Contact Your Regional Sales Representative
Our dedicated team of regional sales representatives is ready to support you and your early childhood program. Contact your state sales representative at 855-448-4352 or use the form below with any questions, requests, or to order our resources.
Pedro Alcaraz
Early Learning Solutions Specialist
Did you know?
The Creative Curriculum for Preschool is re-approved for use in all Great Start Readiness Program classrooms!
Michigan is no stranger to high-quality early childhood education. For more than three decades, the Great Start Readiness program has been changing the lives of Michigan 4-year-olds, and we’re honored to be a part of that story.
In fact, nearly 60% of Michigan preschool programs are implementing The Creative Curriculum for Preschool in their classrooms. Explore why preschool programs in Michigan trust our curriculum more than any other when it comes to educating our youngest learners, and how we at Teaching Strategies can help you ensure your teachers have the resources and skill necessary to make lasting change in your program.

Great Start Readiness Program
Why was The Creative Curriculum for Preschool re-approved for use in Michigan preschools? Because it perfectly aligns with the values of the Great Start Readiness Program and programs throughout the state. In their recent evaluation, Michigan’s Curriculum Review Committee gave our curriculum top marks in nearly every category, including valid research, alignment to standards, developmental appropriateness, and more.
Integrated Solutions
A Teaching Strategies we’re more than just The Creative Curriculum. In fact, we’re the only early childhood provider to address all essential components of high-quality education– Curriculum, Assessment, Professional Development, and Family Engagement. Click the buttons below to learn more about our solutions.

Our Solutions Are Aligned to Early Learning Standards
The Creative Curriculum for Kindergarten
The Creative Curriculum for Preschool
- May 2017: Michigan Early Childhood Standards of Quality for Prekindergarten (2013) and Infant and Toddler Programs (2013)
- April 2014: Michigan Early Childhood Standards of Quality for Prekindergarten
- June 2012: Michigan Early Childhood Standards of Quality for Infant and Toddler Programs
- June 2013: Michigan Kindergarten Standards for English Language Arts and Mathematics
Teaching Strategies’ comprehensive, research-based approach is an intentional plan for success.
Every component is grounded in child development theory and scientific research; but we take it a step further. Our resources are not only research-based, they’re research-proven—validated in the field and shown to be effective by extensive research conducted by independent researchers. From multi-year efficacy studies to peer-reviewed journal articles and research foundation papers, our vast body of research proves that you can trust our products to help you deliver positive outcomes for all children.
To learn more, download our publication:
Research Foundation: The Creative Curriculum
Research Proven
Research shows that The Creative Curriculum for Preschool is effective and it promotes children’s cognitive achievement.
Explore the effectiveness of The Creative Curriculum for Preschool. Our curriculum includes the latest research in the early childhood field, in order to help teachers and administrators to give children the best early childhood education possible.
To learn more, download our publication:
Effectiveness Study: The Creative Curriculum for Preschool