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Why It Matters: Intentional Teaching in the Interest Areas
...area for each of the Intentional Teaching Experiences in The Creative Curriculum for Preschool. Remember, however, that there’s great power in “making the curriculum your own.” Never be afraid to...
MLK Day Reflection: Activities for Promoting a Kind and Supportive Community
...such a community, both The Creative Curriculum and ReadyRosie Modeled Moments provide learning experiences that not only nurture the learning environment in your preschool classroom, but emphasize the importance of...
Designing the Right Classroom Environment for Infants, Toddlers & Twos
...still age-appropriate. For more information about how to set up rooms for toddlers and twos and how the physical setup can support development, review pgs. 47–49 in The Creative Curriculum...
No! Promoting the Self-Regulation of Toddlers and Twos
...bowl of blueberries, and happily dropped them onto her plate. The Creative Curriculum for Infants, Toddlers & Twos is a comprehensive curriculum that offers daily support, guidance, and inspiration to...
Why I Don’t Go to Social Media for Activity Ideas Anymore
...A study titled “The Supplemental Curriculum Bazaar: Is What’s Online Any Good?” by Morgan Polikoff with Jennifer Dean (2019) used a rubric that captured dimensions of quality in curriculum materials...
Why I Don’t Have “Teacher-Only” Classroom Furniture Anymore
...Positive Messages to children in their class. In fact, the physical environment plays such an important role in the education of young children, that The Creative Curriculum for Preschool, Volume...
Supporting Teachers’ Growth With Coaching
...“baby steps” to make adjustments. Refer to research that supports best practices or lead the teacher back to information or guidance in The Creative Curriculumvolumes, always emphasizing what is best...