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Teaching Strategies Employee Spotlight: Jen, Director of Project Management
...order to learn new skills and to stretch as individuals. How is The Creative Curriculum impactful to children across different learning environments? The Creative Curriculum genuinely thinks about all learners—regardless...
Many Paths to One Destination: Individualizing Instruction for Children
...The Creative Curriculumoffers you something no other early childhood education curriculum can: a focus on whole-child skill development that reflects each child’s progression for the entirety of early childhood, from...
Why I Don’t Tell Children to “Use Your Words” Anymore finished.” “I need space.” “May I join you?” The heart of The Creative Curriculumis built on establishing and nurturing caring relationships. When children feel safe and connected to the...
Providing Extra Literacy Supports in Pre-K: Considerations for Program Leaders are in a position to fully implement such a curriculum. For some, a comprehensive, science of reading-aligned curriculum might not yet be in place, and budget constraints make it...