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Six Tips for Responding to Challenging Behaviors (That Require Absolutely No Training)
...from The Creative Curriculum offer dozens of ideas for physical activities that promote children’s development of traveling and other large-motor skills. But don’t forget how joyful it can be just...
Introducing the Champions Program
...Hub; special previews of upcoming enhancements to GOLD and The Creative Curriculum Cloud with the opportunity to provide feedback; opportunities to contribute to the Teaching Strategies blog and co-present on...
15 Blog Posts That Educators Loved in 2023
...childhood. Studies vs. Themes: 5 Ways They Differ 5 Reggio Emilia Approach Values Reflected in a The Creative Curriculum Classroom Using Assessment Data: Reflecting on the Past and Planning for...
Phonics vs. Phonemic Awareness in Preschool and Pre-K: What Every Administrator Needs to Know
...letters while engaging in play-based games that focus on initial sounds, such as The Creative Curriculum for Pre-K’s Intentional Teaching Experience LL48, “D Is for Door,” or Mighty Minutes activity...
Voices from The Hub: Teachers’ Favorite Mighty Minutes
...moments of a school day—whether it’s preparing the class for an outdoor activity or gathering them for large-group time. And, like all other materials in The Creative Curriculum, Mighty Minutes...
Teaching Strategies Employee Spotlight: Sergey, Senior AI Developer
...first major modernization efforts with The Creative Curriculum Cloud, he transitioned to the GOLD team and spent another year modernizing the Assess area and then Reports. Today, Sergey is on...
Teaching Strategies Employee Spotlight: Adriana, Solution Specialist
...Adriana spent 17 years in the classroom before deciding to take a step back to spend more time with her child. Having become familiar with The Creative Curriculum and GOLD...