Summer Sessions for School and Program Leaders
Make a Plan to Understand Your Data
Early learning program administrators routinely collect and use data to make decisions about everything from which services to offer to what professional development to provide to teachers. Your data can also be used to understand the story of your program. Since data is used in such important ways, you want to be sure you are collecting the right data and that all data is accurate. Having a plan in place for data collection at the beginning of the year can help you make the most of your data.
Hire and Inspire Great Early Childhood Educators
Leading a dynamic learning community begins with selecting and retaining effective early childhood teachers. How does a school leader develop a strong team? How does a leader choose the right people to add to that team? Then, how does that leader keep those people and keep them growing? In this webinar former elementary school principal, Beth White, and current Edmonds College Head Start Coach, Aaron Franco-Ross, will explain how you can create a culture that ensures early childhood educators want to come to work every day.
Developing Great Coaches
Great coaches encourage and support great educators to ensure sustainability and scalability of your program. As a leader, how can you create an environment that allows coaches to thrive? Join Donna Fowler, Senior Manager of Learning and Solutions Implementation at Teaching Strategies, and members of Teaching Strategies’s “Coaches Town Hall” for a free webinar in which they will discuss strategies for evaluating the skills that are needed to be a great coach, identifying your role in supporting the growth of your coaches and teachers, and playing the role of both a coach and a supervisor.
Leading Change When People Are Tired of Change
Though schools and families are anxious to return to “normal,” there is still a lot of change happening within schools and early childhood programs. As a leader, how can you establish change as a process that includes all your teachers and staff? Join us for this one-hour webinar, in which we’ll talk with education and change management experts to understand the fundamentals of change management. Leaders who attend this webinar will leave with a blueprint to create their own change communication plan, which will share your vision and bring everyone along for the change process.
A Program-Wide Approach for Strong Family Partnerships
Strong and reciprocal family relationships create intentional connections between school and home and reinforce learning. As children return to the classroom and families return to work, how can schools and programs continue to foster strong family partnerships? Join ReadyRosie founder, Emily Roden, and Teaching Strategies Dual-Language Content Manager, Clarissa Martinez, as they explore the critical role school and program leaders play in creating space for strong family partnerships.
A Rigorous Commitment to Social-Emotional Wellbeing
Research increasingly finds the powerful effect of high-quality early learning on long-term benefits for children. As a leader, properly supporting the well-being of children and teachers may in turn support the success of your program. How can you provide the support that teachers need to deliver rigorous social–emotional education to the children in your program? Leaders who join us for this webinar will leave empowered to prioritize an investment in social–emotional development for their program and equipped with an action plan for doing so.