arts | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 4.6. | Creative Movement and Dance: Children produce rhythmic movements spontaneously and in imitation, with growing technical and artistic abilities. |
EXPECTATION | 4.6.a. | Move arms and legs in response to music. ReadyRosie I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby? Ring Around the Rosie |
EXPECTATION | 4.6.b. | Engage with people through touch and attention. ReadyRosie Tell Me About It! |
EXPECTATION | 4.6.c. | Use body for self-expression. ReadyRosie Bear Hunt |
EXPECTATION | 4.6.d. | Move to a beat. ReadyRosie I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby? Ring Around the Rosie |
EXPECTATION | 4.6.e. | Explore a variety of ways of moving with and without music. ReadyRosie I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby? Ring Around the Rosie |
EXPECTATION | 4.6.f. | Move with balance and coordination. ReadyRosie Bear Hunt Get Moving Ring Around the Rosie Stop and Go |
EXPECTATION | 4.6.g. | Participate in guided movement activities. ReadyRosie I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby? Ring Around the Rosie |
EXPECTATION | 4.6.h. | Watch dance and creative movement performances with attention. ReadyRosie I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby? Ring Around the Rosie |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Creative Arts | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 4.7. | Drama: Children show appreciation and awareness of drama through observation and imitation, and by participating in simple dramatic plots, assuming roles related to their life experiences as well as their fantasies. |
EXPECTATION | 4.7.b. | Imitate familiar actions. ReadyRosie Banana Phonana Drum Patterns Recycled Play Toy Car Wash Vroom! Vroom! |
EXPECTATION | 4.7.e. | Imitate real life experiences in play. ReadyRosie Banana Phonana Drum Patterns Recycled Play Toy Car Wash Vroom! Vroom! |
EXPECTATION | 4.7.f. | Role-play using stories from books, poems, or imaginary themes including the elements of drama, such as character, place, theme, and idea. ReadyRosie Banana Phonana |
EXPECTATION | 4.7.g. | Engage in cooperative peer play in which there is a shared purpose. ReadyRosie Catch! Ring Around the Rosie |
EXPECTATION | 4.7.h. | Create and direct complex scenarios based on individual and group ideas or past experiences. ReadyRosie Banana Phonana |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Creative Arts | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 4.8. | Music: Children engage in a variety of musical or rhythmic activities with growing skills for a variety of purposes, including enjoyment, self-expression, and creativity. |
EXPECTATION | 4.8.c. | Respond to rhythms, songs, and different elements of music. ReadyRosie How can I communicate with my baby? How can I make music part of our day? I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby? Ring Around the Rosie Why should I sing to my baby? |
EXPECTATION | 4.8.f. | Sing along to familiar songs. ReadyRosie How can I communicate with my baby? How can I make music part of our day? I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby? Ring Around the Rosie Why should I sing to my baby? |
EXPECTATION | 4.8.g. | Change vocalizations to accommodate the tempo (fast/slow) and dynamics (soft/loud) of music. ReadyRosie How can I communicate with my baby? How can I make music part of our day? I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby? Ring Around the Rosie Why should I sing to my baby? |
EXPECTATION | 4.8.h. | Experiment with musical words and sounds. ReadyRosie How can I communicate with my baby? How can I make music part of our day? I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby? Ring Around the Rosie Why should I sing to my baby? |
EXPECTATION | 4.8.i. | Imitate and produce rhythmic patterns to familiar songs. ReadyRosie How can I communicate with my baby? How can I make music part of our day? I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby? Ring Around the Rosie Why should I sing to my baby? |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Creative Arts | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 4.9. | Visual Arts: Children demonstrate a growing understanding and appreciation for the creative process as they use the visual arts to express personal interests, ideas, and feelings, and share opinions about artwork and artistic experiences. |
EXPECTATION | 4.9.d. | Demonstrate interest in shapes, textures, and colors. ReadyRosie Toy Sort |
EXPECTATION | 4.9.e. | Mark paper with drawing tools. ReadyRosie Copy Me Recycled Play |
EXPECTATION | 4.9.f. | Experiment with a variety of art materials and develop increasing ability to use art media. ReadyRosie Copy Me Recycled Play |
EXPECTATION | 4.9.g. | Use different colors, surface textures, and shapes to create form and meaning. ReadyRosie Toy Sort |
EXPECTATION | 4.9.j. | Create and appreciate works of art representing cultural lifestyles. ReadyRosie How can I communicate with my baby? Why should we tell family stories? |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Mathematics and Numeracy | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 4.10. | Number Sense and Operations: Children develop the ability to think and work with numbers to understand their uses, and describe numerical relationships through structured and everyday experiences. |
EXPECTATION | 4.10.c. | Use names of a few numbers. ReadyRosie Blast Off Counting Collection Get Moving Snack Count |
EXPECTATION | 4.10.e. | Move from inventive counting to accurate rote counting. ReadyRosie Blast Off Magazine Problem Solving One, Two, Moo Packing our Lunch Snack Count |
EXPECTATION | 4.10.g. | Match numerals with the correct amount of objects. ReadyRosie Blast Off Magazine Problem Solving One, Two, Moo Packing our Lunch Snack Count |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Mathematics and Numeracy | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 4.11. | Measurement: Children develop skills in using measurement instruments to explore and discover measurement relationships and characteristics, such as length, quantity, volume, distance, weight, area, and time. |
EXPECTATION | 4.11.g. | Organize objects without assistance. ReadyRosie Nature Walk and Talk Toy Sort |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Mathematics and Numeracy | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 4.12. | Data Analysis: Children apply mathematical skills in data analysis, such as counting, sorting, and comparing objects. |
EXPECTATION | 4.12.a. | Group a few objects together by similarity. ReadyRosie Nature Walk and Talk Toy Sort |
EXPECTATION | 4.12.c. | Match, sort, put in order, and regroup objects using one or two attributes. ReadyRosie Nature Walk and Talk Toy Sort |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Mathematics and Numeracy | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 4.13. | Algebraic Thinking: Children learn to identify, describe, produce, and create patterns using mathematical language and materials. |
EXPECTATION | 4.13.a. | Imitate a series of simple actions with assistance. ReadyRosie Drum Patterns |
EXPECTATION | 4.13.b. | Classify, label, and sort familiar objects into a known group. ReadyRosie Nature Walk and Talk Toy Sort |
EXPECTATION | 4.13.e. | Reproduce simple patterns of concrete objects. ReadyRosie Drum Patterns |
EXPECTATION | 4.13.f. | Reproduce simple patterns of sound and movement. ReadyRosie Drum Patterns |
BENCHMARK / STANDARD | Mathematics and Numeracy | |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 4.14. | Geometry and Spatial Reasoning: Children build the foundation for recognizing and describing shapes by manipulating, playing with, tracing, and making common shapes. Children learn spatial reasoning and directional words as they become aware of their bodies and personal space within the physical environment. |
EXPECTATION | 4.14.g. | Demonstrate an understanding of size and shape relationships. ReadyRosie Copy Me |
EXPECTATION | 4.14.h. | Experiment with mapping skills. ReadyRosie Which Lid? |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 4.15. | Scientific Thinking and Use of the Scientific Method: As children seek to understand their environment and test new knowledge, they engage in scientific investigations using their senses to observe, manipulate objects, ask questions, make predictions, and develop conclusions and generalizations. |
EXPECTATION | 4.15.b. | Use senses to examine objects in detail. ReadyRosie Fast, Slow Playdough Lengths |
EXPECTATION | 4.15.c. | Explore the features of materials, objects, and processes using all the senses. ReadyRosie Fast, Slow Playdough Lengths |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 4.17. | Physical Science: Children develop an understanding of the physical world (the nature and properties of energy, non-living matter, and the forces that give order to the natural world). |
EXPECTATION | 4.17.a. | Use all of the senses to actively explore objects and their properties. ReadyRosie Fast, Slow Playdough Lengths |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / BENCHMARK | 4.22. | The Physical World (Ecology): Children become mindful of their environment and their interdependence on the natural world; they learn how to care for the environment and why it is important. |
EXPECTATION | 4.22.a. | Use all the senses to explore the environment. ReadyRosie Fast, Slow Playdough Lengths |