Al’s Pals – Investing in Social and Emotional Learning: Supporting children when they need you most

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Stress from the pandemic—combined with school and childcare closures—has elevated the importance of prioritizing relationships and children’s social and emotional development as the foundation of all learning. Children’s social and emotional development starts with nurturing adults. The important role of a caring early-childhood educator cannot be taken lightly as we help young children regulate their own feelings and behavior, promote appreciation of differences, encourage positive social relationships, build children’s ability to make healthy choices, and cope with life’s difficulties.
Teaching Strategies has been dedicated to strengthening relationships and supporting social-emotional development in early childhood education programs for over 40 years. In this webinar, we will review best practice, strategies, and approaches to cultivate children’s healthy growth. The session will conclude with a sneak-peak and demonstration of Al’s Pals, a nationally recognized social-emotional learning curriculum that promotes resiliency and fosters protective factors in young children, which is now part of the Teaching Strategies family.