Mobile-friendly technology connects parents, caregivers and educators; brings research-based content and strategies into the home to boost school readiness.
Used in more than 3,000 child care centers nationwide, Tadpoles software will send alerts to protect children from "hot-car deaths."
Watertown City School District implements play-based The Creative Curriculum® leading to more engaged students, classroom collaboration and better academic outcomes.
The 74
New study measures effectiveness of Teaching Strategies GOLD® Assessment to prepare Pre-K 4 SA children for kindergarten and beyond.
Kindergarten entry assessments help inform instructional practice and shine light on opportunities for improvement.
Trusting relationships in the classroom are the foundation for all teaching and learning. We can quickly discover and appreciate something special about each child in the room when we intentionally focus on getting to know them through observation.
Teaching Strategies GOLD® Assessment tool measures 100% of preschool graduates at Wilmette Child Development Center as kindergarten ready.
New from Teaching Strategies, The Creative Curriculum® for Kindergarten builds on decades of research and experience in early childhood education and supports hands-on, project-based learning.
New online platform SmartTeach™ earns prestigious industry recognition by SIIA; allows educators to seamlessly link curriculum, assessment and training to streamline instruction
Former Kindergarten teacher and state leader Vincent J. Costanza, Ed.D. to become Teaching Strategies Superintendent in Residence; Previously led New Jersey Office of Primary Education and Statewide Early Learning Challenge Grant.
Teaching Strategies newly expanded curriculum and resources offer early care providers high quality resources that support the development and learning of children.

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