Nevada Academic Content Standards (Pre-K)

Main Criteria: Nevada Academic Content Standards
Secondary Criteria: ReadyRosie
Subjects: Early Childhood Education, Health and PE, Language Arts
Grades: Pre K, Ages 3-5
Correlation Options: Show Correlated

Nevada Academic Content Standards
Early Childhood Education
Grade: Ages 3-5 - Adopted: 2010
STRAND / INDICATOR M.1.0:Numbers, Number Sense & Computation
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION M.1.PK.3a.Recognize and read numerals 0-5.

Fruit Salad
Magazine Number Hunt
Numbers Everywhere
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION M.1.PK.3b.Estimate the number of objects in a set of 5 and verify by counting.

Acorns and Pinecones
All Done
Apple Pie
Block Tower
Cereal Challenge
Checkout Countdown
Domino Match-Up
More Grapes
Penny Drop
Show Me
The Number Stays the Same
Three Little Animals
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION M.1.PK.3c.Match the number of objects in a set to the correct numeral 0 to 5.

Fruit Salad
Magazine Number Hunt
Numbers Everywhere

Acorns and Pinecones
Adding Ice
Apple Pie
Block Tower
Counting Signs
Domino Match-Up
Fruit Salad
How Many Can I Grab?
How Many Feet?
How Many Steps to Bed?
How Many in the Car?
How Old Are You?
Keep It Up
May I Take your Order?
More Grapes
More than Ten
Penny Drop
Quick Dots
Show Me
Skipping Around
Taking Inventory
The Number Stays the Same
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION M.1.PK.4b.Count to 10 by demonstrating one to one correspondence using objects.

Acorns and Pinecones
Adding Ice
All Done
Apple Pie
Block Tower
Candy Sort and Graph
Cereal Challenge
Checkout Countdown
Counting Signs
Decorating Cupcakes
Domino Match-Up
Fruit Salad
How Many Can I Grab?
How Many Feet?
How Many Steps to Bed?
How Many in the Car?
How Old Are You?
Lily Pad Hop
Measure your Steps
More Grapes
Penny Drop
Show Me
The Number Stays the Same
Three Little Animals
Three Ways to Show a Number
Under the Cup
What's for Dinner?
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION M.1.PK.5.Use concrete objects to combine and separate groups up to 5.

Decorating Cupcakes
How Many Feet?
In My Pond, Part 1
Make a Tower of Ten
One More
Packing for Our Trip
Rock Toss
STRAND / INDICATOR M.2.0:Patterns, Functions & Algebra
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION M.2.PK.1.Sort objects by similar attributes (e.g., size, shape, and color).

Candy Sort and Graph
I Spy a Coin
I Spy an Animal
Letter Sort
Likely or Unlikely
Sort and Graph Leaves
Sorting Laundry
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION M.2.PK.2.Recognize and replicate simple patterns(e.g., ABAB).

Making Patterns
My Age
Setting the Table
Sound Patterns
Speedometer Math
The Fence Problem
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION M.2.PK.3.Compare sets of objects. Determine which set has more or less.

Find My Number
Lily Pad Hop
Magazine Number Hunt
May I Take your Order?
Numbers Everywhere
Special Day Countdown
Three Ways to Show a Number
STRAND / INDICATOR M.3.0:Measurement
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION M.3.PK.1.Compare objects by size to determine smaller and larger.

Bookcase Problem
Building Houses
Comparing Vegetables
Fill Up the Cup
Leap Frog Measure
Making Trail Mix
Measuring the Table
Near and Far
Strawberries for a Picnic
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION M.3.PK.4.Sort pennies and nickels.

I Spy a Coin
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION M.3.PK.6.Identify day and night.

All About My Day
Which Takes Longer?
Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
STRAND / INDICATOR M.4.0:Spatial Relationships, Geometry and Logic
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION M.4.PK.1a.Identify circles, triangles, and squares.

Finger Shapes
Guess My Shape
Mirror, Mirror
Shape Changers
Shape Hunt
Shaving Cream Shapes
Ways to Cut a Sandwich
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION M.4.PK.1b.Begin to recognize two and three dimensional shapes in the environment.

Buying Oranges
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION M.4.PK.2.Identify positions (e.g., in front, behind, next to, up, down, inside, outside, on top, ordinal positions).

Bookcase Problem
Finding the Groceries
Follow My Design
Follow the Leader
Following Directions
Jump to It
Little Miss Muffet Role Play
Mirror, Mirror
Near and Far
Race Car Transformations
Stuffed Animal Olympics
Treasure Map
STRAND / INDICATOR M.5.0:Data Analysis
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION M.5.PK.1.Identify and sort information (e.g., interpret quantity in pictures).

Cereal Challenge
STRAND / INDICATOR N.1.0.Nature of Science- Scientific Inquiry and Science, Technology, & Society

Grocery Store Conversations
Sink or Float
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION N.PK1.b.Ask questions about their world.

What's for Dinner?
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION N.PK.4.Use patterns to predict or sort items.

Candy Sort and Graph
Grocery Store Weights
I Spy an Animal
Likely or Unlikely
Sort and Graph Leaves
Sorting Laundry
STRAND / INDICATOR L.4.0.Life Science- Heredity; Structure of Life; Organisms and their Environment; Diversity of Life
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION L.PK.4.Use the five senses to explore and investigate the natural world.

Grocery Store Conversations
CONTENT STANDARD NV.ELA.Language and Early Literacy Introduction
STRAND / INDICATOR WA.1.0.Word Analysis
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION WA.1.PK.1.Identify words that rhyme.

Finish the Rhyme
Hopping Rhyming
Little Miss Muffet Role Play
Reading with Jack and Jill
Rhyming Purse
Rhyming Toss
Rhyming with Jack and Jill
Sliding to Nursery Rhymes
Twinkle, Twinkle Rhymes
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION WA.1.PK.2.Identify the beginning sound of own name.

Morning Message
Name Game
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION WA.1.PK.3.Identify letters in own name.

Morning Message
Name Game
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION WA.1.PK.4.Recognize environmental print and symbols.

Shopping for Clothes
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION WA.1.PK.5.Demonstrate awareness that print carries a message.

Chime In
Color Word Sentences
Kitchen Labeling
Morning Message
My Address
Reading the Grocery List
Reading with Jack and Jill
Shopping for Clothes
Starting a Word Bank
Stuffed Animal Stories
CONTENT STANDARD NV.ELA.Language and Early Literacy Introduction
STRAND / INDICATOR RS.2.0.Reading Strategies
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION RS.2.PK.1.Identify the front cover of the book and know how to turn the pages when reading.

Funny Reading
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION RS.2.PK.2.Ask questions or make comments pertinent to the story being read.

Asking Wh- Questions
Just the Facts
My Favorite Part
Reading Routines for Early Readers
Reading a Book for the Second Time
Recalling What Happened in a Story
Think About It
Tips for helping your child love reading
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION RS.2.PK.3Identify pictures to aid in comprehension.

Picture Walk Predictions
Retelling the Story
CONTENT STANDARD NV.ELA.Language and Early Literacy Introduction
STRAND / INDICATOR LT.3.0.Literary Text
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION LT.3.PK.1.Retell a story with the aid of pictures, props, or a book

Book Bag Descriptions
Family Movie Night
Family Photos
My Favorite Part
Reading a Book for the Second Time
Recalling What Happened in a Story
Retelling the Story
Tips for helping your child love reading
Tips for storytelling: Using gestures
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION LT.3.PK.5.Listen and respond to rhythm or rhyme, (e.g., clapping or chanting).

Finish the Rhyme
Hopping Rhyming
Little Miss Muffet Role Play
Reading with Jack and Jill
Rhyming Purse
Rhyming Toss
Rhyming with Jack and Jill
Sliding to Nursery Rhymes
Twinkle, Twinkle Rhymes
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION LT.3.PK.8.Predict what will happen next in a story.

Book Selection
Picture Walk Predictions
Selecting Books
Text to Self Connections
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION LT.3.PK.9.Listen to age-appropriate material that makes connections to self and the world around them.

Asking Wh- Questions
My Favorite Part
Reading Routines for Early Readers
Reading a Book for the Second Time
Recalling What Happened in a Story
Tips for helping your child love reading
Why should we tell family stories?
CONTENT STANDARD NV.ELA.Language and Early Literacy Introduction
STRAND / INDICATOR ET.4.0.Expository Text
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION ET.4.PK.5a.Recall information from an event, text, or picture related to self and the world around them.

Getting Information from Pictures
Just the Facts
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION ET.4.PK.5b.Respond to or ask a question about an event, text, or picture.

Asking Wh- Questions
Book Bag Descriptions
Getting Information from Pictures
Think About It
Tips for helping your child love reading
CONTENT STANDARD NV.ELA.Language and Early Literacy Introduction
STRAND / INDICATOR EW.5.0.Effective Writing (All levels of writing and spelling at this age are appropriate. Creative spelling and/or pretend writing should be expected and encouraged.)
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION EW.5.PK.1.Experiment with writing tools and materials in response to information.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
Making a Grocery List
Thank You Note
Using a Menu to Order
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION EW.5.PK.2a.Experiment with beginning techniques for using various writing materials.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
Making a Grocery List
Thank You Note
Using a Menu to Order
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION EW.5.PK.2b.Trace and progress to copying basic shapes (e.g., horizontal line, vertical line, X, plus sign, circle, etc.).

Jump Rope Letters
Making a Grocery List
Silverware Alphabet
Weekend News
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION EW.5.PK.4a.Use letter-like approximation to write name and/or other words or ideas.

Jump Rope Letters
Making a Grocery List
Silverware Alphabet
Weekend News
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION EW.5.PK.4b.Attempt, with a model, to spell own first name.

Morning Message
Name Game
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION EW.5.PK.4c.Attempt, with a model, to write the first letter of first name using the capital letter.

Morning Message
Name Game
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
CONTENT STANDARD NV.ELA.Language and Early Literacy Introduction
STRAND / INDICATOR TW.6.0.Types of Writing (All levels of writing and spelling at this age are appropriate. Creative spelling and/or pretend writing should be expected and encouraged.)
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION TW.6.PK.1.Experiment with writing tools and materials to communicate.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
Making a Grocery List
Thank You Note
Using a Menu to Order
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION TW.6.PK.2.Experiment with writing tools and materials in response to a familiar experience.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
Making a Grocery List
Thank You Note
Using a Menu to Order
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION TW.6.PK.4.Experiment with writing tools and materials in response to literature.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
Making a Grocery List
Thank You Note
Using a Menu to Order
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION TW.6.PK.6.Share ideas and opinions for class writing.

Stuffed Animal Stories
Weekend News
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION TW.6.PK.9a.Organize ideas, through group discussion, with teacher assistance for the purpose of group research.

Color Word Sentences
If You're Happy & You Know It
Pantry Talk Description
Phone Fun
Taking Turns
Who Should We Ask?
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION TW.6.PK.9b.Identify and explore an area of interest.

Making a Grocery List
Using a Menu to Order
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION TW.6.PK.9c.Use, with teacher assistance, a variety of sources to obtain information.

Getting Information from Pictures
Just the Facts
Who Should We Ask?
CONTENT STANDARD NV.ELA.Language and Early Literacy Introduction
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION LS.7.PK.1b.Listen to and follow a two-step oral direction with the use of formal and informal language.

Follow My Design
Follow the Leader
Little Miss Muffet Role Play
Making Patterns
Making Trail Mix
Mirror, Mirror
Mystery Bag
Rhyming Purse
Sequences of Sounds
Shopping for Clothes
Sink or Swim
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION LS.7.PK.2.Listen and respond appropriately to stories and group discussions.

Asking Wh- Questions
Color Word Sentences
If You're Happy & You Know It
My Favorite Part
Pantry Talk Description
Phone Fun
Reading Routines for Early Readers
Reading a Book for the Second Time
Recalling What Happened in a Story
Taking Turns
Tips for helping your child love reading
Who Should We Ask?
Why should we tell family stories?
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION LS.7.PK.3.Listen with increasing attention span to gain new vocabulary.

Comparing Vegetables
Following Directions
Grocery Store Conversations
How can I help my child learn new words?
I'm Thinking of an Animal
Kitchen Labeling
Pantry Talk Description
Predicting Vocabulary
Silent Opposites
Sink or Float
Take Away
Think About It
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION LS.7.PK.5.Engage in conversation and sometimes follow conversational rules.

Color Word Sentences
If You're Happy & You Know It
Pantry Talk Description
Phone Fun
Taking Turns
Who Should We Ask?
CONTENT STANDARD NV.ELA.Language and Early Literacy Introduction
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION S.8.PK.2.Use and expand vocabulary to describe feelings, experiences, observations and ideas.

Finding the Groceries
How Many Can You Name?
I Spy an Animal
Mystery Bag
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION S.8.PK.3a.Engage in dramatic play to convey experiences, feelings, ideas, or stories.

Act It Out
Morning Message
Name Game
Toy Stories
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION S.8.PK.3b.Speak in complete sentences using at least three words.

All Mixed Up
Pantry Talk Description
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION S.8.PK.4a.Initiate conversation and respond to others.

Color Word Sentences
If You're Happy & You Know It
Pantry Talk Description
Phone Fun
Taking Turns
Who Should We Ask?
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION S.8.PK.4b.Share ideas and information from personal and share group experiences.

Color Word Sentences
If You're Happy & You Know It
Pantry Talk Description
Phone Fun
Taking Turns
Who Should We Ask?
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION S.8.PK.4c.Ask and answer simple questions.

Baby Photo Fun
Color Word Sentences
Listening for Sounds
Phone Fun
Why should we tell family stories?
Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION S.8.PK.5.Use language to repeat simple stories, songs and rhymes, or to relate experiences.

Act It Out
Toy Stories
STRAND / INDICATOR H3.Social Responsibility & Change
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION H3.PK.1.Begin to understand that differences exist between home and school.

How do I get my child to______?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
STRAND / INDICATOR EC10.The US Economy as a Whole
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION EC10.PK.1.Demonstrate the role of consumers and understand that money is exchanged for goods and/or services.

Making a Grocery List
STRAND / INDICATOR C13.Citizenship and the Law (Rules & Laws, Rights, Responsibilities, Symbols)
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION C13.PK.1Follow classroom and school rules.

How do I get my child to______?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
STRAND / INDICATOR C16.Global Relations
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION C16.PK.1.Identify their teacher and peers by name.

Building Houses
Family Talent Show
Keep It Up
Taking Turns
Who has the Biggest Number?
STRAND / INDICATOR SE.1.0.Social Emotional: Self-Confidence
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION SE.1.PK.1a.Make independent choices from diverse interest centers or activities.

Celebrate Learning
My Age
Shape Changers
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION SE.1.PK.1b.Select materials to use for individual expression.

Celebrate Learning
My Age
Shape Changers
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION SE.1.PK.2b.Acknowledge actions and accomplishments verbally and nonverbally.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
Family Talent Show
I Remember When
If You're Happy & You Know It
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION SE.1.PK.2a.Express ideas for activities; initiate and participate in discussions with teachers or peers.

Color Word Sentences
If You're Happy & You Know It
Pantry Talk Description
Phone Fun
Taking Turns
Who Should We Ask?
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION SE.PK.3.Re-engage in a task or activity after experiencing disappointment, frustration, or failure.

How should I handle temper tantrums?
Talking About Your Feelings
STRAND / INDICATOR SE.2.0.Self-Direction
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION SE.2.PK.1a.Separate easily from parents(s)/caregivers(s)/significant adult(s).

Behavior is a form of communication
You are your child's first teacher
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION SE.2.PK.1b.Move through routines and activities with minimal adult/teacher direction.

How do I get my child to______?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION SE.2.PK.2.Demonstrate self-help skills (e.g., put blocks away, pour juice, use soap when washing hands).

Fill Up the Cup
Making Trail Mix
Strawberries for a Picnic
Tips for helping your child love reading
STRAND / INDICATOR SE.3.0.Identification and Expression of Feelings
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION SE.3.PK.1Identify a range of feelings (e.g., sadness, anger, fear, and happiness).

Funny Faces
If You're Happy & You Know It
Talking About Your Feelings
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION SE.3.PK.2a.Express feelings, needs or wants in appropriate ways.

Behavior is a form of communication
Funny Faces
If You're Happy & You Know It
Talking About Your Feelings
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION SE.3.PK.2b.Demonstrate awareness of feelings of others (e.g., gets blanket for friend and comforts him/her when he/she feels sad).

Funny Faces
If You're Happy & You Know It
Talking About Your Feelings
Thank You Note
STRAND / INDICATOR SE.4.0.Interactions with other children and adults
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION SE.4.PK.1a.Demonstrate appropriate affection for teachers and friends.

Funny Faces
If You're Happy & You Know It
Talking About Your Feelings
Thank You Note
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION SE.4.PK.1c.Respect rights and belongings of others (e.g., “It is my turn to use the bike, but you can have the bike when I am finished”).

Funny Faces
If You're Happy & You Know It
Talking About Your Feelings
Thank You Note
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION SE.4.PK.1d.Demonstrate problem-solving skills (e.g. ask for help from an adult, talk about problems, talk about feelings relating to problems, and negotiate solutions).

Funny Faces
If You're Happy & You Know It
Talking About Your Feelings
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION SE.4.PK.1e.Be able to say and respond to first and last name.

Morning Message
Name Game
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
STRAND / INDICATOR SE.5.0.Pro-Social Behaviors
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION SE.5.PK.1b.Play in pairs and small groups.

Building Houses
Family Talent Show
Keep It Up
Taking Turns
Who has the Biggest Number?
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION SE.5.PK.1c.Engage in dramatic play.

Act It Out
Toy Stories
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION SE.5.PK.1d.Initiate play, or enter into play with a group of children already playing.

Building Houses
Family Talent Show
Keep It Up
Taking Turns
Who has the Biggest Number?
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION SE.5.PK.2b.Take turns with teacher support.

Building Houses
Family Talent Show
Keep It Up
Taking Turns
Who has the Biggest Number?
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION SE.5.PK.2c.Share some of the time.

Building Houses
Family Talent Show
Keep It Up
Taking Turns
Who has the Biggest Number?
STRAND / INDICATOR SE.6.0.Attending and Focusing Skills
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION SE.6.PK.1a.Attend to a task for at least 10 minutes.

Celebrate Learning
My Age
Shape Changers
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION SE.6.PK.1c.Use verbal and non-verbal conversation skills (e.g., listening, letting a person finish speaking before taking a turn, staying with one topic, maintaining eye contact, etc.).

Choosing the Right Voice
Color Word Sentences
If You're Happy & You Know It
Pantry Talk Description
Phone Fun
Taking Turns
Who Should We Ask?
CONTENT STANDARD NV.CE.Creative Expression: Approaches to Learning
STRAND / INDICATOR CT.1.0.Creative Thinking- Approaches to Learning through Creativity
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION CT.1.PK.3.Adapt environment or abilities to reach a motor challenge, such as climbing or reaching an object.

Follow the Leader
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION CT.2.0.Creative Thinking- Approaches to Learning through Motivation and Persistence

Celebrate Learning
My Age
Shape Changers
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION CT.2.PK.1.Select progressively more challenging tasks.

Celebrate Learning
My Age
Shape Changers
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION CT.2.PK.2a.Demonstrate ability to delay gratification to complete a larger task.

Celebrate Learning
My Age
Shape Changers
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION CT.2.PK.2b.Express satisfaction when accomplishing a task and achieving a goal.

Celebrate Learning
My Age
Shape Changers
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION CT.2.PK.3.Demonstrate persistence by trying again when faced with challenges.

Celebrate Learning
My Age
Shape Changers
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
CONTENT STANDARD NV.CE.Creative Expression: Approaches to Learning
STRAND / INDICATOR CT.3.0.Creative Thinking- Making Connections
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION CT.3.PK.1.Combine objects in a variety of ways.

Tips for helping your child love reading
CONTENT STANDARD NV.CE.Creative Expression: Approaches to Learning
STRAND / INDICATOR MM.1.0.Music and Movement – Singing
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION MM.1.PK.1Make a variety of sounds with their voices.

If You're Happy & You Know It
Itsy Bitsy Spider Illustrations
Sliding to Nursery Rhymes
Why should I sing to my baby?

If You're Happy & You Know It
Itsy Bitsy Spider Illustrations
Sliding to Nursery Rhymes
Why should I sing to my baby?
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION MM.1.PK.3a.Recognize and select a variety of simple songs, finger plays, musical games, and musical activities alone and with others.

If You're Happy & You Know It
Itsy Bitsy Spider Illustrations
Sliding to Nursery Rhymes
Why should I sing to my baby?
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION MM.1.PK.3b.Select and recognize a variety of songs from diverse cultures.

If You're Happy & You Know It
Itsy Bitsy Spider Illustrations
Sliding to Nursery Rhymes
Why should I sing to my baby?
CONTENT STANDARD NV.CE.Creative Expression: Approaches to Learning
STRAND / INDICATOR MM.2.0.Music and Movement - Playing Instruments
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION MM.2.PK.1.Play and identify a variety of musical instruments.

If You're Happy & You Know It
Itsy Bitsy Spider Illustrations
Sliding to Nursery Rhymes
Why should I sing to my baby?
CONTENT STANDARD NV.CE.Creative Expression: Approaches to Learning
STRAND / INDICATOR MM.3.0.Music and Movement – Improvisation
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION MM.3.PK.3.Take familiar songs and change the words, feelings, sound of voice or dynamics.

If You're Happy & You Know It
Itsy Bitsy Spider Illustrations
Sliding to Nursery Rhymes
Why should I sing to my baby?
CONTENT STANDARD NV.CE.Creative Expression: Approaches to Learning
STRAND / INDICATOR MM.6.0.Music and Movement – Listening
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION MM.6.PK.1.Identify simple elements of music such as loud/soft and fast/slow.

If You're Happy & You Know It
Itsy Bitsy Spider Illustrations
Sliding to Nursery Rhymes
Why should I sing to my baby?
CONTENT STANDARD NV.CE.Creative Expression: Approaches to Learning
STRAND / INDICATOR MM.8.0.Music and Movement - Application to Life
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION MM.8.PK.2.Demonstrate math and language skills while participating in music.

If You're Happy & You Know It
Itsy Bitsy Spider Illustrations
Sliding to Nursery Rhymes
Why should I sing to my baby?
CONTENT STANDARD NV.CE.Creative Expression: Approaches to Learning
STRAND / INDICATOR D.1.0.Dramatic Play
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION D.1.PK.1.Act out a role observed in his/her life experiences; for instance, mother, baby, doctor.

Who Should We Ask?
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION D.1.PK.2a.Make up new roles from experiences and familiar stories.

Act It Out
Toy Stories
CONTENT STANDARD NV.CE.Creative Expression: Approaches to Learning
STRAND / INDICATOR D.4.0.Dramatic Play
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION D.4.PK.1.Begin to understand and identify similarities and differences between dramatic characters and real people.

Making Connections PreK
Text to Self Connections
CONTENT STANDARD NV.CE.Creative Expression: Approaches to Learning
STRAND / INDICATOR VA.1.0.Visual Arts: Knowledge
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION VA.1.PK.3.Use a variety of media, techniques, and processes in art activities that are of the child’s creation without a model.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
May I Take your Order?
Mirror, Mirror
Shaving Cream Shapes
Three Ways to Show a Number
Using a Menu to Order
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
CONTENT STANDARD NV.CE.Creative Expression: Approaches to Learning
STRAND / INDICATOR VA.2.0.Visual Arts – Content
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION VA.2.PK.4.Identify color, shape, and texture through art experiences.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
May I Take your Order?
Mirror, Mirror
Shaving Cream Shapes
Three Ways to Show a Number
Using a Menu to Order
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
CONTENT STANDARD NV.CE.Creative Expression: Approaches to Learning
STRAND / INDICATOR VA.3.0.Visual Arts – Content
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION VA.3.PK.2.Create works that express or represent experiences, ideas, feelings, and fantasy using various media.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
May I Take your Order?
Mirror, Mirror
Shaving Cream Shapes
Three Ways to Show a Number
Using a Menu to Order
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
CONTENT STANDARD NV.CE.Creative Expression: Approaches to Learning
STRAND / INDICATOR VA.4.0.Visual Arts – Context
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION VA.4.PK.3.Create a work of art that expands on an experience, such as after a field trip or as a part of a cultural event.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
May I Take your Order?
Mirror, Mirror
Shaving Cream Shapes
Three Ways to Show a Number
Using a Menu to Order
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
CONTENT STANDARD NV.CE.Creative Expression: Approaches to Learning
STRAND / INDICATOR VA.5.0.Visual Arts – Interpretation
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION VA.5.PK.1.Recognize their own and others’ artwork.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
May I Take your Order?
Mirror, Mirror
Shaving Cream Shapes
Three Ways to Show a Number
Using a Menu to Order
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
CONTENT STANDARD NV.CE.Creative Expression: Approaches to Learning
STRAND / INDICATOR VA.6.0.Visual Arts - Cross-Curricular
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION VA.6.PK.1.Use visual arts as a means to express their feelings, thoughts, knowledge and skills in content areas such as language arts, science, and math.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
May I Take your Order?
Mirror, Mirror
Shaving Cream Shapes
Three Ways to Show a Number
Using a Menu to Order
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION VA.6.PK.2.Use visual arts in dramatic play, music, and movement activities.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
May I Take your Order?
Mirror, Mirror
Shaving Cream Shapes
Three Ways to Show a Number
Using a Menu to Order
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
CONTENT STANDARD NV.PDHE.Physical Development & Health Education
STRAND / INDICATOR PD.1.0.Development of Motor Skills
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION PD.1.PK.1.Identify the basic vocabulary of simple movement patterns (e.g., walk, run, jump, hop, climb, etc.).

Follow the Leader
Frog Hopping
Hopping Rhyming
Jump to It
Leap Frog Measure
Lily Pad Hop
Stomp the Letter
CONTENT STANDARD NV.PDHE.Physical Development & Health Education
STRAND / INDICATOR PD.2.0.Movement Forms
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION PD.2.PK.1Demonstrate a basic form in walking, running, climbing, jumping, hopping, and walking up and down stairs.

Follow the Leader
Frog Hopping
Hopping Rhyming
Jump to It
Leap Frog Measure
Lily Pad Hop
Stomp the Letter
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION PD.2.PK.3.Balance on one foot for at least five seconds.

Follow the Leader
CONTENT STANDARD NV.PDHE.Physical Development & Health Education
STRAND / INDICATOR PD.5.0.Personal Responsibility
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION PD.5.PK.3.Interact positively with others regardless of personal differences (e.g., skill level, gender, race, and disability).

Building Houses
Family Talent Show
Keep It Up
Taking Turns
Who has the Biggest Number?
CONTENT STANDARD NV.PDHE.Physical Development & Health Education
STRAND / INDICATOR PD.6.0.Fine Motor Skills
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION PD.6.PK.1.Demonstrate skills in eye-hand coordination (e.g., stacking, sorting, lacing toys, stringing beads, reproducing basic patterns, complete six-piece puzzle, Legos and peg-boards).

Alphabet Clapping
Detailed Drawing of a Face
Drumming Sounds
Finger Shapes
Jump Rope Letters
Mirror, Mirror
Setting the Table
Shaving Cream Shapes
Silverware Alphabet
Thank You Note
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION PD.6.PK.3.Use fingered or tripod grasp with drawing, painting or writing instruments.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
May I Take your Order?
Mirror, Mirror
Shaving Cream Shapes
Three Ways to Show a Number
Using a Menu to Order
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
CONTENT STANDARD NV.PDHE.Physical Development & Health Education
STRAND / INDICATOR HE.1.0.Core Concepts-Health Promotion/Disease Prevention
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION HE.1.PK.5.Identify some safety rules (e.g., fire safety, traffic/pedestrian safety, dangerous objects/substances/activities, etc.).

My Address
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION HE.1.PK.7.Recognize community health and safety helpers (e.g., police, firefighters, doctors).

Who Should We Ask?
CONTENT STANDARD NV.PDHE.Physical Development & Health Education
STRAND / INDICATOR HE.3.0.Self-management
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION HE.3.PK.1.Identify and express basic feelings (e.g., happy, sad, angry, frightened, etc.).

Funny Faces
If You're Happy & You Know It
Talking About Your Feelings
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION HE.3.PK.3.Identify potential hazards at home, school, and community, etc.).

My Address
CONTENT STANDARD NV.PDHE.Physical Development & Health Education
STRAND / INDICATOR HE.5.0.Interpersonal Communication
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION HE.5.PK.1.Seek adult assistance when injured and/or ill.

How can I get my child to listen to me?
How should I handle temper tantrums?

Nevada Academic Content Standards
Health and PE
Grade: Pre K - Adopted: 2007
STRAND / INDICATOR 4.0.(INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION) Students will demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health and to avoid or reduce health risks.
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION 4.2.1.Personal Health: List healthy ways of communication/listening to express needs, wants, and feelings

Talking About Your Feelings
STRAND / INDICATOR 5.0.(DECISION MAKING) Students will demonstrate the ability to use decision-making skills to enhance health.
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION 5.2.1.Personal Health: Discuss healthy options vs. unhealthy options.

Brushing Your Teeth
STRAND / INDICATOR 6.0.(GOAL SETTING) Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting skills to enhance health.
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION 6.2.1.Personal Health: Define a short-term and long term personal health goal.

Setting Summer Learning Goals
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION 6.2.2.Prevention/ Control of Disease: Develop goals to practice daily health habits (i.e., personal hygiene, sun safety, nutrition and physical activity).

Setting Summer Learning Goals
STRAND / INDICATOR 7.0.(SELF MANAGEMENT) Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and to avoid or reduce health risks.
INDICATOR / GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION 7.2.1.Personal Health: Identify responsible personal health behaviors.

Brushing Your Teeth