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Online Professional Development: Earn CEUs and Sharpen Your Skills
...and support for implementing The Creative Curriculum and GOLD, but others offer best-practice solutions for early childhood educators, regardless of the curriculum or assessment materials used at your program. And...
Refreshing Your Own Sense of Wonder Through Studies
Young children often marvel at the simple joys found in the world around them. Studies from The Creative Curriculumhonor and leverage that sense of wonder to help children explore and...
7 Benefits of Hands-On Studies
...Trees study from The Creative Curriculum for Preschool the previous fall. The class conducted a shorter study this time around, focusing their investigations on the changes that they observed in...
Five things to consider when selecting digital learning experiences for young children
...content presented is connected to your curriculum and learning standards. Many platforms will even help you bridge that connection with curriculum guides and standards alignments. It’s not enough for the...
Supporting Social-Emotional Well-Being in Times of Uncertainty
...every night and that I was 100% present for my children. I listened to my children’s concerns and answered their questions as best as I could. The Creative Curriculum for...
Introducing Al’s Pals, an Evidence-Based, Social–Emotional Curriculum Designed for Young Children
...announce that Al’s Pals, a nationally recognized and evidence-based comprehensive social–emotional learning curriculum and professional development program designed to meet the specific needs of preschool children, is now part of...