Make a Plan to Understand Your Data
Access On-Demand Webinars
Early learning program administrators routinely collect and use data to make decisions about everything from which services to offer to what professional development to provide to teachers. Your data can also be used to understand the story of your program. Since data is used in such important ways, you want to be sure you are collecting the right data and that all data is accurate. Having a plan in place for data collection at the beginning of the year can help you make the most of your data.
In this free, hour-long webinar for school and program leaders, you will build a plan to
- identify the right questions to ask about your program,
- create a streamlined data collection system,
- easily analyze and interpret your data, and
- intentionally act on your data.
Administrators & program leaders, this series of free webinars was designed specifically for you. In each session, we’re joined by experts in the field of early childhood education to explore topics such as data, professional development, family engagement, social–emotional learning, and more to improve your program.
Throughout the series, you’ll hear from other school and program leaders, reflect on the previous school year, and create action plans for the upcoming year.