Oklahoma Academic Standards

Main Criteria: Oklahoma Academic Standards
Secondary Criteria: ReadyRosie
Subjects: Health and PE, Language Arts, Mathematics, Science
Grades: K, 1, 2, 3
Correlation Options: Show Correlated

Oklahoma Academic Standards
Health and PE
Grade: K - Adopted: 2016
STRAND / STANDARD S4.Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
OBJECTIVE S4.E1.Personal Responsibility
SKILL / CONCEPT S4.E1.1.Follows directions in group settings (e.g., safe behaviors, following rules).

Conversation Starters
Fishing for Tens
How do I get my child to______?
Red Light, Green Light
Routine Strategy: Transition Timer
Sink or Swim
STRAND / STANDARD S4.Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
OBJECTIVE S4.E3.Accepting Feedback
SKILL / CONCEPT S4.E3.1.Follows instruction/ directions when prompted.

Routine Strategy: Transition Timer
STRAND / STANDARD S4.Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
OBJECTIVE S4.E4.Working with Others
SKILL / CONCEPT S4.E4.1.Shares equipment and space with others.

Clap and Count
Super Kindness
STRAND / STANDARD S4.Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
OBJECTIVE S4.E5.Rules and Etiquette
SKILL / CONCEPT S4.E5.1.Recognizes the established protocols for class activities.

Conversation Starters
Fishing for Tens
How do I get my child to______?
Red Light, Green Light
Routine Strategy: Transition Timer
Sink or Swim
STRAND / STANDARD S5.Recognizes the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction.
OBJECTIVE S5.E4.Self-expression and Enjoyment - Social Interaction
SKILL / CONCEPT S5.E4.1.Demonstrates socially acceptable conflict resolution skills.

How can I stop my kids from fighting?

Oklahoma Academic Standards
Health and PE
Grade: 1 - Adopted: 2016
STRAND / STANDARD 1.2.Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention to enhance health.
OBJECTIVE 1.2.1.Identify that healthy behaviors affect personal health (e.g., healthy eating, adequate sleep, physical activity, positive peer interactions).

Brushing Your Teeth
STRAND / STANDARD 2.2.Students will analyze the influence of family, peers, culture, media, technology and other factors on health behaviors.
OBJECTIVE 2.2.2.Identify what the school can do to support personal health practices and behaviors.

Super Kindness
STRAND / STANDARD 3.2.Students will demonstrate the ability to access valid information, products and services to enhance health.
OBJECTIVE 3.2.1.Identify trusted adults and professionals who can help promote health.

All About My Family
Family Poem
OBJECTIVE 3.2.2.Identify ways to locate school and community health helpers.

Super Kindness
STRAND / STANDARD 4.2.Students will demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health and avoid or reduce health risks.
OBJECTIVE 4.2.1.Demonstrate healthy ways to express needs, wants and feelings.

Emotion Meter Scale
Family Poem
Feelings Charades
I Love My Family Because...
Inside Outside Traits
School Routine Practice
What Do I Like?
What Do I See When I Hear...?
What I Like About Me
OBJECTIVE 4.2.2.Demonstrate listening skills to enhance health.

Conversation Starters
Feelings Charades
I Love My Family Because...
Routine Strategy: Transition Timer
Sharing Chores and Your Day
Sink or Swim
OBJECTIVE 4.2.4.Demonstrate ways to tell a trusted adult when in an unwanted, threatening or dangerous situation.

All About My Family
Family Poem
STRAND / STANDARD 5.2.Students will demonstrate the ability to use decision-making skills to enhance health.
OBJECTIVE 5.2.1.Identify situations when a health-related decision is needed (e.g., dealing with interpersonal conflict, managing anger, nutrition, safety, hygiene).

Brushing Your Teeth
OBJECTIVE 5.2.2.Differentiate between situations when a health-related decision can be made individually or when assistance is needed.

Super Kindness
STRAND / STANDARD 6.2.Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting skills to enhance health.
OBJECTIVE 6.2.1.Identify a short-term personal health goal and take action toward achieving the goal.

Setting Summer Learning Goals
STRAND / STANDARD 7.2.Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health risks.
OBJECTIVE 7.2.1.Demonstrate healthy practices and behaviors to maintain or improve personal health.

Brushing Your Teeth
OBJECTIVE 7.2.2.Demonstrate behaviors that avoid or reduce health risks.

Brushing Your Teeth
STRAND / STANDARD 8.2.Students will demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family and community health.
OBJECTIVE 8.2.1.Make requests to promote personal health (e.g., requesting healthy foods and drinks, avoiding second hand smoke, use of personal safety equipment, proper hygiene).

Emotion Meter Scale
Family Poem
Feelings Charades
I Love My Family Because...
Inside Outside Traits
School Routine Practice
What Do I Like?
What Do I See When I Hear...?
What I Like About Me
STRAND / STANDARD S4.Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
OBJECTIVE S4.E2.Personal Responsibility
SKILL / CONCEPT S4.E2.1.Follows the rules and parameters of the learning environment.

Conversation Starters
Fishing for Tens
How do I get my child to______?
Red Light, Green Light
Routine Strategy: Transition Timer
Sink or Swim
STRAND / STANDARD S4.Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
OBJECTIVE S4.E4.Working with Others
SKILL / CONCEPT S4.E4.1.Works independently with others in a variety of class environments (e.g., small and large groups).

Clap and Count
Folding a Blanket
Super Kindness
STRAND / STANDARD S4.Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
OBJECTIVE S4.E5.Rules and Etiquette
SKILL / CONCEPT S4.E5.1.Exhibits the established protocols for class activities.

Conversation Starters
Fishing for Tens
How do I get my child to______?
Red Light, Green Light
Routine Strategy: Transition Timer
Sink or Swim
STRAND / STANDARD S5.Recognizes the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction.
OBJECTIVE S5.E3.Self-expression and Enjoyment
SKILL / CONCEPT S5.E3.1.Describes positive feelings that result from participating in physical activities.

Emotion Meter Scale
STRAND / STANDARD S5.Recognizes the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction.
OBJECTIVE S5.E4.Self-expression and Enjoyment - Social Interaction
SKILL / CONCEPT S5.E4.1.Demonstrates socially acceptable conflict resolution skills.

How can I stop my kids from fighting?

Oklahoma Academic Standards
Health and PE
Grade: 2 - Adopted: 2016
STRAND / STANDARD 1.2.Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention to enhance health.
OBJECTIVE 1.2.1.Identify that healthy behaviors affect personal health (e.g., healthy eating, adequate sleep, physical activity, positive peer interactions).

Brushing Your Teeth
STRAND / STANDARD 2.2.Students will analyze the influence of family, peers, culture, media, technology and other factors on health behaviors.
OBJECTIVE 2.2.2.Identify what the school can do to support personal health practices and behaviors.

Super Kindness
Who Are Your Heroes?
STRAND / STANDARD 3.2.Students will demonstrate the ability to access valid information, products and services to enhance health.
OBJECTIVE 3.2.1.Identify trusted adults and professionals who can help promote health.

Family Poem
This Is Important
Who Are Your Heroes?
OBJECTIVE 3.2.2.Identify ways to locate school and community health helpers.

Super Kindness
Who Are Your Heroes?
STRAND / STANDARD 4.2.Students will demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health and avoid or reduce health risks.
OBJECTIVE 4.2.1.Demonstrate healthy ways to express needs, wants and feelings.

Emotion Meter Scale
Family Poem
Feelings Charades
I Love My Family Because...
Inside Outside Traits
This Is Important
What Do I See When I Hear...?
What I Like About Me
Who Are Your Heroes?
OBJECTIVE 4.2.2.Demonstrate listening skills to enhance health.

Conversation Starters
Feelings Charades
I Love My Family Because...
Kitchen Conversations
Routine Strategy: Transition Timer
Sharing Chores and Your Day
OBJECTIVE 4.2.4.Demonstrate ways to tell a trusted adult when in an unwanted, threatening or dangerous situation.

Family Poem
This Is Important
Who Are Your Heroes?
STRAND / STANDARD 5.2.Students will demonstrate the ability to use decision-making skills to enhance health.
OBJECTIVE 5.2.1.Identify situations when a health-related decision is needed (e.g., dealing with interpersonal conflict, managing anger, nutrition, safety, hygiene).

Brushing Your Teeth
OBJECTIVE 5.2.2.Differentiate between situations when a health-related decision can be made individually or when assistance is needed.

Fair Share
Super Kindness
STRAND / STANDARD 6.2.Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting skills to enhance health.
OBJECTIVE 6.2.1.Identify a short-term personal health goal and take action toward achieving the goal.

Setting Summer Learning Goals
STRAND / STANDARD 7.2.Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health risks.
OBJECTIVE 7.2.1.Demonstrate healthy practices and behaviors to maintain or improve personal health.

Brushing Your Teeth
OBJECTIVE 7.2.2.Demonstrate behaviors that avoid or reduce health risks.

Brushing Your Teeth
STRAND / STANDARD 8.2.Students will demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family and community health.
OBJECTIVE 8.2.1.Make requests to promote personal health (e.g., requesting healthy foods and drinks, avoiding second hand smoke, use of personal safety equipment, proper hygiene).

Emotion Meter Scale
Family Poem
Feelings Charades
I Love My Family Because...
Inside Outside Traits
This Is Important
What Do I See When I Hear...?
What I Like About Me
Who Are Your Heroes?
STRAND / STANDARD S4.Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
OBJECTIVE S4.E1.Personal Responsibility
SKILL / CONCEPT S4.E1.1.Practices skills with minimal teacher prompting.

Books on the Go
Emotion Meter Scale
Is my child overscheduled?
Routine Strategy: Transition Timer
Simon Says
STRAND / STANDARD S4.Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
OBJECTIVE S4.E2.Personal Responsibility
SKILL / CONCEPT S4.E2.1.Accepts responsibility for class protocols with behavior and performance actions.

Conversation Starters
How do I get my child to______?
Routine Strategy: Transition Timer
Subtraction War
This Is Important
STRAND / STANDARD S4.Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
OBJECTIVE S4.E4.Working with Others
SKILL / CONCEPT S4.E4.1.Works independently with others in partner environments without regard to differences.

Fair Share
Super Kindness
STRAND / STANDARD S4.Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
OBJECTIVE S4.E5.Rules and Etiquette
SKILL / CONCEPT S4.E5.1.Recognizes the role of rules and etiquette in teacher designed physical activities.

Conversation Starters
How do I get my child to______?
Routine Strategy: Transition Timer
Subtraction War
STRAND / STANDARD S4.Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
SKILL / CONCEPT S4.E6.1.Works independently and safely in physical education.

Books on the Go
Routine Strategy: Transition Timer
STRAND / STANDARD S5.Recognizes the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction.
OBJECTIVE S5.E4.Self-expression and Enjoyment - Social Interaction
SKILL / CONCEPT S5.E4.1.Demonstrates socially acceptable conflict resolution skills.

How can I stop my kids from fighting?

Oklahoma Academic Standards
Health and PE
Grade: 3 - Adopted: 2016
STRAND / STANDARD 1.5.Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention to enhance health.
OBJECTIVE 1.5.1.Describe the relationship between healthy behaviors and personal health.

Brushing Your Teeth
OBJECTIVE 1.5.2.Identify examples of emotional, intellectual, physical and social health. (e.g., relationship between feelings and behaviors, appropriate ways to express and deal with emotions, identify characteristics of healthy relationships and self-control, developing healthy study skills).

Brushing Your Teeth
OBJECTIVE 1.5.3.Describe ways in which a safe and healthy school and community environment can promote personal health (e.g., safe playgrounds, tobacco free schools/communities, and bully free zones).

How do I get my child to______?
I Love My Family Because...
OBJECTIVE 1.5.4.Describe ways in which a safe and healthy school and community environment can promote personal health (e.g., safe playgrounds, tobacco free schools/communities, and bully free zones).

How do I get my child to______?
I Love My Family Because...
STRAND / STANDARD 2.5.Students will analyze the influence of family, peers, culture, media, technology and other factors on health behaviors.
OBJECTIVE 2.5.3.Identify how peers can influence healthy and unhealthy behaviors.

I Love My Family Because...
OBJECTIVE 2.5.4.Describe how the school and community can support personal health practices and behaviors.

How do I get my child to______?
I Love My Family Because...
Super Kindness
Who Are Your Heroes?
STRAND / STANDARD 3.5.Students will demonstrate the ability to access valid information, products and services to enhance health.
OBJECTIVE 3.5.2.Locate resources from home, school and community that provide valid health information.

Family Poem
I Love My Family Because...
Super Kindness
Who Are Your Heroes?
STRAND / STANDARD 4.5.Students will demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health and avoid or reduce health risks.
OBJECTIVE 4.5.1.Demonstrate effective verbal and non-verbal communication skills to enhance health.

Sharing Chores and Your Day
OBJECTIVE 4.5.3.Demonstrate non-violent strategies to manage or resolve conflict.

How can I stop my kids from fighting?
Problem Solving Tool: Rock, Paper, Scissors
OBJECTIVE 4.5.4.Demonstrate how to ask for assistance to enhance personal health.

Family Poem
This Is Important
Who Are Your Heroes?
STRAND / STANDARD 5.5.Students will demonstrate the ability to use decision-making skills to enhance health.
OBJECTIVE 5.5.2.Analyze when assistance is needed when making a health-related decision.

Fair Share
Super Kindness
OBJECTIVE 5.5.3.List healthy options to health-related issues or problems.

Brushing Your Teeth
OBJECTIVE 5.5.5.Choose a healthy option when making a decision.

Brushing Your Teeth
STRAND / STANDARD 6.5.Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting skills to enhance health.
OBJECTIVE 6.5.1.Identify a personal health goal and track progress toward its achievement.

Celebrate Learning
Setting Summer Learning Goals
STRAND / STANDARD 7.5.Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health risks.
OBJECTIVE 7.5.1.Identify responsible personal health behaviors.

Brushing Your Teeth
OBJECTIVE 7.5.2.Demonstrate a variety of healthy practices and behaviors to maintain or improve personal health.

Brushing Your Teeth
OBJECTIVE 7.5.3.Demonstrate a variety of behaviors that avoid or reduce health risks.

Brushing Your Teeth
STRAND / STANDARD S4.Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
OBJECTIVE S4.E1.Personal Responsibility
SKILL / CONCEPT S4.E1.1.Exhibits personal responsibility in teacher directed activities.

This Is Important
STRAND / STANDARD S4.Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
OBJECTIVE S4.E2.Personal Responsibility
SKILL / CONCEPT S4.E2.1.Works independently for extended periods of time.

Books on the Go
Routine Strategy: Transition Timer
STRAND / STANDARD S4.Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
OBJECTIVE S4.E4.Working with Others
SKILL / CONCEPT S4.E4.1.Works cooperatively with others.

Fair Share
Super Kindness
SKILL / CONCEPT S4.E4.2.Praises others for their success in movement performance.

Conversation Starters
I Love My Family Because...
STRAND / STANDARD S4.Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
OBJECTIVE S4.E5.Rules and Etiquette
SKILL / CONCEPT S4.E5.1.Recognizes the role of rules and etiquette in physical activity with peers.

Conversation Starters
How do I get my child to______?
Routine Strategy: Transition Timer
STRAND / STANDARD S4.Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
SKILL / CONCEPT S4.E6.1.Works independently and safely in physical activity settings.

Books on the Go
Routine Strategy: Transition Timer

Oklahoma Academic Standards
Language Arts
Grade: K - Adopted: 2016
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.K.1.Speaking and Listening - Students will speak and listen effectively in a variety of situations including, but not limited to, responses to reading and writing.
STRAND / STANDARD K.1.R.Reading - Students will develop and apply effective communication skills through speaking and active listening.
OBJECTIVE K.1.R.1.Students will actively listen and speak using agreed-upon rules for discussion with guidance and support.

Who Am I?
OBJECTIVE K.1.R.2.Students will ask and answer questions to seek help, get information, or clarify about information presented orally or through text or other media with guidance and support.

20 Questions Draw
Conversation Starters
Freeze Dance
Guess Who
I Spy
Isn't That Bold?
Library Visit
Making Connections
Read a Little, Think a Little
Reading and Making Connections
Storytelling Together
Storytelling with a Picture Book
What Do I Like?
What Makes a Good Storyteller
What's Cool About Nonfiction?
Who Am I?
Who's Coming to Dinner?
OBJECTIVE K.1.R.3.Students will engage in collaborative discussions about appropriate topics and texts with peers and adults in small and large groups with guidance and support.

A Memorable Story
Building a Fort
Conversation Starters
Conversations in the Car
Guess Who
I Know All About
Sharing Chores and Your Day
Simon Says
Story of Your Name
Storytelling Together
When I Grow Up
Where Would You Go?
Who's Coming to Dinner?
OBJECTIVE K.1.R.4.Students will follow one and two step directions.

Freeze Dance
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.K.1.Speaking and Listening - Students will speak and listen effectively in a variety of situations including, but not limited to, responses to reading and writing.
STRAND / STANDARD K.1.W.Writing - Students will develop and apply effective communication skills through speaking and active listening to create individual and group projects and presentations.
OBJECTIVE K.1.W.1.Students will orally describe personal interests or tell stories, facing the audience and speaking clearly in complete sentences and following implicit rules for conversation, including taking turns and staying on topic.

20 Questions Draw
A Memorable Story
Color Poem
Conversation Starters
Guess Who
Here Are the Facts
I Know All About
I Spy
Sharing Chores and Your Day
Simon Says
Where Would You Go?
Who Am I?
Who's Coming to Dinner?
Write Me a Story
OBJECTIVE K.1.W.2.Students will work respectfully with others with guidance and support.

Building a Fort
Sharing Chores and Your Day
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.K.2RF.Reading Foundations - Students will develop foundational skills for future reading success by working with sounds, letters, and text.
STRAND / STANDARD K.2.PA.Phonological Awareness - Phonological awareness is the ability to recognize, think about, and manipulate sounds in spoken language without using text.
OBJECTIVE K.2.PA.1.Students will distinguish spoken words in a sentence.

Reading Strategy: Using Your Reading Finger
OBJECTIVE K.2.PA.2.Students will recognize and produce pairs of rhyming words, and distinguish them from non-rhyming pairs.

Name Rhymes
Nursery Rhymes
Reading Rhymes
Silly Song Singing
Stinkle, Stinkle, Stittle Star
OBJECTIVE K.2.PA.3.Students will isolate and pronounce the same initial sounds in a set of spoken words (i.e., alliteration) (e.g., “the puppy pounces”).

Family Alliteration Name Game
Stinkle, Stinkle, Stittle Star
Super Hero Names
Tongue Twister Time
OBJECTIVE K.2.PA.4.Students will recognize the short or long vowel sound in one syllable words.

All About My Family
I Found This
Letters on My Back
Race to the Letter Sound
OBJECTIVE K.2.PA.5.Students will count, pronounce, blend, segment, and delete syllables in spoken words.

Conversation Starters
Here Are the Facts
Name Rhymes
Sharing Chores and Your Day
Silly Song Singing
Simon Says
Stinkle, Stinkle, Stittle Star
Super Hero Names
Where Would You Go?
OBJECTIVE K.2.PA.6.Students will blend and segment onset and rime in one syllable spoken words (e.g., Blending: /ch/ + at = chat; segmenting: cat = /c/+ at).

Reading Strategy: Chunk the Word
OBJECTIVE K.2.PA.7.Students will blend phonemes to form one syllable spoken words with 3 to 5 phonemes (e.g., /f/ /a/ /s/ /t/= fast)

Reading Strategies: Look at the Picture
Reading Strategy: Chunk the Word
Word Man
You Know It!
OBJECTIVE K.2.PA.8.Students will segment phonemes in one syllable spoken words with 3 to 5 phonemes (e.g., “fast” = /f/ /a/ /s/ /t/).

Reading Strategies: Look at the Picture
Reading Strategy: Chunk the Word
Word Man
You Know It!
OBJECTIVE K.2.PA.9.Students will add, delete, and substitute phonemes in one syllable spoken words (e.g., “add /c/ to the beginning of “at” to say “cat;” “remove the /p/ from “pin,” to say “in;” “change the /d/ in “dog” to /f/ /r/ to say “frog”).

Name Rhymes
Reading Strategies: Look at the Picture
Reading Strategy: Chunk the Word
Silly Song Singing
Stinkle, Stinkle, Stittle Star
Super Hero Names
Word Man
You Know It!
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.K.2RF.Reading Foundations - Students will develop foundational skills for future reading success by working with sounds, letters, and text.
STRAND / STANDARD K.2.PC.Print Concepts - Students will demonstrate their understanding of the organization and basic features of print, including book handling skills and the understanding that printed materials provide information and tell stories.
OBJECTIVE K.2.PC.1.Students will correctly form letters to write their first and last name and most uppercase and lowercase letters correctly.

Captioning Your Childhood
Favorite People Place Cards
Letters on My Back
Make an Invitation
Write Your Name
OBJECTIVE K.2.PC.2.Students will demonstrate their understanding that print carries a message by recognizing labels, signs, and other print in the environment.

Environmental Print
OBJECTIVE K.2.PC.5.Students will recognize that print moves from top to bottom, left to right, and front to back (does not have to be matched to voice).

Reading Strategy: Using Your Reading Finger
OBJECTIVE K.2.PC.6.Students will recognize the distinguishing features of a sentence. (e.g., capitalization of the first word, ending punctuation: period, exclamation mark, question mark) with guidance and support.

Favorite People Place Cards
Isn't That Bold?
Make an Invitation
Write Me a Story
Write a Favorite Family Recipe
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.K.2RF.Reading Foundations - Students will develop foundational skills for future reading success by working with sounds, letters, and text.
STRAND / STANDARD K.2.PWS.Phonics and Word Study - Students will decode and read words in context and isolation by applying phonics and word analysis skills.
OBJECTIVE K.2.PWS.1.Students will name all uppercase and lowercase letters.

Alphabet Dice Game
Letters on My Back
Matching Letters to Favorite Things
Race to the Letter Sound
OBJECTIVE K.2.PWS.2.Students will sequence the letters of the alphabet.

I Went to the Zoo and Saw
OBJECTIVE K.2.PWS.3.Students will produce the primary or most common sound for each consonant, short and long vowel sounds (e.g., c = /k/, c = /s/, s = /s/, s = /z/, x = /ks/, x = /z/).

All About My Family
Alphabet Dice Game
I Found This
Letters on My Back
Matching Letters to Favorite Things
Race to the Letter Sound
Reading Strategies: Look at the Picture
You Know It!
OBJECTIVE K.2.PWS.4.Students will blend letter sounds to decode simple Vowel / Consonant (VC) and Consonant / Vowel / Consonant (CVC) words (e.g., VC words= at, in, up; CVC words = pat, hen, lot).

Favorite People Place Cards
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.K.2RF.Reading Foundations - Students will develop foundational skills for future reading success by working with sounds, letters, and text.
STRAND / STANDARD K.2.F.Fluency - Students will recognize high-frequency words and read grade-level text smoothly and accurately, with expression that connotes comprehension.
OBJECTIVE K.2.F.1.Students will read first and last name in print.

Write Your Name
OBJECTIVE K.2.F.2.Students will read common high frequency grade-level words by sight (e.g., not, was, to, have, you, he, is, with, are).

Fishing for Words
My Words, Your Words
Where's That Word?
You Know It!
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.K.2RW.Reading and Writing Process - Students will use a variety of recursive reading and writing processes.
STRAND / STANDARD K.2.R.Reading - Students will read and comprehend increasingly complex literary and informational texts.
OBJECTIVE K.2.R.1.Students will retell or reenact major events from a read-aloud with guidance and support to recognize the main idea.

Book Cover Conversations
Is It Real?
Retelling the Story
Storytelling with a Picture Book
What Do I Like?
What Makes a Good Storyteller
What's Cool About Nonfiction?
Who Am I?
OBJECTIVE K.2.R.2.Students will discriminate between fiction and nonfiction/informational text with guidance and support.

Books I Like
What Do I Like?
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.K.2RW.Reading and Writing Process - Students will use a variety of recursive reading and writing processes.
STRAND / STANDARD K.2.W.Writing - Students will develop and strengthen writing by engaging in a recursive process that includes prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing.
OBJECTIVE K.2.W.1.Students will begin to develop first drafts by expressing themselves through drawing and emergent writing.

All About Me
Create a Crazy Character
Make an Invitation
Write Me a Story
OBJECTIVE K.2.W.2.Students will begin to develop first drafts by sequencing the action or details of stories/texts.

A Memorable Story
Create a Crazy Character
My First Journal
Sharing Chores and Your Day
Storytelling Together
Write Me a Story
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.K.3.Critical Reading and Writing - Students will apply critical thinking skills to reading and writing.
STRAND / STANDARD K.3.R.Reading - Students will comprehend, interpret, evaluate, and respond to a variety of complex texts of all literary and informational genres from a variety of historical, cultural, ethnic, and global perspectives.
OBJECTIVE K.3.R.1.Students will name the author and illustrator, and explain the roles of each in a particular story.

Isn't That Bold?
Storytelling with a Picture Book
OBJECTIVE K.3.R.2.Students will describe characters and setting in a story with guidance and support.

Feelings Charades
Making Connections
Reading Strategy: Reading and Making Connections
Storytelling with a Picture Book
What Do I Like?
What Makes a Good Storyteller
OBJECTIVE K.3.R.3.Students will tell what is happening in a picture or illustration.

Books I Like
How Far Does It Fly?
Isn't That Bold?
Reading Strategies: Look at the Picture
Retelling the Story
Wordless Picture Books
OBJECTIVE K.3.R.4.Students will ask and answer basic questions (e.g., who, what, where, and when) about texts during shared reading or other text experiences with guidance and support

I Want to Know About
Isn't That Bold?
Reading and Making Connections
What Do I Like?
What's Cool About Nonfiction?
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.K.3.Critical Reading and Writing - Students will apply critical thinking skills to reading and writing.
STRAND / STANDARD K.3.W.Writing - Students will write for varied purposes and audiences in all modes, using fully developed ideas, strong organization, well-chosen words, fluent sentences, and appropriate voice.
OBJECTIVE K.3.W.1.Students will use drawing, labeling, dictating, and writing to tell a story, share information, or express an opinion with guidance and support.

All About Me
Create a Crazy Character
Make an Invitation
Write Me a Story
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.K.4.Vocabulary - Students will expand their working vocabularies to effectively communicate and understand texts.
STRAND / STANDARD K.4.R.Reading - Students will expand academic, domain-appropriate, grade-level vocabularies through reading, word study, and class discussion.
OBJECTIVE K.4.R.1.Students will acquire new academic, content-specific, grade-level vocabulary and relate new words to prior knowledge with guidance and support.

Feelings Charades
Nursery Rhymes
Reading Rhymes
Storytelling with a Picture Book
What Makes a Good Storyteller
OBJECTIVE K.4.R.2.Students will begin to develop an awareness of context clues through read-alouds and other text experiences.

Reading Rhymes
Reading Strategies: Look at the Picture
Reading Strategies: Slow Down, Reread
OBJECTIVE K.4.R.3.Students will name and sort pictures of objects into categories based on common attributes with guidance and support.

Guess the Group
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.K.4.Vocabulary - Students will expand their working vocabularies to effectively communicate and understand texts.
STRAND / STANDARD K.4.W.Writing - Students will apply knowledge of vocabularies to communicate by using descriptive, academic, and domain-appropriate abstract and concrete words in their writing.
OBJECTIVE K.4.W.1.Students will use new vocabulary to produce and expand complete sentences in shared language activities with guidance and support.

Captioning Your Childhood
Make a Card
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.K.5.Language - Students will apply knowledge of grammar and rhetorical style to reading and writing.
STRAND / STANDARD K.5.R.Reading - Students will apply knowledge of grammar and rhetorical style to analyze and evaluate a variety of texts.
OBJECTIVE K.5.R.1.Students will begin to understand the function of grammar through exposure to conversations, read-alouds, and interactive reading.

Sharing Chores and Your Day
Simon Says
Who Am I?
Who's Coming to Dinner?
OBJECTIVE K.5.R.2.Students will recognize concrete objects as persons, places or things (i.e., nouns) with guidance and support.

All About My Family
OBJECTIVE K.5.R.3.Students will recognize words as actions (i.e., verbs) with guidance and support.

All About My Family
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.K.5.Language - Students will apply knowledge of grammar and rhetorical style to reading and writing.
STRAND / STANDARD K.5.W.Writing - Students will demonstrate command of Standard English grammar, mechanics, and usage through writing and other modes of communication.
OBJECTIVE K.5.W.1.Students will capitalize, with guidance and support:
SKILL / CONCEPT K.5.W.1.1.Their first name

Make a Card
Make an Invitation
Write a Letter
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.K.5.Language - Students will apply knowledge of grammar and rhetorical style to reading and writing.
STRAND / STANDARD K.5.W.Writing - Students will demonstrate command of Standard English grammar, mechanics, and usage through writing and other modes of communication.
OBJECTIVE K.5.W.2.Students will begin to compose simple sentences that begin with a capital letter and end with a period or question mark.

Isn't That Bold?
Make an Invitation
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.K.6.Research - Students will engage in inquiry to acquire, refine, and share knowledge.
STRAND / STANDARD K.6.R.Reading - Students will comprehend, evaluate, and synthesize resources to acquire and refine knowledge.
OBJECTIVE K.6.R.1.Students will identify relevant pictures, charts, grade-appropriate texts, or people as sources of information on a topic of interest.

Nature Journaling
OBJECTIVE K.6.R.2.Students will identify graphic features to understand a text including photos, illustrations, and titles to understand a text.

Books I Like
How Far Does It Fly?
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.K.6.Research - Students will engage in inquiry to acquire, refine, and share knowledge.
STRAND / STANDARD K.6.W.Writing - Students will summarize and paraphrase, integrate evidence, and cite sources to create reports, projects, papers, texts, and presentations for multiple purposes.
OBJECTIVE K.6.W.1.Students will generate topics of interest and decide if a friend, teacher, or expert can answer their questions with guidance and support.

Guess Who
I Want to Know About
Let's Explore
Nature Journaling
OBJECTIVE K.6.W.2.Students will find information from provided sources during group research with guidance and support.

I Want to Know About
Nature Journaling
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.K.7.Multimodal Literacies - Students will acquire, refine, and share knowledge through a variety of written, oral, visual, digital, non-verbal, and interactive texts.
STRAND / STANDARD K.7.W.Writing - Students will create multimodal texts to communicate knowledge and develop arguments.
OBJECTIVE K.7.W.2.Students will use appropriate props, images, or illustrations to support verbal communication.

20 Questions Draw
Here Are the Facts
Share Your Knowledge
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.K.8.Independent Reading and Writing - Students will read and write for a variety of purposes including, but not limited to, academic and personal.
STRAND / STANDARD K.8.R.Reading - Students will read independently for a variety of purposes and for extended periods of time. Students will select appropriate texts for specific purposes.
OBJECTIVE K.8.R.1.Students will demonstrate interest in books during read-alouds and shared reading, and interact independently with books.

Building a Fort
I Read to You, You Read to Me
Pattern Books
Reading Strategies: Look at the Picture
Reading Strategy: Choral Reading
Reading Strategy: Echo Reading
What Do I Like?
You Know It!
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.K.8.Independent Reading and Writing - Students will read and write for a variety of purposes including, but not limited to, academic and personal.
STRAND / STANDARD K.8.W.Writing - Students will write independently for extended periods of time. Students will vary their modes of expression to suit audience and task.
OBJECTIVE K.8.W.1.Students will express their ideas through a combination of drawing and emergent writing with guidance and support.

All About Me
Create a Crazy Character
Make an Invitation
Write Me a Story

Oklahoma Academic Standards
Language Arts
Grade: 1 - Adopted: 2016
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.1.1.Speaking and Listening - Students will speak and listen effectively in a variety of situations including, but not limited to, responses to reading and writing.
STRAND / STANDARD 1.1.R.Reading - Students will develop and apply effective communication skills through speaking and active listening.
OBJECTIVE 1.1.R.1.Students will actively listen and speak using agreed-upon rules for discussion.

Making Playdough Together
OBJECTIVE 1.1.R.2.Students will ask and answer questions to seek help, get information, or clarify about information presented orally through text or other media, to confirm understanding.

20 Questions Draw
Chapter Books
Conversation Starters
Freeze Dance
Guess Who
How To
I Love My Family Because...
Library Visit
Preview & Predict
Read a Little, Think a Little
Reading and Making Connections
Storytelling with a Picture Book
What Do I Like?
What Do You Want to Know?
What I Like About Me
What Makes a Good Storyteller
What's Cool About Nonfiction?
Who's Coming to Dinner?
OBJECTIVE 1.1.R.3.Students will engage in collaborative discussions about appropriate topics and texts with peers and adults in small and large groups.

Building a Fort
Conversation Starters
Conversations in the Car
Guess Who
I Love My Family Because...
Making Playdough Together
Noun Charades
Sharing Chores and Your Day
Simon Says
Story Train
Story of Your Name
What I Like About Me
When I Grow Up
Who's Coming to Dinner?
OBJECTIVE 1.1.R.4.Students will restate and follow simple two-step directions.

Freeze Dance
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.1.1.Speaking and Listening - Students will speak and listen effectively in a variety of situations including, but not limited to, responses to reading and writing.
STRAND / STANDARD 1.1.W.Writing - Students will develop and apply effective communication skills through speaking and active listening to create individual and group projects and presentations.
OBJECTIVE 1.1.W.1.Students will orally describe people, places, things, and events with relevant details expressing their ideas.

20 Questions Draw
Color Poem
Conversation Starters
Describe It
Funny Pictures
Sharing Chores and Your Day
What I Like About Me
Who's Coming to Dinner?
OBJECTIVE 1.1.W.2.Students will work respectfully in groups.

Building a Fort
Sharing Chores and Your Day
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.1.2RF.Reading Foundations - Students will develop foundational skills for future reading success by working with sounds, letters, and text.
STRAND / STANDARD 1.2.PA.Phonological Awareness - Phonological awareness is the ability to recognize, think about, and manipulate sounds in spoken language without using text.
OBJECTIVE 1.2.PA.2.Students will differentiate short from long vowel sounds in one syllable words.

All About My Family
I Found This
Letters on My Back
Race to the Letter Sound
OBJECTIVE 1.2.PA.3.Students will isolate and pronounce initial, medial, and final sounds in spoken words.

Begin with the End
Family Alliteration Name Game
OBJECTIVE 1.2.PA.6.Students will add, delete, and substitute phonemes in spoken words (e.g., “add /g/ to the beginning of low to say ‘glow;’ “remove the /idge/ from ‘bridge,’ to say ‘br;’ “change the /ar/ in ‘charm’ to /u/ to say ‘chum’).

Name Rhymes
Silly Song Singing
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.1.2RF.Reading Foundations - Students will develop foundational skills for future reading success by working with sounds, letters, and text.
STRAND / STANDARD 1.2.PC.Print Concepts - Students will demonstrate their understanding of the organization and basic features of print, including book handling skills and the understanding that printed materials provide information and tell stories.
OBJECTIVE 1.2.PC.1.Students will correctly form letters and use appropriate spacing for letters, words, and sentences using left-to-right and top-to-bottom progression.

Captioning Your Childhood
Letters on My Back
Make an Invitation
Picture Talk
Write Your Name
OBJECTIVE 1.2.PC.2.Students will recognize the distinguishing features of a sentence (e.g., capitalization of the first word, ending punctuation, comma, quotation marks).

Make an Invitation
Write a Favorite Family Recipe
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.1.2RF.Reading Foundations - Students will develop foundational skills for future reading success by working with sounds, letters, and text.
STRAND / STANDARD 1.2.PWS.Phonics and Word Study - Students will decode and read words in context and isolation by applying phonics and word analysis skills.
OBJECTIVE 1.2.PWS.1.Students will decode phonetically regular words by using their knowledge of:
SKILL / CONCEPT 1.2.PWS.1.1.Single consonants (e.g., c = /k/, c = /s/, s = /s/, s = /z/, x = /ks/, x = /z/)

All About My Family
Alphabet Dice Game
I Found This
Letters on My Back
Matching Letters to Favorite Things
Race to the Letter Sound
Reading Strategies: Look at the Picture
You Know It!
SKILL / CONCEPT 1.2.PWS.1.2.Consonant blends (e.g., bl, br, cr)

Looking for Chunks
Reading Strategy: Chunk the Word
Word Man
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.1.2RF.Reading Foundations - Students will develop foundational skills for future reading success by working with sounds, letters, and text.
STRAND / STANDARD 1.2.PWS.Phonics and Word Study - Students will decode and read words in context and isolation by applying phonics and word analysis skills.
OBJECTIVE 1.2.PWS.1.Students will decode phonetically regular words by using their knowledge of:
SKILL / CONCEPT 1.2.PWS.1.4.Vowel sounds:
SKILL 1.2.PWS.1.4.a.Long

Race to the Letter Sound
SKILL 1.2.PWS.1.4.b.Short

All About My Family
I Found This
Letters on My Back
Race to the Letter Sound
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.1.2RF.Reading Foundations - Students will develop foundational skills for future reading success by working with sounds, letters, and text.
STRAND / STANDARD 1.2.PWS.Phonics and Word Study - Students will decode and read words in context and isolation by applying phonics and word analysis skills.
OBJECTIVE 1.2.PWS.2.Students will decode words by applying knowledge of structural analysis:
SKILL / CONCEPT 1.2.PWS.2.1.Most major syllable patterns (e.g., closed, open, vowel team, vowel silent e, r-controlled)

Thinking About Word Chunks
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.1.2RF.Reading Foundations - Students will develop foundational skills for future reading success by working with sounds, letters, and text.
STRAND / STANDARD 1.2.F.Fluency - Students will recognize high-frequency words and read grade-level text smoothly and accurately, with expression that connotes comprehension.
OBJECTIVE 1.2.F.1.Students will read high frequency and/or common irregularly spelled grade-level words with automaticity in text.

Change One Letter
Fishing for Words
Magical Creature Writing
Make a Card
My Words, Your Words
Race You To the Top
Reading Strategy: Give the Word
Thinking About Word Chunks
Where's That Word?
Word Challenge
Word Man
Write a Letter
You Know It!
OBJECTIVE 1.2.F.2.Students will orally read grade level text at an appropriate rate, smoothly and accurately, with expression that connotes comprehension.

Conversation Starters
Sharing Chores and Your Day
Simon Says
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.1.2RW.Reading and Writing Process - Students will use a variety of recursive reading and writing processes.
STRAND / STANDARD 1.2.R.Reading - Students will read and comprehend increasingly complex literary and informational texts.
OBJECTIVE 1.2.R.1.Students will retell or reenact major events in a text, focusing on important details to recognize the main idea.

Chapter Books
Funny Pictures
How To
Is It Real?
Retelling the Fable
Story Train
Storytelling with a Picture Book
What Do I Like?
What Do You Want to Know?
What Makes a Good Storyteller
What's Cool About Nonfiction?
OBJECTIVE 1.2.R.2.Students will discriminate between fiction and nonfiction/informational text.

What Do I Like?
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.1.2RW.Reading and Writing Process - Students will use a variety of recursive reading and writing processes.
STRAND / STANDARD 1.2.W.Writing - Students will develop and strengthen writing by engaging in a recursive process that includes prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing.
OBJECTIVE 1.2.W.1.Students will develop and edit first drafts using appropriate spacing between letters, words, and sentences using left-to-right and top-to-bottom progression.

Make an Invitation
Picture Talk
OBJECTIVE 1.2.W.2.Students will develop drafts by sequencing the action or details in a story or about a topic through writing sentences with guidance and support.

Captioning Your Childhood
Create a Crazy Character
My First Journal
Sharing Chores and Your Day
Write Around
OBJECTIVE 1.2.W.3.Students will correctly spell grade-appropriate, highly decodable words (e.g., cup, like, cart) and common, irregularly spelled sight words (e.g., the) while editing.

Change One Letter
Magical Creature Writing
Make a Card
Race You To the Top
Thinking About Word Chunks
Word Challenge
Word Man
Write a Letter
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.1.3.Critical Reading and Writing - Students will apply critical thinking skills to reading and writing.
STRAND / STANDARD 1.3.R.Reading - Students will comprehend, interpret, evaluate, and respond to a variety of complex texts of all literary and informational genres from a variety of historical, cultural, ethnic, and global perspectives.
OBJECTIVE 1.3.R.1.Students will identify the author’s purpose (i.e., tell a story, provide information) with guidance and support.

Is It Real?
What Was That For?
OBJECTIVE 1.3.R.2.Students will describe who is telling the story (i.e., point of view).

Reading Strategy: Reading and Making Connections
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.1.3.Critical Reading and Writing - Students will apply critical thinking skills to reading and writing.
STRAND / STANDARD 1.3.R.Reading - Students will comprehend, interpret, evaluate, and respond to a variety of complex texts of all literary and informational genres from a variety of historical, cultural, ethnic, and global perspectives.
OBJECTIVE 1.3.R.3.Students will find textual evidence when provided with examples of literary elements and organization:
SKILL / CONCEPT 1.3.R.3.1.Setting (i.e., time, place)

Chapter Books
Funny Pictures
Reading Strategy: Reading and Making Connections
Story Train
Storytelling with a Picture Book
What Do I Like?
What Makes a Good Storyteller
SKILL / CONCEPT 1.3.R.3.2.Plot

Chapter Books
Funny Pictures
Story Train
Storytelling with a Picture Book
What Do I Like?
What Makes a Good Storyteller
SKILL / CONCEPT 1.3.R.3.3.Main characters and their traits in a story

Chapter Books
Character Connection
Feelings Charades
Funny Pictures
Inside Outside Traits
Reading Strategy: Reading and Making Connections
Story Train
Storytelling with a Picture Book
What Do I Like?
What Makes a Good Storyteller
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.1.3.Critical Reading and Writing - Students will apply critical thinking skills to reading and writing.
STRAND / STANDARD 1.3.R.Reading - Students will comprehend, interpret, evaluate, and respond to a variety of complex texts of all literary and informational genres from a variety of historical, cultural, ethnic, and global perspectives.
OBJECTIVE 1.3.R.4.Students will ask and answer basic questions (e.g., who, what, where, why, and when) about texts.

Chapter Books
How To
I Want to Know About
Reading and Making Connections
What Do I Like?
What's Cool About Nonfiction?
OBJECTIVE 1.3.R.5.Students will begin to locate facts that are clearly stated in a text.

Chapter Books
Funny Pictures
How To
Story Train
Storytelling with a Picture Book
What Do I Like?
What Makes a Good Storyteller
What's Cool About Nonfiction?
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.1.3.Critical Reading and Writing - Students will apply critical thinking skills to reading and writing.
STRAND / STANDARD 1.3.W.Writing - Students will write for varied purposes and audiences in all modes, using fully developed ideas, strong organization, well-chosen words, fluent sentences, and appropriate voice.
SKILL / CONCEPT 1.3.W.1.Students will begin to write narratives incorporating characters, plot (i.e., beginning, middle, end), and a basic setting (i.e., time, place) with guidance and support.

Captioning Your Childhood
Labeling Your Story
Magical Creature Writing
My First Journal
Remember The Story
Sharing Chores and Your Day
Tips for storytelling: Using gestures
Why is storytelling important?
Why should we tell family stories?
Write Around
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.1.3.Critical Reading and Writing - Students will apply critical thinking skills to reading and writing.
STRAND / STANDARD 1.3.W.Writing - Students will write for varied purposes and audiences in all modes, using fully developed ideas, strong organization, well-chosen words, fluent sentences, and appropriate voice.
SKILL / CONCEPT 1.3.W.2.Students will begin to write facts about a subject in response to a text read aloud to demonstrate understanding with guidance and support.

Funny Pictures
I'd Really Like
Labeling Your Story
Magical Creature Writing
Nature Journaling
Story Train
Tell Me How
Write a Favorite Family Recipe
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.1.3.Critical Reading and Writing - Students will apply critical thinking skills to reading and writing.
STRAND / STANDARD 1.3.W.Writing - Students will write for varied purposes and audiences in all modes, using fully developed ideas, strong organization, well-chosen words, fluent sentences, and appropriate voice.
SKILL / CONCEPT 1.3.W.3.Students will express an opinion in writing about a topic and provide a reason to support the opinion.

Captioning Your Childhood
Funny Pictures
I'd Really Like
Labeling Your Story
Magical Creature Writing
My First Journal
Nature Journaling
Story Train
Tell Me How
Write a Favorite Family Recipe
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.1.4.Vocabulary - Students will expand their working vocabularies to effectively communicate and understand texts.
STRAND / STANDARD 1.4.R.Reading - Students will expand academic, domain-appropriate, grade-level vocabularies through reading, word study, and class discussion.
OBJECTIVE 1.4.R.1.Students will acquire new academic, content-specific, grade-level vocabulary, relate new words to prior knowledge, and apply vocabulary in new situations.

Feelings Charades
How can I help my child learn new words?
Nursery Rhymes
Reading Rhymes
Storytelling with a Picture Book
What Makes a Good Storyteller
OBJECTIVE 1.4.R.3.Students will use context clues to determine the meaning of words with guidance and support.

Reading Rhymes
Reading Strategies: Look at the Picture
Reading Strategies: Slow Down, Reread
What Does It Mean?
Wondering About Words
OBJECTIVE 1.4.R.4.Students will name and sort words into categories based on common attributes.

Noun Charades
Words to Chew On
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.1.5.Language - Students will apply knowledge of grammar and rhetorical style to reading and writing.
STRAND / STANDARD 1.5.R.Reading - Students will apply knowledge of grammar and rhetorical style to analyze and evaluate a variety of texts.
OBJECTIVE 1.5.R.1.Students will recognize nouns as concrete objects (i.e., people persons, places, and things) and use the pronoun “I.”

All About My Family
Noun Charades
Picture Talk
OBJECTIVE 1.5.R.2.Students will recognize verbs as actions

All About My Family
Picture Talk
OBJECTIVE 1.5.R.3.Students will recognize color and number adjectives.

Make a Card
Picture Talk
OBJECTIVE 1.5.R.4.Students will recognize the prepositions (e.g., The dog is on top of the doghouse) through pictures and movement.

Picture Talk
OBJECTIVE 1.5.R.5.Students will recognize singular and plural nouns with correct verbs in simple sentences (e.g. He sits; we sit).

All About My Family
Noun Charades
Picture Talk
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.1.5.Language - Students will apply knowledge of grammar and rhetorical style to reading and writing.
STRAND / STANDARD 1.5.W.Writing - Students will demonstrate command of Standard English grammar, mechanics, and usage through writing and other modes of communication.
OBJECTIVE 1.5.W.1.Students will capitalize:
SKILL / CONCEPT 1.5.W.1.1.The first letter of a sentence

Make an Invitation
SKILL / CONCEPT 1.5.W.1.2.Proper names

Noun Charades
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.1.5.Language - Students will apply knowledge of grammar and rhetorical style to reading and writing.
STRAND / STANDARD 1.5.W.Writing - Students will demonstrate command of Standard English grammar, mechanics, and usage through writing and other modes of communication.
OBJECTIVE 1.5.W.2.Students will compose grammatically correct simple and compound sentences and questions (interrogatives) with appropriate end marks.

Magical Creature Writing
Picture Talk
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.1.6.Research - Students will engage in inquiry to acquire, refine, and share knowledge.
STRAND / STANDARD 1.6.R.Reading - Students will comprehend, evaluate, and synthesize resources to acquire and refine knowledge.
OBJECTIVE 1.6.R.1.Students will decide who can answer questions about their topic or what resources they will need to find the information.

Nature Journaling
OBJECTIVE 1.6.R.2.Students will identify graphic features including photos, illustrations, titles, labels, headings, charts, and graphs to understand a text.

Getting Into Information
How Far Does It Fly?
How To
OBJECTIVE 1.6.R.3.Students will identify the location and purpose of various visual and text reference sources.

Nature Journaling
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.1.6.Research - Students will engage in inquiry to acquire, refine, and share knowledge.
STRAND / STANDARD 1.6.W.Writing - Students will summarize and paraphrase, integrate evidence, and cite sources to create reports, projects, papers, texts, and presentations for multiple purposes.
OBJECTIVE 1.6.W.1.Students will generate questions about topics of interest.

Guess Who
Let's Explore
OBJECTIVE 1.6.W.2.Students will organize information found during group or individual research, using graphic organizers or other aids with guidance and support.

I Found This
I Want to Know About
Let's Explore
Nature Journaling
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.1.7.Multimodal Literacies - Students will acquire, refine, and share knowledge through a variety of written, oral, visual, digital, non-verbal, and interactive texts.
STRAND / STANDARD 1.7.R.Reading - Students will evaluate written, oral, visual, and digital texts in order to draw conclusions and analyze arguments.
OBJECTIVE 1.7.R.1.Students will use provided print and digital resources with guidance and support.

Let's Explore
What Do I Like?
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.1.7.Multimodal Literacies - Students will acquire, refine, and share knowledge through a variety of written, oral, visual, digital, non-verbal, and interactive texts.
STRAND / STANDARD 1.7.W.Writing - Students will create multimodal texts to communicate knowledge and develop arguments.
OBJECTIVE 1.7.W.2.Students will use visual displays to support verbal communication and clarify ideas, thoughts, and feelings.

20 Questions Draw
Share Your Knowledge
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.1.8.Independent Reading and Writing - Students will read and write for a variety of purposes including, but not limited to, academic and personal.
STRAND / STANDARD 1.8.R.Reading - Students will read independently for a variety of purposes and for extended periods of time. Students will select appropriate texts for specific purposes.
OBJECTIVE 1.8.R.1.Students will select appropriate texts for academic and personal purposes and read independently for extended periods of time with guidance and support.

Building a Fort
I Read to You, You Read to Me
You Know It!
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.1.8.Independent Reading and Writing - Students will read and write for a variety of purposes including, but not limited to, academic and personal.
STRAND / STANDARD 1.8.W.Writing - Students will write independently for extended periods of time. Students will vary their modes of expression to suit audience and task.
OBJECTIVE 1.8.W.1.Students will write independently for extended and shorter periods of time through a combination of emergent and conventional writing with guidance and support.

I'd Really Like
Make a Card
Make a List
Make an Invitation
Math Journal Walk
Nature Journaling
Picture Talk

Oklahoma Academic Standards
Language Arts
Grade: 2 - Adopted: 2016
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.2.1.Speaking and Listening - Students will speak and listen effectively in a variety of situations including, but not limited to, responses to reading and writing.
STRAND / STANDARD 2.1.R.Reading - Students will develop and apply effective communication skills through speaking and active listening.
OBJECTIVE 2.1.R.2.Students will ask and answer questions to seek help, get information, or clarify about information presented orally, through text or other media to confirm understanding.

20 Questions
20 Questions Draw
Can You See It?
Chapter Books
Conversation Starters
Family Interview
Freeze Dance
Guess Who
How To
I Love My Family Because...
Interview an Expert
Library Visit
Pow Wow Crunch
Read a Little, Think a Little
Reading Recipes
Reading is Thinking
That's So Cool
This Is Important
What Do You Wonder?
What I Like About Me
What Makes a Good Storyteller
Who Are Your Heroes?
Who's Coming to Dinner?
OBJECTIVE 2.1.R.3.Students will engage in collaborative discussions about appropriate topics and texts with peers and adults in small and large groups.

Building a Fort
Conversation Starters
Conversations in the Car
Family Interview
Guess Who
I Love My Family Because...
Kitchen Conversations
Noun Charades
Sharing Chores and Your Day
Simon Says
Story Train
Story of Your Name
Take a Stand
What Do You Wonder?
What I Like About Me
Who Are Your Heroes?
Who's Coming to Dinner?
OBJECTIVE 2.1.R.4.Students will restate and follow multi-step directions.

Freeze Dance
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.2.1.Speaking and Listening - Students will speak and listen effectively in a variety of situations including, but not limited to, responses to reading and writing.
STRAND / STANDARD 2.1.W.Writing - Students will develop and apply effective communication skills through speaking and active listening to create individual and group projects and presentations.
OBJECTIVE 2.1.W.1.Students will report on a topic or text, tell a story or recount an experience with appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details, speaking audibly in coherent sentences.

20 Questions
20 Questions Draw
Create a Song
Family Interview
Share Your Knowledge
Sharing Chores and Your Day
What I Like About Me
Who's Coming to Dinner?
OBJECTIVE 2.1.W.2.Students will work respectfully within groups, share responsibility for collaborative work, and value individual contributions made by each group member.

Building a Fort
Color Poem
Family Adventure List
I'd Really Like
Make a Neighborhood Map
Nature Journaling
Sharing Chores and Your Day
This Is Important
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.2.2RF.Reading Foundations - Students will develop foundational skills for future reading success by working with sounds, letters, and text.
STRAND / STANDARD 2.2.PA.Phonological Awareness - Phonological awareness is the ability to recognize, think about, and manipulate sounds in spoken language without using text.
OBJECTIVE 2.2.PA.1.Students will continue to review and apply earlier grade level expectations for this standard. If phonological awareness skills are not mastered, students will address skills from previous grades.

Five Finger Rule
Reading Strategy: Give the Word
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.2.2RF.Reading Foundations - Students will develop foundational skills for future reading success by working with sounds, letters, and text.
STRAND / STANDARD 2.2.PWS.Phonics and Word Study - Students will decode and read words in context and isolation by applying phonics and word analysis skills.
OBJECTIVE 2.2.PWS.2.Students will decode words by applying knowledge of structural analysis:
SKILL / CONCEPT 2.2.PWS.2.1.All major syllable patterns (e.g., closed, consonant +le, open, vowel team, vowel silent e, r-controlled)

Shopping for Syllables
Thinking About Word Chunks
SKILL / CONCEPT 2.2.PWS.2.3.Compound words

Playground Compounds
SKILL / CONCEPT 2.2.PWS.2.6.Common roots and related prefixes and suffixes

Digging Into Roots
Reading Strategy: Cover the Suffix
Shopping for Syllables
Understanding Big Words
Unpacking Prefixes
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.2.2RF.Reading Foundations - Students will develop foundational skills for future reading success by working with sounds, letters, and text.
STRAND / STANDARD 2.2.F.Fluency - Students will recognize high-frequency words and read grade-level text smoothly and accurately, with expression that connotes comprehension.
OBJECTIVE 2.2.F.1.Students will read high frequency and/or common irregularly spelled grade-level words with automaticity in text.

My Words, Your Words
Race You To the Top
Reading Strategy: Give the Word
Thinking About Word Chunks
OBJECTIVE 2.2.F.2.Students will orally read grade level text at an appropriate rate, smoothly and accurately, with expression that connotes comprehension.

Conversation Starters
Sharing Chores and Your Day
Simon Says
Take a Stand
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.2.2RW.Reading and Writing Process - Students will use a variety of recursive reading and writing processes.
STRAND / STANDARD 2.2.R.Reading - Students will read and comprehend increasingly complex literary and informational texts.
OBJECTIVE 2.2.R.1.Students will locate the main idea and supporting details of a text.

Can You See It?
Chapter Books
Funny Pictures
How To
Story Train
That's So Cool
What Makes a Good Storyteller
OBJECTIVE 2.2.R.2.Students will begin to compare and contrast details (e.g., plots or events, settings, and characters) to discriminate genres.

Can You See It?
Chapter Books
Character Chat
Character Comparison
Feelings Charades
Funny Pictures
Inside Outside Traits
Reading Strategy: Reading and Making Connections
Story Train
Summarizing the Story
What Makes a Good Storyteller
OBJECTIVE 2.2.R.3.Students will begin to summarize events or plots (i.e., beginning, middle, end, and conflict) of a story or text.

Reading Strategy: Reading and Making Connections
Summarizing the Story
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.2.2RW.Reading and Writing Process - Students will use a variety of recursive reading and writing processes.
STRAND / STANDARD 2.2.W.Writing - Students will develop and strengthen writing by engaging in a recursive process that includes prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing.
OBJECTIVE 2.2.W.1.Students will develop drafts by sequencing the action or details in a story or about a topic through writing sentences.

Family Journaling
Hidden Messages
My Family Comic Strip
Sharing Chores and Your Day
Sketching the Story
Write Around
Writing Telephone Game
OBJECTIVE 2.2.W.2.Students will develop and edit first drafts using appropriate spacing between letters, words, and sentences.

This Is Important
OBJECTIVE 2.2.W.3.Students will correctly spell grade-appropriate words while editing.

Change One Letter
Magical Creature Writing
Spelling Pattern Game
Thinking About Word Chunks
Word Challenge
Write a Letter
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.2.3.Critical Reading and Writing - Students will apply critical thinking skills to reading and writing.
STRAND / STANDARD 2.3.R.Reading - Students will comprehend, interpret, evaluate, and respond to a variety of complex texts of all literary and informational genres from a variety of historical, cultural, ethnic, and global perspectives.
OBJECTIVE 2.3.R.1.Students will determine the author’s purpose (i.e., tell a story, provide information).

Random, Bizarre Facts
Reading Recipes
That's So Cool
What Do You Wonder?
OBJECTIVE 2.3.R.2.Students will infer whether a story is narrated in first or third person point of view in grade-level literary and/or informational text.

Reading Strategy: Reading and Making Connections
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.2.3.Critical Reading and Writing - Students will apply critical thinking skills to reading and writing.
STRAND / STANDARD 2.3.R.Reading - Students will comprehend, interpret, evaluate, and respond to a variety of complex texts of all literary and informational genres from a variety of historical, cultural, ethnic, and global perspectives.
OBJECTIVE 2.3.R.3.Students will find textual evidence when provided with examples of literary elements and organization:
SKILL / CONCEPT 2.3.R.3.1.Setting (i.e., time, place)

Can You See It?
Chapter Books
Funny Pictures
Reading Strategy: Reading and Making Connections
Story Train
What Makes a Good Storyteller
SKILL / CONCEPT 2.3.R.3.2.Plot

Can You See It?
Chapter Books
Character Comparison
Funny Pictures
Story Train
What Makes a Good Storyteller
SKILL / CONCEPT 2.3.R.3.3.Characters

Can You See It?
Chapter Books
Character Chat
Character Comparison
Feelings Charades
Funny Pictures
Inside Outside Traits
Reading Strategy: Reading and Making Connections
Story Train
Summarizing the Story
What Makes a Good Storyteller
SKILL / CONCEPT 2.3.R.3.4.Characterization

Can You See It?
Chapter Books
Character Chat
Character Comparison
Feelings Charades
Funny Pictures
Inside Outside Traits
Reading Strategy: Reading and Making Connections
Story Train
Summarizing the Story
What Makes a Good Storyteller
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.2.3.Critical Reading and Writing - Students will apply critical thinking skills to reading and writing.
STRAND / STANDARD 2.3.R.Reading - Students will comprehend, interpret, evaluate, and respond to a variety of complex texts of all literary and informational genres from a variety of historical, cultural, ethnic, and global perspectives.
OBJECTIVE 2.3.R.5.Students will locate facts that are clearly stated in a text.

Can You See It?
Chapter Books
Funny Pictures
How To
Story Train
What Makes a Good Storyteller
OBJECTIVE 2.3.R.6.Students will describe the structure of a text (e.g., description, compare/contrast, sequential, problem/solution, cause/effect) with guidance and support.

Summarizing the Story
OBJECTIVE 2.3.R.7.Students will answer inferential questions (e.g., how and why) with guidance and support.

20 Questions
Chapter Books
How To
Reading Recipes
Reading is Thinking
That's So Cool
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.2.3.Critical Reading and Writing - Students will apply critical thinking skills to reading and writing.
STRAND / STANDARD 2.3.W.Writing - Students will write for varied purposes and audiences in all modes, using fully developed ideas, strong organization, well-chosen words, fluent sentences, and appropriate voice.
SKILL / CONCEPT 2.3.W.1.Students will write narratives incorporating characters, plot (i.e., beginning, middle, end), and a basic setting (i.e., time, place) with guidance and support.

Family Journaling
Magical Creature Writing
Make a Neighborhood Map
My Family Comic Strip
Sharing Chores and Your Day
Sketching the Story
Tips for storytelling: Using gestures
Why is storytelling important?
Why should we tell family stories?
Write Around
Writing Telephone Game
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.2.3.Critical Reading and Writing - Students will apply critical thinking skills to reading and writing.
STRAND / STANDARD 2.3.W.Writing - Students will write for varied purposes and audiences in all modes, using fully developed ideas, strong organization, well-chosen words, fluent sentences, and appropriate voice.
SKILL / CONCEPT 2.3.W.2.Students will write facts about a subject and include a main idea with supporting details.

Create a Song
Funny Pictures
I'd Really Like
Magical Creature Writing
Make a Neighborhood Map
Nature Journaling
Story Train
Tell Me How
Write a Favorite Family Recipe
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.2.3.Critical Reading and Writing - Students will apply critical thinking skills to reading and writing.
STRAND / STANDARD 2.3.W.Writing - Students will write for varied purposes and audiences in all modes, using fully developed ideas, strong organization, well-chosen words, fluent sentences, and appropriate voice.
SKILL / CONCEPT 2.3.W.3.Students will express an opinion about a topic and provide reasons as support.

Create a Song
Funny Pictures
I'd Really Like
Magical Creature Writing
Make a Neighborhood Map
Nature Journaling
Story Train
Tell Me How
Write a Favorite Family Recipe
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.2.4.Vocabulary - Students will expand their working vocabularies to effectively communicate and understand texts.
STRAND / STANDARD 2.4.R.Reading - Students will expand academic, domain-appropriate, grade-level vocabularies through reading, word study, and class discussion.
OBJECTIVE 2.4.R.1.Students will acquire new academic, content-specific, grade-level vocabulary, relate new words to prior knowledge, and apply vocabulary in new situations.

Acrostic Poem
Color Poem Free Verse
Create a Song
Feelings Charades
Hink Pink
How can I help my child learn new words?
What Makes a Good Storyteller
OBJECTIVE 2.4.R.2.Students will use word parts (e.g., affixes, roots, stems) to define and determine the meaning of new words.

Digging Into Roots
Shopping for Syllables
OBJECTIVE 2.4.R.3.Students will use context clues to determine the meaning of words with guidance and support.

Reading Strategies: Slow Down, Reread
Wondering About Words
OBJECTIVE 2.4.R.4.Students will infer relationships among words, including synonyms, antonyms, and simple multiple-meaning words.

Hink Pink
OBJECTIVE 2.4.R.5.Students will use a dictionary or glossary (print and/or electronic) to determine or clarify the meanings of words or phrases.

Comprehension Clues
Finding Information
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.2.4.Vocabulary - Students will expand their working vocabularies to effectively communicate and understand texts.
STRAND / STANDARD 2.4.W.Writing - Students will apply knowledge of vocabularies to communicate by using descriptive, academic, and domain-appropriate abstract and concrete words in their writing.
OBJECTIVE 2.4.W.2.Students will select appropriate language according to purpose in writing.

Acrostic Poem
Create a Song
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.2.5.Language - Students will apply knowledge of grammar and rhetorical style to reading and writing.
STRAND / STANDARD 2.5.R.Reading - Students will apply knowledge of grammar and rhetorical style to analyze and evaluate a variety of texts.
OBJECTIVE 2.5.R.1.Students will recognize nouns, pronouns, and irregular plural nouns.

Noun Charades
Picture Talk
OBJECTIVE 2.5.R.2.Students will recognize different types and tenses of verbs.

Magical Creature Writing
Picture Talk
OBJECTIVE 2.5.R.3.Students will recognize adjectives.

Acrostic Poem
Picture Talk
OBJECTIVE 2.5.R.4.Students will recognize prepositions.

Picture Talk
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.2.5.Language - Students will apply knowledge of grammar and rhetorical style to reading and writing.
STRAND / STANDARD 2.5.W.Writing - Students will demonstrate command of Standard English grammar, mechanics, and usage through writing and other modes of communication.
OBJECTIVE 2.5.W.1.Students will capitalize and appropriately punctuate:
SKILL / CONCEPT 2.5.W.1.2.Holidays

Writing Telephone Game
SKILL / CONCEPT 2.5.W.1.3.Product names

Writing Telephone Game
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.2.5.Language - Students will apply knowledge of grammar and rhetorical style to reading and writing.
STRAND / STANDARD 2.5.W.Writing - Students will demonstrate command of Standard English grammar, mechanics, and usage through writing and other modes of communication.
OBJECTIVE 2.5.W.3.Students will compose grammatically correct simple and compound declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory sentences with appropriate end marks.

Hidden Messages
Magical Creature Writing
Picture Talk
Writing Telephone Game
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.2.6.Research - Students will engage in inquiry to acquire, refine, and share knowledge.
STRAND / STANDARD 2.6.R.Reading - Students will comprehend, evaluate, and synthesize resources to acquire and refine knowledge.
OBJECTIVE 2.6.R.1.Students will create their own questions to find information on their topic.

Guess Who
Let's Explore
OBJECTIVE 2.6.R.2.Students will use graphic features including photos, illustrations, titles, labels, headings, subheadings, charts, and graphs to understand a text.

Comprehension Clues
How Far Does It Fly?
How To
Random, Bizarre Facts
Reading Recipes
That's So Cool
OBJECTIVE 2.6.R.3.Students will consult various visual and text reference sources to gather information.

Make a Neighborhood Map
Nature Journaling
Who Are Your Heroes?
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.2.6.Research - Students will engage in inquiry to acquire, refine, and share knowledge.
STRAND / STANDARD 2.6.W.Writing - Students will summarize and paraphrase, integrate evidence, and cite sources to create reports, projects, papers, texts, and presentations for multiple purposes.
OBJECTIVE 2.6.W.1.Students will generate a list of topics of interest and individual questions about one specific topic of interest.

Guess Who
Let's Explore
OBJECTIVE 2.6.W.2.Students will organize information found during group or individual research, using graphic organizers or other aids.

Family Interview
I Want to Know About
Let's Explore
Make a Neighborhood Map
Nature Journaling
This Is Important
Who Are Your Heroes?
OBJECTIVE 2.6.W.3.Students will organize and present their information in written and/or oral reports or display.

Family Adventure List
Make a Neighborhood Map
Nature Journaling
Share Your Knowledge
Sharing Chores and Your Day
Write About a Family Tradition
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.2.7.Multimodal Literacies - Students will acquire, refine, and share knowledge through a variety of written, oral, visual, digital, non-verbal, and interactive texts.
STRAND / STANDARD 2.7.R.Reading - Students will evaluate written, oral, visual, and digital texts in order to draw conclusions and analyze arguments.
OBJECTIVE 2.7.R.1.Students will locate and use print and digital resources with guidance and support.

Let's Explore
Make a Neighborhood Map
Nature Journaling
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.2.8.Independent Reading and Writing - Students will read and write for a variety of purposes including, but not limited to, academic and personal.
STRAND / STANDARD 2.8.R.Reading - Students will read independently for a variety of purposes and for extended periods of time. Students will select appropriate texts for specific purposes.
OBJECTIVE 2.8.R.1.Students will select appropriate texts for academic and personal purposes and read independently for extended periods of time.

Building a Fort
I Read to You, You Read to Me
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.2.8.Independent Reading and Writing - Students will read and write for a variety of purposes including, but not limited to, academic and personal.
STRAND / STANDARD 2.8.W.Writing - Students will write independently for extended periods of time. Students will vary their modes of expression to suit audience and task.
OBJECTIVE 2.8.W.1.Students will write independently over extended periods of time (e.g., time for reflection and revision) and for shorter timeframes (e.g., a single sitting or a day or two).

I'd Really Like
Make a Neighborhood Map
Nature Journaling
This Is Important

Oklahoma Academic Standards
Language Arts
Grade: 3 - Adopted: 2016
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.3.1.Speaking and Listening - Students will speak and listen effectively in a variety of situations including, but not limited to, responses to reading and writing.
STRAND / STANDARD 3.1.R.Reading - Students will develop and apply effective communication skills through speaking and active listening.
OBJECTIVE 3.1.R.2.Students will ask and answer questions to seek help, get information, or clarify about information presented orally through text or other media to confirm understanding.

20 Questions
20 Questions Draw
Chapter Books
Conversation Starters
Family Interview
Freeze Dance
Guess Who
I Love My Family Because...
Interview an Expert
It's All In Your Head
Library Visit
Pow Wow Crunch
Read a Little, Think a Little
Reading Recipes
Talking About Books
That's So Cool
This Is Important
What Makes a Good Storyteller
What Will You Learn?
Who Are Your Heroes?
Who's Coming to Dinner?
OBJECTIVE 3.1.R.3.Students will engage in collaborative discussions about appropriate topics and texts, expressing their own ideas clearly in pairs, diverse groups, and whole class settings.

Building a Fort
Conversation Starters
Conversations in the Car
Family Interview
Guess Who
I Love My Family Because...
Kitchen Conversations
Noun Charades
Sharing Chores and Your Day
Simon Says
Story Train
Story of Your Name
Take a Stand
Who Are Your Heroes?
Who's Coming to Dinner?
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.3.1.Speaking and Listening - Students will speak and listen effectively in a variety of situations including, but not limited to, responses to reading and writing.
STRAND / STANDARD 3.1.W.Writing - Students will develop and apply effective communication skills through speaking and active listening to create individual and group projects and presentations.
OBJECTIVE 3.1.W.1.Students will report on a topic or text, tell a story, or recount an experience with appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details, speaking audibly in coherent sentences at an appropriate pace.

20 Questions
20 Questions Draw
Conversation Starters
Create a Song
Family Interview
Guess Who
Share Your Knowledge
Sharing Chores and Your Day
Simon Says
Take a Stand
Who's Coming to Dinner?
OBJECTIVE 3.1.W.2.Students will work respectfully within diverse groups, share responsibility for collaborative work, and value individual contributions made by each group member.

Building a Fort
Family Adventure List
Make a Neighborhood Map
Nature Journaling
Sharing Chores and Your Day
This Is Important
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.3.2RF.Reading Foundations - Students will develop foundational skills for future reading success by working with sounds, letters, and text.
STRAND / STANDARD 3.2.PA.Phonological Awareness - Phonological awareness is the ability to recognize, think about, and manipulate sounds in spoken language without using text.
OBJECTIVE 3.2.PA.1.Students will continue to review and apply earlier grade level expectations for this standard. If phonological awareness skills are not mastered, students will address skills from previous grades.

Five Finger Rule
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.3.2RF.Reading Foundations - Students will develop foundational skills for future reading success by working with sounds, letters, and text.
STRAND / STANDARD 3.2.PWS.Phonics and Word Study - Students will decode and read words in context and isolation by applying phonics and word analysis skills.
OBJECTIVE 3.2.PWS.2.Students will decode multisyllabic words by applying knowledge of structural analysis:
SKILL / CONCEPT 3.2.PWS.2.4.Common roots and related prefixes and suffixes

Digging Into Roots
Shopping for Syllables
Understanding Big Words
Unpacking Prefixes
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.3.2RF.Reading Foundations - Students will develop foundational skills for future reading success by working with sounds, letters, and text.
STRAND / STANDARD 3.2.F.Fluency - Students will recognize high-frequency words and read grade-level text smoothly and accurately, with expression that connotes comprehension.
OBJECTIVE 3.2.F.1.Students will read high frequency and/or irregularly spelled grade-level words with automaticity in text.

Race You To the Top
Thinking About Word Chunks
OBJECTIVE 3.2.F.2.Students will orally read grade-level text at an appropriate rate, smoothly and accurately, with expression that connotes comprehension.

Conversation Starters
Sharing Chores and Your Day
Simon Says
Take a Stand
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.3.2RW.Reading and Writing Process - Students will use a variety of recursive reading and writing processes.
STRAND / STANDARD 3.2.R.Reading - Students will read and comprehend increasingly complex literary and informational texts.
OBJECTIVE 3.2.R.1.Students will locate the main idea and key supporting details of a text or section of text.

Chapter Books
Story Train
Talking About Books
That's So Cool
What Makes a Good Storyteller
What Will You Learn?
OBJECTIVE 3.2.R.2.Students will compare and contrast details (e.g., plots or events, settings, and characters) to discriminate genres.

Chapter Books
Character Chat
Feelings Charades
Inside Outside Traits
Reading Strategy: Reading and Making Connections
Story Train
Talking About Books
What Makes a Good Storyteller
OBJECTIVE 3.2.R.3.Students will summarize events or plots (i.e., beginning, middle, end, and conflict) of a story or text.

Reading Strategy: Reading and Making Connections
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.3.2RW.Reading and Writing Process - Students will use a variety of recursive reading and writing processes.
STRAND / STANDARD 3.2.W.Writing - Students will develop and strengthen writing by engaging in a recursive process that includes prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing.
OBJECTIVE 3.2.W.2.Students will edit drafts and revise for clarity and organization.

Magical Creature Writing
Nature Journaling
This Is Important
OBJECTIVE 3.2.W.3.Students will correctly spell grade-appropriate words while editing.

Change One Letter
Magical Creature Writing
Spelling Pattern Game
Thinking About Word Chunks
Word Challenge
Write a Letter
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.3.3.Critical Reading and Writing - Students will apply critical thinking skills to reading and writing.
STRAND / STANDARD 3.3.R.Reading - Students will comprehend, interpret, evaluate, and respond to a variety of complex texts of all literary and informational genres from a variety of historical, cultural, ethnic, and global perspectives.
OBJECTIVE 3.3.R.1.Students determine the author’s stated and implied purpose (i.e., entertain, inform, persuade).

Random, Bizarre Facts
Reading Recipes
That's So Cool
OBJECTIVE 3.3.R.2.Students will infer whether a story is narrated in first or third person point of view in grade-level literary and/or informational text.

Reading Strategy: Reading and Making Connections
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.3.3.Critical Reading and Writing - Students will apply critical thinking skills to reading and writing.
STRAND / STANDARD 3.3.R.Reading - Students will comprehend, interpret, evaluate, and respond to a variety of complex texts of all literary and informational genres from a variety of historical, cultural, ethnic, and global perspectives.
OBJECTIVE 3.3.R.3.Students will find textual evidence when provided with examples of literary elements and organization:
SKILL / CONCEPT 3.3.R.3.1.Setting (i.e., time, place)

Chapter Books
Reading Strategy: Reading and Making Connections
Story Train
What Makes a Good Storyteller
SKILL / CONCEPT 3.3.R.3.2.Plot

Chapter Books
Story Train
What Makes a Good Storyteller
SKILL / CONCEPT 3.3.R.3.3.Characters

Chapter Books
Character Chat
Feelings Charades
Inside Outside Traits
Reading Strategy: Reading and Making Connections
Story Train
Talking About Books
What Makes a Good Storyteller
SKILL / CONCEPT 3.3.R.3.4.Characterization

Chapter Books
Character Chat
Feelings Charades
Inside Outside Traits
Reading Strategy: Reading and Making Connections
Story Train
Talking About Books
What Makes a Good Storyteller
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.3.3.Critical Reading and Writing - Students will apply critical thinking skills to reading and writing.
STRAND / STANDARD 3.3.R.Reading - Students will comprehend, interpret, evaluate, and respond to a variety of complex texts of all literary and informational genres from a variety of historical, cultural, ethnic, and global perspectives.
OBJECTIVE 3.3.R.7.Students will ask and answer inferential questions using the text to support answers with guidance and support.

20 Questions
Chapter Books
It's All In Your Head
Pow Wow Crunch
Read a Little, Think a Little
Reading Recipes
Talking About Books
That's So Cool
What Makes a Good Storyteller
What Will You Learn?
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.3.3.Critical Reading and Writing - Students will apply critical thinking skills to reading and writing.
STRAND / STANDARD 3.3.W.Writing - Students will write for varied purposes and audiences in all modes, using fully developed ideas, strong organization, well-chosen words, fluent sentences, and appropriate voice.
SKILL / CONCEPT 3.3.W.1.Students will write narratives incorporating characters, plot, setting, point of view, and conflict (i.e., solution and resolution).

A Really Good Story
Family Journaling
Magical Creature Writing
Make a Neighborhood Map
My Family Comic Strip
Sharing Chores and Your Day
Tips for storytelling: Using gestures
Why is storytelling important?
Why should we tell family stories?
Write Around
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.3.3.Critical Reading and Writing - Students will apply critical thinking skills to reading and writing.
STRAND / STANDARD 3.3.W.Writing - Students will write for varied purposes and audiences in all modes, using fully developed ideas, strong organization, well-chosen words, fluent sentences, and appropriate voice.
SKILL / CONCEPT 3.3.W.2.Students will write facts about a subject, including a main idea with supporting details, and use transitional and signal words.

Create a Song
Magical Creature Writing
Make a Neighborhood Map
Nature Journaling
Story Train
Write a Favorite Family Recipe
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.3.3.Critical Reading and Writing - Students will apply critical thinking skills to reading and writing.
STRAND / STANDARD 3.3.W.Writing - Students will write for varied purposes and audiences in all modes, using fully developed ideas, strong organization, well-chosen words, fluent sentences, and appropriate voice.
SKILL / CONCEPT 3.3.W.3.Students will express an opinion about a topic and provide reasons as support.

Create a Song
Magical Creature Writing
Make a Neighborhood Map
Nature Journaling
Story Train
Write a Favorite Family Recipe
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.3.4.Vocabulary - Students will expand their working vocabularies to effectively communicate and understand texts.
STRAND / STANDARD 3.4.R.Reading - Students will expand academic, domain-appropriate, grade-level vocabularies through reading, word study, and class discussion.
OBJECTIVE 3.4.R.1.Students will increase knowledge of academic, domain-appropriate, grade-level vocabulary to infer meaning of grade-level text.

Feelings Charades
Share Your Knowledge
What Makes a Good Storyteller
Wondering About Words
OBJECTIVE 3.4.R.2.Students will use word parts (e.g., affixes, roots, stems) to define and determine the meaning of new words.

Digging Into Roots
Shopping for Syllables
OBJECTIVE 3.4.R.3.Students will use context clues to determine the meaning of words or distinguish among multiple-meaning words.

Hinky Pinky and Hinketty Pinketty
Wondering About Words
Word Detective
OBJECTIVE 3.4.R.5.Students will use a dictionary or glossary (print and/or electronic) to determine or clarify the meanings, syllabication, and pronunciation of words.

Comprehension Clues
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.3.4.Vocabulary - Students will expand their working vocabularies to effectively communicate and understand texts.
STRAND / STANDARD 3.4.W.Writing - Students will apply knowledge of vocabularies to communicate by using descriptive, academic, and domain-appropriate abstract and concrete words in their writing.
OBJECTIVE 3.4.W.1.Students will use domain-appropriate vocabulary to communicate ideas in writing.

Hinky Pinky and Hinketty Pinketty
OBJECTIVE 3.4.W.2.Students will select appropriate language according to purpose in writing.

Acrostic Poem
Create a Song
Hinky Pinky and Hinketty Pinketty
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.3.5.Language - Students will apply knowledge of grammar and rhetorical style to reading and writing.
STRAND / STANDARD 3.5.R.Reading - Students will apply knowledge of grammar and rhetorical style to analyze and evaluate a variety of texts.
OBJECTIVE 3.5.R.1.Students will recognize pronouns and possessive nouns.

Noun Charades
OBJECTIVE 3.5.R.2.Students will recognize irregular and past participle verbs and verb tense to identify settings, times, and sequences in text.

Magical Creature Writing
OBJECTIVE 3.5.R.3.Students will recognize adjectives, articles as adjectives, and adverbs.

Acrostic Poem
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.3.5.Language - Students will apply knowledge of grammar and rhetorical style to reading and writing.
STRAND / STANDARD 3.5.W.Writing - Students will demonstrate command of Standard English grammar, mechanics, and usage through writing and other modes of communication.
OBJECTIVE 3.5.W.1.Students will capitalize and appropriately punctuate:
SKILL / CONCEPT 3.5.W.1.3.Geographical names

Writing Telephone Game
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.3.5.Language - Students will apply knowledge of grammar and rhetorical style to reading and writing.
STRAND / STANDARD 3.5.W.Writing - Students will demonstrate command of Standard English grammar, mechanics, and usage through writing and other modes of communication.
OBJECTIVE 3.5.W.3.Students will compose and expand grammatically correct sentences and questions with appropriate commas, apostrophes, quotation marks, and end marks as needed for dialogue.

Magical Creature Writing
Writing Telephone Game
OBJECTIVE 3.5.W.4.Students will compose simple, compound and complex declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory sentences.

Magical Creature Writing
Writing Telephone Game
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.3.6.Research - Students will engage in inquiry to acquire, refine, and share knowledge.
STRAND / STANDARD 3.6.R.Reading - Students will comprehend, evaluate, and synthesize resources to acquire and refine knowledge.
OBJECTIVE 3.6.R.1.Students will use their own questions to find information on their topic.

Guess Who
OBJECTIVE 3.6.R.2.Students will use graphic features including photos, illustrations, captions, titles, labels, headings, subheadings, italics, sidebars, charts, graphs, and legends to define a text.

Comprehension Clues
How Far Does It Fly?
Random, Bizarre Facts
Reading Recipes
That's So Cool
OBJECTIVE 3.6.R.3.Students will locate information in visual and text reference sources, electronic resources, and/or interviews.

Interview an Expert
Make a Neighborhood Map
Nature Journaling
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.3.6.Research - Students will engage in inquiry to acquire, refine, and share knowledge.
STRAND / STANDARD 3.6.W.Writing - Students will summarize and paraphrase, integrate evidence, and cite sources to create reports, projects, papers, texts, and presentations for multiple purposes.
OBJECTIVE 3.6.W.1.Students will generate a list of topics of interest and individual questions about one specific topic of interest.

Guess Who
OBJECTIVE 3.6.W.2.Students will organize information found during group or individual research, using graphic organizers or other aids.

Family Interview
I Want to Know About
Make a Neighborhood Map
Nature Journaling
This Is Important
Who Are Your Heroes?
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.3.7.Multimodal Literacies - Students will acquire, refine, and share knowledge through a variety of written, oral, visual, digital, non-verbal, and interactive texts.
STRAND / STANDARD 3.7.R.Reading - Students will evaluate written, oral, visual, and digital texts in order to draw conclusions and analyze arguments.
OBJECTIVE 3.7.R.1.Students will locate, organize, and use information from a variety of written, oral, visual, digital, non-verbal, and interactive texts to generate and answer literal questions.

Family Interview
I Want to Know About
Make a Neighborhood Map
Nature Journaling
Who Are Your Heroes?
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.3.7.Multimodal Literacies - Students will acquire, refine, and share knowledge through a variety of written, oral, visual, digital, non-verbal, and interactive texts.
STRAND / STANDARD 3.7.W.Writing - Students will create multimodal texts to communicate knowledge and develop arguments.
OBJECTIVE 3.7.W.2.Students will create presentations using video, photos, and other multimedia elements to support communication and clarify ideas, thoughts, and feelings.

How Far Does It Fly?
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.3.8.Independent Reading and Writing - Students will read and write for a variety of purposes including, but not limited to, academic and personal.
STRAND / STANDARD 3.8.R.Reading - Students will read independently for a variety of purposes and for extended periods of time. Students will select appropriate texts for specific purposes.
OBJECTIVE 3.8.R.1.Students will select appropriate texts for specific purposes and read independently for extended periods of time.

Building a Fort
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.3.8.Independent Reading and Writing - Students will read and write for a variety of purposes including, but not limited to, academic and personal.
STRAND / STANDARD 3.8.W.Writing - Students will write independently for extended periods of time. Students will vary their modes of expression to suit audience and task.
OBJECTIVE 3.8.W.1.Students will write independently over extended periods of time (e.g., time for reflection and revision) and for shorter timeframes (e.g., a single sitting or a day or two) to communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes.

Family Adventure List
Make a Neighborhood Map
Nature Journaling
This Is Important

Oklahoma Academic Standards
Grade: K - Adopted: 2016
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.K.N.Number & Operations (N)
STRAND / STANDARD K.N.1.Understand the relationship between quantities and whole numbers.
OBJECTIVE K.N.1.1.Count aloud forward in sequence to 100 by 1’s and 10’s.

Add One
Card Sequencing and Counting
My Favorite Things
Number Lookout
Salty Numbers
Ten in a Row
What Am I Counting?
What Comes Next?
OBJECTIVE K.N.1.2.Recognize that a number can be used to represent how many objects are in a set up to 10.

Car Race
Count with Your Eyes
I See Three
In Ten Seconds
Sneaky Math Note
Spill the Beans
The Biggest Number
What Do I Have?
OBJECTIVE K.N.1.4.Recognize without counting (subitize) the quantity of a small group of objects in organized and random arrangements up to 10.

Car Race
Go Fish
Spill the Beans
OBJECTIVE K.N.1.5.Count forward, with and without objects, from any given number up to 10.

Car Race
Count with Your Eyes
I See Three
In Ten Seconds
Sneaky Math Note
Spill the Beans
The Biggest Number
What Am I Counting?
What Do I Have?
OBJECTIVE K.N.1.6.Read, write, discuss, and represent whole numbers from 0 to at least 10. Representations may include numerals, pictures, real objects and picture graphs, spoken words, and manipulatives.

Go Fish
My Favorite Things
Numbers on My Back
Sneaky Math Note
OBJECTIVE K.N.1.7.Find a number that is 1 more or 1 less than a given number up to 10.

Car Race
Math Fact Memory
Roll the Difference
Spill the Beans
OBJECTIVE K.N.1.8.Using the words more than, less than or equal to compare and order whole numbers, with and without objects, from 0 to 10.

More or Less
Ten in a Row
The Biggest Number
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.K.N.Number & Operations (N)
STRAND / STANDARD K.N.2.Develop conceptual fluency with addition and subtraction (up to 10) using objects and pictures.
OBJECTIVE K.N.2.1.Compose and decompose numbers up to 10 with objects and pictures.

Fishing for Tens
Give Me Five
Make Ten
Sneaky Math Note
What Do I Have?
What's Left?
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.K.N.Number & Operations (N)
STRAND / STANDARD K.N.3.Understand the relationship between whole numbers and fractions through fair share.
OBJECTIVE K.N.3.1.Distribute equally a set of objects into at least two smaller equal sets.

Fishing for Tens
Give Me Five
Make Ten
Sneaky Math Note
The Biggest Number
What Do I Have?
What's Left?
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.K.N.Number & Operations (N)
STRAND / STANDARD K.N.4.Identify coins by name.
OBJECTIVE K.N.4.1.Identify pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters by name.

I Spy a Coin
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.K.A.Algebraic Reasoning & Algebra (A)
STRAND / STANDARD K.A.1.Duplicate patterns in a variety of contexts.
OBJECTIVE K.A.1.1.Sort and group up to 10 objects into a set based upon characteristics such as color, size, and shape. Explain verbally what the objects have in common.

Card Sorting
I Spy a Coin
Toy Organization
OBJECTIVE K.A.1.2.Recognize, duplicate, complete, and extend repeating, shrinking and growing patterns involving shape, color, size, objects, sounds, movement, and other contexts.

Make a Pattern
Pattern Walk
Secret Family Pattern
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.K.GM.Geometry & Measurement (GM)
STRAND / STANDARD K.GM.1.Recognize and sort basic two-dimensional shapes and use them to represent real-world objects.
OBJECTIVE K.GM.1.1.Recognize squares, circles, triangles, and rectangles.

Shape Scavenger Hunt
OBJECTIVE K.GM.1.2.Sort two-dimensional objects using characteristics such as shape, size, color, and thickness.

Shape Scavenger Hunt
OBJECTIVE K.GM.1.3.Identify attributes of two-dimensional shapes using informal and formal geometric language interchangeably.

Shape Scavenger Hunt
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.K.GM.Geometry & Measurement (GM)
STRAND / STANDARD K.GM.2.Compare and order objects according to location and measurable attributes.
OBJECTIVE K.GM.2.1.Use words to compare objects according to length, size, weight, position, and location.

Blow Your House Down!
How Far Does It Fly?
Hunt and Measure
Measurable Me
Measure your Steps
Pattern Walk
Ramp Car Racing
OBJECTIVE K.GM.2.2.Order up to 6 objects using measurable attributes, such as length and weight.

Blow Your House Down!
How Far Does It Fly?
Hunt and Measure
Measurable Me
Measure your Steps
Ramp Car Racing
OBJECTIVE K.GM.2.3.Sort objects into sets by more than one attribute.

Card Sorting
I Spy a Coin
Toy Organization
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.K.GM.Geometry & Measurement (GM)
STRAND / STANDARD K.GM.3.Tell time as it relates to daily life.
OBJECTIVE K.GM.3.1.Develop an awareness of simple time concepts using words such as yesterday, today, tomorrow, morning, afternoon, and night within his/her daily life.

Time It
STRAND / STANDARD K.D.1.Collect, organize, and interpret categorical data.
OBJECTIVE K.D.1.1.Collect and sort information about objects and events in the environment.

I Spy a Coin
Survey Says
OBJECTIVE K.D.1.3.Draw conclusions from real-object and picture graphs.

Survey Says

Oklahoma Academic Standards
Grade: 1 - Adopted: 2016
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.1.N.Number & Operations (N)
STRAND / STANDARD 1.N.1.Count, compare, and represent whole numbers up to 100, with an emphasis on groups of tens and ones.
OBJECTIVE 1.N.1.1.Recognize numbers to 20 without counting (subitize) the quantity of structured arrangements.

Car Race
Spill the Beans
OBJECTIVE 1.N.1.3.Read, write, discuss, and represent whole numbers up to 100. Representations may include numerals, addition and subtraction, pictures, tally marks, number lines and manipulatives, such as bundles of sticks and base 10 blocks.

Car Race
Sneaky Math Note
Ten Dimes
Ten in a Row
OBJECTIVE 1.N.1.4.Count forward, with and without objects, from any given number up to 100 by 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s.

Car Race
I Can Make You Say 21
Pairs of Socks
Sneaky Math Note
Spill the Beans
Ten in a Row
OBJECTIVE 1.N.1.6.Compare and order whole numbers from 0 to 100.

Greater Than
I'm Thinking of a Number
Location Guess My Number
Ten in a Row
OBJECTIVE 1.N.1.7.Use knowledge of number relationships to locate the position of a given whole number on an open number line up to 20.

Greater Than
I'm Thinking of a Number
Location Guess My Number
Ten in a Row
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.1.N.Number & Operations (N)
STRAND / STANDARD 1.N.2.Solve addition and subtraction problems up to 10 in real-world and mathematical contexts.
OBJECTIVE 1.N.2.1.Represent and solve real-world and mathematical problems using addition and subtraction up to ten.

Addition War
Bedtime Math Story
Can you Make 21?
Car Race
Car Time Math
Dice Knockout
Domino Addition
Domino Subtraction
Family Math Book
Fifteen Fact Memory
Fishing for Doubles
Fishing for Tens
Input Output
Math Fact Memory
Math Journal Walk
Restaurant Story Problems
Roll the Difference
Spill the Beans
Ten Scoops
The Final Price Is...
OBJECTIVE 1.N.2.3.Demonstrate fluency with basic addition facts and related subtraction facts up to 10.

Addition War
Can you Make 21?
Car Race
Dice Knockout
Domino Addition
Domino Subtraction
Fifteen Fact Memory
Fishing for Doubles
Math Fact Memory
Roll the Difference
Spill the Beans
Ten Scoops
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.1.N.Number & Operations (N)
STRAND / STANDARD 1.N.3.Develop foundational ideas for fractions.
OBJECTIVE 1.N.3.1.Partition a regular polygon using physical models and recognize when those parts are equal.

Folding Napkins
Making Playdough Together
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.1.N.Number & Operations (N)
STRAND / STANDARD 1.N.4.Identify coins and their values.
OBJECTIVE 1.N.4.1.Identifying pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters by name and value.

Counting Coins
OBJECTIVE 1.N.4.3.Determine the value of a collection of pennies, nickels, or dimes up to one dollar counting by ones, fives, or tens.

Counting Coins
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.1.A.Algebraic Reasoning & Algebra (A)
STRAND / STANDARD 1.A.1.Identify patterns found in real-world and mathematical situations.
OBJECTIVE 1.A.1.1.Identify, create, complete, and extend repeating, growing, and shrinking patterns with quantity, numbers, or shapes in a variety of real-world and mathematical contexts.

Make a Pattern
Secret Family Pattern
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.1.GM.Geometry & Measurement (GM)
STRAND / STANDARD 1.GM.1.Recognize, compose, and decompose two- and three-dimensional shapes.
OBJECTIVE 1.GM.1.1.Identify trapezoids and hexagons by pointing to the shape when given the name.

Folding a Blanket
OBJECTIVE 1.GM.1.2.Compose and decompose larger shapes using smaller two-dimensional shapes.

Folding a Blanket
Paper Airplane Geometry
OBJECTIVE 1.GM.1.4.Recognize three-dimensional shapes such as cubes, cones, cylinders, and spheres.

Mystery Shape
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.1.GM.Geometry & Measurement (GM)
STRAND / STANDARD 1.GM.2.Select and use nonstandard and standard units to describe length and volume/capacity.
OBJECTIVE 1.GM.2.1.Use nonstandard and standard measuring tools to measure the length of objects to reinforce the continuous nature of linear measurement.

How Far Does It Fly?
Hunt and Measure
Ramp Car Racing
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.1.GM.Geometry & Measurement (GM)
STRAND / STANDARD 1.GM.3.Tell time to the half and full hour.
OBJECTIVE 1.GM.3.1.Tell time to the hour and half-hour (analog and digital).

Body Clock
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.1.D.Data & Probability (D)
STRAND / STANDARD 1.D.1.Collect, organize, and interpret categorical and numerical data.
OBJECTIVE 1.D.1.1.Collect, sort, and organize data in up to three categories using representations (e.g., tally marks, tables, Venn diagrams).

Survey Says

Oklahoma Academic Standards
Grade: 2 - Adopted: 2016
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.2.N.Number & Operations (N)
STRAND / STANDARD 2.N.1.Compare and represent whole numbers up to 1,000 with an emphasis on place value and equality.
OBJECTIVE 2.N.1.1.Read, write, discuss, and represent whole numbers up to 1,000. Representations may include numerals, words, pictures, tally marks, number lines and manipulatives.

Dollars and Dice
Place Value Dice
Sneaky Math Note
Thousand More
OBJECTIVE 2.N.1.2.Use knowledge of number relationships to locate the position of a given whole number on an open number line up to 100.

Greater Than
Is it Reasonable?
Less Than
Location Guess My Number
Place Value Battle
The Greater Number
OBJECTIVE 2.N.1.3.Use place value to describe whole numbers between 10 and 1,000 in terms of hundreds, tens and ones. Know that 100 is 10 tens, and 1,000 is 10 hundreds.

All About My Number
How Much to 1,000?
Less Than
Location Guess My Number
Place Value Battle
Place Value Dice
OBJECTIVE 2.N.1.4.Find 10 more or 10 less than a given three-digit number. Find 100 more or 100 less than a given three-digit number.

2-Digit Addition War
Broken Calculator Keys
Can I Stump You?
Close Call
Coupon Savings
Dollars and Dice
How Much to 1,000?
Race to Zero
Skunk Addition
Subtraction Switch
The Answer Is
Thousand More
What's the Difference?
OBJECTIVE 2.N.1.5.Recognize when to round numbers to the nearest 10 and 100.

The Greater Number
OBJECTIVE 2.N.1.6.Use place value to compare and order whole numbers up to 1,000 using comparative language, numbers, and symbols (e.g., 425 > 276, 73 < 107, page 351 comes after page 350, 753 is between 700 and 800).

Greater Than
Is it Reasonable?
Less Than
Location Guess My Number
Place Value Battle
The Greater Number
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.2.N.Number & Operations (N)
STRAND / STANDARD 2.N.2.Add and subtract one- and two-digit numbers in real-world and mathematical problems.
OBJECTIVE 2.N.2.2.Demonstrate fluency with basic addition facts and related subtraction facts up to 20.

Addition War
Can you Make 21?
Fifteen Fact Memory
Fishing for Doubles
Subtraction War
OBJECTIVE 2.N.2.3.Estimate sums and differences up to 100.

Race to Zero
OBJECTIVE 2.N.2.4.Use strategies and algorithms based on knowledge of place value and equality to add and subtract two-digit numbers.

2-Digit Addition War
Broken Calculator Keys
Can I Stump You?
Close Call
Coupon Savings
Dollars and Dice
How Much to 1,000?
Race to Zero
Skunk Addition
Subtraction Switch
The Answer Is
Thousand More
What's the Difference?
OBJECTIVE 2.N.2.5.Solve real-world and mathematical addition and subtraction problems involving whole numbers up to 2 digits.

Can I Stump You?
Family Math Book
Input Output
Make One Up
Restaurant Story Problems
OBJECTIVE 2.N.2.6.Use concrete models and structured arrangements, such as repeated addition, arrays and ten frames to develop understanding of multiplication.

An Array of Brownies
I Spy Sums and Products
Sneaky Math Note
Table Times
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.2.N.Number & Operations (N)
STRAND / STANDARD 2.N.3.Explore the foundational ideas of fractions.
OBJECTIVE 2.N.3.1.Identify the parts of a set and area that represent fractions for halves, thirds, and fourths.

Counting Fractions
OBJECTIVE 2.N.3.2.Construct equal-sized portions through fair sharing including length, set, and area models for halves, thirds, and fourths.

Fair Share
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.2.N.Number & Operations (N)
STRAND / STANDARD 2.N.4.Determine the value of a set of coins.
OBJECTIVE 2.N.4.1.Determine the value of a collection(s) of coins up to one dollar using the cent symbol.

Coupon Savings
Dollars and Dice
OBJECTIVE 2.N.4.2.Use a combination of coins to represent a given amount of money up to one dollar.

Coupon Savings
Dollars and Dice
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.2.A.Algebraic Reasoning & Algebra (A)
STRAND / STANDARD 2.A.1.Describe the relationship found in patterns to solve real-world and mathematical problems.
OBJECTIVE 2.A.1.1.Represent, create, describe, complete, and extend growing and shrinking patterns with quantity and numbers in a variety of real-world and mathematical contexts.

Secret Family Pattern
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.2.A.Algebraic Reasoning & Algebra (A)
STRAND / STANDARD 2.A.2.Use number sentences involving unknowns to represent and solve real-world and mathematical problems.
OBJECTIVE 2.A.2.1.Use objects and number lines to represent number sentences.

Dollars and Dice
OBJECTIVE 2.A.2.2.Generate real-world situations to represent number sentences and vice versa.

Family Math Book
Make One Up
What's the Question?
OBJECTIVE 2.A.2.3.Apply commutative and identity properties and number sense to find values for unknowns that make number sentences involving addition and subtraction true or false.

Fishing for Doubles
I Spy Sums and Products
Multiplication War
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.2.GM.Geometry & Measurement (GM)
STRAND / STANDARD 2.GM.1.Analyze attributes of two-dimensional figures and develop generalizations about their properties.
OBJECTIVE 2.GM.1.2.Describe, compare, and classify two-dimensional figures according to their geometric attributes.

Mystery Shape
OBJECTIVE 2.GM.1.3.Compose two-dimensional shapes using triangles, squares, hexagons, trapezoids, and rhombi.

Paper Airplane Geometry
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.2.GM.Geometry & Measurement (GM)
STRAND / STANDARD 2.GM.2.Understand length as a measurable attribute and explore capacity.
OBJECTIVE 2.GM.2.2.Explain the relationship between length and the numbers on a ruler by using a ruler to measure lengths to the nearest whole unit.

Three Questions
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.2.D.Data & Probability (D)
STRAND / STANDARD 2.D.1.Collect, organize, and interpret data.
OBJECTIVE 2.D.1.3.Write and solve one-step word problems involving addition or subtraction using data represented within pictographs and bar graphs with intervals of one.

Family Math Book
Make One Up
What's the Question?

Oklahoma Academic Standards
Grade: 3 - Adopted: 2016
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.3.N.Number & Operations (N)
STRAND / STANDARD 3.N.1.Compare and represent whole numbers up to 10,000 with an emphasis on place value and equality.
OBJECTIVE 3.N.1.1.Read, write, discuss, and represent whole numbers up to 10,000. Representations may include numerals, expressions with operations, words, pictures, number lines, and manipulatives.

Dollars and Dice
Place Value Dice
Thousand More
OBJECTIVE 3.N.1.2.Use place value to describe whole numbers between 1,000 and 10,000 in terms of ten thousands, thousands, hundreds, tens and ones, including expanded form.

Dollars and Dice
Place Value Dice
OBJECTIVE 3.N.1.3.Find 1,000 more or 1,000 less than a given four- or five-digit number. Find 100 more or 100 less than a given four- or five-digit number.

2-Digit Addition War
Broken Calculator Keys
Can I Stump You?
Close Call
Coupon Savings
Dollars and Dice
How Much to 1,000?
Race to Zero
Skunk Addition
The Answer Is
Thousand More
What's the Difference?
OBJECTIVE 3.N.1.4.Use place value to compare and order whole numbers up to 10,000, using comparative language, numbers, and symbols.

Place Value Battle
The Greater Number
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.3.N.Number & Operations (N)
STRAND / STANDARD 3.N.2.Add and subtract multi-digit whole numbers; multiply with factors up to 10; represent multiplication and division in various ways; Solve real-world and mathematical problems through the representation of related operations.
OBJECTIVE 3.N.2.1.Represent multiplication facts by using a variety of approaches, such as repeated addition, equal-sized groups, arrays, area models, equal jumps on a number line and skip counting.

An Array of Brownies
I Spy Sums and Products
Table Times
OBJECTIVE 3.N.2.3.Use strategies and algorithms based on knowledge of place value and equality to fluently add and subtract multi-digit numbers.

2-Digit Addition War
Broken Calculator Keys
Can I Stump You?
Close Call
Coupon Savings
Dollars and Dice
How Much to 1,000?
Race to Zero
Skunk Addition
The Answer Is
Thousand More
What's the Difference?
OBJECTIVE 3.N.2.4.Recognize when to round numbers and apply understanding to round numbers to the nearest ten thousand, thousand, hundred, and ten and use compatible numbers to estimate sums and differences.

Race to Zero
Round Showdown
The Greater Number
OBJECTIVE 3.N.2.5.Use addition and subtraction to solve real-world and mathematical problems involving whole numbers. Use various strategies, including the relationship between addition and subtraction, the use of technology, and the context of the problem to assess the reasonableness of results.

Can I Stump You?
Family Math Book
Input Output
Let's Go to 100
Make One Up
Restaurant Story Problems
That's Crazy!
OBJECTIVE 3.N.2.6.Represent division facts by using a variety of approaches, such as repeated subtraction, equal sharing and forming equal groups.

Fair Share
OBJECTIVE 3.N.2.7.Recognize the relationship between multiplication and division to represent and solve real-world problems.

Can I Stump You?
Domino Division
Fair Share
Family Math Book
I Spy Sums and Products
Let's Go to 100
Math Mind Reading
Product Practice
Table Times
OBJECTIVE 3.N.2.8.Use strategies and algorithms based on knowledge of place value, equality and properties of addition and multiplication to multiply a two-digit number by a one-digit number.

Domino Division
I Spy Sums and Products
Let's Go to 100
Math Mind Reading
Multiplication War
Over Under
Product Practice
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.3.N.Number & Operations (N)
STRAND / STANDARD 3.N.3.Understand meanings and uses of fractions in real-world and mathematical situations.
OBJECTIVE 3.N.3.1.Read and write fractions with words and symbols.

Counting Fractions
Fractions on a Number Line
Shape Up!
OBJECTIVE 3.N.3.2.Construct fractions using length, set, and area models.

Counting Fractions
Fractions on a Number Line
Shape Up!
OBJECTIVE 3.N.3.4.Use models and number lines to order and compare fractions that are related to the same whole.

Counting Fractions
Shape Up!
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.3.N.Number & Operations (N)
STRAND / STANDARD 3.N.4.Determine the value of a set of coins or bills.
OBJECTIVE 3.N.4.1.Use addition to determine the value of a collection of coins up to one dollar using the cent symbol and a collection of bills up to twenty dollars.

Coupon Savings
Dollars and Dice
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.3.A.Algebraic Reasoning & Algebra (A)
STRAND / STANDARD 3.A.1.Describe and create representations of numerical and geometric patterns.
OBJECTIVE 3.A.1.1.Create, describe, and extend patterns involving addition, subtraction, or multiplication to solve problems in a variety of contexts.

Secret Family Pattern
OBJECTIVE 3.A.1.2.Describe the rule (single operation) for a pattern from an input/output table or function machine involving addition, subtraction, or multiplication.

Secret Family Pattern
OBJECTIVE 3.A.1.3.Explore and develop visual representations of growing geometric patterns and construct the next steps.

Secret Family Pattern
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.3.A.Algebraic Reasoning & Algebra (A)
STRAND / STANDARD 3.A.2.Use number sentences involving multiplication and unknowns to represent and solve real-world and mathematical problems.
OBJECTIVE 3.A.2.1.Find unknowns represented by symbols in arithmetic problems by solving one-step open sentences (equations) and other problems involving addition, subtraction, and multiplication. Generate real-world situations to represent number sentences.

Math Mind Reading
Parts Unknown
OBJECTIVE 3.A.2.2.Recognize, represent and apply the number properties (commutative, identity, and associative properties of addition and multiplication) using models and manipulatives to solve problems.

I Spy Sums and Products
Multiplication War
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.3.GM.Geometry & Measurement (GM)
STRAND / STANDARD 3.GM.2.Understand measurable attributes of real-world and mathematical objects using various tools.
OBJECTIVE 3.GM.2.3.Choose an appropriate measurement instrument and measure the length of objects to the nearest whole centimeter or meter.

How Far Does It Fly?
Ramp Car Racing
OBJECTIVE 3.GM.2.4.Choose an appropriate measurement instrument and measure the length of objects to the nearest whole yard, whole foot, or half inch.

How Far Does It Fly?
Ramp Car Racing
OBJECTIVE 3.GM.2.5.Using common benchmarks, estimate the lengths (customary and metric) of a variety of objects.

How Far Does It Fly?
Ramp Car Racing
OBJECTIVE 3.GM.2.8.Find the area of two-dimensional figures by counting total number of same size unit squares that fill the shape without gaps or overlaps.

Cracker Perimeter & Area
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.3.GM.Geometry & Measurement (GM)
STRAND / STANDARD 3.GM.3.Solve problems by telling time to the nearest 5 minutes.
OBJECTIVE 3.GM.3.2.Determine the solutions to problems involving addition and subtraction of time in intervals of 5 minutes, up to one hour, using pictorial models, number line diagrams, or other tools.

Now is the Time
CONTENT STANDARD / COURSE OK.3.D.Data & Probability (D)
STRAND / STANDARD 3.D.1.Summarize, construct, and analyze data.
OBJECTIVE 3.D.1.1.Summarize and construct a data set with multiple categories using a frequency table, line plot, pictograph, and/or bar graph with scaled intervals.

Graphing Walking Goals
OBJECTIVE 3.D.1.2.Solve one- and two-step problems using categorical data represented with a frequency table, pictograph, or bar graph with scaled intervals.

Graphing Walking Goals

Oklahoma Academic Standards
Grade: K - Adopted: 2014
STRAND / STANDARD K-LS1.From Molecules to Organisms: Structure and Processes - Students who demonstrate understanding can:
OBJECTIVE K-LS1-1.Use observations to describe patterns of what plants and animals (including humans) need to survive.

Family Sensory Walk
STRAND / STANDARD K-ESS3.Earth and Human Activity - Students who demonstrate understanding can:
OBJECTIVE K-ESS3-1.Use a model to represent the relationship between the needs of different plants or animals (including humans) and the places they live.

Family Sensory Walk

Oklahoma Academic Standards
Grade: 1 - Adopted: 2014
STRAND / STANDARD 1-LS3.Heredity: Inheritance and Variation of Traits - Students who demonstrate understanding can:
OBJECTIVE 1-LS3-1.Make observations to construct an evidence-based account that young plants and animals are like, but not exactly like, their parents.

Family Sensory Walk