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Spring Cleaning: How to Audit Your Classroom Library
With temperatures rising and flowers blooming, you may find a bit of inspiration to do some spring cleaning and re-organizing. Whether you use The Home Edit approach, the Marie Kondo...
Welcoming New Families: How to Grow Your Classroom Community in the Middle of the School Year
As a career-long educator who spent many years working in schools, I will probably always think of January 1st as “the other new year,” since “the real new year” (the...
5 Ways to Mitigate Learning Loss in K–3
...approach is a comprehensive one, centered on each child’s unique learning needs and strengths. A robust curriculumthat works seamlessly with a powerful assessment tool takes the guesswork out of individualizing...
How to Make the Most of ESSER Funding for Your Early Childhood Program
...funding priorities make it possible to implement developmentally appropriate instructional programs that prepare our earliest learners for success in school, work, and life. The Teaching Strategies connected ecosystem of curriculum,...
Every Teacher Deserves a Champion
...five elements are collaborative learning opportunities; clear and supportive links to fundamental resources (i.e., curriculum and assessment); professional learning presented and practiced within the context of everyday teaching experiences; a...
Data Quality: As Good as You Make It
...professional experience, professional development and coaching needs Program-level: implementation of curriculumand assessment processes, classroom quality, administration support needs Community-level: family engagement, community needs, availability of services (e.g., health and education)...
Exploring Trauma and Its Impacts Al’s Pals, a nationally recognized social-emotional learning curriculum that promotes resiliency and fosters protective factors in young children, which is now part of the Teaching Strategies family. Watch the...
Responsive Relationships: Great for You and for Them
...the curriculum to the classroom climate. Children will reap the benefits of your empathy when they see décor in the environment that reflects their home lives and their community experiences....
Get More Out of Your Kindergarten Entry Assessment Process need to create a caring classroom community during the first six weeks of school. Designed to complement any developmentally appropriate kindergarten curriculum, it focuses on supporting children’s social–emotional development...
Using Assessment Data: Reflecting on the Past and Planning for the Future
...and Your Practice: Does my data reflect that children have ample opportunities to develop skills across all domains of the curriculum? Are there areas that show gaps where perhaps I...