Virginia Standards of Learning

Main Criteria: Virginia Standards of Learning
Secondary Criteria: ReadyRosie
Subjects: Health and PE, Language Arts, Mathematics, Science
Grades: K, 1, 2, 3
Correlation Options: Show Correlated

Virginia Standards of Learning
Health and PE
Grade: K - Adopted: 2015
STRAND / TOPIC VA.HE.K.Health Education - Kindergarten students recognize basic facts and concepts about their bodies and begin to acquire skills and practices that keep them safe and healthy. Students learn to seek help and advice from parents/guardians and other trusted adults and begin to learn how to seek reliable health information. They understand how to make good decisions about simple health issues, respect others, follow school safety rules, and be responsible.
STANDARD / STRAND Essential Health Concepts
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.1.The student will identify and describe key health and safety concepts.
INDICATOR K.1.g)Identify adults that keep children healthy (e.g., parents/guardians, teachers, school counselors, nurses, doctors).

All About My Family
Family Poem
Super Kindness
INDICATOR K.1.i)Describe the function of the teeth and how to take care of them.

Brushing Your Teeth
INDICATOR K.1.n)Identify emotions (e.g., happiness, sadness, anger, fear, frustration).

Emotion Meter Scale
Feelings Charades
School Routine Practice
INDICATOR K.1.o)Describe what it means to be a friend and to show consideration and concern for others.

Favorite People Place Cards
Routine Strategy: Routine Chart
STRAND / TOPIC VA.HE.K.Health Education - Kindergarten students recognize basic facts and concepts about their bodies and begin to acquire skills and practices that keep them safe and healthy. Students learn to seek help and advice from parents/guardians and other trusted adults and begin to learn how to seek reliable health information. They understand how to make good decisions about simple health issues, respect others, follow school safety rules, and be responsible.
STANDARD / STRAND Healthy Decisions
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.2.The student will identify healthy decisions.
INDICATOR K.2.b)Identify positive physical activity options and the benefits of being physically active every day.

Brushing Your Teeth
INDICATOR K.2.c)Describe alternatives to television watching.

Brushing Your Teeth
INDICATOR K.2.h)Discuss the benefits of personal hygiene practices (e.g., tooth brushing, flossing, hand washing, grooming).

Brushing Your Teeth
INDICATOR K.2.n)Describe positive and negative emotions that affect physical health (e.g., anger, sadness, fear, frustration, happiness, pride).

Emotion Meter Scale
Feelings Charades
School Routine Practice
INDICATOR K.2.o)Discuss how to express and handle emotions appropriately.

Clap and Count
Emotion Meter Scale
Family Poem
Feelings Charades
Freeze Dance
Red Light Purple Light Challenge
School Routine Practice
What Do I Like?
STRAND / TOPIC VA.HE.K.Health Education - Kindergarten students recognize basic facts and concepts about their bodies and begin to acquire skills and practices that keep them safe and healthy. Students learn to seek help and advice from parents/guardians and other trusted adults and begin to learn how to seek reliable health information. They understand how to make good decisions about simple health issues, respect others, follow school safety rules, and be responsible.
STANDARD / STRAND Advocacy and Health Promotion
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.3.The student will describe and demonstrate behaviors that promote health and prevent injury and disease.
INDICATOR K.3.h)Demonstrate how to brush and floss teeth correctly.

Brushing Your Teeth
INDICATOR K.3.n)Practice using words to identify emotions.

Emotion Meter Scale
Feelings Charades
School Routine Practice
INDICATOR K.3.p)Demonstrate acceptable behavior in classrooms and during play, to include showing respect for the personal space of others.

Clap and Count
Create a Routine Chart
Emotion Meter Scale
Is my child overscheduled?
Race to Be Ready
Red Light, Green Light
Routine Strategy: Chore Chart
Routine Strategy: Routine Chart
Routine Strategy: Transition Timer
School Routine Practice
Simon Says
INDICATOR K.3.q)Apply strategies for establishing social and physical barriers, to include polite refusal skills, cooperation with others, and adaptation to change.

Clap and Count
Problem Solving Tool: Rock, Paper, Scissors
Sharing Chores and Your Day
Super Kindness
STRAND / TOPIC VA.PE.K.Physical Education - Participating in a variety of movement experiences to develop fundamental movement patterns is the primary focus of the kindergarten physical education curriculum. While children at this level vary in maturity across all movement skills, they should demonstrate continuous improvement in movement under very simple conditions. While developing fundamental skill patterns, students begin to learn key movement concepts that help them perform in a variety of educational games, dances, and gymnastics. They learn how their bodies react to vigorous physical activity. Students learn to use safe practices, cooperate with and respect others, and follow classroom rules. Experiences in physical education help them develop a positive attitude for leading a healthy, active lifestyle.
STANDARD / STRAND Social Development
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.4.The student will use appropriate behaviors and safe practices in physical activity settings.
INDICATOR K.4.a)Demonstrate cooperative and safe play.

Clap and Count
Conversation Starters
Fishing for Tens
How do I get my child to______?
Red Light, Green Light
Routine Strategy: Transition Timer
Sink or Swim
Super Kindness
INDICATOR K.4.c)Identify three classroom (procedural) rules.

Conversation Starters
Fishing for Tens
How do I get my child to______?
Red Light, Green Light
Routine Strategy: Transition Timer
Sink or Swim

Virginia Standards of Learning
Health and PE
Grade: 1 - Adopted: 2015
STRAND / TOPIC VA.HE.1.Health Education - Students in grade one learn about personal safety and their body’s major organs. They begin to understand how behaviors can impact health and wellness now and in the future. Students begin to relate choices with consequences. They begin to examine the influence of social media on health decisions and to identify ways to access reliable information. They exhibit respect for self, others, and the environment.
STANDARD / STRAND Essential Health Concepts
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.1.The student will identify the basic components and functions of human body systems and the importance of safe practices, positive interpersonal relationships, and environmental health.
INDICATOR 1.1.g)Compare and contrast emotions that may make a person happy and emotions that may make a person feel unhappy or mad.

Emotion Meter Scale
Feelings Charades
I Love My Family Because...
School Routine Practice
What Do I See When I Hear...?
INDICATOR 1.1.h)Describe characteristics that are unique to each individual.

Story of Your Name
INDICATOR 1.1.i)Identify cooperative behaviors, respect for others, adherence to school rules, acceptance of responsibility, and respect for the property of others.

Conversation Starters
Fishing for Tens
How do I get my child to______?
Red Light, Green Light
Routine Strategy: Transition Timer
Sink or Swim
STRAND / TOPIC VA.HE.1.Health Education - Students in grade one learn about personal safety and their body’s major organs. They begin to understand how behaviors can impact health and wellness now and in the future. Students begin to relate choices with consequences. They begin to examine the influence of social media on health decisions and to identify ways to access reliable information. They exhibit respect for self, others, and the environment.
STANDARD / STRAND Healthy Decisions
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.2.The student will explain that good health is related to healthy decisions.
INDICATOR 1.2.a)The student will explain that good health is related to healthy decisions.

Brushing Your Teeth
INDICATOR 1.2.d)Discuss the importance of personal hygiene, to include care of one’s teeth.

Brushing Your Teeth
INDICATOR 1.2.h)Explain the importance of making healthy decisions and how unhealthy decisions affect the body.

Brushing Your Teeth
INDICATOR 1.2.m)Identify appropriate ways a person may express the emotions of happy, unhappy, or mad.

Emotion Meter Scale
Family Poem
Feelings Charades
I Love My Family Because...
Inside Outside Traits
School Routine Practice
What Do I Like?
What Do I See When I Hear...?
What I Like About Me
INDICATOR 1.2.n)Explain the role of listening in building and maintaining friendships.

Conversation Starters
Feelings Charades
I Love My Family Because...
Routine Strategy: Transition Timer
Sharing Chores and Your Day
Sink or Swim
INDICATOR 1.2.o)Explain the importance of responsible behaviors when interacting with others.

Clap and Count
Create a Routine Chart
Emotion Meter Scale
Is my child overscheduled?
Making Playdough Together
Race to Be Ready
Red Light, Green Light
Routine Strategy: Chore Chart
Routine Strategy: Routine Chart
Routine Strategy: Transition Timer
School Routine Practice
Simon Says
STRAND / TOPIC VA.HE.1.Health Education - Students in grade one learn about personal safety and their body’s major organs. They begin to understand how behaviors can impact health and wellness now and in the future. Students begin to relate choices with consequences. They begin to examine the influence of social media on health decisions and to identify ways to access reliable information. They exhibit respect for self, others, and the environment.
STANDARD / STRAND Advocacy and Health Promotion
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.3.The student will identify specific rules and practices to promote personal safety and socially responsible behaviors.
INDICATOR 1.3.l)Demonstrate ways to express emotions appropriately.

Emotion Meter Scale
Family Poem
Feelings Charades
I Love My Family Because...
Inside Outside Traits
School Routine Practice
What Do I Like?
What Do I See When I Hear...?
What I Like About Me
INDICATOR 1.3.m)Demonstrate cooperation with friends and classmates.

Clap and Count
Problem Solving Tool: Rock, Paper, Scissors
Sharing Chores and Your Day
Super Kindness
INDICATOR 1.3.n)Demonstrate responsible behaviors when interacting with others.

Create a Routine Chart
Emotion Meter Scale
Is my child overscheduled?
Race to Be Ready
Red Light, Green Light
Routine Strategy: Chore Chart
Routine Strategy: Routine Chart
Routine Strategy: Transition Timer
School Routine Practice
Simon Says
STRAND / TOPIC VA.PE.1.Physical Education - Students in grade one refine locomotor skills and further develop fundamental non-locomotor and manipulative skills in educational games, dance, and gymnastics. They continue to develop an understanding of key concepts and anatomical basis of movement principles and link these concepts and principles to their movement. Students explore and experiment with a range of movement experiences in a variety of environmental contexts, with the goal of becoming confident and competent movers. Students relate participation in vigorous physical activity to changes in the body, to enjoyment, and to improving their health and wellness. They further their understanding of the importance of physical activity and energy balance (nutrition) in their lives. As students increase their understanding of movement, they gain a deeper understanding of how the body moves. Students continue to develop socially as they work safely alone and in groups. The natural enjoyment of physical activity should be reinforced and complemented by a variety of educational game, dance, and gymnastic activities in which students learn and are successful.
STANDARD / STRAND Social Development
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.4.The student will demonstrate basic knowledge and skills for safe and cooperative play, individually and with others, without reminders from teacher.
INDICATOR 1.4.b)Demonstrate safety rules for activity.

Conversation Starters
Fishing for Tens
How do I get my child to______?
Red Light, Green Light
Routine Strategy: Transition Timer
Sink or Swim
INDICATOR 1.4.d)Identify classroom (procedural) rules.

Conversation Starters
Fishing for Tens
How do I get my child to______?
Red Light, Green Light
Routine Strategy: Transition Timer
Sink or Swim

Virginia Standards of Learning
Health and PE
Grade: 2 - Adopted: 2015
STRAND / TOPIC VA.HE.2.Health Education - Students in grade two continue to learn about the basic structures and functions of the human body systems. Focusing on preventing illness and disease, the students begin to understand the relationship between health behaviors, choices, and consequences. They learn about food sources, healthy food and beverage choices, the factors that influence health decisions, the harmful effects of drugs, and how to communicate consideration and respect for others.
STANDARD / STRAND Essential Health Concepts
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.1.The student will identify the major body systems, healthy food and beverage choices, emotions, and social skills, and explain how each is connected to personal health.
INDICATOR 2.1.k)Describe situations in which conflict may occur.

Feelings Charades
INDICATOR 2.1.l)Define self-image, and identify that individuals are unique.

Story of Your Name
STRAND / TOPIC VA.HE.2.Health Education - Students in grade two continue to learn about the basic structures and functions of the human body systems. Focusing on preventing illness and disease, the students begin to understand the relationship between health behaviors, choices, and consequences. They learn about food sources, healthy food and beverage choices, the factors that influence health decisions, the harmful effects of drugs, and how to communicate consideration and respect for others.
STANDARD / STRAND Healthy Decisions
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.2.The student will identify personal health decisions and health habits that influence health and wellness throughout life.
INDICATOR 2.2.l)Explain healthy ways to express the emotions associated with disappointment, loss, and grief.

Emotion Meter Scale
Family Poem
Feelings Charades
I Love My Family Because...
Inside Outside Traits
This Is Important
What Do I See When I Hear...?
What I Like About Me
Who Are Your Heroes?
INDICATOR 2.2.m)Discuss how to express needs and wants appropriately.

Emotion Meter Scale
Family Poem
Feelings Charades
I Love My Family Because...
Inside Outside Traits
This Is Important
What Do I See When I Hear...?
What I Like About Me
Who Are Your Heroes?
INDICATOR 2.2.o)Describe the use of nonviolent strategies to resolve conflicts.

How can I stop my kids from fighting?
Problem Solving Tool: Rock, Paper, Scissors
INDICATOR 2.2.p)Describe characteristics of a trusted friend and a trusted adult.

Family Poem
This Is Important
Who Are Your Heroes?
INDICATOR 2.2.q)Describe how to work and play cooperatively.

Fair Share
Kitchen Conversations
Problem Solving Tool: Rock, Paper, Scissors
Sharing Chores and Your Day
Super Kindness
INDICATOR 2.2.r)Describe how self-image influences personal success.

Story of Your Name
STRAND / TOPIC VA.HE.2.Health Education - Students in grade two continue to learn about the basic structures and functions of the human body systems. Focusing on preventing illness and disease, the students begin to understand the relationship between health behaviors, choices, and consequences. They learn about food sources, healthy food and beverage choices, the factors that influence health decisions, the harmful effects of drugs, and how to communicate consideration and respect for others.
STANDARD / STRAND Advocacy and Health Promotion
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.3.The student will describe the influences and factors that impact health and wellness.
INDICATOR 2.3.j)Demonstrate nonviolent strategies to resolve conflicts and support peers in school and in the community.

How can I stop my kids from fighting?
Problem Solving Tool: Rock, Paper, Scissors
STRAND / TOPIC VA.PE.2.Physical Education - Students in grade two focus on mature patterns, not on traditional games, while participating in a variety of movement experiences to develop fundamental motor skills and patterns. They vary movement patterns and begin to combine skills in educational game, dance, and gymnastic activities. Students’ progress in skill development and in understanding key elements of fundamental movement skills, including movement concepts, major muscles and bones, health-related fitness concepts, energy balance concepts, and the benefits of physical activity. Students work cooperatively and responsibly in groups and begin to build skills to meet movement challenges. They participate in physical activities at school and identify opportunities to participate in regular physical activity outside of school.
STANDARD / STRAND Social Development
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.4.The student will identify and apply cooperative, respectful, and safe behaviors in physical activity settings.
INDICATOR 2.4.c)Demonstrate cooperative skills, to include taking turns and sharing equipment.

Fair Share
Super Kindness
INDICATOR 2.4.e)Identify two class safety rules.

Conversation Starters
How do I get my child to______?
Routine Strategy: Transition Timer
Subtraction War

Virginia Standards of Learning
Health and PE
Grade: 3 - Adopted: 2015
STRAND / TOPIC VA.HE.3.Health Education - Students in grade three learn how health habits impact growth and development. They learn to compare and contrast healthy and unhealthy practices. Skill building continues as students learn to apply the knowledge of health-risk reduction to the promotion of health. Students access valid information and begin to understand the relationship between personal decisions and the impact of personal decisions on self and others.
STANDARD / STRAND Essential Health Concepts
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.1.The student will explain that health habits and practices impact personal growth and development.
INDICATOR 3.1.m)Identify the steps for goal setting to adopt positive health practices.

Setting Summer Learning Goals
INDICATOR 3.1.n)Describe emotions that result from experiencing change, such as the arrival of a new family member, making new friends, going to a new school, being accepted by peers, and losing a loved one.

Emotion Meter Scale
Feelings Charades
I Love My Family Because...
INDICATOR 3.1.o)Describe positive interaction with family, peers, and other individuals.

Family Poem
I Love My Family Because...
INDICATOR 3.1.q)Describe behaviors that may cause the loss of a friend (e.g., being unaware of the attitudes and feelings of others, using inappropriate language and behavior, excluding a friend from activities, breaking promises).

Family Poem
I Love My Family Because...
INDICATOR 3.1.r)Explain the difference between bullying and conflict.

Feelings Charades
STRAND / TOPIC VA.HE.3.Health Education - Students in grade three learn how health habits impact growth and development. They learn to compare and contrast healthy and unhealthy practices. Skill building continues as students learn to apply the knowledge of health-risk reduction to the promotion of health. Students access valid information and begin to understand the relationship between personal decisions and the impact of personal decisions on self and others.
STANDARD / STRAND Healthy Decisions
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.2.The student will demonstrate the ability to use essential health concepts to improve personal health.
INDICATOR 3.2.i)List the benefits of goal setting for personal health.

Setting Summer Learning Goals
INDICATOR 3.2.k)Identify how emotions such as happiness, fear, sadness, excitement, anger, and loneliness can be expressed positively or negatively.

Emotion Meter Scale
Family Poem
Feelings Charades
I Love My Family Because...
Inside Outside Traits
This Is Important
Who Are Your Heroes?
INDICATOR 3.2.l)Identify the process of resolving conflicts peacefully.

How can I stop my kids from fighting?
Problem Solving Tool: Rock, Paper, Scissors
STRAND / TOPIC VA.HE.3.Health Education - Students in grade three learn how health habits impact growth and development. They learn to compare and contrast healthy and unhealthy practices. Skill building continues as students learn to apply the knowledge of health-risk reduction to the promotion of health. Students access valid information and begin to understand the relationship between personal decisions and the impact of personal decisions on self and others.
STANDARD / STRAND Advocacy and Health Promotion
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.3.The student will promote health and safety at school and at home.
INDICATOR 3.3.j)Design effective strategies for expressing and managing emotions, which may include physical activity, talking about feelings, reading, or creative expressions such as writing, art, music, and dance.

Emotion Meter Scale
Family Poem
Feelings Charades
Freeze Dance
I Love My Family Because...
Inside Outside Traits
Red Light Purple Light Challenge
This Is Important
Who Are Your Heroes?
INDICATOR 3.3.m)Demonstrate positive ways to communicate with family and friends.

Sharing Chores and Your Day
INDICATOR 3.3.o)Demonstrate effective verbal communication skills, awareness of the attitudes, feelings, and opinions of others, appropriate language and behavior, sharing, and reciprocal helping behavior to make and keep friends.

Routine Strategy: Routine Chart
STRAND / TOPIC VA.PE.3.Physical Education - Skill development remains a central focus for students in grade three as they begin to accept feedback from and provide appropriate feedback to others. Students refine, vary, and combine skills in complex situations and demonstrate more proficient movement patterns in educational games, dance, and gymnastic activities to become confident and competent movers. Students identify critical elements (small, isolated parts of the whole skill or movement) and apply them in their movement. They develop fitness knowledge and can relate regular physical activity to energy balance and health benefits. Students continue to build knowledge of body structures and systems. They know safe practices, rules, and procedures and apply them with little or no reinforcement. Students work cooperatively with peers and understand that there are many differences in movement skill and ability levels among their classmates.
STANDARD / STRAND Social Development
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.4.The student will demonstrate an understanding of the purposes for rules, procedures, and respectful behaviors, while in various physical activity settings.
INDICATOR 3.4.a)Explain the importance of rules for activities.

Conversation Starters
How do I get my child to______?
Routine Strategy: Transition Timer
INDICATOR 3.4.b)Provide input into establishing and demonstrate implementation of rules and guidelines for appropriate behavior in physical activity settings.

Conversation Starters
Emotion Meter Scale
How do I get my child to______?
Is my child overscheduled?
Routine Strategy: Transition Timer
Simon Says
INDICATOR 3.4.c)Describe the importance of cooperating and work cooperatively with peers to achieve a goal.

Fair Share
Super Kindness

Virginia Standards of Learning
Language Arts
Grade: K - Adopted: 2017
STRAND / TOPIC VA.CML.K.Communication and Multimodal Literacies
STANDARD / STRAND K.1.The student will build oral communication skills.
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.1.a.Listen actively and speak using agreed-upon rules for discussion.

A Memorable Story
Conversation Starters
Conversations in the Car
Guess Who
I Know All About
Sharing Chores and Your Day
Simon Says
Story of Your Name
Storytelling Together
When I Grow Up
Where Would You Go?
Who Am I?
Who's Coming to Dinner?
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.1.b.Express ideas in complete sentences and express needs through direct requests.

Guess Who
Simon Says
Who's Coming to Dinner?
Write Me a Story
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.1.c.Initiate conversations.

A Memorable Story
Conversation Starters
Conversations in the Car
Guess Who
I Know All About
Sharing Chores and Your Day
Simon Says
Story of Your Name
Storytelling Together
When I Grow Up
Where Would You Go?
Who's Coming to Dinner?
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.1.d.Follow implicit rules for conversation, including taking turns and staying on topic.

A Memorable Story
Conversation Starters
Conversations in the Car
Guess Who
I Know All About
Sharing Chores and Your Day
Simon Says
Story of Your Name
Storytelling Together
When I Grow Up
Where Would You Go?
Who Am I?
Who's Coming to Dinner?
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.1.e.Listen and speak in informal conversations with peers and adults.

Here Are the Facts
Share Your Knowledge
When I Grow Up
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.1.f.Discuss various texts and topics collaboratively and with partners.

A Memorable Story
Conversation Starters
Conversations in the Car
Guess Who
I Know All About
I Read to You, You Read to Me
Making Connections
Pattern Books
Sharing Chores and Your Day
Simon Says
Story of Your Name
Storytelling Together
Storytelling with a Picture Book
When I Grow Up
Where Would You Go?
Who's Coming to Dinner?
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.1.g.Use voice level, phrasing, and intonation appropriate for various language situations.

Conversation Starters
Here Are the Facts
Sharing Chores and Your Day
Simon Says
Where Would You Go?
Who Am I?
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.1.h.Follow one- and two-step directions.

Freeze Dance
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.1.i.Ask how and why questions to seek help, get information, or clarify information.

20 Questions Draw
Conversation Starters
Freeze Dance
Guess Who
I Spy
Library Visit
Storytelling Together
Who Am I?
Who's Coming to Dinner?
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.1.j.Work respectfully with others.

Building a Fort
Sharing Chores and Your Day
STRAND / TOPIC VA.CML.K.Communication and Multimodal Literacies
STANDARD / STRAND K.2.The student will demonstrate growth in oral, early literacy skills.
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.2.a.Listen and respond to a variety of text and media.

Family Movie Night
Seeing the Story
STANDARD / STRAND K.3.The student will orally identify, segment, and blend various phonemes to develop phonological and phonemic awareness.
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.3.a.Begin to discriminate between spoken sentences, words, and syllables.

Reading Strategy: Using Your Reading Finger
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.3.b.Identify and produce words that rhyme.

Name Rhymes
Nursery Rhymes
Reading Rhymes
Silly Song Singing
Stinkle, Stinkle, Stittle Star
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.3.d.Blend and segment one-syllable words into phonemes including onset and rime.

Reading Strategy: Chunk the Word
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.3.e.Identify words according to shared beginning and/or ending sounds.

Family Alliteration Name Game
Stinkle, Stinkle, Stittle Star
Super Hero Names
STANDARD / STRAND K.4.The student will understand how print is organized and read.
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.4.a.Hold print materials in the correct position.

Environmental Print
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.4.c.Distinguish between print and pictures.

Books I Like
Environmental Print
How Far Does It Fly?
Isn't That Bold?
Reading Strategies: Look at the Picture
Retelling the Story
Wordless Picture Books
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.4.d.Follow words from left to right and from top to bottom on a printed page.

Reading Strategy: Using Your Reading Finger
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.4.e.Match voice with print.

Alphabet Dice Game
Letters on My Back
Matching Letters to Favorite Things
Race to the Letter Sound
Reading Strategies: Look at the Picture
Super Hero Names
STANDARD / STRAND K.5.The student will demonstrate an understanding that print conveys meaning.
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.5.a.Identify common signs and logos.

Environmental Print
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.5.b.Explain that printed materials provide information.

Environmental Print
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.5.d.Read his/her name and commonly used high-frequency words.

Fishing for Words
My Words, Your Words
Where's That Word?
Write Your Name
You Know It!
STANDARD / STRAND K.6.The student will develop an understanding of basic phonetic principles.
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.6.a.Identify and name the capital and lowercase letters of the alphabet.

Alphabet Dice Game
Letters on My Back
Matching Letters to Favorite Things
Race to the Letter Sound
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.6.b.Match consonant, short vowel, and initial consonant digraph sounds to appropriate letters.

All About My Family
Alphabet Dice Game
Family Alliteration Name Game
I Found This
Letters on My Back
Matching Letters to Favorite Things
Race to the Letter Sound
Reading Strategies: Look at the Picture
Reading Strategy: Chunk the Word
Stinkle, Stinkle, Stittle Star
Super Hero Names
Word Man
You Know It!
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.6.c.Demonstrate a speech-to-print match through accurate finger-point reading in familiar text that includes words with more than one syllable.

Reading Strategy: Using Your Reading Finger
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.6.d.Identify initial consonant sounds in one-syllable words.

All About My Family
Alphabet Dice Game
Family Alliteration Name Game
I Found This
Letters on My Back
Matching Letters to Favorite Things
Race to the Letter Sound
Reading Strategies: Look at the Picture
Reading Strategy: Chunk the Word
Stinkle, Stinkle, Stittle Star
Super Hero Names
Word Man
You Know It!
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.6.e.Identify final consonant sounds in one-syllable words.

All About My Family
Alphabet Dice Game
Family Alliteration Name Game
I Found This
Letters on My Back
Matching Letters to Favorite Things
Race to the Letter Sound
Reading Strategies: Look at the Picture
Reading Strategy: Chunk the Word
Stinkle, Stinkle, Stittle Star
Super Hero Names
Word Man
You Know It!
STANDARD / STRAND K.7.The student will expand vocabulary and use of word meanings.
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.7.b.Increase vocabulary by listening to a variety of texts read aloud.

Family Sensory Walk
Feelings Charades
How can I help my child learn new words?
Nursery Rhymes
Reading Rhymes
Seeing the Story
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.7.c.Use vocabulary from other content areas.

I Went to the Zoo and Saw
Share Your Knowledge
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.7.d.Ask about words not understood.

Feelings Charades
Nursery Rhymes
Reading Rhymes
Share Your Knowledge
Storytelling with a Picture Book
What Makes a Good Storyteller
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.7.e.Use number words.

Environmental Print
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.7.f.Use nouns to identify and name people, places, and things.

All About My Family
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.7.g.Use adjectives to describe location, size, color, and shape.

All About Me
Make a Card
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.7.h.Use verbs to identify actions.

All About My Family
STANDARD / STRAND K.8.The student will demonstrate comprehension of fictional texts.
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.8.a.Identify the role of an author and an illustrator.

Isn't That Bold?
Storytelling with a Picture Book
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.8.b.Relate previous experiences to what is read.

Making Connections
Read a Little, Think a Little
Seeing the Story
Wordless Picture Books
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.8.c.Use pictures to make predictions.

Books I Like
Cover the Ending
How Far Does It Fly?
Read a Little, Think a Little
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.8.d.Ask and answer questions about what is read.

Isn't That Bold?
Making Connections
Read a Little, Think a Little
Reading and Making Connections
Storytelling with a Picture Book
What Do I Like?
What Makes a Good Storyteller
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.8.e.Use story elements of characters, settings, and events to retell stories sequentially using beginning, middle, and end.

Feelings Charades
Making Connections
Reading Strategy: Reading and Making Connections
Retelling the Story
Storytelling with a Picture Book
What Do I Like?
What Makes a Good Storyteller
STANDARD / STRAND K.9.The student will demonstrate comprehension of nonfiction texts.
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.9.a.Use pictures to identify topic and make predictions.

Book Cover Conversations
Books I Like
How Far Does It Fly?
Is It Real?
What's Cool About Nonfiction?
Who Am I?
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.9.b.Identify text features specific to the topic, such as titles, headings, and pictures.

Books I Like
How Far Does It Fly?
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.9.c.Ask and answer questions about what is read.

What's Cool About Nonfiction?
STANDARD / STRAND K.10.The student will print in manuscript.
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.10.a.Print capital and lowercase letters of the alphabet independently.

Captioning Your Childhood
Favorite People Place Cards
Letters on My Back
Make an Invitation
Write Your Name
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.10.b.Print his/her first and last names.

Captioning Your Childhood
Favorite People Place Cards
Labeling Your Story
Letters on My Back
Make an Invitation
Write Your Name
STANDARD / STRAND K.11.The student will write in a variety of forms to include narrative and descriptive.
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.11.b.Use prewriting activities to generate ideas including drawing pictures.

Color Poem
Create a Crazy Character
Make an Invitation
Write Me a Story
Write a Favorite Family Recipe
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.11.c.Use letters to phonetically spell words that describe pictures or experiences.

All About My Family
I Found This
Make a Card
Make a List
Make an Invitation
Word Man
Write a Letter
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.11.d.Write left to right and top to bottom.

Make an Invitation
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.11.e.Compose simple sentences.

Favorite People Place Cards
Write Me a Story
Write a Favorite Family Recipe
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.11.f.Begin each sentence with a capital letter and use ending punctuation.

Isn't That Bold?
Make an Invitation
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.11.g.Share writing with others.

Color Poem
Create a Crazy Character
Family Adventure List
Make a Card
Nature Journaling
Write Me a Story
STANDARD / STRAND K.12.The student will conduct research to answer questions or solve problems using available resources.
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.12.a.Generate topics of interest.

I Want to Know About
Nature Journaling
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.12.b.Generate questions to gather information.

Guess Who
Let's Explore
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.12.c.Identify pictures, texts, or people as sources of information.

How Far Does It Fly?
Nature Journaling

Virginia Standards of Learning
Language Arts
Grade: 1 - Adopted: 2017
STRAND / TOPIC VA.CML.1.Communication and Multimodal Literacies
STANDARD / STRAND 1.1.The student will develop oral communication skills.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.1.a.Listen actively and speak using agreed-upon rules for discussion.

Conversation Starters
Conversations in the Car
Guess Who
I Love My Family Because...
Making Playdough Together
Noun Charades
Sharing Chores and Your Day
Simon Says
Story Train
Story of Your Name
What I Like About Me
When I Grow Up
Who's Coming to Dinner?
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.1.b.Initiate conversation with peers and adults.

Conversation Starters
Conversations in the Car
Guess Who
I Love My Family Because...
Making Playdough Together
Noun Charades
Sharing Chores and Your Day
Simon Says
Story Train
Story of Your Name
What I Like About Me
When I Grow Up
Who's Coming to Dinner?
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.1.c.Adapt or change oral language to fit the situation.

Sharing Chores and Your Day
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.1.d.Use appropriate voice level, phrasing, and intonation.

Conversation Starters
Sharing Chores and Your Day
Simon Says
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.1.e.Participate in collaborative and partner discussions about various texts and topics.

Building a Fort
Conversation Starters
Conversations in the Car
Guess Who
I Love My Family Because...
Making Playdough Together
Noun Charades
Sharing Chores and Your Day
Simon Says
Story Train
Story of Your Name
What I Like About Me
When I Grow Up
Who's Coming to Dinner?
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.1.f.Follow rules for conversation using appropriate voice level in small-group settings.

Conversation Starters
Conversations in the Car
Guess Who
I Love My Family Because...
Making Playdough Together
Noun Charades
Sharing Chores and Your Day
Simon Says
Story Train
Story of Your Name
What I Like About Me
When I Grow Up
Who's Coming to Dinner?
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.1.g.Ask and respond to questions to seek help, get information, or clarify information.

20 Questions Draw
Conversation Starters
Freeze Dance
Guess Who
I Love My Family Because...
Library Visit
What I Like About Me
Who's Coming to Dinner?
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.1.h.Restate and follow simple two-step oral directions.

Freeze Dance
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.1.j.Express ideas orally in complete sentences.

Guess Who
Simon Says
What I Like About Me
Who's Coming to Dinner?
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.1.k.Work respectfully with others.

Building a Fort
Sharing Chores and Your Day
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.1.l.Increase listening and speaking vocabularies.

Family Sensory Walk
Feelings Charades
How can I help my child learn new words?
Nursery Rhymes
Reading Rhymes
STRAND / TOPIC VA.CML.1.Communication and Multimodal Literacies
STANDARD / STRAND 1.2.The student will demonstrate growth in oral early literacy skills.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.2.a.Listen and respond to a variety of print and media materials.

Family Movie Night
Seeing the Story
STANDARD / STRAND 1.3.The student will orally identify, produce, and manipulate various phonemes within words to develop phonological and phonemic awareness.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.3.a.Create rhyming words.

Bag of Rhymes
Name Rhymes
Nursery Rhymes
Reading Rhymes
Rhyming Hand Game
Silly Song Singing
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.3.b.Count phonemes (sounds) in one-syllable words.

Rhyming Hand Game
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.3.e.Add or delete phonemes to make new words.

Name Rhymes
Silly Song Singing
STANDARD / STRAND 1.4.The student will apply knowledge of how print is organized and read.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.4.a.Read from left to right and from top to bottom.

Reading Strategy: Using Your Reading Finger
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.4.b.Match spoken words with print.

Alphabet Dice Game
Environmental Print
Five Finger Rule
Letters on My Back
Matching Letters to Favorite Things
Race to the Letter Sound
Reading Strategies: Look at the Picture
Reading Strategies: Punctuation Expression
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.4.c.Identify letters, words, sentences, and ending punctuation.

Alphabet Dice Game
Letters on My Back
Matching Letters to Favorite Things
Race to the Letter Sound
Reading Strategies: Punctuation Expression
Reading Strategy: Using Your Reading Finger
STANDARD / STRAND 1.5.The student will apply phonetic principles to read and spell.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.5.a.Use initial and final consonants to decode and spell one- syllable words.

Begin with the End
Family Alliteration Name Game
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.5.b.Use two-letter consonant blends to decode and spell one-syllable words.

Looking for Chunks
Reading Strategy: Chunk the Word
Word Man
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.5.c.Use consonant digraphs to decode and spell one-syllable words.

Looking for Chunks
Reading Strategy: Chunk the Word
Word Man
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.5.d.Use short vowel sounds to decode and spell one-syllable words.

All About My Family
I Found This
Letters on My Back
Race to the Letter Sound
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.5.e.Blend initial, medial, and final sounds to recognize and read words.

Begin with the End
Family Alliteration Name Game
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.5.f.Use word patterns to decode unfamiliar words.

Change One Letter
Word Challenge
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.5.h.Read and spell commonly used sight words.

Fishing for Words
My Words, Your Words
Where's That Word?
You Know It!
STANDARD / STRAND 1.6.The student will use semantic clues and syntax for support when reading.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.6.a.Use words, phrases, and sentences.

Reading Strategies: Punctuation Expression
Reading Strategy: Using Your Reading Finger
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.6.b.Use titles and pictures.

Favorite Illustrators
How Far Does It Fly?
How To
Reading Strategies: Look at the Picture
Storytelling with a Picture Book
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.6.c.Use information in the story to read words.

Books on the Go
Chapter Books
Daily Reading Routines
Five Finger Rule
Read a Little, Think a Little
Reading Strategies: Look at the Picture
Reading Strategies: Punctuation Expression
Reading Strategy: Choral Reading
Reading Strategy: Echo Reading
Reading Strategy: Give the Word
Reading Strategy: Model Expressive Reading
Reading and Making Connections
Seeing the Story
What Do I Like?
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.6.d.Use knowledge of sentence structure.

Reading Strategies: Punctuation Expression
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.6.e.Reread and self-correct.

Preview & Predict
Read a Little, Think a Little
STANDARD / STRAND 1.7.The student will expand vocabulary and use of word meanings.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.7.a.Discuss meanings of words in context.

Million Dollar Words
Reading Rhymes
Reading Strategies: Look at the Picture
Reading Strategies: Slow Down, Reread
What Does It Mean?
Wondering About Words
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.7.b.Develop vocabulary by listening to and reading a variety of texts.

Feelings Charades
Nursery Rhymes
Reading Rhymes
Seeing the Story
Share Your Knowledge
Storytelling with a Picture Book
What Makes a Good Storyteller
Wondering About Words
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.7.c.Ask for the meaning of unknown words and make connections to familiar words.

Feelings Charades
I Read to You, You Read to Me
Nursery Rhymes
Reading Rhymes
Share Your Knowledge
Storytelling with a Picture Book
What Makes a Good Storyteller
Wondering About Words
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.7.d.Use text clues such as words or pictures to discern meanings of unknown words.

Favorite Illustrators
How Far Does It Fly?
How To
Reading Rhymes
Reading Strategies: Look at the Picture
Reading Strategies: Slow Down, Reread
What Does It Mean?
Wondering About Words
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.7.e.Use vocabulary from other content areas.

I Went to the Zoo and Saw
Share Your Knowledge
Wondering About Words
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.7.f.Use singular and plural nouns.

All About My Family
Noun Charades
Picture Talk
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.7.g.Use adjectives to describe nouns.

Make a Card
Picture Talk
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.7.h.Use verbs to identify actions.

All About My Family
Picture Talk
STANDARD / STRAND 1.8.The student will use simple reference materials.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.8.a.Use knowledge of alphabetical order by first letter.

I Went to the Zoo and Saw
STANDARD / STRAND 1.9.The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of a variety of fictional texts.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.9.a.Preview the selection.

Preview & Predict
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.9.b.Set a purpose for reading.

Books on the Go
Chapter Books
Daily Reading Routines
Five Finger Rule
My Library List
Preview & Predict
Reading Strategies: Punctuation Expression
Reading Strategy: Choral Reading
Reading Strategy: Echo Reading
Reading Strategy: Give the Word
Seeing the Story
What Do I Like?
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.9.c.Relate previous experiences to what is read.

Preview & Predict
Read a Little, Think a Little
Seeing the Story
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.9.d.Make and confirm predictions.

Cover the Ending
Preview & Predict
Read a Little, Think a Little
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.9.e.Ask and answer who, what, when, where, why, and how questions about what is read.

Chapter Books
Reading and Making Connections
What Do I Like?
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.9.f.Identify characters, setting, and important events.

Chapter Books
Character Connection
Feelings Charades
Funny Pictures
Inside Outside Traits
Reading Strategy: Reading and Making Connections
Story Train
Storytelling with a Picture Book
What Do I Like?
What Makes a Good Storyteller
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.9.g.Retell stories and events, using beginning, middle, and end in a sequential order.

Chapter Books
Funny Pictures
Retelling the Fable
Story Train
Storytelling with a Picture Book
What Do I Like?
What Makes a Good Storyteller
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.9.i.Read and reread familiar stories and poems with fluency, accuracy, and meaningful expression.

Books on the Go
Building a Fort
Chapter Books
Daily Reading Routines
Five Finger Rule
I Read to You, You Read to Me
Preview & Predict
Read Like You Talk
Read a Little, Think a Little
Reading Strategies: Punctuation Expression
Reading Strategies: Slow Down, Reread
Reading Strategy: Give the Word
Reading Strategy: Model Expressive Reading
STANDARD / STRAND 1.10.The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of a variety of nonfiction texts.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.10.c.Set a purpose for reading.

Books on the Go
Daily Reading Routines
Five Finger Rule
My Library List
Reading Strategies: Punctuation Expression
Reading Strategy: Echo Reading
Reading Strategy: Give the Word
What Do I Like?
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.10.d.Identify text features such as pictures, headings, charts, and captions.

Getting Into Information
How Far Does It Fly?
How To
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.10.f.Ask and answer who, what, where, when, why, and how questions about what is read.

How To
I Want to Know About
What's Cool About Nonfiction?
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.10.g.Identify the main idea.

How To
Is It Real?
What Do You Want to Know?
What's Cool About Nonfiction?
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.10.h.Read and reread familiar texts with fluency, accuracy, and meaningful expression.

Books on the Go
Building a Fort
Daily Reading Routines
Five Finger Rule
I Read to You, You Read to Me
Reading Strategies: Punctuation Expression
Reading Strategies: Slow Down, Reread
Reading Strategy: Give the Word
Reading Strategy: Model Expressive Reading
STANDARD / STRAND 1.11.The student will print legibly in manuscript.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.11.a.Form letters accurately.

Captioning Your Childhood
Letters on My Back
Make an Invitation
Write Your Name
STANDARD / STRAND 1.12.The student will write in a variety of forms to include narrative, descriptive, and opinion.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.12.a.Identify audience and purpose.

Family Adventure List
Make an Invitation
Write to the Tooth Fairy
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.12.b.Use prewriting activities to generate ideas.

Color Poem
Describe It
Make an Invitation
Remember The Story
Write a Favorite Family Recipe
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.12.c.Focus on one topic.

All About My Family
I'd Really Like
Labeling Your Story
Magical Creature Writing
Make a Card
Nature Journaling
Tell Me How
Write About a Family Tradition
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.12.d.Organize writing to suit purpose.

Family Adventure List
Funny Pictures
Magical Creature Writing
My First Journal
Nature Journaling
Sharing Chores and Your Day
Story Train
Write About a Family Tradition
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.12.f.Write to express an opinion and give a reason.

Captioning Your Childhood
My First Journal
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.12.g.Use letters to phonetically spell words.

All About My Family
Change One Letter
I Found This
Magical Creature Writing
Make a Card
Make a List
Make an Invitation
Race You To the Top
Thinking About Word Chunks
Word Challenge
Word Man
Write a Letter
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.12.h.Share writing with others.

Bake Sale/Lemonade Stand
Color Poem
Create a Crazy Character
Family Adventure List
I'd Really Like
Make a Card
Nature Journaling
STANDARD / STRAND 1.13.The student will edit writing for capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.13.b.Begin each sentence with a capital letter and use ending punctuation.

Magical Creature Writing
Make an Invitation
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.13.c.Use correct spelling for commonly used sight words and phonetically regular words.

All About My Family
Change One Letter
I Found This
Magical Creature Writing
Make a Card
Make a List
Make an Invitation
Race You To the Top
Thinking About Word Chunks
Word Challenge
Word Man
Write a Letter
STRAND / TOPIC VA.Re.1.Research
STANDARD / STRAND 1.14.The student will conduct research to answer questions or solve problems using available resources.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.14.a.Generate topics of interest.

I Want to Know About
Nature Journaling
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.14.b.Generate questions to gather information.

Guess Who
Let's Explore
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.14.c.Identify pictures, texts, or people as sources of information.

How Far Does It Fly?
Nature Journaling

Virginia Standards of Learning
Language Arts
Grade: 2 - Adopted: 2017
STRAND / TOPIC VA.CML.2.Communication and Multimodal Literacies
STANDARD / STRAND 2.1.The student will use oral communication skills.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.1.a.Listen actively and speak using appropriate discussion rules.

Conversation Starters
Conversations in the Car
Family Interview
Guess Who
I Love My Family Because...
Kitchen Conversations
Noun Charades
Sharing Chores and Your Day
Simon Says
Story Train
Story of Your Name
Take a Stand
What Do You Wonder?
What I Like About Me
Who Are Your Heroes?
Who's Coming to Dinner?
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.1.b.Use oral language for different purposes: to inform, persuade, entertain, clarify, and respond.

20 Questions
20 Questions Draw
Conversation Starters
Family Interview
Guess Who
I Love My Family Because...
I'd Really Like
Please Can I?
Share Your Knowledge
Sharing Chores and Your Day
This Is Important
What Do You Wonder?
What I Like About Me
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.1.c.Speak audibly with appropriate voice level, phrasing, and intonation.

Conversation Starters
Sharing Chores and Your Day
Simon Says
Take a Stand
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.1.d.Share information orally with appropriate facts and relevant details.

20 Questions
20 Questions Draw
Family Interview
Share Your Knowledge
Sharing Chores and Your Day
What I Like About Me
Who's Coming to Dinner?
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.1.e.Use increasingly complex sentence structures in oral communication.

20 Questions
Guess Who
Simon Says
What I Like About Me
Who's Coming to Dinner?
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.1.h.Ask and answer questions to seek help, get information, or clarify information.

20 Questions
20 Questions Draw
Conversation Starters
Family Interview
Freeze Dance
Guess Who
I Love My Family Because...
Interview an Expert
Library Visit
This Is Important
What Do You Wonder?
What I Like About Me
Who Are Your Heroes?
Who's Coming to Dinner?
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.1.j.Restate and follow multi-step directions.

Freeze Dance
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.1.l.Work respectfully with others and show value for individual contributions.

Building a Fort
Sharing Chores and Your Day
STRAND / TOPIC VA.CML.2.Communication and Multimodal Literacies
STANDARD / STRAND 2.2.The student will demonstrate an understanding of oral early literacy skills.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.2.a.Create oral stories to share with others.

Create a Song
STANDARD / STRAND 2.3.The student will orally identify, produce, and manipulate various phonemes within words to develop phonemic awareness.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.3.a.Count phonemes within one-syllable words.

Rhyming Hand Game
STANDARD / STRAND 2.4.The student will use phonetic strategies when reading and spelling.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.4.a.Use knowledge of consonants, consonant blends, and consonant digraphs to decode and spell words.

Reading Strategy: Chunk the Word
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.4.b.Use knowledge of short, long, and r-controlled vowel patterns to decode and spell words.

Shopping for Syllables
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.4.c.Decode regular multisyllabic words.

Little Words Inside Bigger Words
Reading Strategy: Cover the Suffix
Rhyming Hand Game
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.4.d.Apply decoding strategies to confirm or correct while reading.

Little Words Inside Bigger Words
Reading Strategy: Chunk the Word
Reading Strategy: Cover the Suffix
Rhyming Hand Game
STANDARD / STRAND 2.5.The student will use semantic clues and syntax to expand vocabulary when reading.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.5.a.Use information and context clues in the story to read words.

Reading Strategies: Slow Down, Reread
Wondering About Words
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.5.b.Use knowledge of sentence structure to determine the meaning of unknown words.

Reading Strategies: Punctuation Expression
STANDARD / STRAND 2.6.The student will expand vocabulary and use of word meanings.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.6.b.Use knowledge of prefixes and suffixes.

Reading Strategy: Cover the Suffix
Shopping for Syllables
Understanding Big Words
Unpacking Prefixes
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.6.c.Use knowledge of antonyms and synonyms.

Hink Pink
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.6.d.Discuss meanings of words and develop vocabulary by listening to and reading a variety of texts.

Feelings Charades
Random, Bizarre Facts
Share Your Knowledge
What Makes a Good Storyteller
Wondering About Words
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.6.e.Use word-reference materials including dictionaries, glossaries and indices.

Comprehension Clues
Finding Information
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.6.f.Use vocabulary from other content areas.

I Went to the Zoo and Saw
Share Your Knowledge
Wondering About Words
STANDARD / STRAND 2.7.The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of fictional texts.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.7.a.Make and confirm predictions.

Read a Little, Think a Little
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.7.b.Connect previous experiences to new texts.

Can You See It?
Read a Little, Think a Little
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.7.c.Ask and answer questions using the text for support.

20 Questions
Can You See It?
Chapter Books
Pow Wow Crunch
Read a Little, Think a Little
Reading is Thinking
What Makes a Good Storyteller
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.7.d.Describe characters, setting, and plot events in fiction and poetry.

Can You See It?
Chapter Books
Character Chat
Character Comparison
Color Poem Free Verse
Feelings Charades
Funny Pictures
Inside Outside Traits
My Turn, Your Turn Poetry
Reading Strategy: Reading and Making Connections
Song Lyrics
Story Train
Summarizing the Story
What Makes a Good Storyteller
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.7.e.Identify the conflict and resolution.

Reading Strategy: Reading and Making Connections
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.7.g.Summarize stories and events with beginning, middle, and end in the correct sequence.

Chapter Books
Funny Pictures
Sequence and Summarize
Story Train
Summarizing the Story
What Makes a Good Storyteller
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.7.h.Draw conclusions based on the text.

Daily Conclusions
Using Clues to Figure it Out
Who's Been Here?
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.7.i.Read and reread familiar stories and poems with fluency, accuracy, and meaningful expression.

Books on the Go
Building a Fort
Can You See It?
Chapter Books
Daily Reading Routines
Five Finger Rule
I Read to You, You Read to Me
Pow Wow Crunch
Read a Little, Think a Little
Reading Dialogue
Reading Strategies: Punctuation Expression
Reading Strategies: Slow Down, Reread
Reading Strategy: Give the Word
Reading Strategy: Model Expressive Reading
STANDARD / STRAND 2.8.The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of nonfiction texts.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.8.a.Preview the selection using text features including table of contents, headings, pictures, captions, and maps.

Comprehension Clues
Finding Information
How Far Does It Fly?
How To
Reading Recipes
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.8.c.Use prior and background knowledge as context for new learning.

Random, Bizarre Facts
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.8.d.Set purpose for reading.

Books on the Go
Daily Reading Routines
Five Finger Rule
My Library List
Reading Strategies: Punctuation Expression
Reading Strategy: Give the Word
What Do You Wonder?
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.8.e.Ask and answer questions using the text as support.

How To
Reading Recipes
That's So Cool
What Do You Wonder?
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.8.f.Identify the main idea.

How To
That's So Cool
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.8.g.Draw conclusions based on the text.

Daily Conclusions
Using Clues to Figure it Out
Who's Been Here?
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.8.h.Read and reread familiar texts with fluency, accuracy, and meaningful expression.

Books on the Go
Building a Fort
Daily Reading Routines
Five Finger Rule
I Read to You, You Read to Me
Pow Wow Crunch
Reading Strategies: Punctuation Expression
Reading Strategies: Slow Down, Reread
Reading Strategy: Give the Word
Reading Strategy: Model Expressive Reading
What Do You Wonder?
STANDARD / STRAND 2.9.The student will maintain legible printing and begin to make the transition to cursive.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.9.b.Begin to sign his/her first and last names.

Write to the Tooth Fairy
STANDARD / STRAND 2.10.The student will write in a variety of forms to include narrative, descriptive, opinion, and expository.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.10.a.Understand writing as a process.

Color Poem Free Verse
Family Journaling
Make a Neighborhood Map
Nature Journaling
This Is Important
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.10.b.Identify audience and purpose.

Family Adventure List
Write to the Tooth Fairy
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.10.c.Use prewriting strategies to generate ideas before writing.

Color Poem
Describe It
Sketching the Story
Write a Favorite Family Recipe
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.10.d.Use strategies for organization according to the type of writing.

Family Adventure List
Family Journaling
Funny Pictures
Magical Creature Writing
Make a Neighborhood Map
My Family Comic Strip
Nature Journaling
Sharing Chores and Your Day
Story Train
Write About a Family Tradition
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.10.e.Organize writing to include a beginning, middle, and end.

Family Adventure List
Family Journaling
Funny Pictures
Magical Creature Writing
Make a Neighborhood Map
My Family Comic Strip
Nature Journaling
Sharing Chores and Your Day
Sketching the Story
Story Train
Write About a Family Tradition
Write Around
Writing Telephone Game
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.10.f.Write facts about a subject to support a main idea.

Create a Song
Funny Pictures
I'd Really Like
Magical Creature Writing
Make a Neighborhood Map
Nature Journaling
Story Train
Tell Me How
Write a Favorite Family Recipe
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.10.h.Expand writing to include descriptive detail.

Color Poem Free Verse
Create a Song
Describe It
Family Journaling
Family Poem
I'd Really Like
Magical Creature Writing
Make a Neighborhood Map
Nature Journaling
Tell Me How
This Is Important
Who Are Your Heroes?
Write About a Family Tradition
Write Around
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.10.i.Revise writing for clarity.

I'd Really Like
Magical Creature Writing
Nature Journaling
STANDARD / STRAND 2.11.The student will edit writing for capitalization, punctuation, spelling and Standard English.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.11.b.Use and punctuate declarative, interrogative, and exclamatory sentences.

Magical Creature Writing
Picture Talk
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.11.c.Capitalize all proper nouns and the word I.

Noun Charades
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.11.d.Use singular and plural nouns and pronouns.

Noun Charades
Picture Talk
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.11.h.Use correct spelling for commonly used sight words, including compound words and regular plurals.

Change One Letter
Magical Creature Writing
Noun Charades
Picture Talk
Playground Compounds
Race You To the Top
Spelling Pattern Game
Thinking About Word Chunks
Word Challenge
Write a Letter
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.11.i.Use commas in salutation and closing of a letter.

Hidden Messages
Write a Thank You Note
Write to the Tooth Fairy
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.11.j.Use past and present verbs.

Magical Creature Writing
Picture Talk
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.11.k.Use adjectives correctly.

Acrostic Poem
Picture Talk
STRAND / TOPIC VA.Re.2.Research
STANDARD / STRAND 2.12.The student will conduct research by using available resources to gather information and answer questions to complete a research product.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.12.a.Generate topics of interest.

Family Interview
I Want to Know About
Nature Journaling
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.12.b.Generate questions to gather information.

Guess Who
Let's Explore
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.12.c.Identify pictures, texts, people, or media as sources of information.

How Far Does It Fly?
Let's Explore
Make a Neighborhood Map
Nature Journaling
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.12.d.Find information from provided sources.

Who Are Your Heroes?

Virginia Standards of Learning
Language Arts
Grade: 3 - Adopted: 2017
STRAND / TOPIC VA.CML.3.Communication and Multimodal Literacies
STANDARD / STRAND 3.1.The student will use effective communication skills in a variety of settings.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.1.a.Use active listening strategies including but not limited to making eye contact, facing the speaker, asking questions, and summarizing.

20 Questions
20 Questions Draw
Conversation Starters
Family Interview
Freeze Dance
Guess Who
Interview an Expert
Library Visit
This Is Important
Who Are Your Heroes?
Who's Coming to Dinner?
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.1.c.Ask and respond to questions from teachers and other group members.

20 Questions
20 Questions Draw
Conversation Starters
Family Interview
Freeze Dance
Guess Who
I Love My Family Because...
Interview an Expert
Library Visit
This Is Important
Who Are Your Heroes?
Who's Coming to Dinner?
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.1.e.Use language appropriate for context and audience.

Create a Song
Noun Charades
Sharing Chores and Your Day
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.1.f.Increase listening and speaking vocabularies.

Feelings Charades
Hinky Pinky and Hinketty Pinketty
How can I help my child learn new words?
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.1.g.Participate in collaborative discussions.

Building a Fort
Conversation Starters
Conversations in the Car
Family Interview
Guess Who
I Love My Family Because...
Kitchen Conversations
Noun Charades
Sharing Chores and Your Day
Simon Says
Story Train
Story of Your Name
Take a Stand
Who Are Your Heroes?
Who's Coming to Dinner?
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.1.h.Work respectfully with others in pairs, diverse groups, and whole class settings.

Building a Fort
Sharing Chores and Your Day
STRAND / TOPIC VA.CML.3.Communication and Multimodal Literacies
STANDARD / STRAND 3.2.The student will give oral presentations.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.2.a.Speak clearly using appropriate volume.

Conversation Starters
Sharing Chores and Your Day
Simon Says
Take a Stand
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.2.b.Speak at an understandable rate.

Conversation Starters
Sharing Chores and Your Day
Simon Says
Take a Stand
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.2.c.Make eye contact with the audience.

I Love My Family Because...
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.2.d.Organize ideas sequentially or around major points of information using appropriate facts and relevant details.

20 Questions
20 Questions Draw
Family Interview
Share Your Knowledge
Sharing Chores and Your Day
Who's Coming to Dinner?
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.2.e.Use contextually appropriate language and specific vocabulary to communicate ideas.

Share Your Knowledge
STANDARD / STRAND 3.3.The student will apply word-analysis skills when reading.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.3.a.Use knowledge of regular and irregular vowel patterns.

Shopping for Syllables
Thinking About Word Chunks
STANDARD / STRAND 3.4.The student will expand vocabulary when reading.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.4.a.Use knowledge of homophones.

Hinky Pinky and Hinketty Pinketty
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.4.b.Use knowledge of roots, affixes, synonyms, and antonyms to determine the meaning of new words.

Digging Into Roots
Shopping for Syllables
Understanding Big Words
Unpacking Prefixes
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.4.c.Apply meaning clues, language structure, and phonetic strategies to determine the meaning of new words.

Five Finger Rule
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.4.d.Use context to clarify meaning of unfamiliar words.

Wondering About Words
Word Detective
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.4.e.Discuss meanings of words and develop vocabulary by listening to and reading a variety of texts.

Feelings Charades
Random, Bizarre Facts
Share Your Knowledge
What Makes a Good Storyteller
Wondering About Words
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.4.f.Use vocabulary from other content areas.

Share Your Knowledge
Wondering About Words
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.4.g.Use word-reference resources including the glossary, dictionary, and thesaurus.

Comprehension Clues
STANDARD / STRAND 3.5.The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of fictional texts, literary nonfiction, and poetry.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.5.a.Set a purpose for reading.

Books on the Go
Chapter Books
Daily Reading Routines
Favorite Genres
Five Finger Rule
My Library List
Pow Wow Crunch
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.5.b.Make connections between reading selections.

What Makes a Good Storyteller
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.5.c.Make, confirm, and revise predictions.

Read a Little, Think a Little
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.5.e.Summarize plot events.

Chapter Books
Sequence and Summarize
Story Train
Talking About Books
What Makes a Good Storyteller
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.5.f.Identify the narrator of a story.

Reading Strategy: Reading and Making Connections
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.5.g.Ask and answer questions about what is read.

20 Questions
Chapter Books
It's All In Your Head
Pow Wow Crunch
Read a Little, Think a Little
Talking About Books
What Makes a Good Storyteller
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.5.h.Draw conclusions using the text for support.

Daily Conclusions
Using Clues to Figure it Out
Who's Been Here?
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.5.i.Identify the conflict and resolution.

Reading Strategy: Reading and Making Connections
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.5.k.Use reading strategies to monitor comprehension throughout the reading process.

Books on the Go
Chapter Books
Daily Reading Routines
Favorite Genres
Five Finger Rule
It's All In Your Head
My Turn, Your Turn
My Turn, Your Turn Poetry
Pow Wow Crunch
Read a Little, Think a Little
Reading Dialogue
Reading Strategy: Model Expressive Reading
Reading Strategy: Reading and Making Connections
Song Lyrics
That's So Cool
What Makes a Good Storyteller
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.5.m.Read with fluency, accuracy, and meaningful expression.

Books on the Go
Building a Fort
Chapter Books
Daily Reading Routines
Favorite Genres
Five Finger Rule
Pow Wow Crunch
Reading Dialogue
Reading Strategy: Model Expressive Reading
STANDARD / STRAND 3.6.The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of nonfiction texts.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.6.a.Identify the author’s purpose.

Random, Bizarre Facts
Reading Recipes
That's So Cool
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.6.b.Use prior and background knowledge as context for new learning.

Random, Bizarre Facts
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.6.c.Preview and use text features including table of contents, headings, pictures, captions, maps, indices, and charts.

Comprehension Clues
How Far Does It Fly?
Reading Recipes
That's So Cool
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.6.d.Ask and answer questions about what is read using the text for support.

Reading Recipes
That's So Cool
What Will You Learn?
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.6.e.Draw conclusions using the text for support.

Daily Conclusions
Using Clues to Figure it Out
Who's Been Here?
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.6.g.Identify the main idea.

That's So Cool
What Will You Learn?
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.6.h.Identify supporting details.

What Will You Learn?
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.6.i.Use reading strategies to monitor comprehension throughout the reading process.

Books on the Go
Daily Reading Routines
Favorite Genres
Five Finger Rule
That's So Cool
What Will You Learn?
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.6.j.Read with fluency, accuracy, and meaningful expression.

Books on the Go
Building a Fort
Daily Reading Routines
Favorite Genres
Five Finger Rule
Pow Wow Crunch
Reading Strategy: Model Expressive Reading
STANDARD / STRAND 3.8.The student will write in a variety of forms to include narrative, descriptive, opinion, and expository.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.8.a.Engage in writing as a process.

Family Journaling
Make a Neighborhood Map
Nature Journaling
This Is Important
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.8.b.Identify audience and purpose.

Family Adventure List
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.8.c.Use a variety of prewriting strategies.

A Really Good Story
Write a Favorite Family Recipe
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.8.d.Use organizational strategies to structure writing according to type.

Family Adventure List
Family Journaling
Magical Creature Writing
Make a Neighborhood Map
My Family Comic Strip
Nature Journaling
Sharing Chores and Your Day
Story Train
Write About a Family Tradition
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.8.f.Elaborate writing by including supporting details.

Create a Song
Magical Creature Writing
Make a Neighborhood Map
Nature Journaling
Story Train
Write a Favorite Family Recipe
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.8.g.Use transition words to vary sentence structure.

Create a Song
This Is Important
Write Around
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.8.j.Revise writing for clarity of content using specific vocabulary and information.

Magical Creature Writing
Nature Journaling
STANDARD / STRAND 3.9.The student will edit writing for capitalization, punctuation, spelling, and Standard English.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.9.c.Use past and present verb tense.

Magical Creature Writing
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.9.d.Use adjectives correctly.

Acrostic Poem
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.9.j.Use correct spelling including irregular plurals.

Change One Letter
Magical Creature Writing
Noun Charades
Race You To the Top
Spelling Pattern Game
Thinking About Word Chunks
Word Challenge
Write a Letter
STRAND / TOPIC VA.Re.3.Research
STANDARD / STRAND 3.10.The student will demonstrate comprehension of information resources to research a topic and complete a research product.
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.10.a.Construct questions about the topic.

Guess Who
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.10.c.Collect and organize information about the topic.

Who Are Your Heroes?

Virginia Standards of Learning
Grade: K - Adopted: 2016
STRAND / TOPIC VA.NNS.K.Number and Number Sense
STANDARD / STRAND K.1.The student will
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.1.a.Tell how many are in a given set of 20 or fewer objects by counting orally.

Car Race
I See Three
In Ten Seconds
Sneaky Math Note
Spill the Beans
What Am I Counting?
What Do I Have?
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.1.b.Read, write, and represent numbers from 0 through 20.

Go Fish
My Favorite Things
Numbers on My Back
Sneaky Math Note
STRAND / TOPIC VA.NNS.K.Number and Number Sense
STANDARD / STRAND K.2.The student, given no more than three sets, each set containing 10 or fewer concrete objects, will
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.2.a.Compare and describe one set as having more, fewer, or the same number of objects as the other set(s).

In Ten Seconds
The Biggest Number
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.2.b.Compare and order sets from least to greatest and greatest to least.

In Ten Seconds
The Biggest Number
STRAND / TOPIC VA.NNS.K.Number and Number Sense
STANDARD / STRAND K.3.The student will
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.3.a.Count forward orally by ones from 0 to 100.

Add One
Card Sequencing and Counting
My Favorite Things
Number Lookout
Salty Numbers
Ten in a Row
What Am I Counting?
What Comes Next?
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.3.b.Count backward orally by ones when given any number between 1 and 10.

Car Race
Spill the Beans
Ten in a Row
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.3.d.Count forward by tens to determine the total number of objects to 100.

Salty Numbers
What Am I Counting?
What Comes Next?
STRAND / TOPIC VA.NNS.K.Number and Number Sense
STANDARD / STRAND K.4.The student will
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.4.a.Recognize and describe with fluency part-whole relationships for numbers up to 5.

Fishing for Tens
Give Me Five
Make Ten
Sneaky Math Note
What Do I Have?
What's Left?
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.4.b.Investigate and describe part-whole relationships for numbers up to 10.

Fishing for Tens
Give Me Five
Make Ten
Sneaky Math Note
What Do I Have?
What's Left?
STRAND / TOPIC VA.CE.K.Computation and Estimation
STANDARD / STRAND K.6.The student will model and solve single-step story and picture problems with sums to 10 and differences within 10, using concrete objects.

Bedtime Math Story
Car Race
Car Time Math
Family Math Book
Finish My Set
Fishing for Tens
How Many Legs?
Math Fact Memory
Math Journal Walk
Putting Away Dishes
Restaurant Story Problems
Roll the Difference
Spill the Beans
STRAND / TOPIC VA.MG.K.Measurement and Geometry
STANDARD / STRAND K.7.The student will recognize the attributes of a penny, nickel, dime, and quarter and identify the number of pennies equivalent to a nickel, a dime, and a quarter.

I Spy a Coin
STANDARD / STRAND K.9.The student will compare two objects or events, using direct comparisons, according to one or more of the following attributes: length (longer, shorter), height (taller, shorter), weight (heavier, lighter), temperature (hotter, colder), volume (more, less), and time (longer, shorter).

Blow Your House Down!
Guess and Measure
How Far Does It Fly?
Hunt and Measure
Measurable Me
Measure your Steps
Ramp Car Racing
The Right Size
Time It
STRAND / TOPIC VA.MG.K.Measurement and Geometry
STANDARD / STRAND K.10.The student will
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.10.a.Identify and describe plane figures (circle, triangle, square, and rectangle).

Shape Scavenger Hunt
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.10.b.Compare the size (smaller, larger) and shape of plane figures (circle, triangle, square, and rectangle).

Shape Scavenger Hunt
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.10.c.Describe the location of one object relative to another (above, below, next to) and identify representations of plane figures (circle, triangle, square, and rectangle) regardless of their positions and orientations in space.

Pattern Walk
STRAND / TOPIC VA.PS.K.Probability and Statistics
STANDARD / STRAND K.11.The student will
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.11.a.Collect, organize, and represent data.

I Spy a Coin
Survey Says
STRAND / TOPIC VA.PFA.K.Patterns, Functions, and Algebra
STANDARD / STRAND K.12.The student will sort and classify objects according to one attribute.

Card Sorting
I Spy a Coin
Toy Organization
STANDARD / STRAND K.13.The student will identify, describe, extend, create, and transfer repeating patterns.

Make a Pattern
Pattern Walk
Secret Family Pattern

Virginia Standards of Learning
Grade: 1 - Adopted: 2016
STRAND / TOPIC VA.NNS.1.Number and Number Sense
STANDARD / STRAND 1.1.The student will
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.1.a.Count forward orally by ones to 110, starting at any number between 0 and 110.

I Can Make You Say 21
Ten in a Row
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.1.b.Write the numerals 0 to 110 in sequence and out-of-sequence.

Sneaky Math Note
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.1.c.Count backward orally by ones when given any number between 1 and 30.

Car Race
Spill the Beans
Ten in a Row
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.1.d.Count forward orally by ones, twos, fives, and tens to determine the total number of objects to 110.

Car Race
I Can Make You Say 21
Pairs of Socks
Sneaky Math Note
Spill the Beans
Ten in a Row
STRAND / TOPIC VA.NNS.1.Number and Number Sense
STANDARD / STRAND 1.2.The student, given up to 110 objects, will
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.2.a.Group a collection into tens and ones and write the corresponding numeral.

Sneaky Math Note
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.2.b.Compare two numbers between 0 and 110 represented pictorially or with concrete objects, using the words greater than, less than or equal to.

Greater Than
I'm Thinking of a Number
Location Guess My Number
Ten in a Row
STRAND / TOPIC VA.NNS.1.Number and Number Sense
STANDARD / STRAND 1.4.The student will
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.4.a.Represent and solve practical problems involving equal sharing with two or four sharers.

Family Math Book
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.4.b.Represent and name fractions for halves and fourths, using models.

Folding Napkins
Making Playdough Together
STRAND / TOPIC VA.CE.1.Computation and Estimation
STANDARD / STRAND 1.6.The student will create and solve single-step story and picture problems using addition and subtraction within 20.

Addition War
Bedtime Math Story
Can you Make 21?
Car Race
Car Time Math
Dice Knockout
Domino Addition
Domino Subtraction
Family Math Book
Fifteen Fact Memory
Fishing for Doubles
Fishing for Tens
Input Output
Math Fact Memory
Math Journal Walk
Restaurant Story Problems
Roll the Difference
Spill the Beans
Ten Scoops
The Final Price Is...
What's the Question?
STRAND / TOPIC VA.CE.1.Computation and Estimation
STANDARD / STRAND 1.7.The student will
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.7.a.Recognize and describe with fluency part-whole relationships for numbers up to 10.

Fishing for Tens
Make Ten
Sneaky Math Note
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.7.b.Demonstrate fluency with addition and subtraction within 10.

Addition War
Can you Make 21?
Car Race
Dice Knockout
Domino Addition
Domino Subtraction
Fifteen Fact Memory
Fishing for Doubles
Math Fact Memory
Roll the Difference
Spill the Beans
Ten Scoops
STRAND / TOPIC VA.MG.1.Measurement and Geometry
STANDARD / STRAND 1.8.The student will determine the value of a collection of like coins (pennies, nickels, or dimes) whose total value is 100 cents or less.

Counting Coins
STRAND / TOPIC VA.MG.1.Measurement and Geometry
STANDARD / STRAND 1.9.The student will investigate the passage of time and
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.9.a.Tell time to the hour and half-hour, using analog and digital clocks.

Body Clock
STANDARD / STRAND 1.10.The student will use nonstandard units to measure and compare length, weight, and volume.

How Far Does It Fly?
Hunt and Measure
Measurable Me
Ramp Car Racing
STRAND / TOPIC VA.MG.1.Measurement and Geometry
STANDARD / STRAND 1.11.The student will
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.11.a.Identify, trace, describe, and sort plane figures (triangles, squares, rectangles, and circles) according to number of sides, vertices, and angles.

Folding a Blanket
Mystery Shape
Paper Airplane Geometry
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.11.b.Identify and describe representations of circles, squares, rectangles, and triangles in different environments, regardless of orientation, and explain reasoning.

Folding a Blanket
STRAND / TOPIC VA.PS.1.Probability and Statistics
STANDARD / STRAND 1.12.The student will
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.12.a.Collect, organize, and represent various forms of data using tables, picture graphs, and object graphs.

Survey Says
STRAND / TOPIC VA.PFA.1.Patterns, Functions, and Algebra
STANDARD / STRAND 1.13.The student will sort and classify concrete objects according to one or two attributes.

Card Sorting
Category Hunt
Toy Organization
STANDARD / STRAND 1.14.The student will identify, describe, extend, create, and transfer growing and repeating patterns.

Make a Pattern
Secret Family Pattern

Virginia Standards of Learning
Grade: 2 - Adopted: 2016
STRAND / TOPIC VA.NNS.2.Number and Number Sense
STANDARD / STRAND 2.1.The student will
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.1.a.Read, write, and identify the place and value of each digit in a three-digit numeral, with and without models.

All About My Number
Dollars and Dice
How Much to 1,000?
Less Than
Place Value Battle
Place Value Dice
Sneaky Math Note
Thousand More
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.1.b.Identify the number that is 10 more, 10 less, 100 more, and 100 less than a given number up to 999.

Dollars and Dice
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.1.c.Compare and order whole numbers between 0 and 999.

Greater Than
Is it Reasonable?
Less Than
Location Guess My Number
Place Value Battle
The Greater Number
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.1.d.Round two-digit numbers to the nearest ten.

The Greater Number
STRAND / TOPIC VA.NNS.2.Number and Number Sense
STANDARD / STRAND 2.2.The student will
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.2.a.Count forward by twos, fives, and tens to 120, starting at various multiples of 2, 5, or 10.

Buzz on 3
Dollars and Dice
One Hundred More
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.2.b.Count backward by tens from 120.

Buzz on 3
Dollars and Dice
One Hundred More
STRAND / TOPIC VA.NNS.2.Number and Number Sense
STANDARD / STRAND 2.4.The student will
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.4.a.Name and write fractions represented by a set, region, or length model for halves, fourths, eighths, thirds, and sixths.

Counting Fractions
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.4.b.Represent fractional parts with models and with symbols.

Counting Fractions
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.4.c.Compare the unit fractions for halves, fourths, eighths, thirds, and sixths, with models.

Fractions on a Number Line
STRAND / TOPIC VA.CE.2.Computation and Estimation
STANDARD / STRAND 2.5.The student will
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.5.a.Recognize and use the relationships between addition and subtraction to solve single-step practical problems, with whole numbers to 20.

Addition War
Can I Stump You?
Can you Make 21?
Family Math Book
Fifteen Fact Memory
Fishing for Doubles
Input Output
Make One Up
Restaurant Story Problems
Subtraction War
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.5.b.Demonstrate fluency with addition and subtraction within 20.

Addition War
Can you Make 21?
Fifteen Fact Memory
Fishing for Doubles
Subtraction War
STRAND / TOPIC VA.CE.2.Computation and Estimation
STANDARD / STRAND 2.6.The student will
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.6.a.Estimate sums and differences.

Race to Zero
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.6.b.Determine sums and differences, using various methods.

2-Digit Addition War
Addition War
Broken Calculator Keys
Can I Stump You?
Can you Make 21?
Close Call
Coupon Savings
Dollars and Dice
Fifteen Fact Memory
Fishing for Doubles
How Much to 1,000?
Race to Zero
Skunk Addition
Subtraction Switch
Subtraction War
The Answer Is
Thousand More
What's the Difference?
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.6.c.Create and solve single-step and two-step practical problems involving addition and subtraction.

Family Math Book
Make One Up
What's the Question?
STRAND / TOPIC VA.MG.2.Measurement and Geometry
STANDARD / STRAND 2.7.The student will
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.7.a.Count and compare a collection of pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters whose total value is $2.00 or less.

Coupon Savings
Dollars and Dice
STRAND / TOPIC VA.MG.2.Measurement and Geometry
STANDARD / STRAND 2.8.The student will estimate and measure
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.8.a.Length to the nearest inch.

How Far Does It Fly?
Ramp Car Racing
Three Questions
STANDARD / STRAND 2.13.The student will identify, describe, compare, and contrast plane and solid figures (circles/spheres, squares/cubes, and rectangles/rectangular prisms).

Mystery Shape
STRAND / TOPIC VA.PFA.2.Patterns, Functions, and Algebra
STANDARD / STRAND 2.16.The student will identify, describe, create, extend, and transfer patterns found in objects, pictures, and numbers.

Secret Family Pattern

Virginia Standards of Learning
Grade: 3 - Adopted: 2016
STRAND / TOPIC VA.NNS.3.Number and Number Sense
STANDARD / STRAND 3.1.The student will
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.1.b.Round whole numbers, 9,999 or less, to the nearest ten, hundred, and thousand.

Round Showdown
The Greater Number
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.1.c.Compare and order whole numbers, each 9,999 or less.

Place Value Battle
The Greater Number
STRAND / TOPIC VA.NNS.3.Number and Number Sense
STANDARD / STRAND 3.2.The student will
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.2.a.Name and write fractions and mixed numbers represented by a model.

Counting Fractions
Shape Up!
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.2.b.Represent fractions and mixed numbers with models and symbols.

Counting Fractions
Shape Up!
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.2.c.Compare fractions having like and unlike denominators, using words and symbols (>, <, =, or ≠), with models.

Fractions on a Number Line
STRAND / TOPIC VA.CE.3.Computation and Estimation
STANDARD / STRAND 3.3.The student will
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.3.a.Estimate and determine the sum or difference of two whole numbers.

2-Digit Addition War
Broken Calculator Keys
Can I Stump You?
Close Call
Coupon Savings
Dollars and Dice
How Much to 1,000?
Race to Zero
Skunk Addition
The Answer Is
Thousand More
What's the Difference?
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.3.b.Create and solve single-step and multistep practical problems involving sums or differences of two whole numbers, each 9,999 or less.

Family Math Book
Make One Up
STRAND / TOPIC VA.CE.3.Computation and Estimation
STANDARD / STRAND 3.4.The student will
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.4.b.Create and solve single-step practical problems that involve multiplication and division through 10 x 10.

Family Math Book
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.4.d.Solve single-step practical problems involving multiplication of whole numbers, where one factor is 99 or less and the second factor is 5 or less.

Domino Division
I Spy Sums and Products
Let's Go to 100
Math Mind Reading
Multiplication War
Over Under
Product Practice
STRAND / TOPIC VA.MG.3.Measurement and Geometry
STANDARD / STRAND 3.6.The student will
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.6.a.Determine the value of a collection of bills and coins whose total value is $5.00 or less.

Coupon Savings
Dollars and Dice
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.6.b.Compare the value of two sets of coins or two sets of coins and bills.

Coupon Savings
Dollars and Dice
STRAND / TOPIC VA.MG.3.Measurement and Geometry
STANDARD / STRAND 3.7.The student will estimate and use U.S. Customary and metric units to measure
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.7.a.Length to the nearest 1/2 inch, inch, foot, yard, centimeter, and meter.

How Far Does It Fly?
Ramp Car Racing
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.7.b.Liquid volume in cups, pints, quarts, gallons, and liters.

Cooking Estimation
Double the Recipe
Reading Recipes
STRAND / TOPIC VA.MG.3.Measurement and Geometry
STANDARD / STRAND 3.8.The student will estimate and
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.8.b.Count the number of square units needed to cover a given surface in order to determine its area.

Cracker Perimeter & Area
STRAND / TOPIC VA.MG.3.Measurement and Geometry
STANDARD / STRAND 3.9.The student will
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.9.a.Tell time to the nearest minute, using analog and digital clocks.

Now is the Time
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.9.b.Solve practical problems related to elapsed time in one-hour increments within a 12-hour period.

Now is the Time
STRAND / TOPIC VA.PS.3.Probability and Statistics
STANDARD / STRAND 3.15.The student will
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.15.a.Collect, organize, and represent data in pictographs or bar graphs.

Graphing Walking Goals
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.15.b.Read and interpret data represented in pictographs and bar graphs.

Graphing Walking Goals
STRAND / TOPIC VA.PFA.3.Patterns, Functions, and Algebra
STANDARD / STRAND 3.16.The student will identify, describe, create, and extend patterns found in objects, pictures, numbers and tables.

Secret Family Pattern
STANDARD / STRAND 3.17.The student will create equations to represent equivalent mathematical relationships.

Family Math Book

Virginia Standards of Learning
Grade: K - Adopted: 2010
STRAND / TOPIC VA.K.Virginia 2010 Science Standards of Learning
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.1.The student will demonstrate an understanding of scientific reasoning, logic, and the nature of science by planning and conducting investigations in which
INDICATOR K.1.a)Basic characteristics or properties of objects are identified by direct observation.

Nature Journaling
INDICATOR K.1.b)Observations are made from multiple positions to achieve different perspectives.

Nature Journaling
STRAND / TOPIC VA.K.Virginia 2010 Science Standards of Learning
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.6.The student will investigate and understand the differences between living organisms and nonliving objects. Key concepts include
INDICATOR K.6.a)All things can be classified as living or nonliving.

Nature Journaling
INDICATOR K.6.b)Living organisms have certain characteristics that distinguish them from nonliving objects including growth, movement, response to the environment, having offspring, and the need for food, air, and water.

Nature Journaling
STRAND / TOPIC VA.K.Virginia 2010 Science Standards of Learning
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.7.The student will investigate and understand basic needs and life processes of plants and animals. Key concepts include
INDICATOR K.7.a)Animals need adequate food, water, shelter, air, and space to survive.

Family Sensory Walk
INDICATOR K.7.b)Plants need nutrients, water, air, light, and a place to grow to survive.

Family Sensory Walk
INDICATOR K.7.d)Offspring of plants and animals are similar but not identical to their parents or to one another.

Family Sensory Walk
STRAND / TOPIC VA.K.Virginia 2010 Science Standards of Learning
INDICATOR / STANDARD K.9.The student will investigate and understand that there are simple repeating patterns in his/her daily life. Key concepts include
INDICATOR K.9.b)The shapes and forms of many common natural objects including seeds, cones, and leaves.

I Found This

Virginia Standards of Learning
Grade: 1 - Adopted: 2010
STRAND / TOPIC VA.1.Virginia 2010 Science Standards of Learning
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.1.The student will demonstrate an understanding of scientific reasoning, logic, and the nature of science by planning and conducting investigations in which
INDICATOR 1.1.b)Observations are made from multiple positions to achieve a variety of perspectives and are repeated to ensure accuracy.

Nature Journaling
STRAND / TOPIC VA.1.Virginia 2010 Science Standards of Learning
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.4.The student will investigate and understand that plants have basic life needs and functional parts and can be classified according to certain characteristics. Key concepts include
INDICATOR 1.4.a)Plants need nutrients, air, water, light, and a place to grow.

Family Sensory Walk
INDICATOR 1.4.b)Basic parts of plants.

I Found This
STRAND / TOPIC VA.1.Virginia 2010 Science Standards of Learning
INDICATOR / STANDARD 1.5.The student will investigate and understand that animals, including humans, have basic needs and certain distinguishing characteristics. Key concepts include
INDICATOR 1.5.a)Basic needs include adequate air, food, water, shelter, and space (habitat).

Family Sensory Walk

Virginia Standards of Learning
Grade: 2 - Adopted: 2010
STRAND / TOPIC VA.2.Virginia 2010 Science Standards of Learning
INDICATOR / STANDARD 2.1.The student will demonstrate an understanding of scientific reasoning, logic, and the nature of science by planning and conducting investigations in which
INDICATOR 2.1.a)Observations and predictions are made and questions are formed.

Nature Journaling
INDICATOR 2.1.b)Observations are differentiated from personal interpretation.

Nature Journaling
INDICATOR 2.1.c)Observations are repeated to ensure accuracy.

Nature Journaling

Virginia Standards of Learning
Grade: 3 - Adopted: 2010
STRAND / TOPIC VA.3.Virginia 2010 Science Standards of Learning
INDICATOR / STANDARD 3.1.The student will demonstrate an understanding of scientific reasoning, logic, and the nature of science by planning and conducting investigations in which
INDICATOR 3.1.a)Observations are made and are repeated to ensure accuracy.

Nature Journaling