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3 Ways to Influence Change as a Teacher Leader
...taught me about appropriate assessment; Sue Bredekamp, who gave me my first lessons on developmentally appropriate practices; Dorothy Strickland, who taught me that early childhood curriculum should be steeped in...
The Whole Child Bridge: Linking Tenets to Developmental Domains
...about the whole child in the same way. For instance, the early learning field talks about five essential domains of development, while the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD)...
How Schools Can Utilize Title I Dollars to Improve School Climate Post-COVID
...they grow. Develop and implement well-rounded instruction. Administrators are able to offer the youngest students the foundation of lifelong learning by investing in an evidence-based curriculum that encourages all children...
Exploring the Whole-Child Approach to Education
...contrary, it integrates all domains throughout the curriculum. Key skills are introduced, modeled, and practiced in meaningful contexts that make children more likely to grasp and use these new skills...