North Dakota Academic Content Standards (Pre-K)
Main Criteria: North Dakota Academic Content Standards | ||
Secondary Criteria: ReadyRosie | ||
Subject: Early Childhood Education | ||
Grade: Ages 3-5 | ||
Correlation Options: Show Correlated |
North Dakota Academic Content Standards |
Early Childhood Education |
Grade: Ages 3-5 - Adopted: 2013 |
CONTENT STANDARD | ND.SED. | Social and Emotional Development |
BENCHMARK | SED.1. | Students demonstrate a developing sense of self and the ability to self- regulate. |
INDICATOR | SED.1.1. | Recognize personal abilities, characteristics, culture, and preferences. ReadyRosie Detailed Drawing of a Face Family Photos Family Talent Show Grandparent Storytime How Many Feet? Tips for storytelling: Story ideas Why should we tell family stories? |
CONTENT STANDARD | ND.SED. | Social and Emotional Development |
BENCHMARK | SED.1. | Students demonstrate a developing sense of self and the ability to self- regulate. |
INDICATOR | SED.1.2. | Connect own behavior to its consequences and begin to differentiate between right and wrong. ReadyRosie All Done Decorating Cupcakes How can I get my child to listen to me? How should I handle temper tantrums? Is my child overscheduled? Sink or Swim Taking Turns |
INDICATOR | SED.1.3. | Show increasing ability to regulate and communicate own feelings and emotions. ReadyRosie Funny Faces If You're Happy & You Know It Talking About Your Feelings |
INDICATOR | SED.1.4. | Regulate physical actions (e.g., follow classroom rules and routines, use classroom materials purposefully and respectfully, manage transitions and adapt to changes in routine). ReadyRosie How do I get my child to______? How should I handle temper tantrums? |
CONTENT STANDARD | ND.SED. | Social and Emotional Development |
BENCHMARK | SED.1. | Students demonstrate a developing sense of self and the ability to self- regulate. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | Self-Reliance and Resiliency | |
INDICATOR | SED.1.5. | Demonstrate self-confidence in own abilities. ReadyRosie Detailed Drawing of a Face Family Talent Show I Remember When If You're Happy & You Know It |
INDICATOR | SED.1.6. | Adapt to new environments with appropriate emotions and behaviors. ReadyRosie Detailed Drawing of a Face Family Talent Show I Remember When If You're Happy & You Know It |
INDICATOR | SED.1.7. | Show self-direction, independence, and initiative. ReadyRosie Detailed Drawing of a Face Family Talent Show I Remember When If You're Happy & You Know It |
CONTENT STANDARD | ND.SED. | Social and Emotional Development |
BENCHMARK | SED.2. | Students demonstrate a developing ability to interact with others. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | Social Competence | |
INDICATOR | SED.2.1. | Use words, in English and/or home language, and non-verbal communication to communicate needs, ideas, experiences, and emotions. ReadyRosie Pantry Talk Description |
INDICATOR | SED.2.3. | Use acceptable and constructive methods to resolve conflicts and disagreements with peers. ReadyRosie How can I stop my kids from fighting? Talking About Your Feelings |
CONTENT STANDARD | ND.SED. | Social and Emotional Development |
BENCHMARK | SED.2. | Students demonstrate a developing ability to interact with others. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | Interactions with Peers and Adults | |
INDICATOR | SED.2.4. | Begin to develop peer friendships through group activities, tasks, and play. ReadyRosie Building Houses Family Talent Show Keep It Up Taking Turns Who has the Biggest Number? |
INDICATOR | SED.2.5. | Develop positive relationships with adults. ReadyRosie Building Houses Family Talent Show Keep It Up Taking Turns Who has the Biggest Number? |
INDICATOR | SED.2.6. | With guidance and support, recognize and respect the feelings, opinions, and needs of others, and offer help. ReadyRosie Building Houses Family Talent Show Funny Faces If You're Happy & You Know It Keep It Up Taking Turns Talking About Your Feelings Thank You Note Who has the Biggest Number? |
INDICATOR | SED.2.7. | Work cooperatively with others and exhibit appropriate social behavior (e.g., use names, share, take turns, show respect). ReadyRosie How can I stop my kids from fighting? |
CONTENT STANDARD | ND.APL. | Approaches to Play & Learning |
BENCHMARK | APL.1. | Students demonstrate habits of mind and dispositions important to learning. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | Initiative and Curiosity | |
INDICATOR | APL.1.1. | Show interest and eagerness in discovering and learning new things. ReadyRosie Detailed Drawing of a Face Family Talent Show I Remember When If You're Happy & You Know It |
CONTENT STANDARD | ND.APL. | Approaches to Play & Learning |
BENCHMARK | APL.1. | Students demonstrate habits of mind and dispositions important to learning. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | Engagement and Persistence | |
INDICATOR | APL.1.2. | Sustain attention, interest, and focus on activities and engagement with experiences. ReadyRosie Detailed Drawing of a Face Family Talent Show I Remember When If You're Happy & You Know It |
INDICATOR | APL.1.3. | Persist with goals, plans, and a variety of learning experiences. ReadyRosie Detailed Drawing of a Face Family Talent Show I Remember When If You're Happy & You Know It |
INDICATOR | APL.1.4. | Filter out and ignore most distractions and interruptions. ReadyRosie Celebrate Learning Drumming Sounds My Age Shape Changers Sink or Swim Taking Turns |
CONTENT STANDARD | ND.APL. | Approaches to Play & Learning |
BENCHMARK | APL.1. | Students demonstrate habits of mind and dispositions important to learning. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | Flexibility and Risk Taking | |
INDICATOR | APL.1.6. | Approach tasks with flexibility. ReadyRosie Detailed Drawing of a Face Family Talent Show I Remember When If You're Happy & You Know It |
INDICATOR | APL.1.7. | With some support and guidance, differentiate between appropriate and inappropriate risk taking. ReadyRosie Detailed Drawing of a Face Family Talent Show I Remember When If You're Happy & You Know It |
CONTENT STANDARD | ND.APL. | Approaches to Play & Learning |
BENCHMARK | APL.2. | Students engage in learning through a variety of approaches and cognitive processes. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | Imagination, Invention, and Creativity | |
INDICATOR | APL.2.1. | Approach tasks with imagination and inventiveness. ReadyRosie Detailed Drawing of a Face Family Talent Show I Remember When If You're Happy & You Know It |
INDICATOR | APL.2.2. | Explore and experiment with a wide variety of materials and activities. ReadyRosie Detailed Drawing of a Face Family Talent Show I Remember When If You're Happy & You Know It |
INDICATOR | APL.2.3. | Engage in cooperative activities. ReadyRosie How can I stop my kids from fighting? |
CONTENT STANDARD | ND.APL. | Approaches to Play & Learning |
BENCHMARK | APL.2. | Students engage in learning through a variety of approaches and cognitive processes. |
INDICATOR | APL.2.4. | Substitutes one object for another in pretend play or pretends with objects that may or may not be present. ReadyRosie Tips for helping your child love reading |
CONTENT STANDARD | ND.APL. | Approaches to Play & Learning |
BENCHMARK | APL.2. | Students engage in learning through a variety of approaches and cognitive processes. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | Analysis and Evaluation | |
INDICATOR | APL.2.7. | Make simple connections based on prior knowledge and experiences. ReadyRosie Baby Photo Fun Celebrate Learning Making Connections PreK My Age Shape Changers Sink or Swim Taking Turns Zoo in My Room |
CONTENT STANDARD | ND.PD. | Physical Development |
BENCHMARK | PD.1. | Students demonstrate motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities. |
INDICATOR | PD.1.1. | Combine large motor movements (e.g., pulling, throwing, catching, kicking, rolling, riding) with the use of equipment (e.g., balls, bean bags, playground equipment). ReadyRosie Rhyming Toss Rock Toss The Number Stays the Same |
CONTENT STANDARD | ND.PD. | Physical Development |
BENCHMARK | PD.1. | Students demonstrate motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | Control in Movement | |
INDICATOR | PD.1.3. | Develop large body muscle control and coordination by engaging in a variety of physical activities (e.g., jumping, skipping, running, hopping, galloping, climbing, crawling, rolling). ReadyRosie Follow the Leader Frog Hopping Hopping Rhyming Jump to It Leap Frog Measure Lily Pad Hop Stomp the Letter |
INDICATOR | PD.1.4. | Demonstrate a growing sense of balance (e.g., stands on one foot, walks on a balance beam). ReadyRosie Follow the Leader |
INDICATOR | PD.1.5. | Use eye-hand coordination to complete tasks (e.g., stringing beads, doing puzzles, using clay, tracing, lacing, cutting with scissors, pouring). ReadyRosie Fill Up the Cup Making Trail Mix Strawberries for a Picnic |
INDICATOR | PD.1.6. | Manipulate a variety of objects (e.g., clothing, blocks) and tools (e.g., writing and art tools, utensils). ReadyRosie Tips for helping your child love reading |
CONTENT STANDARD | ND.PD. | Physical Development |
BENCHMARK | PD.2. | Students understand and apply movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics to learn and perform physical activities. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | Movement Concepts | |
INDICATOR | PD.2.1. | Demonstrate awareness of space and directionality in relationship to stationary and moving objects or boundaries (e.g., walls, lines, circles, bases) and respond to spatial directions. ReadyRosie Follow the Leader Jump to It Rock Toss |
CONTENT STANDARD | ND.PD. | Physical Development |
BENCHMARK | PD.4. | Students understand and apply fitness concepts to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | Physiological Response to Physical Activity | |
INDICATOR | PD.4.2. | Exhibit control, strength, and dexterity in hand muscles. ReadyRosie Alphabet Clapping Detailed Drawing of a Face Drumming Sounds Finger Shapes Jump Rope Letters Mirror, Mirror Setting the Table Shaving Cream Shapes Silverware Alphabet Thank You Note Writing Names with Shaving Cream |
BENCHMARK | H.2. | Students understand concepts related to the promotion of health and the prevention of disease. |
INDICATOR | H.2.1. | Develop awareness of behaviors that promote health and well-being (e.g., eating nutritious foods, sufficient rest, avoidance of unhealthy substances). ReadyRosie Grocery Store Conversations Putting Away the Groceries |
BENCHMARK | H.2. | Students understand concepts related to the promotion of health and the prevention of disease. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | Safety and Injury Prevention | |
INDICATOR | H.2.3. | Know health and safety rules (e.g., rules for traffic and pedestrian safety, proper use of classroom materials, behavior in the classroom and on the playground). ReadyRosie My Address |
INDICATOR | H.2.4. | Follow rules in emergency situations and recognize potentially dangerous objects and substances. ReadyRosie My Address |
BENCHMARK | H.4. | Students demonstrate the ability to use decision making and goal setting skills to enhance health. |
INDICATOR | H.4.1. | Exhibit knowledge about foods and nutrition (e.g., foods that are healthy or unhealthy). ReadyRosie Grocery Store Conversations Putting Away the Groceries |
INDICATOR | H.4.2. | Make healthy choices (e.g., eats veggies and fruits) and engage in healthy practices (e.g., routines for personal hygiene). ReadyRosie Grocery Store Conversations Putting Away the Groceries |
CONTENT STANDARD | ND.ART. | Expressive Arts and Creative Thinking |
BENCHMARK | ART.3. | Students engage with music. |
INDICATOR | ART.3.1. | Sing to music. ReadyRosie If You're Happy & You Know It Itsy Bitsy Spider Illustrations Sliding to Nursery Rhymes Why should I sing to my baby? |
CONTENT STANDARD | ND.ART. | Expressive Arts and Creative Thinking |
BENCHMARK | ART.4. | Students engage in visual arts. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | Visual Art Media, Techniques, and Processes | |
INDICATOR | ART.4.1. | Use a variety of media and techniques to create art, including a variety of two-dimensional and three-dimensional processes. ReadyRosie Detailed Drawing of a Face May I Take your Order? Mirror, Mirror Shaving Cream Shapes Three Ways to Show a Number Using a Menu to Order Writing Names with Shaving Cream |
CONTENT STANDARD | ND.ART. | Expressive Arts and Creative Thinking |
BENCHMARK | ART.4. | Students engage in visual arts. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | Subject Matter, Theme, Symbols, and Ideas in Visual Art | |
INDICATOR | ART.4.2. | Create art work that depicts objects and events and/or expresses feelings, thoughts, and ideas. ReadyRosie Detailed Drawing of a Face May I Take your Order? Mirror, Mirror Shaving Cream Shapes Three Ways to Show a Number Using a Menu to Order Writing Names with Shaving Cream |
CONTENT STANDARD | ND.ART. | Expressive Arts and Creative Thinking |
BENCHMARK | ART.4. | Students engage in visual arts. |
INDICATOR | ART.4.3. | Share and discuss own art work with others, including opinions, likes, and dislikes about artistic creations. ReadyRosie Detailed Drawing of a Face May I Take your Order? Mirror, Mirror Shaving Cream Shapes Three Ways to Show a Number Using a Menu to Order Writing Names with Shaving Cream |
CONTENT STANDARD | ND. LL. | Language and Literacy |
BENCHMARK | LL.1. | Students read a variety of literature and informational texts. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | Key Ideas and Details | |
INDICATOR | LL.1.1. | Recall and retell information from a book with attention to the main events or major ideas. ReadyRosie All About My Day Book Bag Descriptions Family Movie Night Family Photos Grandparent Storytime My Favorite Part Reading Routines for Early Readers Reading a Book for the Second Time Recalling What Happened in a Story Retelling the Story Tips for helping your child love reading Tips for storytelling: Using gestures |
INDICATOR | LL.1.2. | Respond to books in a variety of ways (e.g., make predictions, relate to personal experiences). ReadyRosie Asking Wh- Questions Book Selection Itsy Bitsy Spider Illustrations Just the Facts My Favorite Part Picture Walk Predictions Reading Routines for Early Readers Reading a Book for the Second Time Recalling What Happened in a Story Selecting Books Text to Self Connections Tips for helping your child love reading |
CONTENT STANDARD | ND. LL. | Language and Literacy |
BENCHMARK | LL.1. | Students read a variety of literature and informational texts. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | Craft and Structure | |
INDICATOR | LL.1.3. | Know that books and other reading materials have titles, authors, and often, illustrators. ReadyRosie Funny Reading |
CONTENT STANDARD | ND. LL. | Language and Literacy |
BENCHMARK | LL.1. | Students read a variety of literature and informational texts. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | Integration of Knowledge and Ideas | |
INDICATOR | LL.1.4. | With prompting and support, compare two or more books on the same topic (e.g., trucks, germs, rainbows) or theme (e.g., sharing, holidays). ReadyRosie Compare and Contrast Questions |
INDICATOR | LL.1.5. | Understand that illustrations and pictures convey meaning. ReadyRosie Picture Walk Predictions Retelling the Story |
CONTENT STANDARD | ND. LL. | Language and Literacy |
BENCHMARK | LL.1. | Students read a variety of literature and informational texts. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity | |
INDICATOR | LL.1.6. | Know that reading is valuable and enjoyable. ReadyRosie Getting Information from Pictures Reading Routines for Early Readers |
INDICATOR | LL.1.7. | Participate in group reading activities and listen to a variety of literature (e.g., stories, poetry, drama, rhymes, songs) and informational texts (e.g., books about real people and places, procedures, letters). ReadyRosie Asking Wh- Questions Just the Facts My Favorite Part Reading Routines for Early Readers Reading a Book for the Second Time Recalling What Happened in a Story Tips for helping your child love reading |
CONTENT STANDARD | ND. LL. | Language and Literacy |
BENCHMARK | LL.2. | Students apply basic skills in reading foundations. |
INDICATOR | LL.2.1. | Know that print conveys meaning. ReadyRosie Getting Information from Pictures |
INDICATOR | LL.2.2. | Understand some basic print conventions and characteristics of books. ReadyRosie Chime In Color Word Sentences Funny Reading Kitchen Labeling Morning Message My Address Reading the Grocery List Reading with Jack and Jill Shopping for Clothes Starting a Word Bank Stuffed Animal Stories |
INDICATOR | LL.2.3. | Know that letters have names and there are upper and lower case forms. ReadyRosie Jump Rope Letters Letter Hunt Letter Sort Looking for Letters in Ads Magnetic Letter Mix Up Making Letter Soup Name Game Point the ABC Song Reading the Grocery List Searching for Sounds at the Store Shopping for Clothes Silverware Alphabet Stomp the Letter Writing Names with Shaving Cream |
INDICATOR | LL.2.4. | Understand that the sounds of language are represented in print by letters and words. ReadyRosie Frog Hopping Listen My Children Reading the Grocery List Searching for Sounds at the Store Shopping for Clothes |
CONTENT STANDARD | ND. LL. | Language and Literacy |
BENCHMARK | LL.2. | Students apply basic skills in reading foundations. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | Phonological Awareness | |
INDICATOR | LL.2.5. | Discriminate between words and syllables in words. ReadyRosie Frog Hopping Grocery Sack Syllables Sequences of Sounds |
INDICATOR | LL.2.6. | Recognize that spoken words can be separated into separate sounds and that separate sounds can be combined into spoken words. ReadyRosie Drumming Sounds Echo Game Lazy Letters Sequences of Sounds |
CONTENT STANDARD | ND. LL. | Language and Literacy |
BENCHMARK | LL.2. | Students apply basic skills in reading foundations. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | Phonics and Word Recognition | |
INDICATOR | LL.2.7. | Know that each letter has its own sound(s) and identify some letter sounds. ReadyRosie Frog Hopping Listen My Children Reading the Grocery List Searching for Sounds at the Store Shopping for Clothes |
INDICATOR | LL.2.8. | Recognize familiar print in the environment (e.g., traffic signs, store logos, own name). ReadyRosie Shopping for Clothes |
CONTENT STANDARD | ND. LL. | Language and Literacy |
BENCHMARK | LL.3. | Students write for a variety of purposes and audiences. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | Text Types and Purposes | |
INDICATOR | LL.3.1. | Know that writing communicates meaning and information for different purposes. ReadyRosie Making a Grocery List Using a Menu to Order |
INDICATOR | LL.3.2. | Use knowledge of letters to write, copy, or trace familiar words (e.g., own name, mom, dad, no, yes). ReadyRosie Detailed Drawing of a Face Making a Grocery List Thank You Note Using a Menu to Order Writing Names with Shaving Cream |
CONTENT STANDARD | ND. LL. | Language and Literacy |
BENCHMARK | LL.3. | Students write for a variety of purposes and audiences. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | Production and Distribution of Writing | |
INDICATOR | LL.3.3. | Use writing tools and materials (e.g., pencils, crayons, chalk, markers, computers, paper). ReadyRosie Detailed Drawing of a Face Making a Grocery List Thank You Note Using a Menu to Order Writing Names with Shaving Cream |
INDICATOR | LL.3.4. | Use scribbles, shapes, pictures, letters, and dictation to represent thoughts and ideas. ReadyRosie Detailed Drawing of a Face Making a Grocery List Thank You Note Using a Menu to Order Writing Names with Shaving Cream |
CONTENT STANDARD | ND. LL. | Language and Literacy |
BENCHMARK | LL.4. | Students apply a variety of speaking and listening skills. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | Comprehension and Collaboration | |
INDICATOR | LL.4.1. | Engage in conversations. ReadyRosie Color Word Sentences If You're Happy & You Know It Pantry Talk Description Phone Fun Taking Turns Who Should We Ask? |
CONTENT STANDARD | ND. LL. | Language and Literacy |
BENCHMARK | LL.4. | Students apply a variety of speaking and listening skills. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas | |
INDICATOR | LL.4.3. | Use non-verbal cues to communicate needs, opinions, ideas, experiences, and emotions. ReadyRosie Funny Faces If You're Happy & You Know It Talking About Your Feelings |
CONTENT STANDARD | ND. LL. | Language and Literacy |
BENCHMARK | LL.5. | Students understand and apply the characteristics of language. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | Conventions of Standard English | |
INDICATOR | LL.5.1. | Apply basic grammatical structures in spoken language. ReadyRosie All Mixed Up |
CONTENT STANDARD | ND. LL. | Language and Literacy |
BENCHMARK | LL.5. | Students understand and apply the characteristics of language. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | Knowledge of Language | |
INDICATOR | LL.5.2. | Use language for a variety of purposes (e.g., to speak, sing, act out, share information, and recite familiar texts.) ReadyRosie If You're Happy & You Know It Itsy Bitsy Spider Illustrations Sliding to Nursery Rhymes Why should I sing to my baby? |
CONTENT STANDARD | ND. LL. | Language and Literacy |
BENCHMARK | LL.5. | Students understand and apply the characteristics of language. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | Vocabulary Acquisition and Use | |
INDICATOR | LL.5.3. | Understand and use new vocabulary and descriptive language to describe feelings, thoughts, experiences, and observations. ReadyRosie Funny Faces If You're Happy & You Know It Putting Away the Groceries Table Riddles Talking About Your Feelings |
CONTENT STANDARD | ND.MTH. | Mathematics and Logical Thinking |
BENCHMARK | MTH.1. | Students understand counting and cardinality. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | Number Names and the Count Sequence | |
INDICATOR | MTH.1.1. | Demonstrate an understanding that numbers are always in the same order: 1, 2, 3 (stable order counting principle), and that the order when counting objects does not affect the total (order irrelevance counting principle). ReadyRosie Acorns and Pinecones Adding Ice All Done Apple Pie Block Tower Candy Sort and Graph Cereal Challenge Checkout Countdown Counting Signs Decorating Cupcakes Domino Match-Up Fruit Salad How Many Can I Grab? How Many Feet? How Many Steps to Bed? How Many in the Car? How Old Are You? Lily Pad Hop Measure your Steps More Grapes Penny Drop Show Me The Number Stays the Same Three Little Animals Three Ways to Show a Number Under the Cup What's for Dinner? |
INDICATOR | MTH.1.2. | Use number names with written numerals. ReadyRosie Crazy Counting Fruit Salad How Many Steps to Bed? How Old Are You? Magazine Number Hunt Numbers Everywhere Rub a Dub Counting |
CONTENT STANDARD | ND.MTH. | Mathematics and Logical Thinking |
BENCHMARK | MTH.1. | Students understand counting and cardinality. |
INDICATOR | MTH.1.4. | Demonstrate understanding of one-to-one correspondence between objects and numbers. ReadyRosie Acorns and Pinecones Adding Ice Apple Pie Candy Sort and Graph Counting Signs Decorating Cupcakes Fruit Salad How Many Can I Grab? How Many Feet? How Many Steps to Bed? How Many in the Car? How Old Are You? Lily Pad Hop Measure your Steps Penny Drop The Number Stays the Same Three Ways to Show a Number Under the Cup What's for Dinner? |
INDICATOR | MTH.1.5. | Name the number of items in a small set without counting each object (perceptual and conceptual subitizing) ReadyRosie Domino Match-Up How Many in a Set? More Grapes Quick Dots Show Me Slap One More Three Ways to Show a Number |
CONTENT STANDARD | ND.MTH. | Mathematics and Logical Thinking |
BENCHMARK | MTH.1. | Students understand counting and cardinality. |
INDICATOR | MTH.1.6. | Demonstrates ability to compare quantities of objects. ReadyRosie Acorns and Pinecones Cereal Challenge Make a Tower of Ten More than Ten Slap One More Who has the Biggest Number? |
CONTENT STANDARD | ND.MTH. | Mathematics and Logical Thinking |
BENCHMARK | MTH.2. | Students begin to develop an understanding of operations and algebraic thinking. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | Addition as adding to, and subtraction as taking from | |
INDICATOR | MTH.2.1. | Recognize that the number of objects can change when they are added or taken away from a group. ReadyRosie All Done Checkout Countdown Decorating Cupcakes How Many Feet? In My Pond, Part 1 In My Pond, Part 2 Make a Tower of Ten One Less One More Packing for Our Trip Rock Toss Three Little Animals |
INDICATOR | MTH.2.2. | Use objects to solve simple addition (e.g., joining; combining two parts to make a whole) and subtraction (e.g., separating) problems within 5. ReadyRosie All Done Checkout Countdown Decorating Cupcakes How Many Feet? In My Pond, Part 1 In My Pond, Part 2 Make a Tower of Ten One Less One More Packing for Our Trip Rock Toss Three Little Animals |
CONTENT STANDARD | ND.MTH. | Mathematics and Logical Thinking |
BENCHMARK | MTH.2. | Students begin to develop an understanding of operations and algebraic thinking. |
INDICATOR | MTH.2.3. | Recognize, duplicate, and extend simple patterns of objects, sounds, and movements using manipulatives. ReadyRosie Making Patterns My Age Setting the Table Sound Patterns Speedometer Math The Fence Problem |
CONTENT STANDARD | ND.MTH. | Mathematics and Logical Thinking |
BENCHMARK | MTH.3. | Students understand measurement and data. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | Compare measurable attributes | |
INDICATOR | MTH.3.1. | Compare objects based on their attributes (e.g., two- or three-dimensional, containers which hold more or less of something). ReadyRosie Bookcase Problem Building Houses Comparing Vegetables Fill Up the Cup Leap Frog Measure Making Trail Mix Measuring the Table Near and Far Strawberries for a Picnic |
INDICATOR | MTH.3.2. | Use standard or nonstandard measurement techniques to measure objects. ReadyRosie Bookcase Problem Buying Oranges |
CONTENT STANDARD | ND.MTH. | Mathematics and Logical Thinking |
BENCHMARK | MTH.3. | Students understand measurement and data. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | Classify objects | |
INDICATOR | MTH.3.3. | Order objects by size and length. ReadyRosie Bookcase Problem Building Houses Comparing Vegetables Leap Frog Measure Measuring the Table Near and Far |
CONTENT STANDARD | ND.MTH. | Mathematics and Logical Thinking |
BENCHMARK | MTH.4. | Students begin to develop geometric thinking. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | Identify and describe shapes | |
INDICATOR | MTH.4.1. | Identifies, draws, builds, and names common two- or three- dimensional shapes. ReadyRosie Building Houses Finger Shapes Guess My Shape Mirror, Mirror Pantry Sort 1 Pantry Sort 2 Shape Changers Shape Hunt Shaving Cream Shapes Ways to Cut a Sandwich |
CONTENT STANDARD | ND.MTH. | Mathematics and Logical Thinking |
BENCHMARK | MTH.4. | Students begin to develop geometric thinking. |
INDICATOR | MTH.4.2. | Use vocabulary to describe or indicate directionality, order, or position of objects. ReadyRosie Bookcase Problem Finding the Groceries Follow My Design Follow the Leader Following Directions Jump to It Little Miss Muffet Role Play Mirror, Mirror Near and Far Race Car Transformations Stuffed Animal Olympics Treasure Map |
INDICATOR | MTH.4.3. | Demonstrate understanding of spatial sense for solving problems when completing activities. ReadyRosie Bookcase Problem Finding the Groceries Follow My Design Follow the Leader Following Directions Jump to It Little Miss Muffet Role Play Mirror, Mirror Near and Far Race Car Transformations Stuffed Animal Olympics Treasure Map |
CONTENT STANDARD | ND.MTH. | Mathematics and Logical Thinking |
BENCHMARK | MTH.5. | Students use math practices. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | Strategies and multiple solutions (e.g., logical thinking) | |
INDICATOR | MTH.5.1. | Uses simple strategies to solve mathematical problems. ReadyRosie Special Day Countdown |
INDICATOR | MTH.5.2. | Choose which strategies and thinking skills should be used when solving a problem. ReadyRosie Special Day Countdown |
CONTENT STANDARD | ND.SCI. | Science and Problem Solving |
BENCHMARK | SCI.1. | Students understand the unifying concepts and processes of science. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | Consistency and Change | |
INDICATOR | SCI.1.1. | Know and describe the sequence of daily routines. ReadyRosie Sequences of Sounds |
CONTENT STANDARD | ND.SCI. | Science and Problem Solving |
BENCHMARK | SCI.2. | Students use the process of science inquiry. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | Scientific Inquiry | |
INDICATOR | SCI.2.2. | Use their five senses to manipulate materials and learn about the environment. ReadyRosie Grocery Store Conversations |
CONTENT STANDARD | ND.SCI. | Science and Problem Solving |
BENCHMARK | SCI.3. | Students understand the basic concepts and principles of physical science. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | Properties of Matter | |
INDICATOR | SCI.3.1. | Use words to identify, describe, and compare objects based on physical characteristics. ReadyRosie Candy Sort and Graph Grocery Store Weights I Spy an Animal Likely or Unlikely Sort and Graph Leaves Sorting Laundry |
CONTENT STANDARD | ND.SS. | Social Studies |
BENCHMARK | SS.4. | Students understand the development, functions, and forms of various political institutions and the role of the citizen in government and society. |
INDICATOR | SS.4.2. | Demonstrate an awareness of rules and routines in the classroom, community, and family life. ReadyRosie How do I get my child to______? How should I handle temper tantrums? |
CONTENT STANDARD | ND.SS. | Social Studies |
BENCHMARK | SS.5. | Students understand the importance of culture, individual identity, and group identity. |
GRADE LEVEL EXPECTATION | Identity and Culture | |
INDICATOR | SS.5.1. | Understand relationships and roles within families, homes, and classroom. ReadyRosie My Address |
INDICATOR | SS.5.2. | Know about communities to which they belong (e.g., roles of community members, ways communities interact). ReadyRosie My Address |