Ohio Learning Standards (Pre-K)
Main Criteria: Ohio Learning Standards | ||
Secondary Criteria: ReadyRosie | ||
Subject: Early Childhood Education | ||
Grade: Ages 3-5 | ||
Correlation Options: Show Correlated |
Ohio Learning Standards |
Early Childhood Education |
Grade: Ages 3-5 - Adopted: 2012 |
DOMAIN / ACADEMIC CONTENT STANDARD | OH.SED. | Social and Emotional Development - Pre-Kindergarten (3 – 5 years) |
BENCHMARK / GRADE LEVEL INDICATOR | SED.1.1. | Awareness and Expression of Emotion |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | SED.1.1.PK.a. | Recognize and identify own emotions and the emotions of others. ReadyRosie Funny Faces If You're Happy & You Know It Talking About Your Feelings Thank You Note |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | SED.1.1.PK.b. | Communicate a range of emotions in socially accepted ways. ReadyRosie Funny Faces If You're Happy & You Know It Talking About Your Feelings |
DOMAIN / ACADEMIC CONTENT STANDARD | OH.SED. | Social and Emotional Development - Pre-Kindergarten (3 – 5 years) |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | SED.1.2.PK.a. | Identify the diversity in human characteristics and how people are similar and different. ReadyRosie Family Photos Family Talent Show Grandparent Storytime Why should we tell family stories? |
DOMAIN / ACADEMIC CONTENT STANDARD | OH.SED. | Social and Emotional Development - Pre-Kindergarten (3 – 5 years) |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | SED.1.4.PK.a. | Manage the expression of feelings, thoughts, impulses and behaviors with minimal guidance from adults. ReadyRosie Funny Faces If You're Happy & You Know It Talking About Your Feelings |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | SED.1.4.PK.c. | With modeling and support, show awareness of the consequences for his/her actions. ReadyRosie All Done Decorating Cupcakes How can I get my child to listen to me? How should I handle temper tantrums? Is my child overscheduled? Sink or Swim Taking Turns |
DOMAIN / ACADEMIC CONTENT STANDARD | OH.SED. | Social and Emotional Development - Pre-Kindergarten (3 – 5 years) |
BENCHMARK / GRADE LEVEL INDICATOR | SED.1.5. | Sense of Competence |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | SED.1.5.PK.a. | Show confidence in own abilities and accomplish routine and familiar tasks independently. ReadyRosie Detailed Drawing of a Face Family Talent Show I Remember When If You're Happy & You Know It |
DOMAIN / ACADEMIC CONTENT STANDARD | OH.SED. | Social and Emotional Development - Pre-Kindergarten (3 – 5 years) |
STANDARD / BENCHMARK | SED.2. | Relationships |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | SED.2.1.PK.b. | Seek security and support from familiar adults in anticipation of challenging situations. ReadyRosie Behavior is a form of communication You are your child's first teacher |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | SED.2.1.PK.c. | Separate from familiar adults in a familiar setting with minimal distress. ReadyRosie Behavior is a form of communication You are your child's first teacher |
DOMAIN / ACADEMIC CONTENT STANDARD | OH.SED. | Social and Emotional Development - Pre-Kindergarten (3 – 5 years) |
STANDARD / BENCHMARK | SED.2. | Relationships |
BENCHMARK / GRADE LEVEL INDICATOR | SED.2.2. | Interactions with Adults |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | SED.2.2.PK.a. | Engage in extended, reciprocal conversations with familiar adults. ReadyRosie Color Word Sentences If You're Happy & You Know It Pantry Talk Description Phone Fun Taking Turns Who Should We Ask? |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | SED.2.2.PK.b. | Request and accept guidance from familiar adults. ReadyRosie How can I get my child to listen to me? How should I handle temper tantrums? |
DOMAIN / ACADEMIC CONTENT STANDARD | OH.SED. | Social and Emotional Development - Pre-Kindergarten (3 – 5 years) |
STANDARD / BENCHMARK | SED.2. | Relationships |
BENCHMARK / GRADE LEVEL INDICATOR | SED.2.3. | Peer Interactions and Relationships |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | SED.2.3.PK.a. | Interact with peers in more complex pretend play including planning, coordination of roles and cooperation. ReadyRosie Building Houses Family Talent Show Keep It Up Taking Turns Tips for helping your child love reading Who has the Biggest Number? |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | SED.2.3.PK.b. | Demonstrate socially competent behavior with peers. ReadyRosie Building Houses Family Talent Show Keep It Up Taking Turns Who has the Biggest Number? |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | SED.2.3.PK.c. | With modeling and support, negotiate to resolve social conflicts with peers. ReadyRosie How can I stop my kids from fighting? Talking About Your Feelings |
DOMAIN / ACADEMIC CONTENT STANDARD | OH.SED. | Social and Emotional Development - Pre-Kindergarten (3 – 5 years) |
STANDARD / BENCHMARK | SED.2. | Relationships |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | SED.2.4.PK.a. | Express concern for the needs of others and people in distress. ReadyRosie Funny Faces If You're Happy & You Know It Talking About Your Feelings Thank You Note |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | SED.2.4.PK.b. | Show regard for the feelings of other living things. ReadyRosie Funny Faces If You're Happy & You Know It Talking About Your Feelings Thank You Note |
DOMAIN / ACADEMIC CONTENT STANDARD | OH.ATL. | Approaches toward Learning - Pre-Kindergarten (3 – 5 years) |
STANDARD / BENCHMARK | ATL.1. | Initiative |
BENCHMARK / GRADE LEVEL INDICATOR | ATL.1.1. | Initiative and Curiosity |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | ATL.1.1.PK.a. | Seek new and varied experiences and challenges (take risks). ReadyRosie Celebrate Learning My Age Shape Changers Sink or Swim Taking Turns |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | ATL.1.1.PK.b. | Demonstrate self-direction while participating in a range of activities and routines. ReadyRosie Celebrate Learning My Age Shape Changers Sink or Swim Taking Turns |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | ATL.1.1.PK.c. | Ask questions to seek explanations about phenomena of interest. ReadyRosie Color Word Sentences Listening for Sounds Phone Fun |
DOMAIN / ACADEMIC CONTENT STANDARD | OH.ATL. | Approaches toward Learning - Pre-Kindergarten (3 – 5 years) |
STANDARD / BENCHMARK | ATL.1. | Initiative |
BENCHMARK / GRADE LEVEL INDICATOR | ATL.1.2. | Planning, Action and Reflection |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | ATL.1.2.PK.a. | Develop, initiate and carry out simple plans to obtain a goal. ReadyRosie Celebrate Learning My Age Shape Changers Sink or Swim Taking Turns |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | ATL.1.2.PK.b. | Use prior knowledge and information to assess, inform, and plan for future actions and learning. ReadyRosie Celebrate Learning My Age Shape Changers Sink or Swim Taking Turns |
DOMAIN / ACADEMIC CONTENT STANDARD | OH.ATL. | Approaches toward Learning - Pre-Kindergarten (3 – 5 years) |
STANDARD / BENCHMARK | ATL.2. | Engagement and Persistence |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | ATL.2.1.PK.a. | Focus on an activity with deliberate concentration despite distractions. ReadyRosie Celebrate Learning My Age Shape Changers Sink or Swim Taking Turns |
DOMAIN / ACADEMIC CONTENT STANDARD | OH.ATL. | Approaches toward Learning - Pre-Kindergarten (3 – 5 years) |
STANDARD / BENCHMARK | ATL.2. | Engagement and Persistence |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | ATL.2.2.PK.a. | Carry out tasks, activities, projects or experiences from beginning to end. ReadyRosie Celebrate Learning My Age Shape Changers Sink or Swim Taking Turns |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | ATL.2.2.PK.b. | Focus on the task at hand even when frustrated or challenged. ReadyRosie How should I handle temper tantrums? Talking About Your Feelings |
DOMAIN / ACADEMIC CONTENT STANDARD | OH.ATL. | Approaches toward Learning - Pre-Kindergarten (3 – 5 years) |
STANDARD / BENCHMARK | ATL.3. | Strand Creativity |
BENCHMARK / GRADE LEVEL INDICATOR | ATL.3.1. | Topic Innovation and Invention |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | ATL.3.1.PK.a. | Use imagination and creativity to interact with objects and materials. ReadyRosie Celebrate Learning My Age Shape Changers Sink or Swim Taking Turns |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | ATL.3.1.PK.c. | Engage in inventive social play. ReadyRosie Building Houses Family Talent Show Keep It Up Taking Turns Who has the Biggest Number? |
DOMAIN / ACADEMIC CONTENT STANDARD | OH.PWMD. | Physical Well-Being and Motor Development - Pre-Kindergarten (3 – 5 years) |
STANDARD / BENCHMARK | PWMD.1. | Motor Development |
BENCHMARK / GRADE LEVEL INDICATOR | PWMD.1.1. | Large Muscle, Balance and Coordination |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | PWMD.1.1.PK.a. | Demonstrate locomotor skills with control, coordination and balance during active play (e.g., running, hopping, skipping). ReadyRosie Follow the Leader |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | PWMD.1.1.PK.b. | Demonstrate coordination in using objects during active play (e.g., throwing, catching, kicking balls, riding tricycle). ReadyRosie Follow the Leader |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | PWMD.1.1.PK.c. | Use non-locomotor skills with control, balance and coordination during active play (e.g., bending, stretching and twisting). ReadyRosie Follow the Leader |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | PWMD.1.1.PK.d. | Demonstrate spatial awareness in physical activity or movement. ReadyRosie Follow the Leader Jump to It Rock Toss |
DOMAIN / ACADEMIC CONTENT STANDARD | OH.PWMD. | Physical Well-Being and Motor Development - Pre-Kindergarten (3 – 5 years) |
STANDARD / BENCHMARK | PWMD.2. | Motor Development |
BENCHMARK / GRADE LEVEL INDICATOR | PWMD.2.1. | Small Muscle: Touch Grasp, Reach, Manipulate |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | PWMD.2.1.PK.a. | Coordinate the use of hands, fingers and wrists to manipulate objects and perform tasks requiring precise movements. ReadyRosie Alphabet Clapping Detailed Drawing of a Face Drumming Sounds Finger Shapes Jump Rope Letters Mirror, Mirror Setting the Table Shaving Cream Shapes Silverware Alphabet Thank You Note Writing Names with Shaving Cream |
DOMAIN / ACADEMIC CONTENT STANDARD | OH.PWMD. | Physical Well-Being and Motor Development - Pre-Kindergarten (3 – 5 years) |
STANDARD / BENCHMARK | PWMD.2. | Motor Development |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | PWMD.2.2.PK.a. | Demonstrate increasingly complex oral-motor skills such as drinking through a straw, blowing bubbles or repeating a tongue-twister. ReadyRosie Signaling for Sounds |
DOMAIN / ACADEMIC CONTENT STANDARD | OH.PWMD. | Physical Well-Being and Motor Development - Pre-Kindergarten (3 – 5 years) |
STANDARD / BENCHMARK | PWMD.3. | Physical Well-Being |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | PWMD.3.3.PK.a. | Demonstrate basic understanding that eating a variety of foods helps the body grow and be healthy. ReadyRosie Grocery Store Conversations Putting Away the Groceries |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | PWMD.3.3.PK.b. | Distinguish nutritious from non-nutritious foods. ReadyRosie Grocery Store Conversations Putting Away the Groceries |
DOMAIN / ACADEMIC CONTENT STANDARD | OH.PWMD. | Physical Well-Being and Motor Development - Pre-Kindergarten (3 – 5 years) |
STANDARD / BENCHMARK | PWMD.3. | Physical Well-Being |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | PWMD.3.4.PK.a. | Independently complete personal care tasks (e.g., toileting, teeth-brushing, hand-washing, dressing etc.). ReadyRosie Rub a Dub Counting |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | PWMD.3.4.PK.b. | Follow basic health practices. ReadyRosie Grocery Store Conversations Putting Away the Groceries |
DOMAIN / ACADEMIC CONTENT STANDARD | OH.PWMD. | Physical Well-Being and Motor Development - Pre-Kindergarten (3 – 5 years) |
STANDARD / BENCHMARK | PWMD.3. | Physical Well-Being |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | PWMD.3.5.PK.a. | With modeling and support, identify and follow basic safety rules. ReadyRosie My Address |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | PWMD.3.5.PK.b. | Identify ways adults help to keep us safe. ReadyRosie Behavior is a form of communication You are your child's first teacher |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | PWMD.3.5.PK.c. | With modeling and support, identify the consequences of unsafe behavior. ReadyRosie My Address |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | PWMD.3.5.PK.d. | With modeling and support, demonstrate ability to follow emergency routines (e.g., fire or tornado drill). ReadyRosie My Address |
DOMAIN / ACADEMIC CONTENT STANDARD | OH.CGK. | Cognition and General Knowledge - Pre-Kindergarten (3 – 5 years) |
STANDARD / BENCHMARK | CGK.1. | Cognitive Skills |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | CGK.1.1.PK.a. | Communicate about past events and anticipate what comes next during familiar routines and experiences. ReadyRosie How do I get my child to______? How should I handle temper tantrums? |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | CGK.1.1.PK.b. | With modeling and support remember and use information for a variety of purposes. ReadyRosie Celebrate Learning My Age Setting Summer Learning Goals Shape Changers Sink or Swim Taking Turns |
DOMAIN / ACADEMIC CONTENT STANDARD | OH.CGK. | Cognition and General Knowledge - Pre-Kindergarten (3 – 5 years) |
STANDARD / BENCHMARK | CGK.1. | Cognitive Skills |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | CGK.1.2.PK.b. | Participate cooperatively in complex pretend play, involving assigned roles and an overall plan. ReadyRosie In My Pond, Part 1 In My Pond, Part 2 Pretending Together Stuffed Animal Stories Tips for helping your child love reading Toy Stories |
DOMAIN / ACADEMIC CONTENT STANDARD | OH.CGK:MA. | Cognition and General Knowledge: Mathematics - Pre-Kindergarten (3 – 5 years) |
STANDARD / BENCHMARK | CGK:MA.1. | Number Sense |
BENCHMARK / GRADE LEVEL INDICATOR | CGK:MA.1.1. | Number Sense and Counting |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | CGK:MA.1.1.PK.a. | Count to 20 by ones with increasing accuracy. ReadyRosie How Many Can I Grab? Keep It Up Penny Drop Rub a Dub Counting |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | CGK:MA.1.1.PK.b. | Identify and name numerals 1-9. ReadyRosie Fruit Salad Magazine Number Hunt Numbers Everywhere |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | CGK:MA.1.1.PK.c. | Identify without counting small quantities of up to 3 items. (Subitize) ReadyRosie Domino Match-Up How Many in a Set? More Grapes Quick Dots Show Me Slap One More Three Ways to Show a Number |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | CGK:MA.1.1.PK.d. | Demonstrate one-to-one correspondence when counting objects up to 10. ReadyRosie Acorns and Pinecones Adding Ice All Done Apple Pie Block Tower Candy Sort and Graph Cereal Challenge Checkout Countdown Counting Signs Decorating Cupcakes Domino Match-Up Fruit Salad How Many Can I Grab? How Many Feet? How Many Steps to Bed? How Many in the Car? How Old Are You? Lily Pad Hop Measure your Steps More Grapes Penny Drop Show Me The Number Stays the Same Three Little Animals Three Ways to Show a Number Under the Cup What's for Dinner? |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | CGK:MA.1.1.PK.e. | Understand that the last number spoken tells the number of objects counted. ReadyRosie Acorns and Pinecones Adding Ice All Done Apple Pie Block Tower Candy Sort and Graph Cereal Challenge Checkout Countdown Counting Signs Decorating Cupcakes Domino Match-Up Fruit Salad How Many Can I Grab? How Many Feet? How Many Steps to Bed? How Many in the Car? How Old Are You? Lily Pad Hop Measure your Steps More Grapes Penny Drop Show Me The Number Stays the Same Three Little Animals Three Ways to Show a Number Under the Cup What's for Dinner? |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | CGK:MA.1.1.PK.f. | Identify whether the number of objects in one group is greater than, less than or equal to the number of objects in another group up to 10. ReadyRosie Acorns and Pinecones Cereal Challenge Make a Tower of Ten More than Ten Sharing Goldfish Slap One More Snack Fractions Who has the Biggest Number? |
DOMAIN / ACADEMIC CONTENT STANDARD | OH.CGK:MA. | Cognition and General Knowledge: Mathematics - Pre-Kindergarten (3 – 5 years) |
STANDARD / BENCHMARK | CGK:MA.2. | Number Relationships and Operations |
BENCHMARK / GRADE LEVEL INDICATOR | CGK:MA.2.1. | Number Relationships |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | CGK:MA.2.1.PK.a. | Count to solve simple addition and subtraction problems with totals smaller than 8, using concrete objects. ReadyRosie All Done Checkout Countdown Decorating Cupcakes How Many Feet? In My Pond, Part 1 In My Pond, Part 2 Make a Tower of Ten One Less One More Packing for Our Trip Rock Toss Three Little Animals |
DOMAIN / ACADEMIC CONTENT STANDARD | OH.CGK:MA. | Cognition and General Knowledge: Mathematics - Pre-Kindergarten (3 – 5 years) |
BENCHMARK / GRADE LEVEL INDICATOR | CGK:MA.3.1. | Group and Categorize |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | CGK:MA.3.1.PK.a. | Sort and classify objects by one or more attributes (e.g., size, shape). ReadyRosie Candy Sort and Graph I Spy a Coin I Spy an Animal Letter Sort Likely or Unlikely Sort and Graph Leaves Sorting Laundry |
DOMAIN / ACADEMIC CONTENT STANDARD | OH.CGK:MA. | Cognition and General Knowledge: Mathematics - Pre-Kindergarten (3 – 5 years) |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | CGK:MA.3.2.PK.a. | Recognize, duplicate and extend simple patterns using attributes such as color, shape or size. ReadyRosie How Many Can I Grab? Making Patterns My Age Setting the Table Sound Patterns Speedometer Math The Fence Problem |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | CGK:MA.3.2.PK.b. | Create patterns. ReadyRosie How Many Can I Grab? Making Patterns My Age Setting the Table Sound Patterns Speedometer Math The Fence Problem |
DOMAIN / ACADEMIC CONTENT STANDARD | OH.CGK:MA. | Cognition and General Knowledge: Mathematics - Pre-Kindergarten (3 – 5 years) |
STANDARD / BENCHMARK | CGK:MA.4. | Measurement and Data |
BENCHMARK / GRADE LEVEL INDICATOR | CGK:MA.4.1. | Describe and Compare Measureable Attributes |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | CGK:MA.4.1.PK.a. | Describe and compare objects using measureable attributes (e.g., length, size, capacity and weight). ReadyRosie Bookcase Problem Building Houses Buying Oranges Comparing Vegetables Grocery Store Weights Leap Frog Measure Measuring the Table Near and Far |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | CGK:MA.4.1.PK.b. | Order objects by measureable attribute (e.g., biggest to smallest, etc.). ReadyRosie Bookcase Problem Building Houses Buying Oranges Comparing Vegetables Grocery Store Weights Leap Frog Measure Measuring the Table Near and Far |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | CGK:MA.4.1.PK.c. | Measure length and volume (capacity) using non-standard or standard measurement tools. ReadyRosie Bookcase Problem Fill Up the Cup Making Trail Mix Strawberries for a Picnic |
DOMAIN / ACADEMIC CONTENT STANDARD | OH.CGK:MA. | Cognition and General Knowledge: Mathematics - Pre-Kindergarten (3 – 5 years) |
STANDARD / BENCHMARK | CGK:MA.4. | Measurement and Data |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | CGK:MA.4.2.PK.a. | Collect data by categories to answer simple questions. ReadyRosie Dino Dig Sort and Graph Leaves What's for Dinner? |
DOMAIN / ACADEMIC CONTENT STANDARD | OH.CGK:MA. | Cognition and General Knowledge: Mathematics - Pre-Kindergarten (3 – 5 years) |
BENCHMARK / GRADE LEVEL INDICATOR | CGK:MA.5.1. | Spatial Relationships |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | CGK:MA.5.1.PK.a. | Demonstrate understanding of the relative position of objects using terms such as in/on/under, up/down, inside/outside, above/below, beside/between, in front of/behind and next to. ReadyRosie Bookcase Problem Finding the Groceries Follow My Design Follow the Leader Following Directions Jump to It Little Miss Muffet Role Play Mirror, Mirror Near and Far Race Car Transformations Stuffed Animal Olympics Treasure Map |
DOMAIN / ACADEMIC CONTENT STANDARD | OH.CGK:MA. | Cognition and General Knowledge: Mathematics - Pre-Kindergarten (3 – 5 years) |
BENCHMARK / GRADE LEVEL INDICATOR | CGK:MA.5.2. | Identify and Describe Shapes |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | CGK:MA.5.2.PK.a. | Understand and use names of shapes when identifying objects. ReadyRosie Finger Shapes Guess My Shape Mirror, Mirror Shape Changers Shape Hunt Shaving Cream Shapes Ways to Cut a Sandwich |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | CGK:MA.5.2.PK.b. | Name three-dimensional objects using informal, descriptive vocabulary (e.g., “cube” for box, “ice cream cone” for cone, “ball” for sphere, etc.). ReadyRosie Building Houses Pantry Sort 1 Pantry Sort 2 |
DOMAIN / ACADEMIC CONTENT STANDARD | OH.CGK:MA. | Cognition and General Knowledge: Mathematics - Pre-Kindergarten (3 – 5 years) |
BENCHMARK / GRADE LEVEL INDICATOR | CGK:MA.5.3. | Analyze, Compare and Create Shapes |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | CGK:MA.5.3.PK.a. | Compare two-dimensional shapes, in different sizes and orientations, using informal language. ReadyRosie Finger Shapes Guess My Shape Mirror, Mirror Shape Changers Shape Hunt Shaving Cream Shapes Ways to Cut a Sandwich |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | CGK:MA.5.3.PK.b. | Create shapes during play by building, drawing, etc. ReadyRosie Building Houses Finger Shapes Guess My Shape Mirror, Mirror Pantry Sort 1 Pantry Sort 2 Shape Changers Shape Hunt Shaving Cream Shapes Ways to Cut a Sandwich |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | CGK:MA.5.3.PK.c. | Combine simple shapes to form larger shapes. ReadyRosie Building Houses Finger Shapes Guess My Shape Mirror, Mirror Pantry Sort 1 Pantry Sort 2 Shape Changers Shape Hunt Shaving Cream Shapes Ways to Cut a Sandwich |
DOMAIN / ACADEMIC CONTENT STANDARD | OH.CGK:SS. | Cognition and General Knowledge: Social Studies - Pre-Kindergarten (3 – 5 years) |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | CGK:SS.2.2.PK.a. | Develop an awareness and appreciation of family cultural stories and traditions. ReadyRosie Family Photos Family Talent Show Grandparent Storytime Why should we tell family stories? |
DOMAIN / ACADEMIC CONTENT STANDARD | OH.CGK:SS. | Cognition and General Knowledge: Social Studies - Pre-Kindergarten (3 – 5 years) |
STANDARD / BENCHMARK | CGK:SS.3. | Geography |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | CGK:SS.3.2.PK.a. | Identify similarities and differences of personal, family and cultural characteristics, and those of others. ReadyRosie Family Photos Family Talent Show Grandparent Storytime Why should we tell family stories? |
DOMAIN / ACADEMIC CONTENT STANDARD | OH.CGK:SS. | Cognition and General Knowledge: Social Studies - Pre-Kindergarten (3 – 5 years) |
STANDARD / BENCHMARK | CGK:SS.4. | Government |
BENCHMARK / GRADE LEVEL INDICATOR | CGK:SS.4.1. | Civic Participation and Skills |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | CGK:SS.4.1.PK.c. | With modeling and support, negotiate to solve social conflicts with peers. ReadyRosie How can I stop my kids from fighting? Talking About Your Feelings |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | CGK:SS.4.1.PK.d. | With modeling and support, demonstrate an awareness of the outcomes of choices. ReadyRosie All Done Decorating Cupcakes How can I get my child to listen to me? How should I handle temper tantrums? Is my child overscheduled? Sink or Swim Taking Turns |
DOMAIN / ACADEMIC CONTENT STANDARD | OH.CGK:SS. | Cognition and General Knowledge: Social Studies - Pre-Kindergarten (3 – 5 years) |
STANDARD / BENCHMARK | CGK:SS.4. | Government |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | CGK:SS.4.2.PK.a. | With modeling and support, demonstrate understanding that rules play an important role in promoting safety and protecting fairness. ReadyRosie How do I get my child to______? How should I handle temper tantrums? |
DOMAIN / ACADEMIC CONTENT STANDARD | OH.CGK:SS. | Cognition and General Knowledge: Social Studies - Pre-Kindergarten (3 – 5 years) |
STANDARD / BENCHMARK | CGK:SS.5. | Economics |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | CGK:SS.5.1.PK.a. | With modeling and support, recognize that people have wants and must make choices to satisfy those wants because resources and materials are limited. ReadyRosie Making a Grocery List |
DOMAIN / ACADEMIC CONTENT STANDARD | OH.CGK:SS. | Cognition and General Knowledge: Social Studies - Pre-Kindergarten (3 – 5 years) |
STANDARD / BENCHMARK | CGK:SS.5. | Economics |
BENCHMARK / GRADE LEVEL INDICATOR | CGK:SS.5.2. | Production and Consumption |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | CGK:SS.5.2.PK.a. | With modeling and support, demonstrate understanding of where goods and services originate and how they are acquired. ReadyRosie Making a Grocery List |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | CGK:SS.5.2.PK.b. | With modeling and support, demonstrate responsible consumption and conservation of resources. ReadyRosie Making a Grocery List |
DOMAIN / ACADEMIC CONTENT STANDARD | OH.CGK:SC. | Cognition and General Knowledge: Science - Pre-Kindergarten (3 – 5 years) |
STANDARD / BENCHMARK | CGK:SC.1. | Science Inquiry and Application |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | CGK:SC.1.1.PK.b. | Make careful observations. ReadyRosie Grocery Store Conversations Sink or Float |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | CGK:SC.1.1.PK.c. | Pose questions about the physical and natural environment. ReadyRosie What's for Dinner? |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | CGK:SC.1.1.PK.h. | Identify patterns and relationships. ReadyRosie Candy Sort and Graph Grocery Store Weights I Spy an Animal Likely or Unlikely Sort and Graph Leaves Sorting Laundry |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | CGK:SC.1.1.PK.i. | Make predictions. ReadyRosie Acorns and Pinecones Measure your Steps Strawberries for a Picnic |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | CGK:SC.1.1.PK.j. | Make inferences, generalizations and explanations based on evidence. ReadyRosie Acorns and Pinecones Measure your Steps Strawberries for a Picnic |
DOMAIN / ACADEMIC CONTENT STANDARD | OH.LLD. | Language and Literacy Development - Pre-Kindergarten (3 – 5 years) |
STANDARD / BENCHMARK | LLD.1. | Listening and Speaking |
BENCHMARK / GRADE LEVEL INDICATOR | LLD.1.1. | Receptive Language and Comprehension |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | LLD.1.1.PK.a. | Demonstrate understanding of increasingly complex concepts and longer sentences. ReadyRosie Comparing Vegetables Following Directions Grocery Store Conversations How can I help my child learn new words? I'm Thinking of an Animal Kitchen Labeling Pantry Talk Description Predicting Vocabulary Silent Opposites Sink or Float Take Away Think About It |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | LLD.1.1.PK.b. | Ask meaning of words. ReadyRosie Comparing Vegetables Following Directions Grocery Store Conversations How can I help my child learn new words? I'm Thinking of an Animal Kitchen Labeling Pantry Talk Description Predicting Vocabulary Silent Opposites Sink or Float Take Away Think About It |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | LLD.1.1.PK.c. | Follow two-step directions or requests. ReadyRosie Follow My Design Follow the Leader Little Miss Muffet Role Play Making Patterns Making Trail Mix Mirror, Mirror Mystery Bag Rhyming Purse Sequences of Sounds Shopping for Clothes Sink or Swim |
DOMAIN / ACADEMIC CONTENT STANDARD | OH.LLD. | Language and Literacy Development - Pre-Kindergarten (3 – 5 years) |
STANDARD / BENCHMARK | LLD.1. | Listening and Speaking |
BENCHMARK / GRADE LEVEL INDICATOR | LLD.1.2. | Expressive Language |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | LLD.1.2.PK.a. | Use language to communicate in a variety of ways with others to share observations, ideas and experiences; problem-solve, reason, predict and seek new information. ReadyRosie Color Word Sentences If You're Happy & You Know It Pantry Talk Description Phone Fun Taking Turns Who Should We Ask? |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | LLD.1.2.PK.b. | Speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings and ideas clearly. (Articulation) ReadyRosie Funny Faces If You're Happy & You Know It Talking About Your Feelings |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | LLD.1.2.PK.c. | Describe familiar people, places, things and experiences. ReadyRosie Putting Away the Groceries Table Riddles |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | LLD.1.2.PK.e.i. | With modeling and support, use the conventions of standard English (Grammar): Use familiar nouns and verbs to describe persons, animals, places, events, actions etc. ReadyRosie All Mixed Up |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | LLD.1.2.PK.e.ii. | With modeling and support, use the conventions of standard English (Grammar): Form regular plural nouns orally by adding /s/ or /es/. ReadyRosie All Mixed Up |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | LLD.1.2.PK.e.iii. | With modeling and support, use the conventions of standard English (Grammar): Understand and use question words (interrogatives) (e.g., who, what, where, when, why and how). ReadyRosie All Mixed Up Color Word Sentences Listening for Sounds Phone Fun |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | LLD.1.2.PK.e.iv. | With modeling and support, use the conventions of standard English (Grammar): Use frequently occurring prepositions (e.g., to, from, in, out, on, off, for of, by, with). ReadyRosie All Mixed Up Little Miss Muffet Role Play |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | LLD.1.2.PK.e.v. | With modeling and support, use the conventions of standard English (Grammar): Produce and expand complete sentences in shared language activities. ReadyRosie All Mixed Up Family Photos Pantry Talk Description Phone Fun Who Should We Ask? |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | LLD.1.2.PK.f. | With modeling and support, use words acquired through conversations and shared reading experiences. (Vocabulary) ReadyRosie Finding the Groceries How Many Can You Name? I Spy an Animal Mystery Bag Reading a Book for the Second Time |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | LLD.1.2.PK.g. | With modeling and support, determine the meanings of unknown words/concepts using the context of conversations, pictures that accompany text or concrete objects. (Vocabulary) ReadyRosie Finding the Groceries How Many Can You Name? I Spy an Animal Mystery Bag |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | LLD.1.2.PK.h. | Identify real-life connections between words and their use. (Vocabulary) ReadyRosie Comparing Vegetables Following Directions Grocery Store Conversations How can I help my child learn new words? I'm Thinking of an Animal Kitchen Labeling Pantry Talk Description Predicting Vocabulary Silent Opposites Sink or Float Take Away Think About It |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | LLD.1.2.PK.i. | With modeling and support, explore relationships between word meanings (e.g., categories of objects, opposites, verbs describing similar actions - walk, march, prance, etc.). (Vocabulary) ReadyRosie Comparing Vegetables How Many Can You Name? Silent Opposites Sort and Graph Leaves What's the Opposite? |
DOMAIN / ACADEMIC CONTENT STANDARD | OH.LLD. | Language and Literacy Development - Pre-Kindergarten (3 – 5 years) |
STANDARD / BENCHMARK | LLD.1. | Listening and Speaking |
BENCHMARK / GRADE LEVEL INDICATOR | LLD.1.3. | Social Communication |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | LLD.1.3.PK.a. | With modeling and support follow typical patterns when communicating with others (e.g., listens to others, takes turns talking and speaks about the topic or text being discussed). ReadyRosie Choosing the Right Voice Taking Turns |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | LLD.1.3.PK.b. | With modeling and support, continue a conversation through multiple exchanges. ReadyRosie Color Word Sentences If You're Happy & You Know It Pantry Talk Description Phone Fun Taking Turns Who Should We Ask? |
DOMAIN / ACADEMIC CONTENT STANDARD | OH.LLD. | Language and Literacy Development - Pre-Kindergarten (3 – 5 years) |
BENCHMARK / GRADE LEVEL INDICATOR | LLD.2.2. | Reading Comprehension |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | LLD.2.2.PK.a. | Ask and answer questions, and comment about characters and major events in familiar stories. ReadyRosie Making Connections PreK Text to Self Connections |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | LLD.2.2.PK.b. | Retell or re-enact familiar stories. ReadyRosie Book Bag Descriptions Family Movie Night Family Photos My Favorite Part Reading a Book for the Second Time Recalling What Happened in a Story Retelling the Story Tips for helping your child love reading Tips for storytelling: Using gestures |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | LLD.2.2.PK.c. | Identify characters and major events in a story. ReadyRosie Making Connections PreK Text to Self Connections |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | LLD.2.2.PK.e. | With modeling and support, describe what part of the story the illustration depicts. ReadyRosie Picture Walk Predictions Retelling the Story |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | LLD.2.2.PK.f. | With modeling and support, name the author and illustrator of a story and what part each person does for a book. ReadyRosie Funny Reading |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | LLD.2.2.PK.h. | With modeling and support, describe, categorize and compare and contrast information in informational text. ReadyRosie Compare and Contrast Questions |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | LLD.2.2.PK.j. | Actively engage in group reading with purpose and understanding. ReadyRosie Asking Wh- Questions Just the Facts My Favorite Part Reading Routines for Early Readers Reading a Book for the Second Time Recalling What Happened in a Story Tips for helping your child love reading |
DOMAIN / ACADEMIC CONTENT STANDARD | OH.LLD. | Language and Literacy Development - Pre-Kindergarten (3 – 5 years) |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | LLD.2.3.PK.a. | With modeling and support use phrasing, intonation and expression in shared reading of familiar books, poems, chants, songs, nursery rhymes or other repetitious or predictable texts. ReadyRosie Asking Wh- Questions Finish the Rhyme If You're Happy & You Know It Itsy Bitsy Spider Illustrations My Favorite Part Reading Routines for Early Readers Reading a Book for the Second Time Recalling What Happened in a Story Sliding to Nursery Rhymes Tips for helping your child love reading Twinkle, Twinkle Rhymes Why should I sing to my baby? |
DOMAIN / ACADEMIC CONTENT STANDARD | OH.LLD. | Language and Literacy Development - Pre-Kindergarten (3 – 5 years) |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | LLD.2.4.PK.a. | Demonstrate an understanding of basic conventions of print in English and other languages. ReadyRosie Chime In Color Word Sentences Kitchen Labeling Morning Message My Address Pantry Talk Description Reading the Grocery List Reading with Jack and Jill Shopping for Clothes Starting a Word Bank Stuffed Animal Stories |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | LLD.2.4.PK.b. | Orient books correctly for reading and turn pages one at a time. ReadyRosie Chime In Color Word Sentences Funny Reading Reading the Grocery List Reading with Jack and Jill Stuffed Animal Sentences Stuffed Animal Stories Words on the Page |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | LLD.2.4.PK.c. | Demonstrate an understanding that print carries meaning. ReadyRosie Chime In Color Word Sentences Kitchen Labeling Morning Message My Address Reading the Grocery List Reading with Jack and Jill Shopping for Clothes Starting a Word Bank Stuffed Animal Stories |
DOMAIN / ACADEMIC CONTENT STANDARD | OH.LLD. | Language and Literacy Development - Pre-Kindergarten (3 – 5 years) |
BENCHMARK / GRADE LEVEL INDICATOR | LLD.2.5. | Phonological Awareness |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | LLD.2.5.PK.a. | With modeling and support, recognize and produce rhyming words. ReadyRosie Finish the Rhyme Hopping Rhyming Little Miss Muffet Role Play Reading with Jack and Jill Rhyming Purse Rhyming Toss Rhyming with Jack and Jill Sliding to Nursery Rhymes Twinkle, Twinkle Rhymes |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | LLD.2.5.PK.b. | With modeling and support recognize words in spoken sentences. ReadyRosie Color Word Sentences Reading with Jack and Jill Sentence Segmenting Starting a Word Bank Words on the Page |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | LLD.2.5.PK.c. | With modeling and support identify, blend and segment syllables in spoken words. ReadyRosie Frog Hopping Grocery Sack Syllables Sequences of Sounds |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | LLD.2.5.PK.d. | With modeling and support, orally blend and segment familiar compound words. ReadyRosie Compound Words Take Away |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | LLD.2.5.PK.e. | With modeling and support, blend and segment onset and rime in single-syllable spoken words. ReadyRosie Laundry Riddles |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | LLD.2.5.PK.f. | With modeling and support identify initial and final sounds in spoken words. ReadyRosie Making a Grocery List Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down |
DOMAIN / ACADEMIC CONTENT STANDARD | OH.LLD. | Language and Literacy Development - Pre-Kindergarten (3 – 5 years) |
BENCHMARK / GRADE LEVEL INDICATOR | LLD.2.6. | Letter and Word Recognition |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | LLD.2.6.PK.b. | With modeling and support, recognize and name some upper and lower case letters in addition to those in first name. ReadyRosie Shopping for Clothes |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | LLD.2.6.PK.c. | With modeling and support, demonstrate understanding that alphabet letters are a special category of symbols that can be named and identified. ReadyRosie Jump Rope Letters Letter Hunt Letter Sort Magnetic Letter Mix Up Making Letter Soup Name Game Point the ABC Song Reading the Grocery List Searching for Sounds at the Store Shopping for Clothes Silverware Alphabet Stomp the Letter Writing Names with Shaving Cream |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | LLD.2.6.PK.d. | With modeling and support, recognize the sounds associated with letters. ReadyRosie Frog Hopping Listen My Children Reading the Grocery List Searching for Sounds at the Store Shopping for Clothes |
DOMAIN / ACADEMIC CONTENT STANDARD | OH.LLD. | Language and Literacy Development - Pre-Kindergarten (3 – 5 years) |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | LLD.3.2.PK.b. | Demonstrate an understanding of the structure and function of print. ReadyRosie Detailed Drawing of a Face Making a Grocery List Stuffed Animal Stories Thank You Note Using a Menu to Order Weekend News Writing Names with Shaving Cream |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | LLD.3.2.PK.c. | With modeling and support, print letters of own name and other meaningful words with mock letters and some actual letters. ReadyRosie Jump Rope Letters Making a Grocery List Morning Message Name Game Silverware Alphabet Weekend News Writing Names with Shaving Cream |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | LLD.3.2.PK.d. | With modeling and support, demonstrate letter formation in “writing.” ReadyRosie Jump Rope Letters Making a Grocery List Silverware Alphabet Weekend News Writing Names with Shaving Cream |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | LLD.3.2.PK.e. | With modeling and support show awareness that one letter or cluster of letters represents one word. ReadyRosie Making a Grocery List Name Game Thank You Note Writing Names with Shaving Cream |
DOMAIN / ACADEMIC CONTENT STANDARD | OH.LLD. | Language and Literacy Development - Pre-Kindergarten (3 – 5 years) |
BENCHMARK / GRADE LEVEL INDICATOR | LLD.3.3. | Writing Application and Composition |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | LLD.3.3.PK.a. | “Read” what he/she has written. ReadyRosie Detailed Drawing of a Face Making a Grocery List Thank You Note Using a Menu to Order Writing Names with Shaving Cream |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | LLD.3.3.PK.b. | With modeling and support, notice and sporadically use punctuation in writing. ReadyRosie Stuffed Animal Stories Weekend News |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | LLD.3.3.PK.c. | With modeling and support, use a combination of drawing, dictating and emergent writing for a variety of purposes (e.g., letters, greeting cards, menus, lists, books). ReadyRosie Detailed Drawing of a Face Making a Grocery List May I Take your Order? Mirror, Mirror Shaving Cream Shapes Thank You Note Three Ways to Show a Number Using a Menu to Order Writing Names with Shaving Cream |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | LLD.3.3.PK.d. | With modeling and support, use a combination of drawing, dictating and emergent writing to tell a story, to express ideas, and to share information about an experience or topic of interest. (Composition) ReadyRosie Making a Grocery List Using a Menu to Order |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | LLD.3.3.PK.e. | With modeling and support, discuss and respond to questions from others about writing/drawing. ReadyRosie Detailed Drawing of a Face Making a Grocery List May I Take your Order? Mirror, Mirror Shaving Cream Shapes Thank You Note Three Ways to Show a Number Using a Menu to Order Writing Names with Shaving Cream |
PROFICIENCY LEVEL | LLD.3.3.PK.f. | With modeling and support, participate in shared research and writing projects using a variety of resources to gather information or to answer a question. ReadyRosie Stuffed Animal Stories Weekend News |