Leadership Focus: Leading a Program Where Extraordinary Careers Are Born

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The enthusiasm and vibrancy that new teachers can bring to a school are valuable strengths that are, unfortunately, too often squandered due to competing and overwhelming demands on their time, energy, and personal well-being.
New teachers are, in many ways, expected to perform the very same tasks as their more-experienced colleagues, but often with fewer resources and greater demands on their time and personal energy, and always with fewer strategies built into their repertoire of practical skills. Is it no wonder that many new teachers never make it past their third year in the classroom?
In this hour-long finale to our summer webinar series for school and program leaders, we will explore ways to provide focused support for new teachers to maintain that initial excitement for the important work of becoming an early childhood educator, even as you lead them in ways that make them want to develop, learn, grow, and stick with you.
We will discuss
- the use and value of the specially curated set of tools included in a new, free, online Ready. Set. Go! Teacher Toolkit;
- the role adult learning plays in mitigating teacher burnout and turnover;
- ways to help new teachers feel challenged but not frustrated; and
- how to differentiate support from supervision.