Scott Fleming
Scott leads Teaching Strategies corporate development efforts, which includes partnership development, inorganic growth activities, and international strategy work.
Scott brings over 20 years of experience to his role, ranging from public policy, business development, product, marketing and corporate and strategic finance. He has served in government, nonprofit, startup and senior executive roles in organizations across the education sector, including both early learning, K-12 and higher education and workforce development. He also has extensive experience leading international strategy efforts and spent two years living as a volunteer in Brazil.
Prior to joining Teaching Strategies, Scott spent six years with Strada Education Network, a leading education nonprofit organization focused on connecting education to the workforce, where he eventually served as Chief Strategy and Commercial Officer, leading business development, product, and marketing functions for a collection of wholly owned affiliates.
Scott’s professional experience includes several years with education technology startups, both as an investor (through Strada) and as an executive in a venture-financed EdTech startup.
He also spent five years working for the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, where he successfully led major efforts to reform federal financial aid and federal career and technical education programs. While there, he also participated in the reauthorization of significant legislation impacting K–12 education, higher education and workforce programs, individuals with disabilities education (IDEA), and the Head Start program.
Scott holds both BA and MA degrees from Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah.
Scott’s interest in joining Teaching Strategies grew from the desire to be part of a team focused on driving improvement in academic outcomes for our most vulnerable populations and helping to equalize opportunity – beginning with our youngest students.