Sample Al’s Pals Materials
Provide the foundation of resiliency and protective factors that every child needs and deserves with a nationally recognized, evidence-based SEL curriculum designed for the specific needs of preschool children.

New Al’s Pals Sample Lesson
This is a sample of the newly updated version of the social–emotional lessons that are coming soon. These lessons will not only bring a digital experience to the Al’s Pals curriculum, but they have been updated to align with the objectives for development and learning, Intentional Teaching Experiences, Mighty Minutes®, and children’s literature. They now also have an “Including All Children” section, English-language learner support, teacher reflection questions, and much more.
Al’s Pals Sample Calm Down Song
Adding music to our learning helps us remember key concepts. The original song “Calm Down” helps you review the Calm Down Steps with children while listening to the tranquil music of Al’s Pals Songs for Stars.

Al’s Pals Sample Al-a-Gram
As children practice and display their attempts at using the Calm Down Steps, you can recognize their efforts by sharing a Calm Down Al-a-Gram with them. Children bring the Al-a-Gram home with them to discuss their learning with their families.