Tennessee Academic Standards (Pre-K)

Main Criteria: Tennessee Academic Standards
Secondary Criteria: ReadyRosie
Subject: Early Childhood Education
Grade: Ages 3-5
Correlation Options: Show Correlated

Tennessee Academic Standards
Early Childhood Education
Grade: Ages 3-5 - Adopted: 2014
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.AL.37-48.Approaches to Learning (AL) 37 months – 48 months
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION AL.37-48.1.Demonstrate increasing interest in interactions within his environment.

Celebrate Learning
My Age
Shape Changers
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION AL.37-48.2.Demonstrate ability to act out more complex pretend play scenarios.

In My Pond, Part 1
In My Pond, Part 2
Pretending Together
Stuffed Animal Stories
Tips for helping your child love reading
Toy Stories
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION AL.37-48.3.Demonstrate awareness of connection between prior and new knowledge.

Celebrate Learning
My Age
Shape Changers
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.AL.37-48.Approaches to Learning (AL) 37 months – 48 months
CONCEPTUAL STRAND / GUIDING QUESTION Flexibility and Inventiveness
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION AL.37-48.4.Attempt more challenging things.

Celebrate Learning
My Age
Shape Changers
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION AL.37-48.5.Continue to ask questions for information or clarification.

Color Word Sentences
Listening for Sounds
Phone Fun
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION AL.37-48.6.Use materials in complex ways, may use in ways other than originally intended.

Tips for helping your child love reading
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.AL.37-48.Approaches to Learning (AL) 37 months – 48 months
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION AL.37-48.9.Stay interested in an activity for longer periods of time.

Celebrate Learning
My Age
Shape Changers
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION AL.37-48.10.Work at a task or activity for longer periods of time.

Celebrate Learning
My Age
Shape Changers
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.SE.37-48.Social Emotional Development (SE) 37 months – 48 months
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION SE.37-48.1.Show positive self-esteem.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
Family Talent Show
I Remember When
If You're Happy & You Know It
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION SE.37-48.2.Verbalize feelings, needs and wants.

Behavior is a form of communication
Funny Faces
If You're Happy & You Know It
Talking About Your Feelings
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION SE.37-48.3.Show greater comfort with independence and increased feelings of self- worth.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
Family Talent Show
I Remember When
If You're Happy & You Know It
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.SE.37-48.Social Emotional Development (SE) 37 months – 48 months
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION SE.37-48.4.Manage own behavior with increasing skill.

How can I stop my kids from fighting?
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.SE.37-48.Social Emotional Development (SE) 37 months – 48 months
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION SE.37-48.6.Engage in cooperative play with other children.

Building Houses
Family Talent Show
Keep It Up
Taking Turns
Who has the Biggest Number?
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION SE.37-48.7.Begin to develop more complex pretend play themes.

In My Pond, Part 1
In My Pond, Part 2
Pretending Together
Stuffed Animal Stories
Tips for helping your child love reading
Toy Stories
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION SE.37-48.8.Show increasing willingness to work out problems with peers.

How can I stop my kids from fighting?
Talking About Your Feelings
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION SE.37-48.9.Show increasing ability to understand the feelings of others.

Funny Faces
If You're Happy & You Know It
Talking About Your Feelings
Thank You Note
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.LE.37-48.Language and Early Literacy (LE) 37 months – 48 months
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION LE.37-48.1.Listen with understanding and interest to conversations, directions, music and a variety of reading materials.

Asking Wh- Questions
Just the Facts
My Favorite Part
Reading Routines for Early Readers
Reading a Book for the Second Time
Recalling What Happened in a Story
Tips for helping your child love reading
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.LE.37-48.Language and Early Literacy (LE) 37 months – 48 months
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION LE.37-48.4.Demonstrate interest in books and what they contain.

Reading Routines for Early Readers
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION LE.37-48.5.Demonstrate knowledge of how to use a book.

Chime In
Color Word Sentences
Funny Reading
Kitchen Labeling
Morning Message
My Address
Reading the Grocery List
Reading with Jack and Jill
Shopping for Clothes
Starting a Word Bank
Stuffed Animal Stories
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION LE.37-48.6.Show awareness that print conveys a message, that print is read rather than pictures.

Chime In
Color Word Sentences
Kitchen Labeling
Morning Message
My Address
Reading the Grocery List
Reading with Jack and Jill
Shopping for Clothes
Starting a Word Bank
Stuffed Animal Stories
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.LE.37-48.Language and Early Literacy (LE) 37 months – 48 months
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION LE.37-48.7.Begin to attend to print in the environment, especially own name.

Morning Message
Name Game
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION LE.37-48.8.Attempt to “write” own name.

Morning Message
Name Game
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.MA.37-48.Math (MA) 37 months – 48 months
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION MA.37-48.1.Begin to identify and label objects using numbers.

Find My Number
May I Take your Order?
My Address
Taking Inventory
Three Ways to Show a Number
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.MA.37-48.Math (MA) 37 months – 48 months
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION MA.37-48.2.Begin to use comparative language such as more/less, equal to describe objects.

Acorns and Pinecones
Cereal Challenge
Make a Tower of Ten
More than Ten
Slap One More
Who has the Biggest Number?
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.MA.37-48.Math (MA) 37 months – 48 months
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION MA.37-48.3.Explores and begins to sort and classify objects.

Candy Sort and Graph
I Spy a Coin
I Spy an Animal
Letter Sort
Likely or Unlikely
Sort and Graph Leaves
Sorting Laundry
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.MA.37-48.Math (MA) 37 months – 48 months
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION MA.37-48.4.Begin to demonstrate understanding of time, length, weight, capacity and temperature.

All About My Day
Bookcase Problem
Building Houses
Buying Oranges
Comparing Vegetables
Grocery Store Weights
Leap Frog Measure
Measuring the Table
Near and Far
Which Takes Longer?
Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.MA.37-48.Math (MA) 37 months – 48 months
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION MA.37-48.5.Become aware of his body and personal space during active exploration of physical environment.

Follow the Leader
Jump to It
Rock Toss
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.MA.37-48.Math (MA) 37 months – 48 months
CONCEPTUAL STRAND / GUIDING QUESTION Problem Solving and Analyzing Data
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION MA.37-48.6.Show interest in creating simple graphs.

Dino Dig
Sort and Graph Leaves
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.S.37-48.Science (S) 37 months – 48 months
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION S.37-48.1.Demonstrate growing ability to connect sensory input with words and expressions.

Grocery Store Conversations
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.S.37-48.Science (S) 37 months – 48 months
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION S.37-48.2.Observe surroundings in relation to prior knowledge and methods.

Grocery Store Conversations
Sink or Float
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.SS.37-48.Social Studies (SS) 37 months – 48 months
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION SS.37-48.1.Begins to understand concept of individual, culture and community.

Family Photos
Family Talent Show
Grandparent Storytime
Why should we tell family stories?
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION SS.37-48.2.Demonstrate increasing interest in unfamiliar people.

Behavior is a form of communication
You are your child's first teacher
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.CA.37-48.Creative Arts (CA) 37 months – 48 months
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION CA.37-48.1.Enjoy participating in group music activities and music making activities.

If You're Happy & You Know It
Itsy Bitsy Spider Illustrations
Sliding to Nursery Rhymes
Why should I sing to my baby?
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION CA.37-48.2.Experiment with voice and instruments.

If You're Happy & You Know It
Itsy Bitsy Spider Illustrations
Sliding to Nursery Rhymes
Why should I sing to my baby?
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.CA.37-48.Creative Arts (CA) 37 months – 48 months
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION CA.37-48.4.Scribble and paint and begin to use other art materials.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
Making a Grocery List
May I Take your Order?
Mirror, Mirror
Shaving Cream Shapes
Thank You Note
Three Ways to Show a Number
Using a Menu to Order
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.CA.37-48.Creative Arts (CA) 37 months – 48 months
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION CA.37-48.6.Become more creative in dramatic play activities.

Act It Out
Toy Stories
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.PD.37-48.Physical Development (PD) 37 months – 48 months
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PD.37-48.1.Move with enough control to perform more complex tasks.

Follow the Leader
Jump to It
Rock Toss
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.PD.37-48.Physical Development (PD) 37 months – 48 months
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PD.37-48.2.Use hands with increasing control and precision for a variety of purposes.

Alphabet Clapping
Detailed Drawing of a Face
Drumming Sounds
Finger Shapes
Jump Rope Letters
Mirror, Mirror
Setting the Table
Shaving Cream Shapes
Silverware Alphabet
Thank You Note
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.PD.37-48.Physical Development (PD) 37 months – 48 months
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PD.37-48.3.Begin to perform self-help skills and follows basic health and safety rules.

My Address
Grade: Ages 3-5 - Adopted: 2018
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.PK.AL.Approaches to Learning (PK.AL) – 4 Years
CONCEPTUAL STRAND / GUIDING QUESTION PK.AL.CR.Creativity: Actively engage in learning with curiosity, flexibility, and openness to new ideas.
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.AL.CR.1.Independently interact with a variety of materials through multiple play activities.

Celebrate Learning
My Age
Shape Changers
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.AL.CR.2.Self-select play activities to support own curiosity and to engage in pretend and imaginative play (e.g., testing theories, acting out imagination).

In My Pond, Part 1
In My Pond, Part 2
Pretending Together
Stuffed Animal Stories
Toy Stories
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.AL.CR.3.Choose materials/props and use novel ways to represent ideas, characters, and objects in symbolic play.

Act It Out
Toy Stories
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.AL.CR.4.Demonstrate a willingness to engage in new experiences and activities.

Celebrate Learning
My Age
Shape Changers
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.PK.AL.Approaches to Learning (PK.AL) – 4 Years
CONCEPTUAL STRAND / GUIDING QUESTION PK.AL.SR.Self-Regulation: Engage in learning to effectively plan and problem solve.
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.AL.SR.5.Maintain focus appropriate to completing a task and/or learning activity.

Celebrate Learning
My Age
Shape Changers
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.AL.SR.7.Reflect and plan a logical series of steps to accomplish a task, such as writing a message, completing a puzzle, drawing a picture, or building a block structure.

Making a Grocery List
Using a Menu to Order
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.PK.AL.Approaches to Learning (PK.AL) – 4 Years
CONCEPTUAL STRAND / GUIDING QUESTION PK.AL.CT.Critical Thinking: Actively inquire and reflect about new ideas and activities.
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.AL.CT.8.Seek additional clarity to further own knowledge (e.g., asks what, how, why, when, where, and/or what if).

Color Word Sentences
Listening for Sounds
Phone Fun
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.AL.CT.9.Demonstrate an awareness of connection between prior and new knowledge.

Celebrate Learning
My Age
Shape Changers
Sink or Swim
Taking Turns
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.PK.AL.Approaches to Learning (PK.AL) – 4 Years
CONCEPTUAL STRAND / GUIDING QUESTION PK.AL.CO.Communication: Actively engage in conversations with adults and peers.
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.AL.CO.11.Ask and respond to questions with peers and adults in individual and group activities.

Color Word Sentences
If You're Happy & You Know It
Pantry Talk Description
Phone Fun
Taking Turns
Who Should We Ask?
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.AL.CO.12.Seek assistance and/or information when needed to complete a task.

How can I get my child to listen to me?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.PK.AL.Approaches to Learning (PK.AL) – 4 Years
CONCEPTUAL STRAND / GUIDING QUESTION PK.AL.CB.Collaboration: Actively engage in learning with other people.
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.AL.CB.13.Engage in play-based, student-directed activities with a peer or peers (e.g., dramatic play, block building, symbolic play in recess) for at least 15 consecutive minutes, at multiple times throughout the year.

Building Houses
Family Talent Show
Keep It Up
Taking Turns
Who has the Biggest Number?
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.PK.SPC.Social and Personal Competencies (PK.SPC) – 4 Years
CONCEPTUAL STRAND / GUIDING QUESTION PK.SPC.SA.Self-Awareness: Demonstrate an awareness of emotions, personal qualities and interests, personal abilities, and sense of personal responsibility.
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.SPC.SA.1.Express feelings, needs, opinions, and desires in a way which is appropriate to the situation.

Behavior is a form of communication
Funny Faces
If You're Happy & You Know It
Talking About Your Feelings
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.SPC.SA.2.Appropriately name types of emotions (e.g., happy, sad, frustrated) and associate them with different facial expressions, words, and behaviors.

Funny Faces
If You're Happy & You Know It
Talking About Your Feelings
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.SPC.SA.3.Describe self using several different identifying characteristics and/or unique qualities (e.g., abilities, interests, gender, culture).

Detailed Drawing of a Face
Family Photos
Family Talent Show
How Many Feet?
Tips for storytelling: Story ideas
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.SPC.SA.4.Develop a basic awareness of self as an individual, self within the context of family, and self within the context of community.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
Family Photos
Family Talent Show
How Many Feet?
Tips for storytelling: Story ideas
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.SPC.SA.5.Display sense of accomplishment, contentment, and acknowledgement when completing a task or solving a problem.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
Family Talent Show
I Remember When
If You're Happy & You Know It
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.SPC.SA.6.Seek and accept guidance from primary caregivers, teachers, and other familiar adults.

How can I get my child to listen to me?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.SPC.SA.7.Demonstrate an understanding of rules through actions and conversations.

How do I get my child to______?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.SPC.SA.8.Use materials purposefully, safely, and respectfully as set by group rules.

How do I get my child to______?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.PK.SPC.Social and Personal Competencies (PK.SPC) – 4 Years
CONCEPTUAL STRAND / GUIDING QUESTION PK.SPC.SM.Self-Management: Understand and use strategies for managing emotions and behaviors constructively.
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.SPC.SM.1.Express feelings, needs, opinions, and desires and begin to identify causal relationships.

Behavior is a form of communication
Funny Faces
If You're Happy & You Know It
Talking About Your Feelings
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.SPC.SM.2.Demonstrate ability to modify behavior in different situations using multiple problem solving strategies (e.g., trade, take turns, share, wait) with or without adult guidance and support.

Building Houses
Family Talent Show
How can I stop my kids from fighting?
Keep It Up
Taking Turns
Talking About Your Feelings
Who has the Biggest Number?
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.PK.SPC.Social and Personal Competencies (PK.SPC) – 4 Years
CONCEPTUAL STRAND / GUIDING QUESTION PK.SPC.SCA.Social Awareness: Demonstrate awareness and consideration of other people’s emotions, perspectives, and social cues.
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.SPC.SCA.1.Show empathy and caring for others.

Funny Faces
If You're Happy & You Know It
Talking About Your Feelings
Thank You Note
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.PK.SPC.Social and Personal Competencies (PK.SPC) – 4 Years
CONCEPTUAL STRAND / GUIDING QUESTION PK.SPC.RS.Relationship Skills: Use positive communication skills to interact effectively with others.
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.SPC.RS.1.Seek assistance and/or information when needed to complete a task.

How can I get my child to listen to me?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.SPC.RS.2.Interact and develop positive relationships with significant adults (e.g., primary caregivers, teachers, and other familiar adults).

Behavior is a form of communication
You are your child's first teacher
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.SPC.RS.3.Initiate play and interact positively with another child or children.

Building Houses
Family Talent Show
Keep It Up
Taking Turns
Who has the Biggest Number?
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.SPC.RS.4.Develop friendship skills (e.g., help, share, take turns, give compliments) with increasing ease and comfort to sustain interaction by cooperating, helping, and suggesting new ideas for play.

Building Houses
Family Talent Show
Keep It Up
Taking Turns
Who has the Biggest Number?
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.PK.ELA.English Language Arts – 4 Years
CONCEPTUAL STRAND / GUIDING QUESTION Reading Standards Key Ideas and Details – Standard #1: Read closely to determine what a text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text.
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.RI.KID.1.With modeling, prompting, and support, ask and answer questions about informational text read aloud.

Asking Wh- Questions
Book Bag Descriptions
Getting Information from Pictures
Just the Facts
Think About It
Tips for helping your child love reading
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.RL.KID.1.With modeling, prompting, and support, ask, and answer questions about a story read aloud.

Asking Wh- Questions
My Favorite Part
Reading Routines for Early Readers
Reading a Book for the Second Time
Recalling What Happened in a Story
Think About It
Tips for helping your child love reading
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.PK.ELA.English Language Arts – 4 Years
CONCEPTUAL STRAND / GUIDING QUESTION Reading Standards Key Ideas and Details – Standard #2: Determine central ideas or themes of a text, analyze their development, and summarize the key supporting details and ideas.
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.RI.KID.2.With prompting and support, orally identify a main topic and retell details of texts, discussions, and activities.

All About My Day
Book Bag Descriptions
Family Movie Night
Family Photos
Grandparent Storytime
My Favorite Part
Reading a Book for the Second Time
Recalling What Happened in a Story
Retelling the Story
Tips for helping your child love reading
Tips for storytelling: Using gestures
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.RL.KID.2.With prompting and support, orally retell familiar stories including details.

All About My Day
Book Bag Descriptions
Family Movie Night
Family Photos
Grandparent Storytime
My Favorite Part
Reading Routines for Early Readers
Reading a Book for the Second Time
Recalling What Happened in a Story
Retelling the Story
Tips for helping your child love reading
Tips for storytelling: Using gestures
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.PK.ELA.English Language Arts – 4 Years
CONCEPTUAL STRAND / GUIDING QUESTION Reading Standards Key Ideas and Details – Standard #3: Analyze how and why individuals, events, and ideas develop and interact over the course of a text.
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.RI.KID.3.With prompting and support, orally identify the connection between information in a text to personal experience or other text.

Compare and Contrast Questions
Getting Information from Pictures
Just the Facts
Picture Walk Predictions
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.RL.KID.3.With prompting and support, orally identify characters, settings, and events from a familiar story.

Making Connections PreK
Text to Self Connections
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.PK.ELA.English Language Arts – 4 Years
CONCEPTUAL STRAND / GUIDING QUESTION Reading Standards Craft and Structure – Standard #4: Interpret words and phrases as they are used in a text, including technical, connotative, and figurative meanings, and analyze how specific word choices shape meaning or tone.
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.RI.CS.4.With prompting and support, answer questions about the meaning of words and phrases in a text relevant to pre-K topic or subject area.

Reading a Book for the Second Time
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.RL.CS.4.With prompting and support, respond to questions about the meaning of unknown words in a story.

Reading a Book for the Second Time
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.PK.ELA.English Language Arts – 4 Years
CONCEPTUAL STRAND / GUIDING QUESTION Reading Standards Craft and Structure – Standard #5: Analyze the structure of texts, including how specific sentences, paragraphs, and larger portions of a text (e.g., a section, chapter, scene, or stanza) relate to each other and the whole.
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.RI.CS.5.Recognize various text features.

Getting Information from Pictures
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.PK.ELA.English Language Arts – 4 Years
CONCEPTUAL STRAND / GUIDING QUESTION Reading Standards Craft and Structure – Standard #6: Assess how point of view or purpose shapes the content and style of a text.
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.RI.CS.6.With prompting and support, answer questions about who is presenting ideas or information in a text.

Asking Wh- Questions
Book Bag Descriptions
Getting Information from Pictures
Making Connections PreK
Reading Routines for Early Readers
Reading a Book for the Second Time
Recalling What Happened in a Story
Think About It
Tips for helping your child love reading
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.PK.ELA.English Language Arts – 4 Years
CONCEPTUAL STRAND / GUIDING QUESTION Reading Standards Integration of Knowledge and Ideas – Standard #7: Assess how point of view or purpose shapes the content and style of a text.
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.RI.IKI.7.With prompting and support, orally describe the relationship between illustrations and the text in which they appear.

Picture Walk Predictions
Retelling the Story
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.RL.IKI.7.With prompting and support, orally describe the relationship between illustrations and the story in which they appear.

Picture Walk Predictions
Retelling the Story
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.PK.ELA.English Language Arts – 4 Years
CONCEPTUAL STRAND / GUIDING QUESTION Reading Standards Integration of Knowledge and Ideas – Standard #9: Analyze how two or more texts address similar themes or topics in order to build knowledge or to compare the approaches an author takes.
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.RI.IKI.9.With prompting and support, orally identify basic similarities and differences between two texts on the same topic.

Compare and Contrast Questions
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.RL.IKI.9.With prompting and support, orally compare and contrast the experiences of characters in a story to personal experience or to the experiences of characters in another familiar story.

Making Connections PreK
Text to Self Connections
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.PK.ELA.English Language Arts – 4 Years
CONCEPTUAL STRAND / GUIDING QUESTION Reading Standards Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity – Standard #10: Read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts independently and proficiently.
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.RI.RRTC.10.Listen and respond to informational texts of appropriate complexity for pre-K.

Asking Wh- Questions
Book Bag Descriptions
Getting Information from Pictures
Just the Facts
Think About It
Tips for helping your child love reading
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.RL.RRTC.10.Listen and respond to stories and poems of appropriate complexity for pre-K.

Asking Wh- Questions
Book Bag Descriptions
Itsy Bitsy Spider Illustrations
Making Connections PreK
My Favorite Part
Reading Routines for Early Readers
Reading a Book for the Second Time
Recalling What Happened in a Story
Think About It
Tips for helping your child love reading
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.PK.ELA.English Language Arts – 4 Years
CONCEPTUAL STRAND / GUIDING QUESTION Foundational Literacy Standards Print Concepts – Standard #1: Demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of print.
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.FL.PC.1.Demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of print.
LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.FL.PC.1.a.Handle books appropriately, right-side-up, turning pages one at a time, and front to back.

Chime In
Color Word Sentences
Kitchen Labeling
Morning Message
My Address
Reading the Grocery List
Reading with Jack and Jill
Shopping for Clothes
Starting a Word Bank
Stuffed Animal Stories
LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.FL.PC.1.b.Recognize that spoken words can be written and read.

Chime In
Color Word Sentences
Kitchen Labeling
Morning Message
My Address
Reading the Grocery List
Reading with Jack and Jill
Shopping for Clothes
Starting a Word Bank
Stuffed Animal Stories
LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.FL.PC.1.c.With guidance and support, understand that words are made up of alphabet letters.

Looking for Letters in Ads
Reading with Jack and Jill
Starting a Word Bank
Words on the Page
LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.FL.PC.1.d.Recognize familiar uppercase letters and some of the most common lowercase letters.

Jump Rope Letters
Letter Hunt
Letter Sort
Looking for Letters in Ads
Magnetic Letter Mix Up
Making Letter Soup
Name Game
Point the ABC Song
Reading the Grocery List
Searching for Sounds at the Store
Shopping for Clothes
Silverware Alphabet
Stomp the Letter
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.PK.ELA.English Language Arts – 4 Years
CONCEPTUAL STRAND / GUIDING QUESTION Foundational Literacy Standards Phonological Awareness – Standard #2: Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes).
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.FL.PA.2.Demonstrate increasing understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes) through oral language and with guidance and support.
LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.FL.PA.2.a.Recognize and discriminate between rhyming words in spoken language.

Color Word Sentences
Frog Hopping
Grocery Sack Syllables
Sequences of Sounds
Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down
LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.FL.PA.2.b.Begin to pronounce and identify syllables in familiar words and words in a sentence.

Frog Hopping
Grocery Sack Syllables
Sequences of Sounds
LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.FL.PA.2.c.Begin to blend and segment onsets and rhymes of single-syllable spoken words.

Drumming Sounds
Echo Game
Laundry Riddles
Lazy Letters
Sequences of Sounds
LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.FL.PA.2.d.Begin to isolate and pronounce the initial, final, and/or medial vowel sounds (phonemes) in two- and three-phoneme (VC or CVC) words, excluding CVC words ending with /l/, /r/, or /x/.

Making a Grocery List
Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down
LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.FL.PA.2.e.Identify whether or not two words begin or end with the same sound.

Making a Grocery List
Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.PK.ELA.English Language Arts – 4 Years
CONCEPTUAL STRAND / GUIDING QUESTION Foundational Literacy Standards Phonics and Word Recognition – Standard #3: Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills when decoding isolated words and in connected text.
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.FL.PWR.3.Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills when decoding isolated words and in connected text.
LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.FL.PWR.3.a.Begin to demonstrate knowledge of one-to-one letter sound correspondence by producing the most frequent sound for familiar consonants.

Frog Hopping
Listen My Children
Reading the Grocery List
Searching for Sounds at the Store
Shopping for Clothes
LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.FL.PWR.3.b.Recognize high-frequency words by sight, including own name and other familiar words in the environment.

Morning Message
Name Game
Starting a Word Bank
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.PK.ELA.English Language Arts – 4 Years
CONCEPTUAL STRAND / GUIDING QUESTION Foundational Literacy Standards Word Composition – Standard #4: Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills when encoding words; write legibly.
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.FL.WC.4.Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills when encoding words.
LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.FL.WC.4.a.Begin to recognize the difference between upper and lowercase letters.

Jump Rope Letters
Letter Hunt
Looking for Letters in Ads
Name Game
Shopping for Clothes
Stomp the Letter
LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.FL.WC.4.b.Begin to print the distinctive features of letter forms (circle, line, diagonal, crossed lines, etc.).

Jump Rope Letters
Making a Grocery List
Silverware Alphabet
Weekend News
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.PK.ELA.English Language Arts – 4 Years
CONCEPTUAL STRAND / GUIDING QUESTION Foundational Literacy Standards Fluency – Standard #5: Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.F.5.Interact with text to support comprehension.
LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.F.5.a.Use illustrations to retell story events in familiar picture books.

Book Bag Descriptions
Family Movie Night
Family Photos
My Favorite Part
Reading a Book for the Second Time
Recalling What Happened in a Story
Retelling the Story
Tips for helping your child love reading
Tips for storytelling: Using gestures
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.PK.ELA.English Language Arts – 4 Years
CONCEPTUAL STRAND / GUIDING QUESTION Foundational Literacy Standards Sentence Composition – Standard #6: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when speaking and conventions of standard English grammar and usage, including capitalization and punctuation, when writing.
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.SC.6.Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when speaking, and conventions of standard English grammar and usage, including capitalization and punctuation, when writing with adult modeling, guidance, and support.
LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.SC.6.a.With modeling or verbal prompts, orally produce complete sentences.

All Mixed Up
Family Photos
Pantry Talk Description
Phone Fun
Who Should We Ask?
LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.SC.6.c.Use frequently occurring nouns and verbs when speaking and in shared language activities.

All Mixed Up
LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.SC.6.e.Understand and use question words (interrogatives) when speaking and in shared language activities.

Color Word Sentences
Listening for Sounds
Phone Fun
Reading Routines for Early Readers
LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.SC.6.f.With prompting and support, use the most frequently occurring prepositions when speaking and in shared language activities.

Little Miss Muffet Role Play
LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.SC.6.g.With prompting and support, produce and expand complete sentences in shared language activities.

All Mixed Up
Family Photos
Pantry Talk Description
Phone Fun
Who Should We Ask?
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.PK.ELA.English Language Arts – 4 Years
CONCEPTUAL STRAND / GUIDING QUESTION Foundational Literacy Standards Vocabulary Acquisition – Standard #7: Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases by using context clues, analyzing meaningful word parts, and consulting general and specialized reference materials, as appropriate.
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.FL.VA.7a.Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on pre-K conversations, reading, and content.
LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.FL.VA.7a.1.Identify new meanings for familiar words and apply them accurately.

Comparing Vegetables
Finding the Groceries
Following Directions
Grocery Store Conversations
How Many Can You Name?
How can I help my child learn new words?
I Spy an Animal
I'm Thinking of an Animal
Kitchen Labeling
Mystery Bag
Pantry Talk Description
Predicting Vocabulary
Silent Opposites
Sink or Float
Take Away
Think About It
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.PK.ELA.English Language Arts – 4 Years
CONCEPTUAL STRAND / GUIDING QUESTION Foundational Literacy Standards Vocabulary Acquisition – Standard #7: Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases by using context clues, analyzing meaningful word parts, and consulting general and specialized reference materials, as appropriate.
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.FL.VA.7b.With guidance and support from adults, explore word relationships and nuances in word meanings.
LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.FL.VA.7b.1.Sort common objects into categories to gain a sense of the concepts the categories represent.

Candy Sort and Graph
I Spy a Coin
I Spy an Animal
Letter Sort
Likely or Unlikely
Sort and Graph Leaves
Sorting Laundry
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.PK.ELA.English Language Arts – 4 Years
CONCEPTUAL STRAND / GUIDING QUESTION Foundational Literacy Standards Vocabulary Acquisition – Standard #7: Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases by using context clues, analyzing meaningful word parts, and consulting general and specialized reference materials, as appropriate.
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.FL.VA.7c.Use words and phrases acquired through conversations, being read to, and responding to texts.

Finding the Groceries
How Many Can You Name?
I Spy an Animal
Mystery Bag
Reading a Book for the Second Time
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.PK.ELA.English Language Arts – 4 Years
CONCEPTUAL STRAND / GUIDING QUESTION Writing Standards Text Types and Protocol – Standard #1: Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.W.TTP.1.With modeling, prompting, and support, use a combination of drawing, dictating, and/or emergent writing to express a preference, opinion, or idea about a specific topic or text.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
Making a Grocery List
Thank You Note
Using a Menu to Order
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.PK.ELA.English Language Arts – 4 Years
CONCEPTUAL STRAND / GUIDING QUESTION Writing Standards Text Types and Protocol – Standard #2: Write information/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content.
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.W.TTP.2.With modeling, prompting, and support, use a combination of drawing, dictating, and/or emergent writing to explain information about a familiar topic or informational text.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
Making a Grocery List
Thank You Note
Using a Menu to Order
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.PK.ELA.English Language Arts – 4 Years
CONCEPTUAL STRAND / GUIDING QUESTION Writing Standards Text Types and Protocol – Standard #3: Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective techniques, well-chosen details, and well-structured event sequences.
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.W.TTP.3.With modeling, prompting, and support, use a combination of drawing, dictating, and/or emergent writing to narrate a single event.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
Making a Grocery List
Thank You Note
Using a Menu to Order
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.PK.ELA.English Language Arts – 4 Years
CONCEPTUAL STRAND / GUIDING QUESTION Writing Standards Production and Distribution of Writing – Standard #5: Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach.
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.W.PDW.5.With guidance and support from adults, respond to questions and suggestions from others and add details to strengthen drawing, dictating and/or emergent writing as needed.

Baby Photo Fun
Color Word Sentences
Listening for Sounds
Phone Fun
Why should we tell family stories?
Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.PK.ELA.English Language Arts – 4 Years
CONCEPTUAL STRAND / GUIDING QUESTION Writing Standards Research to Build and Present Knowledge – Standard #8: Integrate relevant and credible information from multiple print and digital sources while avoiding plagiarism.
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.W.RBPK.8.With modeling, guidance, and support from adults, recall information from experiences or gather information from provided sources to answer a question.

Comparing Vegetables
Following Directions
Grocery Store Conversations
How can I help my child learn new words?
I'm Thinking of an Animal
Kitchen Labeling
Pantry Talk Description
Predicting Vocabulary
Silent Opposites
Sink or Float
Take Away
Think About It
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.PK.ELA.English Language Arts – 4 Years
CONCEPTUAL STRAND / GUIDING QUESTION Writing Standards Range of Writing – Standard #10: Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of tasks, purposes, and audiences.
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.W.RW.10.With modeling, guidance, and support from adults, engage routinely in drawing, dictating, and emergent writing activities for a range of tasks, purposes, and audiences.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
Making a Grocery List
May I Take your Order?
Mirror, Mirror
Shaving Cream Shapes
Thank You Note
Three Ways to Show a Number
Using a Menu to Order
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.PK.ELA.English Language Arts – 4 Years
CONCEPTUAL STRAND / GUIDING QUESTION Speaking and Listening Standards Comprehension and Collaboration – Standard #1: Prepare for and participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations with varied partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.SL.CC.1.Participate with varied peers and adults in collaborative conversations across activities throughout the day.
LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.SL.CC.1.a.Demonstrate appropriate conversational interactions including taking turns, listening, speaking, answering questions, and wait time.

Choosing the Right Voice
Color Word Sentences
If You're Happy & You Know It
Pantry Talk Description
Phone Fun
Taking Turns
Who Should We Ask?
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.PK.ELA.English Language Arts – 4 Years
CONCEPTUAL STRAND / GUIDING QUESTION Speaking and Listening Standards Comprehension and Collaboration – Standard #2: Integrate and evaluate information presented in diverse media formats, such as visual, quantitative, and oral formats.
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.SL.CC.2.Confirm understanding of a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media by asking and answering questions about key details, or by retelling, acting out, or representing key details through work in centers.

Asking Wh- Questions
Baby Photo Fun
Book Bag Descriptions
Color Word Sentences
Getting Information from Pictures
Listening for Sounds
Making Connections PreK
Phone Fun
Reading Routines for Early Readers
Reading a Book for the Second Time
Recalling What Happened in a Story
Think About It
Tips for helping your child love reading
Why should we tell family stories?
Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.PK.ELA.English Language Arts – 4 Years
CONCEPTUAL STRAND / GUIDING QUESTION Speaking and Listening Standards Comprehension and Collaboration – Standard #3: Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric.
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.SL.CC.3.With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about what a speaker says in order to seek help, get information, or clarify something that is not understood.

Baby Photo Fun
Color Word Sentences
Listening for Sounds
Phone Fun
Why should we tell family stories?
Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.PK.ELA.English Language Arts – 4 Years
CONCEPTUAL STRAND / GUIDING QUESTION Speaking and Listening Standards Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas – Standard #4: Present information, findings, and supporting evidence such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning; the organization, development, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.SL.PKI.4.Describe familiar people, places, things, and events, and, with prompting and support, provide additional detail.

Putting Away the Groceries
Table Riddles
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.PK.ELA.English Language Arts – 4 Years
CONCEPTUAL STRAND / GUIDING QUESTION Speaking and Listening Standards Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas – Standard #5: Make strategic use of digital media and visual displays of data to express information and enhance understanding of presentations.
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.SL.PKI.5.Create representations and extensions of experiences or stories through writing, drawing, and open-ended materials in centers, and discuss them with others.

Baby Photo Fun
Color Word Sentences
Detailed Drawing of a Face
Making a Grocery List
May I Take your Order?
Mirror, Mirror
Shaving Cream Shapes
Thank You Note
Three Ways to Show a Number
Using a Menu to Order
Why should we tell family stories?
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.PK.ELA.English Language Arts – 4 Years
CONCEPTUAL STRAND / GUIDING QUESTION Speaking and Listening Standards Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas – Standard #6: Adapt speech to a variety of contents and communicative tasks, demonstrating command of formal English when indicated or appropriate.
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.SL.PKI.6.With modeling, guidance, and support, express thoughts, feelings, and ideas through speaking.

Funny Faces
If You're Happy & You Know It
Talking About Your Feelings
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.PK.M.Mathematics – 4 Years
CONCEPTUAL STRAND / GUIDING QUESTION PK.CC.A.Counting and Cardinality (CC) – Standard A: Know number names and the counting sequence.

Acorns and Pinecones
Adding Ice
Block Tower
Domino Match-Up
Fruit Salad
How Many Can I Grab?
How Many Feet?
How Many Steps to Bed?
How Many in the Car?
How Old Are You?
Keep It Up
More than Ten
Penny Drop
Rub a Dub Counting
Show Me
Taking Inventory
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.CC.A.2.This standard begins in Kindergarten.

Making a Grocery List
Using a Menu to Order
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.CC.A.3.Begin to print the distinctive features of numerals (i.e., circle, line, diagonal, crossed lines).

Act It Out
All About My Day
Book Bag Descriptions
Family Movie Night
Family Photos
Find My Number
Grandparent Storytime
May I Take your Order?
My Address
My Favorite Part
Reading Routines for Early Readers
Reading a Book for the Second Time
Recalling What Happened in a Story
Retelling the Story
Taking Inventory
Three Ways to Show a Number
Tips for helping your child love reading
Tips for storytelling: Using gestures
Toy Stories

Crazy Counting
How Many Steps to Bed?
How Old Are You?
Magazine Number Hunt
Rub a Dub Counting
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.PK.M.Mathematics – 4 Years
CONCEPTUAL STRAND / GUIDING QUESTION PK.CC.B.Counting and Cardinality (CC) – Standard B: Count to tell the number of objects.
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.CC.B.4.Understand the relationship between numbers and quantities; connect counting to cardinality.
LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.CC.B.4.a.When counting objects, say the number names in the standard order, using one-to-one correspondence.

Acorns and Pinecones
Adding Ice
Apple Pie
Block Tower
Candy Sort and Graph
Counting Signs
Decorating Cupcakes
Domino Match-Up
Fruit Salad
How Many Can I Grab?
How Many Feet?
How Many Steps to Bed?
How Many in the Car?
How Old Are You?
Keep It Up
Lily Pad Hop
Measure your Steps
More than Ten
Penny Drop
Show Me
Taking Inventory
The Number Stays the Same
Three Ways to Show a Number
Under the Cup
What's for Dinner?
LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.CC.B.4.b.Understand that the last number name said tells the number of objects counted.

Acorns and Pinecones
All Done
Apple Pie
Block Tower
Cereal Challenge
Checkout Countdown
Domino Match-Up
More Grapes
Penny Drop
Show Me
The Number Stays the Same
Three Little Animals
LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.CC.B.4.c.Recognize that one more object added to a group of objects changes the quantity as a whole.

Acorns and Pinecones
Adding Ice
Apple Pie
Candy Sort and Graph
Counting Signs
Decorating Cupcakes
Fruit Salad
How Many Can I Grab?
How Many Feet?
How Many Steps to Bed?
How Many in the Car?
How Old Are You?
Lily Pad Hop
Measure your Steps
Penny Drop
The Number Stays the Same
Three Ways to Show a Number
Under the Cup
What's for Dinner?
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.PK.M.Mathematics – 4 Years
CONCEPTUAL STRAND / GUIDING QUESTION PK.CC.B.Counting and Cardinality (CC) – Standard B: Count to tell the number of objects.
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.CC.B.5.Understand that a number represents a corresponding quantity.
LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.CC.B.5.a.Subitize quantities up to 5 (i.e., the ability to look at a quantity and say the quantity [1-5] quickly, just by looking).

Domino Match-Up
How Many in a Set?
More Grapes
Quick Dots
Show Me
Slap One More
Three Ways to Show a Number
LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.CC.B.5.b.Given a number from 1-10, count out that many objects.

Acorns and Pinecones
Adding Ice
Apple Pie
Block Tower
Candy Sort and Graph
Counting Signs
Decorating Cupcakes
Domino Match-Up
Fruit Salad
How Many Can I Grab?
How Many Feet?
How Many Steps to Bed?
How Many in the Car?
How Old Are You?
Keep It Up
Lily Pad Hop
Measure your Steps
More than Ten
Penny Drop
Show Me
Taking Inventory
The Number Stays the Same
Three Ways to Show a Number
Under the Cup
What's for Dinner?
LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.CC.B.5.c.With guidance and support, count to answer “how many?” questions about as many as 10 things arranged in a line, a rectangular array, or a circle.

Acorns and Pinecones
Adding Ice
Apple Pie
Block Tower
Candy Sort and Graph
Counting Signs
Decorating Cupcakes
Domino Match-Up
Fruit Salad
How Many Can I Grab?
How Many Feet?
How Many Steps to Bed?
How Many in the Car?
How Old Are You?
Keep It Up
Lily Pad Hop
Measure your Steps
More than Ten
Penny Drop
Show Me
Taking Inventory
The Number Stays the Same
Three Ways to Show a Number
Under the Cup
What's for Dinner?
LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.CC.B.5.d.With guidance and support, count to answer “how many?” questions about as many as 5 things in a scattered configuration.

Acorns and Pinecones
Adding Ice
Apple Pie
Block Tower
Candy Sort and Graph
Counting Signs
Decorating Cupcakes
Domino Match-Up
Fruit Salad
How Many Can I Grab?
How Many Feet?
How Many Steps to Bed?
How Many in the Car?
How Old Are You?
Keep It Up
Lily Pad Hop
Measure your Steps
More than Ten
Penny Drop
Show Me
Taking Inventory
The Number Stays the Same
Three Ways to Show a Number
Under the Cup
What's for Dinner?
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.PK.M.Mathematics – 4 Years
CONCEPTUAL STRAND / GUIDING QUESTION PK.CC.C.Counting and Cardinality (CC) – Standard C: Compare numbers.
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.CC.C.6.Use comparative language, such as more/less than or equal to, to compare and describe collections of objects.

Acorns and Pinecones
Cereal Challenge
Make a Tower of Ten
More than Ten
Sharing Goldfish
Slap One More
Snack Fractions
Who has the Biggest Number?
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.PK.M.Mathematics – 4 Years
CONCEPTUAL STRAND / GUIDING QUESTION PK.OA.A.Operations and Algebraic Thinking (OA) – Standard A: Understand addition as putting together and adding to, and understand subtraction as taking apart and taking from.
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.OA.A.1.With guidance and support, begin to represent addition and subtraction with objects, fingers, mental images, drawings, sounds, acting out situations, verbal explanations, expressions, or equations.

All Done
Checkout Countdown
Decorating Cupcakes
How Many Feet?
In My Pond, Part 1
In My Pond, Part 2
Make a Tower of Ten
One Less
One More
Packing for Our Trip
Rock Toss
Three Little Animals
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.OA.A.2.With guidance and support, begin to solve addition and subtraction word problems, and add and subtract within 5 (e.g., by using objects or drawings to represent the problem).

All Done
Checkout Countdown
Decorating Cupcakes
How Many Feet?
In My Pond, Part 1
In My Pond, Part 2
Make a Tower of Ten
One Less
One More
Packing for Our Trip
Rock Toss
Three Little Animals
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.OA.A.3.Compose and decompose numbers to 5, in more than one way, by using objects or drawings.

All Done
Checkout Countdown
In My Pond, Part 2
One Less
Three Little Animals
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.OA.A.4.Show, through the use of concrete objects or drawings, the number needed to make up to 5 when added to any given number from 0-5.

Decorating Cupcakes
How Many Feet?
In My Pond, Part 1
Make a Tower of Ten
One More
Packing for Our Trip
Rock Toss
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.PK.M.Mathematics – 4 Years
CONCEPTUAL STRAND / GUIDING QUESTION PK.MD.A.Measurement and Data (MD) – Standard A: Describe and compare measurable attributes.
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.MD.A.1.Describe measurable attributes of a single object, such as length, width, height.

Bookcase Problem
Building Houses
Buying Oranges
Comparing Vegetables
Grocery Store Weights
Leap Frog Measure
Measuring the Table
Near and Far
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.MD.A.2.Compare the attributes of two or more concrete objects and use words to define attributes of the objects (i.e. heavier/lighter, longer/shorter, etc.).

Bookcase Problem
Building Houses
Buying Oranges
Comparing Vegetables
Grocery Store Weights
Leap Frog Measure
Measuring the Table
Near and Far
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.PK.M.Mathematics – 4 Years
CONCEPTUAL STRAND / GUIDING QUESTION PK.MD.C.Measurement and Data (MD) – Standard C: Classify objects and count the number of objects in each category.
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.MD.C.4.Sort a collection of objects into given categories using more than one attribute.

Candy Sort and Graph
I Spy a Coin
I Spy an Animal
Letter Sort
Likely or Unlikely
Sort and Graph Leaves
Sorting Laundry
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.PK.M.Mathematics – 4 Years
CONCEPTUAL STRAND / GUIDING QUESTION PK.G.A.Geometry – Standard A: Identify and describe shapes (squares, circles, triangles, rectangles, hexagons, cubes, cones, cylinders, and spheres).
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.G.A.1.Begin to use relative position words in appropriate context, such as above, below, beside, and between.

Bookcase Problem
Finding the Groceries
Follow My Design
Follow the Leader
Following Directions
Jump to It
Little Miss Muffet Role Play
Mirror, Mirror
Near and Far
Race Car Transformations
Stuffed Animal Olympics
Treasure Map
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.G.A.2.Correctly name some two-dimensional shapes.

Finger Shapes
Guess My Shape
Mirror, Mirror
Shape Changers
Shape Hunt
Shaving Cream Shapes
Ways to Cut a Sandwich
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.G.A.3.Begin to explore shapes as two-dimensional or three-dimensional.

Building Houses
Finger Shapes
Guess My Shape
Mirror, Mirror
Pantry Sort 1
Pantry Sort 2
Shape Changers
Shape Hunt
Shaving Cream Shapes
Ways to Cut a Sandwich
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.G.A.4.Begin to describe objects in the environment using names of shapes.

Finger Shapes
Guess My Shape
Mirror, Mirror
Shape Changers
Shape Hunt
Shaving Cream Shapes
Ways to Cut a Sandwich
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.PK.M.Mathematics – 4 Years
CONCEPTUAL STRAND / GUIDING QUESTION PK.G.B.Geometry – Standard B: Analyze, compare, create, and compose shapes.
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.G.B.4.Describe similarities and differences between two-dimensional shapes.

Finger Shapes
Guess My Shape
Mirror, Mirror
Shape Changers
Shape Hunt
Shaving Cream Shapes
Ways to Cut a Sandwich
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.G.B.5.Model shapes in the world by building and drawing shapes.

Finger Shapes
Guess My Shape
Mirror, Mirror
Shape Changers
Shape Hunt
Shaving Cream Shapes
Ways to Cut a Sandwich
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.G.B.6.Begin to recognize smaller shapes within a larger shape, including that some shapes can be put together to make a new shape.

Finger Shapes
Guess My Shape
Mirror, Mirror
Shape Changers
Shape Hunt
Shaving Cream Shapes
Ways to Cut a Sandwich
CONCEPTUAL STRAND / GUIDING QUESTION PK.ETS1.Engineering, Technology and Science (ETS1): Engineering design.
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.ETS1.01.a.Use senses to gather, explore, and interpret information.

Grocery Store Conversations
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.PK.SS.Social Studies – 4 Years
CONCEPTUAL STRAND / GUIDING QUESTION Economics: Students will identify basic wants and needs, the ways families produce, consume, and exchange goods and services in their communities, and the work people do in order to spend and save money.
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.03.Begin to distinguish between wants and needs.

Making a Grocery List
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.04.Identify how the basic human needs of food, clothing, shelter, and transportation are met.

Behavior is a form of communication
Making a Grocery List
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.06.Identify different types of jobs, including work done in the home, school, and community.

My Address
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.07.Give examples of how people exchange goods and use money to acquire wants and needs.

Making a Grocery List
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.PK.SS.Social Studies – 4 Years
CONCEPTUAL STRAND / GUIDING QUESTION Geography: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the concept of location, what maps and globes represent, and their geographical location.
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.08.Use directions such as up, down, in front, and behind.

Bookcase Problem
Finding the Groceries
Follow My Design
Follow the Leader
Following Directions
Jump to It
Little Miss Muffet Role Play
Mirror, Mirror
Near and Far
Race Car Transformations
Stuffed Animal Olympics
Treasure Map
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.09.Identify what a map represents.

My Address
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.10.Understand how roads help people get around, and how they are used to organize locations within a city.

My Address
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.PK.SS.Social Studies – 4 Years
CONCEPTUAL STRAND / GUIDING QUESTION Government and Civics: Students will learn the foundations of good citizenship, including civic responsibilities and patriotism, through the rules by which they live, the authority figures within their community and the United States, and national symbols.
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.11.Give examples of people who are authority figures.

How can I get my child to listen to me?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.14.Identify roles of authority figures at home, in school, and in the community, including parents, school principals, volunteers, police officers, fire and rescue workers, mayor, governor, and president.

How can I get my child to listen to me?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.15.Identify the need for rules.

Brushing Your Teeth
How do I get my child to______?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
Packing for Our Trip
Reading Routines for Early Readers
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.PK.SS.Social Studies – 4 Years
CONCEPTUAL STRAND / GUIDING QUESTION History: Students will understand the chronological organization of history and the importance of holidays.
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.17.Begin to understand the use of words and phrases about time, including: morning, afternoon, night, today, tomorrow, and yesterday.

All About My Day
Which Takes Longer?
Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.PK.CA.Creative Arts – 4 Years
CONCEPTUAL STRAND / GUIDING QUESTION Visual Arts: Express self and represent what the student knows, thinks, believes, and feels through visual arts.
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.CA.1.Experiment with a variety of media and art materials for tactile experience and exploration.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
May I Take your Order?
Mirror, Mirror
Shaving Cream Shapes
Three Ways to Show a Number
Using a Menu to Order
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.CA.2.Create artistic works with intent and purpose using varying tools, texture, color, and technique.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
May I Take your Order?
Mirror, Mirror
Shaving Cream Shapes
Three Ways to Show a Number
Using a Menu to Order
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.CA.3.Present and respond to visual art created by self and others.

Detailed Drawing of a Face
May I Take your Order?
Mirror, Mirror
Shaving Cream Shapes
Three Ways to Show a Number
Using a Menu to Order
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.PK.CA.Creative Arts – 4 Years
CONCEPTUAL STRAND / GUIDING QUESTION Music: Express self by engaging in musical activities.
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.CA.4.Engage in musical activities having different moods, tempos, and rhythms by listening, singing, or performing.

If You're Happy & You Know It
Itsy Bitsy Spider Illustrations
Sliding to Nursery Rhymes
Why should I sing to my baby?
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.CA.5.Create and perform using voice, traditional instruments, and/or non-traditional instruments.

If You're Happy & You Know It
Itsy Bitsy Spider Illustrations
Sliding to Nursery Rhymes
Why should I sing to my baby?
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.PK.PD.Physical Development – 4 Years
CONCEPTUAL STRAND / GUIDING QUESTION Sensorimotor: Use senses to assist and guide learning; using sensory information to plan and carry out movements.
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.PD.1.Compare, contrast, and describe different sights, smells, sounds, tastes, and textures found in the environment.

Grocery Store Conversations
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.PD.2.Demonstrate awareness of spatial boundaries and the ability to work and move within them.

Follow the Leader
Jump to It
Rock Toss
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.PK.PD.Physical Development – 4 Years
CONCEPTUAL STRAND / GUIDING QUESTION Gross Motor: Demonstrate coordination and control of large muscles.
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.PD.3.Develop body strength, balance, flexibility, and stamina to move self through space in a variety of ways (e.g., running, jumping, skipping).

Frog Hopping
Hopping Rhyming
Jump to It
Leap Frog Measure
Lily Pad Hop
Stomp the Letter
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.PK.PD.Physical Development – 4 Years
CONCEPTUAL STRAND / GUIDING QUESTION Fine Motor: Demonstrate eye-hand coordination and dexterity needed to manipulate objects.
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.PD.5.Experiment with handheld tools to develop strength, control, and dexterity of small muscles (e.g., paintbrushes, crayons, markers, lacing, clay, etc.).

Alphabet Clapping
Detailed Drawing of a Face
Drumming Sounds
Finger Shapes
Jump Rope Letters
Mirror, Mirror
Setting the Table
Shaving Cream Shapes
Silverware Alphabet
Thank You Note
Writing Names with Shaving Cream
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.PD.6.Explore and engage in activities which enhance hand-eye coordination (e.g., building with blocks, creating with clay, putting puzzles together, and using other manipulatives).

Tips for helping your child love reading
STRAND / STANDARD / COURSE TN.PK.PD.Physical Development – 4 Years
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.PD.8.Demonstrate awareness and understanding of healthy habits (e.g., sufficient rest, nutritious foods, exercise).

Grocery Store Conversations
Putting Away the Groceries
GUIDING QUESTION / LEARNING EXPECTATION PK.PD.9.Demonstrate awareness and understanding of safety rules.

How do I get my child to______?
How should I handle temper tantrums?