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Empathizing With Toddlers and Twos
I’m on a playground with a dozen 2-year-olds. Everyone is busy digging in the sand, pushing trucks along the sidewalk, and climbing on the play equipment. One little boy makes...
When It Comes to Skills, “Soft” Is Not the Opposite of “Hard”
Which skills are more important, soft or hard? The answer is actually pretty simple—but also complicated. Okay, I promise that this entire post won’t be a bunch of contradictory statements!...
7 Strategies for Incorporating High-Quality Pre-K Books Into Your Classroom
Children develop a love of reading long before they are readers themselves, and early childhood teachers play a central role in nurturing the skills and attitudes that will help children...
Why I Don’t Just Tell Children to “Share!” Anymore
A Tale of Two Scissors Two children play with flower clippings in their backyard water table when a conflict erupts over a single pair of purple scissors. Michael, who was...
5 Strategies for Developing the Art of Collecting Quality Observations
Collecting observations and data on children’s learning is a common practice in early childhood education. Many teachers and caregivers prefer to use an observation-based assessment system for data collection because...
Embracing Impromptu Investigations
The prospect of snow in the forecast this week reminds me of how much I LOVED the first flurries of the season as a teacher. As soon as I saw...
10 Books to Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month
Every year beginning September 15, we celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, which serves as a reminder of how wonderful it is to embrace the diverse cultures represented in our classroom and...