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Why I Don’t Limit Children’s Play Anymore
I began my career in 1988 as a family childcare provider. At that time, the only references I had were Mailbox magazine (with all their cute ideas), my licensing rep,...
Five Tips for Effective Read-Alouds in Any Classroom
I have fond memories of being in the classroom during my early childhood years, and one of my favorite memories was read-aloud time. I vividly remember several of my teachers...
8+ Ways to Support Literacy Skills Development
It’s never too early to nurture children’s development of language and literacy skills. Even at a very young age, experiencing different genres of books, hearing stories from the adults who...
A Good Grader
Recently I was reminded of my late father, a man who spent his entire career working in heavy construction. Before he oversaw the building of tunnels, bridges, dams, and highways,...