The Impact of Teacher Turnover on Child Development and Learning

Imagine the early childhood environment as a small ship in a busy harbor. The teacher is the anchor; when the anchor is steady and secure, the ship stays in place, allowing the crew—the children—to confidently explore, connect, and work together. But when the anchor is repeatedly raised and replaced, the ship drifts, making it harder for children to navigate their surroundings, trust their footing, and focus on the important work of learning.
Young children thrive in environments where they can build secure, consistent relationships with caregivers and teachers. These relationships are the foundation for healthy emotional development, trust, and learning. However, with frequent teacher turnover, these bonds are repeatedly broken, disrupting attachment and creating instability. Children who experience constant teacher turnover may struggle with increased stress, anxiety, and behavioral challenges, as they must continually adjust to new adults in their lives.
Beyond emotional well-being, teacher stability is essential for children’s social–emotional development. Early childhood educators model for children how to be part of a community, demonstrating skills related to cooperation, communication, and navigating social interactions. When turnover rates are high, children miss out on these critical learning experiences. Without consistent guidance, they may find it hard to develop self-regulation skills, build relationships with peers, and engage positively in the classroom.
The impact extends to academic growth as well. High turnover disrupts the continuity of instruction, making it difficult for children to build upon previous learning. Language development, early literacy, and foundational math skills, which require steady reinforcement, often suffer when educators are frequently replaced. Instructional quality becomes inconsistent, and children may experience gaps in learning that are challenging to recover from.
Frequent teacher changes also affect classroom stability. Each transition brings new routines, different teaching styles, and a loss of familiarity, leading to increased behavioral disruptions. Young children, who depend on predictability, may struggle to adapt, making the learning environment less effective and more stressful for both the children and the remaining staff.
This pattern is particularly evident in Head Start programs, where research has shown that stable teacher-child relationships lead to higher language and literacy scores. Conversely, when turnover is high, children tend to show weaker academic gains. These findings highlight the critical role of teacher consistency in fostering both emotional security and educational success in early childhood settings.
Ultimately, teacher retention is not just about staffing—it’s about ensuring young children have the stable, nurturing environment they need to thrive. When teachers stay, children grow academically, socially, and emotionally in ways that prepare them for long-term success.
The Impact of High Teacher Turnover on Programs
The Impact of Teacher Turnover on Staff
When teachers leave an early childhood program, the burden falls heavily on those who remain. Colleagues are forced to take on extra responsibilities, often working longer hours and managing larger class sizes without additional support. This leads to higher stress levels and faster burnout, creating a vicious cycle—as remaining teachers struggle to keep up, they, too, become more likely to leave, further worsening the staffing crisis.
The Impact of Teacher Turnover on Program Quality
Beyond its impact on individual teachers, frequent turnover disrupts curriculum consistency and instructional quality. New hires may not be fully trained in the program’s curriculum, teaching philosophy, or classroom management strategies, leading to uneven instruction and a lack of continuity in learning experiences. Programs that rely on long-term, research-based instructional strategies struggle to implement them effectively when staff changes frequently.
Ultimately, high turnover reduces overall program effectiveness. Early childhood programs that experience frequent staff changes often fail to meet quality benchmarks set by accreditation bodies such as the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), Head Start, and Quality Rating and Improvement Systems (QRIS). Additionally, scores on the Classroom Assessment Scoring System® (CLASS) assessment, which measures teaching quality and child outcomes, tend to be lower in programs with high turnover, signaling weaker instructional environments for young learners.
The Impact of Teacher Turnover on Finances
The financial costs of high turnover are also significant. Early childhood programs—including Head Start centers, private childcare programs, and school districts—must continuously recruit, hire, and train new teachers, which is time-consuming and expensive. Each lost teacher costs thousands of dollars in job postings, interviews, background checks, onboarding, and professional development.
When positions remain unfilled, entire classrooms may be forced to close. In private childcare settings, fewer classrooms means lower enrollment and reduced revenue, making it even harder for programs to sustain operations. Head Start programs, which must adhere to strict teacher-to-child ratios, risk losing funding if they cannot staff their classrooms adequately.
Public school districts also feel the strain, as high turnover can force them to lower hiring standards. Many states allow emergency teaching permits for early childhood educators when certified teachers are unavailable, meaning less-prepared, less-experienced teachers may enter the classroom. While this keeps classrooms staffed, it can lead to inconsistencies in teaching quality, ultimately affecting children’s learning outcomes.
Without intervention, the financial and operational burdens of teacher turnover will continue to weigh down early childhood programs, harming both educators and the children they serve. Addressing this issue requires strategic investments in teacher support, fair wages, and sustainable working conditions to ensure strong, stable early learning environments for all children.
The Impact of Teacher Turnover on Families
When teacher turnover is high in early childhood programs, the effects extend beyond the classroom—families feel the impact just as much as children and educators. One of the first consequences is a loss of trust in the program. Families want to know that their children are in a stable, high-quality learning environment where they can build relationships with consistent caregivers. However, when teachers leave frequently, families begin to question the program’s reliability and effectiveness. The constant change can make them feel uneasy about their children’s experience, leading some families to seek alternative childcare or pre-K options. Over time, this shift in trust can cause enrollment to decline, which affects the program’s financial stability and ability to provide quality care.
Beyond concerns about quality, high turnover creates major challenges for working families. Teacher shortages can result in inconsistent care schedules, last-minute staffing changes, and even classroom closures. These disruptions force parents into difficult situations, as they scramble to find alternative childcare arrangements—often on short notice. Many working families depend on reliable childcare to maintain their jobs, and when early learning programs are unstable, the stress of balancing work and family responsibilities intensifies.
For families who rely on early education programs not just for childcare but for their children’s development and school readiness, high turnover creates a constant sense of uncertainty. Without stable, well-supported teachers in place, both children and families lose out on the benefits of a consistent, nurturing learning environment. Addressing teacher retention is not just about supporting educators—it’s about ensuring that families can count on the programs that care for and educate their children.
Differences in the Impact of High Teacher Turnover by Setting
The Impact of High Teacher Turnover in Head Start
The National Head Start Association (NHSA) has been documenting the effects of staff turnover on Head Start programs since 2022. In their most recent report, NHSA reported that elevated turnover leads to higher staff vacancies, resulting in classroom closures and reduced enrollment capacity. For instance, in October 2023, 14% of Head Start classrooms were closed due to staffing shortages, affecting service delivery to children and families. In addition to service delivery, staff turnover also makes it harder for grantees to meet program goals.
The Impact of High Teacher Turnover in Private Childcare Centers
High turnover among private childcare providers significantly impacts the quality of care, operational stability, and children’s developmental outcomes. In their research, the Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute found that frequent staff changes can lead to inconsistencies in care routines and educational approaches, diminishing the overall quality of child care programs. Stability in staffing is crucial for maintaining structured and effective learning environments, as well as families’ confidence in the program.
The Impact of High Teacher Turnover in Public School Early Learning Programs
High educator turnover in public school early learning programs disrupts instructional continuity, leading to inconsistencies in teaching approaches that are critical for young children’s development. These disruptions can negatively impact early literacy and math outcomes, making it harder for children to build a strong foundation for future learning. Additionally, frequent turnover often results in a greater reliance on less experienced teachers, which may affect student readiness for later grades. Beyond its impact on children and educators, high turnover places a significant administrative burden on school leaders. Continuous recruitment and training efforts divert valuable resources away from program development, ultimately affecting the overall quality of early childhood education.
Many families are in need of high-quality care and education options for their children, and many early childhood providers are in dire need of a stable workforce. Turnover hurts everyone involved, but especially children. Tackling this challenge should be a priority for anyone who wants improved outcomes for young children.

A recent 3-year, independent randomized controlled trial conducted by the National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER) found that teachers in classrooms utilizing The Creative Curriculum as part of a connected solution had a 54% higher teacher retention rate.
- National Head Start Association. (n.d.). The Head Start and Early Head Start workforce is in crisis. Retrieved March 13, 2024, from
- Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute. (2023, July 27). Investigating teaching staff turnover in early childhood education. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.