Early Education – Universal Transitional Kindergarten: The Vision & Practical Implications to Implementation in California
Friday, March 18, 2022
1 hr

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About this Session
Teaching Strategies is excited to share the recording of a webinar that was hosted by Capitol Advisors where they provided an update on the vision, politics, and practical implications of the implementation of transitional kindergarten.
The webinar, for school, program, and district leaders, shared the direction CA state leaders are heading with respect to transitional kindergarten and
- reviewed the staged implementation of transitional kindergarten and the expansion of preschool opportunities.
- provided a review of the proposals for ongoing implementation and investment.
- included a panel of experienced local leaders deeply involved in the effort; and
- provided the opportunity to learn from instructional experts who have the broadest experience in developmentally appropriate curriculum, assessment, and family engagement resources nationally and within California.
The panel features:
- Lee Angela Reid and Nick Romley of Capitol Advisors
- Dr. LaWanda Wesley, Director of Government Relations at CCRC (Child Care Resource Center)
- Breeyn Mack, Vice President of Education at Teaching Strategies

Breeyn Mack
Senior Vice President of Education
Teaching Strategies