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Data Literacy in Early Childhood Education: Not an Island Unto Itself
...(not a curriculum) and that it is designed to help them both understand children in their classroom and reflect on their teaching practices. As a leader, it is your responsibility...
Three Ways to Incorporate More Rigor and Relevance in Your Program
...or may not have a say in deciding the large-scale, long-term steps that ensure a more rigorous curriculum for the children in your program. But you most certainly have access...
Parenting Curriculum Made Comfortable
...them have something in common: they present a two-pronged (at least) approach to the curriculum—content created specifically for families and content created for practitioners working with families. You can check...
Tadpoles: The All-in-One Program Management Solution for Early Childhood Providers
...tasks—all within an easy-to-use digital solution that also integrates with formative assessment tools and curriculum that are critical to a child’s success, resulting in a truly holistic solution that is...