Product Demo

Meet the New Al’s Pals: An Enhanced Curriculum and a Digital Experience.

Recorded: miércoles, abril 20, 2022
1 hr
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About this Session

Al’s Pals, our nationally recognized, evidence-based, and comprehensive social–emotional learning curriculum designed to meet the specific needs of preschool children, now includes both print and digital resources. The new Al’s Pals digital experience within the Teaching Strategies platform supports an enhanced Al’s Pals curriculum, including updated lessons, additional resources, and more.

Join us to learn more about how Al’s Pals equips teachers to provide young children with the skills they need to meet life’s challenges. Together, we will demo the new Al’s Pals digital experience and explore the newly enhanced Al’s Pals curriculum, which includes

  • new and updated lessons with built-in alignments to the objectives for development and learning, Intentional Teaching Experiences, Mighty Minutes, and children’s literature;
  • guidance for including various learning styles, supporting multilingual learners, and teacher reflection within each lesson;
  • updated photographs and new family letters; and
  • a new guide that prepares teachers to implement Al’s Pals with fidelity by helping them gain a strong understanding of the teacher-guide approach and guide skills.
Erin Seagraves
Director, Content Development
Teaching Strategies
Ryan Woods
Educational Consultant
Teaching Strategies
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