Virginia Standards of Learning (Infant)

Main Criteria: Virginia Standards of Learning
Secondary Criteria: ReadyRosie
Subject: Early Childhood Education
Grades: Ages Birth to 12 months, Ages 13 to 24 months, Ages 25 to 36 months
Correlation Options: Show Correlated

Virginia Standards of Learning
Early Childhood Education
Grade: Ages Birth to 12 months - Adopted: 2013
STRAND / TOPIC VA.B-18.SED.Social and Emotional Development (Birth to 18 months) – includes systematic changes in social relationships, developing a healthy self-concept, and understanding and regulating emotions and behavior within the context of positive, responsive relationships with others.
STANDARD / STRAND B-18.SED.1.Relationships with Others – The ability to form and to maintain secure relationships, to negotiate interactions in a positive manner, to develop pro-social behaviors, such as empathy, respect, and sensitivity, to interpret behavior in differing social contexts, and to perceive expectations across social groups through ever-widening experiences.
INDICATOR / STANDARD B-18.SED.1.A2.Seek positive attachment and interaction with adults. (A2)

Baby Massage
Behavior is a form of communication
Snuggle Close
Tips for bonding with your baby
What Comes after Two?
You are your child's first teacher
INDICATOR / STANDARD B-18.SED.1.A3.Respond to the environment, enjoying shared engagement with adult. (A3)

Grasp and Grab
How can I make music part of our day?
Me in the Mirror
Sing to Your Baby
Snuggle Close
Tummy Talk
Two on Me and You
Which Toy?
STRAND / TOPIC VA.B-18.AL.Approaches to Learning (Birth to 18 months) – the inclinations, dispositions, attitudes, habits, and styles that reflect the many ways that children involve themselves in learning.
STANDARD / STRAND B-18.AL.1.Persistence – Continued attentiveness that indicates the ability to retain meaningful information and ideas and to use best practices in future activities and situations.
INDICATOR / STANDARD B-18.AL.1.A2.Seek attention of adult. (A2)

That's My Name
STRAND / TOPIC VA.B-18.AL.Approaches to Learning (Birth to 18 months) – the inclinations, dispositions, attitudes, habits, and styles that reflect the many ways that children involve themselves in learning.
STANDARD / STRAND B-18.AL.2.Curiosity and Initiative – Characterized by a sense of inquisitiveness, interest in pursuing new information, keenness for new knowledge, and desire to learn.
INDICATOR / STANDARD B-18.AL.2.B3.Show eagerness and curiosity as a learner. (B3)

Do You See Me?
Kicking Paper
Touch and Taste
Which Toy?
STRAND / TOPIC VA.B-18.AL.Approaches to Learning (Birth to 18 months) – the inclinations, dispositions, attitudes, habits, and styles that reflect the many ways that children involve themselves in learning.
STANDARD / STRAND B-18.AL.3.Creativity and Inventiveness – Characterized by originality, fluency, flexibility, and the ability to extend existing knowledge, using imagination and moving beyond conventional thinking.
INDICATOR / STANDARD B-18.AL.3.C1.Notice and show interest in and excitement with familiar objects, people, and events. (C1)

Animal Noises
Baby Massage
Bath Time Fun
Behavior is a form of communication
Self Talk
Snuggle Close
Tips for bonding with your baby
What Comes after Two?
You are your child's first teacher
STRAND / TOPIC VA.B-18.AL.Approaches to Learning (Birth to 18 months) – the inclinations, dispositions, attitudes, habits, and styles that reflect the many ways that children involve themselves in learning.
STANDARD / STRAND B-18.AL.4.Reasoning and Problem-Solving – The ability to understand, evaluate, and interpret and apply knowledge and information, processes which inform future learning and problem-solving.
INDICATOR / STANDARD B-18.AL.4.D1.Explore object characteristics in many different ways. (D1)

Animal Noises
Bath Time Fun
Self Talk
INDICATOR / STANDARD B-18.AL.4.D3.Use sounds, gestures, and movements to impact the environment and interactions. (D3)

Bath Time Fun
Two on Me and You
STRAND / TOPIC VA.B-18.LL.Language and Literacy (Birth to 18 months) – the meaning and structure of words and sentences, how to use words to convey meaning, and how to understand and use printed materials.
STANDARD / STRAND B-18.LL.1.Listening and Speaking – Awareness of the social conventions of language usage, and the ability to listen, to understand, and to follow verbal conversation, including the ability to integrate verbal and non-verbal cues that inform interpretation related to social and emotional contexts.
INDICATOR / STANDARD B-18.LL.1.A1.Respond to frequently heard sounds and words. (A1)

Lunchtime Language
Self Talk
Tummy Talk
STRAND / TOPIC VA.B-18.CGK.Cognition and General Knowledge (Birth to 18 months) – the acquisition of information and understanding about basic concepts, natural phenomena, and social interactions and functions.
STANDARD / STRAND B-18.CGK.1A.Number and Operations – Building understanding of the concept of numbers, quantity, ways of representing numbers, one-to-one correspondence, and counting.
INDICATOR / STANDARD B-18.CGK.1A.A2.Use number words in songs and finger plays with little or no understanding. (A2)

Pattern Play
STRAND / TOPIC VA.B-18.CGK.Cognition and General Knowledge (Birth to 18 months) – the acquisition of information and understanding about basic concepts, natural phenomena, and social interactions and functions.
STANDARD / STRAND B-18.CGK.1C.Patterns and Relationships – Recognizing and/or creating planned or random repetitions of events, colors, lines, values, textures, and sound, including pitch, timbre, volume, and other qualities.
INDICATOR / STANDARD B-18.CGK.1C.C3.React to images of objects or events. (C3)

Animal Noises
STRAND / TOPIC VA.B-18.CGK.Cognition and General Knowledge (Birth to 18 months) – the acquisition of information and understanding about basic concepts, natural phenomena, and social interactions and functions.
STANDARD / STRAND B-18.CGK.1E.Spatial Sense – Acquiring an understanding of the physical relationship (i.e., direction and position) between self and objects, or between two or more objects, in one’s environment.
INDICATOR / STANDARD B-18.CGK.1E.E2.Coordinate use of body and materials. (E2)

Kicking Paper
Piggy Toes
Roll Over
Strong Legs
STRAND / TOPIC VA.B-18.CGK.Cognition and General Knowledge (Birth to 18 months) – the acquisition of information and understanding about basic concepts, natural phenomena, and social interactions and functions.
STANDARD / STRAND B-18.CGK.1F.Data Collection and Analysis – The gathering, organizing, and analyzing of information, enabling one to make sense of phenomena in the environment.
INDICATOR / STANDARD B-18.CGK.1F.F2.Gather information through the senses (e.g., mouthing, grasping, reaching). (F2)

Bath Time Fun
Table Taps
Touch and Taste
Two on Me and You
INDICATOR / STANDARD B-18.CGK.1F.F3.Make things happen by coordinating senses of sight, sound, taste, and touch. (F3)

Bath Time Fun
Two on Me and You
STRAND / TOPIC VA.B-18.CGK.Cognition and General Knowledge (Birth to 18 months) – the acquisition of information and understanding about basic concepts, natural phenomena, and social interactions and functions.
STANDARD / STRAND B-18.CGK.2A.Scientific Knowledge – Understanding of and information about the earth and living things, including their relationships and interdependencies.
INDICATOR / STANDARD B-18.CGK.2A.A2.Recognize and respond to different sights, textures, smells, sounds, and tastes. (A2)

Bath Time Fun
Two on Me and You
STRAND / TOPIC VA.B-18.CGK.Cognition and General Knowledge (Birth to 18 months) – the acquisition of information and understanding about basic concepts, natural phenomena, and social interactions and functions.
STANDARD / STRAND B-18.CGK.3A.History – Understanding of the continuum of events occurring in succession—the past to the present and into the future, including the concepts of causality and prediction.
INDICATOR / STANDARD B-18.CGK.3A.A1.Participate in regularly scheduled daily activities. (A1)

Animal Noises
How do I get my child to______?
Reading Routines for Early Readers
What Comes after Two?
INDICATOR / STANDARD B-18.CGK.3A.A3.Begin to recognize routines and to categorize time intervals. (A3)

Animal Noises
How do I get my child to______?
Reading Routines for Early Readers
What Comes after Two?
STRAND / TOPIC VA.B-18.CGK.Cognition and General Knowledge (Birth to 18 months) – the acquisition of information and understanding about basic concepts, natural phenomena, and social interactions and functions.
STANDARD / STRAND B-18.CGK.3B.Geography – Understanding of directionality, position, and location, and knowledge of the physical features of, and humans’ relationship with, the Earth.
INDICATOR / STANDARD B-18.CGK.3B.B1.Develop awareness of body in space. (B1)

Kicking Paper
Piggy Toes
Roll Over
Strong Legs
STRAND / TOPIC VA.B-18.CGK.Cognition and General Knowledge (Birth to 18 months) – the acquisition of information and understanding about basic concepts, natural phenomena, and social interactions and functions.
STANDARD / STRAND B-18.CGK.3D.Families and Communities – Developing knowledge of one’s own family, community, and culture, and positive citizenship behaviors, including the concepts of social interdependency and mutual benefits.
INDICATOR / STANDARD B-18.CGK.3D.D1.Engage with familiar adults. (D1)

Grasp and Grab
How can I make music part of our day?
Me in the Mirror
Sing to Your Baby
Snuggle Close
Tummy Talk
Two on Me and You
Which Toy?
STRAND / TOPIC VA.B-18.FA.Fine Arts (Birth to 18 months) – includes the dance arts, music, theatre arts, and visual arts through which young children develop independence, self-esteem, and self-expression and through which they integrate other domains, such as mathematics, science, cultural histories, language, and social cooperation.
STANDARD / STRAND B-18.FA.3.Theater Arts – Includes dramatic play through which young children engage in imitation and acting out social roles, experiences, and fantasy in creative and imaginative ways.
INDICATOR / STANDARD B-18.FA.3.C2.Imitate sounds, facial expressions, and gestures of another person. (C2)

Itsy Bitsy Spider Motions
INDICATOR / STANDARD B-18.FA.3.C3.Communicate words or concepts through movement. (C3)

Itsy Bitsy Spider Motions
STRAND / TOPIC VA.B-18.FA.Fine Arts (Birth to 18 months) – includes the dance arts, music, theatre arts, and visual arts through which young children develop independence, self-esteem, and self-expression and through which they integrate other domains, such as mathematics, science, cultural histories, language, and social cooperation.
STANDARD / STRAND B-18.FA.4.Visual Arts – The exploration and creation of works of art during which young children develop important basic concepts such as color, line, shape, texture, pattern, and space.
INDICATOR / STANDARD B-18.FA.4.D1.Focus on and show interest in objects in the environment. (D1)

Animal Noises
Bath Time Fun
Self Talk
STRAND / TOPIC VA.B-18.PDH.Physical Development and Health (Birth to 18 months) – Healthy physical development occurs along a relatively predictable sequence, with good health practices fostering the knowledge and skills needed to thrive physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially.
STANDARD / STRAND B-18.PDH.1.Gross Motor Development – Characterized by movements of the entire body or large portions of the body, including the abilities to roll over, walk, run, jump, hop, skip, and climb.
INDICATOR / STANDARD B-18.PDH.1.A2.Demonstrate proficiency in rolling over, sitting, crawling. (A2)

Roll Over
STRAND / TOPIC VA.B-18.PDH.Physical Development and Health (Birth to 18 months) – Healthy physical development occurs along a relatively predictable sequence, with good health practices fostering the knowledge and skills needed to thrive physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially.
STANDARD / STRAND B-18.PDH.2.Fine Motor Development – Characterized by the ability to coordinate smaller muscles in the arms, hands, and fingers, such as through grasping, cutting with scissors, or fastening buttons.
INDICATOR / STANDARD B-18.PDH.2.B1.Develop some ability to grasp and hold a variety of objects. (B1)

Bath Time Fun
Grasp and Grab
Table Taps
Touch and Taste
INDICATOR / STANDARD B-18.PDH.2.B2.Demonstrate beginning signs of strength, control, and eye-hand coordination. (B2)

Grasp and Grab
Touch and Taste
STRAND / TOPIC VA.B-18.PDH.Physical Development and Health (Birth to 18 months) – Healthy physical development occurs along a relatively predictable sequence, with good health practices fostering the knowledge and skills needed to thrive physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially.
STANDARD / STRAND B-18.PDH.3.Health and Well-Being – The general condition of the body and mind promoted through good personal hygiene and basic personal care practices, eating a variety of nutritious foods, rest and recuperation, and an awareness of basic health and safety rules.
INDICATOR / STANDARD B-18.PDH.3.C2.Consume a variety of nutritious foods from all food groups with assistance. (C2)

Lunchtime Language

Virginia Standards of Learning
Early Childhood Education
Grade: Ages 13 to 24 months - Adopted: 2013
STRAND / TOPIC VA.18-36.SED.Social and Emotional Development (18 months to 36 months) – includes systematic changes in social relationships, developing a healthy self-concept, and understanding and regulating emotions and behavior within the context of positive, responsive relationships with others.
STANDARD / STRAND 18-36.SED.1.Relationships with Others – The ability to form and to maintain secure relationships, to negotiate interactions in a positive manner, to develop pro-social behaviors, such as empathy, respect, and sensitivity, to interpret behavior in differing social contexts, and to perceive expectations across social groups through ever-widening experiences.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 18-36.SED.1.A4.Seek comfort and help when needed. (A4)

Behavior is a form of communication
Tips for bonding with your baby
You are your child's first teacher
INDICATOR / STANDARD 18-36.SED.1.A6.Demonstrate increasing ability to form and maintain secure relationships with others. (A6)

Kick With Me
Little Hands, Big Plans
Tea Party
STRAND / TOPIC VA.18-36.SED.Social and Emotional Development (18 months to 36 months) – includes systematic changes in social relationships, developing a healthy self-concept, and understanding and regulating emotions and behavior within the context of positive, responsive relationships with others.
STANDARD / STRAND 18-36.SED.2.Learning About Self (Self-concept) – Knowledge and beliefs about one’s own characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses; perceptions and feelings about one’s value and worth; beliefs about one’s competence in specific areas; and a developing sense of choice and purpose about one’s roles and activities.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 18-36.SED.2.B6.Understand self in terms of unique characteristics, preferences, and abilities. (B6)

Happy Birthday to You
Point and Learn
This or That
INDICATOR / STANDARD 18-36.SED.2.B8.Develop increasing independence. (B8)

Happy Birthday to You
Point and Learn
This or That
STRAND / TOPIC VA.18-36.AL.Approaches to Learning (18 months to 36 months) – the inclinations, dispositions, attitudes, habits, and styles that reflect the many ways that children involve themselves in learning.
STANDARD / STRAND 18-36.AL.1.Persistence – Continued attentiveness that indicates the ability to retain meaningful information and ideas and to use best practices in future activities and situations.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 18-36.AL.1.A5.Increase persistence in trying to complete a task after previous attempts have failed. (A5)

Build to Four
Buried Treasure
Can You Find Me?
Check the Mail
Take Along Toy
Tube Chute
Walk the Line
STRAND / TOPIC VA.18-36.AL.Approaches to Learning (18 months to 36 months) – the inclinations, dispositions, attitudes, habits, and styles that reflect the many ways that children involve themselves in learning.
STANDARD / STRAND 18-36.AL.2.Curiosity and Initiative – Characterized by a sense of inquisitiveness, interest in pursuing new information, keenness for new knowledge, and desire to learn.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 18-36.AL.2.B4.Demonstrate ability to initiate activities. (B4)

Build to Four
Buried Treasure
Can You Find Me?
Check the Mail
Take Along Toy
Tube Chute
Walk the Line
INDICATOR / STANDARD 18-36.AL.2.B5.Participate in an increasing variety of tasks and activities. (B5)

Build to Four
Buried Treasure
Can You Find Me?
Check the Mail
Take Along Toy
Tube Chute
Walk the Line
STRAND / TOPIC VA.18-36.AL.Approaches to Learning (18 months to 36 months) – the inclinations, dispositions, attitudes, habits, and styles that reflect the many ways that children involve themselves in learning.
STANDARD / STRAND 18-36.AL.3.Creativity and Inventiveness – Characterized by originality, fluency, flexibility, and the ability to extend existing knowledge, using imagination and moving beyond conventional thinking.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 18-36.AL.3.C4.Pretend and use imagination during extended play scenarios with self and others. (C4)

Bear Bath
Tea Party
STRAND / TOPIC VA.18-36.AL.Approaches to Learning (18 months to 36 months) – the inclinations, dispositions, attitudes, habits, and styles that reflect the many ways that children involve themselves in learning.
STANDARD / STRAND 18-36.AL.4.Reasoning and Problem-Solving – The ability to understand, evaluate, and interpret and apply knowledge and information, processes which inform future learning and problem-solving.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 18-36.AL.4.D5.Use objects as intended. (D5)

Big, Little Helper
Take Along Toy
STRAND / TOPIC VA.18-36.LL.Language and Literacy (18 months to 36 months) – the meaning and structure of words and sentences, how to use words to convey meaning, and how to understand and use printed materials.
STANDARD / STRAND 18-36.LL.1.Listening and Speaking – Awareness of the social conventions of language usage, and the ability to listen, to understand, and to follow verbal conversation, including the ability to integrate verbal and non-verbal cues that inform interpretation related to social and emotional contexts.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 18-36.LL.1.A5.Understand questions, some basic concepts, and simple directions. (A5)

Choosing Clothes
Talk and Play
INDICATOR / STANDARD 18-36.LL.1.A6.Demonstrate increasing ability to attend to, participate in, and understand language in conversations, stories, songs, and poems. (A6)

Choosing Clothes
Clap and Swing
Happy Birthday to You
How can I communicate with my baby?
How can I help my child learn new words?
How can I make music part of our day?
I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby?
Itsy Bitsy Spider Motions
Look at the Book
Move While you Sing
Move to to the Music
Point and Learn
Reading Emotions
Rhyme and Ride
Swing Song
Talk and Play
Where is Thumbkin?
Why should I sing to my baby?
Why should we tell family stories?
INDICATOR / STANDARD 18-36.LL.1.A7.Build increased understanding of basic vocabulary and concepts. (A7)

Big and Little
Color Toys
Find a Match
Grocery Store I Spy
How can I help my child learn new words?
Point and Learn
Talk and Play
STRAND / TOPIC VA.18-36.LL.Language and Literacy (18 months to 36 months) – the meaning and structure of words and sentences, how to use words to convey meaning, and how to understand and use printed materials.
STANDARD / STRAND 18-36.LL.2.Phonological Awareness and Alphabetic Knowledge – The ability to hear the different sounds of language and to understand how sounds of spoken language can be segmented, combined, and manipulated.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 18-36.LL.2.B3.Enjoy patterns of rhythm and repetition of familiar voices, sounds, rhymes, and songs. (B3)

Clap and Swing
Happy Birthday to You
How can I communicate with my baby?
How can I make music part of our day?
I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby?
Itsy Bitsy Spider Motions
Move While you Sing
Move to to the Music
Rhyme and Ride
Swing Song
Where is Thumbkin?
Why should I sing to my baby?
STRAND / TOPIC VA.18-36.LL.Language and Literacy (18 months to 36 months) – the meaning and structure of words and sentences, how to use words to convey meaning, and how to understand and use printed materials.
STANDARD / STRAND 18-36.LL.3.Print Awareness and Concepts – The construction of meaning from print and skills such as print convention, directionality, and the concepts of the word, the sentence, and punctuation.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 18-36.LL.3.C3.Recognize print in the neighborhood, community, and environment (e.g., stop-signs, store signs). (C3)

Check the Mail
INDICATOR / STANDARD 18-36.LL.3.C4.Relate pictures with real objects, events, and ideas (e.g., stories). (C4)

Look at the Book
Reading Emotions
STRAND / TOPIC VA.18-36.LL.Language and Literacy (18 months to 36 months) – the meaning and structure of words and sentences, how to use words to convey meaning, and how to understand and use printed materials.
STANDARD / STRAND 18-36.LL.5.Early Writing – The ability to express or communicate in writing (using both the motor and cognitive elements of language) as developed through the skills of drawing, scribbling, the use of invented spelling, and early phonics skills.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 18-36.LL.5.E3.Show increased interest in exploring writing tools. (E3)

Color with Me
STRAND / TOPIC VA.18-36.CGK.Cognition and General Knowledge (18 months to 36 months) – the acquisition of information and understanding about basic concepts, natural phenomena, and social interactions and functions.
STANDARD / STRAND 18-36.CGK.1A.Number and Operations – Building understanding of the concept of numbers, quantity, ways of representing numbers, one-to-one correspondence, and counting.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 18-36.CGK.1A.A4.Demonstrate growing understanding of one-to-one matching. (A4)

Build to Four
Counting Counts
STRAND / TOPIC VA.18-36.CGK.Cognition and General Knowledge (18 months to 36 months) – the acquisition of information and understanding about basic concepts, natural phenomena, and social interactions and functions.
STANDARD / STRAND 18-36.CGK.1E.Spatial Sense – Acquiring an understanding of the physical relationship (i.e., direction and position) between self and objects, or between two or more objects, in one’s environment.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 18-36.CGK.1E.E3.Become aware of own body and personal space during active exploration of physical environment. (E3)

Flying with Mom
Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
Kick With Me
Point and Learn
Pop Go the Bubbles
Walk the Line
STRAND / TOPIC VA.18-36.CGK.Cognition and General Knowledge (18 months to 36 months) – the acquisition of information and understanding about basic concepts, natural phenomena, and social interactions and functions.
STANDARD / STRAND 18-36.CGK.2B.Scientific Inquiry and Exploration – The processes through which children apply and test their scientific knowledge, including sensory observations, asking questions, and data collection and analysis.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 18-36.CGK.2B.B6.Use senses to observe and explore materials and natural phenomena. (B6)

Baby Basketball
Flying with Mom
Pop Go the Bubbles
Take Along Toy
Walk the Line
STRAND / TOPIC VA.18-36.CGK.Cognition and General Knowledge (18 months to 36 months) – the acquisition of information and understanding about basic concepts, natural phenomena, and social interactions and functions.
STANDARD / STRAND 18-36.CGK.3A.History – Understanding of the continuum of events occurring in succession—the past to the present and into the future, including the concepts of causality and prediction.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 18-36.CGK.3A.A5.Recount daily events. (A5)

Big, Little Helper
How do I get my child to______?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
Let's Get Dressed
Reading Routines for Early Readers
Shoe Search
STRAND / TOPIC VA.18-36.CGK.Cognition and General Knowledge (18 months to 36 months) – the acquisition of information and understanding about basic concepts, natural phenomena, and social interactions and functions.
STANDARD / STRAND 18-36.CGK.3D.Families and Communities – Developing knowledge of one’s own family, community, and culture, and positive citizenship behaviors, including the concepts of social interdependency and mutual benefits.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 18-36.CGK.3D.D3.Develop beginning understanding of human interdependence. (D3)

Behavior is a form of communication
Tips for bonding with your baby
You are your child's first teacher
INDICATOR / STANDARD 18-36.CGK.3D.D4.Expand relationships. (D4)

Kick With Me
Little Hands, Big Plans
Tea Party
INDICATOR / STANDARD 18-36.CGK.3D.D5.Develop understanding of social customs by respecting others’ contributions and ideas. (D5)

Clap and Swing
How can I communicate with my baby?
Swing Song
Why should we tell family stories?
STRAND / TOPIC VA.18-36.FA.Fine Arts (18 months to 36 months) – includes the dance arts, music, theatre arts, and visual arts through which young children develop independence, self-esteem, and self-expression and through which they integrate other domains, such as mathematics, science, cultural histories, language, and social cooperation.
STANDARD / STRAND 18-36.FA.2.Music – provides an avenue for children to express thoughts, feelings, and energy through finger plays, simple instruments, or humming or singing along to a familiar song.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 18-36.FA.2.B6.Explore simple songs using voice and/or instruments. (B6)

Clap and Swing
Happy Birthday to You
How can I communicate with my baby?
How can I make music part of our day?
I can't sing. How can I sing to my baby?
Itsy Bitsy Spider Motions
Move While you Sing
Move to to the Music
Rhyme and Ride
Swing Song
Where is Thumbkin?
Why should I sing to my baby?
STRAND / TOPIC VA.18-36.FA.Fine Arts (18 months to 36 months) – includes the dance arts, music, theatre arts, and visual arts through which young children develop independence, self-esteem, and self-expression and through which they integrate other domains, such as mathematics, science, cultural histories, language, and social cooperation.
STANDARD / STRAND 18-36.FA.3.Theater Arts – Includes dramatic play through which young children engage in imitation and acting out social roles, experiences, and fantasy in creative and imaginative ways.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 18-36.FA.3.C5.Imitate what others do. (C5)

Bear Bath
INDICATOR / STANDARD 18-36.FA.3.C6.Engage in pretend play. (C6)

Bear Bath
STRAND / TOPIC VA.18-36.PDH.Physical Development and Health (18 months to 36 months) – Healthy physical development occurs along a relatively predictable sequence, with good health practices fostering the knowledge and skills needed to thrive physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially.
STANDARD / STRAND 18-36.PDH.1.Gross Motor Development – Characterized by movements of the entire body or large portions of the body, including the abilities to roll over, walk, run, jump, hop, skip, and climb.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 18-36.PDH.1.A4.Coordinate movements in grabbing, rolling, tossing, and throwing. (A4)

Baby Basketball
Kick With Me
INDICATOR / STANDARD 18-36.PDH.1.A5.Move with some balance and control. (A5)

Kick With Me
Move While you Sing
Pop Go the Bubbles
Take Along Toy
Walk the Line
STRAND / TOPIC VA.18-36.PDH.Physical Development and Health (18 months to 36 months) – Healthy physical development occurs along a relatively predictable sequence, with good health practices fostering the knowledge and skills needed to thrive physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially.
STANDARD / STRAND 18-36.PDH.2.Fine Motor Development – Characterized by the ability to coordinate smaller muscles in the arms, hands, and fingers, such as through grasping, cutting with scissors, or fastening buttons.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 18-36.PDH.2.B3.Improve eye-hand coordination in reaching for and grasping objects, and filling and dumping. (B3)

Big, Little Helper
Clap and Swing
Color with Me
Dump and Pick Up
Little Hands, Big Plans
Take Along Toy
Tube Chute
STRAND / TOPIC VA.18-36.PDH.Physical Development and Health (18 months to 36 months) – Healthy physical development occurs along a relatively predictable sequence, with good health practices fostering the knowledge and skills needed to thrive physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially.
STANDARD / STRAND 18-36.PDH.3.Health and Well-Being – The general condition of the body and mind promoted through good personal hygiene and basic personal care practices, eating a variety of nutritious foods, rest and recuperation, and an awareness of basic health and safety rules.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 18-36.PDH.3.C4.Recognize and communicate health-related needs and/or interests. (C4)

Behavior is a form of communication
Snack Time Speech

Virginia Standards of Learning
Early Childhood Education
Grade: Ages 25 to 36 months - Adopted: 2013
STRAND / TOPIC VA.36-48.SED.Social and Emotional Development (36 months to 48 months) – includes systematic changes in social relationships, developing a healthy self-concept, and understanding and regulating emotions and behavior within the context of positive, responsive relationships with others.
STANDARD / STRAND 36-48.SED.1.Relationships with Others – The ability to form and to maintain secure relationships, to negotiate interactions in a positive manner, to develop pro-social behaviors, such as empathy, respect, and sensitivity, to interpret behavior in differing social contexts, and to perceive expectations across social groups through ever-widening experiences.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 36-48.SED.1.A7.Enjoy close proximity with others. (A7)

Behavior is a form of communication
Ring Around the Rosie
Tips for bonding with your baby
You are your child's first teacher
INDICATOR / STANDARD 36-48.SED.1.A8.Develop positive friendships with one or more peers. (A8)

Ring Around the Rosie
INDICATOR / STANDARD 36-48.SED.1.A9.Enter and engage in group pretend play successfully. (A9)

Ring Around the Rosie
STRAND / TOPIC VA.36-48.SED.Social and Emotional Development (36 months to 48 months) – includes systematic changes in social relationships, developing a healthy self-concept, and understanding and regulating emotions and behavior within the context of positive, responsive relationships with others.
STANDARD / STRAND 36-48.SED.2.Learning About Self (Self-concept) – Knowledge and beliefs about one’s own characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses; perceptions and feelings about one’s value and worth; beliefs about one’s competence in specific areas; and a developing sense of choice and purpose about one’s roles and activities.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 36-48.SED.2.B9.Show increasing ability to distinguish between self and others. (B9)

I Am Unique
I Can Do It All By Myself
Tell Me About It!
Tips for storytelling: Story ideas
STRAND / TOPIC VA.36-48.SED.Social and Emotional Development (36 months to 48 months) – includes systematic changes in social relationships, developing a healthy self-concept, and understanding and regulating emotions and behavior within the context of positive, responsive relationships with others.
STANDARD / STRAND 36-48.SED.3.Emotion Regulation and Self-Regulation – The increasing ability to understand, regulate and express emotions, and to plan and direct one’s own actions; to delay gratification, shift or focus attention when needed, and to activate or inhibit behavior to engage successfully in social and learning experiences.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 36-48.SED.3.C8.Follow simple rules and routines with guidance. (C8)

How do I get my child to______?
How should I handle temper tantrums?
Reading Routines for Early Readers
STRAND / TOPIC VA.36-48.AL.Approaches to Learning (36 months to 48 months) – the inclinations, dispositions, attitudes, habits, and styles that reflect the many ways that children involve themselves in learning.
STANDARD / STRAND 36-48.AL.1.Persistence – Continued attentiveness that indicates the ability to retain meaningful information and ideas and to use best practices in future activities and situations.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 36-48.AL.1.A6.Grow in ability to persist in and complete tasks, activities, projects, and experiences. (A6)

Counting Collection
Fast, Slow
I Can Do It All By Myself
Nature Walk and Talk
Nesting Bowls
What Do We Do?
STRAND / TOPIC VA.36-48.AL.Approaches to Learning (36 months to 48 months) – the inclinations, dispositions, attitudes, habits, and styles that reflect the many ways that children involve themselves in learning.
STANDARD / STRAND 36-48.AL.2.Curiosity and Initiative – Characterized by a sense of inquisitiveness, interest in pursuing new information, keenness for new knowledge, and desire to learn.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 36-48.AL.2.B7.Find and use materials to follow through on an idea. (B7)

Counting Collection
Fast, Slow
I Can Do It All By Myself
Nature Walk and Talk
Nesting Bowls
What Do We Do?
INDICATOR / STANDARD 36-48.AL.2.B8.Initiate play with others. (B8)

Banana Phonana
Drum Patterns
Recycled Play
Toy Car Wash
Vroom! Vroom!
STRAND / TOPIC VA.36-48.AL.Approaches to Learning (36 months to 48 months) – the inclinations, dispositions, attitudes, habits, and styles that reflect the many ways that children involve themselves in learning.
STANDARD / STRAND 36-48.AL.3.Creativity and Inventiveness – Characterized by originality, fluency, flexibility, and the ability to extend existing knowledge, using imagination and moving beyond conventional thinking.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 36-48.AL.3.C5.Imitate action observed in another situation. (C5)

Banana Phonana
Drum Patterns
Recycled Play
Toy Car Wash
Vroom! Vroom!
INDICATOR / STANDARD 36-48.AL.3.C6.Approach tasks experimentally, adapting as the activity evolves. (C6)

Counting Collection
Fast, Slow
I Can Do It All By Myself
Nature Walk and Talk
Nesting Bowls
What Do We Do?
INDICATOR / STANDARD 36-48.AL.3.C7.Use imagination to create original thoughts, ideas, or products. (C7)

Banana Phonana
Drum Patterns
Recycled Play
Toy Car Wash
Vroom! Vroom!
STRAND / TOPIC VA.36-48.LL.Language and Literacy (36 months to 48 months) – the meaning and structure of words and sentences, how to use words to convey meaning, and how to understand and use printed materials.
STANDARD / STRAND 36-48.LL.1.Listening and Speaking – Awareness of the social conventions of language usage, and the ability to listen, to understand, and to follow verbal conversation, including the ability to integrate verbal and non-verbal cues that inform interpretation related to social and emotional contexts.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 36-48.LL.1.A8.Demonstrate increased understanding of oral language through actions and responses to directions and questions. (A8)

T-Shirt Talk
Why should we tell family stories?
INDICATOR / STANDARD 36-48.LL.1.A9.Progress in abilities to initiate and respond appropriately in conversation and discussions with peers and adults. (A9)

Stuck on You
Tell Me About It!
STRAND / TOPIC VA.36-48.LL.Language and Literacy (36 months to 48 months) – the meaning and structure of words and sentences, how to use words to convey meaning, and how to understand and use printed materials.
STANDARD / STRAND 36-48.LL.2.Phonological Awareness and Alphabetic Knowledge – The ability to hear the different sounds of language and to understand how sounds of spoken language can be segmented, combined, and manipulated.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 36-48.LL.2.B3.Begin to identify words that rhyme. (B6)

Ring Around the Rosie
STRAND / TOPIC VA.36-48.LL.Language and Literacy (36 months to 48 months) – the meaning and structure of words and sentences, how to use words to convey meaning, and how to understand and use printed materials.
STANDARD / STRAND 36-48.LL.3.Print Awareness and Concepts – The construction of meaning from print and skills such as print convention, directionality, and the concepts of the word, the sentence, and punctuation.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 36-48.LL.3.C6.Show growing interest in reading-related activities. (C6)

Book Chats
Book Walk
Magazine Picture Walk
Stop and Go
Tips for helping your child love reading
STRAND / TOPIC VA.36-48.LL.Language and Literacy (36 months to 48 months) – the meaning and structure of words and sentences, how to use words to convey meaning, and how to understand and use printed materials.
STANDARD / STRAND 36-48.LL.4.Comprehension – The understanding of oral and written language, heavily dependent upon language acquisition, exposure to enriched vocabulary, and opportunities for learning that result in active construction of meaning.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 36-48.LL.4.D5.Show increased comprehension and response to stories read aloud. (D5)

Why should we tell family stories?
INDICATOR / STANDARD 36-48.LL.4.D6.Recall specific characters or actions from familiar stories. (D6)

Family Movie Night
Tips for helping your child love reading
Tips for storytelling: Using gestures
STRAND / TOPIC VA.36-48.LL.Language and Literacy (36 months to 48 months) – the meaning and structure of words and sentences, how to use words to convey meaning, and how to understand and use printed materials.
STANDARD / STRAND 36-48.LL.5.Early Writing – The ability to express or communicate in writing (using both the motor and cognitive elements of language) as developed through the skills of drawing, scribbling, the use of invented spelling, and early phonics skills.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 36-48.LL.5.E6.Use scribbles and unconventional shapes to convey messages. (E6)

Copy Me
Paint your Name
Secret Message
INDICATOR / STANDARD 36-48.LL.5.E7.Represent ideas and stories through pictures, dictation, and play. (E7)

Copy Me
Paint your Name
Recycled Play
INDICATOR / STANDARD 36-48.LL.5.E8.Experiment with a growing variety of writing tools and materials, such as pencils, crayons, and computers. (E8)

Copy Me
Secret Message
STRAND / TOPIC VA.36-48.CGK.Cognition and General Knowledge (36 months to 48 months) – the acquisition of information and understanding about basic concepts, natural phenomena, and social interactions and functions.
STANDARD / STRAND 36-48.CGK.1A.Number and Operations – Building understanding of the concept of numbers, quantity, ways of representing numbers, one-to-one correspondence, and counting.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 36-48.CGK.1A.A5.Begin to count by rote. (A5)

Blast Off
Magazine Problem Solving
One, Two, Moo
Packing our Lunch
Snack Count
INDICATOR / STANDARD 36-48.CGK.1A.A6.Begin to associate number concepts, vocabulary, quantities and written numerals in meaningful ways. (A6)

Blast Off
Counting Collection
Get Moving
Snack Count
INDICATOR / STANDARD 36-48.CGK.1A.A7.Demonstrate advancing knowledge of numbers and counting. (A7)

Blast Off
Magazine Problem Solving
One, Two, Moo
Packing our Lunch
Snack Count
STRAND / TOPIC VA.36-48.CGK.Cognition and General Knowledge (36 months to 48 months) – the acquisition of information and understanding about basic concepts, natural phenomena, and social interactions and functions.
STANDARD / STRAND 36-48.CGK.1C.Patterns and Relationships – Recognizing and/or creating planned or random repetitions of events, colors, lines, values, textures, and sound, including pitch, timbre, volume, and other qualities.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 36-48.CGK.1C.C8.Develop increasing understanding of the relationship between objects. (C8)

Tips for helping your child love reading
STRAND / TOPIC VA.36-48.CGK.Cognition and General Knowledge (36 months to 48 months) – the acquisition of information and understanding about basic concepts, natural phenomena, and social interactions and functions.
STANDARD / STRAND 36-48.CGK.1D.Shapes – Recognizing, naming, and comparing and contrasting objects based on their geometric appearance.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 36-48.CGK.1D.D4.Recognize simple shapes (e.g., circle, triangle, rectangle, and square). (D4)

Copy Me
INDICATOR / STANDARD 36-48.CGK.1D.D6.Recognize, name, and sort simple shapes (e.g., circle, triangle, rectangle, and square). (D6)

Copy Me
STRAND / TOPIC VA.36-48.CGK.Cognition and General Knowledge (36 months to 48 months) – the acquisition of information and understanding about basic concepts, natural phenomena, and social interactions and functions.
STANDARD / STRAND 36-48.CGK.1F.Data Collection and Analysis – The gathering, organizing, and analyzing of information, enabling one to make sense of phenomena in the environment.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 36-48.CGK.1F.F7.Apply knowledge or experience to a new context. (F7)

Drum Patterns
Fast, Slow
Hooray Parfait
Nesting Bowls
Playdough Lengths
Stop and Go
What Do We Do?
Which Lid?
STRAND / TOPIC VA.36-48.CGK.Cognition and General Knowledge (36 months to 48 months) – the acquisition of information and understanding about basic concepts, natural phenomena, and social interactions and functions.
STANDARD / STRAND 36-48.CGK.3D.Families and Communities – Developing knowledge of one’s own family, community, and culture, and positive citizenship behaviors, including the concepts of social interdependency and mutual benefits.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 36-48.CGK.3D.D8.Develop understanding of individual, family, culture, and community. (D8)

How can I communicate with my baby?
Tips for storytelling: Story ideas
Why should we tell family stories?
STRAND / TOPIC VA.36-48.FA.Fine Arts (36 months to 48 months) – includes the dance arts, music, theatre arts, and visual arts through which young children develop independence, self-esteem, and self-expression and through which they integrate other domains, such as mathematics, science, cultural histories, language, and social cooperation.
STANDARD / STRAND 36-48.FA.3.Theater Arts – Includes dramatic play through which young children engage in imitation and acting out social roles, experiences, and fantasy in creative and imaginative ways.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 36-48.FA.3.C7.Understand that objects, photos, or illustrations can stand for real things. (C7)

Banana Phonana
STRAND / TOPIC VA.36-48.FA.Fine Arts (36 months to 48 months) – includes the dance arts, music, theatre arts, and visual arts through which young children develop independence, self-esteem, and self-expression and through which they integrate other domains, such as mathematics, science, cultural histories, language, and social cooperation.
STANDARD / STRAND 36-48.FA.4.Visual Arts – The exploration and creation of works of art during which young children develop important basic concepts such as color, line, shape, texture, pattern, and space.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 36-48.FA.4.D5.Explore colors and shapes of objects. (D5)

Toy Sort
INDICATOR / STANDARD 36-48.FA.4.D6.Create art to express and represent what they know, think, believe, or feel. (D6)

Copy Me
Recycled Play
STRAND / TOPIC VA.36-48.PDH.Physical Development and Health (36 months to 48 months) – Healthy physical development occurs along a relatively predictable sequence, with good health practices fostering the knowledge and skills needed to thrive physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially.
STANDARD / STRAND 36-48.PDH.1.Gross Motor Development – Characterized by movements of the entire body or large portions of the body, including the abilities to roll over, walk, run, jump, hop, skip, and climb.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 36-48.PDH.1.A6.Show increasing levels of proficiency, control, and balance in walking, climbing, running, jumping, hopping, skipping, marching, and galloping. (A6)

Bear Hunt
Get Moving
Ring Around the Rosie
Stop and Go
INDICATOR / STANDARD 36-48.PDH.1.A7.Coordinate movements in more complex gross motor tasks, such as throwing, catching, kicking, bouncing balls, and using the slide and swing. (A7)

STRAND / TOPIC VA.36-48.PDH.Physical Development and Health (36 months to 48 months) – Healthy physical development occurs along a relatively predictable sequence, with good health practices fostering the knowledge and skills needed to thrive physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially.
STANDARD / STRAND 36-48.PDH.2.Fine Motor Development – Characterized by the ability to coordinate smaller muscles in the arms, hands, and fingers, such as through grasping, cutting with scissors, or fastening buttons.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 36-48.PDH.2.B4.Demonstrate growing strength, dexterity, and control needed to perform a variety of fine motor tasks. (B4)

Drum Patterns
Torn Paper Art
Toy Car Wash
INDICATOR / STANDARD 36-48.PDH.2.B5.Demonstrate advancing strength, control, and eye-hand coordination. (B5)

Drum Patterns
Torn Paper Art
Toy Car Wash
STRAND / TOPIC VA.36-48.PDH.Physical Development and Health (36 months to 48 months) – Healthy physical development occurs along a relatively predictable sequence, with good health practices fostering the knowledge and skills needed to thrive physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially.
STANDARD / STRAND 36-48.PDH.3.Health and Well-Being – The general condition of the body and mind promoted through good personal hygiene and basic personal care practices, eating a variety of nutritious foods, rest and recuperation, and an awareness of basic health and safety rules.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 36-48.PDH.3.C5.Show increased physical growth, strength, stamina, and flexibility. (C5)

Bear Hunt
Get Moving
INDICATOR / STANDARD 36-48.PDH.3.C6.Demonstrate increased participation in self-care. (C6)

I Can Do It All By Myself
INDICATOR / STANDARD 36-48.PDH.3.C7.Demonstrate personal health and hygiene skills and understand that these practices help to maintain good health. (C7)

I Can Do It All By Myself
T-Shirt Talk