Introducing the Champions Program

For over 45 years, we at Teaching Strategies have been honored to serve early childhood educators who work tirelessly for the children and families they serve. We have gratefully heard countless times from these educators how they appreciate our partnership. Now we want to elevate and showcase these educators by inviting them to join the new Teaching Strategies Champions Program.
Who are Teaching Strategies Champions?
Champions are educators who are ready to share both their passion for early childhood education and their enthusiasm for Teaching Strategies with their peers. They are frequent contributors to our professional learning community, The Hub, and are willing to offer guidance, support, inspiration, and personal experiences from their classrooms to inform our product roadmap and to inspire other educators.
What are the expectations for being a Champion?
Champions are expected to be regular contributors to The Hub, advocate for the continued innovation of Teaching Strategies solutions, and interact positively with Teaching Strategies on social media. When opportunities arise to contribute to the Teaching Strategies blog, co-host webinars, or co-present at conferences, Champions are encouraged to participate.
How do I become a Champion?
Educators will first need to demonstrate their ability to contribute to our professional learning community by earning a Bronze Contributor Badge in The Hub. This badge is assigned to users once they gain 100 contributor points by posting new discussion threads, replying to other educators, and uploading pictures and videos to forum libraries.
Earning the Bronze Contributor Badge unlocks the Champions Program application on The Hub. Our team will conduct a formal review of each submitted application. All accepted applicants will then become a Teaching Strategies Champion!
Teaching Strategies will annually review a Champion’s contributions to the program to determine if the program is still a good fit for that educator.
What are the benefits for Champions?
Champions will enjoy the following benefits once they are accepted into the program:
- access to an exclusive All-Star Network of enthusiastic early childhood educators in The Hub;
- special previews of upcoming enhancements to GOLD and The Creative Curriculum Cloud with the opportunity to provide feedback;
- opportunities to contribute to the Teaching Strategies blog and co-present on national webinars;
- special recognition in The Hub and at conferences; and
- fabulous swag!