Vermont Framework of Standards and Learning (Pre-K)
Main Criteria: Vermont Framework of Standards and Learning | ||
Secondary Criteria: ReadyRosie | ||
Subject: Early Childhood Education | ||
Grade: Ages 3-5 | ||
Correlation Options: Show Correlated |
Vermont Framework of Standards and Learning |
Early Childhood Education |
Grade: Ages 3-5 - Adopted: 2015 |
STANDARD / STRAND | VT.YP.I.1. | DEVELOPING SELF - Approaches to Learning (Younger Preschoolers - By 48 months) |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL | YP.I.1.1.1. | Children engage in play to understand the world around them. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.I. | Engage in associative play (e.g., play without planning and negotiation) with other children for short periods of time. ReadyRosie Building Houses Family Talent Show Keep It Up Taking Turns Who has the Biggest Number? |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.I. | Primarily engage in basic constructive play activities (e.g., building road with rocks) and dramatic play activities by taking on a role. ReadyRosie Tips for helping your child love reading |
STANDARD / STRAND | VT.YP.I.1. | DEVELOPING SELF - Approaches to Learning (Younger Preschoolers - By 48 months) |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL | YP.I.1.2.1. | Children show curiosity about the world around them, and take action to interact with it and learn. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.I. | Observe others to enter play. ReadyRosie Building Houses Family Talent Show Keep It Up Taking Turns Who has the Biggest Number? |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.I. | Initiate play with one or more peers. ReadyRosie Building Houses Family Talent Show Keep It Up Taking Turns Who has the Biggest Number? |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.I. | Show interest in how things work. ReadyRosie Celebrate Learning My Age Shape Changers Sink or Swim Taking Turns |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.I. | Explore and discuss a range of topics. ReadyRosie Celebrate Learning My Age Shape Changers Sink or Swim Taking Turns |
STANDARD / STRAND | VT.YP.I.1. | DEVELOPING SELF - Approaches to Learning (Younger Preschoolers - By 48 months) |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL | YP.I.1.3.1. | Children display an interest in novel situations, and demonstrate flexibility, creativity and innovation in solving challenging tasks. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.I. | Invent new ways to use everyday items. ReadyRosie Tips for helping your child love reading |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.I. | Investigate new objects, scenarios, and problem situations. ReadyRosie Celebrate Learning My Age Shape Changers Sink or Swim Taking Turns |
STANDARD / STRAND | VT.YP.I.2. | DEVELOPING SELF - Social and Emotional Learning and Development (Younger Preschoolers - By 48 months) |
ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL / STANDARD | YP.I.2.1. | Emotion and Self-Regulation |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL | YP.I.2.1.1. | Children express a range of emotions, and regulate their emotional and social responses. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.I. | Express a range of emotions and feelings through appropriate gestures, actions and words. ReadyRosie Funny Faces If You're Happy & You Know It Talking About Your Feelings |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.I. | Identify and expresses needs of self and stands up for own rights. ReadyRosie Behavior is a form of communication |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.I. | Make choice based on own likes and dislikes. ReadyRosie Book Selection Selecting Books Using a Menu to Order What's for Dinner? |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.I. | Adapt behavior to fit different expectations and situations with adult support e.g., following daily routine, family culture. ReadyRosie How do I get my child to______? How should I handle temper tantrums? My Address |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.I. | Start and stop activities based on external cues. ReadyRosie How do I get my child to______? How should I handle temper tantrums? |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.I. | Engage self and others in play including back and forth interactions. ReadyRosie Building Houses Family Talent Show Keep It Up Taking Turns Who has the Biggest Number? |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.I. | Express empathy and sympathy to peers e.g., gives hug to friend when crying, brings band-aide to friend when hurt. ReadyRosie Funny Faces If You're Happy & You Know It Talking About Your Feelings Thank You Note |
STANDARD / STRAND | VT.YP.I.2. | DEVELOPING SELF - Social and Emotional Learning and Development (Younger Preschoolers - By 48 months) |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL | YP.I.2.2.1. | Children demonstrate awareness of their personal characteristics, skills, and abilities. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.I. | Identify personal characteristics, preferences, thoughts, and feelings. ReadyRosie Book Selection Detailed Drawing of a Face Family Photos Family Talent Show Funny Faces How Many Feet? If You're Happy & You Know It Selecting Books Talking About Your Feelings Tips for storytelling: Story ideas Using a Menu to Order What's for Dinner? |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.I. | Stand up for own rights. ReadyRosie Detailed Drawing of a Face Family Talent Show I Remember When If You're Happy & You Know It |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.I. | Make choice based on their own likes and dislikes. ReadyRosie Book Selection Selecting Books Using a Menu to Order What's for Dinner? |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.I. | Identify own gender, family members roles, and home culture. ReadyRosie Family Photos Family Talent Show Grandparent Storytime My Address Why should we tell family stories? |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.I. | Demonstrate growing independence in a range of activities, routines, and tasks. ReadyRosie Celebrate Learning My Age Shape Changers Sink or Swim Taking Turns |
STANDARD / STRAND | VT.YP.I.2. | DEVELOPING SELF - Social and Emotional Learning and Development (Younger Preschoolers - By 48 months) |
ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL / STANDARD | YP.I.2.3. | Relationships with Adults and Peers |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL | YP.I.2.3.1. | Children develop healthy positive relationships with adults and peers. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.I. | Play with other children sharing objects, talking back and forth for several minutes. ReadyRosie Building Houses Family Talent Show Keep It Up Taking Turns Who has the Biggest Number? |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.I. | Establish secure and trusting relationships with familiar adults. ReadyRosie Behavior is a form of communication You are your child's first teacher |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.I. | Begin to respect the rights of others. ReadyRosie Funny Faces If You're Happy & You Know It Talking About Your Feelings Thank You Note |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.I. | Communicate with familiar adults and accepts some guidance and direction. ReadyRosie Following Directions Grandparent Storytime How can I get my child to listen to me? How should I handle temper tantrums? Morning Message Phone Fun Talking About Your Feelings Who Should We Ask? |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.I. | Cooperate with others during play and in daily routines. ReadyRosie How can I stop my kids from fighting? |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.I. | Develops friendships with peers. ReadyRosie Building Houses Family Talent Show Keep It Up Taking Turns Who has the Biggest Number? |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.I. | Uses socially appropriate behavior with peers and adults. ReadyRosie How can I stop my kids from fighting? |
STANDARD / STRAND | VT.YP.I.3. | DEVELOPING SELF - Growing, Moving, and Being Healthy (Younger Preschoolers - By 48 months) |
ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL / STANDARD | YP.I.3.1. | Motor Development and Coordination |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL | YP.I.3.1.1. | Children develop strength, coordination, and control of their large muscles. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.I. | Sustain balance during more complex movements (e.g., balance on one foot for a few moments, walk along a straight line or low beam; jump over obstacles landing on two feet). ReadyRosie Follow the Leader Frog Hopping Hopping Rhyming Jump to It Leap Frog Measure Lily Pad Hop Stomp the Letter |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.I. | Coordinate moving arms and legs to complete a task more complex task (e.g., pedal a tricycle). ReadyRosie Follow the Leader |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.I. | Move through space with good coordination and show body awareness to stop and start with control. ReadyRosie Follow the Leader Jump to It Rock Toss |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.I. | Manipulate balls or similar objects with flexible body movements (e.g., catch a ball by trapping it against body, kick stationary ball by running or stepping up to it, throw a ball). ReadyRosie Rhyming Toss Rock Toss The Number Stays the Same |
STANDARD / STRAND | VT.YP.I.3. | DEVELOPING SELF - Growing, Moving, and Being Healthy (Younger Preschoolers - By 48 months) |
ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL / STANDARD | YP.I.3.1. | Motor Development and Coordination |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL | YP.I.3.1.2. | Children develop strength, eye-hand coordination, and control of their small or fine motor muscles. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.I. | Feed themselves using utensils independently. ReadyRosie Grocery Store Conversations Putting Away the Groceries |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.I. | Refine grasp to manipulate tools that require strength, control and dexterity (e.g., pressing down with pencils or crayons to make a clear mark, cut paper, joining snap beads). ReadyRosie Alphabet Clapping Detailed Drawing of a Face Drumming Sounds Finger Shapes Jump Rope Letters Mirror, Mirror Setting the Table Shaving Cream Shapes Silverware Alphabet Thank You Note Writing Names with Shaving Cream |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.I. | Demonstrate more complex eye-hand coordination (e.g., complete puzzles with smaller pieces, use tongs to grasp objects). ReadyRosie Alphabet Clapping Detailed Drawing of a Face Drumming Sounds Finger Shapes Jump Rope Letters Mirror, Mirror Setting the Table Shaving Cream Shapes Silverware Alphabet Thank You Note Writing Names with Shaving Cream |
STANDARD / STRAND | VT.YP.I.3. | DEVELOPING SELF - Growing, Moving, and Being Healthy (Younger Preschoolers - By 48 months) |
ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL / STANDARD | YP.I.3.2. | Health and Safety Practices |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL | YP.I.3.2.1. | Children develop healthy eating habits and knowledge of good nutrition. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.I. | Try new foods. ReadyRosie Grocery Store Conversations Putting Away the Groceries |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.I. | Eat a variety of nutritious foods and communicate that some foods and beverages are good for them (e.g., milk, fruit, vegetables) and some are not (e.g., soda, snack chips). ReadyRosie Grocery Store Conversations Putting Away the Groceries |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.I. | Choose to eat foods that are better for the body than others, with assistance. ReadyRosie Grocery Store Conversations Putting Away the Groceries |
STANDARD / STRAND | VT.YP.I.3. | DEVELOPING SELF - Growing, Moving, and Being Healthy (Younger Preschoolers - By 48 months) |
ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL / STANDARD | YP.I.3.2. | Health and Safety Practices |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL | YP.I.3.2.2. | Children develop personal health and self-care habits, and become increasingly independent. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.I. | Participate easily and know what to do in routine activities (such as meal time, nap time). ReadyRosie How do I get my child to______? How should I handle temper tantrums? |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.I. | Follow basic hygiene practices with reminders and limited assistance (e.g., brush teeth, wash hands, use toilet, cough into elbow). ReadyRosie Rub a Dub Counting |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.I. | Gain independence in hygiene practices (e.g., cough into elbow, wash hands, flush toilet). ReadyRosie Rub a Dub Counting |
STANDARD / STRAND | VT.YP.I.3. | DEVELOPING SELF - Growing, Moving, and Being Healthy (Younger Preschoolers - By 48 months) |
ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL / STANDARD | YP.I.3.2. | Health and Safety Practices |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL | YP.I.3.2.3. | Children develop the ability to identify unsafe situations, and use safe practices. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.I. | Independently identify and avoid situations and objects that might cause harm. ReadyRosie My Address |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.I. | Follow basic safety rules with occasional reminders. ReadyRosie My Address |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.I. | Demonstrate safety awareness when using objects (e.g., carry scissors with points down to avoid accidents). ReadyRosie My Address |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.I. | Seek an adult’s help when another child is in an unsafe or dangerous situation. ReadyRosie How can I get my child to listen to me? How should I handle temper tantrums? |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.I. | Understand the difference between safe and unsafe touch. ReadyRosie My Address |
STANDARD / STRAND | VT.YP.II.1. | COMMUNICATION and EXPRESSION - Language Development (Younger Preschoolers - By 48 months) |
ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL / STANDARD | YP.II.1.1. | Receptive Language (Listening) |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL | YP.II.1.1.1. | Young children attend to, comprehend, and respond to increasingly complex language. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.II. | Follow two step directions. ReadyRosie Follow My Design Follow the Leader Little Miss Muffet Role Play Making Patterns Making Trail Mix Mirror, Mirror Mystery Bag Rhyming Purse Sequences of Sounds Shopping for Clothes Sink or Swim |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.II. | Demonstrate understanding of increasingly longer sentences (e.g., compound sentences) in responds or actions. ReadyRosie All Mixed Up Pantry Talk Description |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.II. | Show evidence of a receptive vocabulary of several hundred words. ReadyRosie Comparing Vegetables Following Directions Grocery Store Conversations How can I help my child learn new words? I'm Thinking of an Animal Kitchen Labeling Pantry Talk Description Predicting Vocabulary Silent Opposites Sink or Float Take Away Think About It |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.II. | Demonstrate in responses or actions an understanding of new vocabulary in stories, activities, and conversations. ReadyRosie Comparing Vegetables Following Directions Grocery Store Conversations How can I help my child learn new words? I'm Thinking of an Animal Kitchen Labeling Pantry Talk Description Predicting Vocabulary Reading a Book for the Second Time Silent Opposites Sink or Float Take Away Think About It |
STANDARD / STRAND | VT.YP.II.1. | COMMUNICATION and EXPRESSION - Language Development (Younger Preschoolers - By 48 months) |
ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL / STANDARD | YP.II.1.2. | Expressive Language (Speaking) |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL | YP.II.1.2.1. | Young children use increasingly complex vocabulary and grammar to express their thoughts, feelings, and ideas. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.II. | Use details when describing activities and experiences. ReadyRosie Putting Away the Groceries Table Riddles |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.II. | Speak in complete 4-6 word sentences. ReadyRosie Family Photos Pantry Talk Description Phone Fun Who Should We Ask? |
STANDARD / STRAND | VT.YP.II.1. | COMMUNICATION and EXPRESSION - Language Development (Younger Preschoolers - By 48 months) |
ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL / STANDARD | YP.II.1.4. | Social Rules of Language |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL | YP.II.1.4.1. | Young children initiate and maintain conversations with others while developing knowledge and use of the social rules of language. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.II. | Use nonverbal cues during conversations according to personal cultural norms (e.g., eye contact, physical distance from conversational partner). ReadyRosie Family Photos Family Talent Show Grandparent Storytime Why should we tell family stories? |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.II. | Engage in brief conversations and stay on topic. ReadyRosie Color Word Sentences If You're Happy & You Know It Pantry Talk Description Phone Fun Taking Turns Who Should We Ask? |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.II. | Use culturally acceptable social rules when communicating with others (e.g., vocal tone and volume, turn taking). ReadyRosie Choosing the Right Voice Taking Turns |
STANDARD / STRAND | VT.YP.II.2. | COMMUNICATION and EXPRESSION - Literacy Development (Younger Preschoolers - By 48 months) |
ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL / STANDARD | YP.II.2.1. | Foundational Reading Skills |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL | YP.II.2.1.1. | Children develop the foundational skills needed for engaging with print, reading and writing. |
EXPECTATION | YP.II. | Identify letters of the alphabet as a specific type of symbol that can be named. ReadyRosie Jump Rope Letters Letter Hunt Letter Sort Magnetic Letter Mix Up Making Letter Soup Name Game Point the ABC Song Reading the Grocery List Searching for Sounds at the Store Shopping for Clothes Silverware Alphabet Stomp the Letter Writing Names with Shaving Cream |
EXPECTATION | YP.II. | Display some book handling skills (e.g., orient book right side up and turn pages) ReadyRosie Funny Reading |
STANDARD / STRAND | VT.YP.II.2. | COMMUNICATION and EXPRESSION - Literacy Development (Younger Preschoolers - By 48 months) |
ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL / STANDARD | YP.II.2.1. | Foundational Reading Skills |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL | YP.II.2.1.1. | Children develop the foundational skills needed for engaging with print, reading and writing. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | Phonological Awareness | |
EXPECTATION | YP.II. | Identify words as separate units in a sentence. ReadyRosie Color Word Sentences Reading with Jack and Jill Sentence Segmenting Starting a Word Bank Words on the Page |
EXPECTATION | YP.II. | Fill-in words in a familiar rhyme. ReadyRosie Finish the Rhyme Hopping Rhyming Little Miss Muffet Role Play Reading with Jack and Jill Rhyming Purse Rhyming Toss Rhyming with Jack and Jill Sliding to Nursery Rhymes Twinkle, Twinkle Rhymes |
EXPECTATION | YP.II. | Segment spoken compound words with modeling and assistance. ReadyRosie Compound Words Take Away |
STANDARD / STRAND | VT.YP.II.2. | COMMUNICATION and EXPRESSION - Literacy Development (Younger Preschoolers - By 48 months) |
ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL / STANDARD | YP.II.2.1. | Foundational Reading Skills |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL | YP.II.2.1.1. | Children develop the foundational skills needed for engaging with print, reading and writing. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | Phonics and Word Recognition | |
EXPECTATION | YP.II. | Point out own name in print. ReadyRosie Morning Message Name Game Writing Names with Shaving Cream |
EXPECTATION | YP.II. | Name some of the letters of the alphabet, especially those in their names. ReadyRosie Jump Rope Letters Letter Hunt Letter Sort Magnetic Letter Mix Up Making Letter Soup Name Game Point the ABC Song Reading the Grocery List Searching for Sounds at the Store Shopping for Clothes Silverware Alphabet Stomp the Letter Writing Names with Shaving Cream |
STANDARD / STRAND | VT.YP.II.2. | COMMUNICATION and EXPRESSION - Literacy Development (Younger Preschoolers - By 48 months) |
ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL / STANDARD | YP.II.2.1. | Foundational Reading Skills |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL | YP.II.2.1.1. | Children develop the foundational skills needed for engaging with print, reading and writing. |
EXPECTATION | YP.II. | Use pictures to “read” text. ReadyRosie Tips for helping your child love reading |
STANDARD / STRAND | VT.YP.II.2. | COMMUNICATION and EXPRESSION - Literacy Development (Younger Preschoolers - By 48 months) |
ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL / STANDARD | YP.II.2.2a. | Reading: Engagement with Literature and Informational Text (0-5) |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL | YP.II.2.2a.1. | Children develop “book language” and demonstrate comprehension. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.II.2.2a.1.1. | Use pictures to predict book content. ReadyRosie Book Selection Picture Walk Predictions Retelling the Story Selecting Books Text to Self Connections |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.II.2.2a.1.2. | With modeling, assistance, and props, retell or re-enact a familiar story. ReadyRosie Act It Out Book Bag Descriptions Family Movie Night Family Photos My Favorite Part Reading a Book for the Second Time Recalling What Happened in a Story Retelling the Story Tips for helping your child love reading Tips for storytelling: Using gestures Toy Stories |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.II.2.2a.1.3. | Use storybook language, forms and conventions (e.g., once upon a time, the end) when telling stories. ReadyRosie Reading a Book for the Second Time |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.II.2.2a.1.4. | Have and share an opinion about what they liked and didn’t like about a story or book. ReadyRosie Itsy Bitsy Spider Illustrations |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.II.2.2a.1.5. | Demonstrate appreciation for a variety of literary genres (e.g., fantasy, informational texts, non-fiction, fiction). ReadyRosie Getting Information from Pictures Just the Facts |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.II.2.2a.1.6. | Listen to and discuss informational text and literature. ReadyRosie Grandparent Storytime I Remember When Making Trail Mix Why should we tell family stories? |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.II.2.2a.1.7. | Point to print illustrating that print carries a message. ReadyRosie Chime In Color Word Sentences Kitchen Labeling Morning Message My Address Reading the Grocery List Reading with Jack and Jill Shopping for Clothes Starting a Word Bank Stuffed Animal Stories |
STANDARD / STRAND | VT.YP.II.2. | COMMUNICATION and EXPRESSION - Literacy Development (Younger Preschoolers - By 48 months) |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL | YP.II.2.3.1. | Children demonstrate the understanding that writing is a means for communication. With increasing fine motor skills and experiences with literacy, children begin to use writing conventions. (0-5) |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.II. | Use scribbles, mock letters, shapes and pictures to purposefully represent experiences, ideas, objects, lists, labels or stories. ReadyRosie Detailed Drawing of a Face Making a Grocery List Thank You Note Using a Menu to Order Writing Names with Shaving Cream |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.II. | Experiment with a variety of writing tools and surfaces. ReadyRosie Detailed Drawing of a Face Making a Grocery List Thank You Note Using a Menu to Order Writing Names with Shaving Cream |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.II. | Write some letters with assistance and modeling. ReadyRosie Detailed Drawing of a Face Jump Rope Letters Making a Grocery List Silverware Alphabet Thank You Note Using a Menu to Order Weekend News Writing Names with Shaving Cream |
STANDARD / STRAND | VT.YP.II.3. | COMMUNICATION and EXPRESSION - Creative Arts and Expression (Younger Preschoolers - By 48 months) |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL | YP.II.3.1.1. | Children create art using a variety of tools and art media to express their ideas, feelings, creativity, and develop appreciation of the art created by others. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.II. | Create art that expresses individual creativity by using various materials and techniques. ReadyRosie Detailed Drawing of a Face May I Take your Order? Mirror, Mirror Shaving Cream Shapes Three Ways to Show a Number Tips for helping your child love reading Using a Menu to Order Writing Names with Shaving Cream |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.II. | Build 3D shapes with clay and other materials. ReadyRosie Tips for helping your child love reading |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.II. | Explore the properties of art materials and use them purposefully to create an idea or object. ReadyRosie Detailed Drawing of a Face May I Take your Order? Mirror, Mirror Shaving Cream Shapes Three Ways to Show a Number Using a Menu to Order Writing Names with Shaving Cream |
STANDARD / STRAND | VT.YP.II.3. | COMMUNICATION and EXPRESSION - Creative Arts and Expression (Younger Preschoolers - By 48 months) |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL | YP.II.3.2.1. | Children engage in making and listening to music as a vehicle for expression and learning. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.II. | Repeat a short melody. ReadyRosie If You're Happy & You Know It Itsy Bitsy Spider Illustrations Sliding to Nursery Rhymes Why should I sing to my baby? |
STANDARD / STRAND | VT.YP.II.3. | COMMUNICATION and EXPRESSION - Creative Arts and Expression (Younger Preschoolers - By 48 months) |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL | YP.II.3.3.1. | Children engage in dramatic play and theatre as a way to represent real-life experiences, communicate their ideas and feelings, learn, and use their imaginations. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.II. | Use creativity and imagination to manipulate materials and assume roles in dramatic play situations. ReadyRosie In My Pond, Part 1 In My Pond, Part 2 Pretending Together Stuffed Animal Stories Toy Stories |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.II. | Identify real and make believe situations through dramatic play. ReadyRosie In My Pond, Part 1 In My Pond, Part 2 Pretending Together Stuffed Animal Stories Toy Stories |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.II. | Create own dramatic play scenarios. ReadyRosie In My Pond, Part 1 In My Pond, Part 2 Pretending Together Stuffed Animal Stories Toy Stories |
STANDARD / STRAND | VT.YP.II.3. | COMMUNICATION and EXPRESSION - Creative Arts and Expression (Younger Preschoolers - By 48 months) |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL | YP.II.3.4.1. | Children use movement to creatively express their ideas and feelings, and to learn. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.II. | Use creative movement to express feelings. ReadyRosie Funny Faces If You're Happy & You Know It Talking About Your Feelings |
STANDARD / STRAND | VT.YP.III.1. | LEARNING ABOUT THE WORLD – Mathematics (Younger Preschoolers - By 48 months) |
ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL / STANDARD | YP.III.1.1a. | Number Sense, quantity, and Counting: Number Sense and Quantity |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL | YP.III.1.1a.1. | Children count in sequence and by multiples, represent numerals, connect counting to cardinality, and compare quantities. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.III.1.1a.1.1. | Recite numbers to 10 in correct sequence. ReadyRosie Apple Pie Counting Signs Domino Match-Up Fruit Salad How Many Can I Grab? How Many Steps to Bed? How Old Are You? May I Take your Order? More Grapes Penny Drop Quick Dots Show Me Skipping Around Taking Inventory The Number Stays the Same |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.III.1.1a.1.2. | Count up to 5 objects using one number for each object independently. ReadyRosie Acorns and Pinecones Adding Ice Block Tower Domino Match-Up Fruit Salad How Many Feet? How Many Steps to Bed? How Many in the Car? How Old Are You? Keep It Up More than Ten Show Me Taking Inventory |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.III.1.1a.1.3. | Quickly identify number of 1-3 objects without counting. ReadyRosie Domino Match-Up How Many in a Set? More Grapes Quick Dots Show Me Slap One More Three Ways to Show a Number |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.III.1.1a.1.4. | Read numerals up to 5 and connect them to the quantities they represent. ReadyRosie Fruit Salad Magazine Number Hunt Numbers Everywhere |
STANDARD / STRAND | VT.YP.III.1. | LEARNING ABOUT THE WORLD – Mathematics (Younger Preschoolers - By 48 months) |
ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL / STANDARD | YP.III.1.2a. | Number Relationships and Operations: Number Relationships and Operations |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL | YP.III.1.2a.1. | Children increasingly use numbers to describe relationships and to solve mathematical problems. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.III.1.2a.1.1. | Use various strategies (e.g., counting, matching) to compare groups as having more or fewer objects. ReadyRosie Keep It Up One Less One More Slap One More Special Day Countdown Who has the Biggest Number? |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.III.1.2a.1.2. | Demonstrate knowledge that objects or sets can be combined or separated. ReadyRosie Candy Sort and Graph I Spy a Coin I Spy an Animal Letter Sort Likely or Unlikely Sort and Graph Leaves Sorting Laundry |
STANDARD / STRAND | VT.YP.III.1. | LEARNING ABOUT THE WORLD – Mathematics (Younger Preschoolers - By 48 months) |
ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL / STANDARD | YP.III.1.3a. | Measurement, Classification and Data: Measurement, Comparison, Classification, and Time |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL | YP.III.1.3a.1. | Children develop awareness of the differences of the objects and learn to sort, compare and classify objects by their attributes and properties. They also develop a rudimentary sense of time based mostly on common routines. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.III.1.3a.1.1. | Sort objects by one attribute such as color, length, weight or size. ReadyRosie Bookcase Problem Building Houses Buying Oranges Candy Sort and Graph Comparing Vegetables Grocery Store Conversations Grocery Store Weights How Many Can I Grab? I Spy a Coin I Spy an Animal Leap Frog Measure Letter Sort Likely or Unlikely Measuring the Table Near and Far Sort and Graph Leaves Sorting Laundry |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.III.1.3a.1.2. | Match objects of similar size. ReadyRosie Candy Sort and Graph How Many Can I Grab? I Spy a Coin I Spy an Animal Letter Sort Likely or Unlikely Sort and Graph Leaves Sorting Laundry |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.III.1.3a.1.3. | Use language to label objects according to an attribute (e.g., big/little, tall/short). ReadyRosie Comparing Vegetables Silent Opposites What's the Opposite? |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.III.1.3a.1.4. | Classify familiar objects into categories (e.g., fruits or vegetables) with modeling and assistance. ReadyRosie Candy Sort and Graph I Spy a Coin I Spy an Animal Letter Sort Likely or Unlikely Sort and Graph Leaves Sorting Laundry |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.III.1.3a.1.5. | Use Standard and non-Standard ways and tools to measure and compare (e.g., 3 hands long) with modeling and assistance. ReadyRosie Bookcase Problem |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.III.1.3a.1.6. | Predict upcoming events based on prior knowledge (e.g., pick up toys and then sit on rug for story time). ReadyRosie How do I get my child to______? How should I handle temper tantrums? |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.III.1.3a.1.7. | Show an understanding of variations of full (e.g. a little full, very full, just a little, etc.). ReadyRosie Fill Up the Cup Making Trail Mix Strawberries for a Picnic |
STANDARD / STRAND | VT.YP.III.1. | LEARNING ABOUT THE WORLD – Mathematics (Younger Preschoolers - By 48 months) |
ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL / STANDARD | YP.III.1.4a. | Geometry and Spatial Reasoning: Geometry and Spatial Sense |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL | YP.III.1.4a.1. | Children increasingly recognize two- and three-dimensional objects and use spatial reasoning. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.III.1.4a.1.1. | Name common two-dimensional shapes (e.g. square, rectangle, circle, triangle) regardless of orientation. ReadyRosie Finger Shapes Guess My Shape Mirror, Mirror Shape Changers Shape Hunt Shaving Cream Shapes Ways to Cut a Sandwich |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.III.1.4a.1.2. | Use position words such as behind, in, on accurately. ReadyRosie Bookcase Problem Finding the Groceries Follow My Design Follow the Leader Following Directions Jump to It Little Miss Muffet Role Play Mirror, Mirror Near and Far Race Car Transformations Stuffed Animal Olympics Treasure Map |
STANDARD / STRAND | VT.YP.III.3. | LEARNING ABOUT THE WORLD - Social Studies (Younger Preschoolers - By 48 months) |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL | YP.III.3.1.1. | Children make sense of the world around them by actively gathering and interpreting information. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.III. | Ask “why” and other questions to gain information, and attend to responses given. ReadyRosie Color Word Sentences Listening for Sounds Phone Fun |
STANDARD / STRAND | VT.YP.III.3. | LEARNING ABOUT THE WORLD - Social Studies (Younger Preschoolers - By 48 months) |
ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL / STANDARD | YP.III.3.2. | Family and Community; Civics, Government & Society |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL | YP.III.3.2.1. | Children identify themselves initially as belonging to a family, a group and a community; eventually they develop awareness of themselves as members of increasingly wider circles of society and learn the skills needed to be a contributing member of society. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.III. | Talk about close family members and their relationships to each other. ReadyRosie My Address |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.III. | Demonstrate knowledge of a group’s rules and outcomes of choices they make. ReadyRosie All Done Decorating Cupcakes How can I get my child to listen to me? How should I handle temper tantrums? Is my child overscheduled? Sink or Swim Taking Turns |
STANDARD / STRAND | VT.YP.III.3. | LEARNING ABOUT THE WORLD - Social Studies (Younger Preschoolers - By 48 months) |
ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL / STANDARD | YP.III.3.3. | Physical & Cultural Geography |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL | YP.III.3.3.1. | Children construct concepts about the physical characteristics and locations of familiar to more distant places, and the impacts of people on the environment. They also construct concepts about their own cultural identity and learn to appreciate others’ cultures. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.III. | Describe own family traditions and cultural celebrations. ReadyRosie Family Photos Family Talent Show Grandparent Storytime Why should we tell family stories? |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.III. | Ask simple questions about others’ cultural traditions and celebrations. ReadyRosie Family Photos Family Talent Show Grandparent Storytime Why should we tell family stories? |
STANDARD / STRAND | VT.YP.III.3. | LEARNING ABOUT THE WORLD - Social Studies (Younger Preschoolers - By 48 months) |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL | YP.III.3.4.1. | Children develop concepts about the passage of time, how the past has been interpreted, and the ability to connect the past with the present. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.III. | Describe sequence of simple routines (e.g., flush toilet then wash hands) with reminders. ReadyRosie How do I get my child to______? How should I handle temper tantrums? Rub a Dub Counting |
STANDARD / STRAND | VT.YP.III.3. | LEARNING ABOUT THE WORLD - Social Studies (Younger Preschoolers - By 48 months) |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL | YP.III.3.5.1. | Children describe how people interact economically and the occupations that people do to support themselves and society. They also learn about the economic interdependent relationships among people in our society. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.III. | Explain reasons why people work (e.g., to buy food). ReadyRosie Making a Grocery List |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | YP.III. | Use pretend money during dramatic play to purchase goods and services. ReadyRosie Making a Grocery List |
STANDARD / STRAND | VT.OP.I.1. | DEVELOPING SELF - Approaches to Learning (Older Preschoolers - By 60 months) |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL | OP.I.1.1.1. | Children engage in play to understand the world around them. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.I. | Practice concepts through play (e.g., emergent writing: restaurant menu, geometry: naming the block shapes used in building a garage). ReadyRosie Detailed Drawing of a Face Making a Grocery List Thank You Note Using a Menu to Order Writing Names with Shaving Cream |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.I. | Play basic games with rules. ReadyRosie How do I get my child to______? How should I handle temper tantrums? |
STANDARD / STRAND | VT.OP.I.1. | DEVELOPING SELF - Approaches to Learning (Older Preschoolers - By 60 months) |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL | OP.I.1.2.1. | Children show curiosity about the world around them, and take action to interact with it and learn. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.I. | Demonstrate flexibility, imagination and inventiveness in approaching task and activities through play. ReadyRosie In My Pond, Part 1 In My Pond, Part 2 Pretending Together Stuffed Animal Stories Toy Stories |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.I. | Explore and discuss a range of topics, ideas and tasks. ReadyRosie Celebrate Learning My Age Shape Changers Sink or Swim Taking Turns |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.I. | Attempt to master new skills (e.g., riding a bike). ReadyRosie Celebrate Learning My Age Shape Changers Sink or Swim Taking Turns |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.I. | Ask questions to find out about future events. ReadyRosie Color Word Sentences Listening for Sounds Phone Fun |
STANDARD / STRAND | VT.OP.I.1. | DEVELOPING SELF - Approaches to Learning (Older Preschoolers - By 60 months) |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL | OP.I.1.3.1. | Children display an interest in novel situations, and demonstrate flexibility, creativity and innovation in solving challenging tasks. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.I. | Use imagination and creativity to interact with objects and materials. ReadyRosie In My Pond, Part 1 In My Pond, Part 2 Pretending Together Stuffed Animal Stories Toy Stories |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.I. | Uses a new skill in a variety of contexts. ReadyRosie Celebrate Learning My Age Shape Changers Sink or Swim Taking Turns |
STANDARD / STRAND | VT.OP.I.2. | DEVELOPING SELF - Social and Emotional Learning and Development (Older Preschoolers - By 60 months) |
ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL / STANDARD | OP.I.2.1. | Emotion and Self-Regulation |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL | OP.I.2.1.1. | Children express a range of emotions, and regulate their emotional and social responses. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.I. | Express needs of self and others and stands up for rights of self and others. ReadyRosie Behavior is a form of communication Funny Faces If You're Happy & You Know It Talking About Your Feelings Thank You Note |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.I. | Make choices and shows understanding of consequences. ReadyRosie All Done Decorating Cupcakes How can I get my child to listen to me? How should I handle temper tantrums? Is my child overscheduled? Sink or Swim Taking Turns |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.I. | Independently adapt behavior to fit different expectations and situations. ReadyRosie How can I stop my kids from fighting? |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.I. | Use problem solving skills to compromise and resolve conflicts e.g., offers to trade toy for another, takes turn with another child. ReadyRosie How can I stop my kids from fighting? Talking About Your Feelings |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.I. | Focus on a self-selected activity or task to completion with adult help. ReadyRosie Celebrate Learning My Age Shape Changers Sink or Swim Taking Turns |
STANDARD / STRAND | VT.OP.I.2. | DEVELOPING SELF - Social and Emotional Learning and Development (Older Preschoolers - By 60 months) |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL | OP.I.2.2.1. | Children demonstrate awareness of their personal characteristics, skills, and abilities. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.I. | Express needs of self and others. ReadyRosie Behavior is a form of communication Funny Faces If You're Happy & You Know It Talking About Your Feelings Thank You Note |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.I. | Stand up for rights of self and others. ReadyRosie Detailed Drawing of a Face Family Talent Show Funny Faces I Remember When If You're Happy & You Know It Talking About Your Feelings Thank You Note |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.I. | Make choices and understand consequences. ReadyRosie All Done Decorating Cupcakes How can I get my child to listen to me? How should I handle temper tantrums? Is my child overscheduled? Sink or Swim Taking Turns |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.I. | Show confidence in range of abilities and in the capacity to accomplish tasks and take on new tasks. ReadyRosie Detailed Drawing of a Face Family Talent Show I Remember When If You're Happy & You Know It |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.I. | Express cultural influences from home, neighborhood and community e.g., celebrating traditions. ReadyRosie Family Photos Family Talent Show Grandparent Storytime Why should we tell family stories? |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.I. | Demonstrate an understanding and acceptance of similarities and differences among people e.g., gender, race, special needs, culture, language and family. ReadyRosie Family Photos Family Talent Show Grandparent Storytime Why should we tell family stories? |
STANDARD / STRAND | VT.OP.I.2. | DEVELOPING SELF - Social and Emotional Learning and Development (Older Preschoolers - By 60 months) |
ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL / STANDARD | OP.I.2.3. | Relationships with Adults and Peers |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL | OP.I.2.3.1. | Children develop healthy positive relationships with adults and peers. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.I. | Play and cooperate with other children sharing objects, conversations, and ideas. ReadyRosie Building Houses Family Talent Show Keep It Up Taking Turns Who has the Biggest Number? |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.I. | Respect the rights of others recognizing their feelings and responding with courtesy and kindness. ReadyRosie Funny Faces If You're Happy & You Know It Talking About Your Feelings Thank You Note |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.I. | Accept guidance and direction from familiar adults and seeks their support when needed. ReadyRosie How can I get my child to listen to me? How should I handle temper tantrums? |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.I. | Suggest solutions to social problems. ReadyRosie How can I stop my kids from fighting? Talking About Your Feelings |
STANDARD / STRAND | VT.OP.I.3. | DEVELOPING SELF - Growing, Moving, and Being Healthy (Older Preschoolers - By 60 months) |
ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL / STANDARD | OP.I.3.1. | Motor Development and Coordination |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL | OP.I.3.1.1. | Children develop strength, coordination, and control of their large muscles. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.I. | Demonstrate motor control and coordination when using objects for a range of physical activities (e.g., pulling, throwing, catching, kicking, bouncing or hitting balls, pedaling a tricycle). ReadyRosie Follow the Leader |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.I. | Move through space showing awareness of own body in relation to other people and objects. ReadyRosie Follow the Leader Jump to It Rock Toss |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.I. | Manipulate balls or similar objects with flexible body movements (e.g., bounce and catch a ball. ReadyRosie Rhyming Toss Rock Toss The Number Stays the Same |
STANDARD / STRAND | VT.OP.I.3. | DEVELOPING SELF - Growing, Moving, and Being Healthy (Older Preschoolers - By 60 months) |
ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL / STANDARD | OP.I.3.1. | Motor Development and Coordination |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL | OP.I.3.1.2. | Children develop strength, eye-hand coordination, and control of their small or fine motor muscles. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.I. | Use eye-hand coordination to accomplish more complex tasks (e.g., button or zip clothes, eat with a fork, cut out simple shapes staying close to lines, use writing tools, fit pegs into pegboard). ReadyRosie Alphabet Clapping Detailed Drawing of a Face Drumming Sounds Finger Shapes Jump Rope Letters Mirror, Mirror Setting the Table Shaving Cream Shapes Silverware Alphabet Thank You Note Writing Names with Shaving Cream |
STANDARD / STRAND | VT.OP.I.3. | DEVELOPING SELF - Growing, Moving, and Being Healthy (Older Preschoolers - By 60 months) |
ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL / STANDARD | OP.I.3.2. | Health and Safety Practices |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL | OP.I.3.2.1. | Children develop healthy eating habits and knowledge of good nutrition. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.I. | Eat a variety of nutritious foods. ReadyRosie Grocery Store Conversations Putting Away the Groceries |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.I. | Assist adults to prepare healthy snacks and meals. ReadyRosie Grocery Store Conversations Putting Away the Groceries |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.I. | Communicate food preferences. ReadyRosie Grocery Store Conversations Putting Away the Groceries |
STANDARD / STRAND | VT.OP.I.3. | DEVELOPING SELF - Growing, Moving, and Being Healthy (Older Preschoolers - By 60 months) |
ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL / STANDARD | OP.I.3.2. | Health and Safety Practices |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL | OP.I.3.2.2. | Children develop personal health and self-care habits, and become increasingly independent. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.I. | Communicate with words or sign language to ask adults or peers specifically for the kind of help needed in a particular situation. ReadyRosie Behavior is a form of communication |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.I. | Independently complete personal care tasks (e.g., brushing teeth, toileting, washing hands). ReadyRosie Rub a Dub Counting |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.I. | Explain the importance of doctor and dentist visits and cooperate during these visits and with health and developmental screenings. ReadyRosie Who Should We Ask? |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.I. | Recognize and communicate when experiencing pain or symptoms of illness. ReadyRosie Behavior is a form of communication |
STANDARD / STRAND | VT.OP.I.3. | DEVELOPING SELF - Growing, Moving, and Being Healthy (Older Preschoolers - By 60 months) |
ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL / STANDARD | OP.I.3.2. | Health and Safety Practices |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL | OP.I.3.2.3. | Children develop the ability to identify unsafe situations, and use safe practices. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.I. | Follow basic safety rules and show safe behavior for self and others by applying established rules, procedures and safe practices with adult guidance. ReadyRosie My Address |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.I. | Identify adults in their communities who can keep them safe (e.g., police, firefighter). ReadyRosie Who Should We Ask? |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.I. | Communicate an understanding of the importance of health and safety routines and rules. ReadyRosie My Address |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.I. | Follow basic health and safety rules and respond appropriately to harmful or unsafe situations. ReadyRosie My Address |
STANDARD / STRAND | VT.OP.II.1. | COMMUNICATION and EXPRESSION - Language Development (Older Preschoolers - By 60 months) |
ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL / STANDARD | OP.II.1.1. | Receptive Language (Listening) |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL | OP.II.1.1.1. | Young children attend to, comprehend, and respond to increasingly complex language. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.II. | Follow multistep directions especially when these are familiar activities (e.g., steps in getting ready to play outdoors). ReadyRosie Follow My Design Follow the Leader Little Miss Muffet Role Play Making Patterns Making Trail Mix Mirror, Mirror Mystery Bag Rhyming Purse Sequences of Sounds Shopping for Clothes Sink or Swim |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.II. | Demonstrate an understanding of complex statements having 1 or 2 phrases (e.g., Please put the toothbrush in the box under the sink). ReadyRosie All Mixed Up Color Word Sentences Listening for Sounds Pantry Talk Description Taking Turns |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.II. | Demonstrate an understanding of different language forms such as questions and exclamations. ReadyRosie Baby Photo Fun Color Word Sentences Why should we tell family stories? Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.II. | Demonstrate through conversation comprehension of more complex vocabulary (i.e., abstract concepts and words beyond everyday vocabulary). ReadyRosie Comparing Vegetables Following Directions Grocery Store Conversations How can I help my child learn new words? I'm Thinking of an Animal Kitchen Labeling Pantry Talk Description Predicting Vocabulary Silent Opposites Sink or Float Take Away Think About It |
STANDARD / STRAND | VT.OP.II.1. | COMMUNICATION and EXPRESSION - Language Development (Older Preschoolers - By 60 months) |
ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL / STANDARD | OP.II.1.2. | Expressive Language (Speaking) |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL | OP.II.1.2.1. | Young children use increasingly complex vocabulary and grammar to express their thoughts, feelings, and ideas. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.II. | Use sentences with more complex grammatical structures when speaking (e.g., embedded clauses, such as “My teacher, who likes dogs, is nice” ReadyRosie All Mixed Up Pantry Talk Description |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.II. | Combine 5-8 words into sentences. ReadyRosie Family Photos Pantry Talk Description Phone Fun Who Should We Ask? |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.II. | Use different forms of language for different purposes. ReadyRosie All Mixed Up |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.II. | Use abstract and increasingly detailed and varied vocabulary when speaking (e.g., use “turquoise” rather than” blue” or “I want to fly into space when I grow up”). ReadyRosie Comparing Vegetables Finding the Groceries Guess My Shape How Many Can You Name? I Spy an Animal Mystery Bag Pantry Sort 1 |
STANDARD / STRAND | VT.OP.II.1. | COMMUNICATION and EXPRESSION - Language Development (Older Preschoolers - By 60 months) |
ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL / STANDARD | OP.II.1.4. | Social Rules of Language |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL | OP.II.1.4.1. | Young children initiate and maintain conversations with others while developing knowledge and use of the social rules of language. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.II. | Listen and respond on topic during longer conversations with others and in group discussions. ReadyRosie Color Word Sentences Listening for Sounds Pantry Talk Description Taking Turns |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.II. | Use simpler language when talking with younger children. ReadyRosie Grocery Store Conversations Pantry Talk Description What's the Opposite? Zoo in My Room |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.II. | Initiate conversations with others and maintain topic of conversation 2-4 turns. ReadyRosie Color Word Sentences If You're Happy & You Know It Pantry Talk Description Phone Fun Taking Turns Who Should We Ask? |
STANDARD / STRAND | VT.OP.II.2. | COMMUNICATION and EXPRESSION - Literacy Development (Older Preschoolers - By 60 months) |
ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL / STANDARD | OP.II.2.1. | Foundational Reading Skills |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL | OP.II.2.1.1. | Children develop the foundational skills needed for engaging with print, reading and writing. |
EXPECTATION | OP.II. | Indicate where to start reading on a page and how to move across and down a page. ReadyRosie Chime In Color Word Sentences Funny Reading Reading the Grocery List Reading with Jack and Jill Stuffed Animal Sentences Stuffed Animal Stories Words on the Page |
EXPECTATION | OP.II. | Demonstrate knowledge of the association between written words and spoken words. ReadyRosie Funny Reading Kitchen Labeling Stuffed Animal Sentences |
EXPECTATION | OP.II. | Display book handling skills. ReadyRosie Funny Reading |
STANDARD / STRAND | VT.OP.II.2. | COMMUNICATION and EXPRESSION - Literacy Development (Older Preschoolers - By 60 months) |
ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL / STANDARD | OP.II.2.1. | Foundational Reading Skills |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL | OP.II.2.1.1. | Children develop the foundational skills needed for engaging with print, reading and writing. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | Phonological Awareness | |
EXPECTATION | OP.II. | Segment syllables in spoken words with modeling and assistance. ReadyRosie Frog Hopping Grocery Sack Syllables Sequences of Sounds |
EXPECTATION | OP.II. | Determine if two words rhyme. ReadyRosie Finish the Rhyme Hopping Rhyming Little Miss Muffet Role Play Reading with Jack and Jill Rhyming Purse Rhyming Toss Rhyming with Jack and Jill Sliding to Nursery Rhymes Twinkle, Twinkle Rhymes |
EXPECTATION | OP.II. | With modeling and assistance, segment onsets and rimes of single-syllable spoken words. ReadyRosie Laundry Riddles |
STANDARD / STRAND | VT.OP.II.2. | COMMUNICATION and EXPRESSION - Literacy Development (Older Preschoolers - By 60 months) |
ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL / STANDARD | OP.II.2.1. | Foundational Reading Skills |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL | OP.II.2.1.1. | Children develop the foundational skills needed for engaging with print, reading and writing. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | Phonics and Word Recognition | |
EXPECTATION | OP.II. | Associate some letters of the alphabet with their specific sounds. ReadyRosie Frog Hopping Listen My Children Reading the Grocery List Searching for Sounds at the Store Shopping for Clothes |
EXPECTATION | OP.II. | Identify words that start with the same letter as their name. ReadyRosie Jump Rope Letters Letter Hunt Letter Sort Magnetic Letter Mix Up Making Letter Soup Name Game Point the ABC Song Reading the Grocery List Searching for Sounds at the Store Shopping for Clothes Silverware Alphabet Stomp the Letter Writing Names with Shaving Cream |
STANDARD / STRAND | VT.OP.II.2. | COMMUNICATION and EXPRESSION - Literacy Development (Older Preschoolers - By 60 months) |
ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL / STANDARD | OP.II.2.1. | Foundational Reading Skills |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL | OP.II.2.1.1. | Children develop the foundational skills needed for engaging with print, reading and writing. |
EXPECTATION | OP.II. | Pretend to read a familiar book using language from the text and reading-like intonation. ReadyRosie Tips for helping your child love reading |
STANDARD / STRAND | VT.OP.II.2. | COMMUNICATION and EXPRESSION - Literacy Development (Older Preschoolers - By 60 months) |
ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL / STANDARD | OP.II.2.2a. | Reading: Engagement with Literature and Informational Text (0-5) |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL | OP.II.2.2a.1. | Children develop “book language” and demonstrate comprehension. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.II.2.2a.1.1. | Identify characters and setting in a story read aloud. ReadyRosie Making Connections PreK Text to Self Connections |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.II.2.2a.1.2. | Use story title, pictures, content and prior knowledge to predict story content. ReadyRosie Book Selection Picture Walk Predictions Retelling the Story Selecting Books Text to Self Connections |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.II.2.2a.1.3. | Make connections between stories and real-life experiences. ReadyRosie Picture Walk Predictions |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.II.2.2a.1.4. | Retell or re-enact a familiar story in the correct sequence of a familiar story’s major events with prompting and support. ReadyRosie Act It Out Book Bag Descriptions Family Movie Night Family Photos Itsy Bitsy Spider Illustrations My Favorite Part Reading a Book for the Second Time Recalling What Happened in a Story Retelling the Story Tips for helping your child love reading Tips for storytelling: Using gestures Toy Stories |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.II.2.2a.1.5. | Ask and answer questions about the characters and major events of a story with prompting and support. ReadyRosie Asking Wh- Questions Book Bag Descriptions Making Connections PreK Reading Routines for Early Readers Reading a Book for the Second Time Recalling What Happened in a Story Text to Self Connections Think About It Tips for helping your child love reading Toy Stories |
STANDARD / STRAND | VT.OP.II.2. | COMMUNICATION and EXPRESSION - Literacy Development (Older Preschoolers - By 60 months) |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL | OP.II.2.3.1. | Children demonstrate the understanding that writing is a means for communication. With increasing fine motor skills and experiences with literacy, children begin to use writing conventions. (0-5) |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.II. | Use writing and drawing for various purposes, such as giving information, narrating stories, or giving an opinion. ReadyRosie Making a Grocery List Using a Menu to Order |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.II. | Copy, trace, or independently write letters or words. ReadyRosie Jump Rope Letters Making a Grocery List Silverware Alphabet Weekend News Writing Names with Shaving Cream |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.II. | Print or copy own name and identify some of the letters. ReadyRosie Jump Rope Letters Making a Grocery List Morning Message Name Game Silverware Alphabet Weekend News Writing Names with Shaving Cream |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.II. | Use “sound spelling” (use initial sound of word and other letters to represent sounds heard in the word). ReadyRosie Making a Grocery List Name Game Thank You Note Writing Names with Shaving Cream |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.II. | Participate in shared writing experiences (e.g., contributing ideas to a story). ReadyRosie Stuffed Animal Stories Weekend News |
STANDARD / STRAND | VT.OP.II.3. | COMMUNICATION and EXPRESSION - Creative Arts and Expression (Older Preschoolers - By 60 months) |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL | OP.II.3.1.1. | Children create art using a variety of tools and art media to express their ideas, feelings, creativity, and develop appreciation of the art created by others. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.II. | Create artistic works through an open-ended process that reflect thoughts, feelings, experiences, or knowledge. ReadyRosie Detailed Drawing of a Face May I Take your Order? Mirror, Mirror Shaving Cream Shapes Three Ways to Show a Number Tips for helping your child love reading Using a Menu to Order Writing Names with Shaving Cream |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.II. | Independently plan and complete artistic creations such as drawings, paintings, collages. ReadyRosie Detailed Drawing of a Face May I Take your Order? Mirror, Mirror Shaving Cream Shapes Three Ways to Show a Number Tips for helping your child love reading Using a Menu to Order Writing Names with Shaving Cream |
STANDARD / STRAND | VT.OP.II.3. | COMMUNICATION and EXPRESSION - Creative Arts and Expression (Older Preschoolers - By 60 months) |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL | OP.II.3.2.1. | Children engage in making and listening to music as a vehicle for expression and learning. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.II. | Express creativity through music. ReadyRosie If You're Happy & You Know It Itsy Bitsy Spider Illustrations Sliding to Nursery Rhymes Why should I sing to my baby? |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.II. | Participate in music activities such as clapping, stomping, listening or singing. ReadyRosie If You're Happy & You Know It Itsy Bitsy Spider Illustrations Sliding to Nursery Rhymes Why should I sing to my baby? |
STANDARD / STRAND | VT.OP.II.3. | COMMUNICATION and EXPRESSION - Creative Arts and Expression (Older Preschoolers - By 60 months) |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL | OP.II.3.3.1. | Children engage in dramatic play and theatre as a way to represent real-life experiences, communicate their ideas and feelings, learn, and use their imaginations. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.II. | Use dialogue, actions, and objects to tell a story or express thoughts and feelings of themselves or of a character. ReadyRosie Funny Faces If You're Happy & You Know It Talking About Your Feelings |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.II. | Use various facial expressions and voice inflections when playing a character. ReadyRosie Choosing the Right Voice |
STANDARD / STRAND | VT.OP.III.1. | LEARNING ABOUT THE WORLD – Mathematics (Older Preschoolers - By 60 months) |
ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL / STANDARD | OP.III.1.1a. | Number Sense, quantity, and Counting: Number Sense and Quantity |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL | OP.III.1.1a.1. | Children count in sequence and by multiples, represent numerals, connect counting to cardinality, and compare quantities. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.III.1.1a.1.1. | Recite numbers to 20 in sequence with only occasional errors. ReadyRosie How Many Can I Grab? Keep It Up Penny Drop Rub a Dub Counting |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.III.1.1a.1.2. | Say the next number that comes before or after in a sequence of 1-10 ReadyRosie Crazy Counting How Many Steps to Bed? How Old Are You? Magazine Number Hunt Rub a Dub Counting |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.III.1.1a.1.3. | Count a group of up to 10 objects and understand that the last number represents the number of objects in the group. ReadyRosie Apple Pie Counting Signs Domino Match-Up Fruit Salad How Many Can I Grab? How Many Steps to Bed? How Old Are You? May I Take your Order? More Grapes Penny Drop Quick Dots Show Me Skipping Around Taking Inventory The Number Stays the Same |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.III.1.1a.1.4. | Quickly identify number of 1-5 objects without counting. ReadyRosie Domino Match-Up How Many in a Set? More Grapes Quick Dots Show Me Slap One More Three Ways to Show a Number |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.III.1.1a.1.5. | Read numerals up to 10 and connect them to the quantities they represent. ReadyRosie Fruit Salad Magazine Number Hunt Numbers Everywhere |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.III.1.1a.1.6. | Compare groups of up to 10 objects and identify which group has more or less, or if they are the same (equal). ReadyRosie Acorns and Pinecones Candy Sort and Graph Cereal Challenge I Spy a Coin I Spy an Animal Letter Sort Likely or Unlikely Make a Tower of Ten More than Ten Sharing Goldfish Slap One More Snack Fractions Sort and Graph Leaves Sorting Laundry Who has the Biggest Number? |
STANDARD / STRAND | VT.OP.III.1. | LEARNING ABOUT THE WORLD – Mathematics (Older Preschoolers - By 60 months) |
ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL / STANDARD | OP.III.1.2a. | Number Relationships and Operations: Number Relationships and Operations |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL | OP.III.1.2a.1. | Children increasingly use numbers to describe relationships and to solve mathematical problems. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.III.1.2a.1.2. | Combine and separate small groups of objects to make new groupings, and identify the resulting number in the group. ReadyRosie Candy Sort and Graph I Spy a Coin I Spy an Animal Letter Sort Likely or Unlikely Making Patterns My Age Setting the Table Sort and Graph Leaves Sorting Laundry Sound Patterns Speedometer Math The Fence Problem |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.III.1.2a.1.3. | Match two equal sets using one-to-one correspondence and understand they are the same. ReadyRosie Acorns and Pinecones Adding Ice Apple Pie Candy Sort and Graph Counting Signs Decorating Cupcakes Fruit Salad How Many Can I Grab? How Many Feet? How Many Steps to Bed? How Many in the Car? How Old Are You? I Spy a Coin I Spy an Animal Letter Sort Likely or Unlikely Lily Pad Hop Measure your Steps Penny Drop Sort and Graph Leaves Sorting Laundry The Number Stays the Same Three Ways to Show a Number Under the Cup What's for Dinner? |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.III.1.2a.1.4. | Use a range of strategies such as counting, matching to compare quantity in two sets of objects and describe the relationship with comparative terms (e.g., more, less, fewer, equal). ReadyRosie Acorns and Pinecones Candy Sort and Graph Cereal Challenge I Spy a Coin I Spy an Animal Letter Sort Likely or Unlikely Make a Tower of Ten More than Ten Sharing Goldfish Slap One More Snack Fractions Sort and Graph Leaves Sorting Laundry Who has the Biggest Number? |
STANDARD / STRAND | VT.OP.III.1. | LEARNING ABOUT THE WORLD – Mathematics (Older Preschoolers - By 60 months) |
ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL / STANDARD | OP.III.1.3a. | Measurement, Classification and Data: Measurement, Comparison, Classification, and Time |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL | OP.III.1.3a.1. | Children develop awareness of the differences of the objects and learn to sort, compare and classify objects by their attributes and properties. They also develop a rudimentary sense of time based mostly on common routines. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.III.1.3a.1.1. | Compare and group objects using attributes of length, weight, and size, and explain reasoning (e.g., “I put all the big black buttons in this pile and the small black ones there.”). ReadyRosie Bookcase Problem Building Houses Buying Oranges Candy Sort and Graph Comparing Vegetables Grocery Store Weights How Many Can I Grab? I Spy a Coin I Spy an Animal Leap Frog Measure Letter Sort Likely or Unlikely Measuring the Table Near and Far Sort and Graph Leaves Sorting Laundry |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.III.1.3a.1.2. | Sort objects using two or more attributes (e.g., sets of large blue bears, small blue bears, large red bears, small red bears) and compare number of objects in each set. ReadyRosie Candy Sort and Graph I Spy a Coin I Spy an Animal Letter Sort Likely or Unlikely Sort and Graph Leaves Sorting Laundry |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.III.1.3a.1.3. | Classify familiar objects into categories (e.g., fruits or vegetables). ReadyRosie Candy Sort and Graph Grocery Store Conversations I Spy a Coin I Spy an Animal Letter Sort Likely or Unlikely Putting Away the Groceries Sort and Graph Leaves Sorting Laundry |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.III.1.3a.1.4. | Order objects by size or length (i.e., seriation). ReadyRosie How Many Can I Grab? |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.III.1.3a.1.5. | Use Standard and non-Standard ways and tools to measure and compare (e.g., 3 hands long). ReadyRosie Bookcase Problem |
STANDARD / STRAND | VT.OP.III.1. | LEARNING ABOUT THE WORLD – Mathematics (Older Preschoolers - By 60 months) |
ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL / STANDARD | OP.III.1.4a. | Geometry and Spatial Reasoning: Geometry and Spatial Sense |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL | OP.III.1.4a.1. | Children increasingly recognize two- and three-dimensional objects and use spatial reasoning. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.III.1.4a.1.3. | Use terms such as on top of, beside, in front, etc. to communicate ideas about the relative position of objects. ReadyRosie Bookcase Problem Finding the Groceries Follow My Design Follow the Leader Following Directions Jump to It Little Miss Muffet Role Play Mirror, Mirror Near and Far Race Car Transformations Stuffed Animal Olympics Treasure Map |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.III.1.4a.1.4. | Follow simple directions related to relative position (beside, between, next to, etc.). ReadyRosie Bookcase Problem Finding the Groceries Follow My Design Follow the Leader Following Directions Jump to It Little Miss Muffet Role Play Making Patterns Making Trail Mix Mirror, Mirror Mystery Bag Near and Far Race Car Transformations Rhyming Purse Sequences of Sounds Shopping for Clothes Sink or Swim Stuffed Animal Olympics Treasure Map |
STANDARD / STRAND | VT.OP.III.2. | LEARNING ABOUT THE WORLD – Science (Older Preschoolers - By 60 months) |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL | OP.III.2.4.1. | Children design, experiment, construct, alter, and problem solve to modify the natural world and meet their needs and wants. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.III. | Draw pictures that represent physical structures. ReadyRosie Detailed Drawing of a Face May I Take your Order? Mirror, Mirror Shaving Cream Shapes Three Ways to Show a Number Using a Menu to Order Writing Names with Shaving Cream |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.III. | Ask why and how questions to figure out how objects work. ReadyRosie What's for Dinner? |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.III. | Use classroom objects in novel ways to enhance child-directed play. ReadyRosie Tips for helping your child love reading |
STANDARD / STRAND | VT.OP.III.3. | LEARNING ABOUT THE WORLD - Social Studies (Older Preschoolers - By 60 months) |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL | OP.III.3.1.1. | Children make sense of the world around them by actively gathering and interpreting information. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.III. | Ask questions and participate in simple investigations to form hypotheses, gather observations, draw conclusions, and form generalizations. ReadyRosie Acorns and Pinecones Grocery Store Conversations Measure your Steps Sink or Float Strawberries for a Picnic |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.III. | Collect, describe and record information through discussions, simple drawings, maps and charts. ReadyRosie Color Word Sentences If You're Happy & You Know It My Address Pantry Talk Description Phone Fun Taking Turns Who Should We Ask? |
STANDARD / STRAND | VT.OP.III.3. | LEARNING ABOUT THE WORLD - Social Studies (Older Preschoolers - By 60 months) |
ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL / STANDARD | OP.III.3.2. | Family and Community; Civics, Government & Society |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL | OP.III.3.2.1. | Children identify themselves initially as belonging to a family, a group and a community; eventually they develop awareness of themselves as members of increasingly wider circles of society and learn the skills needed to be a contributing member of society. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.III. | Identify various groups they belong to (e.g., family, class, neighborhood). ReadyRosie My Address |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.III. | Define group membership according to different contexts (e.g., class member, family members, T-ball team). ReadyRosie My Address |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.III. | Describe their own family structure and family roles. ReadyRosie My Address |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.III. | Explain the need for rules in a variety of settings (e.g., home, classroom, playground), and for laws in the community. ReadyRosie Brushing Your Teeth How do I get my child to______? How should I handle temper tantrums? Packing for Our Trip Reading Routines for Early Readers |
STANDARD / STRAND | VT.OP.III.3. | LEARNING ABOUT THE WORLD - Social Studies (Older Preschoolers - By 60 months) |
ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL / STANDARD | OP.III.3.3. | Physical & Cultural Geography |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL | OP.III.3.3.1. | Children construct concepts about the physical characteristics and locations of familiar to more distant places, and the impacts of people on the environment. They also construct concepts about their own cultural identity and learn to appreciate others’ cultures. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.III. | Respect physical and cultural differences of others. ReadyRosie Family Photos Family Talent Show Grandparent Storytime Why should we tell family stories? |
STANDARD / STRAND | VT.OP.III.3. | LEARNING ABOUT THE WORLD - Social Studies (Older Preschoolers - By 60 months) |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL | OP.III.3.4.1. | Children develop concepts about the passage of time, how the past has been interpreted, and the ability to connect the past with the present. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.III. | Describe sequence of routines (e.g., getting ready to go outside) practiced in the past with good accuracy. ReadyRosie How do I get my child to______? How should I handle temper tantrums? |
STANDARD / STRAND | VT.OP.III.3. | LEARNING ABOUT THE WORLD - Social Studies (Older Preschoolers - By 60 months) |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION / KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL | OP.III.3.5.1. | Children describe how people interact economically and the occupations that people do to support themselves and society. They also learn about the economic interdependent relationships among people in our society. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | OP.III. | Describe how people interact economically (e.g., use money to purchase things or services). ReadyRosie Making a Grocery List |